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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1920)
titatet xxrv ONTARIO, MALIIEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1920. NO. 31. ie &vm. Homer H. Cuintiiliigi Delivers Tlio Keynote Hpcccli To Tlio ('ll(-lltl0M Sun I'-nt'-r The Democratic nn tlonul convention was culled to urder at noun Munday by J, lliuco Krutiicr of Iluttc, Mont.. Wcechalrmun of tho Democratic iiatloiinl commit teu, HIght ltov. 1. I.. Ilyuii, vlcnr gen oral of thu dloceiu' of Hun Francisco offered thu opening prayer oml Chair man Kruinur Introduced llmnrr 8. Cummlngs, clialriiiun of tlio Demo crutlc uutlonnl cointnlttuu us tempor ary cliulrmiin, With tho uxcoptlon of a patriotic touch by thu in tnolitutlon of tho colore by a cf murine, tho opening preliminaries were much almllur to those cf prior convention, Tho outDMiidliiK njiiiro or tho pro- gram wua thq koynoie api'ech of Chair man CiimmliiK, which wua u complete, unqualified oiulorssment of everything which hu been utcompllshcd tiudur l'rcahlvitt Wilson's teveti yeura In tho While Home. Candidates Ctrength Uncertain. Aa thu rival forci's at the dmnccrut'o notional convention move Into petition for thu openltiK of Itit convention there wu uppurently no more duflnltu ullitti nii'iit of atretiKtli for varloua oundl dutei than there Inn been since tho delogutrs begun to ussomblo. Thu closing houra cf tho pre-con-rentlon period are much tho name ui churncturlxed thu lust-minute proceed Inus of the republican conentlon ut'""' 'l'. nml ore not wunllng In pub CIiIcuko. There I. u marked similarity In many respectt. 768 Oelegataa Unlmtructed, Suvun hundred mid fifty-nix of the - 10t2 dulcgutea ure unlnatructvd. Them wero ten candidate, uvowoil. unwilling or roceptlvo. No democrutlc cundldnto enmo to Sun FrancUco with uuy auch allowing of pledged strength ua wua brought to Chicago by Wcod, lowdun or John on. Hut ua at Chlcugo, the altuutlon lit the opening revolved ubout u rivalry on. Uhiiu rather than for the moment on candidates. Ilonedry prohibition, profiteering, In duatrlul relation!, tho league of nulloui iind the Irish question promised ts bo tho heudllnor In tlio fight over plunka In thu democratic platform, In thla category tho prohibition question wua entlly foremost In the minds of leudera and delugutes aa tho bono-drys and the antla beguu tho actual counting of noses. A convo Hon floor flglit seemed ulmost certain, belli sides Insisting that they wanted n verdict by supurute vote of the dolo uutei. Palmer Delegates Seated, Administration loaders won a sweep ing victory In the democrutlc national committee when that body recognized the Pulmor group of delegates In the Georgia contest and refused to glvn Seuutor Jumes A. Heed of Missouri, bitter opponent of the league of ua ttoiiB, a seat In the convention. The committee decided to seat It. II. Turner as a delegute-at-lurgo from Oregon, who hud beu named by the state committee to fill a vacancy caused by death. John I. Schuyle man had protested against the seating of Turner. Schuyleman uppeured be fore the committee and argued that he should fill the vacancy on the ground that he recelvod the fifth highest vote In the race for the four places as dele-gates-at-lafge. ... , M.iiiu.K nurni .'luwi i'tuiii i -iij nin , Anil Is KnJoyliiR G(Hm1 Putroniige. W. R, Hlginbotham & Son, who for the past twelve years have been operating a bottling works establish ment at Payette, have decided to cast their lot with us and last week'De started the publication of a bright uioveu uieir yiuui iu iuis piace ana are now located In the Moore build ing north of the Ontario Furniture Store and are already enjoying a splendid patronage. Mr. Hlginbotham says he likes Pay ette very well, but he believes Ontario Is by far the best business town Hence the move. We welcome them into our little business world. . The News while It ts News Read '. he Ontario Arena. (XI.MMKHOIAL CLUH ATTKNIW CHAUTAUQUA Lust Wednesday ovonlng was tho data not for tho rcgulnr monthly luntlieon and mooting of tho Ontario Commorclnl Cluh, hut In order to pro porly show tholr approclatlon of tho big strawborry feast tondorod