Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1894)
PEHSONAL NOTES. Major I). (J. Hlinriimii of Hulcui wu In llwulty un Hliirliiyon Ii'kuI IhihJuoh, Mm, II. 8, I'.t'loiny luia Imwi vlailiiiK (ili'inlM In Ntimly ttml rclurm'il un Tuite iluy. Attorney (Ii'IkthI Cliiiinliurliiln wrh In tlm city fur a lm lionrn tli luat. of tlm week. Win. Jtorlnu hiiiI wlfo with In llio city un Mmiility tlm KiinNtH o( Mm, J, V, Ilrilly. II. WHIktii, tliu wnllkiiow tniir clutiit, of Kittle Cri ck vun In tlio city on Wcilncmliiy , Mlsa Mmnlo ('Intrninn nitnrnoil Vel noailiiy evening (ruin plmiaaut outing kt I.oiiu llciu ll, ' ' Mm, M.J. Wood of Kant I'ortluiiil cniuii up tlm II rut of (hi) week to vInII Mm. A. II. Moore, I. . A. Jin-knot), llio well kuown (lni( glut of Onwi'tto, u In tint city on IiiihI- tlUM (lie 111 Hi of till) Bl'l'k. Mian JciiiiIh Kuweit retiirnml frum Nuwortoii HitUinlity til w ultiinliiiK tint 1 imt 1 1 mi o tlm piiht wink. II. K. H tn It li nml wife wlio Imvo limm "iiju) Imk oct'iin lircri H hI Long Hciu li rutiiriied WitiuHtuy cvciiIiik. MIm JctiiiWt (irity of I'ortluml mul Minn I'.tlii'l W'ur.l nre aatiatiiiK l'oHliiiuHlcr Circuit In iliftrlltiitiiiK tlm mull. Mm. I'', It, Andrew mul cliililrcn in v tuml K')iiii to Salmon Itlvi-r tlm IuhI of lliu week on A cunipiiK xinlitinn. Scunliir J. K. Wcttihcrlonl ol Allimiy win in tlm city r'ti'liiy un ttormy in n litwetiil M'iuliiiK In tli county court, Mr. Jui k ilcrinnii mul wifamul MIkh lUtiiti (iunkcll of l'ortluiiil mo viititnitf Ht tlm lioiiin of I.wi Funk l Itocllitiid. Mm. J. II. Vitlkr mul cliit.lron rnl Ml I'lirtu 1'ii.licr of (,'urvullln llitclul jjn liiK to Willioil irlnnn on Friilny for mi Qlilill. (ico. KricHiin formerly nwlili'iit of thii county (ml who now liven nt Turiicr wan In the city on Thurmluy iitorriinti mllliiM on (ilcixla. Mm, E. M. I.utourctte who wan re tvntly ijiiitu 111 I him ho fur rccovcrol n to be utile to vu tlm l weve- in iVrtlmul tlm .neat of her old friciul, Mm. l.loitt. Klml.ftll. A. V . Cooke mul wife of Pmniwciit rc ttirimil luat Sitturly from t trip through I ho tatorn part ol the (title where Mnt. Cooko him relative. They cumo Uiue vinitiuK In Iitfur. Mi Klnley Mitchell of (iurvrtit, cmue up from rmtlmxl one of thoe hot day the Irtfl of the week lo Ket wty from the woltvrlng heat of the city till the ivvnliit IikIii cume along. Mr. mul Mm Mux 1'ierter went lo IVinilee on Wlnelu to viall o. filcnihi front Mttino whom they hml not Keen (or h loti) time. Only recently did limy Iciiiu Ihnt they wcro living Itt I'uu-l-e. (In TneaiUy II. II. Itlnnkiimliip Marte.l for Colorado Sprinu w ith hin daughter, Sunle, wIiohh heulth hiin Ih-cii very poor of littu. Il In hin intention to try Colo rado Spring II ml, then if necennnry he lie may try ikhiio other locnlity., I'rof. Cioo. It. Iiinn nI wife who Imvo been tcHchiii in the Antuloe m'tiooU thr piiNt year are veiling in thii city for week or two, Ilothhave Iwn re-cnKi;ed to tcuvh nine inontln of next year IM-Kiniiing in September at fll') per IIIOIllll. Mine Molliti HolineH it'turned Wed lies day evening from a pleanant aojoiirn at Mm. W. H. (.mld'a cottaitu, The Wil ' lown, at Ixng lieach. It will be remem' In-led thitl he had been very ill with fever jimi prior to her departure. Her friei'dn are plmtreil to note a great Im provement in her heulth. II. K. Sweet, lately of Fon du Lac, Wiacotmin, and a graduate of the Madl mm law achool, ban lately lo'Ated in this city for the purnoao of practicing law. Mr. Sweet io a young man of pleoxitnt addieHR and comcN to thin city well rec coiiiinended as to ability and integrity. We are glad to welcome him as one of un. MiMHAnnaM. Morrill, who lias been aHHlHtunt pnntiiiaHter in thin city since April, 1H!H, has miido a fuitbful and elll cient olllccr, and we iMdinve the people of thin coin Hi unity would have been plciiHcd If she could liavo been retainuiU Shu left for St. Helens Wednesday and 1 will at once enter upon her new duties in the poHtolllce and Mr. liilmad'B