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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1919)
LOCAL AND PERSONAL ST. PETER’S CHURCH ■JJ* GRAYS CROSSING A neighborhood dance will be given I in the Brentwood hall Saturday eve > When Ton Want to Move ning, April 12. Call Tabor 7707 Mrs. Florence Pepple, of 69th street and 62nd avenue, has been ill for the |>ast week. A bright baby girl was born to Mr. ami Mr*. W. Hamilton, of 70th and McCoy streets, on Wednesday, April 2. f RKSIDKNCK . The Tremont grocery store is wearing a new coat of paint. ; 9436 Foster Rd. Lents, Ore. Mrs. Lewis, of 65th avenue, near 70th street, is able to be out again after the second serious operation on her neck. Mrs. R. J. Taylor, of 6910 61st avenue, entertained the Friday after noon 500 club on April 4. Mrs. Mary Lockwood won a hand-painted plate CORD WOOD AND as first prise and Mrs. Vallie Hamill COUNTRY SLAB won a Rohemian glass plate as sec ond prise. _ nn_nnn-t.. Next Sunday being Palm Sunday, Mrs. Rachel Rates and family have the palms will be blessed and dia- moved into their new home which tributed at the high mass. they have purchased at 5903 84th Rev. P. J. Reutgvn, pastor of 3‘. street. Peter's, attended the installation of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Quinn moved Bishop McGrath at Baker last v eek. their household good* from storare The visiting clergy numbered 62 bo- to 334 Ijirrabee street, where they ing present from Washington ami have apartments. Oregon and Idaho. William Beckner and Celia Erts There is an architectural exhibit at the l^nts library for a few days. were married Tuesday evening at the All who are thinking of building recto ryt Mr. Ertx ami family have taken should see this exhibit. Hattie Yott has opened a real es up their residence on Eighty-fifth tate office in Ix'nt*. She has her . treet. Mr. Vardy and family have taken place of business in the Rohna con up their ivaidence on Main street, fectioner)- store on Foster load. opposite the school. Mt. Scott Eastern Star entertained Mr. and Mrs. Chicas will soon move its members Thursday evening. April 3, at progressive 500 after the reg into their home on Ninety-first ular meeting. Refreshments were j street. Rev. Father Reidy will again assist also served. at St. Peter's next Sunday. Lents Parent Teacher association Miss Catherine O'Brien, organist will meet Friday, April 18, in the school WOODMERE auditorium Mrs Adah Wallace Unru at St. Peter's, has taken up her resi Mrs. Wm. Brimmer has sold her will speak at 2:30 on the "Evil that dence with Mrs. Nandts on the Reset Young Girls.” Every mother Nandts place south of lx*nts. property at 7402 62nd avenue. should hear this interesting lecture. J. W. Withered, of 7427 Sixty-third Mr. Sutton and family have taken I.loyd Robinette, who has been in up their residence on Eighty-fourth avenue, is building a new addition training as a sailor in southern Cal across the front of his residence. ifornia. has returned home to his street and Mr. Benomley and family Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Durkee, former have purchased a home on Ninety- mother. Mrs. Goodrow, of 5724 84th residents of Woodmere, who moved first street. street, who has three' other sons | Next Sunday the Holy Name so to Washington last year, have re overseas in the army of occupation. ; ciety will go to conimuniop in a turned and ale now living at 7720 Mrs. O. M. Tamplin, 5322 Eighty- body. Sixty-second avenue. second street, left Wednesday for j The Woodmen' Band of Mercy asks Richmond. Ind., to attend'a meeting1 people who have sheep or goats to of the central board of the Friends I EVANGELICAL CHURCH shear, to wait until the weather is church. She will be gone about two I The revival meetings at the Evan warmer, as much suffering is ex gelical church are still in progress perienced from too early clipping. weeks. In recognition of her humane work. M. E. Kaufman and family moved with increased attendance, and will from 781 Vaughan street to Ninety continue over