Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1894)
t Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 18M. OREGON CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, - - Hiram Slratght BfooniPr. - L. L. I'rnr Chief ol Pllc - Ckaa. K. Hurna tiwuK, K. 8 I'alifl rraanrfr, R. U Dolman City Attorney. K. F. lrlu BtreelOommllnr. C. BAhwk.Jr. gnp't. ol W.ift Works. W. H. Howell City Knftnw, P. Klnnalrxl Oouncilmrn-C. 0. Albright, Jr., H. L. Kelly. l N. Unwninan, i J. Coot, B r. Jr, II C. 8tvtn, iio, Brotif hlon, M. Howell uonnrit meeuflm WaiiiMilay of each month ii ouy nail. Lfpal Adrertislnfr. Hereafter no lel advertisement will be inserted in the Entiri risk unless payment for the same is made at the time the affidavit of publication ia ren dered. This rule will be imperative and dead-beat litigants, who make it a prac tioe of working the court, lawyers and newspapers will have to look to some other paoertoget their notices published. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. We sell, Hams, Sheulders, Ficnic Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Side Bacon, Dry Salt Bacon, Dried Beef, Canned Meats, Salt Fish, Etc Etc. E. E. Williams, The Grocer. Wood wanted at once this office. the Choice hay by the ton or bale at Star grocery. . tf County and city warrants wanted by the Commercial bank. Razors put in first claaa order at Slo per's barber shop for 23 cents. Born, In this city, So?. 4, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clarancy, a daughter. I want fifty farm loans from 500 to $1000. Interest eight per cent. tf. W. H. BlRGHABBT. Freelom A Co., 295 Alder street, Portland, for wall Daper and moulding. tf Scarlet fever is prevalent in Canby, many familes being afflicted with the dreadful dire.nse Cards announcing that "stores will be closed at 8 o'clock P. M. except Friday and Saturday." for sale at this office. New buckwheat flour, fresh and pure. E. E. Williams, the Grocer. Leave your orders at Cram Bros', for fresh and carefullv opened oysters, de livered to any part of the city. Special meeting of the Clackamea chapter R. A. M. will be beld next Saturday, Nov. 10 for work in the P II. degree. Honesty and thoroughness is the rule with Burmeisteri Andresen in all their repair work. They guarantee their work to he first class. The Willamette Savirgs & loan Association held its monthly meeting last Tno!ay evening and the board of directors found series No. 1 completed and closed same. At the same time they opened the subscription list to series No. 2, and so soon as this series is completed thecapitat stock of the association will beincrea.4ed to $100,000. The rate of interest Is determined by the by-laws of the association at 8 per cent per annum. Any member who has property in Clackamas county can borrow on same as security. No loans are made out side of Clackamas county. After being in this.Vity for some time, Mr. I. N. Long has decided to locate in Oregon City and engage in his profes sion, that of the law. He will have an otlice with Deputy District Attorney Por ter. Mr. Long ia a graduate of the great law school at Ann Arbor, M ich . , where he also took the full litoiary course, lie is a young man ot energy and will make a worthy member of the Clackamas county bar. H. K. Sargent, representing the Mestoii, Dygert Book Mfg. Co., of Port land, was in the city Tuesday in the interest of his house. Mr. Sargent re ports business in his line picking up, he having taken some very good orders on his last trip out. The Meston, Dygert Co., are the leading bookmakers of the Pacific coast and have reputation for good work and honest in their dealings not excelled by any house on tlio coast. Last Saturday M. Hyatt presented Sheriff Maddock with two large chicken hawks mounted oa a fine pair of antlers. They were killed on the farm belonging to Mr. Hyatt at Sandy, Sheriff Maddock has placed them over the safe and they present a very fine appearance. It is safe to say that Eii feels safe now in regard to the safe as the birds are always there to keep their hawk eyes on the surroundings. Fire broke out in the power house of the Willamette steam mills, better known as Weidler's mills, in Portland Sunday. The fire started in the engine room, and though it was discovered soon after it started, it got beyond control and damaged the proierty to the extent of 30,000 before it could be conquered. It was only after strenuous efforts on the part of the lire department bat tha big mills were saved. Jack Boylun, the man who fell over the cliff on the West Side last Monday evening on his return home, is reported to be improving rapidly. A fine collection of chrysanthemums, either in boquets or blooming plants, for sale at the Gladstone green house. Other flowering plants in stock. Drs. Hickeyi Hickey will be here Friday and Saturday of each week at Room 6, Electric hotel. Home office 117 and 118, Dekum block, Portland. Housekeepers who have once used grope vinegar will use no other. Frey tag will deliver it in any quantity at ydur house. Older by mail or leave with his vejetable wagon. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal. says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good" Price 50c. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. j The well-known horseman, William Mack of Gresham, was in this city Satur day. He brought a fine drove of horses dawn and sold quite a number of them for which he received a fair price. The Misses Charlotte, Essie and Min nie Tittell, supported by Wallace Mun roe and their strong company, contem plate playing Oregon City in the near future with "Young Mrs. Winthrop." Mr. Munroe is manager. Do not eive your order to a butcher or carpenter tor your clothes, but so to a tailor who knows how to cut and make a suit, besides leaving your money at home where it will benefit you. Louis Friedricb guarantees a fit. The members of the Thursday Night club met and were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Williams Thursday evening of last week. The evening wag pleasantly passed by whist after which dainty refreshments were served. The Woodmen, since the arrival of their national orgauizer, have beeu making a gieat growth throughout the state. Strong camps have lately been organized at Vancouver, llillsboro and Mt. Tabor. Several oiher camps are soon to be organized in the state. The order has had a phenomenal growth and is now one of the strongest of the benefi ciary orders. Henry Jewell, one of the big farmers of Clai kes, was in town Saturday. He reports the roads where not improved as nearly impatsable for loaded teams and that good roads is the topic discussed by the farmers now who fully realize the need of a way to get to market at all seasons of the year. A fishing party composed ot Capt. J. T. Apperson, F. R. Ciiarman, Henry Cooke and W. II. Hubbard, went for a trip up the Clackamas Sunday. They started at the mouth of Eagle Creek and came down the river in a boat. All had a tine time and leturued with plenty of tish. The Y's meet Saturday evening at Mrs. L. C. Driggs. The subject for discussion is "Scientific Temperance In struction in the Public Schools." Miss Gertrude Fiuley is superintendent of this department. A special invitation is extended to all young ladies whether "Y's" or otherwise. Floating Fad. The stoHiner Astorian was chattered by the O. R. A. N. Co. to ruu on the Yamhill river mite to take the place of the lhng which waa to be put to carry ing wheat. She was brought up from the Columbia and was sent to the relief of the Shaver, which had grounded near Springfield, hut she waa unable to make the trip, getting only as far a the Clack ni as rapids, over which she could not get, not haviNg power enough in her en gines. She was relumed to Portland anp Capt. Waud of the steamer Fugene generously helped the Shaver out of her troubles. The O. R. A N. Co. have commenced the building of a new boat to refill the thinned ranks of their Hoot and have work well along on the hull at their yards in Portland. The new boat is to be situ liar in model to the lloag, though somo larger. She will be placed w hen com pleted, on the upper Willamette route. The Altona is doing a good business on her up-river route and is making her trips between Indcpondunce, Salem and Portland with the regularity of a pnssen ger train, her powerful machinery and light draught enabling her to run re gardless of the rapids. The battleship Monterey ia still lying in the tjarbor at Portland and will prob ably remain there for some time yet. She Is visited by thousands, curious to see one of the most formidable warships now poAseseed by the United S'ates. In neither the Chinese nor Japanese fleets lately engaged in the naval battles fought in Corean water is there a vessel equal to the Monterey, either in olfence or defense. She is a double turreted monitor, with two 13 and two 12-inch guns, her deck projecting above the water. All that presents a mark tor an enemy s guns are the turrets, heavily orotected by armor, and the upper works in the center, which might all be shot away without disabling her or interfer ing with her fighting capacity. She ia almost invulnerable, except to torpedoes and her guns have a tremendous power, capable of piercing the sides of all but the most heavily armored ships, and even these might not be able to with stand them. Henry Wilson, ihu poaiiuutUcr at Wcltthtun, Florida, says he cured a cane of dlarrluea of long standing in six hours with one small bottle of Chamberlain Coilo, Cholera and Dlarrhiea Remedy What a pleasant mirpii that must liav neon to tne aunorer. Mien cures aro aot unusual with this remedy. I many cases only ono or two doses aro re quired to give permanent relief. It ca always tie tloiHwidod upon, lieu re duced with water It is pleasant to take Forsalo by U. A. Harding, Druggist, In the decline of life, infirmities beset ui to which our youth and maturity were strangers, our kidneys and live are subject to