Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1894)
gpHE BOSTON STORE flEOPENED FOR BUSINESS Goods, pry Only Having bought the Boston Store stock and some will sell you goods cheaper than ever known before. OrP(Tnn CtV FntPrnnCP VllUUVU) WUUpiISU nmuv, AUG I' ST 10, l$s4. OKEtiO.N CITY OFFICERS 11 Ivor. Ch el ol Police - A&eaor. Trcaanrr. City Attorney. 8tr.-i CommWloner. Bant, of w.ipr Works, Hiram Stmluhi L. U I'oritr Ck.i, E. Hurna t 8 Calm R. L. Hnlman E. F. Irii. C. Bnho.H-k.Jr. W. H. Howell City Mlinfr. D. Ktnnslrd Coniri.nir n-C. O. Albrttht, Jr., H. L Kelly, C. N. (.iwiiui.u. J J. Cooke, B F. JKr, II. C. Steven., iieo, Bmughtou. M. Howell council meet Ant Wednesday month til ' tty hall. Legal Advertising:. Hereafter no legal advertisement will be inserts) in the EsTKRrnisK unless payment for the same is made at the tim the affidavit of publication is ren dered. This rule will be imperative and dead-heat litigants, who make it a prac tice of working the courts, lawyers and newspapers will have to look to some other pa tier to-et their notice published. SRAY OF THE FALLS. Price tde lowest Red Front Stores. 1 want a few good farm loans. V H. RlRGHARDT. The hay crop was good and well se cured. Judge Dixon msy well be said to be a manyinir man. Cocoa-Coffee is a great winner. Try it. E, E. William. The Grocer. Good morning. Ha your face been to Tarker, ti e barber, with his clean towel. Every purchaser of a lot in Bolton has change to secure free of cost a beauti ful cottage. W. T. W hillock lett for his place in Mar on county near Berry, on Saturday . to be gone some time. Rutherford Whitlock and Chas. Burns . retnrned from their expedition to Sal mon river the first of the week. Instructions in swimming to ladies and children free at Capt. Bandy's bath house, foot Eleventh street. Wecar'vthe best line of confection fry, fruit and nuts in the city. .. E. Williams, The Grocer. Jnslice tiianlcs, real estate blanks, and all other clanks at the Entkkpkisk of fice. Portland prices. Burmeiter & Andresen keep a fine assortment of strings for the banjo, vio lin, guitar an 1 mandolin. For this month only Bellamy & Busch will sell jelly glasses with heavy tin covers for 35 cents per dozen. Mrs. E. J. Garrowand family and Ed. Baxter and family returned on Wednes day from a catnpine trip up the Clacka m as. Miss Florence Brownell, of this city, is a guest of the family of A. N. Wright, of Portland, who are camping on the lower Columbia river. Dr. Geo. Parish of Macedonia, Iowa, was ia the city yesterday, the guest of County Clerk 1 lor ton who was an old Iowa friend of the doctor. Kimball organs are admitted to be the sweetest toned and most durable organ made. See Burmeister & Andresen about prices and terms. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Dresser and Mrs. Rachel Baird and family are camped at the spring below Gladstone, where they are enjoying a pleasant outing. Miss Sarah Cameron one of the Seat tle teachers was here the first of the week the guest of H. 8. Strange with whom the taught in La Grande. Prof. ft. W. Pringle writes he will be in BroaUhead, Wisconsin, schools the coming year w here he has a pleasant and in every way a desirable position. John Cross was thrown from a horse on Wednesday at Gladstone and for a time it was feared that he was seriously hurt as he was a long time unconscious. Mit Cross, Paul Prager, John Cross, Chas. Smith and Ed. Bolda constituted a hunting and fishing party that started or the head waters of the Clackamas on Thurf day. Wru. Lankins, who has been visiting in the western states tho past year re-; turned last week pleased to get back to Oregon. He says that this county is away ahead of everything back there. Patronize home institutions, buy your groceries of Marr & Robertson. Every thing in the line of fancy or staple gro ceries. Orders called for and delivered. "Wonders of the World's Fair" free of expense. Every purchase of 3.50 se cures one portfolio. tf. X X Notions, Fancy Goods, Exclusive Dry Goods House in the City. I That Oregon City is to have a hospital ig ,w,lllps not pwrMy known, yet such we are informed is the caw and the best of it is that the ladies who are founding it are well known as nurses of the best ability. It is to be located at Gladstone adjacent o the electric line near the Clackamas river in a pleasant locality. The promoters of this enter prise are Miss M. E. Liihker and Miss J. Utter both graduates of the German hospital as nurses. They are now hav ing their building fitted up with all modern appliances and will soon he ready to receive patients. As Clacka mas county annually pays to the Port land hospitals a good round