Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME Oil. T- ' Kl'KAttlcilH. n Krr. r A r 1 1. , lmm. stoainoii A 1.1 UN A A. IIAMoNA! Iiuvi foHri.AHit 1. 111. V HI III 1 Ul III , ; mi i Ml I m . III. t M "I fiontj 1sIImii. -I . Hi, . in, U uuin. 1 Ml l. in, 4 p in. 6 iw p in, HI'NUAY. ! Ill II '" in, I ,l b I m. m y in i in. k hi it in. tin Mi'l mill'! I" hii- wlilniiil Imllr htinilKU.1 I'ATIrli: UAII.WAV n1H H' II nn, t.any l"""! (W"ir tlliu) i niiiiiiuU t"" MliUMmlit Kwuml ' i"' '"'I mm mirnii. K,Imii I'"-"' ( iU"in Ailn 1 1 l 'o' ' fllllnMlla llllliilllll) l III. II III 1 W III. .11 . in H ur, , , 7 fil i m m Til MAilA y.lli rli l"lii Hufih. in .. I f in, yill. ri" i"i"i " y m. IIM "lt uiriouiiiyi" r i . tu. Uiiiiiiii4ini mIii ! U in ""J tnM l It m. lUlljr. iirrj.iiii'MT lilr. Mink CUrk MrolnallriKik, I'ol i Mill. MhIIihi ii'l I 1 1 . 1 1 . Iuih .1 lu ,u,, 1hin'l)f mi'l liinl;, tiel i Ufuiu MliiU. ! ! I M In HtiDAY. Jt'sr. ."i. i H!:t. A I'ainhh, A.ciiiKNT.-TI.e many 'r,rf (!., ,,, ij,(1, , ,,,, eJ Willis. ,,, ,0i,.n 1Ml M Mr(( (.)i0 Hinmund W (1vimim.IiI.IhhkI.1it, Mlldreil, w,,, r,ig In h curt from Hell wM t I.rtluii, Saturday evening ,,: of H. wheel, of Dm vi.l.l. le dropped into an ....,,, rtlt , ,.(, M throw tlm t-f Mil to tin. iirnund, breaking "' ( her leg ,v tl.u I,,,,,,, An '''H"Vi l tin Llcitrle. Light Co,,,. I'liliy UMlnli'.l Mm, Ilium (ii caring fr the llitlu Kill until ill,. service of friend wioeiMteUred, and an hour ami a hull later ll,.. Millnrnr reached i.oinii. Ir. Suylor M thu lirnkmi llmli, and tin. child In gelling iti, tn wu g am, m i'eti, I out. frT or Tim Kiviu, The fttiilhK nir Hit hiiiikuninl mi. i it ( I:OI.IHII Ml-AIIHow, limn A ,,w(1iy uf KiijdUli rarrown Imvn taki-n up tlii'lz In our mliUt ami my moriildK " H.f llitlu "iW limy lw M.(.n In K'"ily tiuiiilx-i upon llm xir. .Ih In front of llm l-wtolliro irkiiiK up iffiiHU Ul.,1 ilimnriM .1 t,.v y , t,, (tut v.rm Ih.vo. 'lli.Ti' in no ilmilit utiout th in n' tlie Kciiiiliie -:tiKIInti Npiirrow kIih h mvfiu lm kimw lliwn v,i In tlio old louiiliy Imvu oliwrvml tlivm ln-rt mill litvn m ,I)U, N (o i.,.ir j i'iiuliici.i'. Mr. Tiler mil Mr. Cliv..lii IIi-hi initln,,! H,,,,,,, tl.u I ltl-r l-iii( Hllrmli'il y tlifir :l.irp, wind, li-i to tlii-m A It ah Kaii., I-nnl Tlmriilny U lki'ilii'ti ' l"'l''"i olx'ut tin I.iiiimi ,,,,1 4t I'lHtMl!'''! In i. .1 .l. I,... l,,.l I1....I...I ! . I.. . .... , ruu "i i" i' -. nrmi; niaiioimr y . urn ioi-r t 01 nil. hll rrpiiit ottit ami Iiimvu I i ii.ii timtrml m,. VillHiiii'tl mi fullini nightly, uf tnitf '"!" tlir"'H!,i ihiii loll'roni t'lnmilU to I he mm the iimtb will r,,, Ii l In- whlili nlxml i t f ik.,v f..r ll i forly-cilit Irft V I." , I" -"HK Wllfl, I,., Ill,, !,,. .y i r,.m TV lilt pJlit ki'l I'lt.ik'lit l.'N.k ill j Willi (lie Inn, l.-o.-y tmiM. ( pn-r-'. l,r.liol llii liiniiM. vilmli llm i-iit wii,.lli.r i.niilili.iim iniihrialiw in ilniMrr Inn k mill lif il.Kwn ,lu au A, . rlwr In n- ill l'iii to Uilln' k'liiiilnl Ih Ikw vWn n-l,.