Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1894)
HOCUS POCUS IN ART. HOW SOME PERSONS WHO THINK THEY KNOW ARE SWINDLED. QoMr Trick, rrnrtlrad by Moa Who Mk Uvln With I'ancll and Hruah Car toonlete With More Than On Narue On. Wlio Mail. HI. Ohnat Famone. Artist who sign their names to rio tires that other men paint are quite plentiful in this town. In a little store on Fourth avenue, just around the cor ner from the American Academy of De- lign. there are aome very pretty xam plea of water coloring for aale. The aignarnre in the corner of each canvas la that of a woman. The dealer was in a communicative mood the other day, and aa he was talkiug with reporter he picked up one of the paintings and held it to the light for observation and dUcnntion. 'That woman brings some very good work in here for me to sell," said he, "There is one peculiarity about her, though. She always writes her signa ture in my shop." The dealer paused as though to be questioned. " Why does she do that !" was asked. "Well, I snppoee she doesn't like to put it on at the studios where the pie- i , , , ., , . mr i. .. ! of grnsslior.pors and other insects, THE SECRETARY B':D tnres are painted "She doesn't paint her own pictures. then? TheConl Manner In Which It Klllee, Ruaka, lu Natural I'rwjr. As soon as the stvretary bird, or snake cater, of South Africa discovers a onake, it advanree toward it without hurry and without hesitation, and when within striking distance it immediately elevates its crest and the feathers of the neck, and without lining any time de livers a blow with it foot. If the snake has avoided the blow and attempts to strike back, the bird interposes a wing, thus receiving the deadly fangs harm lesnly.npon the long feathers and im mediately strikes again. The fight is then virtnally over, for if the secretary gets in a single blow the snake's back is broken, and the bird, lightninglike, plants its foot firmly ou the reptile's nook and head, preesing them iuto the ground, while it delivers the conn do grace with its beak, and then deliberately swallows the snake whole, beginning at the tail, and just before the head disappears, giving it an enthusiastic parting rap on the ground. But there is nothing refined about the secretary bird's appetite, for one writer says he found inside ono three serpents "as long as his arm," It liiards 7 inches long, 81 tortoises abont 2 inches In diameter, "besides a large quantity or Are Yon NnlnirKiwtf If so, it will psyyoti to write lo A. 0. Sheldon, gotmral agent of the "llurlhig ton Uouto," '.'50 Washington street, lVrtlninI. He will mail you tree of charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point rewrvo sleeping car accommodations for you, and furnish you with through tickets via cither the Northern, I'nion, Southern, Ciimidinn I'aeitlc or Ureat Northern railroad at the very lowest .rates obtainable. The Hurlington Mite is generally con ceded to bo the finest etjuipiHd railroad in the world for all classes of travel. i in other words, 7 ,t' feet of snake, 6 of lizard. 