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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1914)
NEWS NOTES OF CURRENT WEEK CALIFORNIA IS STORM SWEPT Home Credit System Creates Much Interest Wool Prices Will Be Higher Than Last Year VflULl OTES PRECEDENTS IN ODENSE OF EIEX1TON EXECITIO.N OF ENGLISHMAN MAY MEAN INTERVENTION Goat Industry Started Trips tx> Fair* Given Industrial Club Winners By Dalles Dairyman German Warship I^ndn Armed Force in Mexico Vera Cruz Tbe tMamauadev of the German cruiser Dresden has stopped to the German Legation ia Mexico City two machine guns and 40, (KX1 rounds of ammunition. Aeeumpany- ibg the shipment vent a squad of bluejackets from the Dresden ia civil ian dree. The detail of bluejackets on duty st the American consulate was with drawn asd replaced by a guard of picked marines under command of a sergeant. Tbi. step was taken after PORTLAND MARKETS , General Gustavo Maa«, commander of Wheat — Track prices; Club, 89c; the Federal forces here, had been u, blustem, 980/99«; forty-fold, 90c; red titled and given his consent. Kuasian, 870(88«; valley, 99*. Washington, D. C.—No surprise frats — No. 1 white, milling, 1240/ was manif««t**J officially here st the 24 60 per ton. Corn Whole, (23.600x24; cracked, landing of a squad of Gtrntn blue jackets tor the protection of the G*r (34 600(35 per ton. Barley -Feed, (220Z22.6O per top; man legation at Mexico City. This is in line with the recent action of tbe brewing, nominal; rolled, (26. Hey No. 1 Eastern Oregon tim British government and is said to be othy, (16 60; mixed timothy, (14; in pursuance of an understanding with alfalfa, (14; clover, (90/, 10; valley the Americas government on this point. grain hay, (120/13.60. Milifeed Bran, (22 per ton; shorts, (24; middling., (20. Italy Adds to Schools. Vegetable. Cauliflower, (2.26 per Rome — The immigration bill crate; cucumbers, (1.600(1,76 dozen; before congress in Washington was eggplant, 100(16« per pound; peppers, 12*e per pound; radishes, 26c per the subject of a question in the Italian dozen; head lettuce, (2 26 per crate; chamber of deputies. This called forth gsrlie, 12c per pound; »prout», He; a statement from Prince di Seales, to the Italian foreign artichokes, (1.76 per dozen; squash, under-secretary — the ________ to effect _____ that __________ Italy would l|0(2c per pound; celery, 12.760(4 office, take steps to prevent the American crate; tomatoes, (2.260(2 .60; hot Immigration bill from affecting her house lettuce, 600/76* per box; spin citizens on account of the literacy ach, (1 per crate; horseradish, 80/, 10c. test. “Italy is making a hard fight Green Fruit — Apples, 76c0/,(2.26 for the education of her people," he per bo* ; cranberries, (120(12.60 per said, “and we proved this by opening barrel; pears, (10(1.60 per box. Onions Old, (3.260/ 3.6*) per sack; 6000 new schools last year.” Bate*—Trips te> the Panav-a-Fac f.- expwntx* and to the State Fair at Fa te* are aa»cg the prises to be award ed ia the industn*. euntevts of school boy. and girls as aanovneod is ’he prem'tUB list given out by So per. o teutent of F’-blx lnstrtM-tioe Church ill. More prixes and prise, of a higher class than ever before will be given Mr. Gbarehill is confident they will be sufficient incentive for tbe pupils to set a new record. Tbe State Fair board has appropri ated (fi'.'O for the expense, of tbe boys' camp at the State Fair. The camp will be composed of two boys from each county who have scored the greatest number of points in their club contests fcr the county. Meals, tents and cote will be furnished. In the juvenile department the state has been divided into two districts, tbe counties west of the Cascade mountains constituting the first and those east of the range the second. Frizes will be awarded for quality rather than quantity. Tbe Itolk« — W. F. Ripley ha« started a new industry in th.» vicinity, that of goat raising. He raises tbe Toggenberg goat, which is tbe main stay of tbe cheese industry in Switzer land. This goat ia of tbe blue-blooded variety, and. with a pedigree, it is r." of from thr-e to four quarto frequent !y sell for (160. Tbe milk from these goats is valu able for tbe use of invalids, and there is a great demand for it in hospitals. The ebeeae made from the milk of tbe Tog ger. berg goat sells for the highest price on tbe market. Mexion City—The executtoa of Wil liam S. 