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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1920)
tlfejiri0 '&r0tt: , .f-f , XXIV ONTARIO, MALIIEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1920. NO. 32. ffiwliiC IS STILL SHORT American Legion Thank Tim Public Fur Monument Itri'dnl Mem- oilfil liny jUIl(MH Vet 'I'll Ho llnl-cd Tho mniiumcnt eommtttoo of tho American Legion roporls thnl tlio collections hnvo ljuon Reed and tlmt when nil of the TltntrlrtH of Mnlhotir county nro licnrit from, tlmy will not bo much short to liny for the iiioiiiimcnt which was erected In tho county court Iioiihu yard at tho coun ty sent on Memorial Day, May .10th, Inst. Threo htiudrod and thlrty-flvo dollnra Im still owIiir mi tho monu ment aliuvo all that contributed, and Hint uncollected In thu outlying sec tions of tho county. Tlu American IOglon of Malheur county joltiH In extending thanks to thu public for tho support In tho past that Iiuh mado tho momorlnl a ruatll. It now Ntumln a lasting trl liuto to tho hoys of IIiIh county who gnvo their Hvch that tho brotherhood of man may not ho cant from tho earth, Tho donation!) and collections of donation alrcndy HtiliKcrlhod for tho pant month nro an follews: Previously rooortod S711.17 JamlcHon Community 20.00 John Wall COO A. S. Hunt COO Jnmci arnhntn n. 00 Prank Mlllor 10.00 Jordan Valley Community .. 100.00 Advnuco Lodgo K. of P. Vale 2G.00 Vato Lodgo No. 100, I. O. O. F. 15.00 Krod Voruo 2,00 Vale Transfer & Htoraxo. . . . 3.00 committi:i: will make canvass of ontario An IuIciihIvo cnuvnss In Ontario, In connection with tho Btnto-wldo ox pnnHlon movement of tho Oregon Stnto Chnmbor of Comhierce, will be gin durlni: tho week of July Gth, un der tho direction of n reiirnnnttitlvo of tho Stnto Chamber. Tho local executive committee, or ganized to coopcrato with tho State Chamber In tho work of raising a bud got of 14 00,000 covering n three-year period, will assist tho roproxontu lives In thin campaign. Tho Ontario commlttco Is compo't od of M. II, Doollttle, chairman; Ucu K. Aiken, vlco-chalrman; 1'. J. Gal lagher, It. W Jones, Karl Illncltaby. COX AND ROOSEVELT deadlock in iiouhhon convkn- TIOX IIROKKN ON 44th I1ALI.OT Win's AND TAMMANY CRED ITED WITH VICTOHV OVER McADOO AND PAUMEH OREGON STAYS BY McADOO T CROWDS HERE FOR BIG CELEBTATION NEVER IN CITY'H IIIHTOItV WERE THERE MORE PEOPLE IN ON- TAItIO THAN MONDAV, JULY CARNIVAL CLOSINO CAUSES DISPUTE commax,,,;,, , ;, ,osr m',. r CITY COUNCIL HOLDS ONTARIO DROPS 2 BALL GAMES CLUB ENJOY A PICNIC Moiirlrru Ontario (Jlrlx ..lulu .Willi Cliilm At' Vale mill I'lirm HttliiimltiK Party Total 11,007.17 Disbursements 078,00 Ilalanco In fund 20.20 Vnlo Kntorprlso. iukqui: killed IN SHOOTING ON ItANOK (Capital Nowh Spoelal Scrvlco) Jordan Valley, July 3. A Dasquo shoop border wait shot and killed and Manly Morrow and Jim Slovens, harder and camp tender, respectively, for tho Ilaldwln Drown sheep outfit, woro shot about noon Friday In a Hhootlng affair about sovon mile from Hockvlllo. Tho two lattor woro tondlng a bunch of sheep on tholr rnngo botwoon Homcdalo and Jordan Valley and 63 mtjoa south of Cald well on tho Oregon sldo of tho lino. Thoy ran onto a bunch of nhoep be longing to tho Stanflold Livestock company In chargo of tho Dasquo on their range and had a quarrel with' him about It. Tho Dasquo pulled his gun and shot at Morrow four times, ono shot taking effect In tho back of tho head. Ho then shot at Stevens three times, ono shot taking effect In tho pelvis. Stovens then ran over to Morrow, picked up his gun and shot and kill ed tho Dasquo. Ho then rodo to tho noarost ranch and wired to Caldwell for a doctor. It Is not known Just how serious tho condition of tho two Injurod men Is. Fourtcon Ontario Cookery and Sewing Club girls mot tho girls of tho two Vnlo Howlng Clubs at tho Nutatorlum at Vale last Thursduy afternoon for a swImmlnK narty. Aftor onjoyliig tho splendid wutor for nn hour and a half tho girls wore In a mood to enjoy tholr delightful picnic Huppcr. Then followed u brief social time In which tho girls got acquainted and sang together somo of their cluh hours. Ontario