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About Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194? | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1944)
TISM t u n V IM —T U *! TI a u » T T * 15 lU PORTLAND »Q U IT O r H or rm j m s r u jw o w* * H »i Portland Inquirer Publishing Co. m CHUB CH DIRICTORY % L tll I ►» CM 0 trr ouvrr sAmrr o»y*cn fVicund. Ce» y y- ew ref* s o tv x n s I t s a * SjssBoy Schoc* 15?» M en« Smith. Swf* HOC a » Warship LETTERS TO THE EDITOR r< «Ç* 4 • t A-A r t t M • k '. k N a » » l*U |kt * 3 6 p m I T P F eikivw up Conducted By L»r, worth Rtast 100 pm £ * * » 9 Worship them that faHH hindMAg frwmtfll rlkarw* to rood It wM fool * I 4“ • bout H . . W » omo ouborrlborm Now that jpoo t e r « mod* jr»»ur flm t ( U f int y fou b* tJko fountain throufe otu< h good w ill ever flow IVrtritt mo my friend to h v lo the N r^ ro of Port Und HW »k # up and r * o | n tM Ihr g r oat dormant power that obtdeo within Only by being open receptive. ond a« < epting new tdhii « an one hope to gr««w y rum little arom a great ««aka grow frl*n d . be the « hantiel thru which you can become the niighty oak T7»e " N e w •comerá" are from met- n*aa a » 4 « x ^ w . t l a a are tk* baatr fo w d it M a s f g»md r tu iw a k ip "Waw rw n a r« awt with rebuff If there waa ever a time that Negr i«ee ah.wild itir k tuf*thar It la now Jawkiuay my f rienda d#otr<«va and la the great eat enemy am« «o g Negroea tia h y N o exception# to groupe If you pteaae Our true worth ta meaaiirwd only by what we ran do for others T - d ether we aland, dlvtdad we fall Khali we work together for the highest good of all * Only aa we f.aiter good will can we hope for a brttrr |»eraj>ectlvr D ir effe, ilve- urmm of good will ta always m ulti plied when It ta mixed with an bon net |>rr»onal effo rt Your* for a bigger and better pa per, a "N e w -«ruñar." M RS C C YO U N G GEÜIN’ AROUND C on n itier t h e S o t ir n * . . . I u :\ n i.I NFS. tl»e new» mug. lui* Ml the ne* s»latids . . . tin i * Holiday, the non* chirper. 1» hack at the Onyx Chib. Her recent »tint ai ihe Kuban Bleu went up In “ »iitok«,” and 11 you know this enter tainer like I do— need 1 mention her brand’ ? Teddy Wilson and t'owy Cole now with Benny Goodman Ida Jamea clicking at Cafe Society The former vo. ill i with Krskine Hawkina' Oi k was signed to app«'.n l«»r r . . m and «am«* In billeil an all rad Ion extraordinary freah from a successful Mund al the Trecadero In Hollywood . . Alberta Hunter. the chantcuae of Inter national fame, doing h.r bit for the Fifth War Loan by selling bonds. . Recommended radio stuff Richard Huey's "i.euox Avenue" Jive viu WMCA niglitly Lucky Millimler ajul Orchestra with Judy Carol and Wv- mime Harris, vocalists, jam-packed Loew's State last week Da isle Anderson, t he milliner, buck after a sojourn in Washington, 1) C. . The town's most discussiVl topic: "Matthew (Blue) Coles and how he Jmlv ( anti P-.ived a former business associate now serving in the 1 S. Army vory cheap! FLASH! Kni Ottley, newspaperman and author, slated to visit war theatres in North Africa. Middle Hast and riiim i for Liberty mag as an accredited correspondent . . . The recent influx of i.ingees from eastern France and Italy has brought the esti mated number in Switzerland to well over 65,000 . . The Andrew Bi nno l varl King "on again and off again" romance is on again . . Li uis Armstrong and Dorothy Dandridge spotted in Republic Pies "Atlantic City" . Junior Dean, erstwhile songster, and Zeta Beale, tiie model, are uh htih!! . Marc Moreland, former T Y P News Syndi- “ ,u‘ l»exy. now doing public relations Count Basie in 'hot water' with Local 802 for recent recording dales sans union's commission . . . Kddie Durham's All-Girl Band (N o pun, "Lips" Haekett) is much improved musical aggregation. Recent Canndian tour boosted outfit’s stock with reviewers. . • • • Lil Green, blues queen, and Luis Bussell's Band now on tour killed aa the Two Star Unit . . . Jimmy McHugh's ‘ ‘ 1 Must Have That Man,” an .,1,1 "Blackbirds” favorite (Remember Adelaide Hull?) now back wiih us— and, as popular as ever . . . The Three Choeolateera had AG\A trouble at the ll’way Strand. Unit with Cab Call.,wav had pain ei*«ed when they 