tham hy tho Frultlnndor's tho wcok hofora and to ilomoiiBtrnto their friendly foulliiK for tho pcoplo of that com munity, tho momborH of tho Club, at tho conclusion of tho luncheon, wont In a body to Frultlaud and attonded tho Chautauqua. Thoy report a most enjoynblo ovonlng'H ontertnlnuiont. IIOItHi: KLKOTKOCUTKD IIV TRANSMISSION 1.1X11 On thn latter part of IbhI woek Mr. Thayer, who resides on tho Urosnnn ranch on tho Malheur rlvor, had the mlHfortuno to hnvo one of IiIm vulu able horse electrocuted. Ho hud u tenui hitched to u Inrgu hay derrick unit not tlilnlclni; about tho trans iiiIkmIoii lino of tho Idaho I'owor Com-' iiiinv nverhoud drove under It. tho j derrick coming Into contact with the : o'KTilU chlnery to tho horso with tho nbovo result M IMPROVEMENTS NOTLtD IN ONTARIO Hiumtl .New Building Under Mrif Hon Anil I'livcnient Ni'urinjr Completion. Not only will tho spirit of '70 bo manifested In Ontario on thu Fourth, hut our visitors will alno notice that we huve thu vim anil tieti of thu nuts- I 1""?"!' besides thu mail) bloi'ks of paved streets which bus boon completed witiun mo pusi iow woeka, thoy will notice that snverul now and substantial buildings have been erected or uro uhtlor course of construction, among them Is tho now Majestic Theatre which opened Its doors to tho public today. Then as thoy go from placo to place they will notice muny alterations and Improve ments In many of tho old business houses. Tho Ontario I'hurmacy has just recently had a balcony eroded In tholr storo nml mado many othor substantial Improvements and It Is now ono of tho most attractive und up-to-date drug stores In tho stuto, aeo, W. Wnyt, tho Implomont deal er, has ulso some Improvements by erecting bins and adding othor fix tures in his placo of business In order to facllltato tho handling or his rapid ly lucrousliig business. Hoyor Hrothers nro busy oxenvat Inir In tlio rear and nndor their build ings formerly occupied by tho Mo- Dowoll Furnlturo Company ami tno B10W wm uo tn0 "master mind", Argua preparatory to extending theso 80Vellln daughter of thu sovonth buildings to tho alley and fixing .,nUKhtor born with a veil, Just ro roomy busoment thoreunder. .turned from 1C yeurs consultation Hosldes those, thero aro severullwUh lho w!h0 mol, ot uua, hesldOB now residences being built jmioiig whcn t)ieru wlll )0 mun). ot10r m)H. them a flno homo for h. I Va" tlfylng and amusing features as woll I'etton, which, when completed, will M ferra Wj,eela and tho like, bo ono of tho handsomost and most j , 0B nn experienced man In n.n.larn In tlinatntn Karl IllnCKUUV ' . . . ...- ..... I. .!... ,r .!. iuu.,. ... ....-. -- ",",,-' and Albert McAfee aro also building fine new residences. F. L. BODY DEPARTED FOR THE EAST SUNDAY On tno latter purl of last wek F I.. Hcdy, former Secretary of thn Ontario Commercial Club, turnod ov er th' reins of his office to hla tem porary successor, Mayor Jones, and left Sunday for Stevens 1'olnt, Wis er nsin, where ho has accepted n mine, luooi-atlvo position with tin Chamber cf Commerce of that city. In Mr. Body's departure Ontario looses a good citizen and a wide awake and efficient official. Ho came hero from Portland In June of last year and Immediately upon as suming his duties as Secretary of the Commercial Club, went In with a vim to make the club at this place second to none In the state. How well l m succeeded wo leave it for you to say We understood that there was, at tno time ne arriveu uoro uo mem bers in the club and less than $10 In the treasury, while today It Is I the largest and strongest in propor- 'Hon to the population of any In tho United States, Willi a goou live menv ber ship of 132 and something like $2000 In the treasury. Becldes working to build up the club, Mr. Body took an active part in everything which tonded to the betterment of Ontario and vicinity, among them being the relieving of thn houslne problem and other Im- Dortant matters. A few months ago newsy little booster paper, iiie rep iimiat" which had Its Influence In boosting Ontarto and her resources. Besides being Secretary of the Com mercial Club he also held the posi tion of Secretary of the Malheur County Fair