Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1894)
description or cover. A Pleasant Summer Retort and Fin Agrlcul- tnral Section. To Tim Kmtor: The t)tiostion which will le asked as U) where is IHvcr, can be as readily answered as the question which is being asked every day in all Kicalilies with in a distance of forty miles of here as to vAliere all the travel is headed for irom July lf to August l.'ih every year, ami the aim pie answer will lie to Dover. Now to those who do not know the location of this great summer resort, I will pay it is located in the northeast comer of Clacka mas connly. twenty three-miles nearly due l'.at from Oregon City, and twenty-six miles Irom Tortloud. It is due South from Handy four miles, also due Kast from Kaisle Creek post office four and one-hall miles and is connectej to either place by pxnl vaon roads. As 1 sit writing this I hear the rolling and nois of the heavily laden ' wagon either coming in to enjoy a few days outing or returning home after their recreation with wagons heavily laden with berries, fish and all kinds of game. a It i really surprising to see the large amount of people and teams that arrive every day. There can be no doubt about it that from July l.'dli to July 30th there has been three hundred wagons loaded with )cople come to Dover. 1 counted yesterday (Sunday) from seven in the morning to three in the afternoon thirty-eight vehicles of all kinds going in on the road leading to Fagle Creek and Currinsville. Probably there was as many came in on the Sandy road. Ikiver is today one of the most stiring places in the county. The woods are filled with berry pickers and the red, w hite, blue and yellow frock of the joyous maiden can le seen in almost any direction. They are residents of nearly all parts of the state. Sportsmen can be met with at nearly every turn and from all indications the rod and pin are doing their work to perfection. There are a great many tourists and sight w-ers encamped in nearly every little shady nook. The number of prominent persons bo visit this vicinity in summer can only be realized by visiting and making an exam ination of the registers of the two hotels now doing business for Dover's elite. The Falls Hotel, which is operated by Hack Giutlier and wife, is situated at the far renowned Eagle Creek falls and is in Ike bouth west corner of Dover. It offers to the jijortsmen the finest field in the state for l!,e use of the gun and rod. It is as some of the best families of Portland can bear evidence, one of the most lovely spots on the Pacific coast. The manv streams that - are used by the pleasure seekers who pat , roiiixe the Guiltier hotel are all beautiful and the waters in them are as clear as crystal. Fish of many varieties, principally trout however, aoound in all of them, while to bathe in them at the proper time of year is a luiury not found anywhere except on the sea beach. The Fitzgerald House three miles east of Falls hotel is centrally located in Dover and does a very good business. Mr. Fitzgerald and wife who are experienced hands in attending to the wants ol the public are ever ready and willing to accomodate all who coma. There, is splendid bunting, fishing and berry picking, it being in the very center Of the great berry patch of Oregon. These two hotel can show to all true pleasure seekers especially those from the hot 4 and dusty city, things they will remember . for a life time and at a very small expense. Kate of board by day or week can be had by addressing either party. Special atten tion U paid to teams or children put under their care. ; Dover proir is about twenty miles long from east to west and about eight miles wide. It is mostly the finest agricultural land in the county, as low foot hills slope gradually back to the mountains, beyond which is found the most extensive cattle range in the county. The chief products of Dover are wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn and potatoes. Vegetables of all kinds grow in abundeuce; the yield of this crop is pro digious. Block raising at the present time is limited to a great extent to the farmer's own need, although many of the farms are connected With cattle ranges running back in the hills. Dairying, except to meet the exigences of the farm is not followed at this season of the year, although the opportunities for profitable dairyingare unexcelled any where. This locality is second to none in the pride taken in blooded poultry and to a great extent chicken raising is resorted to as an industry. Poultry raising for the city market until last spring being a very profitable business, as also had been the shipment of eggs. Our water supply conies from pure cry81"' springs or wells which can be got by digging a very moderate depth; hence Dover's beauty is not her only virtue since surpass ing richness of soil and diversity of products assures its usefulness. I will not encourage any of my fellow citizens to believe that the locality herein described has no drawbacks or no disad vantages, 1 do not pretend that the mere act of settlement or investment here is sufficient to guarantee success or profit or will bring health, content, long life, peace and pleantv. And if there be any restless spirits who peruse these lines in search of a place to locate who immagine that nature is so bounteous in any realm as to pour out her store without application, toil, persis tence and economy, or to endow with health, wealth and good standing those who violate the laws of nature and of honest purposes. 