Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
Oregon City Enterprise. Clackamas Co. Directory. COl'NTY OFKICKK9. Jn.Us, . J. W Clork o( Courts, BherllT, -Rernnfor. Tremuivr, AaaeMmr, m hixil SuprlutenIent, Burreyor. Curoutr, K. I. CommlMlouere, Nrlilrtim 0a t. Morton C. n. (ianonn GENERAL WADE HAMl'TOX HERE. The THE I'Ul Klil AT GLADSTONE. Noted .South Carolinian Catches ' II I it ISulmou at the Kail. On Tuesday morning Mr. Koohlor ot the Southern Pacific, telegraphed tlioir agent, L. B. Moore at tlila place, that 8. M Kumshy General A ado Hampton and party would J. o. Briiy he here in the afternoon to try fishing afi'Jt. ulLtVII 'or salmon at the falls, and lie at once Preparations for a Gala that riaro. Day at y lloltnan oiitl hair I Klrharvl Sontl ORKUON CITY OFFICERS alaror. - T. WSu1Hto Roonnlrr. - L. L. l"ortt?r Chlel of Folic - J. S. Ptmtom Avwmr. - J. K Rhnmlea Trraaiirrr. T J. l.oul City AltnruT. - U.K. froa. finvetCnnimlaslnner. C. Hnlr 8rpt. of Writer Work, - W. H. Howell t'tt Knrlnw. Sidney Smyth. Coiinellmfn C. O. Alhrtsht. Jr., H. L Kelly, l K. Uiwnman, W A. W hite, J J. Cooke, J. W. OVouueU, J.O. Porter nl T. V. Ku- '.all. uounril meet flrjt Wdneily ofech month Id city hill. spoke to south! of the leading gentle- Arrantienienti are now well In hand for observance ot the natal clay at Gladstone where Oregon City will go this year to enjoy the day. The grounds which are as pretty as any to ho found in the state are being cleared off and will include many acres ot woodland and men and best fishermen about town to glado park whore it will be a delight to make such plans an they thought would end the day especially as the exercises insure to the General and party a pleasant gatneaand svorta will he of a character to time while here . Acting upon this sug- please all no matter what tiller tastes may gestion Dr. W. E. Carll, E. E. Chai-lle, As a fine lot ot prises have been man and E. R. Charman piocured a ear-1 secured for the contestants in the fVThe war to build up Oregon City Is to rive Oregon City people jour patronage. FR1PAY- JryK 1S!':i-GIADSTONE. What lo Yon Think of It.' A party in search of a desirable lora iian for a home, would have to walk one-half hour from the east end of the upension bridge in Oregon City to find a lot for and up hill at that. You can walk 30 feet and take passage on a splendidly equipped electric motor car and in six minutes for 2lgc be landed in the handsomest suburb in the world, where you can buy a better lot for $150, i0. tkwn $10 a month. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. 3 pounds 8-penny nails 25 cents at The Red Front . Arbuckle's Lion or Mokaska coffee 25 cnt9 at The Ked'Front. Wasted, Teams and choppers bv E. Parker, contractor, Oregon Citv. Washburn mandolins, guitars and banjos at Burmeiter & Andresen's. x Everybody for miles and miles around will be here on July 6th to see the Great Show. Strings and extias for guitars, violins, mandolins and banjos at Burmeister & Andresen's. x Your fruit will not ferment if yon antifermentine. For sale by E. Williams the grocer. use E. Watches, clocks and jewelry repaired promptly at Burmeister & Andresn's. Prices reasonable and work guaranteed . PON'T STEW pour fruitg over a hot stove. Preserve them without cooking by using Antifermentine. E. E. Wil liams the grocer. Children's shoe 25c to $1.00, mostly lace; Ladies lace shoes fine and coarse $1.00; Boy's browns "5c. Clothing greatly reduced at the Red Front. When preserving fruita save labor fruits and sugar, and have perfect re sults. Use Antifermentine. For sale by E. E. Williams, the grocer. An agent of Sanger & Lent's says the secret of their success all over the world is always in giving everywhere the best show on earth. Will exhibit here July 6th. C. P. Wineeett, the undertaker, has just received the finest line of caskets and coffins ever brought to Oregon City. Prices to suit these bard, dull times and w ill not be undersold in