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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1914)
ENGLISHMAN IS SHOT BY VILLA Follow-Up Campaign for Alfalfa, Corn, Livestock ALASKAN ROAD TROOPS CAPTURE BILL IS PASSED MEXICAN BANDIT Spokane, Wash.—Governors Ernest Lister, of Washington, John M. Haines, of Idaho, and Oswald West, of Oregon, as well as the departments of education and state colleges of the AAA AA/. .. 1 three states, have indorsed plans made JllCilSUrP HilS Ap* by the Holden Improvement commit- ‘ tee for the follow-up campaign in the interests of more alfalfa, corn and live stock in the Pacific Northwest. Allen Rancher, Incensed at Treat The central feature In this campaign Bond Provision Cut Out—Current will be alfalfa week in the schools of Funds to Be Used—Panama ment by Rebels, Had Declared the three states, commencing March 9. Canal Plan to Govern. He Would Protest to Villa. In a letter to R. R. Rogers, of Spo kane, chairman of the Holden Im provement committee, Governor Lister Washington, D. C.—Th« adminis- El Paso -The execution, or murder, says: “I am heartily in favor of the the .Btion Alaska bill, tration hili, authorizing authorising the of William S. Benton, a British sub campaign. I feel ths idea of having tl a special week for the public schools ! preRjdent to construct a »85,000,000 ject, by General Francisco Villa, head during which this line shall be made a | raj|road from Alaska’s coast to its of the Mexican rebels, at Juarez, has leading feature Is a good one. As a great coal fields, was passed by the Thursday by a vot« of 230 to 87. become known here and caused intense result of such a week not only the pu- pile of the public schools, but also the measure A similar similar measure already already has has excitement. parents of the pupils would without pBBRe<i tbe RenBte, and the bills will be Two outer British subjects, John doubt, receive great benefit.’’ taken up at once in conference be Lawrence and a companion named Governor Haines commends highly tween the two houses, with a view to Curtis, who went to look for Benton, the results of the original Holden cam- Mnding the measure to the President, paign held last fail, and hopes that all wbo bBR signified his intention of sign are also missing. Gustav Bauch, who was being tried parts of Idaho may be covered by the ¡ng ¡j. for being a spy, also disappeared. ; follow-up work. At the eleventh hour, after a sharp Governor West announces his will- parliamentary __________ , ________ __ _______ Thomas D. Edwards, American consul skirmish, _ the house at Jure«, said that when friends of ingness to co-operate in the follow up eliminated from the bill, as reported Bauch went to visit him with bedding campaign in any manner suggested by j,y tbe territories committee, a provis- and food, he was not in the cell where the Oregon Immigration agent. 1 ion authorizing a bond issue of »35,- That the alfalfa campaign has al- 000,000 to finance the railroad, and to he had been held incommunicado since pBjd off by the proceeds of govern- last Sunday, while his trial was being ready had good results is stated by C. B. Kegley, master of the Washington mcnt |an<i ,,)es in Alaska. The sen- held. Reports were numerous that Bauch , State Grange, who says: bill provided for a 140,000,000 "During the recent campaign fod bond issue. Representative Fitz- would be shot. The consul is confi dent that Bauch was not removed to alf al fa on every farm In the Pacific KerB|d, of New York, led a fight Chihuahua, as he watched the train Northwest, the awakening for a better which resulted in striking out the system of farming was very, marked, bond provision. leave with General Villa on board. Stewart quoted a rebel officer, I have traveled over much of the ter- j Under the amended measure the whose name he did not learn, as re rUory since and find the prevailing project would be* financed out of the sentiment very favorable indeed. The ,current funds in the treasury, the marking: “Well, we've gotten rid of three State Grange of Washington especially [ President being limited to »35,000,- appreciates the educational feature of ' 000, and »1,000,000 being appropriat more gringoes.* Benton was one of the most prom the movement and extends effective ed for immediate expenses. Congress inent foreigners residing In Northern support to «the Holden Improvement [ would appropriate each year the Mexico. Previous to adopting resolu committee from every possible angle.” ' amount estimated to be necessary for tions in mass meeting condemning the ■ the construction of the road.« government for its handling of Mexi The bill provides for the reconstruc can affairs. El Paso citizens selected tion of a road "not to exceed 1000 ex-Governor Curry, of New Mexico, | miles, to be so located as to connect to call on Consul Edwards at Juarez Washington, D. C.