1 will warn them that our lo cality i not a paradise for the idle. Nature has furnished all the elements of thrift and enjoyment to man except one, and that one, man must himself apply. Labor mast direct the process of nature in order to reap - the harvest of success, here as elsewhere. We have good schools and good church property and everything is as conveniently arranged as in most settlements no older than ours. Mail twise a week comes via San ly, Mrs. Gilbert tloberts postmistress. Mails Tuesday and Saturday. Ch is. Casbedy. If you want an attractive sign see Davis the painter. Portland prices. Shop back of Tope & Co.'s hardware store. To Advertise KcrlrT. According to the SUtoaman there is a probability tliat the capacious buililiiig luTV-toforo occupied a a ecliool (or tln Wind by the statu of Oregon may bo pro cured as a suitable place, temporarily at least, to be occupied by the Koeloy In stitute in cane it can be Induced to lo eato there. In line with this fact a wag who psiRseil by the Wind school Sunday and whoso niiml was not just then busy with any very heavy subjects, saw snniethinu which brought up a sug gestion of possible economy. At the g:ite in front of the pteiuiset stands the following sign: OREGON INSTITUTE FOR THE BI.ISP. The wag suggested how easily this sign could be fixed so as to suit the Keelev work. Leave the sign w here it stands ami make another short one with the following inscription (K EE LEY) PKTNK. Sot that sign at the end of the present one and then it will read appropriately as follows; OREGON INSTITUTE (KEEI.EY) FOR THE BLIND PUVNK. The wag guarantees that this sivin will attiact as much attention and com ment as any one that can be devised. We would suggest that the best adver tisement which the Keeley institutes could secure would be the curing of their patients. It would be a novelty worth chronicling to see a "jag cure" patient w ho does not drink. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Evert Week by the Clacka mas Abstract and Trust Company. John Colery to Mary A Holmes lll.blk 13. Pleasant Hilt ad to Oregon City IIWO E E Charman et al to Peter Roberts 1 1 and 2, blk G. Clackamas lights 150 PC Humphrey to S f. Humphrey lots in Roots add to Marshfield. . 2000 Thofl and E Owens to E S Bratnhall St acres in sec 28, 1 1 s, r 5 e. . . . 10(10 H H Johnson, trustee, to F G and K I Porter. 1 2, 7 and 8, lk 16, Blton 375 John Zeek to J II Graham et al ' of an acre in cl 5ti, t 3 s, r 1 e 400 F J Broetju to John John tracts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Brortje's Acre Homes 1100 F T barlow to Mrs S C Linn lot 20, blk 2, West Gladstone, 120 F T Barlow to A B Linn 1 lot 10, blk 2, West Gladstone 120 W F Hubbard to R A Miller lots 17 and Id, blk II, West Gladstone Mas 9 to 14, inclusive 250 F A Matthias to I) Matthias land in sees 9 and 10, 1 2 s. r 3 e 1 Aug Mattmas to F A Matthias, land in sees 9 and 10, t 2 s, r 3 e 1 F A Matthias to August Matthias, land in sees 9 and 10, t 2 s, r 3 e 1 Having purchased the copyright of Thome's Title Abstract Indexes giving us sole right to use them in Clackamas county, and the abstract books compiled and formerly owned by Thome & Son. we are prepared to furniah complete and accurate abstracts of title and to correct or extend old abstracts. We solicit your patronage and guarantee first class woik. OHice over Huntley's Drug store. Clackamas Abstract & Tbi st Co. Bread, Bread. Of all things the average housekeeper is particular about, it is the quality of bread for her table. Good home made bread is not equaled by the ordinary bakery and to meet this requirement, Mr. J. Egle of the Shively bakery' has put on the market his celebrated home made bread. This bread is made from the same kind of flour that is ground for export and none of the processes are used in its manufacture that, while giv ing the bread a fine apiiearance, ruin its quality. The utmost cleanliness is ob served in all departments and the pa trons of the bakery are invited to in spect it at any time, that they may see for tlitJinselves how their bread is pre pared and