girls making trip woro; Edith Hall, Kvadlno Cochran, Ethol Conwny, Evolyn Chanco, Myrun So- coy, Dorothy Kdwards, Dorothea Helghtsman, Phyllis Watson, Alice Watson, Ruth Roberts, Hardlss Has musRoii, Laura Hays, Irono Fox, Cec ilia Qalaghor; Vale club girls wero Verda Doollttle, Rose I'ropst, Hosier Kills, Loah Lumpoo, Valodu King, Voryl Orlggs, Torossa Heck; Chapor ones woro Mrs. W. L. Turner, Mrs. II. U Peterson, Mrs. John Wood, Mr. Chanco, Mrs. W. L.'ltoborts and Miss Merle Dlngham of Ontarl6; Mrs. Jul Ion Hurloy and Mrs. U P. Lumpoo of Vale, and Miss Wilson. County Club Lea dor. Llko Republican (Vnwiillon (Jntlu-r. Ing At Him lYmirlro Furnished .Many Surprises Wool Knlli To l-Jind Man On Either Tlcki In contest as strenuous us . thnl which In 1012 nominated Woodrov Wilson nt Dattlitioro, tho domopratlc gathorlug at 8an Francisco early Tuesday morning nominated as Its Htandard boarors Oovornor Cox of Ohio and Assistant Socrotary of tho Navy Franklin Ronsovclt. Tho dead lock which hold the convention from Frldny to Tuesday morning was .brok en on tho 44th ballot. Ilotli Newspaper Mm l'nrndn In lVattlio In Itself Many Unique Floats Nhoun CoiiU'Mm hi All Classes Close Race Piogruin IVir Monday Eliminated Noxt Monday ovoiilng thoro will bo n special meeting of Ontario Post No. 07 for tho purposo of selecting n now commnnded to succeed Elmer Loavltt whoso removal from the city mnilo It Imposslblo for him to at tend to tho duties of tho office At tho Inst meeting Hurl Dlacknby, Her bert Paul nnd 8. M. Ilouchor wero nominated for tho position and tho final voto will bo takon on theso threo names at tho meeting Monday. At tho last meeting, too tho post olectod McssrB. O'Kcoft and Parsons n delegates to tho stnto convention which will bo hold nt Astorln dur ing tho Inst of tho month. tegular .Monthly Account! Allowed Anil Pavlnir of Idaho Aenue Ordered Completed. Novor In tho history of Ontnrlo wuh thero n larger crowd In town than Hint which gathered hero on Monday, July C This was tho crowning day of tho colobratlon nnd It was marked by tho big civic pnrndo In tho morn ing nnd tho baso ball gnnics In tho afternoon and fireworks In tho oven-Ing. Tho big crowd gathered In splto of tho difficulty of Sunday ovor the opening, or closing of tho cnrnlval FARM BUREAU TAKES Oovornor Cox, llko hlsopponont oiiinuisomcnt fonturcs Sundny ovonlng. tho Ropubllcnn ticket, Sonntor Hard-, This dlsputo wns thu untoward event Ing, Is a newspaperman, Doth lourn-nf tho festivities, nnd ono of thoso od tho trado In a country shop nnd 1 things that often occur at such times. WHAT WE DO NOW HAKES OREGON Of TOMORROW Working Together, Our MlmW and Money Can Do An) thing Led Orguhlio TELEPHONE OPERATORS TAKE VACATION ENMASSE That the' Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, does not propose that this state shall lag behind her sister states In any respect, especially In the matter of Improvements and Civic pride Is evidenced by the determed effort It Is making toward securing 'a targe membership with sufficient . funds to properly develop her won derful resources, build more good roads, extend her ralloads as well as Industrial expansion, In a nat llttlo folder in which Oregon's wonderful resources and possibilities nro entered Into in de tail It says In part.; A Scnle of Civic Prldo "Co-operative effort Is the key to progress. It opens the door to suc cess. This has been proved so often that argument is needless. A study of civic progress shows that those places which are making the greatest gains are spending the largest sums, per capita, for develop ment purposes. A movement Is now on foot to put tho Oregon State Chamber of (Continued on page Three) Tho worries of tho hay ranchers out of holp, of tho storos without clerks, the school without touchers, all rolled Into ono, are not equal to tho troubles of tho telephone ex change manugor without operators. At least that In tho opinion of Oon oral Manager J. A. Laknoss of tho Malheur Home Telephone company whoso forco has boon depleted tho past week wcok with an epidemic of ions on the part of bis oper ators. Mrs. Harry Clement resigned