prices. x Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I haye ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by C. G. Huntley. The Baptist Junior picnic will occur Saturday unless it should rain. A special car will run between Orehon City and Gladstone at intervals during the day beginning at 9 o'clock A. M. "Keep down expenses!" iethe cry of some men. Make your expenses light, so if the week's earning is small, you will not be out much. If you want furni tuie buy from Bellomy & Busch and save money. tf Last Monday evening as J. C. Hick man was engaged in handling heavy timbers about the works being built on the west side of the riveratimberslipped and striking upon his foot crushed two of his toes quite badly. Prof. H. A. Webber of Portland will be up on Thursday of this week and each succeeding Thursday for the purpose of giving leesons on mandolin and guitar. For particulars inquire at Burmeister & Andersen's jeweiry store . Now that you are thinking of building and want the very best quality of lum ber delivered on short notice it will be to your interest to rembmber that Glad stone Saw Mill company can supply you with tlifl heat anrl Hnllvnr it flt nrn-A. ring and provided fishing tacklo so that there might be no delay, but the special train which was coming from the soit'h did not reach here till after 4 o'chx'k at w hich time it was met by a delegation of citizens who were glad to welcome so distinguished a person to the city. Such members of the party as wished were soon enroute for the fall where most of them fished from the rocks on the island, hut General Hampton was taken in a boat which was anchored just balow the falls where he soon hooked a fine salmon which he played for twenty minutes before he could get him to the side of the boat and then unfortunately the line bioka leaving General Hampton without any fish, but then he had experienced all the excite ment incident to fishing for the king of nsiies xrept tne reward gained by a successful landing. As the General is an enthusiastic fisherman he was de lighted with the sport and declared his intention of returning on Wednesday to take his fish in out of the wet if he could posaihfy arrange his business so as to do so. General Wade Hampton is a member of the interstate commerce commission and is making a thorough examination of all of the subs:dized roads of the Pacific coast. He has been on the Southern Pacific lines since the 27th of last month and is just completing his work on that line The party was here under the direction of Mr. W G. Curtis, assistant general manager of the South ern J acinc railroad. The party con sists of the following named persons: General Wade Hampton, Miss M. 8. Hampton, Miss Lucy Herndon, Miss Virginia T. Long, Miss A. H. Haxkell, Chas. E. Thomas, W. G. Curtis and wife, Newton Foster and wife, D. R. Sessions, W. M. Thompson and Frank J ay nes. General Hampton has for many years been a prominent figure in the state pol itics of North Carolina and in national politics, having filled creditably many positions of honor and trust. He is now 75 years of age but aside from the loss of one leg which causes him to walk some what lame, he is still a fine appearing and well preserved man and considering his age and crippled condition gels around with remarkable agility and ap pears to enjoy life thoroughly. Successful Surgical Operation. Last Tuesday Frank Kruse went to Portland to have an operation performed upon him which should reduce the accumulation of fat which had been be coming more and more a burden. Dr. O. W. Yeargain of this city was present and telephoned op as we were going to press that the operation bad been suc cess! ully performed at St. Vincent's hoBpital and thst a fatty tumor weighing about torty pounds had been removed from his abdomen and that Frank had stood the oeration remarkably well. was necessary to make an incision almost three feet long, but the physician who used the knife and those assisting him think that it