sum for the care of patients it can now help a worthy institution and besides leaving the money at home secure better care for patients. J. W. Grout, J. A. Buck, E. Kechner and S. Marrs, of this city, and Mr. Huff man, of Eagle Creek, returned Saturday evening from a trip to the mountains. They went three weeks ai;o up the Mol alla to its head waters, then passed along the summit of the Cascades for some dis tance and descended the Santiam. They were on the lookout for mineial, hut though they found some proieets there was no discovery of color o cause them to take a claim. Several mining paities were passed while they were out, hut none of them seemed to be striking it rich. The Biiperior ability of white men is shown in the garden business which a few years ago was entirely in the hands of' the Chinese. On the hill back of Canemah F. R. Andrews has one of the neatest gardens in the state, which he has named Maplewood Gardens." There, mar always be found tlie choicest and most succulent vegetables because he has introduced a system of irrigation which keeps the garden even and con stanny watered, it is t lie best way in the world to raise vegetables as his cus tomers have found ont tc their pleasure. ' Clackamas county is recognized every where as one of the finest if cot the best stock county in the valley and its tine beef animals are everywhere renowned. Knowing this the well-known butchering firm of Petzold i Gale, the Seventh street butchers, make a specialty of selecting from the best animals in the county such stock as will enable them to keep only the very best meats, which they sell at the lowest living prices. Their customers are always certain of finding the best of everything in the meat line at their shop D. F. May and family and R. E. Rob erts and family returned from a three weeks camping expedition on the upper Molnlla the first of the week and report an exceedingly pleasant time. One even ing while out they invited neighboring campers in, and had a camp fire and candy pull. Good time! You may he assured that it was way up. Home-made bread is recognized as the very best at all times and the cus tomers of J. Egle the Shively building baker assert that they can not tell the difference between bis bread and that made at home unless it be that his is just a little the better. But don't tell your wife that. During the past week the Western Union has had men in the city putting in a system of electric clocks which, be sides being connected with the Lick Ob servatory and showing the correct time, are self-winders. Tbey will be a grat convenience. Superintendent H. 8. Gibson was agreeably surprised the last day of the institute when his teachers called him up and presented him with an elegant watch, charm and chain as a token of their esteem. The watch is a beauty and Mr. Gibson is justly proud of it. At Willamette Falls the water mains, sewer pipes and electric wires are now all in place so that residents there are about ready to live. They are connected to town by telephone so they are about as good as in the city. O. E. A. Freytag still complains that he is being rushed to death to supply customers with vegetables. This week he has been unable to supply all the fresh sweet corn required so great was the demand. Geo. H. Webster, of Clackamas, was in town Monday on business. lie is just building a new dry house to use in converting his prune crop into a market able article, WITH A FULL LINE OF Oswego's Fulnre. Under the head of "A Bright Future" the Ironworker eavs: ''Oswego has as bright a luture as any tow n in the North west, will soon be bristling with activity if onlv pari that is promised com en true. The prospects of this town are even brighter than Oregon City, not withstanding the spurt now lieing en joyed at the county seat. While Ore gon City will be hut a station furnishing electric power, Owego will have the i . . i . I aiivamage snoruy oi oemg one oi me manufacturing sites utilizing that power and in direct communication with the Pacific. In a comparatively brief period the deepening of the channel tiotweeu here and Portland will enable ocean ves sels to anchor at Oswego. This fact will be quickly recognized by manufacturers, who will on account of this hwiellciul navigation, establish plants here, ami es pecially so as they can secure electric power atOwego as at Oregon City, where ships cannot reach. In Portland sites cannot be bo readily obtained as at Os wego, which is really a suburb of the nietroH)lis, it being understood that that which helps Oswego helps Portland The power now passes through Oswego.' and the deepening of the channel in the Willamette, a certainty, and factories are all that are necessary far the fulfill ment ofa brilliant prophecy. 