3 'j of tortoise and say a yard "Not all of them. them up here and there and bring them to me to sell 1 don't know how much she pays the artists who paint them, and 1 don't care. It's none of my business. AMI know is that the wotk is very good and that I can get good prices for it 1 suppose she is building np a reputation on the strength of these canvases. Well, why shouldn't she? She gives work to a lot of people who would probably starve otherwise. You see, scores of persons can paint pictures and very few bave the knack of getting them sold." Sometimes an artist signs more than one name to his own work. This hap pens every day on some of the illustrat ed weeklies published for Broadway circulation. The publisher doesn't like to see one man's name signed to every cartoon or full page picture. He does not want it known that his staff of art- ' tsts is so small. Not long ago one of the cleverest of the illustrators used to sign his own name to the big two page picture in the middle of the periodical and a nam de plume to the first page drawing every week. In a little while he began to receive tetters addressed to the assumed name, giving orders for work aud fnll of compliments. He had built np a reputation for the mythical artist which he could not get for him- . self. His pride was hurt, but he swal lowed the humiliation and proceeded to increase the fame and the revenue of his ghost. A New Vork artist who draws for the pictorial weeklies tells a story of his experience in England at a time when all the publishers were demanding French illustrators and bad no nse for native talent. This particular artist knew that be could cut corsages as low , and skirts as high as any Frenchman , that ever lived. He had spent several vacations and lots of hard earned mon ey in seeing the particular side of Pa- risian life that the publishers were bowl- ' tng for at that particular time. I He assumed a very Frenchy name, I wrote in that language altogether and ' submitted his sketches, which already out-Frenched the Frenchmen in their i Danghtinet He made a big hit. his ' mail orders were numerous, and for ' many months be enjoyed a lucrative in- 1 come nnder bis title of De Conlansci or whatever it was. while all the other . English illustrators were drawing tor the religious weeklies, which cannot afford to pay half as big prices to tbeii ; artist as their more wicked and per- 1 haps more interesting contemporaries. .' In the window of a picture store in 1 Harlem there were exposed for sale nut 1 long ago two small canvases with the magic name of Corot in the corner. The price of each was 250. Now, a genu ine Corot is worth anywhere from 1 1, 0U0 np. Was it a mistake or an at tempt at swindling? The pictures were in Oorot's style, and only an expert ,., . . . of miscellaneous tritlest It s easier to pick J Tbe WrJ protected bv the cape authorities for the immense public benefit it confers in eating poisonous snakes, and a penalty is attached by law to its destruction. And if it were necessary hundreds of eyewitnesses could be called to prove its right to the title of serpentarins. Curiously enough, too, this bird may be trained, and is trained, to protect poultry yards, not only from snakes, which are too fond of eggs, but from other birds of prey. St. James Budget. Eogil.h Criminal. Doubtless, to judge from your aver age daily journal, murders and sui cides, crimes aud catastrophes. Wars and fends and frauds, would seem to re main the staple of the human record. But be it remembtred that, for obvions reasons, all our worst ar 'darkest is col lected there. One might as well judge of public health by the painful cases described in a medical publication as of the vast mass of solid human happi ness and innocent living joy by tbe dai ly catalogue of these really trivial ex ceptions to it. As for sins the most se rious of which are only such as are malicious though the population in crease, they seem steadily to diminish. We had 87,668 "habituals" in 1869 ; now tbe evil roll is only 33,153. When the populaiton of England was . 