will heal readily and that their patient will get along nicely. Frank himself sent word to the Entekfbise after the opera tion that he was feeling first rate. several games some exciting contests are to he expected. The prizes include handsome sterling silverware of elegant design and finish and those who wish to see them may do mo by stepping to Huntley's drug stoio w here they are on exhibition. The committee on speaker have se cured the services of the Hon, TIuh). II, Tongue who is too well known to require any eulogy cf his oratorical talents. A ringing, patriotic speech is insured, one that will be a real treat to hear. Miss Fannie G. Porter has consented to read the Declaration of Independence and Rev. Gabriel Sykos will act as chaplain of the day. The committee is pl.inning to have a fine exhibition of fire works in tho even ing which will be ahead of that given in this city last year so that take it all around those who go to Gladstone for a day's outing on the Fourth will havo plenty to engage their time and if they tire of the exi rcises or games the cool shade and pleasant retreats will furnish the choicest of resting places. THE L E A DING GROCERY HOUSEj The Most Complete . and only first class GROCERY Quality consider ed, our prices are always the lowest. Iitisirtor ami tloali'M in Seloctod Teas,ru.o Cotfeos & Spicos. Butter & Cheese from ebcst dairies Fruit and Vegeto bles in Season. Business Conducted On Business Principles, One Trice to All Posltlvoly no con. a I 111 necucn wnn any ndvortlslntf scheme Cor. 7th & Madison. Shively Building, Oregon City PERSONAL NOTES. Ivun Strickler, of Salem is visiting Carlton Harding. We are glad to welcome back to the city J. G. Pilsbnry ami family. Miss Nora Cooer, of McMinnville, was the guest of Miss Grace Williams last Sunday. Mrs. Ward of Portland is visiting in town at the residence of her sister .Mrs. C. I). Latourette Prof. K. W. Pringle and wife intend to . start for their old home in New York I today to sKml the vacation. Hon. Geo. C. Brownell went to Hose burg Saturday at the invitation of .lira. .Morey' Tort Party. Neat invitations wore sent out last week announcing that Mrs. Morey would he at home Wednesday afternoon from three to six and would bo pleased to meet her friends at tea. When the ladies ariivtd on the afternoon named they found Mrs. Morey 'a beautiful home elegantly ledcled with rose. Not a conceivable spot where a blossom could be placed to add to tho beauty of the rooms was omitted, thousands and thou sands of the choicest rosea obtainable in the city having entered into the decora tion. A one of the ladies expressed it "there were wagon loads of roses" all grown in Morey 'a garden or 111 those of her friends who were glad to contribute their mile. Nearly all of the ladies in vited availed themselves of the invita tion amljtlie rooms were all well tilled with a nierry sud very sociable company who enjoyed most thoroughly Mrs. Morey's generous hospitality ami the so ciety of the gay company present, and all unite in pronouncing it one of the pleasautest events ol their lives. AX 0PF.N I.LTIrJt. nilllam I'. Ilutcher Pays III Itespeti to Dun .Murphy. In the Oregonian there recently ap H'ared a long letter fivin Hon. W, K. Rutcher from which the following ex tracts are taken. He says: "I, aa one who is not deterred from Congressman Hermann whose guest he i saying w hat I think by reason of the was on Sunday. WHOA TIIKRE! WIIKKK AKK WK AT! Well we sliouM say that V"U are nt CANNY : rllAIUIACY, Till OKEGOW. , Where vim J'"ur Druas. Patent Medicines, Cigars, Stationery, Toilet Articles, Ami all kin.lM i.r Mint ami i.iurs ht . M.rH., 1'lif.ip, IsHMiuse the i.ropr.etor. Dr. J. M. Irvine, sella for "cash on the hWk. Kvmih bU-k noit door to 1 Ixj..ii. GROVE PRINCE, The Celebrated Pure Bred English Stallion. TO HORSE BREEDERS. The Is'sl colts ?t .,,pfriiu the pure hreil Knglinh H'.ire Stallion r GROVE PRINCE. Misg Nellie Terry, of Chicago, who has been