Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
111 udimm orni,ri(s. I Rfporfrr VMl llm Meat HM ami ulii I lie Mmii; I iftiror tnt nf n. Very f" I" trK'ri City ltlliw llmritixit I" whic h Improvementa now uimIit ay sn I" wrleil on. It N Into tl"'' '"'J' ,",v" VllK"" "I'I'MvUUmii llmt I!"1 I'orllawl lielicral 1;IimIiii ('uinpuiiV I iloliitf amne ImlhliiiK ,, , li ihIi imli'il to Im'im'IIi thu iImi ,iit nt ,ny uf Ihwn am awa-e Hint lln in Hrn IHiW llll'l'.VIll IIIIIIIV llllllila l making iniptuvi nit which will g-Wa ,rr. nmiii'iit employment to iimiiy ro hml lie Hi" ronalnuiloii ttva ,a riiiMd Ihnlr lalmra. Tim coiiij.ntiy it every month yliii out Ui their finiiluyw o( UlMir in it ftr truin in.(HKl. It In imhnli that It will juovuf rallier than unilnf that flgiira. AI HOM TIIK ItMIIMIR, At llm ''t 'iil ol the limine llirrti U , lirifK mill I'li t iircxjim lnilMing enrlMi.( dimI sell on toward i'oiiiillloti Mhli h U . t i . i j !o 1)0 ll"i vj inn i'inijniijr lur railway uiK'ii mil oH'ue Imllilliitf. Tha wiiik ,ia lliie Imll'lliiK I U'lna ( l.y ami iinlr tt perwmul auervlaluii of t, Mlllirtll l"t Milium H 110 IIHM imalinl hli i-ontrarl ao aa to have Ihn I ulMmil "totin hi time fur tha liae n llm ,..iii'iiy whi'ii their r-ii trailing out 'rvin there I ('uiiiliiti'i ni'Xl iiiunth, llm luilMiiiU I Ih'Iiik lllll up will, s !!,iiii"t approved Mppllniirre u( iiiilirii ili.f Imildini; mill " '""f lnt , ()f ? ,7 "r l "wk In bullilliiK tha . , 1,1,1 l,l,,r Vnmm-a mmnn ior8 to '"K 'n uiyjnHt,,! tl.l- tl, than y ""II 'f , hi-mulfnl m;my of the .""'"""'"'K r-mnlrr, Hun their lH,r "" n..r. t,0 ,,,, UUrit " "'-iri,,M.h() t,(ll ,, wi(,h (i '""'Hill.,,.rn1)1,,,lo Iii.nI,,,, mi" riiiiiiniiiiliv, H'W-K-WdliKltim AHtt (IIUIIKHK. Tl... . . ' i" "m MMt on thu trio llVi.f It... 111.,.. """'i ".mi wt,rli iMimw rM,)i(y 'rliiK ro,,,,,!,,,!,,,, rM mim,H , ""II fllli'oniilurn, n li ni nn huil nilliiitrmm H,'I" of IliU form ami n1.l..lyf,(11( out thn rm-k hut l,u ltimlly ....ting ,, colmmlnty wli lit luiHirn. And It I. till tniit,m llmt llilnK. r ,k..n ., Hlnr, . of iiiMiretnik l. .h-pthof 12 f..ft "'I iiiiiMi,,,,, ovr 25 iH.nmU ol KlMt,t fow.l.'r m gll((B ,,(lt Tllir) sro -hout lH,.ly-v ,,.,, ,..k.w.m mo.t of th 1 1 Mill IIIH.ll (lllt.,.f,,,,l ,..L I rr' iii nil" iii uf Ihn r.-itnUr i.,.r it, w,()ln tliHin Iim Umn other rock iiinn. A llnin further nlini wkn ini.Uni,thr ir. ol in. ti lni.y Ktti,,K t, timher,, flm lor ono of tl, tw 0I1 )r,K hhh lm. to . ,,,.n( ,,, ju I lil limiK l ,mr (I,,,,, ,(, ,,.,, IIHOB In hill K"'Ht lll-lll Of tlllllMT Ui fiiysjfn tin, t.. I L .... .. .1 I A .1 i Ulmm mio i prniiy "IK"' "l lt kind n ono would wlxh to n-e. To thu noii I h of thin hrldKU wlmre the trm k linn hiMin coiuiiliiti'ij Him ruili -re txiinif plucisl hy I'M Ihililorf who Imn thu con tract for liaiiliiiu tlmiii ui from the dock. TImiwi rulU Hfn km hi'iivy tn Oiom uwd on iiiokI riillroiulN mid when down will limk.i it pcrfi-ct roml upon which it will h h plniiHiirn to riild. Track IhvIiik will hniflii din hint of thin wiu-k or Hid llmt of next. Thu rolling Mm k In inn led to ho heru uliout I lie lMh of July hy which time It in liiteuilml to have, tlie, riiml cointilnied (;, A. Miller Ih ciirI neer in clmrKo of ul 1 nniMtriii'tinn on the roml mid lie m cnri'ullv Htlemliiiu to nil (lcliln hihI ueltlnu flue roml for I ho coiniiiy. work litleiilloll of mrneiili'rii. The thither ui .11 iim-d mi, Hm,it fur he iim l.y Ihn J '' l"iiif "t lienlUi ur hridiie hich oi cum for Ihn n.,ir4 !H thtilinr, It U inir feet In hooil, ,iii.uny w lu ll dolin illirln IliU city with conn,-! li,,,, en-J T,",.,",l",ct to Imve inoiit of thu Imntii in ililitlird hy Iclt