deiangemeiit, hut nothing equals Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Ititlin as a regulator of these or gans, ror atile by U. Huntley, druggist Wednesday evening about tt:!!0p. m as Mrs. Cornelia Myers was driving into town (mm her home at Mt Ploaxant her horse became frightened and run away It came down Sixth street, and when jurning the corner at Sixth and Wash ington the cnrritige wns turned over and Mrs. Myers thrown out. The unfor tunate woman was carried into th hou-e of I,. E. Salisbury anil Dr. Norrl was called. It was found that she was injured quite seriously hut no honea were broken. She is still at the hunt of Mr. Salisbury, hut being undo the tkillful treatment of Dr. Norris there is no doubt hut that the patient will be able to return lo her home In a short time. Hallow'een was very pleasantly spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawley, of the West Side, by a few of their most intimate friends. Hallow'een games, vocal and instrumental music, afforded the evening's entertainment, after which choice refreshments were served. The evening closed with a flash light photograph of the merry party. Dikd, In this city, Sunday, Nov. 4, 161)4, Margaret Ellen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clarancy. The funeral services took place Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock from the home of the parents and the remains were taken to the Catholic cemetery for burial. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Wheeler, of Port land, were in this city last Saturday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Rees and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart. Mr. Wheeler was until lately manager of the bank at Oswego and has many friends in Oregon City. A chicken pie social will be given by the Epworth League of the Methodist church next Tuesday evening, Novem ber 13. Refreshments, consisting of cake, sauce, cold meat, pie, etc., will be served. Admission 25 cents. Everyone invited. Monday afternoon while E. F. Story was shoeing a horse it became unmana geable and kicked Mr. Story just below the left knee. Dr. Paine was called in and found that the bone was not broken but the wound was a severe bruise. The first annual election of officers for Pioneer Chapter No. 28, O. E. 8. will take place at the next tegular meet ing Tuesday Nov. 13. There will also be degree work at the same meeting. A fall attendance is desired. SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses only 25c. Children love it. For sale by G. A. Harding. Robert Bonnett, of Milwaukee, was a guest during the week of Mrs. T. L. Charman and Mrs. T. W. Fouts, both relatives of his in this city. A Srfdfll Institution. Since the opening of the Oregon City hospital fourteen patients have been ad mittednine men and five women all of whom have been discharged cured ex cept six who yet remain (or treatment. Those who have been patients speak in the highest terms of the management of the hospital. Ther enjoy all the com forts of a well ordered home with the in telligent care to be had in a first-class hospital. The superintendent of the hospital, Mins M. E. Liibker, desires to thank the many friends who have so kindly aided the hospital with their friendship and asxistance, and to Mrs. If. E. Smith, Mrs. J. W. Meldrum, Mrs. T. W. Fouts, Mrs. Chan. Meserve, Richard Morton, the ladies of the Baptist and Methodist churches, and others, she feels under obli gations for generous contributions of flowers, fruits and vegetables. The hospital has met with most flatter ing success since its opening, and it is an institution the people of this county should sustain . By doing so the money heretofore sent out of the county lo other hospitals will be retained at home, be sides which the patients can be easier of access to their friends. The manage ment extends a cordial invitation to the public at large and especially to the phy sicians of the county to visit the hospital and examine its facilities and advantages, feeling sure they can show a hospital service worthy the patronage of the peo ple of Clackamas county. Free Let-tare To ladle. Miss E. E. Powell, of Poitland, will give a lecture to ladies Friday, NovemW Dth at 2:30 P. M. in K. of P hall. Sub ject, "Health a Duty." All are cordially invited. Oregon City . A reward offered for the man who will sell the same line for less money Ladies fine kid, $1 35; best kid, $3.00; coarse shoes. .IK); best grains, 11.35; Men's good kip tap, $1 35 ; gest grains tap $1.50 best school shoe in city for $1.00 to fl.15 boys kip, .80; baby's kid, .25 and .30 Eastkrx Siiok Stokk, PoMtolllce Bldg 3t W. A. McGuire, a well known citizen of .McKay, Ohio, Is of the opinion that there is nothing as god for children troubled with colds or croup as Cham berlain' Cough Remedy. He has used it in his family for several years w ith the best results and always keeps a bot tle of it in the house. After having la' grippe he was himself troubled with I