spending the winter in Cali fornia, was visiting relatives in this city the first part of the week. Mesara Johnson, DeWert and Teller, Oregonion typos made tliisoflicea visit iliursday. luey rode their cycles np ; but conclude 1 that it was too hot for j pleasnt wheeling so took the steamer: back. ! fact that he is appointed to a prominent position, to which he ia neither entitled nor competent to till, think it an out rage tion decent politics, an insult to democracy of this state, a reward to treachery to party principle and party ties, and countenance to a precedent which in the future will render it unnec essary to go out to electioneer for votes. It (refeiring to the Kvening Telegram) may that harmony prevails, anil that An Invitation. Muroliv's aniKjintment wives saliiifaction Capt. Geo. II. Moffit editor of the j but my oiinioii 1h that to find it would Evening Telegram was in the city on i r(,.in:ra ,I)ore than tint nuturitl evo. Iain mvGISTKHKII KNG. 50HH-AM. ijri. IWCHCNII'TION '"l"t'l'k lin.Kii. tn.i l.ul I'.' , hin l. hl.h. r)ir wwiUms! liliH'ky.'.lltirl I'li-all lr., !! Irilhrft"! .Ir"li I.r.. I l-.nn II I '" Mlt'l ttl il haulier, tin. Kiiilnl ruiiatllullun. lrmwr, lu.uin. cn (tllnii. .il l h (! biuJ tu I I""! dial irlli r l,KIHI)l'KK- l'"iM M hml h J'lwiih tiilrnn Sl" Tfrnt. Niilhlim.!i!n KiiIii.I Iiiikmii. l7 hy ixltiralih Hr , J.urn ill W u . Kito .ni I lit Lr ! '! liny U.WI. Ill- hf Hrmli I'attia 1 Imn !nllr i.l ,Vrlli liy 'i l I.I11..1I11 HI In Ii, VI. t imd -.(l, h. I.jr iUU'lilcM 1 . lit br A run St, h I J r..fll i. h l. llimaul . Inu I'mflt. WILL MAKE THE SEASON OF 1803 AS FOLLOWS. TKIAItOVII t.K. Mnn.lay D'-in at Ii M It.. hlrf . .1.1.1. From M'HI'lay ctrlill.( In inr..ay at hi II al flank f.1.1 . Hoar tISM Kiel. (HtKlillN I'll V (rum lur.'lay tl.n In ID M al V.MIU CI.Ai I. A MAS Si A I luN, Kt.iin UnliiKla, ulf lit l.i lu A M al nulla . HKl.l.Wllilll. Tlint.ilay n.w.ll al J S lllla. .1.1.1. I'lilt I'l.ANP. al Mi-yrr a, Nil ;il Ki..i.l si rl. Inun 1 hiitxla y nliij In Cfl.lai a-xa tut Jn- I'm.k '.. I'nr Knurili an.) A airr.1. till i.. n IIOUK I'l.At'K, nrar, Inun nmiiilay airiilu, 1.. al .nlay nmllilni TERfTaS-Seoson $12, due otend of aeoaon, Insur ance $15, due uuhen mare is knoutn to be aiith fool. IWVtrUe .l....lnir i.l marr. r l.illm in rrium f. ,r -r,lra Ihi hcl.l iam.lU k frra. t III lint hv rr.tnii.lhlr (i.r arrl.lnila tlial may tariir Fred Doye, Croom. F. C. PAULI, Mur. Doavorton, Or. Tuesday accompanied ky his son Archie who wished to trv the fishing at the falls. The Captain was unfortunate enough to fall on the rocks and bruise his hand severely. Dr. J. Casto president of the county horticultural society was in town today on his way home from Monmouth where he had been attending the graduating exercisds, and submitted a program for the next meeting of the society which occurs the 15th of July. C. II. Porter and family came down from Prairie City on .Saturday intending to spetid a month in this city where they have many friends. Mr. Porter who hag been away for two years says that Oregon City is growing and that he can see a marked improvement in the place in the time that he has been away. Judge J. B. Cieland of Portland was up for a few hours Thuesday evening trying his hand at angling. M'hile The Prosbvterian voumr oeonle. cor dially invite you to spend the evening of j f liaKinK h' Potion on the rocks at. the isianu ne nan a narrow escape irom a On Tuesday, Hon. Geo. C. Brownell received, a 'telegram from New York slitting that his mother who has been in poor health for some time had died that morning and the funeral would occur on Wednesday. Mr. Brownell who has not been feeling well for some days w as quite prostrated by the aad news. Tuesday, June 27 at Shively's hall at which time and place they will present a well arranged musical and literary pro gram and serve delicious refreshments. Some novel and highly interesting feat ures will be introduced. Program at 8:30; admission 25 