phoiie with all Ihp , l'l'e hv Hie end of tliU wwk. flown '(rt lil met oMIi e.ol llielr rulennlve ,,,B (,,ly Itnule which uriirn on Hit) llmt - uitirM. .No lu'ltt-r ripiipM-d or U tinr jirmi.l i ll will he found either In :,n iily or I'urtlmitl when they ar Litliii'lidi HIHI' KIKIimi' LINK. Willi Ihn wntk of coiiilrui'tion ( iu rru-lit ulnife It mpilii hut mall t rrtrli of liiiBtflimtiiin to think that you Into a car at li r rllniiH'.l I irli'rriot .rig on the wlni; of electricity over the imt .m of electric roml III thu I'liili-d '.l!r. for o it Will he wh n rollideted kill riiipin'd Willi Ihn U-M eleetric car ff lunied out of any ho The d iinla In and out milling the treea i:nl iiiil of tiie lull at an elevation of um one In two Imiidnsl (ret atxiVe the rrr allied U kei In view moat of tha me aii'l m il a iroKK't a one haa with t falls in the foti'tfroiind aiidliig up oiltuf ipray (run the foaiuuiit watera .! ilif river winding- away In tha ilia- .noe ainl loiui( Itoelf at lt ill the ever- rrn hilla Thounanda will etclaiin at i''rptialeiirM of the name, the fiiioroiie"anil reineiuler ilalieauliea f ml of ihelr dat a. True thia la not la Inline whleh la aa kihhI and alronif they nuke them. Tim tiea are lr ady In place and all that remaina to iw done U to MriiiK the Iron and put on the nilliiiK nliK'k and then thia hridue would hold up a Southern I'aciflc trln If it Were run U-iii It. lletween thean two hriiltfea lhni am empluved nearly iiti ..... i i . .. ' . -F Koui-m aui rx i n ail iniy at a .1 M tm Hi II.. ...... . " "'V "imn'l i . hIi ki l-.i. 1.;.. i... i . ... I ' ' i"KK'"i oo iii" roao. to and are llnif home hy II Ml..,, l i., i,r,. ,.i the Kraden.dn.l John Connor la lookiii( alter the rock wofk. The men are i entfiiKiil In euttiinf down a aide hill o a lo make a per cent (trade of it and it la evident that they ant hound U) auc rent In thia without undue Irouhte. W hid liked to have foryolten Fred (iriN'tmnn and hia patty of aurveyora who are enva-ed in laying out the work (or the other men to do. Knil haa had ample ekierieiice in railroad work and find it riifhl In hia hamla to look after thia work One mile of the road ia already com- r deled and the r I tiel left fur the track ayera. It would not he iroer lo any that it ii aa level aa flour mice no attempt liaa Im-n made to make the road level, hut the led haa U-cn hrouuht to The lllic Mllliffa. KuiiKr & 1iiiit'i CoiiihlndClrctia Man n(eri, llljMxlroiiie, Oceanic Aquarium mid ConKfCHa of Living U'oiuleia, will exhlhlt at Oregon City July 0. HeporU from all ijuurtera pronounce the above allow tht) loHilora In lenled aniiiaeinunt and cannot full to intorvHt the iiianao. That It iiOBMeaaea many rare an I mala never heforo aeen In thll counlrv. the only reul Aiiintic Show of w-a animal, a Itnmt Iliiipaxlrome, a Ioublu and many phenomenal living wonder 1 without (intlou. It career ha boon a triumphal ucckh. It U euthui,iNt ically received and iiumenneiy jiatrotiized everywhere it Hpreail il Unit, ami it 1 uid to (ivo more and ln'ttcr ahow than any other orKiinlxuiion in America. The newapaiHir are unaniinoim in it limine. Wo look for a praml outpoiirinu of the populace here on ah'iw day. A IMoturlinm-e. ian't what you want, if yotiralomacli and liowela are irri'Kular, That' ahout what you Kt. thoiiiih, with the ordinary pill It may relieve you for a moment, hut you're uaually in a worxe utitte aftui ward than Ufore. ThiaiajtiHt where Ir. I'iercc'a I'leaji ant l'elleta do moit gooil. They act in an eaay anil nuluriil way, very dlirerent from the Imuu old-furhioued pill. They're not only pleaxanter, hut tliere'a no reaction afterward, and their help