- i.l i ink ' iij.4i M,, S,i.,i,y, 0n In fm ml Irlt nu oil tin" nl.'pii, Sunn. Imii lull Inn Ii" tliiiik. ilit I'M mi' K Hiru Tl... jKMiple lirttru. k tl.f utlii'r H.r. h w Itli iiiin imt Mtpl Ijo ijt nli'.l to l.olil llrr aliii'ti ini"l l. IiiimimI In I .""Mil n ,1; , ,Mi . ul llin gruVi' ,n Rr U:liili fii'" ! np'i(Hirn ol tin. I'i" li''l lini.-f it 1 1 -1 tlie ciiiiiinill,!. mi .l l..iii lu liiail vi In tin' nllii'r . ii'iiim-o t'ii llirro in U n. iri-iuc. nil J.m'l.oll. It i upM.M-il llmt till liiiinl ' XifHrlit pfivrmi I'lnlnni iimikhc, ui lain ln i ho Irll l.-r mIhhiI tlvc ( iiM iluiiiiliii, if.rlii.iiiii orutini.H. I'li-e' wlii'ii pmtinlly iri nvnin (mid ! " it.ti mnl oll.i r in u-i-uii-ii t h will U lut uiit ul.. iniiniii' li rallcl fr lirlp. , I"" i.l 'I m i i I f.iin K'MI t i in m llr. IUrliiitf licntil in i mi'l m;ll Im-Wil .lintn-r. KvciylKnly un, f. tin' lii.UKi' to l.tii lil i.i'.I.Imii r. invid-il. tl, nmlli'i lint li l.n'l dim t'umiiiK I all .A.'.'.I illi l.l.-J .mt !..' Mi M. M.I':.vr..i.M.sii Nr.-TI,.'r.. will M.l!y nut l,lm..f. r, w U' r,'"l'"l .iit.Tiuiiim...l t .t,., ,..ii.i....i..'.l Hli.l l. l.iuii.l llmt;"'" 'iiWit4ti.MH4l t-t.ur.-li on K.iiluy ll.-. n...i,.'r..u. I.r...r. U,..t tin ''"'"IC ""'l-'r tl.f u,.i.,ni!.'....-i.t of Mr. I... Imii Minx v,.ry l.. l.r.iiM. on ' l" V vV,ll''"' Tl..--x.t, i.i- will .'.m tli,P .ml lii Miami U.llv l,Mk... "' "' ""! i""rtni'i.i..l muni.-, .Wtlm v.r,.t. iHirii.kt ll'' .fl.'fi...o l-'t.-ii-.t.!.- . t.v pn.l.-i.M.ul n..l uiiin hc,i,ll M l..MM .ml l..r.,'-"rUlr"1' I'I"''. K'l'ixt. U..j.. H.i.1 rrr t-nt -rt u i rif.t I In. I rJin intrriul ENTIEE STOCK AT COST! Some Popl Tay fls, "Uat Do You Teai7." WE CDEflH JUST WHAT CUE SAY. WE MEAN TO DO IT, BECAUSE WE HAVE TO DO IT. THE LONG RAINY SEASON IS THE CAUSE OF IT ALL. TRADE HAS BEEN VERY QUIET AND WE HAVE ON HAND A VERY LARGE STOCK OF Spring Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods, WHICH WE CANNOT AFFORD TO CARRY OVER. SATURDAY MORNING MAY 20, WE WILL INAUGURATE THE GREATEST SALE WE HAVE EVER GIVEN. WE NOW OFFER OUR WIPE VlflPFf OE Jotlii ieserued. Jneryttyii (Joes. We Must Have the Coin. Call and See Us and be Convinced. I) i v I 3 u,;iifi. Inul l.'ull.., lull wild hu'iie ,l)'n oh.iii.k ll W4 iitrtil llnU l.-itri J ll,i wi'tt.'i nn. I mil. ll. l !;ll,i' lie In. Ih'i'II tl'UM.t,' ali.( B W.'ll tin tvuUI l. i-ipi'. l.'il. (Vri'iHiHiti am. Si-mi t k I In' Mat' 'n "I iimliiv null) Hull i'iin' 4tl,lHi l.'.'t iiiuii.lnlui will ii ll, ml ini.Mc wl.irli will iintkt Hi. I'vi'iiii. .iii.i of ruie pli-nimi lo nil livii of U'kkI .., u-.ii'. I-'i.iiwih I'oih H.tviiiii rloi-t'il up t'liiilrnrt w.lli ii,''.' m-II ilirir itN in ( li'(j.iii fly wo ullVr lolity u full Ii...' of ll'.w.'r ..IH ul pii.-iH ii. rr H. i'ii lH'l,,r' in ll. in ell v, fur ii.htaiu-' O'CONNELL & GLA The One Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. nilLm.'tiii I'iiI . iiikI 'n'r mill wt Hr' f ii I it. II A M. Carl lui U'.'i.lKii (it el 1,'n I'Hiiki'.l at ill rnliii nUiut 'in-ami i iii' luill liiili' up I. on. hull-in, ''.u.i i-.