cento. General Wade Hampton spent the greater part of Wednesday angling for salmon at the falls in company with Pr. W. E. Carll and Sidney Smyth, and al though the fish were not taking the spoon very lively he found the sport enticing enough to keep him there most of the day and had the pleasure of taking to his special train two fine young chinook which weighed 10 and 15 pounds. The General is an ardent fisherman and enjoys the sport immensely. He found the pull of a 15 pound salmon as enjoyable and exciting as any experience of his life with the finny tribe After a four week's trip through the East during which time they visited most of the largest cities and many points of interest, Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Caufield returned to their home last Sunday morning somewhat tired but well pleased with their trip. E-nest and II. A. Kandg returned from Forest Grove on Wednesday ac companied by a fellow student at Pacific University. Clean rags wanted at the Entkkpbisk office suitable for wiping presses. High est price paid. cold bath as he slipped and fell just at the edge of the swiftest water. Had he gone an inch or two nearer he would have certainly gone in. The Contract Let. j The city council held an adjourned meeting on Wednesday evening and let j the contract for the improvement of! Main Street with vitified brick and I gravel. The cost will be 41f!. per lot for vitrified brick including everything but sidewalks and the bid on them in 30 cents per lineal foot. The cost of gravel improvement is15('. per lot with out sidewalk and the trestles including sidewalk are to cost 170. per lot for the one at Moss street and f 175 for the one between 14th street and the Abemethy. There was but one bid for the brick and gravel work and that was by the Western Contractor & Construction Company which secures the ccntiact. Mr. Jas. McKendrick a member of the company says that as soon as the contract is signed they will begin work by laying the curb. The contract is now being prepared and it is expected that it will be signed today. The trestle was let to two different parties, II. E. Cross secur ing one together with the sidewalk and Mr. Wycliff the other. The council was divided on the advisability of letting the contract at this time two members being afraid that the tightness of money would work a hardship upon some who will have to borrow for the work. sure I have not heard anyone so express himself, not even among those who were misleu by him last fall. I have yet to learn thut it is approved bv the national committeeman for this state, the chair man of the last slato convention, any of the electors, any of the delegates to the last nationaj convention, by either of the candidates for congress at the June election last year, by the candidate for the supreme bench last year or by any one who is ersonitlly well ac quainted w ith tho lack of brains and gen eral incompetency at the head of the pres ent state central committee of tho dem ocratic party in Oregon. I do not say these things because of any personal ill-feeling toward Mr. Cleveland for ap pointing him, for I earnestly believe he did what he believed to bo for the best interest of the district and of the democracy in the state, nor because of disappointment to any personal ambi tion, fori am one of the self-supporting in stitutions of this country, nor because of any personal feeling toward Mr. Murphy of harshness, but simply because I de sire to express in as forcible a way as ir.y limited abilities will crmit my dis approval of the rewarding of any such "damphoolishness" as we democrats had to endure last fall. Very democratically, Wll.l.lAM F. Bl TCIIKIt. Ileuses for Sale. We have three houses and seven lots that we will sell at a great sacrifice on account of haul times. Hamilton & Wasiiiichn, Park Place. For Kxcliiinge. Hamilton and Washburn' Park Place have a 4 year old, well bred, nubroken filly which they will exchange for a fresh milk cow. tf