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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1920)
THE ONTARIO Alii UK. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1920. (Blp ntarui Argun AN INDCPtNDENTNEWQPAPEH Published Thursdays at Onlarlu. Oregon, find outorod at tho Untarln post offlco for distribution us 2nd clnss matter. MWVti 1'UIILIHHINCI COMPA.NV Publishers U. K. AIKEN, Managing Editor T. McPAItLIN QOUail, Sup't. 8UUSC1UPTION Ouo Your, J2.U0 DID Till: ItldHT TIIIN(y Then Is nomo link lulk by a few person rnndoinulng t u action of tbo City Council In cluimi; tbo t'nrnlvnl huro Inst Hundny. We wild ' etniii' talk" by a fow tbunk Heaven It In only u few, nit wo liol'ew tho niklurPy nf tbo I'oplo of till 'ommuulty huvo inuro icepect for tbo sabbath tbnn to pornnt any hucIi nmusomont uk tin1 nvornge Carnival Company affords to opon Its doom on thnt diy. Tbo fiontier days with tho wide npi n si'con and gambling plucn nro n thing rf tho pant ntul ih authorities of Ontn-lt do not proposo to allow any imlHilors to conio '.ito and try to rovlvo thorn. Every Community hint It spirit. With Home It Ih ono of honor and In tegrity and progrosslvo Intellectual ity, with otliorn tho spirit of grcod, gouge, repression and retrogression predominates. Tho first nttnliiH Its aim In llfo, whllo tho latter iiIiiih no higher than that which It nttaltiH. Wo of this community have our choice, Wo can progress with tho march of time, or wo can procritstlu ate while time marches by. Our city fathers mado their choice and nil good citizen should back thorn up In It. tfi All peoplo of normal Intelligence Imvo tho powor to think and reason. A few practlco It. WordM that are tho result of analytical thought possess tho force and power which driven the human activity of tho world. Those that are babblod thoughtlessly and without roason fall upon fortlto will and nro magnified Into mountain" of Iniquity that ronch ovou to tho gutos of eternity. Think twice and speak once. It In the better way. The city dadH did tho right thing nud wo are proud of them. tons. Viewed from tills angle tho proscnt world shortage Is not 3,000, 000 but roundly 8,000,000 tons. In other words, for ovory throo pounds Hint consumors would use It they could fully satisfy their desires only two pounds nro available. This menus that tlioao who aro most anxious to obtain n full supply will bid up prices to a point whore those who are less eager or loss uble to got sugar at this higher cost will use loss and, by thus diminishing tho demand, enable the losseued supply to satisfy It. This Is tho working of tho tlme-houorod law of supply and domnnd. Undoubtedly thoro has been speculation In sugar on u considerable scale, butu In order to control prices, It would have to at tain the proportions of a corner and nobody yet has cornered sugar. The speculator may bo a parasite on tho trade, as ho Is accused of being, but does not fix prlcos. Sugar runs In such amounts, physically and financ ially, that It must move, continuously to market or crush whootor tries to slop It. I WI1V .NOT THIS TOWN? In ull probability Henry Ford has advanced tho most practical Idea yet for keeping young men on tho farms. Henry suggests tliut wo build fac tories throughout tho funning sec tions, glvo these young men employ ment during tho winter mouths when there Is no farm work to be done, und shut thorn down In the summer when tho men are uooded on the farms. It Is a sane, sensible nud eminent ly practical suggestion. It Is ouo easy of attainment. It could bo ilono In this community ns well as any uthor place. Wo Imvo tho brains nec essary to organise, oporato and mar ket tho products of such a factory. Wo have tho capital required for such a purposo. What more can no ask? Nothing except for our enterpris ing farmers and townsmen to gel to gether, lake the bit In tliulr teeth, nud go uhead. Aro wo equal to tho occasion? nlng strokes; kerosene and gasoline aro likely to bo stored about tho premises and used for light and pow or; ho must fill his bnrn with bay, straw and feed which nro subject to to spontaneous combustion nud, last but not least, ho us usually outside of tho protection of n tiro department Too often u fire onco started In n farm building results In a total loss, while tbo owner stands sadly by with his family and his neighbors, and wishes Hint ho had taken somo of those precautious which ho had been considering, (II VI J 'I'll I! WK8T A CHANCE The now wntor power bill passed by I'ongronM and signed by tho Pres ident means wonderful changes In wostorn Industries. It means that flvo transcontinental railroads would move pnsBongor and frolght trains ut greater speed and loss expense. It would monn building great fac tories In alt western states and sav ing the haul on raw material cast and manufactured goods west. It would moan cheaper power tor farmers nud fruit growers with which to