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About Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194? | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1944)
— ► \ à K o. i o. nws LOUIS AND HIS BAND IN NEW MOVIE » U (Ihr *N« hta n ** vtifui »-sir ir* «itti» üurfe hM re- t M j ' the T n -'W C M argena o f « 16« Nertfc O mb b w > * 1 'hei yr; xr ■ ■ >-*l a rr.u h (tv»’, lrmUramg you hardly know them ìmty U ü m « at LW Aru*Uur j tW % •« « *h »ri to find because all of Portland in outdoing itaetf in trying to enter- tain this illustn>us couple Her», there and evrrw here "Ixmie' is still his same old self Jamming at the Joe Cranes, soc.alizing at the Elk s Home; a little bit of every thing We finally squeezed the story out of “ Louie" about his forthcoming picture. “ Atlantic City." And here It is. Louis Armstrong and His Band, I t i ! » I> ü V » T V k v d w t ttt ottU 1 « i * t f t ïv r (I m htHM »TU not Nr a N « or Al m a ( « a l »xWumn and m i tine of Une» |M»<pk with whom you are w o tn l to contribute to this o»M kite to spend an evening . . , so en urne as weil as any other depart ood ttrprthr carttnl tuto U m A abco i * t tn ir * tertaining. >nce w u meet her you »t ' c4 piAn« plarin^ TV» man attending llANttd fr* » n t Y ment of TV* IXettami Inquirer Lota o f celebrittee In town thial i * * U h — energetic Ut- ffwni (kr X r » Tori|r»me-r.t pkasant fu ry rt** tie la»iv on your "m u st" list. Wk » • • i ivam ea to u m i lik e o ld And H t m for O » I a t i July 1 Mh U o a l g k t ! » a T ill h*wne week at the .Ti» the just dropped in for a viali, but there affair is fo rm a l were some others who seem to have D o r o t h y D a r d r a t g * tr a v e le d w i th Vlu**» is fur- .shed bv J»» Owne ume ttate New Y«>rk • rerv pofmiat ha«t the same idea Mrs Jamen Unce hall* Ivy A raiera» mi at ban vis and review* appeared at the Reynold* teacher of Vancouver. the Cloud Room L> um Hatch- r H O Ih im celebrated Cotton Ctufc m New at Jantren Beach Fletcher WeehlRgte». a 2eta Phi Beta, the York, toured with Jimmy lance- It Mi A V to 11 ah p VI week Mroderaon at \t»ICiro> s and evert I'leoptuui Smiths. Mr Pleas Ir.ger- ford's band, went to Hollywood for days the »harming Mis *uil. another »eiehritV here on a the rei ,ew Meet the C«oplr and » « O P M to 11 .*» V vr aundars »here el*.- we will »trop in »gam some Armstrong, house guests >>? the visit then «tarred in the all-Negro film. t'harlee M » v ( a iv *. Hut there ware “ Four Shall Die 4 She did *u. h ex- V. S (V V a j Wheel Tkk Week some one that If vim want to 't her »eiebrttie» around, tra* cellent work in Republic's "Hit Pa 1 Home on the Ra* cr Delta Sigma Theta contributed V,H* *• ‘ n ,hr * r** >™u rade of IK S " that she eras called 2 "Carry Me Back to iNe V\r its quota of celebrities Yep there «wnnot term to locate them. Just go back to the lot for "Atlantic City ” ginny." are the beautiful and talented Mias to the baseball game» at Vanport IMisv l^ee Mothershevl has scored 3 “ Row. Row Your H>wt " Il M Lilly, the {«etite female edi Everybody sotvner or later turns up m several other Republic films. 4 “God Bless America ' tion of i*a«!errw-ski and Mrs Eugene »Hit there at th*we game«, if you do Wi.o Killed Aunt M aggie*. lady 5 “Old Grey Bonnet " Franklin Miss June Roe Run not believe me ask Mr Hi)!, you From Louisiana, and "Sis Hop •» "Shine On Hanreet Moon ' nels ami Mrs M «teneva Sa' agr kn»*w l*mf K 8 Hill of the P A 7. “ America “ kins" among them She has a color A ■ ful role in “ Atlantic C ity;“ and inci »These are songs the service men Where did 1 see them, at the beauti Say. fellows, have you followed ful hom* of Mrs Mignon l 'abell dentally, is operating an electric i especially liked l my lead'about that eyeful f-om crane at Cal Ship while continuing Number 2 on the song sheet- Oklahoma Well. you see I knew her movie career | booklet:: haven't been so easy for them. > . . . . ... . , . what I was talking about, only I "Atlantic C ity" captures the ro- In the Blue Ridge Mountains of What they couldn't do with a bright nMld# Jujlt Mn, mlaUk#. lt |« not mance, glamour, and excitement of Virginia, beam ing smile from you