'Benton, a British subject, by the eonstitcUonalists ia Juarvi ba. revived the fear among tbe gm rm- ment supporter» that the United States will be forced by Great Britain to take action that easily might be come interver. tw-n. Although since revolutionary con dition. a se em ed serious proportion, three year, ago there have been killed in various parts of ti e country some ISO Americana, including participants on both aides of tbe revolution, there are on record tbe deaths of only four Britishers, including Benton. Tbe three others were killed in dis tricts where the chiefs of neither fac tion had ar.y direct authority, and Benton's is the first ease where it ap pears that culpability may be placed definitely. Radical ChanKei Made in Department of Agriculture fluwMMMtesUoa Accords« to aa estimate snatfs by A. C. Haswwn, assietas.t City «Mr user. La. Aagvha was damaged to tbs es tent of al toast (Lfi**1.«». One tam- dred asM fifty tboaaaod debar, rwpre aeetad tbe damage to ety strvwts »‘rn- Tbe rem.rndrr rej rteretod lasses sustained by raiinmds andty rtttsme win tost their homes, which sees swept awsy by lbs B «da, with all their household efferta. Except ia tbe vicinity of Pomona, thi. county, where y<mrg groves suf ferod severely, orange grower, report ed comparuttvely little damage Pen rhe, and .mall farms were tens- dated, but no reliable data coaid be obtained a. to the tosses sustained by the*. The Rood .itu.tioo about Ixo An- getos bec«mr acute early Faturday night and wmoittons were greatly ag gravated at tbe same time by a gale which reached velociUes of from M to 50 miles an hour at various points in land and along the Pacific ocean shorn. Poles and towers carrying power lines and the wires of telegraph and telephone companies went down aad. with railroad, sod suburban troiley lines already oct of rommiasfoa, the situation became at once one of com plete prostration. For nearly four hours there wa. no streetcar aorvloe, and during the entire day tbe city bad only brief periods of communication with the East. Surrounding towns, with few exceptions, remained entire ly isolated, without rommunieatioa by wire, railroad or trolley. Railroad, report that the collapse of big bridges over tbe lx>. Angeles river in this city and the washing out of big span, elsewhere male it uncertain when traffic could be resumed. But large gangs of men were sent out to work in continuous shifts in efforts to repair damage aa quickly as possible. More than IM* h->mes were destro) • ed In I-os Angeles alone by tbe tor rents that rushed through the Los An gele. river and tbe Arroyo Seco. As the flood, in these waterways subs’ded household goods and other property, including everything, from stoves to piano, and bed», were left stranded on i«n<i barii. Washington, D. C.- Chairman I^v- er, of tbe bouse committee on agricul- tore, has completed and will report to tbe bouse tbe annual agricultural ap - • After a »teel bridge over the river propriation bill. r __ ___ It aggregated (18. buckled and broke, the Southern Pa 947.000 exclusive of permanent appro ci fie and Santa Fe railroads sent heavy priations. an increase of (960.000 over cars loaded with scrap iron and heavy last year's total. boulders plunging into the flood in Many radical change, are proposed efforts to divert further inroads by in tbe measure, including reorganiza- ■term waters, which threatened rail 1 tion of the Weather bureau and pren- road track, .kitting the river banks. „ . „. . aration by tbe secretary of agriculture J‘ ‘ ^n- * r*ac|*r of a plan for reorganizing and sy.te- The .weep of the floods w* so strong west of Hood River, who declares tbat , matizing • • 7 aa j at times, however, that these barriers the department work so bis »etteoflt fro« tbe sale, of .laugh- ¿’t ter"to ro'ortiMte'ite variou". LctiZ' i were turned asicu. Besides numerous houses that top- terei bogs during tbe past year ha. jt|M - __ ... . , P,e<1 the caving banks, the river— approximated (1600, is