'upped' with dues . . . Coolie Williams and Band whamming 'em on tour . . .Fam ed Deep River Boy* should straighten up and fly right with Ed kirkeliy, their manager. Outfit which was put bark on the l,ig time by handler of the late Fats’ Waller have poor way of showing their appreciation . . . “ Decision,” the play, to tour subway rirruit . . . Opinion is that Canada Lee, the actor, is some times a good one and sometimes a had performer. After all that nub- i:rifv nlmut hi» Irch lo the altar with VHni Johnson, hi» fan» are won* <l< ring whether he will actually wed the gal— Or is it ju»t another one of those publicity stunts? For a guy slated to take unto himself a bride, Lee has been seen out in public too often with other femme». Ofav ones, at that!! . . . “ 4 and 20 Blackbirds” with Clarence Muse as director, scheduled for opening in August . . . Pal Flowers, the sensational sepinnist. appearing with Enric Ma.lriguera and Band at the Lari I heatre in Philadelphia, Pa., tied the -show up in knot» last week, 1 his hoy is really the sca-son’» outstanding hit , , . Wynonie Harris^ the blues singer, has given Lucky MillindeFs Band that punch . . . The boy» in the South Pacific, Italy, England and the various camps here have given this column a lift. All of u* here at home should remember it is alwavs best to DO W R IT E !! * • • Lena Horne in "Command Performance" with Dinah Shore tor over seas servicemen . . . Victor Records has released a memorial album tagged kats Waller Favorites in honor of the late rotund piano wiz ard and comedian of the keyboard . . . Members of 213 Pvt. Co.. 3S1 Pt. Bn., A.P.O. 600, c/o Postmaster, New York. N. Y „ have chosen Judy Carol as Pin-Up Girl for their company . . . Sotto Voce: Dolores Brown, how s about that pic for Sgt. Richard Gantt??? . . . The Northern Baptist, a White Cross organization, to send thousands of kits and articles of clothing to the needy in Russia . . . The Lester B. Grangers party for the National Urban League Guild on Sunday (June 18) at the Institute for International Democracy—a swelegant affair. “ Thanks, for everything!” . . . The Weekly Splurge: If the rumor we hear about Ellen Tarry, author of Janie Belle and Hezeklah Horton, and the former AMSTERDAM NEWS writer, being engaged to a Sgt. Ran dolph M. Patton is true— Ellen’s newspaper friends will he pretty sore to think that she did not let them fn on the news . . . The column is now featured in the Youngstown. Ohio, BUCKEYE REVIEW. IETMEL CHTJ1CH A. H E. N McMuAersand Lam*we Pcctiarvd Oregon ST PHILIPS CHVRCH E PMC opal Vicar L O Stone N E Knott and Rodney Portland. Oregon ORDER OT SERVICES Vi ork lo Rescue Art of Europe E xp erts Seek lo Preserve Cultural T reasu res of Continent. 7 45 o m 1000 a m 1! 00 a xn T h urs •doy Ser Com m i. C h u rc h M e m in. 900 a ; iunior the do's and don't» of dealing with priceless rubble Part of its Job will be done when COMMUNITY M. B CHURCH the last map is finished, but the Rev H C Cheatham Pastor committee will continue keeping de MS Cottonwood Street Van port City Oregon tailed (lies on looted treasures— often hauled off by the Nazis for AFRICAN METHODIST "protection." These flies also con EPISCOPAL ZION CHURCH tain information about war damage j p Snv*h in general, and details such as 2007 N Williams Ave. forced option sajes of private Portland, Or« gen collections throughout occupied Europe. BAPTIST .Material to Bo Restored. People s Community Baptist Church After the war. this material will N E. 74th and Glisar, St. be used to restore the right paint Rev R E Donaldson Minister ings to the right museums, and will SERVICES also be the basis for reparations Sunday School 10 30 A M statements In addition, records Morning Worship 1 i 00 A M showing that only 1,000 of some B Y P U Meeting 7 00 P M 180.000 books were saved from the Tolrs library, for example, will help FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH archivists to obtain replacements 1205 Hathaway Drive Burton Homes whenever they are available. Vancouver, Wash. Committee members admit the Rev I W Brown, Pastor full extent of looting will probably not be known until after the war. Cases on record already include the F R A T E R N A L O R G A N I Z A T I O N S famous