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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1919)
KAHN POINTS WAY TO ESCAPE HEAVY TAXES HIS REASON California Congressman Says People Must Cooperate With Government V t Congressman JuMuk Kahn -of Csli- fonUa, aeulor tnsmber of ths Military Affaire Committee of the House. In a signed stateuieut g|v«u out at Wash tagton, reviews briefly some of tbe problem* confronUng the gowiumsnl In post war finance and urge* tbe • couutry to help congress hold down taxa» lie said: "How I* the I'nltod Htstea going to pay her war debt* which are now be ginning tu flood the naUon's treasury? The outflow of putiUd funds today I* al nioul on a par with the »xpiiidllursi made while the war wa* rnglng. Al though there are no mute munition* or implement* of war to be pur<'t>a*od. the englnoi of destruction which Amer ican factorin* created to bring about the downfall of the Imperial govern ment of Germany have not »11 been paid for. Then thuro are the he*vy expenditure* Incident to readjusting th« world from a war to a peace basis. Reconstruction Cost Hsavy. "It I* no nnw* to student* of history to bn told that the expense* of po»t- ws,j reconstruction have always been a* great and many time* greater than the actual war outlay. Fbod mint be •hipped to our boy* who are *1111 on foreign *oll. Money mint be raised to further project* having to do with filling these noble hi-roe» of ours wttb ■ ultabls occupations Those who tiavn been maimed must not be made to come into oocnpotltlon with the sound. "Where Is the money to come from'' The people themselves, although they lent patriotic and wholehearted sup port to the gnvemmnnt's war program and made unprecedented sacriAces. keenly felt the effect of the tsxas Im posed In the revenue bill such aa they had never faced before and would have not submitted to except In view of ex- traordluary circumstances. Now that the war I* over wo must And some way of raising money to flnanoe the various necessary projects confronting the nation. People Must Coopsrets. The people must cooperate, and they can cooperate without paying heavy taxes. They can continue to Invest In War Havings Stamps, Liberty Bonds •nd other government securities, and help the government by helping them selves. "The government offers Its clttscns a two fold proposition, mutually helpful. Funds can be raised to help the gov ernment meet Its obligations, by the patriotic cooperation of the people, who are st the same time tusking as safe an Investment as can be made tn securities, backed by th« most stable business on earth, that of Uncle Ham. THOSE LIBERTY BONDS ó Thera la a lot of money being spent •very day In advertising with the ob ject of separating plain Mr. American from bl* Liberty Bond*either by offer* to buy them outright or trading In wildcat stock for them. Many plain Mr. Americana are rushing In where wise men fear to tread and are "fall ing" for the advertisements without thought of why the other fellow want* the bond*. Advertising, especially the kind Lib erty Bond brokers are using, cost* a lot of money. Where does the buyer get off? Well, be sure bo 1* getting off else he wouldn't advertise He Isn't In bualneM for hl* health. He I* after the money It'« a cinch you are help ing him to a big rake off when you trade or •<■11 your Liberty Bond*. That'* •en*e. lan't It? If ■ Liberty Bond I* worth, say, |*5 to th« broker after he haa paid (or all of hl* expensive advertising, ft cer tainly io worth par or more than par to the holder. For on top of hia adver- Using ex|>enaea the broker maintain* coolly office* and mueh help That'* aense. Isn’t it? The reanob the broker want* th* bonds I* that he or hl* client* want to bold them, It'* the broker*« busiaess to know bond values, Ha know* that thrji Liberty Bonds are going to be valuable tblng»--that they are going way above par—within a year or two. Hold them yourself GARY MOTOR TRUCKS WIN IN ROAD WORK COMPETITION Visitor— Why have your gene«* logical tree hung so high? flint—Thnt Isift a genealogical tree. That's my dog's pedigree, but 1 want people tu think It's my gem-uloglcal tree. PRETTY SALTY GARY 3 1-2 TON TRUCKS Three Gary 8*/2-Ton Trucks, purchased by Kay County, Oklahoma, for public road work—after a competitive test with five other leading makes of trucks. We now have twenty trucks on the way like those shown above, all equipped with 3>/i-yard steel lined bodies, with Hydraulic Hoist, that we are bringing in for road construction work. period of one year. GARY steel products lead the world. GARY Trucks are in the same class. Don’t chance an unknown quantity. REPORT OF W. G. NORRIS CO 1 READ WHAT YOUR NEIGHBORS SAY Here I« the report of the W. <'. Norris Motor Sales Company, of Tulsa, t ail You Beat It? < iklahomu, on the three truck* shown above, and covering their experience Stranger—In thnt ntrvnin Malty? Mansfield, Wash.. January 29, 1919 with motor trucks tn general and OAKY Truck* in particular. Gentlemen: Countryman—Wal. It would make You want to know how we like the 1 AS-ton Gary Truck we bought in pretael out of a doughi.ut lu two min "We have just closcil the deal with the County i’ommbwloneni of Kay Spokane last July We are more than pleased with it. We thought at the óte*. County for three GARY iMi-ton trucks, We competed with five other makes. time we had bought the best, but we really got more than we expected. We have done lots of hauling and the truck is in just as good shape as and oiitpulled them all. The performance of the trucks wc frankly state Is ever. We have done more hauling than trucks lots larger, and with leas A GREAT HEAD innrvclous The "H" and "HU.