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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1914)
Voters Must Register at the Court House LENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1914 Subscription, $1.00 a Year. —.............. J. J. JOHNSON FOR EUGENIC INFLU ATTORNEY Gt Nt RAL ENCE EXTENDED Mr. Social Hygiene Society Has Busy Year. Many Local Societies. Quackery on Decrease. Member ship List Growing. J. J. Johnson, well Water Meter Ballot all over Mnlluomah county, and largely I vote........................... .on the question of installing water meter« in the city of Portland. acquainted throughout the state, has decided to place his name before tbe hie «» candidacy for the office of Attorney • local iwlrtj ill Portland by a repre General. Mr. Johnson ia too intimate sentative «roup of it» laaiiiOK citizens ly known in this part of the county tor who fall that stuns systematic eSort the Harald to offer any introduction or Thia society was organized in 1011 Signed........................................... Write Yes or No in first line Blank. or bring in person to Herald Office should be mads to combat the spread recommendation. He haa a very large ot the ao called aocial diaeaeee. Further and favorable acquaintance all over the Paste on postal card If you desire to send us a short opinion of the meter plan we will be pleased to publish it. more, it lelt that no batter tneana of at county. He is essentially a Lents pro tack could tie employed than to ac duct, having gr>wn up on the north quaint the public with the aerioueneaa and prevalence of those di eorder a and to substitute In place of prutliahneae, ignorance, and misinformation alxiul eex life, a dissemination of decent and wholaaome Information about ita true nature. Bane and careful methods of procedure pureued in a thorough-going way brought about good reunite im mediately. PnivATa Am The Society owea ita origin and eon- tinned eaiatence 1011-12 to tin generoe- ity of large and email given. Tlieae lienefactionr ran from »mallet amount» to aa much aa •6U0 in a aingle pledge. The ftret year'e budget ahowod enb- scriplion» to the amount of ♦6,083 60; the second year'e •8,012.50. Member- ahlp le*a for the tiret year totaled •480 K; tor the eecond. I6W.OO. M tatb Am la 1013. the Hute Legislature appro priated •10,000 a year for two yean to aid the aociety in ita campaign o( educa tion. While •18.000 a year was and ia needed to carry on the work through out the elate with the eame degree of •fficiency aa haa been reached in the city of Portland, it in hoped that the preeent appropriation, together with private eubecripliona, will enable the society to do effective work. The peo-I ■. slope of Mt. Hcott and been a part of ita aocial life for the laat forty years or more. He haa l*en a practicing at- torney for the past fifteen years and his clients Include people all over this die- tnct and from other parts of the county. He is prominent in lodge cir cles and the grange and bis many triende in three organizations will lend him a loyal support. E. S. COOK’S ME TER WATER SYSTEM. HOME BURNS COUNCIL AND PEOPLE i j The home of F. 8. Cook on Lincoln Do you want to buy a water meter street was burned about four o’clock I at |I2 per? If so just write to Mr. Tuesday morning. It waa an entire i Laly and tell him of it. If you don’t loss. The house was probably worth i want to buy one you had better write •2600 while it was insnre«l for •2000, on two letters. The number of people who house and furniture. It was one of tbe are just throbbing with the ambition to best on the street. , The fire was due to upsetting s lamp spend a few loose shekels in thia way ia or an explosion. Mr. Cook was up at not so apparent, and yet there may be tending a sick child when tbe accident a ’ w thousand. The registration book will not tie' occurred. He barely had time to es turning just at this time it is not cloeed till the laat day of April. cape with hia family. Nothing was rea'onable to suppose very many people A long It haa been proposed that Lente end saved. The l^nta Volunteers turned are looxing for the chance. w.nter with scant income. A surpris the remainder of Mt. Scott have s out and the Kern Park company came later, but tbe bouse was beyond hope ing bill for tax-.