Sunday. Rev. A. P. Mrs. Gertrude Bernal, of 6126 80th fourth street and Sixty-fifth avenue. Tiffany, Sunday school missionary, street, has been presented with a The Kaufmans have a little son 13 serving as evangelist in these meet book of poems entitled "The Inner years old who is a fine violinist and ings, is a whold team in himself. His Life.” written by Calla I- Harcourt plays with the Webber orchestra in ¡■reaching is thoroughly bibiica). —now deceased—who was one of the deeply spiritual, full of love and most ardent humane workers of her the city. ( sympathy, yet courageous in hearing time. The donor is Mrs. Lydia A. Geisler ftros. received their fine the truth. The result of the meeting Irons, over whose signature is the new Quaker furnace Wednesday has been a feast to the church, a re inscription “In the strong bonds of morning and will soon have it in vival of spiritual life and endeav kindred sympathies.” stalled. Then it will be goodby to ors. There have been a number of the old stove, where the elite of the converts among the Sunday ¿'•noo! FRIENDS CHl’KCH town used to gather and swap A surprise stork party was given children stories and criewing tobacco. for Mrs. J. S. Fox at the residence Services Next Sundav Mr. and Mrs. Koller returned to Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching at of Miss I<aurana M. Tern'll, 6027 their home at 9644 Fifty-fourth ave 11. Y. P. A. at 6:30 p. m. Preaching Ninetieth street Monday afternoon. nue Tuesday. Mr. Koller has been 7:30 p. m. Those present enjoyed a splendid in the service 16 months and in time and the gifts ranged from bon France about nine months, serving B. F. Miller, 5512 Eighty-eighth nets to booties. Ladies present in in the naval aviation corps. Mrs. street, entertained Mr. and Mrs. P. cluded Mrs. C. C. Barker, Grandma Koller visited with her relatives at P. Jenne, Eugene Jenne and others Barker, Mrs. Conant, Mrs. Rasmus Tacoma during Mr. Koller's absence. at a dinner party on Sunday, March sen. Mrs. Boatright. Mrs. Dave Bass. The regular meeting of the Wood- 6. Mrs. Erskin. Mrs. Marks, Miss Ter mere scouts, was held at the school rill, Miss Isler. Mrs. Mann, Dorris Mrs. Eva Zimmerman and her house last Friday evening. The and Wilda Mann, Mrs. Fowler. Miss daughter Louise, of Silverton, were troop, which has the full number,. Hunt, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Dunbar. 32, was there, excepting two mem- ! guests at the home of J. C. McGrew, Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Fox. Refresh 8741 Fifty-sixth avenue S. E., during ments consisting of cake and cocoa bers. The work this week was of the past week. Also Dr. Charton the ordinary routine sort. A. Earl were served. Snyder, of Estacada, a retired Port Two high school lads, Harold Not- Kenworthy, of Lents, is scoutmaster. land physician. tage and Frances Haworth, repre Father and Mother Scheuerman Mr. and Mrs. F. Warren, who for sented the Newberg high school at left Wednesday morning on their merly resided on Ninety-second the Y. M. C. A. convention in Port golden wedding honey-moon for an street and Sixty-sixth avenue but land last Friday and Saturday. After extended visit in the east. Their who now live at 208 East Forty- banqueting at the Y. M. C. A. they first stop will be at Bantry, N. D., seventh street N„ are the proud par came out to Lents in time to see the with a daughter and family. Later ents of a baby boy born March 20. finish of a spicy little program being they will visit the other daughters Money to Loan—1500 to $2000, on given in the annex of the Friends and friends in Indiana. Other rela good security. Farm loan preferred. church. They spent the night with tives in Ohio will also be seen. They expect to be gone about eight Mrs. C. D. Sanders, 6224 Eighty relatives here, returning to Newberg ninth St. A112t* Saturday evening. months. Officers of the Mt. Scott chapter r of Eastern Star went to Sellwood last Tuesday evening to put on the degree work for the Sellwood chapter. Two candidates were introduced into the