—It is persist one or more of the open Pacific Ocean for information concerning Benton’s! ently reported here that Miss Mar harbors on the southern coast of Alas fate. _____ garet Wilson, eldest daughter of the ka with the navigable waters in the interior of Alaska, and with a coal Mexico City -Gossip is current here President has become informally be that certain European powers again ' trothed to Boyd Fisher, of Princeton field or fields yielding coal sufficient in quality and quantity for naval use, so are planning to urge the United States J and New York, a well known social as beat to aid in the development of to assume a more active policy in re- 1 worker. Strength is given tn the report by the agricultural and mineral or other storing peace In Mexico. Many per i resources of Alaska." aons expressed tho belief that the the frequent week end visits of Mr. The project is of more interest than Fisher to the White House and his Benton incident might be seized upon even the expenditure of the »35,000,- as an opportunity to Impress such a constant appearance by the side of I 000 proposed would brdinarily create. view on the Washington government. Mias Wilson here. It is known also I Coming so soon after the completion Various diplomats intimated that .that never a day passes during bis ab i of the Panama canal, it is attracting sences from Washington that a letter they would use the killing of Benton i •♦»•ntion as another great engineering as the basis of reports to show their Is not sent him on White House sta I project under the direction of the helplessness when it comes to protect tionery and one from him is in every I American government. Moreover, the ing their nations in the greater part day’s White House mail. Mr. Fisher was among tire guests at project is to be the first test in this of Mexico. the White House wedding and was the country of government ownership of a only man outside the immediate fam public utility; it is expected to open ily and the bridal party invited to the ; to the commerce of the world great bride’s table in the private diningroom. and rich resources that until row have I been for the most part lying idle. Ixis Angeles — Orange and lemon The bill directs the President to ac- growers of the citrus fruit region : quire, by purchase or construction, a about Los Angeles, who suffered se line or lines of railroads from tide- verely in the freeze of January, 1913. ; | water into the interior of Alaska and sustained another hard blow in the I San Francisco—F. C. Mills, superin- to navigation on the Yukon, Tanana or storm which began early Wednesday tendent; James B. Smith, vice presi- Kuskokwim rivers. In choosing the and continued for three days. Groves dent snd general manager, and E. H. ! route he is to use his judgment as to that were nipped and shriveled by the Mayer, weigher, officers and employes | what will best promote the settlement frost a year ago were washed out by of the Western Fuel company, were I of Alaska, develop its resourcesand torrents that rushed down from the found guiltyt>f conspiring to defraud ; provide adequate transportation for mountains and tore madly through the the govrenment out of customs duties i coal for the army and navy, for troops Edward J. Smith, ‘ and for munitions of war and for the valleys. In many instances homes on imported coal. and other movable propotty floated off j checker, was acquitted, mails. on the crest of the swirling currents ' ------ ' The first indictments in the case In conducting and operating the were brought by the United States Alaskan railroad the President is au with the trees. Summarized, the flood atiuation grand jury February 10, 1913, and thorized to employ any number of men were directed against John H. How I he may think necessary, about Loe Angeles was as follows: choosing Pomona, center of a large fruit ard, president of the Western Fuel them as he pleases, only those chosen growing district—Orange and lemon company; J. L. Schmitt, Sidney V. from civil life shall be under the su groves razed by tho storm waters. Smith and Robert Bruce, directors; pervision, in the work of construction, Every grove damaged more or less, James B. Smith vice president and of the engineers taken from the army. each suffering loss of from 1500 to general manager; Edward J. Smith, The appointment of any engineer from 210,000. All railroad and electric his brother, and a checker employed civil life whose salary exceeds »3000 by the company; Frederick C. Mills, a year must be confirmed by the sen lines washed out. Covina, a town in the citrus belt— superintendent, and E H. Mayer, ate. Menaced by floods held back only by weigher. The President is autorized to utilize a temporary dam hastily erected. Two They charged that the defendants in Alaska all the