-s staring them in tbe apecial registration day and the whole when either arrived. . tare with very little to apply in its of the district take the courthouse by The incident calls to attention a liquidation. And even if it is a little assault, aa It were, and juat show them matter that was mentioned in last cheaper to pay on tbe meter plan it what sort of a army of voters we are go week’s Herald. Home one turned in an doe« not come in such lumps. Tbe ac tual facte are that on the preeent rates ing to enroll this year There are at alarm to tbe fire department and they sent the Kern Park company. It waa a it costs less to buy through a meter least ten thousand men out thia way, two mile and a half run and all for than through a flat payment plan. And an<4 from appearances there must be But nothing. Last week they were called there will be less water wasted. three limes as many women. V'nleea for a chimney fire. This is an imposi what of that if you do not have tbe something unusual appears, it baa been tion and actual risk, for while so far price of the meter. suggested that April 4, the first Satur from home a call from tbe opposite di day, lie Mt. Scott day, and that all rection might come in where their ser eligible» for registration in the Mt. i vices are really valuable. Persons re- j Scott district plan to assist in swelling porting a fire should give its location j tbe host on that date. and leave it to the Lents Company to make a demand on the city. Calls to Tabor 4141 will receive attention. Lente Schools will give a benefit en The hero of Monday night's fire was tertainment Friday evening at 8 P. M. Mr. Wachowitz of the Mt. Scott Bak Special features are planned. Prof. ery. Four o’clock is a bad time of Chapman, head of tbe musical depart night to wake people up and it took a ment will be present and direct a chorus The information was giveu out on good quarter hour to bring out assist of boys from tbe high schools, and Mrs. Monday that the Isis Theatre at l«ents ance. All this point» to the eminent Goetz, formerly a resident of Lente, lias t»*en dispose«) of by Mr. and Mrs. need of city assistance in tide part of will bring her juvenile orchestra. The D. C. Freeman, to Mr. Waiter O’Neil of Portland. Goetx chiMren have frequently played Fort st Grove Mr. O’Neil has already in Lente and they will tie appreciated taken charge and expects to devote his by their acquaintances. There will be entire time to the management of the ’ drills, recitations, and dialogs. It will Isis. He haa had considerable ex-1 be well worth the ten cent admission perience in this line of amusementsand fee. will endeavor to maintain the high standing that lias l*en establisej by The Kelly Butte prison quarry was ’ GILBERT STATION TO his predecessors in the lais management operated during Januaay at an expense HAVE COMMUNITY HALL heretofore. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman will of $1882.81, according to the report of retire from the amu euient field for the time being, and possibly permanently. | Superintendent William Eatchel. which Plana are maturing for a new public Mrs Freeman expects to spend several was submitted to the county commis hall at Gilbert station. The new hall will be free to' the public, for general months visiting at various points on sioners recently. Tbe amount of purposes, except dancing, for one year. the coast, after which she will be found crushed rock produced was 1525'-4 yards, It will be built by E. M. Calkins and at home in Portland. Lenta acquaint the cost to the county being $1.22 a otliera in that vicinity. ances will mins her. yard. The Linton quarry was operated APRIL 4. Ml. SCOTT REGISTRATION DAY pie ot the elate are to be congratulated that their legielature haa appreciated i the Importance oft bi» educational work. I The influence ot the aociety'a work in Portland haa been felt all over the, state, but the aupport given by the' legialature entaila the obligation of state-wide work and enable« tbe aociety to undertake it. Profiting by experience in the city of Portland, tor tbe preeent the methode , med are about aa follow»: B tatb - wim W ork In the principal citiea of the elate are kieing organized local promotion com mittee». An executive committee of three person« ia recommended and { elected an memliera of the atate execu tive committee, and acta aa a local sub committee, responsible for the work of , ita locality. All mem tierahi pa are in , tbe atate aociety. The local committee» arrange public maetinga for the purpoae of educating the people upon the aim» and object» of tbe aociety, and local a|>eaker», both , men and women, are eelected to addreaa ¡«rente, young men, and yonng women in the local community. In addition to doing the work