For Sale llienp. J. I. Case threshing engine and four roller chop mills. Call on or address, A. I). Uaknks, No. 00, Union Ave., East Portland. Middletown, Pa., Apr. 14, lH!ll. Mb. Nokman Liohtv, Des Moines Ia. Dkah Sib : Please send me four d.j.on Kbauhk's IIkadacau Cai'bi'lkh. They are the best headache remedy we ever handled. Yours, John W. Stakb. For Sale by Charman & Co, City Drug Store. Is Your Uumlry Hell lluin l iVithing exasperates a pi-rson to much as to have a line wliile garment returned from tho laundry yellow ami lummy, bottom half oir and in a condition nut fit to wear. Tim Troy Steam I.sun.lfy sends out none hut tirst claa work a trial order will convince you, OlhYe with F. A. Waddix'k. post olllce build ing. Bundles left Tuesday evening will be returned Saturday morning. The (.real Sorlhern Itetlurea Hales. The Great Northern has amended the following rates: From eastern terminals to tho North Pacific coast -mints llrst class, tltf ; second class, $ 25 ; to SK,kano lirst class, $:!0; secoml class, $J0; to Helena and Untie, $::,; aeeinid class, 18. First class rates will apply in directions, second class west hound only. Tickets at these rates will Is. limited to continuous passage. Shiloh's Vitaliiwr is what you need fr Dyspepsia, Torpid I.iver, Yellow Skin or Kidney Trouble. It Is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price "5c. Sold by C. G. Huntley. Fish, Fish. At Humphrey's market all kinds of fresh and suit water fish, crabs, lobsters and oysters, Live, and dressed chickens. Free delivery to l i ..ii ....... ' - -, ibii paris oi inecity. Lamps, crockery and g'asswarH of fac tory prices. New invoice Just received from the east. Will not be undersold See Bellomy A Busch. s Justice blanks, .tt ,.Htlll Umi all other blanks at tho Entkiihiikk 0. (ice. Portland prices. In tho line of furniture, carpets, win dow shades, wall paper, lounges and mattresses you (;all heat Portland prices by calling in the Oregon City tmnK block under the KNTnitcuisK ollice. x r'or Sale or Kent. Th Seventh alievt livery stahl ai! feed "tore hiidilini; on liberal term. Beat arrsnxml Imrn in the city and tell located, Knqilirn on prrmlaca, Of It Frienun's Colon llouw, 2:M Wavd'in,' ton street, Portland. Ii Fifty rents is a siimil doctor hill, bd that is ill it i ill coat you to rure an; ordinary rase ot rheumatism If yoU W Cliain'itirlsln'a Pain Balm. Try it i1 you will U surprised at the prom relief ii ir.inl, The drat appllcati will quiet the pain. 50 cent bottles for sale by George A. Harding. Now that spring has come and f can eiijny a ride on the river do not forpt that ('apt. Bumly lias some of the IWll rigged skiffs out. Prices reaaoiiahlt- Those inonstroiisslum).jare ensily iv) cheaply iinMcd of with Jlldson Hjdct. A good supply ol blunting material olU kinds at Portland price at the l'rt Place slnrii. Khausi:'8 Headaciik CaI'SULLS-WaB-ANTKI). AY Moore your Ore- If you want an ahsract of title, t prorierty call on Wade II. 8,encer gon City, Oregon. ' It is to our interest to p,,BHe ev economical buyer. Bki.lomyA Buscii. tf Blank nolo, receipt and order book, at the E.NTKitntisK ollice. Tako your habies7ofheNow York gallery and get a good picture while you nave the chance. The latest in visiting cards at tl,fl Fn. tkbi-bisk Okfigk. Prices to .uit you.' IT GIVES YOU HEALTH Jtevealcd Uoniedy. Astounding In its F.frocU in tho cur lUieiiinniiHu,, Asthma, Malaria, I liousimss or any other disease arMM from deranged I.iver, Stomach or Kidneys-It drives all Impurities from tin Blood. n,tlp." ir,'M . "''"""I. whollavoral.lyai""rt tlir.iiKh.,ut Ilia NttrihwnMl aaya; u .1 i1""" """""t ny relief, e'.l Hi' t... ' ,,rI,"""''t chMigB f lucidity. TJ I Hi O ' lrl"'1 M..I1HK H ltVKAI,l. ftl" J"'' V'" h It" reei-lvsil frnm It woralli',"";! '"'" ,"Kva , nillnf frnm th """hJ 111.,, "."i1 "'" '"l''l'l'trea. pneullar to th -..i. . 'V"."'1 ""mum l'lln . u.. ' ,,! ""' hllll to rrei.miii.nnl It t " M' j.-.'1!"!'.' h"1 ?' " 1riiMlt.or "