lasalea. Miss, it is Mrs a colorful era In addition to Con- Stood a cow on the railroad track. huh. huh. huh Ö» K SM ItttR U » And i V. « »«1 h> • « krr ont I tlw iv>mw A 'o n o t ä i n to J T rr i R im tn d Sr m Buck and Bubbles. Dorothy Dand- sUnc< Moore and Brad Tav,or’ it3 She ~ ridge, and Daisy Lee Mothershed have important roles in Repub lic's forthcoming musical. "Atlantic City.’ a gay panorama of the fa mous resort town, in which Con- stance Moore and Brad Taylcr are co-starred, with a long list of popu lar personalities in the cast. PORTLAND PATTER One young lady writes In to aay: It give* me a thrill to see all of our hometown boys In uniform. . . . I wonder what she means Another writes In to say: Watch out. girls, a new dentist has Just arrived; now »lon’t g»> ami get all your good teeth pulled. In yet another letter, a minister writes in to say that he will not w’ork in the shipyards because Negnies are not employed there as office workers . . . We admire you for your decision, J. W. B. If you will give no permission we will print your letter. Speaking of beautiful homes, have you seen the Fontane’s . . . radio-phono big as a small garage . . . charming in its simplicity . . . impeccable color scheme . . . but what more could you expect. We had to rub our eyes, pinch ourself and look again . . . yes, they were still there . , . two of the most beautiful Wacs ever seen In these parts getting out o f a taxi close enough to he seen from our steps . . . now will somebody please take the hint and let us in on Whoisshe or should it be “They” ? Question of the week: Is the tip of the finger, the end of the tongue or the bottom of the feet the most delicate organ of touch ? a t 00* " ld ° ° w- *> ™ ry cast roster includes such favorites fine. as Charley Grape win, Jerry Co- But you can’t expect a cow to read lonna. Robert B Castaine. Stanley a railroad sign; Andrew's, Paul Whiteman and his So the train coming down the track. orchestra, Belle Baker, Joe Frisco, Hit the cow in tha middle of tha j MORE GAS DUE TOR FURLOUGH Kansas City, Kan., July 5 The Gallagher and Shean (Jack Kenny back. office of price administration will and A1 Shean > and Van And Schenck You’ll find the horna In tha moun liberalize its gasoline rationing pol (Gus Van and Charles Marsh.) Ray tains of Virginny, icy toward service men on furlough McCarey directed this elaborate And the tail on tha loneaome spine. within the next two weeks. Repre “The Trumpet King of Swing,” Number 7 on the song sheet- sentative Errett P. Scrivener, re otherwise known as Louis "Satch- musical extravaganza for Republic. booklet: publican. Kansas, said Wedneadav. mo” Armstrong, plays and sings Shingle bells, shingle belles. Scrivner said he had been noti “ Ain’t Misbehavin’,” the number he Shingle all your hair; Penicillin !s Seen as fied by his Washington office that has featured since he took New Don’t forget to wash your neck furloughed service men will receive York by storm in "Hot Chocolates.” Possible Aid to Animals Or also don’t leave it hare. . five gallons of gasoline for the first Armstrong has had a long and col SALT LAKE CITY. — Penicillin Shingle bells, shingle hells, three days of a leave and one gallon orful career, and has scored in per should prove as great a boon after Right up to the dome; per day for each day thereafter, un- the war to veterinarians as it now is sonal appearances, on records, on Don’t forget the more you cut. j der the new plan. to surgeons. Lieut. Col. F. B. the air, and in films. The less you have to comb. Queen of Bushnell army hospital. Service men have received five Buck and Bubbles team up with Brigham. Utah, declares. gallons for their entire furlough up Dorothy Dandridge in a song-and- “ It is so effective in a great num Things are picking up at the dear to the present time. dance routine to the music of “ I’ll ber of types of human diseases," old U. S. O. what with the U. S. O. The representative said he had Be Glad When You’re Dead, You Queen said, "there is no reason why, Club promoting plenty of recrea- j been Informed that men on leave Rascal You.” This duo started in since animals also suffer many ol tion, “ if