More. The AugtiNt Midland (Pes Moines) pre sents still more reading mutter and still inoro variety I Its panes are lengthened and widened and two columns, take the place 61 a single column, Profuse Illus trations adorn the pages, Including por traits of new Midland contributors (a regular feature now). The new gnn-boat Kricson, built at riibuiU, is pictured and described. Col. Keutley vividly pictures life in Ahmka. ' Hon. Ren Clay ton tells of the Qon-partlKan national farmer's organisation of which lie is president. Mrs. Cady tells a romatic story of old mission life in California. Director Sago, of the weather Bervice, siK'akB out about "Huin-niaking." A Dublin sketch by Mrs. Ashby, a hunter's .sketch by Judge Davis, a sketch of boy hood life by Miss McHenry.otherstories. Home Themes by Mrs. Smith, child poetry' minimer poetry, ft teacher's in stitute poem (humorous; by Kmmo Kggleson, talks about new books, edi torial, etc., these comprise some of the Midland's lieat-disHilling August Attractions. CutUimll (liat, CoTTKiirai,, Aug, II. The school plcnlo at Handy win a K'aiiil tun eim. I.l?.le Ch-K-K''lt anil Amy Hleplimm iirioiiiaiil''il Mr. Hleplieim, Curl Klllolt, llornee l.nke and Floyd lllllyiird or Powell Valley alluiiiliul, Merry plckum are plenllliil tliroiigh the wooiU, Hllllniaii mid Clma, Amlrewi, who rildi In lli now hurg of CutliTi'll, liavs npeund an accoiiiiiioilailon llnti lur th (raveling pulillu. Tliry alwny) liwil lennn ami glv accoiiiuiuilutloui In all who cull, , Mr. I tii ker luni Ida nlgii out lliut lis alno liai accoiniiioiliitlont for (he traveling pub lic. (lie Mlckelnou, our aiiti'rprlnlng citlien, hut oirculaiRil a niliscrlplloii for volunteer wtn k on the county ruail Ivuding from Hnnily thnitlijli Cotterell to rieamint Home. HlKy llm linil tlm paper, oin lilt- eml uiil giving ten iliiyn pui h. Tlmt is a gnot inovs. V will have good road if all rt'KlilmiU will ilo HkeH liii, Mr. Wuifiier h iiiit Milling wwing lua cliinm and tetllod down lo tunning. The (I. A. It, i'oal will liav a ru union at I'lesNaiit llnmr In their grove at Stephens I'liue. AILwilillem and tlitdr lainlllet and frlemla nr Invited lo attend, itefre-lnnenln will he on thi)Kriiiind-liiit dmi'l forget your IrnakeU ol iHliea, John llruilley, of (Irruoii City, panned IhroiiKh llila aeclloii un Suiiiluy l'Jl. I'uul lliiiin la out alimliiiig tha grain wild hin M'l.ihnler, No rreta werf niado llieilny of (lm pic nic nt huinly, Tlieic w na nntldng to get ilruiik on, nnly tlm wlilrlluig that Wan ei iii there. ICi M,rt nay that 111 owner made l.'oprr lionr. Kiirely Imrd timra are not vllne in ( In. knniuN, lluliy Hume ill.irii all the luilx-n on liiuinl the grand old lihrrty wagon, drawn In mx lior-in, and altvniled tlm pn iiic. It wna lnuutllully itreornted with tlK and liuntliii! and iireneiited a lint S aram a. Joel Jurl had a coiiitniiiiieutlnn Iroin the poKt otllce i.artinen( atntlng ha had belter have lninsM'u a rt tturtniK ilnt iimtead of I'leitKaot lliiiii. Wlieri iiHui Mr. Jurl had to Mind In a new tilloii aiklii( the depart tnriil lo K'aiil tli mnil lo be cuirled Iroin 1'lra-anl Hume. No doiiht the reipienl will he ijranled a an ollii e in Hint place i badly no. Int. rirtrif water fpray. Si'MISowatiiii. Aug. 7. The mi kleor renp I i K lunik la laid auay a a relic of the pant, and the trrnhi-craille It Iiiiiik up to rent. Hut the binder nnmt tou It drawn liom ita hid IiiK .Iai lulu the llf Ida ol Koldrii grain lo b cut by Ha ii kle and taken into ita Iron e nitirac and em Ircied by the liny nianllla whii li liolda it In bondlva of love until it is aafoly garnered. We hail a little ahower on the evening of the Mil which waa needed. Jlha Klm Miner and alater, of Portland, are enduiK a few weeka with their grand oireiila, Mr, and Mra. I, W. Lacry. Mr. Doren mid lainily ol Turner are v lad ing Willi their nleee, Mra. Alma llowdiati, of lliia vicinity. Mia Minnie Snyder ia Tnding tliii week In Ciirrlnavlllo. The Sprlrgwa'er nine lujed (lie I-aeeya a very