severe couuh. He used other remedies without benefit and then concluded to try the children' medicine and to his delight it soon elected a permanent cure. 60-cent bottles for sale by G . A Harding, Druggist. Series No. 2. Willamette Savings and Loan Associa tion of Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. A. McPheison, of Port land, were the guests over Sunday at the home of City Marshal Burns. Mr. Mcpherson but recently returned from the Hnwaiian islands where he had been to make arrangements for entering into the trade of that country. He formed a partnership with a business man of Honolulu for the the purpose of carrying on a wholesale commission business. The plan being for the Hon olulu house to handle Pacific coast products and the Portland house Hawa iian products. Mr. Mcpherson thinks the venture will be a paying one after a regular trado has been built up. The Oregon City Mfg. Co., have for some time past been forced to pay their help in thirty and sixty-day time checks, but with the beginning of this month the company has resumed its old prac tice of paying the cash . This is a proof that the manufacturing industries of Ore City are once more getting in a prosper ous condition. Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Freeman, in Canemah, Wednesday evening, Nov. 7, at 9 P.M., Mr. Clarence Farr and Miss Hattie Freeman, Pastor Oilman Parker officiating. The young couple started to housekeeping in their home in this city immedately. Rev. Isaac Dawson, of Black foot, Idaho, has accepted a call from St, Pauls Episcopal parish and will occupy the chancel Sunday morning for the first time. The parish is to be congratulated on having secured Rev. Dawson's service?. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awardad Gold Medil Midwinter Pair, San Francisco. By resolution of its hoard of dj rectors the subscription lint to Scries No. 1 has been closed and the subscription IiHt to .Series No. 2 has been opened to the capital stock of tho Association. The entrance fee is one dollar per share and the monthly dues are sixty cents for each share sub scribed. The Association has money to loan to its members at eight per cent per annum on property in Clackamas county. Agents are wanted in every set tlement and town in the county. For further information apply to HERMAN K. JONES, Secretary. At Eank of Oregon City Awarded Highest Honors World's Pair. DIX- mm cream mwm NttBSB MOST PERFECT MADE K pur Crap Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THB STANDARD. HE RED FRONT STORES, Tins lo. paper; needles lo. paper; curling Irons 5 ots; hooks and eyes lo. paper; vaseline Co; skirts now H'e; gingham, blue or red calico, fast Do; heavy shirting JOo. nil wool 38 In. cashimere 4 fa; umbrellas, good ones and cheap millinery, latest, stylish, prices reasonable; nobby clothing serviceable and cheap; fino pants 'JO to 31 now about half price 2.25; seamless socks, heavy fa. alarm clock DOe; baby shoes '.'fa; school shoes 5 to C 75o. 0 to 11 at 8fa; 12 to 2 l.(X); boys' heavy iW-11.00; 17 llw gran, sugar 11.00; shorts fifa; tea 2fa. ixninds up; Hour 2.:W; choleo broken eofleo 22Jo, jugs or jars 10c. gallon. TRADE FOR PRODUCE. HAMILTON BROS., Oregon City and Park Place. If CASH STORE 5 Corner Fourth and Main Streets. DRY GOODS, In a complete assortment. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, An extra fine lino in all qualities. BOOTS & SHOES, A Specialty, and in all grades. As we buy and sell for cash we aro able to give o"ir customers the benefit of very low prices. D. B. REES & CO. VA- k-u i r r .' . " .I Mi A - r JuV : THE POPULAR ACTRESS. Ml.a Mlnnl Tttlrtl, My tha "Whll IIcim" put up by th North rop A Hlurula Company, l'ortland, Oirgon, la livr favorlt pcrfum. Th "Whit Hoa. "JulU Mar ln" and othrr charming per fume, put up only by th North rop A Bturd Cumpany, an th moat popular with tha laillaa. AVIS THE PAINTER. House and Sign Painting. Good Workmen and the Best of Paints. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. For Wall Patter. Matting, Linoleum, Window Bhades and house Decorations see him. Ilest stock in the city. Portland prices. Store Next Dor To Albright's Meat Market. 0REC3-O3ST CITY, OREGON. On the Road ONtheTrACK -THE EAMBLEE Is always at the front in races and records, as well as five awards at the World's Fair. Pronounced by all unprejudiced Riders, Dealers and Mechanics to be the lightest, strongest, swiftest, handsomest and best Uicycle on earth. Hend for catologue. circulars, etc., etc. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO., 827 Washington street, Portland, Orogon. Northwest representatlyes. Lire Aeeats wantei eyerywto. "FOTOGRAFER" Cloudy wenthpr preferred for alltlnK". Artlmlo Work Morrlaion, Cor. 6th, Hortlnnd, Ore. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS Ot FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. Special Bills Cut to Order Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street, ORKGON CITY. OR. i j