Association last year Mr. Body was a good progressive and efficient official and we regret his deoarture. Good-bye, Mr Body, may success atten,i your efforts In your now field o( laborl The Spirit EVERYTHING IS READY FOR Business Houses in holiday Attire Big Carnival Company Here And a Great Time Anticipated . Ontario ts nil ready to rccolvo and floats and Instructive nml amusing entertain her guests for tho three blg(foaturea, among which will ho hover- day colouration uccuruiiiK '" " ' ports of tho various committee at u mootlnir hold lust ovenlng. Tho storo windows aro all arrayed. In holiday attlro appropriate to tno occasion. Tho Dig Carnival Company Is -hero with nmusomenta of all kinds for both old and young. Among tho features of attraction of this groat illlis line, will iiuru viiuihu hi iiu pav0ment dancing and will see that they aro proporly waxen uosmos Hav ing a splendid 0 ploce orchestru to furnish first class music, und re freshments will ho served In tho dancing pavilion. Tho program for tho three big days as announced by II. U Peter son, chairman of tho Fourth of July Committee, Is os follews: On Saturday, tho 3rd, thero will be a big time at the fair grounds, among which will bo tight fast races, etc., In the afternoon, nml In tho evening there will bo a Jolly time up town with the Carnival Company and dancing on the puvoments until midnight. On Sunday, tho th, besides tho manv other attractions, thero will be la big double hoader bull game at the fair grounds at 'i o clocK in tne aiier noon between Parma and Pa)ette and Ontario and the wlnnor Monday, the 5th, will bo the day of days at which time there will be a big street parade at 10:30 In the forenoon, followed by an address by the Hon. Jesse Hawley of Holse In the parade will be many beautiful NEGRO CONFESSES TO SHOOTING BRAKEMAN Tho Dalles After six hours of grill lug, Oles Urown, colored, ullus "Little Ole," of Peusacola, Flu., couftssed that ke shot and killed Otis Mayt-s, O.W. It, & N. braknnun. Brown and his negro companions, Joseph Freemuu und Lloyd Haydeu, whom he forced to accompany him at the point of a gun, were captured by Sheriff Levi Chrlsroan of Wasco coun ty and deputies. Brown Is alleged to have shot .Mayes during an altercation when Mayes at tempted to make a case of men who war bwUln- tbalr vtt ea tka Half ataftiSMffc j of Patriotism qC V W Til HiVll u """7 hmiuichi In tho afternoon thero will bo nil kinds of Hold and track events at tho Fair 0 rounds, In which tho groan ed pig will play an Important and amusing part. At the conclusion of tho events at tho Fair (1 round thorn will ho u big wator fight up tnwu by two sIiIom of tho fire department, following which there will bo a bund concert nt 7 o'clock In tho city park. Tho re mainder of tho evening will bo de voted to n big treo dunce on woll waxod pavements with first cluss muslo until 1) o'clock whon thoio will bo n magnlflclent illspluy of fire works together with tho carnival foatures. Tho list of ovontH und prizes us announced by tlio committee for Monday Is as follews: For the parado tho prlzos will be: MG.00 for Morchants Flouts HG.00 for best decorated Individ uals Float. $45.00 for best Fraternal or Sun day School Float. MO. 00 most comical or rldlcllnus Individual mako-up of any kind. $15.00 for American Legion or Competitive Float. Tho prizes for tho ovents so far announced nre: 125.00 for wator fight. $10.00 for Amusement Hucos 100 yurd dash. 120.00 for Free-for-all Backward Itaco. $5.00 for Fat Man's Ilaco. $2.50 for Sack Itaco. $2.50 for 100 Yard Itaco for children H years and under, $10.00 for Tug of War botweon American Legion boys and Flro De partment, Everybody throughout tho county Is Invited to come and help us cele brate this glorious Day of ludopeud- lence, HARDING URGED TO SPEAK IN THE WEST Washington. Plans of Senator Harding, republican presidential cuiidi date, to conduct u "front porch" cum pulgn ure opposed hy some senul'irs and ether republican leaders from the west. These leaders think he should make at least ouu "swing around th elide" with speeches In thu prluulpal cities of the vtest, so us to come in closer personal touch with the voters thero. Under