machinery and equip drowned, Miss Susan Bovillc, a wo entered into an unlawful agreement to ment used in the construction of the man rancher, and her cousin, H. M. defraud the Federal government in Panama canal as rapidly as it is not Seitz. Ranchers striving to save three ways. needed in Panama and can be used in homes and groves. Alaska. Ontario, San Bernardino county— Ohio Solons in Tumult. The opening of mines in Alaska, to City water system damaged by Btorm. Columbus, O. — Scenes of tumult gether with the building of a railroad Many groves flooded. which at times bordered on riot mark and the opening of the Panama canal, Many other towns reported similar it is estimated, will save the govern conditions. The rains continue, with ed the closing day of the special ses ment from »3 to »5 on its coal burned sion of the legislature, which adjourn only alight abatement. on the Pacific Coast. ed sine die late Wednesday night. An altercation in the house between Daniels Domestic “Angel.” Homestead Credit Asked. Representative Warne», Democratic Washington, D. C.—While Secretary floor Washington, D. C.—Money troubles leader, and ~ Representative Daniels is encouraging matrimony in Cooper, a Republican, was prevented of homesteaders in the West were pic the navy, he likewise took cognizance by other members, who separated tured to the joint committee on rural of the domestic hardships of nsval them in a quarrel over the automobile credits at a recent meeting by George officers who are away from home for a license tax bill, an administration W. Fisher, of Redfield, S. D., who measure, which finally was passed and asked that congress make provision for prolonged period. The secretary sent a wireless to sent to the governor. loans to entrants on homestead lands. Rear Admiral Fletcher at Vera Cruz, At present, he declared, the poor Saloons Win in Oakland. asking him if he would like to have a homesteader who endeavored to make visit with his family and when the Oakland, Cal. — An initiative ordi a start in a new country without suffi admiral replied, Mrs. Fletcher and her nance doubling the statutory number cient capital was “victimized by Shy two babies, with only a few hours’ of saloons in Oakland was carried at lock bankers, who strip each advanc preparation, left on the Presidential an election here. Four hundred sa ing wave of homesteaders and lie in yacht Mayflower, for Mexican waters. loons now are permissible. With 122 wait for the next crop.” precincts reported, out of 168, the Frills Not for Farmer. vote stood 18,040 for the new ordi Militant Anarchist, Says Taft. The sa Washington, D. C. — The American nance and 10,788 against it. Amherst, Mass.—Professor Taft, of farmer is not squandering his money loon license ia reduced from »1000 to Yale, speaking at Amherst College, on frills aryl furbelows, JohnT. Colter »650. The action was a repudiation touched on the woman suffrage, say told the joint congressional rural cred of an ordinance passed by the city ing: “If women can show that a gov its committee. “The farmers of this commission las^ October. ernment in which they partook would country need a rural credit system,” bring about greater happiness, or that Geographers to Honor Goethala. the electorate would be bettered, they said Dr. Colter. “They will not run to extravagance if money is made Washington. D. C.—Colonel George would establish their case. The argu cheaper for them. The American W. Goethals, governor of the Panama ment of the militant suffragettes is farmers borrow money, according to Canal zone, will be the guest of honor that of an anarchist.” my investigation, for good and useful and will receive the National Geo purpose.” graphic society’s medal of honor at its Suffrage Bills Defeated. annual banquet here March 5. Secre Annapolis, Md.—The woman suf- Saves Wife and Rabes Burning. tary Bryan will be toastmaster. frage bill was killed in the house of Raymond, Wash.—Catching his two delegates by a vote of 60 to 34. 7107 Ranks Ask Admission. babies as they were thrown from the burning home through a window above Washington, D. C.—Official count Capetown, South Africa—A bill for by his wife, who then jumped and was shows that 7067 national banka and 40 the enfranchisement of women in the caught by him, E. D. Knuth, who had state banks and trust companies have Union of South Africa, which was in dropped from the window, saved his made formal application to become troduced into the house of assembly, family by a narrow margin when hie members in the new Federal reserve was defeated on the first reading by home in Riverdale was destroyed. banking sysem. 