-t n wl.i. li will Ik foul to Hi' t n t'iiy hi I. w dm ami II,' rciimin-l.-r will U-ll., writ to .Ii) , until liul '.In Ul nf Annuel, lllli'l Wlilrli llx-y will llouinl tliiwn. Tl.n wl.i.-li "ill go ii llrnt if tin ll lull ('IH-Mli'.l I'ytir.'w tl.i miinin.'r. Ili-rcaftfr all Inr llm lower mill will l turneil le ill ll.o rivrr ami will l oolleetl l N.-wImtk', ml i.i.uIb Into rfi ml :oril tlit iel of tin' wy lwn ly "l.amtr I'roin all of tin iin llifn' ill be iilH.nt ;j,IHK),(HH)f''t totloat down. Willi Unit Hinoiint nl wood in thu HtrOuui .nut runtiiiu w ill In re.Uiri'. l.y "IK'rtitinit iM.ataon tin river, Sou.t tliinx ul tl.n eiiormouii trinle carrii'd on wry year on tin river In ll. lmpo ol HUiii can lm seen liy lliu fai t thai iiii .hh),ixk) f,.,,t 0f illtj Br w., 0very year )' Hi" mill at Oregon City, ll "I wlileli llntleli out l,v iviiiI liiiulnif ell III liM n Hie iiier river. Tlie StatoH'nnii nir l'",l'rt's not know tin. I tl.n mill lien' vo jiiMt rei-eiyyil 3,(HK),0(K) of t I'nicti from tl.u lower river which ill converted into puptir. u A ti,.-ti out inr 1','liU ulol oilier in j( V.U..n nii.l t.ntin w.-k ..g will I"" 1 r. ., ., t ii .(i. r.mi.i'MV Si Hi , ii. If llilo.icl. Iieie tixli.y on ll.cir waytoll.e' . ... r l i j. i.i i ik... tt ..v I IIP OHI I ll.l ir 1 1 lit. in l t. aj . Weigh nut a hull n l or more migur toevi-i v ".iii.ii of frull : wiil'l your can for a time, rnok your fi.i.l for I. our over a red tint etuve. Alter nil tin tioulile and ,, HciMing of Imml iind iirniH, liiiining your (tire, Im-akiiig fruit can, etc., you have, hut hall the itiuntity ol fruit, whirl, i niiiMlied and the lluvnr entirlcy tlei.lro)ed hy cooking. I'erriei in iiu tli, th. lit hy tl.i cookingpro-t-eN, .ire a eoniplele j mi it marmalrtilo flvor. When you think your lalK.r ilono and your fiuita aru put aw ay (or the 'in, ferineiilntioii very often luki'R I'lmt', in which cane your cana hurat mnl your Iriiiia are a total lo, together with all your lahor and expenae ; wl.iht with Antifeiii"iilint a child tell yearn ol am may can all fruila micceHir lully (w itho'it cooking). TIIK NKW WAY. Fill the jurawith nainral fruit, nail come, fiom the trco or vine: add onu Antifcniiiintiui) tuhlo on lop nf rucli pint of f.uit, etc., until the jure are lull, then Hll thn Jm with a ayrup inn, In ol water and migur, cover Hinl put away. The reHiilt i a natural Iruit with yrup. liilHplierrie, cherriea, peitche. gnipea, 'to., tlnii'.' with Antifem. entine are aa niituriil in appciirante mid talo a though jiiat picked. Sold hy E. K WilliuuiH tlio iocer. f'liMININK PlAMONI) IUl KHH. TIlO glH 'I Urn Monmotith puhllc achtM)l niimt ue heen M'iiding their Htmro iniiiuleii Ml" tint hut ami hull ainco they engaged 1,1 ijiuiiu of hull with nine linyoflhnt mlutioii luat week and heat them, "iluiilc wero neatly