making the vaitey as fsmou. tor ito large-weight the nationaTtorwte the bn"would7" . “•-UB‘’y-" t ! “ ±** , u. th* »^retary of agriculture to | courtesy -swept away tbe Los An gele. pigeon farm. Extensive eotes .’JOO Acre« of Com By “» for re.pon.ible perron, or tumbled into the stream before day ne.gbbors, feed, them on .wdl collect- rrnt Mce^ iDK 20 Eastern Oregon Farmer ed from Iocs! hotel., and gram. He yeart> potion. of Rroun(i ,or light and thousands of pigeons were drowned. La Grande—Having been fully con ha. slaughtered two hog. dunng the don of ,ummrr vinced by the corn .how in Portland Pu of wegbed, «tores or other building, tor recre.l given by the O.-W. R. A N. eom;>any, when drMsed. more than 700 pound, tion or convenience. Cargo Fuel Saves Vessel. 8. M. Blough, who owns a fine 4'XJ- One of them tipped the ecalea at 727 | _________________ I xm Angeles—By feeding all the in acre wheat ranch in Umatilla eounty, pounds. flammable cargo and ship’s fittings into ----------- Relic Not Digger Indian. has just returned from Pendleton, where be arranged for preliminary Oregon (kiods Motive of Loe Angeles — Professor John C. the furnaces. Captain Paulse Sax saved the steamer Eureka from being dashed work preparatory to planting about Big Industrial Banquet MwTiwn. •»•«»•iste prof«.ror of pal- on the Morro rocks in a storm and ““ ecrec. ■ Mr- Blough comes from Creswell—More than 200 people at- *nd historical geology of the docked safely in Port San Luis, ac the ^jrn Kan.a. and Mis- tended the “made-in Oregon ’ banquet UniwMty of California. I. in Ixi. cording to the crew of the revenue cut *r,a4f- ,od have farmers from that st the Commercial club here. It was An«el*» determine whi ther the ter ............................. Manning, which arrievd here after »cction in charge of tbe work. This given by Ladies' Improve thrT ‘ . -h . ’K . h manj j L« Eureka', arof.tanc«. l The uj . the me i,auie. Civic vivic improve- I < «anhalf . e‘,f>oo L — Brea I going " to the inc _ _ _ _ F»lfi kolnw/VoJ 6« »U. *1-1-»_________ I —-_-.l a . - will be the largest corn experiment given ment tiwu elab jur for the benefit of the Crez- I "PhaIt n' P't a belon^ed to . the .*— pleistocene regular A. fuel wm exhausted and the hseuL me urnum ui t«»« vret* 1 u .7 yet attempted in Eastern Oregon and Y«‘ «»tempted well band and was one of the most “f*/. '¿ofe.ror has already disposed vessel began to drift helpleaaly toward w*tched with much inter^t. successful events ever held in this of th« ^'««ry advanced by a Stanford the rocks. The com will be grown under the dry *.LD,55.'‘r A cargo of box shook and the ship’s farming method and should it prove city. The affair was given in the in- ___ _ of the Oregon Manufacturers' j dec,*r,n* ‘hat the depth of the fittings went into the fire. buying price, (3 per sack at shipping terests ________ ________ successful will forever do away with Zion May Hmoke ________ or Chew. association to people w to become bones points. kaaociauon w — induce imuce people oecome j “Phaltum u/nvo ' pit at - which y 7 ~ the - — ------ •— of Springfield, ' III. - John Alexander '"«• tw“u of •um7’*r - industries r — -_a_ intere^ - - In Oregon and -I to . r ns* man m,n Wer', v*>»Ae«*4 fo'rn,1 «.«U made ■u< 'h Fotatoe. f/regon* 800x90c per bun- . _ Japanese Submarine Gone. the wheat land« every other year In buy Oregon-mwle good.. theOry imP°“ibl*' dred; buying price, 6O0(76c at .hip- Dowie'a dictum against tobaeeo, which this section. Hiroshima, Japan—A Japanese sub ping points. has been the law of the faithful in | marine attached to the protected Egg. Oregon fresh ranch, 210/22c 7A,tn City. ’*1., WM overthrown by th* Portland Muzzles Dogs Again. Highway Survey is Made. Grazers to Have Hearing. cruiser Hirado ha. been missing for dozen 1 Illinois Supreme court. The city or fier r dosen. Portland—The discovery within the Wauna The Peters’surveying crew, »«hington, D. C. — Hearings on three days. The naval attaches be Poultry Hens, 18*0x17«; .prfng., dinante of Zion City, forbidding the last few days of five cases of rabia« in which I. running the line from the ■riTble’^blic^tend^ wTn '"btg"" here lieve she ha. met with disaster and 