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About Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194? | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1944)
ar rtKf< iw fVt% C o ir ti 7 /ino* SO fhn * ( It M ItiìJ I o tri I 'M # I Hit • i \ B U W i? !« — t w t> • if «»I - a » > r| |t< m tote*« t r t * ' - a* am * ■ to to* « • ' at I d * w * O a r a t to flte to* F Jtiy 1 « t i at a fn d e t t a«}..a • M U a a iip I f t w O n ) « « r r M ln | pauM tii •* i t s la tte A r t i a i w a i - i at •*<# •« P**r «ntta| J na • * t 1 'i H t •*-*• t i ipwt! aiit'thr r e r * teas 'ha •o«t at th* A r t WarM war T te war ra*u tor tte Areal * * « r wlD to rou^tUy W M i M i 009 t hr highest tor any fiscal f a r in - -*- M y and about 915 M .3 M ON n v a t •*an tfcf f n 109 M i 000 n p e r o « ! tct C ttó lfl CM P S R ,«| ft • dH m 1 I B tote» to Ul *ea tous too* 4 * Me»lÉÉMMI 1•ar-sra. V an *0*0 ■to i it wt *i to a tor ’.emm i OU 9 • t « M •* to te 1 ira* ”**» mm Mfe$ fU» ■•* rato to ra ter» at?**« •to F Jto 'A t » n * 9 ■**■ -¿lato ***** YOONC PEOPLE'S PACE T *h ra a *x*«-tty what Jmrktm ia I (M it r i *r.«j1 r * wtato lum all of Ute I Iteto II* tlle iw ifM J tor k w ito % Itou I r*Ttoto rî V p "% t c1 11 te nnr iGut» out fur tito } tect«rw**n(1 o t Coka tel Unira SA - §¡m TW U H 9 T V M l. li I I to tftk ewe * melarne to w a» reto Jato M toS fe !M5 « Adirne M d after r ding (te n to it o n e street and l t d to I T * toe y peto avenu« they tend 919 trau M e Tito tJurd victim e s t ■ tew ge Cer- rod. 55. of C l 9 Adatto knnlnai j. who lost 915 tfter driving them tovas* Madison street end Crewhr-rd eve nue te Taiman aver e and W«i »* *ft| • * i : ti • >6*> V ira- 4 V ,tfto ftâTi S *1 a - IJ T R ’ 'Jur* L »•« K n » * T Q R U T I N t i l nv in ter ah to o ffe r our beet wt tìtoli! tob* Mie tfcat ah* Ul weu twiiir-g one of our nrn »toil to t0 hu . . t uy tetl land rnung mea ba< k from vs tei «IN» toto 1 It 1 Ahe beg* tive duty r v r n w a i W elcom e Paul W dL to *< Urara ■ ••Ul mi. ti ltot! lac hr a w ater Three a la v rana Wad y . n n t mm tl Ione a pel hntowa are t » u n «nir,| teteftd Thaw ta t I U Arad i r toto «4 the tod gtear- at the (>w gg team « and g o lf ber « m b lw a m to be a t o t i t a a «he n u rs musar and lh «a pknh wwa g iv a » by aar h w a (h a «a ber favorite record fhlthful and trwthfui ~Aunt t uto tota* Kand Mb«a iota <d fnaatoh bui l i e the Jr d n m tk i ink whirh * dteLhea aigebrw and pipee ohe kivea the aaar p a d ^rewan ted H Are cura, potato cbtpa crovedad dlOoei ng ‘I t o a Rivera Al dance flore* « d in e u h m .-wahmere th irty to the aTteerneto three awewtera voung follerà bui ber pel ruiaed up to ( h a t cd the rea d i wie o f Mr ilra g g . Ave minute* later peeve <m heing puntosi Ju*>e » a and the young group wwa on ita way neat I fi 2 in 130 tb cur v ar « oub to explora the unknow—. mordere of tentng *adv that em iW turo anv the <*ragg marv»i<<n The trapelerà voung man'a heart *-rt»»ft*r i flu t ftmahed their lit'le at jou rr after ter flutter i Although thia lo elv about twenty m nute* of stiad v l'umile of . ha ruta Itkea all brwm he* driving All o f the grown-up* aa l'ft h e a mieti firn «a ahe state* that well aa the ki<l* anyoved themselves thè navy t* her favorite hranch nf mmrnaely aa could <mlv be ex- thè aervtce t For furi her informa- parted ( A re yon hep » Much rtf the tlon ronrem tng adstrcaa and phone time oil »aide o f hiking reefing ra t number contact vour editor von ing. wa* aper.t in taking picture* dreamers, you 1 June waa alao There were tw o «mall . amenta and chosen aa one o f the Princes*** of one m oving picture camera fur- the "Hapten* " Kddte Hurnett# o f the Merchant M a n n ** Paul everyone arrived Sunday, «epeetally hta young suttee M arv and harm ing waa eery glad to ara* him Paul ha* bean oversaaa for the past eleven nuttotha. and o f *r ia eery glad to bach In the •City at LAY IT D0WR. " J E lir ' tte l a t fiscal year Non-war apendirf • e« 1 ;m<iled at 9« 35 onn <vte tor The m ar n a k io f a New York July A Canadians ara total outlay to M3 MS O M (M fighting so hard and lough over in T V average daily mar «pending the »•**• ectnr of Franc* that they ha* beer running recently about know thrv have the "Jerrtea" on the 9 * r J'*1 OOC and rhe average daily run ao they have even w ritten a nor e a r «pending about 919 193 000 SOUTHRAST AS1 \ H I ADQUAR parodv on "P is to l Packtn M am a." War spending crossed the |74 000 • TERS KANDY CEYLON Scores 000 (0 mark on May 9 It crossed «In c h goes like thia i f Jap* vere burned alive m their from 909 000 000 000 into the 970 000 . "S lu ggin g lerrv left and right. own jungle fire which they «el 000 000 bracket just 13 working days H aving lota o f fun, around a hilltop p^wition of West earlier on April 24 Thus, in the African troop- on the K a laden front, TUI «me night we got him right. 