** 2 and 2Mi-ton models with four speed trans expense. Yours truly, mission outpull, overpower and outilnss everything in their rated capacity; (Signed) W. F. PENNINGTON, Mansfield, Wash. while the l*4-ton is even greater in pulling power and loud carrying capacity. Wo consider your worm drive, scini-floatlng Shelden Axle as the only safe BHEWSTEH-BRlDGEI’OKT GROWERS, INC. and •«re form M construction for hard usage and Io withstand the strain Producers, Packers and dliip|M-rs of Fine Appb-> and abuse to which a truck la subjected In the oil field« and kindred linen of Brewster. Wash.. August 1, 1918. work. Our observation, expsrience and knowledge of actual results in med Gentlemen:. Ing oil field requirements, with heavy loads and no roads, convinces us that The 2-ton Gary Truck that we purchased from you in June. 1917, has GAItY TRUCKS can’ll* relied upon In every Instance and will deliver a long been in service continuously since that time, and during the busy months of life of service at a nominal upkeep and low cost of operation. We are for the fruit season we have operated the truck 24 hours a day. We have had the GARY TRUCKS strong and shall concentrate our future efforts on the no trouble, requiring no repairing or duplicate parts and did not have the truck in the -hop until we Beat it in to have the new tires put on. GARY line. We consider thia a wonderful record and evidence of the highest stand W. C. NORRIS MOTOR SALES CO., ard of design, material and workmanship, to outwear a set of solid tires over rough roads, without having any repairing to the mechanical parts of the (Signed) N. I». Southerland. Gen. Mgr. truck. ' . The truck has been handled by one of our former teamsters, withoat truck experience, and he worked the truck over the rough roads that one will find moxtly in our section. The GARY has the power and never fails Note: The W. Norris .Motor Hale« Company are a million dollar con to deliver the load. We think it is th • best truck built, and give it our un qualified endorsement. cern. and one of the largtutt In Oklahoma After several years' experience Yours very truly. with other lines of trucks, they have dropped them all and rely exclustvely BREWSTER-BRIDGEPORT GROWERS, INC.. on GARY Trucks for heavy duty oil field work and for till purpose usage. (Si Ki ted) 8am Berry. Sec.. Brewster, Wash. .. ................... Rcggy Jui« fnhncy, Cholly. I’ve for gotten ma cub nt case. There is a (¡ary Truck for every purpose, one to five-ton sizes. All of the'highest quality of design and construction. Cer Cholly—Nevah mind, denr boy. I’ll tainty of Service is our slogan, and as WEST COAST FACTORY AGENCY we shall always be p epared to supply any duplicate lend you some of mine. Reggy—Rut—*h I— the name would part that may be required, and do any repair or service work necessary. be different, (lonelier know? Cholly—Hah Jove, so It would! What n head you Im ve, Reggy. GARY COAST AGENCY INC. HARD ON REGGIE Cholly—I spoke a good word for you. Among other things I snld you had a little saved up for n rnlny day. Reggie—What did she say? Provost Marshal-General Crowders Cholly—Rhe Mid you didn't know report of the work of mobilising the man power ef the nation under the enough to come in when It mined. Selective Draft Act disclosed the rea son wby America was able to pro THE HAPPY FAMILY duce ouch a tremendous quantity of foodstuff despite the drain upon the labor of the country by the operation of the draft. The reanon was that sixty-five per cent of the farm labor of the country registered tor mili tary service was given deterred classi fication upon agricultural grounds. Saving the possible exception of •hipyard workers no other single in dustry was given such consideration aa was the pursuit of forming and no class of producers was treated more fairly than the farmers. This was right and just, yet to the credit of thu government. The war la over aa far aa the fight Ing Is concerned and the government turn* to the people to settle up the bills Incurred In ending IL It ex pects the farmer. Individually and ae a class, to retaliate with the "square deal." The Victory Liberty Loan—the laat Hubby—Only two week* ngo 1 paid of the Liberty Loans— la coming next for a new unit for you. month. It la going to catch the Wifey—Yea, I know you did, and farmer al the wrong season. That Is you screech«»! a* loudly as If you were good. paying for a lawsuit I I* will be an add test 71 Broadway PORTLAND, OREGON Eggiman’s Meat Market BEEF PORK MUTTON Phone Brdwy 2162 JI. D. KcnwrtW $ Company VEAL fnneral Directors SMOKED and SALT MEATS TWO ESTABLISHMENTS FISH an POULTRY HIGHEST QUALITY—IXJWE8T PRICES 5919 Ninety-second Street i • MAIN OfTKf: WUNQI Off ICÍ: 58024 92nd Sheet S. E. 4615 66th St.. Cor. Foster M. LEITS STATION ARIETI STATIOte Pho« Tabor 5267 Phone Tabor 5895 > Tabor 2573 > ■/ THE ACID TEST » These will be sold under the factory’s absolute guarantee for the full First-Class Service given Day or Night. Close Proximity to Cemeteries Enables us to hold Funerals at a Minimum Expense LENTS MERCANTILE COMPANY EVERYTHING FOR ’ THE TABLE .... Cranberries Celery Sweet Potatoes English Walnuts Grapes Oranges Lemons Apples Dried Fruit Pickles Vegetables Canned Goods ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a ■■ " -■ SHORT ORDERS AT; POPULAR PRICES 5805 92nd Street. S. t Lents Bicycle and Motorcycle Repair Shop MT. SCOTT RESTAURANT / Near Street Car Line Second-Hand Motorcycles and Bicycles for Sale Putting on Baby Buggy Tires a Specialty k Open from 5 a. m. to 11 p. m I GENERAL REPAIRING SUNDRIES 9124 Foster Road »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ --------------------- ... -, Waffles 15c WE DON’T KEEP GROCERIES, WE SELL THEM Phone: Tabor 1141. Ü < Two Doors West of Lents Postoffice J Better Printing at the Herald Office