19,257.000 in 1869. there were 2,589 i persons undergoing penal servitude; now, with a population of 27,830,179, the number is nly 947. In 1873 the en tire number of prisoners in our jails was 20,833; the entire number at the same date last year was 12,663, thoi i the population bad increased by 6,00u, 000. Pauperism is also declining, fa 1870, 1.079,391 persons were in receipt of relief; in 1891, with an addition of more than 7,000,000 inhabitants, there were only 774,905. The upshot of these figures without pressing them too much seems surely to be that the "cos mic process" in our own little corner of the universe is not doing so badly. Sir Edwin Arnold in Longman's Magazine. Through Trains Without Transfer, Travellers must not forgot that tbe O. R. A N. line Is thoroughly repaired and all trains ar running without transfer or delay. Through service to Omaha, Kansas City, St, Louis and Chicago; Pullman sleepers, free reclining chair csrs, upholstered tourist sleepers and modern day coaches. Call on O. H . A N. Agent before purchasing tickets, or address W. II. Hurlhurt, tien'l Tasscii ger Agent. Portland, Oregon. Hoimvinale bread is recognised as the very best at alt times and the cus tomers of J. Kiile the Shively building ! baker assert that thev can not tell the ditl'erence between his bread and that made at home unless it be that his is just a little tbe better. Hut don't tell your wife that. Good reliahle aents wanted to soil (ladstone proxrty. '.'Si cents fare to Oregon City. Lilteral commission paid Itest selling property on the market Call on or write to II. K. Cross, presi dent Gladstone Kesl Kstate Association JfPH Blank note, receipt and order books at the K.stkri'hisi otlice. ; Detecting a Smuggler. A treasury agent, speaking of the ' watchfulness of Uncle Sam's officials, said: '"A handsomely dressed man got off a ferryboat and seemed to be unusu ally nervous. A moment more and he was struggling in the bands of the offl i cers and desperately clutching at tbe I lapels of bis coat. 'It's no use,' the officers remarked; 'we know what yon have and where it is. Better give it np 1 and save trouble.' Apparently crushed by the discovery, the man quietly as I fisted in opening seams and produced tbe diamonds from various portions of I bis clothing. 'Your shoes, please!' This i rather staggered him, but he submitted , with good grace, and one of the heels , beinz unscrewaf another lot. though couici len wnemer r.ney were genuine os smaller and less valuable than tbe first, nolL : was found there. The diamonds were ine dealer would give no written examined and pronounced to be a splen guarantee. He said he believed the twe , did article of naste. worth abont 23 canvases were genuine, and he explain- j centg eacD Tmg di(1 not gatjgfy g an(j ,t . I. I i ; . 