put wntor on arid lands on n scale that is now Impossible. Hut all these great possibilities for tho west depend on the Interpretation of tho Inw by tho nntlonnl commix, slim that executes the law. The rules and regulations that nro adopted to put Into operation the practical details of the new water power law should bo plain and sim ple ami not difficult to comply with HENliY GAINES HAWN ii!flMrii - Hssssl HPOUT8, OH COATS? t'ANDV 1NDUSTHV CHOWS 1IIOII I'ltKJICH NOT DUE TO SPEO UIjATIO.V How can tho price of sugar bo ro duced without removing ouo or other of tho causes that have combined in bring high prices? The answer Is simple. It ennnnt bo done. Legisla tion, regulation, prosecution and In timidation aro powerless to overcome a world-wldo economic condition. They may deprive consumers of sugar but they ouuuot compel men produc ing for u world market to accept loss than Hint market Ib willing to pay Tho cnuses of present prices of sugar may be summed up ns follews: A decline In world's prodiirllou un til the world crop of present season Is .1,000,000 long tons below that nf 11)13-14. A rapidly growing domnnd from consumers. Had the world's consumption of sugar continued to Increase at same Tho war demonstrated the fact that men under severe training need sweets and as u result wo developed an army or 4,000,000 candy enters. During the days before prohltilllon millions of people In this section sat isfied their sweet tooth by the use of liquors of different kinds. With pro- Are wo American peoplo sports, or tiro wo Just plain goats? European countries owe tho Unit ed Slutes ten billions of dollars, lonn (d to them during the wnr against Oormnny. This money will soon be duo, and it Is Intimated that the al lies either cannot or will not pay they Intimate the former, but wo sus pect tho latter. Our friends across the wntor. It seems, do not want to pay us until after thoy have collect ed tho money from (lernmny And wlion they do got the money from (lernmny It Is oven possible that they will suddenly discover some morn urgent nud pressing need for It. Makes a fellow feel flue, doesn't It? Quito sporty, or goaty, which ever term pleases you. Europe tells the United States It is short of sugar it must Imvo sug ar. We, too, nro shortvery short hlliltlou came a demand tor sweets In somo other form' than liquor luuljimt wo send It to them, hundreds of us u result candy consumption In- millions or pounds. Henry (lalnrs Hnwn of San Krnn :lsco, an authority on community build lug, Is one of several speakers now touring tho stnto In connection with tho expansion movement of tho Oregon Hinlo Chamber of Commerce. The Htnto Chamber Is making a state-wide appeal for h budget of $430, Ouo, covering a period of thruo years, to carry on Its development work, 1 he movement bus been eudomed by more than two hundred leading men throughout Oregon. Eighty community 'Ctitlvo committees have been organ ized to co-operate with the Htate Cham ber In the canvass throughout tho state which will be conducted during June and July. -$$-$$-t.SW"t--t DOUBLE POPULATION OF 0. EG0N FARMERS STATE CHAMBER PLAN Oregon now has G, 000,000 seres of land under cultivation, In t'JIS the agricultural crop was valued at JliOO.OOO.OOO.OO. Uy hnamt advertising (he Ore gon Kiaie Chambor of Commerce van dciibU the agricultural acre age In three yeuis. This would 'udd i t 'ithcr 1200,000,000.00 to the i ! 'cultural revenuo of the S . u lug lust year's flgurvs as a t iikU of figuring. creused reuiurknbly. Confectioners stutu that returned soldiers are now regular buyers of candy. Thus bus tho cniid Industry lu three short years, Jumped fiom Hit) class of so-called "non-essentials, " to nu Important place In tho ossuutlul food producing Industries furnishing it product which the human system craves and must have. PHHVHNTINC I'lHKS ON lUlt.M Kxpoiiuuco tins shown that flro prevention should bo universally practiced. Tho farmer, however. should glo special attention to the elimination of flro hazards and tho adoption of protective methods. This i Is true for several reasons. In tho 'first place, his house, barn und out- avoniKO rate from Minn t,, iiiij i,u annual requirements would now bo """" ro "" "MiHtruoUd of between 23.000,000 nud 2 1.000 000 "' mmorlttl; IioIuk moro or less Isolated they lire subjoct to light- ! What We Offer You Wa illE OFFER YOU a complete assortment of every Y thing required in hardware, including that for building purposes. We oiler you hardware ot the highest and most lasting quality the hardware that pays for itself many times over in long and satisfactory service. We call your attention to this fact because wo know that it is the hardware YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. Of course that shove up the price of what llltlo wo aro uble to buy our selves. Hut that doesn't matter to us sports, or goats. Wo Just ravel In coughing up lively for