43 to 42. Rebel Leader Creates Bitterness By Summary Act. provai of President, Margaret Wilson to Wed, Is Washington Report Di.wdrouH Flood« Sweep California Citrus Belt Western Fuel Qflicials Are Guilty as Charged Castillo and Followers Surren der to American Forces. FARM ORCHARD Haiti and Instructions from Agricultural Collega and Experiment St at Ioni at Oregon and Washington. Specially Suitable to Pacific Coati Conditions Many Ways to Control are able to successfully weather the Insect Pests On Farm attacks of the insects. The use of trap crops to entice the Oregon Agricultural College, Cor pests awsy from the more delicate Will Probably Be Turned Over to vallis — Good farming methods are plants is worthy of more attention necessary to the complete success of than it has generally received. A Revolutionists—Villa Has Con insect control by spraying. Other knowledge of the insects' feeding hab demned Them to Death. very helpful factors are protection of its will often enable the grower to birds and friendly insects, selection of plant a variety of grain or garden resistant strains of plants, and co crops that ¡will attract insects from El Paso, Tex.—An Associated Press operation among neighbors. the crops to be protected as well as dispatch saying that Castillo would be No matter how carefully spraying produce a valuable crop of itself. turned over to tho Constitutionalists, has been done during one season, a The life history of the most common delivered to General Villa at mid goodly number of pests are bound to and harmful truck and garden pests is night, was received with great satis escape destruction. These hold-overs simply and plainly given in College faction by the general. He said that sre necessarily among the most hardy Bulletin No. 4, Extension series 2, Castillo would be formally charged and prolific of the species, and propa called “Insect Pests of Truck and Gar with the murder of M. J. Gilmartin, gation is very rapid among them. den Crops." This was prepared by ’ an American, and 50 others at the They take shelter in weed piles, brush Professor A. L. Lovett, for use of i Cumbre tunnel. He promised that heaps, litter and trash scraps, and gardeners, truckers and school garden the trial would not be clogged by any odds and ends of last year’s crops. directors for the year 1914. Copies red tape. Here they build their nests, deposit may be had free of coot by requesting their eggs, and lay by for winter. them of Prof. R. D. Hetzel, Extension El Paso, Tex. — Maximo Castillo, Practically every scrap heap about the Director, Oregon Agricultural College, the Mexican bandit charged with res farm shelters a brood of pests tnat Corvallis, Or. ponsibility for the Cumbre tunnel dis will let loose a swarm of destructive Loganberry Growers Should aster, in which ten Americans and 41 insects as the warm days of spring approach. Organize, Says Professor others lost their lives, was captured Knowing this, the careful farmer Oregon Agricultural College, Cor 88 miles south of Hachita, N. M., by will rake these farm wastes and by vallis—“It is just as necessary for the products into piles and light huge bon American troops. This information loganberry growers to organize as it was conveyed to General Hugh L. fires when the pleasant days of au was for the apple and prune men,” tumn have dried out the trash ready says Professor C. I. Lewis, O. A. C. Scott, commandant at Fort Bliss, in for burning. horticulturist. “It seems absolutely an official telegram from Captain Myriads of insects, eggs, nests and necessary that a certain period of or White, Ninth United States Cavalry. food stores will be destroyed in the ganization, standardization, and co With the bandit were six of hie fol burning. This scavenger work will operation shall be gone through with lowers. According to Captain White’s add immensely to the appearance of before the products are handled in a brief dispatch they surrendered with the farm, will destroy vast stores of satisfactory manner and with profit to out a fight. weeds and weed seed, favor good the producer. Castillo, to avoid a range of moun drainage, so that earlier plowing may ” For years the apple men had no tains on the Mexican side, made* a de be done the following spring, and difficulty whatever in getting rid of tour which brought him into American wipe out prolific sources of disease all the fruit they could grow, but in territory. Captain White was on the germs.' Notwithstanding these many 1912 they encountered many and ser watch, having received information advantages of cleaning up, the princi ious difficulties. As a result there from Walter McCormick, American pal gain is in the reduction of the was a cry of over-production, but it ia manager of Las Palomas ranch, on the propagating force of insect pests so now known that over-production had Mexican side, that the much-wanted that the following season’s crop of little to do with it. During the last man was in that vicinity. worms, bugs and beetles will be much ten years we have grown 40 per