ht. One little tuvar-coated indlet for a ifciitle laxrtliveor corrective three for a cathartic. CoiiHttpation, IndiKeetion, union AiUck, lUxmne, Hick and HiIIioiik lleudacheaaa-iiromptly relieved and run'd. They're the Ninalleat, tie eauieht to take and the cheapcM pill you can buy, lor they'ie giMrenteed to (jive aatinfiu. tion, or your money I returned. You pay only for the good you get. World' Fair Traelem W ill Have It. The public demand through aervice when traveling. It ia old fanhion(il to chaiiKe car. On the through jflJ vealihnled train of the C'blcaiio, Union I'aciflc and Noitharatern line from or to Chicago, Omaba and intermediate point, there I no rbuiiKu. Thia i the finest and fnateat road. Mlerary and Mimical Futertnliiiiient. Following la thu profam for Ihoen lertaininent to b K'ven at the Congre a-ntioiiHl thuruli on Friduy eveniiiK, June (irand flperatlc Fantaaln. . . .Mr. K. K. William aim Mih Mertle KUtven. Vocal Kolo "Hwct Nellie liawn," Juno Cliiiniimi. l'iano Kolo "Old Folk at Home" Imo HanliiiK. HiinJoHolo "Darkle Patrol" Min Mary Churman. Kccltiillon , rielectcd Min Ltira Miller, l'iano Holo "Titanla" Min Mertle Kteven. Polo-" What Would You Take For Me. I'M,".. Itay William. Guitar and Mandolin Duet Mr. W. Hawley and Mr. II, I'uaey. I'luno Duet, "Tripi.lng Through ihe Meadow" Nettie and Hilda Walden. Vocal Bolo "All In a Oardeii Fair," Mia Florence Morcy, l'iano Kolo 'Twitteriinr Bird." Mi I Men KuHtham. Mandolin Holo "Nocturne" Prof. II. A. Weblier. Ik'tltation. .. .-'The Hero of the Tower" Mix Louiiie William Kolo "The Watcher," i$y Iteiiueat, I'rof. Houlen. l'iano Solo "The Wilchea' Dance," Heatrice liurlow. Vocal Kolo "I Vcfpri Sicilianl" Verdi, Mia Addie J. 1'uxey. Miindolin (iuurtette "I'rayer and Hondo" I'rof. Webber, Mr. I'uaey and (iordon William. Mr. E. K. William, planiHt. WHEN IN CRN BY TRY TIIE IB HOUSE. MRS. J. HA KKIS, Prop. Home cooked meals nerved in the IwHt of nhapc. Clean rwmiH and U-A. Meals 2n cents, lioard at reaHonable rates. J. F. FORD, Evangelist, 01 Dei Holnea, lnwa, wrllra miliar data of March 'a, mi. 8. H. Mn. Mr.. Co., Dofur, Oregon, Gentlemen : On arriving home laat week, I found all well and anxionaly aa'aitiiifr. hir little (firl. iK'it and oiiB-liulf year old, who had wauled away to ,'i8 inuinla, ia now well, alroiiK and viKornua, and well fleihed up. h. II. t'ouh Cure ha done itawork will. Both r the children like it. Vonr H. it. CotiKh Cure baa cured and kept away all hoarxe neaa from me. Bo irive it to every one, with Itreetlii; for all. Winhiiiir yotl prorlty, we are your, ii a. t M aa. J. F. Koku. If you wlh to fel frenh anil enerful. ami ttmy Inr the Hpriiif'a work, eJeariw your ajrt tetn Willi the HeaiUrhe A Mver Cure bj tnkln lo or three doe each week. Mii'entt per bot tle lr all drug(in. M4 uii'ler a pniilvi- lur anu-ehjr L. M. AMmKW. Tlie (ireat llrrna. That the Printer Art kec pace with mixlcrn proKre, in fact in ad a nee of it, can lie Keen by an inflection of Kaiijjor & Int'a Advertiiing material ; by fur the flneat paer ever pouted in our city Jno. J. Holland, the k"lole trotter and veteran circus ai;ent, nay this show ha eight hundred and forty kind, all different ir.o ahow bill, from 10 to 2H inchea to 7 feet by 100. The American printer excel in every particular. The Great Show will exibit here July (itb. WOOD TURNING SCROLtSAvVlNG BOXES OF ANY SIZES MANCTACTUEED Pat- Partiea deirin Wood Turning, terna, Brackets, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will be Suited by Calling on Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. G-. H. BESTOW, aWOpp. the Congregational Church Speculation Dangrron. Scarcidy a day paaae