you know whaL I mean." wouid receive “ leave slips,” showing the rhow business together over these diseases, penicillin cannot be know' any of these girls, soldier the length o f their furloughs. Those twenty-six years ago. Life Maga- used for them.” boys. Come around sometime and slips would be presented to ration let us get better acquainted, then boards, which would then issue BUDDY IS “ TOPS” too, the U. S. O. Girls, better known gasoline for the number of days in as "junior hostesses” are an eyeful dicated. In the danceland world names come up. I for any depressed military man, or should have sab1, pop-up, and diminish overnight. do you know it, too. Not so in the case of one Buddy Johnson, a Search ligh t Club swell guy as musicians go. One o f the members in his band was talking to me one night. And as sel Sunday, July 2nd: Picnic dom as we find among our group fellow-workers The Searchlight Club and the A very nice singing hour was en- who dish out the old pat-on-the-back, you can bet joyed by all. Songs were directed j Zion A. M. E. Sunday School spon- I was surprised to learn that Maestro Johnson was not a bad egg— to borrow a paraphrase . . . Almost by our charming U. S. O. president, sored a very enjoyable 4th of July overnight I said, and so be it. One o f the Decca Mrs. Irene McCoy. Music was ren- picnic at Peninsula Park. Everyone recordings that I recommend is Buddy Johnson's dered by none other than our very had box lunches, and cold drinks “ My Man Comes Home” . . . a nice disc by a feller own U. S O. director, Mr. Kenneth spread around on tables. The kid who won't miss . . . Please, Mr. Johnson! I think he will. BUDDY Smith, And I must say that he Is dies had a very swell time playing in the pool and also playing games. tops on the ivories. A few of the members .of the One of our U. S. O. members, Audrey Freeman, sang two beauti Searchlight Club were as follows: ful solos, “ I Love You Truly,” and Rev. and Mrs. Clow, Mrs. Hepburn 2 2 7 2 N. Interstate Ave. "Trees,” then all the gang had a real and children, Mrs. Marie Smith and “jam session” before departing, grandchildren. Some members of cooling refreshments were served the church present were: Mrs. M. B. Portland's Leading by charming hostesses to everyone Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Cox, and Mr. Colored Hotel present. and Mrs. Turner. There were quite a few more, but this is just to men tion a few who were there, and that Monday, July 3rd: MUrdock 9533 “ Kinda solemn mood here,” Mrs. the roving reporter saw. A very nice M. Belle Dunn played service songs, time was enjoyed by all present. while Mr. Kenneth Smith (tenor), Cpl. Eddie Perkins (baritone), and others joined in. I think everyone was thinking of the boys “over there,” especially Mrs. M. Belle Hospitality Distinctive Atmosphere Dunn, whose husband is stationed “ somewhere in Italy.” W e Specialize in Home-Cooked Meals The Medley Hotel Tornado Scatters Homes in East W I L L I A M S AVENUE GRILL Tuesday, July 4 th: Quite a number of the boys and girls went on private picnics, with individual oox lunches. The dance at the U. S. O. was quite a success. Music was furnished by the sailors iron. Astoria, Ore. Wednesday, July 9tn: Debate and supper. Come one, come all, and join the fun. Plenty Wash basins and dresser drawers form part of the general wreck o f food, I warn you. age, when the tornado struck B avenue, Liberty borough, Pittsburgh. Houses were lifted completely from foundations and furnishings flung far Thursday, July 10th: and wide. List of dead and injured were reported at 154 dead and 1,100 All members are invited to go to injured in the worst disaster in Pennsylvania's history, since the Johns town flood. Thousands were taken care of by Red Cross rushed to the Barnes General Hospital. COME ON GIRLS, let’s go out there and give scene. the boys a good cheering up. Thing» SOFT DRINKS N. Williams Ave. at W eidler MUSIC Mrs, M. S. Williams George Olson $ BR0ADWILL PHARMACY Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Lunch at our Fountain N. BROADWAY AND WILLIAMS Closed Sundays Open 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. 4