1 . I ' , the man was stripped to tbe skin. A I huge piece cf sticking plaster was on ' his back, which was removed, and nn i der it were concealed scores of genuine diamonds. It is not often that a ruse Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Uddcrr. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle SoreJ, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquers Pain, Makes Han or Beast well again. A VETERAN'S VERDICT. Tha War It Over. A Well-known Sol dier, Correspondent and Journal ist Makes a Disclosure, Indiana rit:trlliut.-d her thntnotiulaof tirava. anldli-ra lo Uit r, slut imaintu la-an. a U-t-tr ivcortl In that rvnvt limit It dia-a, lu llu-rntnro It la ruplttly n'iulrinil mi eiivlnlilii tilm-e. In wnr suit llt-rulum Silonion Yewiill, well known u a wrllir at "Sol," linn wtin mi honoriiltU Mwnltim. dur ing tli Into wnr lie mi'inHer of Co. M, M. N. Y.t'vlr mitt o( Urn lull imlliiiin I it funlry oliiniiH'rs. Hi'Xiinllnii an liiiporuuit cln'uiiiHinini tin wrliiw tullnwn: "!everl of tin olii vniirsii httt sre iisInK Dr. Mllen' lii-iirstlve Norvliio, Henri Cum Hint Nerve unit l,lr IMIla, all of ihmn kIvIiik kiIkiiiIIiI nlKfn, llon. In fu.'i, re hnvv inm r iim'iI rvmoillea lint fnnipnrv Willi lliem. Of urn rum we niui y ini'ji are ine imi rum blunt Ion of I hi- iiuhIUIiw niiuln-il In n linn- nrniniii 111 i nt'ir imiim wi' im vi tviT k lion n, Ui ha v non hut worl of nrnlMi for llii'iu Tin y am Hie nutmtiwtli of new irlin'lln In mini ii-ine, anu tuna up inv kvhii-iii womii-r-fully. We y to nil. try IIu-m rvmeilliV -Solomon Yewull, Mitrlon. 1ml., lv. It-Mi Tht-Mi rvniedlin n noli! by all ilruk'ul-in in no-Ill rt iiiiiiraiiteti, or M-tit ill nil ly llm 1'r. Mile Meilli-al t o.. Klkliart, 1ml.. on re relpl of prli-fi, II -r IhiIIIk. nit tmilli-c t ot-pre-uipn-iialil. They p.Hlvi-ly couialu ulllioi vpittiua uor uaiiKi-ruua aruKa. For nalo by Charman & Co. Society Directory. HiKuON 1'ITV iioahU tir TltAliK. ' Hi-.-i.m Cuii i ilium,, nn Hr-cnii'l Mmntay In vai-li iiniiilli. ' I 1 1 1 1 1 a wi-li-nm. K. InlNAI.HNiiN, UKU, C. IHltlWNKI.I, Hiwreury, rrixlilent. tlAVKI, I.IMHIK. NO. M, A t). I'. W Mi-i-imi-o.uiil ami fuurlli Niuri1a'vtinliisi at Knllil'l hall. Caiiliy, VUllIng tiriillnri maila WKli-oina K K t' Mt.-roN, SiM-nnler. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Orp. IIuntlfy'B Prujt Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS LXPERIEN'CE IN Groat liritain ami Amvrioa. Give me atrial. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN Till PK1UOE AND DEPOT Double and Single RiL'H, and nail- die horsett alwaya on hand at th loweH prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information rrifartlinit any kind or stock promptly aUmnlml to by person ol letter. horses Bought and Sold. Homes Roarilml and Fetl on reaaon sble terms. , K f). M tlllHH K, Mli-r Workinmi K. OK I'. HlAlt 1.011'lK NO. Oft. J. K. Illiley ('. t'.; ThnuiK. Nullum, K.ufH. au-l H. Mi-eu tn-erjf Wnlneailay rvnnln at M o'eliH-k In t'aiilu hall, I. tl. o. K. Inillilliin. Hrollieri from oilier K. nf I', o.