without the the new of some larrite failure flatting over the wire the usual result of eb ullition in Mock or eome equally danyer ou venture. The name electric current rarrie to dear diatant friend the sad tid ings of death of loved ones too often the reault ol speculation in patent nos trum. Moore' lievealed liemeily i no speculation but ia sold on positive guarantee. Io not fail to go to your druggist and ai-k for your money if not aatiaiied. We know you will go and buy another bottle. For sale by all tlmgk'iHta NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWFKS THK BRIDGE AND uv.ror Double and Single Rips, and sad dle hornes always on hand at the ! lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by person or letter. horses Bought and Sold. JOHNA.BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Comer of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS 8TILL ON F.AKTH. For general repairing he stands without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him ! CAM 1I1S II Wm. Phillips, Prop CANBY - OREGON. Table services not equalled by any Hotel in the county. Kooras comfortable and clean. Charges reasonable. ll5j fon acsc it will no r ci J n d aa n ante laxative ana RKnVtlOiC Bold ij Iru -irimaw eot tif mail. rjc..dUc.. and 1 1.00 pi.r ckairo. bampi4 free. 1rH ?I f Tbe Favorite T807S KT:j3 B.W lliilorilieXeetliaiidilreaia. For sale bv C. G. Huntl -v. LEARN TELEGRAPHY. A trade it pays success sure. Address. 0 C. SEYMOUR, Oregonian Building, Portland. A GOOD INVESTMENT fa one that brings big return. A COOD MEDICINE Is the one that doe what la claimed for rt. OREGON KIDNEY TEA will core rTl Dinrmnn of lh KiH Dryland rrinary Orynnn, Consti pation, LdlK-trs, &C4Min pains when I'rinatiMff, Fain in the Back and Limta, Irritation of tht Bladder. Brick Durt Deposit and finght't DiMraae, CURE YOURSELF and Live a Long Time with out paying Interest on your Lease of Life, by suffering. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns i& Ammunition. Repain on all kinda of email machine promptly mule. Duplicate kers to any lock manufactured. Bliop on Main Street, next to Nohlitt'a Stables. RAND FOURTH OF JULY GXLKBRATIOI O HT GLMDSTONE PMRK, o Both Portland and Oregon City Participating. Special cars on east side railway all day and until late at night. Oregon City Transportation Company will run boats every hour from Portland and Oregon City up the Clackamas direct to the grounds. Orator of the day, Hon. Thomas H. Tongue, of Hillsboro, Oregon; Reader of the Declaration, Miss Fannie G. Porter; Chaplain, Rev. Gabriel Sykes; President of the Day, Mayor T. W. Sullivan; Music by Oregon City Band and Male Quartet. Program of Athletic Contests with prizes: 't Kuco, 220 yards, Silvcr ic0 pitcher, value 20 Wheelbarrow Kace, 100 yards,.. Silver butter dish, value $7.50 clo Kuce, one milo, ?ilvor ic0 pitcher, value $20 Tug of War, between German and" Ameiican teams, Four silver cups fat nian'H race, 100 yards, Fruit stand, valuo $7.50 Sack Race, Silver card receiver l'g Roll - Silver cako stand, valuo $20 Kunning Hop, Step and Jump, Order for $10 worth of lumber at Gladstone mills Canoo Race, up stream, Splendid silver tea sei, valuo $25 Rase Rail Contest, Cash prize of $40 Swimming Race, Silvor fruit basket, value $20 Constants for prizes will leavo entry with- F. T. Rarlow, by 12 o'clock, 4th of July. The whole County and the State of Oregon invited. Bring your wives and sweethearts. Come by wn t?nn. steamboat or railroad, or you can watch your chance and walk. Come anvwav and have the biggest time you ever dreamed of. Contestants must be residents of the county, and professionals barred. i