Senator Harding's present plans, he will spend virtually ull his time between now and the election at his home In Marlon, O, speuklng to delegations from various parts of thu to eiuumzi: moehi: IX KAHTHRN OltlttlO.V Pralrlo City, near linker, and On tnrlo, two llvo custom Oregon com munities nro going to hnvo Moose lodges. Dud Hurt, ono of tho great est Mooro boosters In this region, nml who wan moat Inrgoly rcaponalhlo for tho extraordinary sm-coss of the re cent momborHhlp cumpalgn In the lo cal lodge, which Increased the total number of members hero now to al most 700, will lonvo Corvnllla within u fow dnya to help tho I'rnlrlo City and Ontario people gel their Mooso lodge ntartpil In good ahapo. Dud Iiiih been "under tho weather" the PttBl few dajH hut exnecta to cot nwny by tho end of tho week. The Kaslorn Oregonlnna limy real naauroil that tho coming of tho Moobo ran mean nothing hut good for tholr com munities; tho Ideals of tho order nrn of the very highest and In Corvallls tho momherHhln numbers n Inrco nro- portion of the most prominent husl- nesH nun proresHionol men of the community, as well as n largo number of the BtihMantlnl farmer-luminous-men Dally Ontctto Times, Corvallls. "Dnd" Hurt arrived In Ontario aov ernl days ago and has nlrendy so cured n number of nppllcatlous for admission Into tho order of Mooso and there Is no doubt but what u good strong lodgo will bo organized hern within a short time HAS BEEN SOEVED ItmiiltN In Miii'lnn Coipt Tit Unto IMiii'iitliiiml Ail- VlllllllUCH When tho 10th Regiment. U. S. MurluVs, started for Mexico thn other day thoy were not only equipped with rifles nnd packs, hut also car ried their school honks. Thn problem of nntl-mllltnry re action followng tho war has boon sol ved hy tho Murine Corps, nays Captain K. 11, Hammond, Officer In Charge. United States Murine Corps Ilocrult- tug minion. 304 Panama llldg., 3rd and Alder Sts.. Portland Oregon, hy combining ncademlo nnd vocational education with military training, tho broadening Influences of travel, nnd ndvonturo. In pre-war dnys It was 11 problom to keep Marine's attention concentrat ed and tholr mlnilH intornstod In strictly military routine. Thero wns n growing disposition on tho part of young men to rognrd the sparo time spoilt In tho Marino Corps us tlmo wasted. Tho prosopt Jay combining of scholustlo work with Marino Corps (ruining bus solved tho problom. Tho Murine Corps Institute, some thing entirely now In military circles, Is 11 practloal school teaching Marines a wide vurloty of subjects either In the clnss room, workshop, or hy cor respondence In whatever part of the world 11 Marine may be stationed, ashore or afloat, ho may tako ad vantngo of this educational Institu tion, und will fie paid for going to school. Although Quantlco, Virginia, Is the homo of tho Marino Corps Institute, there uro already numbers of Mar I no ut sou anil In our Island posses ions enrolled for course by corre spondence. U. S. POPULATION IS PUT AT 105,000,000 KMlimito Is llasoil On Tlio popula tion of ('Me Already Announced, Washington. The population of con tinental UulttHl States is estimuted at 10S.000.uOO by J. A. Hill, chief statisti cian for thu eunsiis burwau. His calcu lation Is baiMMl 011 thu i-oiiiblnitd popu lation of HUG cltltM uud towns for which statistics Imvu bu uiiuuiiucud, Thu lucres ovr 1'ilO Is plucud ut about 13.ouo.uou, showing thu growth of tho country bus iu,t kept puce with previous decudu. Almost complete cessutii'ii of liuinlgrHtloii during thu war 1 iliu chief reason usslgiiuil for the fulling off In growth. Other sug gestion woro thu two Influenza epi demics, return of ulleus to their native lands and deuths of soldiers abroad uud ut home during thu war. Ti'H uKt,ruatu population of the cities uud towns 011 which the estl umttt was mitdo Is 41,020,354. This Is un uvi-.ugu wain, of 2U pur cent, com purod with St pur cent In the previous de.ade. The world Is old In wisdom and in wickednesu, but a little goodness creeps In occasionally. Thero Is ono sweet consolation In helm? tifinr Wn ilnn't linvn ti wtirrv over how to provont the government irom annoxiug tno most or our in come. NEW MAJESTIC