handled. Saved Her Life. Mrs. C. J. Woor.rtnrooi, of Wortham, Texas, saved the life of her child by the use of Avert Cherry Pectoral, "One of my children had Croup. The ease was attended by our physlclan.lind was supposed to he well under control. One night I was startled by the child's hard breathing, and on going to It found it stran gling. It had nearly ceased to breathe. Realizing that the child's alarming condition had become possible In spite of the medicines given, I reasoned that such remedies would be of no avail. Having part of a bottle of AVer's Cherry Pectoralln the house, 1 gave the child three doses, at short Intervals, and anxiously waited results. From the moment the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing grew easier, and, In a short time, she was sleeping quietly and breathing naturally. The child is alive and well to-day, and I do not hesitate to say that Ayer' Cherry Pec toral saved her lite." AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J.O.Ayerlt Co., Lowell, Mass. Promptto act, sure to cure A NARROW ESCAPE! How it Happened." The followliw remarkable event In a lady's, life will lnicrta.1 the rentier: "For a long Unit I had a tern Me pa.n at my heart, which Mut tered allium lnooiiaiitly. I had no appotlut and could no! sleep. I would tw co!iielled to sit up In Nil mid belch una from my stom ach utiill I thought, every milium would Ih my lust. There, was a feeling of oppreiodiid ftNmt niT heart, and I us afraid to draw a full lirenlh. I couldn't sweep a room with out silling down nod rv-lliiit: but. thiiuk Hod. by the help of New Henri ( lire all Itutt Is past and I feel like another wmtiait lh fore using the New Heart t ore I tind Inker dltrenmt Mwalletl remedies and been treated by iha-tora without any bcnelit mull 1 w both discouraged anil uUgtiated. elv hto.htiud bought me a tsittltf of I'r. Mile' Sow Henri Cure, and am happy lout I never rvitrvXed It, aa now have a splendid appetite and sleep well. I welched V& pounds hen I Is anti taking the remedy, and now Iwclghbsu, in effect In my can) has been truly marvel pus. it far stiruiw any oilier incillclne I have ever taken or any benefit t ever re ceived from physicians."- Mr. Harry sturr Ptiltavllle, Ps td-tober 13. IsHl. lr. Miles' New Heart Cure la told on a rl tlve (uarantee by all druMiMs, or by the lr Miles Medical Civ. Klkhnrt. Iml. . on receipt et price, Itper bottle, l bottles fa, eiprvM pre paid. Tills great discovery by an eminent uptvlnllM la heart dthen, coutalua teolllitfl Opiate nor daugerou drug. For sale by Charman A Co. Sunday Services. ST. PAt'L'S C 11 I'm' II-f.pucopnl-Special notice aivea of services to be held, heme at It o'cliK'k a. m snd 1.41 p.m. Fraver urvlee every Weduetdsy evenini. K1KST CONGREGATIONAL CIU'RCII. Rev. J. W.Cowsu Pastor. Her vice at A. v. and S OU r. a. Sunday School after mnrnliHI service. Pnyer uiretlin Wednexlay evenini al S.UOo.clock. Frsyer uieelltif ol Yoiitii, People.! Society ol Christian Kndravnr every Uuudav vetuua l7.U prompt. FIRST BAPTIST fllfKCH-Rsv. Oam Pihkicr Pir Mornlui Service at 1 1 Sumlay School at Uli; Evening tier vice a 30; KkiiIi prayer meeting Vednednj evening. Monthly Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening preeetltng the first Smidsy In the mouth. A eornial luvitatiou to all. ST. JOHN'S ("Ht'RCH. CATHOLIC Kgy. A. HiLLKaaAND, Pss-.or. On Suii'Uy mass at S and 10 ft) a. a. Every aeeond and fourth Holiday Oerman sermou after the a ocloek mm At all other nianea Kugluh sermona. StitnUv School at i M r. X. Vemwra. apolngeilcal ulijeci. aud BentdlctloD at 7:80 r. M. MKTHOP1ST EPISCOPAL ClirRCH.-Riv O. 8YKis, Paster. Morning service at 11: Sunday School at 10 00. I'Uu meeting after morning serf ire. Kveiiing service at 7 SO Epworth League meeting Sunday evening at H id: Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at ti 30 strangers eordially Invited. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHl'RCH.-Rv. 0. W. OtaoNir. Pastor. Services at 11 . M. and 7:30 r. a. Sabbath School at 10 a. h. Young People's Society o( Christian Eudeavor meets every Sunday evening at S 80. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at J:SU. Heats tree. EVANGTJJCALCHl'KCH-tiERMAN- B. F. MVKas, Pastor. Preaching servlcea every Sunday al 11 A. M and 7:30 P. M Sabbath sctool every Holiday at 10 A. M (Her P. botl. Sunt) Weekly Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening CNITEO BRETHREN IN CHRIST.-Preaeh Ing every second and (mirth Sunday of each mouth, at 11:00 m. and 7 1 p. in. W H. he Lain. Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. at Oregon City First sundiy at Hsmon school bouse. Molsila: mini Sunday, Mountain nunie II a. m. ; Timber (, reive, i p. m.-Mlss Delia Green. Superintendent Hnnaay school. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Postolfice-:- Store. MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY -:-GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions. Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries aie Fresh and of the boat quality. In Pricesvre meet Portland Competition. Gary & Wissinger. Let us have a trial order Portland-Oregon City and Yamhill River Route. STI? TOLEDO ID-AILY -:- TRIPS. Down Leave Dayton 5 A. M., Mission 5,30, Newberg 6, Iiutte ville 6:45, Oregon City 9:30, arriving in Fortland 10:30 A. M. Up Leave Portland 2:30 P. M., Oregon City 4 P. M. Stage runs between McMinnville and Dayton, via Lafayette, in con nection with the boat. The stage will leave Hotel Yamhill, McMinn ville, every morning at 3:30 a. m., returning, leave Dayton every evening, exeept Sunday, on arrival of the boat. Best of accommodations for pas sengers and fast time made. Foi freight rates apply at dock or on steamer. Everybody should patronize the Toledo and thus sustain a daily boat. Joel P. Geer, Owner. J. W. Exon, Captain. MirrlfT'i Notice of Haleun Kieeltllon, In the t'otmty Court of the 8lat of Oregon, lor lln County ol CUokaniaa, Thouiss t'hsruisii and Krrd It. f barman, die Ing lmtiic under the Arm tonne of Tliumas t'lirtimsii A Son, I'Uliitnts, versus II I Msiintm ami Mcurlclta H Magou his wlte, IKdemlaiila. Htateof Oregon, county ol Clackamas, , Nollce la hereby given, that b;' virtual ol an eni'ciitlon and order of sale lulled out ol the county eouit ol the state of Oregon tor the county of t lackauma. bearing date tlie Isih day ol July. Isnt. In a sull wheruin Thomas I'liar maii ami F'rvd R t'barinan, doing biinliiessiiiuler the tli in nit ute ol I Iioiius t'lisiinaii A Hon, tcra lslutil1.aiid IV I'. Magoueaitd lli'iirletla4. Ma gone III wile were deteudsnts, eoiiinistidiiig me, In Hie name ol the slate ol Oiegou, thai mil of the real etiste hennalter described, lo real lie a sum aiilllctent o the deuiaiids ol said drcr , lo It f JM isl. and thu nil liter urn of 114 lit coals, together Willi Interest on Hie sine slnee said decree was entered at H per cent p.r annum, and also the Costa of and at tending Oils sale. Now, therefore. In oitedlence to such decree, I did, on the jOOidayof July, lso, duly levy upon, and w ill, on Saturday, the 'JMh day of Ao git.l, I MM, at the hour of -J o'rlnck p. m. of said day, al the front dnor ol the court house 111 said county, oibr tor sale al public auction, and sell to the highest ami best bidder, forch in hand, allot the right, title and interest the said de fendant have In and lo the following described real ptopertv, or any part of it, tu wit' llegiti nlng al the N. K. corner ol the donation laud claim nf W aters t'armatt and wife, In lowoihlp t soiiih. range I east of W . M : thence running south along the east hue of said donation laud claim to the dtvlHloii line dividing said claim between W alers Carman and wife: tlicu,a run ning we't alone said division linn lo a ticlut Irom which a Hue riiiinlug north and parallel Willi the east line of aald donation land claim to the north Hue ol said donation laud claim would lio-ltide :M acrea; thence running north from said point and parallel with the east Hue of said donation laud claim to the north Hue of aid donation laud claim; thence running eaut along the north line of said doii'itton laud claim totheplaceot beginning, toutalulug M acres. Also Commencing al the N. W. corner of the l. I Toitipktii' and w ile II. I. C In towuahlp 1 S , ramies I and K of W . M ; thence aouih it deg. Al mill . eat il chains, theiu-e mat 04 75 rhaltis to W illamette river; thence along the mcaiiderlngs of ssid river N. :wdeg W. V etialus: thence N. deg W sTOchalus. thence N. chains to Hie N K. corner of aaid claim: thenc W . along the north llueof ald ciaimrU lOchalns to beginning, containing l:fl 70 acree, excepting the following, yig: Comiiieiiciiig uu weattiank t Willamette river iu the l I. C. ol 1. 1". Tompkins and wife lu township i south, range t eal of W M. at the south-eal corner of the ttacl nl laud set off to Roger l Tompkins In the psrttllon of said II I. C twlweetl the heirs ol iV l Tompkins In the circuit court id Ilia state of Oregon for Multnomah county, to which proceeding relerence Is hereby had. and run ning tht-iiee down atreain at low water mark north V deg west .10 ehalna: thence weal is so chains to weal Hue o( laid ibuiallon laiul claim, thence south 4tfdeg an tuln. east fi JU i-hslua. thence eat rm 76 cUaius to begluuliig, coiitala iug '."lOH acres. Alstwst) acres ofT the south half of the Geo W. Walling and wife I. L I'. In said townships, descritHil as the so acre of the si of aald D 1. I'., IvoiiimIciI on Hie south tiy the south llueof said H 1. C , on the wet by west line wf said I) L C , on theeaat by the Willamette river, and ou the north by a line drawn p.irallel with south boundary ao tbal the area embraced wltliln said liiiea shall contain so acrea, except Ing from-thla tiact the following Beginning at 8 W corner of U W Walling ). I.. C III town. hln IS R IK of W M ; thence N 4 di-g . mill. K along west boiitid-trv of l I. C. S 70 chains: thence K parallel lo ri line of I). I,. C jll.lelialus lo a point : feet wel of S K corner of a tract of laud belotiging to Theodore W ygsut. thence 8. 