in the local town or city, theee local commit- teea will be expected to extend tbair in at an expense of •», and 3011 Farewell Reception fluence to tbe neighboring towna, vil At the residence of J. C. McGrew, 401 yards of rock were produced, the aver lage», and center» where there ia a de Gilliert avenue, Wednesday evening, a age cost being 66.1 cents. The county mand or need for the work. In thia farewell reception was tendered Messers courthouse heating and lighting plant way, it ia thought that within a few Emery and Douglas Martin. The even-' year» every city, town, village, and ing was paase«i in music, and readings was run at an expense ot •1027.02 and achool district can be reached. Tiiia by Miss Horner. Miss Mamie Turner the county hospital at •6*i3.9K. The plan contemplate» moot of the work to won first prize in the contest game. three motor trucks owned by the be done by volunteer worker». There Each guest was presented with carna- : county were engaged in hauling rock bae been no trouble in finding plenty of lions, the ladies with white and the | daring the month at an expense of 4.6 willing worker», the trouble being to cents a ton a mile. The average mile gentlemen with >ed. A dainty collation find thoe» who are wiae and capable. waa served. Mesters Martin are soon . age of tbe trucks was about 1250. The The aociety 1» organizing fl rat in thoee to leave on a trip to Alaska and their cause for the difference in coat bet veen citiea which requeat it co-operatior.. many friends extend them beet wishes Linnton and Kelly’s Butte is due to the With the limited number of aaaiatanta for a pleasant trip and sojourn in their city feeding the prisoners at Linnton It tinde the demand al wave in advance while the court feeds thoee at tbe Butte future surroundings. of ita ability to »apply aaaiatanta for Those present weAs: Messers Douglas at county expense, and that is true organization. whether they work or not. and Emery Martin, R. Wilkenson, The aociety la now organiaed in the Ones. Wilson, Clarence Coon, Ramson following citiea: Astoria, Albany; Cor Coon, Edward Norene, Btanfonl Moore, . Farewell Party To The Hunts vel lie, Eugene, Tbe Dalle», Forest Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. . Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hunt of «» 8t. Grove, Hillsboro, Hood River, Oregon McGrew, Mrs. McGrew Jr. Misses Lona entertained a number of friends at a City, Salem and McMinnville. Crandell, l^ettie Smith, Mamie Turner, Farewell party on Tuesday afternoon, The aocietv hope« to inapire every Lulu Martain, Mrs. Homer and Miss in anticipation of their departure (or locality in the at <te and allow them the Homer, Edna Blething, Miss Holling- lacrosse, Wis. in the immediate future. poaeibility they have within themselves worth and Miss Paul. Among the number preeent were Mr. to »«lucate their people on thia moat and Mrs. 0. L. Parker, Mrs. Doty, Mrs. important »object. , Shoemaker, Mrs. Cone and Mrs. HorraKaHiNii Q u A ckrrv Aa a result of a steady campaign of Advertised letters for week ending Wilkins. education the buainea» of quackery in Feb. 21, 1014: the atate seems to lie steadily decrees- The Lents Branch «»T- Ackley, William; Anderson. Mr. and ing. Seven concern» have now either i Mrs. Axel; Avama, Mrs. Bessie; Brown, Library is open ftom 2 to 8 and 7 to 9 cloeed their bueinees or have »old out Mrs. Sarah; Burton, Mrs John C.; o’clock during the week and on Sundays to others. A law waa passed at the Cock ran, Mrs. Emmie; Courtney, P.; for resiling only from 2 to 6:30 o’clock. laat session of the legislature prevent Garl, Mrs.; Johnson, J. W.; Kline, E ; Books may be found to meet almoat ing quack advertising. Lndi, Ida; McElroy, David; Mkese, i every requirement in the little Library. Miss Sadie; Meyer, Geo.; Olsen. Clif If yon uo not find what you want it can Dr. Oggaburg will occupy rooms in the ford^); Ramsdell, Maggie; Ramsdell, be sent out by apecial request from tbe Annex to the Lent A Campliell building C. I) ; Strange, Wm.; Write, Clarence Main Library. Tho»e who are interest It is being arranged lor hia special pur Mrs. ed in garden making should come in and Geo. W. Spring. Postmaster. look over the collection of garden books. poae. SCHOOL ENTERTAIN MENT FRIDAY EVENING ISIS FHEAIRE CHANGES HANDS KELLY’S BUTTE A COSILY QUARRY ADVERTISED LEITERS CHILDREN UNDER SIX ' BARRED FROM SCHOOL REGISTER AT THE GOURT HOUSE • ■ —.......... known announcing . ............... ... VOTE TODAY throughout the Mt, Hcott section