THEATRE WILL OPEN TONIGHT Is .Modern In IJwry HciimhI Will Hutu A m.j. Oirlirtitru nml Up-to-dato l'lu)s After many wcoks of hard labor, and many dollars spout tho beautiful Majestic Theatre will open Thursday night July 1st, with a regular Jazz orchostru to properly Interpret the mimical settings for tho latent Mary Plckford picture, "Pollyunnu" which will bo tho opening attraction, Tho throntro will hnvo a RcatliiK capacity ot Hourly five hundred nil modorn opera chairs, ut tho rear of tho building thero nro threo Lodgo compartments scntod with oxpouslvo upholstered chairs, tho ulsles and lull bios nit carpoted throughout, Just lusido tho houso thero Is Installed it ulcoly furnished rest room for tho ladles, running water In tho rout room. Tho lighting effects nnd fixtures nro of tho latest designs, tho cool ing ts done with 11 system of north polo funs, tho Immunso eloctrlo sign at tho front of tho building carries nonrly flvo hundred lights, tho tick ets nro dispensed hy nn automatic ticket machine which prints thu prices and date oil thn tickets all nt ono time. Tho muchluo room Is equipped with two modorn machines of the latent type, thero is a bright light control ler which gives a hundred percent more brilliancy to tho pictures, In talking with L, (V Mears, thu local mnunger of tho Mnjostlo ho says, with this equipment tho pictures will bo as plain as any of tho eastern theatres. Mr. Moars has been In thu show busi ness slnco tho beginning of pictures, ho has ownod 10 theatres In differ ent parts of tho oast. Mr. Mourn Is 11 strong hollavor In advertising and says with tho propor amount of ad vertising on the many super-specials that uro hookod that ho should have no troubla in filling tho playhousu nightly. Tho Mnjostlo Thoatro Is operated hy tho Mujostlc Amusement Company, an organization of showmen und bus inessmen ot Holso, whoso aim Is to have u circuit ot twenty-five theatres within tho next twolvo months, It Is furthor tholr alms to ploaso aa muny of tho patrons as Is physlcully pos sible A ItKMO OF Plti:ilIHTOHIO Tl.MIN FOUND IN GLIFFH University ot Oregon, Kugeno, Juno 17th. A raro fossil, that of n mlo scone whulo, bus boon found by Dr Karl L, Packard, professor of (lool ogy ut tho University of Oregon A preliminary scientific pupor 011 tho specimen will bo presented by Doctor Pucard today boforo tho Pacific Div ision of tho Amorlcun Association tor the Advancement of Sclonco which Is meeting In 8eattlo. Thn rollo of prehistoric times which was found In tho cliffs along tho beach ut Newport, Oregon, Is, Dr Packard belloves, the flnost spec! mou of fossil whulo which has been found In North America. Such pet rifled akolotoim uro very rare uud tho oxtromo age of tho recont find makes It of particular Intorost to sclontlflc men. Only the skull of thn creuturu has boon exhumed from Its rocky bed and Dr. Puckurd Is now proparlug It for addition to tho Condon Cloologl- cal m 11 so urn of tho University, Tho bones nro ruthor small, indicating that the creature was young or, which Is moro probablo, that the leviathans of tho mloscono ugo were markodly smaller thut those of the presont day. THIEVES ROB RANCH HOUSE OF LOCAL MAN Last week Won Cavlnoss spont two days at his ranch ubout 35 mll 1 southwest of Vale, and says that up on arriving thoro ho found that van dais and thieves hud paid tho placo a visit and takon about all that could consistently bo curried off. In fact overythlng but tho stove was taken und that would probably bo among tlio missing ir it wero not rumor large and quite heavy. Locks wero ripped oil tno provis ion boxes and the contontH all tukeu as was a largo mattress and all of tho bedding and numerous other ur tlclos. The placo Is always left opon as aro most of the romoto ranch houses, so that anyono seeking shelter wus at llbortM to mako tbumseiveti ut homo, which Is In accordauco with tho prevailing custom of this section ot the country It may be added thrt It Is Just such acts anil crimes or this sort that can bos tno pionoer to udopt policies that aro thon a hard ship on some deserving travolor at a future time Tho thief or thieves aro bolng sought -Vale Kutorprlse country wfco vlalt him.