or position, as did Mrs. Robert Mod don, Mrs. McQInnls went on her va cation and as tho result threo now girls are at work on the board. "It the patrons will only give us a chance to get tho new girls familiar with the work the service will bo better, we realize that it is npt what we want It to bo now," says Mr. Lak-noss. stnrtod their careers as "prlntor u devils." According to tho press despatches It wns tho antipathy of tho Tammany dologato from Now York, toward tho prosont ndmlnlstratlou, combined with tho wot delegates from' Now Jorsoy and Illinois, who flnnlly do fonlod ox-Sccrotary W.' O. McAdoo, tho tho ndmlnlstratlou forces had orgnnUod tho convention nnd cast tho platform. To tho candid observer it apoars tlmt nolthor of tho party conventions nomlnatod tho mn1hnT'llie,fWeiit wanted. And what Is mora tbn West did not got a plnco on olthor tlckot. Now tho polltlcans uro endeavoring to flguro Just what the result will bo. The Republican wlso ones aro banking on tho nomination of Cox to throw tho dry votes In tho demo cratic ranks to thorn, whllo of courso tho Domocratlo Icadorti aro declaring that tho Republican wots will come to thorn, and thoso with tho solid south will dotormtno tho result. That a hot campaign, with tho Iookuo of nations relocated to n minor I placo, and old king boozo back to tho foro, Is apparently thu prospect, In tho balloting at San Francisco tho domocratlo dolegatos from Oregon stuck by tholr Instructions and fought for tho nomination of McAdoo until tho end. Socrotary Roosevelt's nom ination came by aclamatlon, the tlrod delegates desiring no fight for tho socond placo. JORDAN VALLEY ROAD SOON TO BE STARTED However tho celebration continued and tho parado, ball games and flro works, together with tho street dances and other nvcuts kont tho good times going. Ontario baseball players showed a friendly spirit nnd Inst two hall games, ono each to Parma and Pay otto, during tho mntlnws. Largo crowds witnessed theso contests nt tho Fair ground. Parade Ileal Feature Tho civic pnrndo ns tho real feat- uro of tho colobratlon and tho ono An which tho commltteo spout a grent donl of. time, ns well ns thoso who propnrod flonts which displayed both originality and docorntlvo ability, Tho commlttco which judged tho parado consisted of Mossrs. Will J Roberts of Adrian, II. C. Schuppell of Dnkor, nnd Oscnr Daley of Vale. Tho Winner Tho following woro doclarod tho winner In tho merchants class: K, A. Frnsor, first; Illriohlrd drill, seo- nnd; Radcr Dros third. Individual Fleats: II. D. Cockrum,1 first; David Powers, socond; A. A. Stottlor, third. Fraternals nnd schoels: Cooking club, first; Congrogntlonnl Sundny School, second. Dost Dlcyclo costumo; Owen Turn er, Individual npoclul prlze: Ameri can Legion. Tho Vnlo Community Fnrm Rurouu mot Inst WodnoHdny ovcnlng mid took Important action of sovornl of tbn Ih. sues boforo tho rancher of this soc tlon, nmoug which wns u resolution to nbollsh tho bounty on coyotes. Tho coyoto Is thought to bo more of a friend to tho fnrmor than n pest, for It Is demonstrated that ho devours mnny of tho lessor rodents tlmt nro u positive menace to tho rnuchor, A wngo scnlo of 4.00 per dny nnd board was ngrood upon and entered on tho records of the nssoclntlou. O. K. Carman wuh appointed to laku chargo of tho matters looking toward tho exhibitions of tho soctlon nt tho coming community and county fairs. Corn clubs uro to bo organized and Mnlhour county Is to go In with tho flxud dnslro and determination to produce "blue ribbon" corn and other products. Vale Kntorprlso. CAMPHHH FINKD KOH NKOLIOHNCi: Cnroloss campers llko tho poor nro ovor with us. Chief forostor Chns. Jncobson cnught four Portlandors T. II. and F, K. Mountain amt B. 8. nnd R. W Kotchum leaving lighted camp fires on tho shore of Klk Inko on Juno 10. Tho men woro fluod $2C and rocolvod admonition which was far moro vaiuablo. Tho forestry sor- vlco Is coming down hard on viola tors of this sort Tho Dond Pross Tho City Council mot In regular session nt tho Council Chnmbor Tues day ovonlng with all mombors pres ent. Following tho regular routluo bus iness of allowing