(o I m-110,1 SW KUO l.tilXiK NO. iu, a. r.'AA. M. Meeimliii nei-iiint ami fimrlh Hntiinlt. ya nf rni'li monlli al 1 i. 111. All Maamii lu iihhI alainllii are Invlii-il in alleinl. H. II. lun w. M, K. 1. i ..i.i., Heo'y. OHWKUO I.OIH1K No" an, I tl, 11, T. Meeu overy Krlilay uveiiliia III Ilia uw hall lu Olil Town. i. IUink., ('. T. JiuiK Kl, Sei-'y. WII.I.AMKITK IlKliKKAII I'Kt UKK LolHltT. NO Meel thf wriimt ami fonrlh Mnmlay III ill liuiiilh at 7 i I' M., lu I. li. I) t Hall. M. O. ClUMUN. M. M. l'MjtMM4N, KiH-relary. N U, "TTa. 8. OK K; II. IIAKKIt rAMiVOiK V MeeK lu K. I. Hall nu llm W,.n,l auU fourth Moinlay vi-tilu nl rai-h monlli Man W. K JOIINHON, I'roil. Mlaa NoaA t)i.irr. Sini y. misii.khiK i.oiiuk Nti.'KIToir II. Meia every Tuemlay vvvulii Mv tin arean. f. nf II Fi.iina IVa, Hue. Ml'.MtlsK I.OliiiK. NO u A. O. (' W , " Mtwia avrrv an- taml fmirlli tlaliiiilay olnai-h nmuili al M lUiuivlllv, Orr.-n. M ('. Voi KO, M , W, John Hee-.r-li-r. no Ikon i.oiniK NoTiAXirorw; Meela everv Thlira,lav atenlii I I.I.I t'll,.w. hall, uiwi-ao. Vlaliliif brtliu alwara aal- Cr T. Mai Mll.l.iM. Knt MtNH, Heeonlar M W. Mol.Al.l.A I.OIKiK tin'. 6. A O. t'. W. Mev-la rlratailll llllril MallinUv III aii-h mmilli at ai-hiMil hmi.o Vlaliliii mi-inlx-ra nia-lp wl- e"A"T;. u . 3. W. Tnnaua M. W i. V. KnaniNa. Sec. ' OKN. I'KouK ft ST. NnTfc" ilA7 k7 lia'arf mailt uf tirexoii. Meeia In irhnol hotia al Nenly mi Aral Hat unlay lu eai-h ninnlh al i n'rliH-k p. m. All cmnrailaa mail w.U-onia , f Mil llN.ia. JH. TNonrMiN, Aitjt. f-oiiiiiiatiiter. W At-11 k So" T h 1 11 rOtHO K I M E N Mea-la Tuvailay ehlii al A.O. I'. W. Hail. Via Itius uh-iiiIhti Invite I. J, II. llnwaii, . Sainem. CMa C ut K. I' A N II U Mi K. No ;. . t, u, T ueela nral ami lliir-l Hattinlay evrnlnj nf aai n niouin al MIKIH a Ball, t auby. Vlaltltx Hiruiiirii niMHja niaiia wmi-oni Km. KmuMT.Sen tlao. W, Kniiiht. W.C. ' " W00HMKN rtK THE W0lll.l1. WHIame Kallat.'amp No. IH, mean 2-1 ami tin luea-iav niihia In vai-h tuntuli in K. of f. uau. lauina ne-tniaira maua wrirnm. K. K. Miartii. t:lrrk. K M. Ni ,C. C. "(MWKtlO UKANliE No! PI f uf . Meta the avennil Halunlar nf aarh mmith al 10a.m. O. Eaton Maaior. 1. g. tli-K Heay. DAMAHCt a (iKANliE f ." Of II. Nil. m Meela cm the Ural aaiur-lay In aeh mouth al lou elorka m at lha iamrn arhool h-nua H Vol Nti. Maalvr, T. II. FATKaa. Keen-lary. " HT JOHN S ilKAM-ll. NO 7, t'.' K nf A. Meeta evi-rv Tllrxlav araliilia at hall enrnar Main ami Tamil Hlreeia. Ore,n t'Hy. r. t . mii y. J. w. Nt-ixivaN. fra Mt'l.T.VOMAII LiilHiK. No.' I A r Jk i b ' n-o-ia na reaular r.iiiiinun i-alln Sunday Sorvlcus. HT, I'At'l.'S rllltl'll-rnai'iiial-Mieelal linltee given n( arrvli-ea In lie hul-l. Servli-ea at II ii elm k a m. ami p. m, I'rayar aervli avery neiluaa-lay vveulii). KIIIHI' DONllKKUATIONAI, Cllt'KDII. Ilev, J, W. I'uwaii I'aalor. Hervleet al III .ui t M. ami a nu r. m- Humlay Hi-linol alter iiinnilua ai-rvh-e, I'tayor uieetlna Wmlui-ailay avennia at I IHo.eliH'k. I'ravi-r ineellut nt Ynimn l'nla.t Hoeli-ly nl I'lirlallan Kluleavnr ovoljf Huuilay vaiiuiH at T.ll lirainpt. KIHST HAfTIST t'llt'sril -Hay. (Ill wan I'AHaaa I'aalor Mnriilna Hi-rvli-a at II Humlay Hi-hiHilal I J l'-, Kveiilim Hervli-e im, llennUr (rayer lueelliiH Weilneailay vveuliiK. Moiillily 'nveitaiit Meeilun avery We-luea-lny nveuliijt iri-eiu llm III. I Humlay In Ilia iiniiilli. A Onriilal Invitation lu all. HT. MHIN'H ('llt'ltCII.CATIIol.lC.-ltay. A, Hii.i.aaHANii, I'aalor. on Humlay maaaai ami I.IA. M. Every ari-oml ami foitrlh Humlay liuriiian aerinun aller lha a u eloi k luaaa Al all other Itiaaaea Klllltlah aertuiiua. Humlay Hi'hnnl al t Ml a. H. Va-era, aiiiloallial ulileeia, ami lleneilletloii al J ml r. U. MKTHOHIHT KI'lHiol'AI. Cllt'llfll.