7 deg. so mill W. 4 iwtcbalns: thfiiceH H deg W t.t ehalna to M boundary of U. LC: llieuce weal along south boundary ot H. 1- C. 21 t-t chains to lieglnnlllg Haled Ibis 21lh day of July. ls 4 K. C MADIMK'K. Sheriff nf Clackamas county, state of Oregon. By N. M. Moony. IVputy T-'JJ .- Sheriffs Notice of ciale on Kierutlon. In the Circuit Court ol the Stale ol Oregon lor the County of Clackamas Thomas Charman, plaintiff, vs. John Moliau. delendant State of Oregon, County ol Clackamas, as. Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the circuit court nf the state nt Oregon for the county of Clarkaiuas. Iieartngdate ttie '.Etd day of July. lsin. lu a suit wherein Thomas Char- jnan was plalutifl and John Molaan was defend ant. oominauiiing me. in tne name in me siaie of Oregon, that out of the real estate hereinafter described, to realise a sum sulliclenl to satisfy the demands of aald decree, to wit IJIs uu. u grther with Interest ou the same since January th. 1S04, at 10 percent fer annum, and th fur theraum of lAVO attorney ! fees, and the fur ther sum nf IJI Pcnata. tngeiher wliti the costs of and attending this sale. Now, therefore, In obedience to such decrse I did, duly levy upon, and will, on Saturday the '4Mb day of August. lsM. al the hour of I o'clock p ra cl said day. at the front door of thecnort house In said county, offer lor sale at public auctlnu. and sell to the hlghes and beat bidder, for cash lu hand, all the right, title ami Interest the said defendant has lu and la the following described real proerty, lo wit: The W. of .V W. 'i of sctlou . township 4 south of range 1 K. of the W illamette meridian, situated lu Clacka mas county, Oregon Hated this mh dsy of July. A. D. 11H. K. C MAHHOCK. Sheriff ol Clackamas county, stale of Oregon l-'JJjt-ii mna for wood. Notice Is hereby given, that theCounly Court will receive araled blda for the delivery of M cords of sound Isxty fir wikiiI. cut from live standing trees: said wood to be delivered al the court house In Oregon City, Oregon, on or be fore the l th day of Septemlier. 1.M. and to lie flrstclass Inevery roped. Illds will be received up to main on tbevthdsy of August, IM'J. By orderof the County Court OK V. HollToN. tloiinty Clerk. Oregon City, Oregon, July 10, 1-lH. 41 NOTICE TO l'HY8ICIAN8. Notice Is hereby given, that the County Court will receive sealed bids from regular dlpio mated phjlclana lo attend all paupers or the county. Including the lurnl-lilng of neceasary medicine to tne same in an pans 01 tne county tor the period of one year. Illds will be received by the undersigned up to noon on the 0th day of August. 14. 0KO. K. MORTON. county i.ierx. By order of the County Court. Oregon City, Oregon. July 10, 1M04. 4t -ELLOH ) 1800 miles of long dis tance tclephono , wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salem, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and 9G other towns in the two states on the lino. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effoct to a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard as Portland. Oregon City offico at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - Oregon. HIIKItlKF'8 BALK. Hlste of Oregon, family ol Clackamas, sa, Notice Is hereby given, thai In pursuance nf an orderof sale Issued out ol ami under Hie teal of the Circuit Court ot Ihe slate of Oregon for the connly ol Clackamas, dated the Mhday of July, ImM and to me directed and delivered, aa alictlir nl said connly, putaiianl to a decree of aald court, lu a anil lu chilly, wherein , O. Harding la plalulllt ami Henrv Omeg and Laura Duma are defendants, Slid commanding me lu make ssle st rdlug to Isw of Ihe laud ami premises herelnsfler described. In order lo make His sum of una ihoimaud sis bundled dollars, logethei Willi Interest thereon al the rale of leu per cent per annum since ihe V.M of April, I -tsi. and lor the further aum ol one bun dre.l ami fill) tlollsrsalloiney's lee. ami for Ihe further sum of iiiYfi. and that aald sums bear fnleresl Irom date ol decree al the rale of Inn per cent per annum lliilll paid, and for Cos's and dlliurciuciils Now III order lo satisfy aald amount I will, on Saturday, Hie tilts dsy ol Augul, Isul, at Ihe hour of 1 o'clock p in. ot said day, at Ihe curt hoti.e tliuit Hi Oregon City, Clackamas eoiiniy, state ol Oregon, pna-eed lo sell at public alio Hon to ihe lush''. I