mysteries of the order. After the business of the evening was over the HATTIE YOTT ANNOUNCES THAT visitors were royally entertained, a SHE HAS OPENED A REAL ESTATE delicious lunch being served. OFFICE IN BOHNAS’ CONFECTION Say, but that program was worth while, Friday evening, April 4, in the ARY STORE ON FOSTER ROAD. annex of the Friends church, Those giving it were the losers in a contest for subscribers to the C. E. paper published in Portland. Their thought was to show in ludricous mimicry how the winning side won. Especial r ly was Miss Isler, the leader, shown up. Making elephants out of white wax, followed by unique refresh ments, and the pleasant evening was over. » Mr; Newmeyer, a field organizer of the Y M. C. A. will hold a mass meet ing next Wednesday night, April 16th, E. Burke, 14 years with the mechanical end of the at Kenworthy’s chapel at 8 p. m. to in terest the people of this and adjacent Police Department of Portland, is now open for communities in a movement for the business in the old Nash Theater Building at 72nd welfare of the boys and girls. This movement is along different line* than and Millard, or 55th Ave. has ever been attempted before, it is a real movement that will accomplish Will carry a Full Line of Accessories, Tires, Oils, real results in a real way. Come and and Greases. Also a complete line of Ford Parts. bring a friend. List your Property with Hattie Yott 1 . First-Class Sheet Metal Work and Repairing < 1 fETTY’S TRANSFER i > Uuttering. General Repairing. Garbage Can*, Flour Bin* Bii'lvr*, Htnvv Hip.-t, t'lmken Fountain«, Clm-ken Grit- Feed Box«*« *n>l Chicken Feed Trough*. U A. S, PEARCE, The Tinsmith ' ’ : and Express Auto Truck ’ < ► labor : A THE PORTLAND BUSINESS MAN who I* mw.'Maftil aurrutltida liiuiarlf with every availabl« modern devl*e (or aavlng hl* time ami money 1*ha buaioaae man who (ail« to..... an AUTOMATIC TKL- (g* / * Iff ( A ^7^ — — Yard on Footer Road in front of I^nts Library , Phone Tabor 7823 19 JB T X I Tv- At. 0 'S—-* XL k \ ® e-'*) ** f A i IONE «imply eloare hiaraUbllaliinent to tliou«an<U of |ioMil>!a euatolurni II« may never know lha ival r>a«oi> for ill* failure in bimitn***, u u 1 1 THINK IT OVER Long DiHtanoe Everywhere CALL A 6221 E The Herald Does All Kinds of Printing.... Home Telephone and Telegraph Company ol Portland, Oregon =FIR E= BE PROTECTED We Write Fire Insurance in a Good, Strong Company. Multnomah State Bank »HERMAN HARK8ON, Careltier Lents Station Portland, Oregon v-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- can now Supply any size Goodyear Tires, Fabric and Cords. FOR - BARGAINS - SEE - HATTIE - YOTT Burke’s First-Class Garage’ Phone Tabor 7468 BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school at 9:45. Superin tendent, Mrs. Rosa Silver. Good music and good classes for all ages. Sunday services at 11a. m. Preach ing by pastor. Subject, “The Gospel For the Age." Young people’s prayer meeting at 7 p. m. Evening service at 8 o’clock, Song concert until 8:30, led by Mrs. Beu- lah Lynch Smith, Evangelistic ser- vices at 8:30. All invited. The Arleta and Lents church will | united in a Sunday school institute Friday evening, April 11. All cor dially invited to attend. Mrs. Gulliks will make one of those beautiful hand made hats to match ^»ny coat, suit or dress you have. • She also makes theatre hats of all descriptions. Repairing strictly guaranteed and if you want to help on your own work, bring your car in and you can work with me. If you have not the time, I will call and get your car and deliver it. No extra charge. On all cars stored with me, I will absorb the war tax on gaso line. » JUST TWELVE STEPS FROM THE CAR TRACK TO THE DOOR............ TRY OUR FAMOUS SWISS STEAKS Ninety second Street Opposite Theatre. LENTS, OREGON Don’t fail to see the new 30x31-2 Cord Tire to fit Ford, Maxwell and Chevrolet Cars -THE LENTS GARAGE MORTERUD’S MARKET I I , Fetter Road, Opp, P, O. SECRET J. H. Bradbury » AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor 8919 FOSTER ROAD Tabor 3429 Home 1)61 Î