tho usual monthly claims, tho City ouglneor was In structed to complete tho paving of Idaho Avonuo Immediately nnd In so doing urrungo tho work so ns to kocp tho Btreot open by laying n atrip nt a tlmo, thus kcoplng ono sldo of thu road open at all times. Tho proposition of paving Third Avonuo N. W. was also takon up nnd discussed and tho work will bo douo later. Sovornl other Imporlnnt mnttors woro brought up for discussion, nmong thorn being tho action taken by tho Council with rogurd to clos ing down tho Carnival on Sunduy last. In this many of tho towns pooplo participated, alt of whom com mended tho Council for tho Mam! thoy took. W. K. Loos spoko nt somo length nnd prnlsod tho action of tm Council nnd condemned tho cnrnlval shows generally, especially tho gamus of chanco and "40" show. Following tho discussion tho Coun cil pussod a resolution, unanimously, forbidding tho granting of poriiiltn to uny futuro carnival company un til thoy had first boon approved by tho Pollco and Hoalth Commlttco. LADY Fllli: I,OOKOUT COMICS FROM IDAHO CHARTER MEMBERS WILL BE RECEIVED TO JULY 15 (Continued on Last Pagn) MYSTERIES OF FRUIT ONTARIO filltlii WIN IMU.IJ The Ontario Cookery and Sewing Club girls won the first pjizo twen ty dollars on their float In the par ade on tho Fourth of 'July celebra tion. v The float was divided rooms tho sewing room where the girls were seen busily sewing; and am, crflw aro now buslly oneoged In the kitchen which was realistic with maklng the locating survey and that Its table ana cooKing uiensus i" . construction work will start about Pifllminnry Survey Now llelng Made Construction Work Tii Start Next .Month. County Road Mastor, J, F. Joyce and Division Engineer It. H. Daldock, returned Friday from Jordan Valley where they accompanied, Locating Engineer Drlnkall with a corps of surveyors last week and spent sever al days, In preliminary work prepara tory to tho construction of the mar keting road between Jordan Vallov Into two am, NyMa Mr. Joyce states that Mr. Drlnkall Oregon Hlopo Women FlrM echo Demonstrations of K lion n .Methods Other Profit Kihiii Tn He. Rest 'IV which the cluh girls wero concoct ing mysterious cakes and pies. All the banners on the float were made by the girls, using the National club colors, green and whlto, and the four leaf clover, with its 4 IPs, the National Club emblem, .was conspic uous In the decorations. The 4 H's stand for the education of the head. the hand, tho heart, and the health. The prize money is the beginning of a fund which the girls will build to send ono of their members to tho summer school for Club Meinbers at Corvnllls next year. August first, with an outlay of about 180,000. He also states that the Highway Department has tractors at work on the road between Vale and Ilrogan, '1G miles of which via Jamieson will bo rushed to a speedy completion. The construction of these roads will be of unestlmatable benefit to he farmers of ,those sections as when completed they will be the means of the saving of much time and expense In the marketing of their their produce. Used motors bought, sold and re paired. Northwestern Electric Co. On Wednosday afternoon twonty fivo ladles of the Orogon Slopo com munity gathered at the Park School to learn now thing about canning fruits and vegetables. Tho demon stration was staged by Mrs. W L. Davis, County Leador of tho Wo men's commltteo of tho Farm Dur- eau, who made tho local arrange Jmonts for the meeting. Miss Mazlo Wilson, County Club Leador, who , has had vaiuablo training along this ' line, had charge of the demonstra tion and Instruction. Our principal criticism of our mon etary system a the fact that we hav n t been able to get our share. Thursday, July IS, will ond tho year for Chartor inomborH for tho Women's Auxlllury Unit of tho Am erican Legion of Ontario. Every woman that had a brothor, "father husband, or son In tlio servlro, Is ollglblo to this Unite, oven tho your relative is not a mombor of tho On tarlo post you uro ollglblo if ho Is a mombor of tho American Legion. Wo havo especially proparod blanks for those women nnd do no. think thnt hocuuso your