Iuterenllng piuue nl Ui-e pall on (be Mil. The I. airy boy a won the gutii and luok the but add bull. S. J. Weal la building a new dwelling lor J. If. Itowlnriuel. W, II. Candle la bullilli K a new granary. Some Taper Facta. Weuie apt to look upon the paper mills of this city as coiiftitnting inior taut factors in the machinery which snp- plien II, .a country with material for the printing of the daily and weekly papers und for the numerous other puriMweg fur whiih imiw.'r is uhciI, While they are an eHneniiul factor to this city as a wae paver they n'ally constitute but very small proportion of the puar producers ol tins country. I lie nulls licrc produce hut a few tons tier day while the daily output ol news-print paimrs In the Cnited States is about M) to 15(H) tons. Jiint think of I "5 to lot) carloHtla of news- paKir mentally devoured each day in tins country, The production of news print in lurtrcr than unv other trade That of book paper Is probably as much as KXK) tons ami of writing 7f0 tons each dailv Tfie grosa daily caiacity of tle par nuns oi mo i imeu rune in oprranon during WJ-M for all kinds and grades of miM'r was estimated at about 1(1. OH) toiin. Of this amount nearly L'ftOO tons represented news piint and book paper 1 K.)tonn wrapping paar, and almost 'JI(K) tons of the various other kinds and grades. I ho states whirl! rank ttrst In the pro duction of piixr are New Yoik, Muine, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, I'ennsyl- vsnia, Ohio and Illinois. From these seven states come nearly three-fourths of the entire paper supply ol the country. Hy tar the irroater puil ol tlio vast output is consumed in the United States, the greatest paper-using country in the world. Lauit Tariff Mawi. Ciih auo, Atnr. 8. The I'ost's Wash- inuton special savs tlm tarilf conferi'ees have sgreed. J his snnouncemvnt was made nt 3 o'chM'k. The nirrvement is in formal, and is by the democratic mem bers only. The republican inciiilmrs have been notified to attend a meeting tomorrow, lhe basis of the agreement is the sumir schedule agreed to last Fri day, 40 cents ml valorem, with 1-5 of 1 cunt differential on refined sugar. Iron ore Is free and coal 40 cents a ton, with a reciprocity clause. Tlio agreement will, it is said by the democratic comerrees, be satisfactory to all the 43 democratic senators. If so, the formal report may be expected tomorrow, or tlio next day nt the latent, and the piONident's expecta tion of having an opportunity to sign the bill this week maybe realized, though it Is doubtful, as the clianue tn the sen ate bill oilers reason tor debute, and It is believed that t he repnbheams will take advantage of it. The Cleveland men claim they have won. The Ciorman people say It is a compromiso. 4 hnccesKrul Worker. Work cannot be successfully con tinued unless there Is nn active mental interest in it. If the mind is not clear, bright and buoyant, then the work is drudgery and tlio worker is a machine' An occasional doso of Moore's Revealed Remedy will put the body and mind in such harmony that the hardest tasks will see in play. -)f No TleHcrvntion an-l . inc. Victor-:- Bicycles LEAD THE WOULD Cash or Installment, Liirgest strick of soliil and cuMhion tire wheels on tho coast from 10 to ;!). Give u a cull Wfore buying, Overman wiihlco., 331 Wellington St., Portland, Or. A. W. SOHWAN, Manufacturer of all kirtds of Tin, Secet Iron nnd Copper Ware, Metal Hoofing, Soutiiig, Fur nace Work, Plumbing & General Jobbing. Shop near Southern Facific Depot. Portland-Clatskanie. R-O-U-T-E STR. SARAH DIXON, . OKO. M SlIAVElt, Master, Will leave Portland foot of Mad ison Btrwt Monday, Wednesdays and r rtdays, at b o clock A. M. for Clatskanie & Way Landings. Returning tho steamer will pass Oak point at 4:1.); Kainer, b:u(; Kalanm, (i:45; St. Helens, 8:00 A. M., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Tho company reserves tho right to change time without notice. For freight or passenper rates apply to dock clerk at Portland, foot ashmgton ht.,or on boa rd steamer. Thi8 is the nearest ami most di rect route to tho Nehalem valley. Portland-Cowlitz River Route, via. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Joseph Kellogg Trans. Co. STU. JOSEPH KELLOGG loaves Kelso Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at G A. M. Leaves' Port land, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M. STR. NORTHWEST Leaves Port land Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow litz rivor points, returning the following days. This is the only direct route to reach all Cowlitz river points. WM. R. 1I0LMAN, Agent. Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or. TUAUTIN ORANGE, NO. Ill, P. ol II. Mr-eta Inxt Saturday ol each month at tholr ball In Wllxnnvllla. K. B. Hknry, Mm Bkua Shakp, Scc'y. Maatcr. OKEOON CITY IIOSR CO.. Vo RcKiilar inocilliiK third TtiosiUy o( each mnnlh at 7:80 P. M J. D Kkmnkb Pres. U.S. Stbanui, So. S, NcrzurtR, F'rm. mmi mam TO a A Vtm HOMES66KE R S- For the next 60 Days $5 down and $5 per month without interest will secure one of those beautiful lots in B O L T O N -K- Firnt cotno, first choice. For further particulars call W. H. BURGHARDT. JS.MILLER MANUFACTURER OF Drain - Tile. V . ' BRICK& LUMBER. I Tiling is of the Vst qual ity and sold at prices to SUIT THE - TIMES. Yard and mill four miles east of Hubbard, Oregon. johnXbeok, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STILL ON EAUTH. For general repairing he stands without a eer. For Unit-class, re liable goods his store u second to none. Trv him I Cooke's Stables W. H.COOKE, Manager, Corner Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. The LEADING LIVERY STABLE of the City. Kis o( any description fuminhed on short notice. FOR- ABSOLUTELY PORE DRUGS OTO CK A. HARDING. NONE BUT OOMPtTENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Flue PerrumsrlES aal Tailet Articles. Alao a lull atock ot PAINTS- OlXiS ETC. NOVELTY Candy -:- Factory NOW OPEN. Manufacturer of High Grade French and Home Made Candies, Ice Cream and Water Ices. Families, Parties and Sociables Supplied with Ice Cream in any quantity; rates reasonable. Try Our Ice Cream Soda. Tropical Fruits and Nuts. Main Street, opp. Commercial bank H. S. Cram, Manager. Oregon City Dye Works DYEING, Cleaning and Repairing n it . i t . l c -it l I uenuenien s iiais uyeu weanea. ' Ladies' Work a Specialty Shawls, Cloaki and Dreaaea Riven aa good an appearance aa new. Feathers, Gloves, Etc., Cleaned, and given any ahade doalred. First Class Work. Lowest Rates. WILSON, WELSH & CO., Foot of Fifth St., Oregon City, Or. THE BON TON. Main Street, near Fifth. A strictly first class resort conduct ed under American principles. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS. All the Best Brands of Cigars. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA KOUTE Of the 0UTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. 8ml.ll I North. 6 Mt r. ai. I L Portland Ar 7 lllr.ll. Lt Oroiit;Uy Lr 10: fA.u. I Ar H. KraiirlMio I.r h.zoa.ii. 7:l A.M. 7 OU T. . UININO CAKS OS OOIiKN KOL'TE Pullman Buffet Sleepers. AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all through Irulua KOHKBCRO MAIL (Pally) 4 )k. n. I :il A. M. h 'M t. M. 1 Lr Lr Ar PuriUii't Ar Orfi ut'lly Lt Ri.(rlmrj Lr M r. Ur. n ! 7 mu. Went Side Uivmion. BETWEEN PORTLAND AXI) CORV'ALLIS. Mall Train, Daily (Eicept SuridaT.) Tlio ri i. Pur t faliid Ar 1 bX, r.M 'i hr. m. I Ar forvallla Lt I.vht.m At Albany anil "orvallla enntiect wltb traina ol OrK"i and Pacific liailroad. Expreaa Train Hailr (Except Sunday) : Or. kt. I 7;2.'ir. M. I Lt Ar Portland Ar HcMlnnville Lr I 8 .,. U IS.'A.K THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IX THK EASTERN STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE Can be obtained at loweat ratea from L B Moore, Agent, Oreiron City. R.KOEII LF.K, E. P. ROGERS, Manaxer. Aat't O. F. and Paaa. Aient r P Through Tickets BUI TO Salt Lake, Denver Omaha, Kansas City Chicago, St. Louis, AND ALL Eastern Cities. 