bidder for cash lu hand, the following deecrthed Irani o laud situated III aald Cla.'ksmaa county stale ol Oregon, to wit: Thesotiih west ipiarter (S V.i, of eeelluu twenty-eight l.'si. township rive soulh. ramie one east ( 1 "is , It. I k! lot Ihe W lllaiueile meridian, containing tsiacres;all nl which will be sold to the sums decreed aa aforesaid with ao ertilug cost. K. C. M.UH'Ot k, SlicrllTof Clackamaa eounly, Oregon. II y N M Mootiv, iH'puty. Halixl at orvgtin City, Ore .July 10, si4. lll Kherliri Niillcauf Hale n t'orecloanrw. In tha Circuit Court of the Mlate ol Oregon, for the county ot Clackamaa. J It llrldgca.plaliillir, vs. Charles Knaher and Kllse Kusbcr, du'vudsnts. Stale ul Oregon. County ol Clackamaa, ss. Notice Is hereby given, thai by virtue of all execution ami order of sale iasuetl out ol the circuit court of Ihe slate nf oregou for the county nf clackamaa, bearing date Hie r.ih dsy of July ISP4. Ill a sull wherein J. II. Hrldgca waa plalnlllT ami Cltarlea Mlala-r ami r.use Kualicr were dclcudaiits, commanding me, III the name nf Ihe Slate nl Oregon, that nut of Ihe realeaiate hereluatterdeanrllied, to realise a mil aillllt'U'lit to satisfy Ihe demands ot said decree, to wit: 1:1:1-1 a7, and III lurlher sum of flMH alloruey'a fee, and Ihe further aum ol 111 00 costa, together Willi Interest uu the aame ainee said decree was entered al per cent per annum, and also llig coals id and aileudliig tblaaale Now, therefore, In obedience loaned decree. Mltl duty levy upon, and will, on Saturday, the lull day of August, IsM at Ihe hour of I o'clock ii m of aalil day. at Hie front tbatr ol Ihe court bullae lu said county, offer lor sale al pulillc auction, and sell toilie highest and bcsl bolder, for cash lu liana, all the right, title and Interest Ihe said di leiidaiila have lu ami to the follow ing ilescrllHl real property, In wit: The north west uuarterol section Jfi, township four south, range five east uf the Willamette meridian, mil laming Imi acrea. lying and being lu Clackamaa county, stale ol oreg -ll Haled lb a fllli day ul Jtuy. A. if. o" K. C. MAI'lMK K. HherlrTof Clack smas coiiuly, slale of i itcgoti. By N. M ttiHinv, mptily. 7 I l.a-10 KkerlfTl Nolle of Sale on Ki edition. In the Circuit Court ot Ihe stale of Oregou lor Ihe connly ul Clackamaa 8 K Oreeii. plaintiff, vs. M O. Hard and C. Hard, his wlte, defeudsuts. Stale ol Oregon, county nl Clackamas, sa. Notice la hereby given, that by virtue nf an escctiiloii and order of aale Issued out of Ihe circuit court ot the slale of Oregon tor the county of flai'kamaa. bearing date Ihe lllh 'lay of June. I mm, In a suit wlurelu H. K oreeii waa plaintiff and M. O. liard anil t . iiaru ins wue were defendants, commanding me. In Hie umit ol the State of Oregon that out of llio leal estate herelua'ler ileriled. lo realise a sum so ill olrnl to satlsly Hie demands of said decree, to wit: 1.4 'A. and the further sum of -;u costs, together Willi Interest nil Hie same since aald decree was entered at s per cent per an num. ami also thrc.ts of and ain nding this sale. Now, thi reloro. In obedlcui-e to such decree, I did. on me lh day ul July, l4, duly leyy upon, and will, on Saturday. Ih lllh day nl August, l"V4. st the hour of S o'ebu k p in of aald day, at Ihe (r-'iit door ol the ismtt house In aid county, offer for sale al public auction, ami .ill to the highest and brat bidder, for cash lu hand. allot Ihe rlghl tlile ami li lerest the said de (eudanta have III and lo the following Uecr!hcd real property, to wll- beginning at anoint lu Ihe norlh boundary line ol the Kira Kllier H I. C. No. 41, which beara H SI deg K Mi elialua lla lant Irom an angle I" -si In said north boundary, from which a dogwiaxl hearsanuih J4 deg K ii Unas distant, ami a hemb-k tieara aouih AA ileg K isi links distant, and running thence sou III si deg. K 7. W chains along asld north boundary, thence south A.Achelut to Ihe cenier nf the Ah erticthy aagou road, thence north 71 v dog W. along the center of aald read a 4Achalna. thence north 1 4n chains lo beginning, containing X.4I acres, all being In T. 'JM H. k.,teliig lu Clack amas connly. stale nf Oregon. Haled this Vtb day ol July. A. !' t"l. K. C. MAHI'iK K. HherlrTof Clackamas County, stale of Oregon. liy N. M Moopv. Isrputy. 