and voters of the atate, ... Children under <> years of age are not to be permitted to attend school, accord- I Further Inquiry ol County Clerk ing to a decision reached by the school Develops View That Safe Way is board yesterday afternoon. Tbe mat-1 to Register at Court House. Other ter was brought before the board on ap plication of Mrs. Lydia H. Shaw for Registrations are Thought Void. permission to send her daughter to the i Eliot school. There is a rule now in The omission of the «mall word effect, but frequently parents ask spe ‘other” from last weeks M-uteiuv read cial dispensations. Superintendent ing, “but all will have to Igo to the Aiderman told tbe board that he County Clerk» office.” That waa one thought the rule should be enfdkced, lucky mistake It was believed at the for if permission is granted one, it time that those persona who ha«l reg would have to be granted others. On istered at Lents would not be required to bis advice tbe board denied the appli register again. Since last week Mr. cation. , Coffey has been making further investi In connection with tbe above it ia gation» and he is of tbe opinion that it well to call attention to the large num will be safer for all to have their regis- ber of children that are started into st ration made at the courthouse ami primary grades during the terms, who thia includes ALa. this time mire enough. , have just arrived at achool age. Tbe . If you have registered just GO DOWN effect of entering such children after AND INSI8T ON DOING IT AGAIN. the classes have gotten several weeks In this connection we wish to advise start is now a subject of discussion. you U> observe that your blank is filled The view is that it does tbe child little out properly aa to precinct, street good, borts the class, and it may be an number, name and party. Reports actual injury to the child from want of have it that certain intereate are re attention. It is conceded that a good presented in the registration room» that many parents send their young child might make it advisable to notice that ren to school to be rid of them and your party name is distinctly written on that ia an abnse to be discouraged. the cards Don’t be satisfied with an FREMONT DOCTOR FINALLY ARRESTED Dr. C. H. T. Atwood, located at Tre Kansas Society Will Meet The regular monthly meeting of the Kansas Society of Oregon will meet Fri day evening at 8 P. M. in Library Audi torium, central Lirbary, in Portland. Al) members of the Society are urged to be present, and al) others who are in terested in the society. ExKansans are particulary invited to meet with the members. There will be a short pro gram and some business matters, after which there will he a social hour. Laurelwood League Entertains lante Epworth league will be enter tained at the Laurel wood M. E. Church by the laurelwood league, on Friday evening. This is a return visit in re membrance of a visit the lanrelwood member» recently paid tbe league at louts. The young people are having a fine time as a consequence of the new social opportunities thus offered by the enlarge«! field of acquaintanre and ex perience. Lydston-Willis mont for several veers, was placed un der arrest Sunday by Deputy Sheriff The doctor has been living Beckman. at Woodmere tor some time in a tent. A warrant has been out for him since May, when be was charged with illegal practice* and for having been tbe cause of tbe death of Mrs. Elizabeth M. Garri son, who died at St. Vincent’s about two weeks after his attention. Since that time the doctor nas been evading the officers. It is said that the immediate cause of hie arrest is the work of bis wife who is suing for a divorce and who has been seen in tbe vicinity on numerous oc casion» of late. It is said that she w as instrumental in locating the doctor and securing his incarceration. BOUkNE ROAD BILL INTRODUCED Washington, Feb. Herald.) (Special to the Senator Bryan, of Florida, has introduced in the Senate a bill for Federal Aid to good roads embodying the plan of iormer Senator Jonathan , Bourne, of Oregon. Senator Bryan is an enthusiastic advocate of the Bourne plan and introduced the bill at the latter’s .