the benefit of our dour friends across tho water, Why should wo ask Europe to pay us tho paltry ten billions of dollars they owo us? Would that bo sporty, or goaty? Why should wo tell them thoy can't Imvo our sugar, because we haven't ouougli ourselves for our canning, nud our tublos? Would a sport, or a goat, bo so ungenerous? Why not glvo them everything thoy want, nud thank them for tak ing it? Wouldn't that bo qulto sporty, or tremendously goaty? Why not be genuine sports, or wholehearted gnats, while wo nro about It? For Isn't It qulto Jolly to be ti sport, or supremely comforting to bo u goat? You know! CO.I( HAHONH PASS1NC THE Ul'CK Britain Will Never Recognize Irish. London. "The Ilrltlsh governmont Will 'never ngreo to the establishment of an Irish republic unless It Is beutsu tn tliB ground." Premier I.loyd Oeorgo (old ii delcHiitljn of railway workers. (.( My Bank is the Ontario National" "I like their prompt service and Very courteous treatment I Jo all my banking business with Ih icm. That's just what one of our customers said the other day. This is hint to the wise. 5$W4frW"W'M'4"l44"'Mi"t Aliens From West Deported. New York. A carload of nllons list l us undesirables and anarchists re cently received from Oregon, Cali fornia, Iilsho and Illinois, were de ported on outgoing vessels hero. INSIST on an abstract or title when you purchnso or lend money on real estate MALIIEUH TITLE AND ADSTItACT CO., Vale Orogon, 1 Dependable Power JBsvjiDviv I JBssnJsV sff JI&o. n f j '7 &as fflsW tb fr, mWwmA jftgv Down to the last drop "Red Crown" 13 high-grade gasoline. It is made to meet the require ments of your engine. "Red Crown" is all-refinery gasoline with the full and con tinuous chain of boiling points necessary for ready starting, quick and smooth acceleration, steady, dependable power and long mileage. Look for the "Red Crown" sign before you fill. STANDARD OH. COMPANY (C4lUi4j we Gasoline of 0. H. TEST, SPECIAL AGENT STANDARD OIL CO. ONTARIO, :-: OREGON JOHN DEERE GRAIN BINDER Some Attractive Offerings Perfection Oil Stoves, White Mountain Ice Cream i Freezers, Jackson Forks, Cables and Pulleys. Al- f luminum Ware and Electrical Goods, Harness, I Collars and Collar Pads. I A Car Load of Fencing", Harh Wire and Nails soon Tho Increased prlco of conl Is now causing tho price ot gas and electric ity tn davnuco und public nud prlvato utility corporations feol the hardship, The public was led to bollove that il.,1 1 I awH svmti laftAktrnftitfi t 1 n I lift I II1U II IU ll'lll IIIVIIHIPU ,1, IUHI Mill, ors' wngos would be absorbed by tho operators of mines but that Is not true. Conl operators at once hoguu to bill tho public utilities for the 14 per cent wugo advance and municipal and prlvato plants mot this raise In minors' wages In an arbltnry way, this wago U now putted on to tho consumer of gas and electricity, and the 14 per cent rutso for miners be comes n tax on the consumer Practically ten per cent of all conl mined Is used to make gas and elec tric current. Hut why should o no tenth ot tho coal mined by tho whole bill? Is It not uuothor case of tho coal bitrous passing tho buck to the public? BOND 'Weuseitwhetf Why It Is the Better Binder Bigger Main Wheel. Bigger in diame ter, wider tire and wide, deep lugs. Tt furnishes plenty of traction oven in severe field conditions. Rigid Main Frame. Mado of wide steel 'oars widely overlapped mid hot-riveted togother bearing supports forg ed in frnmo. It will not weave or twist even 'in the roughest fields Driving parts are kept in true align Stronger Binder Platform. Made of an- Better-Made Knotter. The wearing parts consisting of steel-cut gears and drop-forged parts are case-hardened, insuring longer life and hotter tying qualities Quick-Turn Tongue Truck. Makes square turns possible. Makes the hinder easier for the horses to pull, ond easier for the operator to handle. Because its axle is flexibly mounted, the truck overcomes side draft all of the time. gle steel sills reinforced by strong Built in a Modern Factory. The John wood sills. Four angle steel cross sills on 7 and 8 ft. sizes tie tho plat form together rigidly. Knife works freely and canvass runs true. Three Packers Instead of Two. Tho John Deero Binder makes better bun dles. Tts three packers enables it to handle long or short, tangled or ir regular grain without clogging. We also Cany a Complete Line of Binder's Twine, Its the "Plymouth" Twine. The Best is The Cheapest. )eere Grain Binder is built under the most modern manufacturing fac ilities. Every part is carefully in spected, and the important operating parts are tested thoroughly before the binder leaves tho factory. Pro per sotting up and careful oiling aro the only essentials to insure a perfect-working, dependable binder. I to arrive. Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle. McNULTY & CO. PRINTING GOOD JOBS GEO. W. WAYT Give lis Yours $w4wwiNl