Gent altarpiece given to Goering as a birthday present, Excelsior Lodge No. 23 and the 60-yard Bayeux tapestry, F. & A. M. presumably woven by the wife of Meets every 2nd and 4»h Monday William the Conqueror and de at 8:00 P M picting the Norman conquest of 2504 Williams Avenue England The tapestry was carted K L. CULP, W Master off from Bayeux on Himmler’ s L R BLACKBURN, Secretary orders, to be studied for the "first” Phone TRinity 1857 time by German scholars. NEW YORK A group of art ex pert* working in a quiet litUe map- »trewn room in New York may he responsible for saving many of Europe's cultural treasures under fire in World War II. They are completing a continent wide art inventory, mapping the exact geographical position of every European museum, library and his torical or religious monument The group sends completed maps to the war department, with the aim of preserving all the artistic and literary works possible within the limits of military necessity The committee has a name as large as its job— the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Treasures in War Areas. It is a subcommittee of the American commission for the protection and salvage of artistic and historic monuments in war areas. Work started in the Frick Art Ref erence library the day Sicily was invaded. Since then an eight-man Enterprise Lodge staff, aided by a corps of volun teers operating as a civilian commit Chapter No. 6 .0 . E. S. tee on a Rockefeller grant, has pro C. Although Ernie Lombardi is the Meetings 1st Wednesday each month duced more than 500 carefully de slowest man in the big leagues, 8:00 P M tailed maps and city plans in nine players on rival clubs vote him the 2504 N Williams Ave. months. best defensive catcher in baseball. Mrs. Elise S. Reynolds, Secretary Data Checked Closely. Billy Webb LodaeNoTl 050 Information on location of these treasures comes in from the Library I. B. P. 0. E. W. of Congress, the National. A rchi. ?s, Meets every 2nd and 4th Wed. Smithsonian institution, the Ameri 8:30 P M can Defense-Harvard group. Metro 2504 N. Williams Ave. (Russell St.) politan Museum of Art and other W. L. SHINE, Exalted Ruler organizations At the Frick library EDWARD FELTS, Secretary Portland and Multnomah County- it is correlated. charted and Lee G arrett McClinton. Portland, checked by art specialists working Enterprise Lodge No. 1 and Evelyn M ary Gupton. Portland. under William Bell Dinsmoor. com mittee chairman and president of Richard J. Moore, Portland, and Meets every 1st and 3rd Monday the American Archaeological soci Fannie L. McDowell, Shreveport. 8:00 P.M. ety. and Sumner Mck. Crosby, La. Harrison B. Townsend, P o rt 2504 N. Williams Ave. executive secretary and president of land. and Cornelia H. Harris, P o rt W H BOWERS, W Master the College Art association. land. L. R. Miner, Portland, and Ida JAMES L. WASSON, Secretary Finally, experts on the locality Mae Green, Portland. W a lter W il being mapped are called in to check liams, Portland, and Dora Ander again. Then the maps are sent along son, Portland. Lesley John May, to the war department “ for use as Portland, and Florence. A. Cantrell, it sees fit.” Portland. Jeimih C. Moss, Wfcrren, Where cultural treasures can’t be spared, the committee counts on Texas, and M attie Galime, E*‘ Van- specially qualified men attached to port City, Ore., Jesse J.~TTtomas, AMG to salvage the remains. These Vancouver, Wash., and H attie M. ROBERT N. JOYNER. JR.. M. D. AMG officers have been trained m Gaines, Vancouver, Wash. Physician and Surgeon Offices: 14’ 5 N. Williams Av. Portland, Oregon VErmont 4404 or BEacon 318Ï Marriage r . & A . M. Professional OREGON F R A T E R NAL ASSOCI ATI ON 1412 N. W illiam s A v en u e I J and M BAR-B-Q B I Fried Chicken Dinners 522 N . B r o a d w a y (Near Interstate) WILLIAMS AVENUE U. S. O. 6 N. Tillamook Street Portland, Oregon TRinity 4615 MRS. BEATRICE REED Licensed Funeral Director Personal Attention at Holman & Lutz Mortuary N. E. 14th and Sandy Blvd. ~7 W YATT W. WILLIAMS Attorney -at-La w 523-4 Lumberman's B’.dg. 320 S.W. 5th Ave. - AT. 6871 Portland's only Negro Lawyer MRS. TEXAN A FISHER“ Registered Spencer Corsetiere 445 N. E. Cook St. TRinity 6093 Individual!/ Designed Supports