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO loiipg Houfg the Quicket to Chicago and the East. Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN & TOURIST SLEEP ERS, FREE RECLINING Chair Cars, Dining Cars. For rates and general informa tion call on or address, W. II. IIURLBURT, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt., 254 Washington St., cor. Third, l'ortland. Or. -THE- Oregon Pacific Railroad CHAS. CLARK, Receiver n- it- n i j- i i l)irP(t. I ,lnf .1 Jlllplr Hicnatnh how freight rate between ll laniette Valley points and San r rancisco. OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. Steamship " HOMER." This Company reserves the right to change sailing date with out nptice. For freight and passenger rates apply to any agent. CHAS CLARK, Receiver. Chas. J. Hendrys, Son & Co., Nos. 2, 8, Market St., S. F. F.ntabllNhrd CI. HI PIONEER lm$kf and Epfe, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. BROWN The pfiotographei1 Is prepared to make photographs of all kinds promptly and in FIRST CLASS STYLE Babies' and Children's Pictures a Specialty. Call and examine his work At the Old New York Gallery Second door north of Hardina'a Drug Store, Oregon City. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE A'D DEPOT. Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle hors; always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information rirar!in(r anv kimi or ntock promptly aMervled to by pernor) 'A letter. horses Bought and Sold. All kinds of Truck and Ielivery l'.iwi nfHtt promptly attended to. Horeg Boarded and Fed on reason ')!e terms. Friend of Woman. The very rf-markable ad certain tllef (tlven wnmankinil lj "M'xire'a kt-ve.lcl K.T.inif haa won fur it lhe name ot Woman'a Friend It is uniformly aucceaalul Id rclleiliij their dellcte aiimenn. Staudn ixwrlma aa the natural remedy pecularljr adaptl to the waata of womniikind. WHAT ONE LADY SAYS: Skattlb. Jao. JO, 1WL "I want yon to pnbliah my testimonial for MooKt'a H cvbalkd Kkxkdy, for tt haa been Krand thlnz for me. for it haa cured me ol head a.'hea, from which I have auffered whenever I became chilled, for the laat fifteen yeara; 1 hnv auffered perfect torture fortwenty fourhoura at time.aometimea retchlna f.r three houra with out aivy ret and nnat!e u- iret help from any of the numberless remedies triel. Sow 1 am free from this aurterinir. for atlhe first symptom of one of these attacks I lake a rrood d.e ef ' Moore'a Kevealed, " and that la the end of It. It has also cured me of coi atipation. Mv hus band aya it haa arel hin life, and he would not be without it. We are liolh so happy over it we cannot aay enough in .la favor, ami adviaeaiL our friends to use It." MH3. JAMES CLEASON. Cor. 12th and Jackson Sis., Seattle, W.ish. fFor aale by all d rutgists. SIXTH YEAR. ELECTRIC POWER is the advocate of the use of elec tricity as a means of domestic lighting, cooking knd heating; for commercial and domestic power purposes, for street cars, mininer, canal boats and the running of all kinds of machinery, both light and heavy. The probability is that 1894 will produce Wonderful Achievements in the field of electricity, and ewy intelligent person should Read Electric Power, and keep posted; Subscription $2 a year. Every subscriber is entitled to a special discount on books pur chased. Address, ELECTPJC POWER, 3G Cortlandt St., New York City. p If you are interested jn f Advertising i you ought to be a sub- $ p scriber ot Printers' Ink: 4 a journal for advertisers. Printer Tnlr "3 is issued weekly and is filled with contributions and helpful suggestions from the brightest minds in the advertising busi ness. Printers' Ink 1 ' costs only two dollars a year. A sample copy will be sent on receipt of five cents. ADDRESS PRINTERS' INK, 10 Sppus St., - tMeui York ' 4 JOHN YOUNGER, IJEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARSlAPERlENXE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. IWKCDY J v t'a , 7 Y Sii '.J