13-day period, spending approxi an account from Burma said After Now he'a on the run. mated $4 000.000.000 (he Japs set the fire they started W e licked you on the beaches. During the 1942 fiscal year the to rush the steep slope Sudden, Chased you through the towns. United States poured 920 011000 000 heavy gu«ts of wind turned back the into the war. or considerably less fire on them and many were sil niahed by the Unthanka All in .all Y ou 're not safe if we reach you. than one-third of the current antici houetted against the lam es and everyone had a wonderful time and P U T S tS I K IM * n «K to So lav that lugger down pated fiscal outlay M yrtle WUfont one fine chick. t'horua: mowed down by West African ma I still aav that that was ;u*t about United States daily average ex chine-gunners. I* iy that lugger down, kid. the best food I've ever had I thank I declare penditures on the war thus are ll- Birds On* hot spot You haven’t got a chance, you "Au nt L u la" and ao do the fo l most three times the estimated out Charles G ragg The "B A R O N ’’ L u gger lugging Ludwig. lowing who alao went Ruby Brock. lay of 9133.700.000 for the entire P e and Gene T Bennie G ragg, Fannie G ragg. IV- Y ou ’re all waahed up in France. War of 1812 and roughly twice the ? total cost of the Mexican war which lorea Wilkinson. Gertrude W illiam *, i Ellen and Seth Murt and Rich ? was estimated unofficially at 9166.- LONDON. — North Londoners go Chuck iH a n .il Gragg, John tJr.) 000 000 Seth Hill Asking for a raise ing to wor ; one morning recently Minor. D eNorvai i handsome I Uti- The next m eeting c f the Delta in the Hendon area thought they thank, and. o f course, Ricardo Wlna- Good lu rk ’ Sigm a Theta S orority will be held were encountering an early morn low. on Tuesday. July ¡if», at the home o f ing mist, but they quickly learned T R IB U T E O F T IIE W E E K The next on the line is the picnic Mi's Geneva Turner. S. E Grant from weeping eyes and parched given out at and past V iv Young s This week we pay tribute and CHICAGO. ILL. — Police Lieut. Court, at 8:00 p m. tongues that it was a mysteriously honor to one Jack Henderson, all William Drury and a squad of offi loosed heavy concentration of tear house. It all started in front of the cers at the Rogers Park police sta gas There was no immediate clue residence o f M r and Mrs Harris * r°und sport and nice guy All o f Y. M. C. A. tion swung into action after Mildred how it came t# be there, investi around 1 o’clock. A sleek tinted red Y °u w111 probably remember seeing 831 S. W. 6th Avenue Roloff and Ann Gerber said they gating authorities said. and green limousine floats up to the his picture ih the papers during bas were positive they had seen a mur Y. W. C. A. H arris’ to take the necessities (but ketball season stating that he was der car. leading Sabin against the Colonials 834 S. W. Broadway d efin itely) -and just a few of the “ A hand and a foot were stacking Kats and Chicks. A t first the out of the trunk of the car when it CHUNGKING CHINA. -The Kuo anxious group had a little trouble parsed us,” they told the officers. mintang’s »government political with the float The only thing wrong “ Then the driver stopped, stepped out. shoved the hand and foot inside, party) youth corps presented 8,000.