rolutlvo Ilvos else whero and bolongs to another post Hint you should not bocomo a mom bor of this Unit. It U the duty of overy relative to stand back of tho American fl.oglon nnd this Is tlio mothers, slstors, daughters and wives chanco to organize themselves Into u Unit to help tho "hoys." Th" duos uro, National 2Gc, Stnto 2Go and Local GOc making a total of J 1.00 per yoar. Tho Soc, of the Unit will bo at tho Dluckaby Jewelory Store Evory day from Monday 12th to Thursday from 2 to 6 P. M Won't you pleaso holp us make this ono of tho largest Womon's Auxiliary Unites In the Stnto. Mrs. Larue Dluckaby, Sec, Miss Vorglnla Darry, of Lowlston, Ida. arrived In Dond Wod. to uudor take work as flro lookout on Pauline Peak south of Dond. Tho mountain has nn olovatlon of 8274 root and lies 3G miles away by auto uud sovornl miles further off by foot trail Miss Harry Is accustomed to high living, for she has taught school In Colorado at an olovatlon of 10,000 foot. She Is a gamo lady not a fruld of bonrs, bugs nor busybodles. 8ho knows how to wlold gun, rod, nxo nnd forulo. Tho lookout terri tory of Paulino peak Includes thu Ft Rock, Dig RIvor and Crescent dis tricts. Miss Darry was busy Thurs day muklng up her pack of supplies for tho high trulls. Shu oxpocts to romaln at hor post during tho en tire flro season of about four months Tho Dond Press This country Is producing ono glorious crop of "favorlto sons." Wo aro fortuuato, however, In not hav ing tho locusts at tho samo tlmo ' ORE DEPARTMENT RESPONDS TO TWO ALARMS MONDAV DATES AND PLANS OF CANNINO DEMONSTRATIONS Miss Wilson will glvo canning de monstrations In tho following com munities. Note tho date. nmfnn Rlnnn Tulw 7 While the peas woro being shelled Riverdale July 8 and tho cherries prepared, and bo- Nyssa July 12 tween acts, Miss Wilson oxplalned Adrian July 13 many things about canning. How to cnlVo . .'.'.7.7 .'.7.7.7 '.'.' ' July 16 blanch tho vegetables was demonstra- Vale , ', ', , '. , . ', '. . . '. ' . '. , . . . July 22 tod nnd explained; how to tell good Ilrogan July 23 Jar rubbers bo valuable fruit and vog- Honlta Aug. 1 1 etables will not be ruined by dofec- live ones; and a dozen nnd one othor FORMER IIU81NE8S MAN VISITS ONTARIO little tricks that make canning casl-; er and better. ... ,.. , . ,.,,..,,, , . i an; n linuil, unu ui i annuo This Is the first of a series of such . fading business men. spont a cou- demonstratlons which tho ladles com-1 td- of day.. Iioio celebrating tho mlttee have planned for the county. 'Fourth md vlsltlnp. old frlonds. Mr Their schedule Is Klven an Orecnn ',lon was employed In the grocery ineir scneauie is given as, Oregon hminom ll0ro for veral years prior Slope. July 7; Rlverdalo, July 8; . living for the lower coun'v. und tt ; hU nriuy friends were glad to see (Continued on Last Page.) ntm Tho flro department was callnd up on twlco Monday to extinguish small fires presumably caused by flro crackors being caielessly thrown III tho grass near the plank wulks, Ono ularm was turuod In early In tho forenoon when tho sldo walk and grass was discovered to be on flro neur tho oil tank. This fire however did not umount to much us Bomo boys noarby hud It almost ex tinguished before tho department ar rived upon tho scono. In tho afternoon anothor alarm was turnod In. This tlmo tho side walk near tho Fair grounds had boon sot on flro and u conslderublo umount of It wns destroyod boforo tho alarm was sounded, but tho flro laddieH wore vory prompt In answering tho call anr soon hud It oxtlngulshod. It Is reported that In both In stances tho flro fighters, whllo kick ing around In tho brush tramping nut the flro In tho grass, were rewarded by finding a quantity of "Home Drew" which had boon hidden In tho sago brush by some thirsty visitor, but wo aro not Inforraod as to wheth er tho boys tried their liancl ( or stomachs) at fighting this or whoth or thoy turned It on tho flro or into the city but we can guesB as ono of them was hoard to mako tho re mark that bo did not mind fight ing fires of this kind. Wo know what wo would havo done on a hot day llko Monday if we hud been in tholr placo.