uniformed, the Irliii white wulata and hlnck ikirta to !', tl(, hova in white and hlue. ''"I'liet'iH frnin thn crowd in lielmlf of ,ie ll'lllinilll. lenni "rntll.lil" till tjOV 1,0 Were uheiid until the hint two "'inK, and the girld aucceeded in "rillK one. niort run than tho hoy. ,H "fire tttoial Ilfl to In favor of the I'i' IH'X. Makixo do.,,, Uoaiw Chan. Nohlitt 1,0 fi'ttirned trom a trip through tho '"''ilia counrty tho firat of tho week What tin, i,!,,,.,. 0f road being built v C. T, Howard on thla Hide of Wright' 'rillK ii tho Mohilla road Ih exception ' y line ami I... ilih.U Mr Howard en- VKi to much credit for tho excellent T eH h quulity of the work and for 'rKe amount. He think that the i"nty court would do well to give Mr. rrd more territory to look after and ruonev llmt I rnn nfiihlv liaro. LikIIch' Tea. I a plcaaant drink, which will be home l.y the Htoiimeh w ithout nutiHea or grip ing, ll acta thoroughly on tho liver, kl.liieya nnd repiodiletive oruna. A genllti l'hyic, cllicictit diuretic, and in in,, nt uai'fiil in "'ant or painful men Htruutioii. It aid digontion. ami ro dtiee corpulency; cleuis iho complex ion, rendering it fair, ami maturing the natural tone of tho nkin, for it removes the hiic, which, by nccuinulalion, pro duct'H the Hallow, muddy complexion, peculiar to the eonntiputed state. Sold hy all tlniL'giMtii. Tiiavkm kiih Attkntion. Tho World's Fair and li.iHtern cities. Save fare to Portland and re-checking of baggage by ptircluiHing your tickets of L. H. Mooro, agent, H. 1". Co at depot, 'llcketa over all roaiU out of Portland und all haatern roaila. tf Photkct Yoi'hhki.k. Insure your prop erty in the liuardian Assurance compa ny of London. CaHh assets $23,000,000. F. E. Donaldson, Oregon City, Oregon. The City Council. The city council met Monday afternoon in adjourned nemoon, und panned ordi nances for the iiiipioveiiK'iil of Main street ami establishing the gruile of a portion of Fifth sired. Notice wua or dered piit.lihf d of the intention of the council to improve Fifth street from High to Van Itnren at ihe expense of the proK.ty ow ner, gravel to be used in covering. Hid for the improvement of Main street were oH'iied, but (or sou.e reusoii there was but ono hid, covering the entire improvement, and that wan made by tho Western Contract ci Con struction Co. The bid ia lower than the figure submitted one month ttuo. liitlding for tho trestle work and side walk was sharp, there beinir six bidders Ix-siiles the one for the total improve ment. These ranged from HIS to $S.(K) per lineal foot. The committee on streets and public property rcorted UMin tho remonstrance against the im provement of Main street, which wa re ferred lo them, that it represented but Hll per cent, of the owners of property abutting upon the street. Tne council referred all bids to the engineer and committee on streets and public property lo figure up tlie cost und the improve ment ntnler each bid. He finds that the cost will he $410 Mr lot for vitrified brick not including sidewalks and $ l.'