cent Whether the prisoner shall be sur smaller than it otherwise would have fewer apples than in the previous ten rendered to the rebels is a legal ques been, arrive later and find the crop years, while 125 per cent more apples tion which remains to be settled. If ; stronger to resist them. were consumed in New York during this is done there is no doubt he will “A knowledge of the feeding habits the last ten yean than in the previous be executed for the Cumbre disaster. and the life history of the pests is es ten. He is not charged with any crime on sential to successful growing meth “Something else waa wrong. What this side. • ods,” says Professor A. L. Lovett, was it? Merely this, the growers did Castillo set fire to a freight train in assistant entomologist at the college. not attend to the distribution of their the Cumbre tunnel two weeks ago. " With this knowledge, growers may product. They did not advertise nor The cars were burning when a passen look ahead and so manage their land educate the people to the possibilities ger train crashed into it and every and crops as to avoid the most serious of tbe apple, to know the different life aboard was lost. The tunnel is losses. The careful rotation of crops; varieties and their best seasons for still burning. fall, winter and early spring plowing; use. A special to the Times from Ha clean cultivation; general cleaning up “The prune men have gone through chita, N. M., says the capture was of roadways, fence corners, and trash the same period of association, and made by Lieutenant Rothwell, of about the field; the best time for co-operation and it is found upon look Troop A, and remarks that it was’par planting; the proper use of fertil ing into the history of the industry ticularly gratifying as coming on the izers; the use of trap crops; and the that the low prices and apparent over heels of the theft of 18 horses belong frequent examination of young plants production were due simply to a lack for insect pests; each in itself is a ing to the regiment by Mexicans. ' big step in the right direction for the of standardization, to a lack of proper advertising, to a lack of co-operative ! control of insect pests. methods, a lack of the spirit of work “The use of insecticides, while es ing together. sential to the highest production of The loganberry men may profit by truck and garden crops, is not a rem the experience of the other fruit edy for all troubles that arise from growers who have learned the value of Seattle, Wash. — One hundred and neglect and abuse. Having the crop organization and standardization. We ninety-nine precinta complete give for in a clean, thrifty and growing con should start in right now to standard mayor, Gill, 16.623; Trenholme, 8411; dition is the first step.” ize the loganberry products. Not a Cr p rotation is often essential be Winsor, 694; Griffiths, 5924. single dried loganberry that is not fit cause the ground itself becomes in to eat should be sent out of the state. Hiram C. Gill, who was elected fested with the insects which devas Canned goods must come up to the tate the crops. This is especially true mayor of Seattle in 1910, recalled for best standards. The same is true of alleged misconduct in office the next of insects of the worm and caterpillar jells and jams. And if we put'a juice year and defeated by Mayor Cotterill types. Often, by substituting some on the market let us put on one that other crop, these pests will either be in 1912, was nominated for mayor in we can stand behind. preferential primary, receiving nearly starved out or forced to leave. “Preliminary steps have already Other insects, such as grasshoppers, as many votes as his three nearest been taken for the organization of i deposit eggs in holes in the ground in competitors combined. loganberry growers. A committee of early autumn, so that the next sea For second place, James D. Tren- five, headed by Mr- Britt Aspinwall, hoime, so-called “business men's can son’s crop of pests can be destroyed by has been selected to prepare a tenta didate,” is about 900 votes ahead of fall plowing. Where plowing is not tive constitution and by-laws and rec feasible, as in a meadow or pasture, Richard Windsor, with returns from ommend districts of the state that are one-third of the city counted. Al good results cambe obtained by disk entitled to representation, to make If the grower knows though Winsor, under the law, filed as ing the field. recommendations fibr having a perma a non-partisan candidate, his nomina the time of depositing eggs he can nent loganberry association in the often do mueh to destroy them by tion was made and his campaign man state. some cultural methods that are at the aged by the Socialist party. “Many loganberry growers are apt same time helpful to the crop. Austin E. Griffiths, indorsed by the to