1*. a. . _L>ll~> u .i nude nf t/ihMr*r/» in finv fr>rm within th* use of tobacco any form the i 16*e; turkeys, live, 200x22c; dressed, that all have been drowned. The sub choice, 2fio/26c; ducks, 140/16c; city limits, was declared unconstitu dogs may lead to the eity commission Pacific Highway In Clatsop county, March 3, as the result of a ronferoneo marine had been dispatched to search tional. Attempts to enforce the ordl- gee««, 12*0/12c. taking action st once requiring the completed the premlinary survey to between Representative Kent, of Cal- for torpedoes lost during practice off Butter -Creamery prints, extra, 30 nance have kept Zion City in tbe! muzzling of all dog. permitted to run the county line this week. A 6 per ifomia, Chief Forester Graves and Kakumajitma. throes of intermittent rioting for sev at large. The question probably will cent grade is the steepest on the President Wilson. 0/32*c pound"; cubes, 270(29«. ’ The legislation eral years. Fancy, lie per pound. be brought before the city commission route. The most beautiful view ob- : will affect the meat supply. Pork “ Mr. William Accepts Throne. at its next regular meeting. The first1 tainable from the entire highway will Kent told the President much idle ter Veal Fancy, 14'//, 14 Je per pound. Nuewlrd, Germany — Prince Wil- Bark Rent to Pieces by Htorm. Hops - 1918 crop, prime and choice, of the rabid animals was reported be about a mile west of here, where ritory could be used for cattle-raising Of Wied, entered the ranks of I6oi J 7c; 1914 contracts, 16c. Highland Light, Mass.—The Italian Monday. The head, of five of the an ; for a half to three-quarter, of a mile if new law permitted. European sovereigns Monday when he Wool Valley, 160/17«; Eastern bark Castagna, which was wrecked on Imai, killed because they were acting the whole lower Columbia, Southwest formally accepted the throne of Al ■ the ocean .ide of Gape Cod on Tues strangely have b*<-n examir ed by City Washington and peaks of the Cascadei Oregon, 100(16«. Flying Boata to Be Regulated. bania, tendered to him by Essad day, with the loss of her captain and Bacteriologist Pemot, and evidences 1 will be in full view. The surveys pass flrain Bag. In car lota, M0/«*e. Washington, D. C.—Hydro aero * "■ba, at the head of a deputation of Cattle -- Prime steers, (7.600(8; four of the crew, waa torn to pieces of rabie, have been found. near the lakes back of thia town. planes are motorboats subject to gov Albanian notables. choice, (7.40 0h 7.60; medium, (7 on ■ by a northeast gale and scattered ernment regulations and inspection, Marshfield Buy« Auto Truck. Indian Appropriation Fails. 7.26; choice cow., (6.260(7; medium, along the beach for many miles. the department of Commerce held Sat Storm In Spain Fierce. (4 O! 6 26; heifer. (6 69 7.26; light Marshfield - The city council ha. Washington, D. C.—Representative urday, and directed that the flying Madrid Flrrre .forms of wind and Traina Will Bar Liquor. calve., (80/,9; heavy, (60(7.60; bulls, ordered at 110,000 automobile truck Hawley Introducted an amendment in- boats of a commercial line between 940/1,.60; stag., (60/7. New York — The New York, New combination engine for the Maashfield ereaaing from 112,000 to (27,000 the Tampa and St. Petersburg, Fla., said rain are raging the whole length of Th" l,,,8Pr*Kh lines are down Hogs - Light, 960/, 8.86; heavy, (70/) Haven A Hartford railroad ha. decid volunteer fire department. The truck amount carried in the Indian bill for to be the first in the United States, i 7.86, ed to dlacontinue the aale of liquor on al to be delivered In four month, and an addition to the aaaembly hall at must be equipped with life belts, a fire In all dlrectiona and In some Instances * foun,l 11 Impossible to Hheep—Wethers, (6//t6; ewei, (3.60 ita train, throughout the entire sys built from apeclficatlona furnished by Ghemawa, but, opposed by the major extinguisher, a whistle and other ac- tru u make headway against the hurricane 0X4.90; lambs, (6///6.80. tem, it was officially announced. the fire department. ity, the amendment waa defeated. cesaories, including running lights. force of the wind. 727-POEND HOG RAISED BY HOOD RIVER FARMER