1 lie Teacher Resolre. The following resolutions were unani mously adopted by the teachers of Clack amas county at the close of their annual institute last Friday: s We, the teachers of Clackamas county, realizing our obligations to those who have made our institute so plessant and i profitable, do hereby pass 'the following resolutions of thanks: First To Professor H. S. Gibson, our efficient county superintendent, for his thoughtful attention to our needs as teachers. Second To Professor J. H. Ackerman for his capable presentation of methods in history, geography, physiology and grammar. Third To Profetsor D. A. Grout for his able exposition of advanced methods in reading and mathematics. Fourth To Professor H. S. Strange, for his valuable instructions in ortho graphy and theory. Fi'th To Rev. G. W. Gihoney and Superintendent J. H. Stanley for their kind words of encouragement in the in terest of the public schools. Sixth To President J. M. Bloss. of Corvallis, for his eloquent and and in structive lecture.. Adopted August 7, 1804. It is stated that the teachers of this county who were undergoing examina tion for certificates were exceedingly gratified on Thursday morning when they discovered in the Oregonian a full list of the question for examination in six of the branches. What made the list more acceptable to them was the fact that they had not written up a set of those printed. sinitlei The room recently vacated by Mrs. Sladen is being neatly refitted for a shoe store and will be occupied as soon as ready by A. Coles with a fine assortment of the best goods obtainable. Marriage licenses have been issued during the week to Cora B. Harding and A. J. Lewthwaite, Sarah Ellen- Jackson andThos. Spurlin, Ruth Buck nor and E. G. Homschucb. That cabbage patch which E. P. Rands is so proud of is turning out some fine saur-kraut heads, some of which weigh twenty pounds thus early in the season. There will be no preaching services at the Presbyterian church for the next two Sundays as Rev. G. Wm. Giboney is taking a short vacation. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. other goods at 25 Applied F.lct'trk'lty. Both the electric omnibus and tho electrical parcels van have been run ning in the streets of London for several weeks and have atjrac'ed a great deal ol attention. They Toll along steadily mid easily and thread their way among the mass of cabs, omnibuses and trucks with a nicety that excites general admiration. They are under perfect contiol, and run at different speeds at the circumstances warrant ' In a clear stretch of street they go at a pace of ten miles an hour, though this is not the limit of their siecd. The horses seem not to mind j the electric vehicle) at all. The 'Inn can carry twenty-six passenger, ten on aside in the interior and six on cross seat on the roof. The two sets of storage butteries which furnish the Kiwer are carried one under each sett and the motor ia in a box slung between the rear wheels to w hich the power la applied. The batteries weigh about 1H00 pounds each. The 'bus itself weighs about two and one-ipiarter tons, and when fully loaded with passengers it is calculated to weigh in all a little over six tons. In the estimates which the inventor has prepared for the company formed to operate a line of these omnibuses, it is stated that the cost of 0ertln would be less than six cents r car mile. The present cost of operating such an omni bus by horso traction Is sUted to le a!out ten cents r car mile. The in ventor says his omnibus could easily make an average of 580 miles per week the figures being given lor a SKH'ial mute over which it is piojsjsod to run the vehicles in Imdon. The weight of the electrical vehicles will be great, but the tires of the wheels will be broad Wood or other noiseless pavements may become universal, and the tremendous volumn of street noise which now alllicts the public may be almost w holly abated. Pneumatic tires for electric vehicles are a probability. u . J J rullinger, ol I nion Mills, was; in the city Wednesday. He says that! his mill has already begun work on new wheat and that the quality is very good, though the yield is proving a little lighter than was expected. Fresh candy is always much nicer than stale imported stock and the Novelty candy works attribute to that fact their unprecedented success and tiie great deinund for their fine randies. Judge Meldrum and family left on Monday for their ranch beyond Summit Prairie wtiere they will spend a few weeks resting anil fishing. The first of the week J. L. Hwafford had the misfortune to lose a fine cow for which he would not have taken $I0, How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot lie cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. J- t'lKNr.Y A LU. 1'rops. Toledo, U. we Hie undersigned, nave Known r.j. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by thuir firm. WkstiSc Thuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0. Wai.dino, Kinnam A Mahvin, Wholesale Drugits, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Hold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Cocoa-Coffee is a nutrious food as well as a delicious beverage. E. K. Williams, The Grocer. Receipt, note and order books at the Entkrpkibk office. 3? 3 $ Boots and per cent, on tho dollar, consequently H. 8. MOODY. 3Ja33:32 v Your V g Heart's Blood g la the most Important part of V y your organism. Three-foutthaof tf the complaints to which the yt- y tern ia subject are due to Impuri- W tics in the blood. You can, there-Jj T3 fore, realize how vital it ia to i J Keep It Pure J V For which purpose nothing can V tf equal KXX4 It effectually re- O moves a 1 1 Impurities, y cleanses the blood thoroughly y m and builds up the general health, m V OwTiMIIMnai.Ui.lskiaauMM.BuM In .11 , MM, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Qa. V FOR SALE OR TRADE. ff of (T.ACKAMAS nit'IT I.ANPH. -T UixhI noil.. bru. elo. Alo 2 LOTS IS (il.AhsTO.VK i. K 1 1 lux i. M. Turk Oreinn. IP EAMBLEE Ia always at tlio front it) ntces and recoriln, a well as five awards at the World's Fair. Pronounced by all tin prejudiced Riders, Dealers and Mechanics to Ixj tlio lightest, Htrongest, HwifteHt, handsomest and best Iticyclo on earth. Send for catalogue, circular, etc., etc. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO., 327 Washington ntrwt, Portland, Oregon. Nortbwest renresentattves. LI.e Aiuti wanted crerywliere. ''Teaching in tho noblest art, but the Horricst tradu." Thirteenth Annual Session -- STATE NORMAL SCHOOL - MONMOUTH, OREGON. A Training School for tcaclicrH, theory and practice- combined. Strong professional course and well equipped model hcIiooI. Thorough Preparatory apd Academic courses. Normal, Advanced Normal, liiiHinesn, Music and Art departments'. Light expcimeB bourd and lodging.bookH ami tuition not alxivo MO per year. Tho town of Monmouth ha a beautiful mid healthful location in tho very heart of the Willamette Valley, twelve miles Houthvent of tho State Capitol. It ban no Saloons. Tub Norma', School Diploma onkto tkach in any county intiik Statu wmiotT fiktiikii kxa.mi.natio.n. Graduates command good positions. EXPENSES Tuition per term of ten weeks, Normal, M 2'; Sub Normal, 00; Commercial, $(l 2.r). P.OAIll) and LODGING Hoard at Normal Dining Hall, 1 7.r) per week; furnished rooms, with firo and light, from !fl f30 to if 1 25 per week; unfurnirihod rooms 50 emits per week; board and lodging in private families from M 00 to M 50 jier week. Vitality and growth have always characterized the work of tho Normal. The coming year promises to be one of tho best in its history. Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Address: P. L. CAM PItELL, President, or W. A. WANN, Secretary of Faculty; THE RED FRONT STORES. Another Strike! Elegant 5 C. A YARD. buntings. Fine 15c. figured mulls 12 challieB for lGjjc.; light figured wool cut to 15c.; a fino assortment of dry goods received just ahead of tho strike; ladies' trimmed hats cut to 1; all wool clothing going rapidly it suits; another big lot milk crocks, jars, jugs, etc., 10c. a gal.; 16 lbs. dry gran, sugar 1; castor machine oil 40c. a gallon; binding twino. Hundreds of Shoes just received. Prices tlio lowest, nobby stylos. TKADE im PKODUCE OF ALL KINDS. Hamilton Bfosm Oregon City and Park Place, Or. Shoes. o Before contracting your crop it w ill ho to your interest to HC( MITCHELL, C. J. Al'UOUA. OHKIIUN, I.IIIpiiIIi.1 , Co., 100 alii Wl Kmlil HUcI, Hu, l.lllrmli.l Mr. , S iol IU Water hi. New York. tti lioroiifh lli(i Hi,, liintiiii FraSTREYFFELERi TICACIIKM ORGAN, PIANO AND VOICE COLTtJRE. In Oregon City Every Saturday. Leave orders at Enterprise lllce. 44H K. Market St., Portland, Or. AM 'KP-l'tialilng r.iiva.aur ot .huI A'l' f ilrea.. l.llHiral aalary atel uteeii.e. iiant werkly; I'ermaueiil o.uion tllKlW.N lllluH. CO., fiiirarrriueu, I'ortlainl. (irrg.ui. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns $ Ammunition. Itepalnou all kind, of amnll m bluet promptly inn.lo. Iiill'nt key. Ui any lis k manufactured, hliup' on Main Hlrwl, iieU lo Nohhlt'l Ktal'le. IPS On the Road ONtheTRACK -THE- High Prices Overthrown! challieB, Dress Linings, colorod yards $100; 15n. Batteens cut to 1( lawns lOo.; 25c. 10c: 25c. cashmores