-equeet. Tbe bill was referred to tbe committee on Post offices and poet roads, which also has charge of tbe Shackleford, good roads bill which passed tbe House a few days ago. Lents Women Honored Officers to handle the affairs of the Rebekah Ixxlge of this disirlct were elect ed at the fourth annual convention in the auditorium of the Oddfellows’ Hall, First and Alder streets, yesterday. The election followed an all-day business and social session. Tbe principal address at th* evening sessions delivered by Mrs. Charlotte Woodman, Officers eletWed were: Mrs. Nell Taggert, president; Mrs. Etta Montgomery, vise-president, and Mrs. Cox secretary. Mrs. Montgomery is a member of the Arleta lodge, and Mrs. Cox, of the Lente Rebekahas. I abbreviation. Those going'tothecourthoase will find the registration counter on the fifth street side on the first floor entrance at the end of tbe north bail. AROUND THE GOUNTY Gresham has renewed her contracts with the city of Portlan«! whereby she will continue to get her water supply from the City as lias been done for the past two years. Roa«l improvements are demanded by residents of Taylor Avenue, a street one mile east of Buckley Avenue, between the Base line and Section Line. People who are asked to sign recall petition-; against the city commissioners should consider the matter well before taking any such action. A little care ful investigation will probably disclose the fact that the recall is being promoted ' by some one who wants a commissioner ship. County Superintendent Armstrong waa tried this week for having accept ed a bribe while a member of the Civil Service Commission of the city of Port land. A very pleasing event was tbe mar- riage of Timothy H. Lydston of Mid vale, Idaho to Hattie M. Willisof Lents on the evening of February 26 at tbe Lents Baptist church. For tbe affair the auditorium bad been most taste fully decorated by some of the young people of tbe church. Mrs. J. 8. Hurl butt rendered most beautifully as a solo “My Heart Loves You Too” by Roma. The wadding procession marched in to the strains of Lohengrin’s Wedding March, played by Mias Fay Hickox. Tbe bride waa given away by the father, E. H. Willis. She waa ac companied by her cousin, Miss Jennie Storey., The bride was dressed in a pretty gown of white brocade satin, with veil and orange blossoms, carrying a shower bouquet of white carnations. The bride’s maid was gowned in blue silk and spangled net, and carried a bouquet of pink carnet one. The offici ating clergyman was the bride’» pastor, J.-M. Nelson, who perform««! the im pressive ring ceremony. Tbe wedding was witnessed by about seventy-five invited guest». After the wedding ceremony a bountiful collation waa served at tbe home of tbe bride’s par ents to a few of tbe special friends. The couple received many beautiful and costly gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Lydston will leave Fri day for their future home in Midvale; Idaho, where the groom is interested with his father in a stock ranch. A host of friends join in well-wishes for their future happiness. —«---------------------------- Program of Teacher’s Meeting Tuesday was grade teacher’s day at Lents. Arleta, Woodmere, and Lenta join in these meetings. L*nte teachers entertained and furnished tbe leading discussions. The following is a synop sis of the program: 3 p. m. general meeting in Room 18. • 2:20 Departments. First. 7th, 8th, and 9th Grades in room 18, Miss Cavana chairman. Sub ject: Departmental Work, Reasons lor and against. Every teacher was called ' on. Second. 4th, 5th, and fith Grades in room 14, Miss Ziegler chairman. Sub ject : Essentials in tbsee grades. What might well be omitted—what should be substituted. Evers teacher wa* pre pared to take part. • Third. 2nd and 3rd grades in room 4, Miss Smith chairman. Snbject: grades. Language in the primary Every teacher wee expected to have something to say. Fourth. First grade in room 2, Mrs. Oarnail, chairman. Subject: Writing for primary grades. All teachers were in the program. 3:46 rooms visited. The home of E. H. Melvin, ot Rock- The Young Men’s Club Rooms of the Wood waa burns«! last Saturday morn Methodist church was the scene of a de ing, practically a complete loss. lightful banquet. As the last strains of choir rehearsal died awav tbe <loors of Commissioner Holman explains that the club room were thrown open dis county taxes are lower this year than playing a well spread banquet table. laat. Perhaps so. But State taxes are In propotion aa they fill themselves higher. Knowing they would be, would with tbe dainty viands did their hearts it not have been wiser for the com seem to rise in their throats and they missioners co nave held the road levy then were bear«! to speak with much down to last year’s levy, where by eloquence of the ladies who had planned saving the county about •340 000 more. the surprise.