- 0. Hvaaa. I'aainr. Morului aarvli-a al II: Humlay rti-hool at 1" m. I'laaa meailiif after liuirliliiif aervlre, kveiilna aervli-e al 7 Ml. Kliworih mi-eiin( Humlay availing al II !ui. I'rayvr Meeilna 1 liurailay tonlii( at i Ml. alratiferi eonllallv luvtleil. rtltHT fHEHMYTEHIAN Clll'ltCII.-ltay. O, W. 0Hi)Ny. I'aalor. Hei vil-eaal II A. M. ami 7 HO r tt. Hal.l.atli Hi-I I al III a. a. Yuii l'oile'a HiH'luiy nf I'hrlallall Kuileavor nieeta vary Humlay availing al nu Weiluealay vaulnii l-rayer mealing al 7 ). Sea la Irea. KVAN()I ICAI.CIU III'II-IIKIIMAN - M K. Mini'. I'aainr. I'liailiiiif aervliea aver Humlay al II A M ami 7 Ml f. M. I U A. M (He. I'rayer Mettlliif Hatihaili ai-l.iHtl every I'. Iloll. Hlllil I vary Wvilueailay areiilug I'NITKIt HIIKTIIIIKN IN Oil IttHT.-fraach-liitf every aeeoml ami fourth Hiimtay of eard mouth, at II una m ami 7 -in p. m.-vv II. Ho- I ain. I'aainr Humlay ei-hm.l al IS a. m. al Oreaolll'lly flral .-Ml, lay al Hainaoll ai'llinil home. Molalla. Ililol Humlay. Mniiiiialu ll-nna II a. m.; llmlier drove, 4 p. m -Miaa lella tlreen, Huperlntethleiit Hnmiay ai-hiMil, I'rayer meellm avary Me-lnaailay avaulii. iry Humlay Weekly EAST AND SOUTH tiiksiias'Hkoute Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, Kxpren Traim leave Portland Dully. BROWN The photogpaphei1 Is prepared to make photographs of all kindri promptly and in FIRST CLASS STYLE Babies' and Children's Pictures a Specialty. Call and examine his work At the Old New York Gallery Second door north of Harding's Drug Store, Oregon City, ed the low price by Raying that bo boagbt tbe pictures from a man in bard Jack who waa ignorant of their value. Tbe purchaser took all the risk. If tbe pictures were not genuine Corote, their real value waa anywhere from f 3 to f r)0. That is one of tbe queer things in tbe art biiRinem. There are pawnbrokers In this town who bave lieeti known to go into a pic ture swindling wbeiue, an mure than one credulous buyer baa learned to bis cost. It is bo adroitly planned and practiced." New York Times. Women Clerks In Washington. There have been great changes In the government departments in tbe last 80 yeais. Tbe first woman regularly em- is not an infrequent occur- i ployed was put on the rolls of tbe navy rence for an amatenr in art to be ap- department 85 years ago. She wag a proached with a rerjur.t to buy a pawn j young widow, and tbe officials consid ticket calling for a lot of pictures pledg-I ered it an awful problem bow to dis ed for, say. flOO. The pictures, tbe i pose of her. Finally they bit upon a stranger says, are worth at least $250. i plan. They treated ber as if she wag a He will sell tbe ticket tor $23. If the contagions disease and isolated ber in amateur buys it, be pays not only tbe an attic room. She received and re- $25 for the ticket, bnt the $100 and in- j turned her copying by a messenger. terest to the pawnbroker. It is a perfectly safe and easy metb- . But tbe disease caught on, so to speak, I and today there are 1,000 women in the every seven men. od of swindling. Neither tbe pawn- treasury alone. There is one woman to broker nor tbe ticket seller is likely to be caught. Tbe pictures may only be worth $10. It cannot be proved tbat the pawnbroker knew this or tbat the other man knew it, for tbat matter. Tbe victim has scarcely any mode of redress. Swindles like this won Id not