- was that it wouldn’t start < A minor 000 Chinese dollars to the Chinese detail.) All o f the Jodvs said that locked the- trunk and drove on.” They gave police the license num government for the purchase of 40 they had a wonderful time running, ber. which was traced to a cigar fighter planes. The ceremony was playing (yes. Uncle Sam m y) and distributing company, which owned held at Chungking’s parade ground, swimming. (Y ou all know what Sofe Drinks - Ice Cream - Sandwiches - Music several cars used by salesmen. It where government leaders also in wonderful swim ming was done spected 5,000 Boy Scouts and Girl was seven hours before police found a garage mechanic who knew one Guides. Generalissimo Chiang Kai- when the deepest water was about of the salesmen who had driven the shek, in a nationwide message, tw o centimeters deefi i This is urged the young people of China to some inside dope that your reporter car. “ This afternoon I was working on "realize the magnitude of the re obtained strictly from the inside his car,’’ said the mechanic, Gus sponsibilities that this great epoch S. W and V. Y. only came on sL on g Knoblock “ He complained It was has thrust upon their shoulders and along with a few others. Also there ¡ rattling, so I got into the trunk to to do their utmost in carrying the task of national reconstruction to a were two charming young ladies listen for the noise while he drove. LOCATED IN THE who got themselves up a tree and Then I had him lock me in the trunk successful conclusion.” didn't know how to get down. (Did so I could hear better.” PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL CENTER you. M irt and Viv. i The two quarts o f punch which the Kats had was : 14C9 Williams Avenue also deeply appreciated, wasn’t it? VErmont 9025 N ex t came the “ mad jum p” given CHICAGO.—A White Rock hen at the residence o f Mr. and Mrs. FORT ’ VORTH. — District Attor MRS ETOILE COX, Operator in Charge presented its owner with some ney Clyde O. Eastus has received Sterling W illiam s by their charm RUTH COX-FIEETWOOD, MISS FLORENCE FULLILOVE. Attociafr Operator thing new in egg shapes when it many strange requests during his ing daughter Miss Gertrude W ill Licensed Manicurist MRS. IDA MITCHELL, Associate Operator produced two eggs joined l y a tenure of office, but this one tops iams. Just about every Jody who shell covered tube so as to form them all. A so-called ‘ ‘treasure hunt went to either or both picnics was a dumbbell. The yolk was con er, prospector and inventor” in at G ertie’s hop. A ll the K ats fell in tained at one end of the dumbbell i Moreno, Ariz., wrote Eastus re and the white in the other. The hard with their fine brods. who questing that the district attorney double egg was broken by the were, as ever, looking m ighty fine. locate some gasoline ration tickets Clerks, Carriers Clerks. Carriers “ in some good, honest way so I can j hrti soon after it was laid, the Although all o f the Kats were owner reported. bunt some buried treasure.” ■f# , • » knocking themselves out with their Your Post Office Department needs your help. If you can mad jumping M urtle’s fine "camel read, and write, and are able bodied and carry a pack weigh ¡w alk ,’’ and T. W estley’s mad “ jitter- ing 30 to 50 pounds, apply to the Post Office Department. hopping” just about took the mte. There was also much fine food and Your post office needs your help if you con do the fo llo w drink for the tired and w eary souls ing: Manual labor, handle mail. You w ill receive o regular i who had gallavanted all day. Since clerk’s salary. everyone was gettin g sort o f tired, Apply at Personnel Office, main Post Office Building, Ropm the dancing stopped for a short (but 225, Broadway and Glisan. sweet, huh fellow s! game of spin the bottle and “ P ost O itice.” (R e member the good ole days o f post office, kiddies). The intelligent Miss Joy Brock wa3 postmistress E very- | one had a swell time and left feeling m igh ty good. A ll in all I ’d say that last Fourth o f July was one well spent as I ’m sure you'll all agree. J«p* Burned Aiive in Thr ir Own Burma Trap Londoners Discover Fog is Tear Gas ‘Pocket’ Sorority Meeting Body in Motor Trunk, But It Wasn’t Murd-r Chinese Youths Donate Fund to Buy 40 Planes Where the Younger Set Gather BIRD'S 2013 N. WILLIAMS AVENUE Charlene's Beauty Box AND N. Arks Gasoline Coupons Lays 2 Eggs Joined In Form of Dumbbell To Hunt Buried Treasure M EN W A N T E D Eaa, Baa, Biack Sheep, Have You Any Wool? NEWSBOYS Wanted to Establish Routes K N O ** Y O U R F R IE N D S Each week I w ill introduce to you one o f your friends with definite facts about him or her that you m ight be interested in knowing. Miss June Rand waa introduced into the world on Julv 6 1926. in Make Money Selling The Portland Inquirer