1-M.a-lw HherttT'l Notlre of Hale on forecliamre. In the clioult conn of the Slale ol Oregon (or the couulyul Clackamas. J H. midges, plalullir, vs. Ilermlnla Armlt, defeudant. Stale uf Oregon, county of Clackamas, sg. Noib-e Is hereby given that by virtue nf an execution and order of sale issued out of Ihe circuit court of Ihe Stsi of Oregon for the County uf Clackamaa, bearing dale the Ath day nf July. I"V4. in a atilt wherelu J II bridges was plalulllt. and Ilermlnla Arndt was defendant, commanding tne. in the name of the Stale of Oregon, that mil of Ihe real esiale hereinafter described, lo realise a sum sulliclenl lo sstlsfy Hie demands ol said decree, lo-wll: I7aud the further sum ol I0 attorneys lees, and Ihe further aum ol lAilAcoats, b'gethei with Inter ( on the Name aince ssld decree waa entered at 10 per cent, per annum, ami also Hie cosls ot and atiemiitig mis sate Now, thereore. in obedience lo such decree I did. mi tlierlth day of July. IS'4. duly levy up on, and will, on Saturday, the lull day ol August. l'.H. st Ihe benr nf It o'clock A. si. nf 1,1 (lv al ihe front floor of the court house lu said county, offer tor sale at piibiicaiicUon.aud sell lo Ihe highest and hsl bidder for cash lu hand, ell ol the right, title and Interest Ihe aald ill, urn, taut haa In uiid to the followlug deai-rlhed real property, lo w It: The Northeast Quarter ul Section A, 'township 4 South of knnge A Kal of the V lllainette Merniiau, containing inn acres, all lying and being In Clackamas county, Stale ol Oregon. Hated this Mil day of July A. H l"l. K C MAHHOCK, Sheriff ol Clackamas county. Oregon Hy N. M MisiPV, Hepuly. 7 -l:l:h 10 NOTICE OK APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR. In the County Court of Ihe state of Oregou for Hie County in ciacgaiuas Iu the matter of the estate nf Sarah K, Tope, deceased Notice Is hereby given, that by order of Ihe Honorable County Court of ihe county of Clack sinus, alale ol Oregon, msde and enternd on the 7ih day of July, s-J4, by Ihe Hon. O. K. Haves, Judge of said court, the undersigned was duly appointed administrator with the will auuexi-ti ol the estate of Sarah E. Pope, deceased. All Iifiraona having claims against thu said estate are required lo prCMUil the same, with the J iropur vouchers, within six months from the late ol this nollce td the undersigned adminis trator at the olllce of Pupa 4 Co lu Oregon Clly, Clacksmss county, Oregon. wii.I.IaM II. POPE. Executor nt the will and eaiate nf Sarah K 1'opo, rten'd Hated this blth dayol July, 104. 17-IH H-I0 NOTICE OK APPOINTMENT OK EXECCTOIl Nollce Is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed by Ihe County Court ol Clackamas connly, Oregon, executor of the will ol Clisrics H. Kiugni, auoesseu. ah per sons having claims against the eataleof the said Charles B Knight, ileciaseii. are ni-reoy mm fled tn nrcsnnt the same, duly verified, for pay ment to the undersigned, or at the office of Krowuell A Dresser, Oregon ciiy, urcgnn within l months from trs date. Canby, Oregon. July 2, 1"U4 CATIIKKINK KNIOHT, Executor. Baowaii.L & Haassga, Attorneys. 17-tt.H-fl NOTICE TO CIIEWTOHB. In County Court of Clackamas County, Slate nf Oregon. Notice Is herohv given, that the undersigned haa been duly amiolnted by the above entitled Court administrator of ths estate nf (iiistltie (iiied ke, deceased; end all persons havliii claims against said estate are hereby liotlfli i to lirerent them, with the proper snldHVlt at tached, to the undersigned at his olllce In Ore gon City lu said county and state within six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this Z2d day ol June, 1W4, H HUKI.AT, Adrn'r 6t ol tho estate ol Oiistine Onedke, ACHILLES LODGE, NO, 8S, KT OK P. Meets every Krlday night at the K. of P, hall, Visiting Knights Invited. K. L. HolMaN, C. C. Society Directory. OIlKiKlN CITY IIOAHI) OK Til A UK, tleetsal Coiill llous.i on Hcnoud Monday l rai'h nionili Vlslidis welconia. ........ K, K. HONAI.I'SON, HhO. C. HIIOWNK I.I, Vetuetaiy, president. OAVKI. I.01MIK. Ml. M. A 0. V, Meets secuiid and fourth Maluiday evenings at KulghCa! hall, t'auby, VWIlug brothers made Welt-oma. K K Csrtl.ToH, K. C. MsniHH'g, Reisuthir, Msstnr Workman K, OK I', HI A It I.OH'IK NO, . i. t, Itlsley C. C.i Thoinaa Nellsoti, K. of II. and S. Mt ela every W ednesday evening at S n'elia k In Castle ball, I, O. tl. K. building, llrolhers Irom other K. ol I'. lodges Invited. tmWKUO 1.01)0 K NO. !. . K, A A. M, Meets Ihe second and fourth Saturdiya nf each mouih at 7 p. m All Masons in good standing are Invlled lo allond. H. II, llsss, W. M. K. J. Hl',, Mee'y, tISWKtIO I.OHoK Nl, . I. 0. tl, T. Meets every Krlday evening In Ihe new hall In Old town ... J. C. Haisgs, C. T, Jona hatisg, Sec y, vviiXAK;m NO. Meets ihe second and fourth Monday In Ihe mouth al 7 ao 1' M., Hi 1.0.0 K Hall, M.O.Cn . M. M.l'iuawAN. Swretary. ! . A H I'K It. I. HAKKItCAMP, M. OK V Meets III K. IV Hall ou ihe second and fourth Monday evenings ol each month Mas W K JOHNSON, I'resl. Miss Noa CAi.trr. See'y. CIJ.K e(er Meets etery Tuesday evening Maav Hi. Sloan, Cut II. Fliaa Dvia, Itec. Ht'MtlrtK UlHtlK. NO. la A. O. V. W , Meets every second and fourth Saturday of each month al W llsonvlllo, Oregon. M C, Yoi'su, M. W, Joiik Tvi sa, lleeorder. I'lTllliiN l.olitiit NO. t.ia. A: V. W. Meets every Thnrsitar evening al Odd fellows