be possible ! but for tbe fact tbat very many men believe they know ail there is to he known about art. wh-n. as a mutter of fact, they know nothing at all. Of Two Evlle Chooaa tha LeaaU Doctor If yon are to recover, yon must spend the nest three months in traveling. Patient But I can't afford it, doctor. Doctor Very well, stay at home if yon must, and I will visit you daily. Patient Never uiiud, doctor, I think Or in ! travel a'ter "li- Prom the Ger- Otber words, "tbe croji of buckerx never fails," to quote tbe old maxim of the green goods dealer. Nuw Vork World. I lies Pnrdun. Solemn Stranger All Uehh i.-i Deaf Mail Hey? Solemn Stranger " gr.its. - New York Press. i man. . Expected Too Much. Woman (in third class carriage) Ob, what a noine! That boirid whistling is enough to drive one mad. Gnard I suppose yon want us for ' your sixpence to engage Patti to sing ' on the engine for yon! Avondpost. TAD I -THE- IIUTE Oregon Pacific Railroad CHAS. CLARK, Receiver. Direct Line Quick dinpatch Low freight rate between Wil lamette Valley points and San Francisco. OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. Steamship " HOMER." Thin Company reserves the right to change sailing date with out notice. For freight and passenger rates apply to any agent. CHAS CLARK, Receiver. Chas. J. Hendrys, Son & Co., Nos. 2, 8, Market St., S. F. ' FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Repairs on all kinds of small machine .-.I- T....ll 1 . ,iViiiUljr mane. IUIUJUBH? BeB tO any lock manufactured. Hliop on Main Htreet, next to Nohlitt's Stables. WARNER GRANGE. Ho. 117, P. of H. Meet fourth Haturrlav nf eaeh rnfinth ar lhlr hall iu New Era. David Mc Arthur. Hunter Mr. May Waldron. Sec'j THE BON TON. Main Street, near Fifth. Job. Schlitz Brewing Co.'s Mil waukee beer on draught. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS All the Best Brands of Cigars. una Kit IhI arid Ihlnl Matunlaya nf aat-h month at 7 DO r. M. tireuirvu iiiikx1 .taii-llha ara Invlir-lin atir-ud. I. I l'"lt l KK. W. it. T. K. HYAN. Hwrmarr I'LAI KAMA) CIUPTKK. I'larkamaa i hn.lir Nu 1 It a. M linl. 'itmiralliMi third H--U-U) nf lha month al 7 1 . m. i. II. WAl.KKK. II. P. il Si hi- Ufa, Hrr'r. okkhon t.iiMiK. N.c'a,i 'o'.v:r. Maala averjr Thuradajr arii .. at 7 iWn'rlnr-k at. In tha Ihtil ITmIi..m.- II. ll u.i ...... Manilra nf lha nrdar ara In lied to altanal. ur.u M.Y, . ti Thoa. Ryan. Rwraiary. oawkiHt'ToiVifc. no n'i, o. 6. r Maata at Odd rlloai'a hall ll...., ..... Houoajr araiinif, vialllni liralhrrn mada w.n-miia. t;, i kixiim. N. U. 1. r. Sao. ACilll.UH 1,'ilKiK. Nl). SM, ttnt H Mn-ta rrrrr Krldar mahi at lha It nl P hall Vlaliliif Klllgllla luvlli-.l R. I. lliMK. C. C. TCAl.lTIN IIRASOK. NO. Ill, P. nf . Meata laat Saturday of aach month al their hall lu Wllaonvllle. R. H. Ilawar. Mia Hai SHiap. Hao'y. Maatar. Oh Kill IN 1'ITV IIOHK CoTKo I Raanlar nieailn third Tua.a nf aach ronnih at 7 .tu P M J. I) KaxNaa Praa. H S Hraaaiit. Sre. M. Narioaa. r'rm. WTClAMKr-fK K K ll t. K A II I KU It K E IX)lMik Ni). 