.ll per lot for gravel improvements in the lower Brt of tho city, $175 per lot for the trestle by the Congregational church and $175 per lot for the trestle beyond Fourteenth street. Tho improvement at the trestle includes sidewalks. The total cost of this im provement In accordance witn this bid would be $11,000 against some f3,000 the other time. I.est or St ray nl. From the premises of J. II. Dawson, n.itteville, a dark bay mare, weighs about KMX) pounds. Itrandod ''8" on right shoulder, and white star in fore head. A liberal reward will be paid bv the undersigned (or information leading to the recovery of the horse. J. II. Dawson. PURE DRUGS. Keueh Jay wo are adding j new chemicals) to our stock and projxise to keep thor oughly UP TO DATE. W'e handlo only those chem icals and drugs that are of the HighestStandard of Purity and Excel lence. If you send your prescrip tions to us you may feel con fident that they will he QPPTMfl Ul 111 11 u STOCK! THOS. CHARMAN & SON, ThePioneerStore -Latest designs and styles in LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Wraps and Jackets. carefully and skiii- largest and best selected stock fully compounded. ever Drougnt to uregon Uity. C. G. HUNTLEY, Successor to Caufield - & Huntley. Near Court House, Orgeon City. l a Grippe. During the prevalence of the Grippe the past season it was a noticeable fa-.-t tliat those who depended upon Dr. King's New Discovery, not only bad a speedy recovery, but escaped lul of the trouble some after effects of the malady, This remedy seems to have a peculiar power in ell'ecting cures not only in cases of La (irippe, hut in all Diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs, and has cured cases of Asthma and Hay Fever of long standing, Try it and be convinced. It won't dis appoint Free Trial Bottles at Goo. A. liarding'8 Drugstore. Base Ball Supplies.- We are able to furnish every thing in base ball goods at bot tom prices,andsolicit a compari son of prices with any Portland dealer. Spaulding league balls, leaugue bats, league mitts, legal masks, all sold at club prices to any buyer. Sole agency for Spaulding's goods. Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City, Or. P. S League balls new selling at $1.25; regular prico 11.50. THOMAS CHARMAN & SONS' PIONEER -:- STORE. Complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Hardware. Five Stores in one. Your order Filled Whatever it may be. C.P. WINESET.p" UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Largest stock of Coffins and Caskets kept South of Torthind. Also cloth covered and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies and Uents' Burial Robes in stock. Fine Hearse ready at any call. CANBY NURSERIES, MILIvARD J. L.EE, - ProprietQr., A COMPLETE LINE OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Etc., WHOLESALE RETAIL. CANBY, OREGON. ' v I J