ball, Oswego, Vlslllug btelli'en always wol oome. T Mai Mints, Kssl Mass, lleeorder M, Mol.Al.l.A IsllMIK No 0, A.O. H W. Um nr.l and Ihlrd Saturday In each mouth al school Imu.e. Vlslllug meiiila'ra made wel come I. a- rcrirr, h. vi . J. W. Thomas, Itec. Va1I.m T'Tty" i.'int.itor a h v. w. Meets every Saturday evening of each month In A. O H W hall ih M. All sojourning brethren ootdlally Invited to attend 1. s. vhi m- " - (iso Cal.trr. Heeorder. Kol'N l'AIN HohKco . No I. Kcgtilar meeting aeeuml Wednesday In each monih al engine hoo.e, essl aloe Main siieei. between Seventh ami Klghlh. J. W.arawAsr. See. it staionT. w rut M. I 0,1'ISN. Koremau. MoT.AI.i.A OIIANOK. NO. 0, V ol II. Meciaat Ihelr hall al Wright's bridge on Ihe frond Saturday ol each laonth al 10 a. tu fellow inruihera mail wenome. Jas. g.aoa, Master. K II. Ciairga. Hoc, WAK.NKIt tiKANliK. No. 117, P of II. Meet fourth Saturday of earn mouth at their hall lu New Era. David MeArthur. Master Nra. May Waliln n. sec f MK.AHK POST. N 1I A II,, DEPARTMENT or oiikuom. Meets first Monday of earn month, al K nl P. Hall. Oregon Clly. Vlslllug cnuiredea made welcome. DAVIP HctltTlll It, Cnmmau'ler. Ma Williams, Adjuiant UKN. t'KooK POST, No, tl I). A. K , IX art- nirut ol Oregon. Meets In school house al Needy on Arst "si milar lu e.ih month at i u'clis-k p. m All Comrades made welcome I. P lilt It a OS, II. Ticiarsos. Adjt. t ommander. HON OK VETERANS. E D Itaker l amn. No Is. uteeis every first and mini Thursday evening ul each K ol r. aan. w It J.iltiiaoii ranlaln- M H lletomv. Hetire- senlsllve Hie Encampment: O. ), Wiaal, 1st , Lieutenant; Aliuiso wlckhara, Jd Lieutenant; C. A Herman. 1st Sergeant. CLACKAMAS l.olu.g, No. 67, A O. U W Meeta first and Ihlrd Monday In each month. al Straight's Hall Visiting brethern welcome. U a. I'sass a. iiom iih a. Bee. M. W. CoI.t'MHU IHMiK AND I.AHHKH CO. Meets first Friday of each month at Fountain engine house. Cnas. Arusv, prea, C, II I'h.low, See y. ciias iiirisa. Irm CATAKACT HOSE CO. No. Meets second Tuesday of each mmilh at Cat aract Engine house, vv II. Ilowm.i. prea 0. II. Harrow, Sec'y. J. w O I ossxi.t, rn MEAl'K KEI.IKK COUPS. No. Is. DEPART MENT OK OKKOON. Mrs. M. Pllsbury President Mrs. F, I. Cochrane,- Treasurer. Mrs J. II. Harding, - Secretary. Meets on first and third luesnaya of eacn month lu K. ol P. Hall, Members nl Corps from abroad, cordially welcomed. KCoVpANY7Klitsr KKiilMENTT'o. Armory. Thin) and Main. Regular drill night, Monday. Regular husltiaaa meetings, first, Monday nl cauli month. orrn gas. J. W. Oanong, ... Captain K. S Kelly, - - First Lieutenant I. U Pickens, - Recond l.letiienaut IIHTTK CltKKK (iRANOE, No. Si, P. of II. Meets al their hall In Maruuam, second Sa. urday In each month at lo a. iu. Vlslllug niemlairs always welciime. J. K jack, j, n. vi iii i r.. Secretary Master. FALLS ENCAMPMENT, No. , I. O O. K. Meets first sud Ihlrd Tuesdayauf each month, at Odd Kellowa hall. Members and visiting patriarchs, nordlally Invlled In attend. J A. BTEWART, W. II iloW'KI.I. Scribe. Chlel Patriarch. WACIIF.N0 thiiie, no IS, REHMEN. Meeta Tuesday evening at A,). I'. W. Hail. Vis iting memliers Invilel. J. II. Hiiwakii, Hachom. Ciias. Kgl.l.V, Col K. CANHY lIDIIE NO, Afl , I. O, O. T. feeta first and third Saturday evening nl each month at Knight's hall. Canhy. Visiting members always made welcome Ki.i.a Kniiiiit.Huo. II so. W, Knioiit, W.C. WOODMEN OK THE W0RI.H. Willamette Falls Camp No. IN, meeta 2d and 4th Tuesday nights lu each month In K. ol P. ball. Visiting iielghlsirs msde welcome. K. E, Maktih, Clerk. K. M, Mac k.C.C. 08WE00 0RAN0K NO. 175 P, ol II. Meets the second Saturday nl each month at 10a.m. O, Eaton Master. J,Q. Oana Hee'y. DAMASCUS OKANOE P. OK II. NO. ado, Meets on the first Saturday In each month at 10 o'clock a. m. at the Damascus school house. S YOUNO, Master, T. II. PlATllxas, Secretary. ST. JOHN'S IIRANCII, NO. 7, 0. K. nl A. Meets every Tuesday evening at Ihelr ball corner Main and Tenth Streets, Oregon City. N. C, Miciislb, Hee'y. T. W. Sullivan, Pres. MULTNOMAH LODOK, NO. 1, A. K. A A. M. Holds Its regular cmiimuiilcatlona on first anil third Saturdays nf each month at 7:1)0 r. M. brethren In good standing are Invited to attend, C h. PORTER, W. M. ' T. K, RYAN.Heorelary, CLA C K A M A H C 1 1 A I'T K R. Clackamas Chapter No. 1 R. A. M. Regular Convocation third Monday ol the month at 7;3'l V. M. J. II. WALKER, 11. P. MJb'liiarira, Rec'y. ( OHKdON LODOK, No. O O. K. Meets every Thursday eveiLiig at 7:110 o'clock r. st. In the Odd Fellows' Hall. Main street. Members of the Ordtirare Invited to attend. OEO. 0, ELY, N. 0. Thos, Ryan, Secretary. OHW'KlU,o7.:(IK, No'diCi, O. 6. Meets at Odd Fellow's ball, Oswego, every Monday evening. Visiting brethren msde welcome. C. II. NIXON, N. U. J. F. Hisi.iY, See.