1 1 o. o. r. Mi-ata th aacond and fonrlh Monday In each mouth al 9 o'clock p. in. In I O o. P. Hall Maa Maar WiLLUNa, N. 0. Mm. M. O CHiaaMN. nan. H..u.h I iftr. a. 7 l r. m. 1.T Ar I'urilaiid Ar Oraaniit:IT l.r H Kraur-laon I.T I Nori 7 IK A.M. IBM, IH.N1NO CAHS ON )ltlKN HllUTK Pullman Buffet Sleepers. nn Second-Class Sleeping Cart Attached to til tlirnub Iralua kOHKIII Rll MAIL (Dalln i A. a. I l.y Cortland Ar 1 .11 a. u. I l.y Ori-imil lly l.y p r. ) a r noai-inirf i.y Meal Hide Uiyialon. BKTWKKN PORTLAND ANII CORVALUS. Mall Tralu, l'allf (Kicenl Sunday ! i MA.aj'T" ly 'Porlland Ar 'f "4 i 7m L--L." J Ar Corvallla l.y in) r M At Alhanv and .'nrvallta rHinnaol telth iralua nf Ort-aoii and I'arlAft Railroad. Kipntaa Train Pally If Irani Suudajr) 4 tor. m. 7 lltr. m. Lv Ar Horllaud Ar MrMlnurllle Ly I A. I I M. KAI.I.H CITY LODtiK Of A O l W. Meota ayerjr Haturdajr ayaulim of each monlh In A. O II. W. hall 7th ht. All aolourunig brethren omdlally Invited to attend. T. K. UACLT, M. W. Geo CiLirr, Racnrder. POI'NTAIN HOMKfO., No. I. Hi-mlar nieoiliia acnuid Wadiiaaday In each mmith at euslna hoiiaa, eaat tide Main airi-et, bvlwann H.-vt-nlh and Eighth. J.W,bTWART, H H HraaKiHT. P'rm M. f. CjinNn. Fore man. NOVELTY Candy -:- Factory NOW OPEN. Manufacturer of High Grade French and Home Made Candies, Ice Cream and Water Ices. Families, Parties and Sociables Supplied with Ice Cream in any quantity; rates reaoonable. Try Our Ice Cream Soda. Tropical Fruits and Nuts. Main Street, opp. Commercial bank II. S, Cram, Manager. F COMPANY. FIKHT RKOIMKNT, O. N, O. Armory. Third and Main. Huaular drill nlirlit Monday. Regular biulneaa meetliura. flr.t Monday of each month. omenta, J. W. Oanong, - . i . Oaajlnln F. S Kelly. - - Flrar T.Ii-mi.-i,..,i L. L. plckeni, Second Lieuteuaut Don't Buck Wood. It is hard work to cut wood in the old fashioned way. ion will do much better to get tlio RELIABLE STEAM SAW Operated by Elliott & Harrington, Who will do you a good job with neatness and dispach at hard times prices. Drop a card to E. P. Elliott at Oregon City, or J. N. Harrineton at Ely, and the saw will call and do your work. THROUCH TICKETS TO AM POIKTU 1.1 TIIK F.AMTKRN IT ATM, CANADA AND F.lKOI'g Cart I nbtalned at Inweal rataa from I. B Miaire. Aleut, Oron t'lly, K.KORIII.KH, R. P. KOURHH. Manaaar. An I 0. F. aud Paaa. Aant. 1. 1 & N. CD. E. McNeill. Receiver. TO THE ERST Oives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES VIA DENVER VIA SPOKANE Minneapolis ANII ST. PAUL. OMAHA AMI Kansas City. Portland Cbwlite River Route, via. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Joseph Kellogg Trans. Co. STR. JOSEPH KELLOGG leaves Kelso Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 A. M. Leaves Port land, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M. STR. NORTH WEST Leaves Port land Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow litz river points, returning the following days. This is the only direct route to reach all Cowlitz river points. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland everv five days SAN FRANCISCO. for For full details cull on or ad dress, W. II. 1IURLIJURT, Gen. Passengor Agent, Portland, Or. ? If you aro intorestod(in 4 Advert. 4 you ought to be a sub scriber pt Puintkus' Ink: a journal for advertisors. Printers' Ink is issued weekly and is filled with contributions and helpful suggestions $ WM. R. II0LMAN, Agent. Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or. from the brightest minds in tho advertising busi ness. Printers' Ink costs only two dollars a year. A sample copy will be sent on receipt of five conts. ADVRKHS PRINTERS' INK,,' IO Sprue St., pul York