ask themselves what is the use of Clean cultivation will destroy the Ministerial Federation, is fourth in an association of this sort to me, and weeds which often harbor the pests, the votes thus far counted. is it merely a scheme to get a few dol The highest two candidates will con offering them shelter through the win lars out of me? There is in reality a ter and facilities for successful prop test for the mayoralty in the regular tremendous amount of work to it and I agation of the young. And clean cul election of March 3. would like to urge upon every grower A majority of all votes cast in the tivation means not only the eradica in the state that he become interested tion of weeds from among the culti primary does not elect under the law in the loganberry association.” of Seattle, which is different from the vated plants, but also the cleaning up preferential primaries in most cities of weed patches in corners, fence Fruit men should come to the aid of rows, waste places and roadways. of the Coast. C. E. ’Whisler, who is representing With a knowledge of the time that A remarkable feature of Gill’s tri their interests in the proposed nation umph ia that his campaign was di a crop of insecta destructive to certain al legislation at Washington, by writ rected chiefly by men who brought plants is likely to appear, the grower ing him or their congressmen in favor can often plan to plant the crop either about his recall in 1911. of the standard box bill and against late enough to escape the insect in including apples and pears in cold vasion entirely, or early enough that storage measures. In order to be suc Rebels Hold Haiti Town. the plants will have gained sufficient cessful, Mr. Whisler must be able to Waahintgon, D. C.—Progress of the size and strength to resist it. If this Haitien government campaign against cannot be done it may be profitable make a showing before the commit tees in charge of the bills, says Pro the rebels in the north of the island is to substitute another crop, when the fessor Lewis, 0. A. C. horticulturist. insects threaten to be unusually ac reported. Commander Dier, of the gunboat Wheeling, at Port Au Paix, tive. At any rate, the grower will be The dairy demonstration train serv announced that he had found no place prepared to meet them in the most ice came to a most successful end. in the hands of federal troops and that effective manner if he knows when By universal consent of farmers and the town was quiet. The Haitian gun they are likely to appear. the state press, the Agricultural col There ia, according to Professor lege and the railway company have boat Nord Alexis left Port Au Paix for Cape Haitien under orders from Gen Lovett, a double advantage to be shown their interest in the most prac In tical and helpful way that can be de eral Zamor to blockade Cape Haitien gained in the use of fertilizers. and Port Liberte. Commander Har the first place some of the valuable vised. rison, aboard the cruiser San Francis fertilizers have a distinct action in killing the insects or driving them The short course students at O. A. co at Cape Haitien, reports it quiet. away. The other value of the fertil C. have decided to present their appre izer is found in the fact that its wise ciation fund to the committee on Stu Ton of Oats Going by Mail. use so strengthens the plants that they dent Loan fund. Lewiaton, Idaho—A ton of oats will be shipped from Ferdinand, Idaho, to Superb John D. No Music for Him. Joseph, Or., by parcel post. The oata An efficiency engineer was talking William (who has been persuaded to are being packed in 50-pound pack contribute to our annual concert)— ages, by which the shipper will effect about presence of mind. a saving of »40 over the regular " For presence of mind,” he said, Can ’ee tinkle “Varmer’s Boy,” miss? Squire's Daughter — Have you freight charges. Th? postage on the “nobody can equal John D. ton shipment will be »21.60. “When John D. lived in Cleveland brought your music? William—Music! I don’t sing by his next-door neighbor said to him one music: I sings by hearsay. — London Life’s Savings Are Stolen. morning: ! Opinion. Milledgeville, Ga. — Robbers go» “ ‘Smith’s cow got into my garden more than »10,000 in cash in this city yesterday and ate a lot of grass and William D. Mahon, international when they bound and gagged a night flowers. ’ president of the Amalgamated Associ watchman in the office of C. S. Bonner “ ’Yes,” said John D. ‘It got into ation of Street and Electric Railway and wrecked the safe. Mr. Bonner my garden, too. I milked it to the Employes, has been appointed a mem says the loot was his savings of a value of the damage done and then ber of the Detroit municipal street lifetime. drove it out.’ ”—New York Tribune. railway board of commissioners. SEATTLE NOMINATES MAYOR RECALLED FOR MISCONDUCT