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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 2001)
lebruary lfi. 2001 * J h I m I J ^ ▼ trans men. Community calendars and mailings. Training and networking men to build community from a grass roots perspective. (1966 Garden Ave.. Eugene. 541-342-5088, ext. 23. 1(5/01) Grace Space, a newly formed multidenominational The spiritual center led by the Rev. Stephanie Torres, holds Sunday evening celebrations. (5 pm. Unity Church, 4525 SE S tar* S t 503-287-3216.) (5/01) third Sunday o f each month for a potluck. (6 pm. 5090 Center St. NE. 503-363-8716.) ( 5/01) Marionberry Salon, form erly the Coalition to End Integrity, the gay and lesbian ministry of the Episcopal Church, meets on the second Friday of each month in the Momson Room at Trinity Cathedral. Euchanst is cel ebrated at 6:45 pm followed by a potluck and fellowship. (147 NW 19th Ave. 503-289-1687.) Bigotry Book Group, meets monthly in Salem for potlucks and discussions of books touching on lesbian, gay or bisexual experience (Cary 503-363-6036. caryandken@aol. com.) (5/01) The Lesbian Connection (TLC) Lunch Bunch meets at 11 am every Sunday at the French Hom and on the second Fnday of the month from 5 to 8 pm at the Fifth Street Market food court in Eugene. All women welcome. (Bonnie 541-683-2793)( 5/01) Interfaith Spiritual Center. Gay men's spirituality groups form every other month. Spintual directors from various world religious traditions are available for guid ance. classes and retreats. (Second Floor, 3910 SE 11th Ave. 503-233-2026, ext. 3. www. hometown, aol. com /djrho5/webpage htm l.) (5/01) Lesbian and gay m editation group. Metro: Spirituality Ainsworth United Church o f C hrist is a m ultira cial. multicultural, open and affirming church. Sunday worship is at 10 am, and church school for children runs concurrently. (2941 NE Ainsworth St. 503-284-8767 "Compassionate Heart Sangha," meets for meditation in the Buddhist Vipasana tradition. (7:30-9pm Wednesday. Flanders House, 2926 NE Flanders St. Jon 503-239-5539 ) (5/01) Lilith's Daughters is a westside lesbian spintual group facilitated by Rev. Grace Young. The meetings are on the second and the fourth Fndays of the month at 7 pm in Beaverton. (Grace 503-643-3209.) (5/01) The Anawim Community of gay men meets weekly for Christian meditation and prayer. (7:30 pm Thursday. 503-281-0722.) ( 5/01) Metanoia Peace Community (United M ethodist) is a “ house church," bringing gay and straight together. (Daily prayer 7.20 am. Sunday gathering 6 pm. 2116 NE 18th Ave. 503-281-3697.) ( 5/01) Bridgeport Community Church (UCC) is a M etropolitan Community Church of Portland growing community of progressive, political people exploring and celebrating the Christian faith. We are multicultural, lesbian, gay. bi and straight, and our chil dren are valued members. (10:30 am Sunday. 621 NE 76th Ave. 503 258-0992.) ( 5/01) holds ecumenical Sunday morning worship services at 9 and 11 am. Sunday school for children is held during the 11 am worship service. (2400 NE Broadway. 503-281-8868 (5/01) Community o f St. Andrew invites all to join a Evangelical and charismatic Christian. (3830 SE 62nd Ave. 503- 775-5024.) (5/01) diverse Catholic faith community for prayer and fellow ship. (9:30 am Sunday. 806 NE Alberta St. 503 28 1-4 429 )( 5/01) Dignity Portland meets for Mass Sundays at 4 pm at St. Stephens Episcopal Church followed by a social. (Southwest 13th Avenue at Clay Street. digmtypdx@aol. com. J (5/01) Directions Northwest (ECWR) supports GLBT Christians integrate faith and sexuality through scripture and fellowship. (PO Box 86383. Portland. OR 97286-0383. communities, msn. com/DirECtionNWPortlandHomePage. ) (5/01) Eastrose Fellowship Unitarian Universalist. a welcoming congregation, offers Sunday service at 10:30 am. (1133 NE 181st Ave., Gresham. 503-665-2628. eastrose@ (5/01) Estacada United M ethodist Church Reconciling Congregation, where we really mean everyone is welcome. Sunday worship at 10:30 am. (204 SE Main St.. Estacada.) (5/01) First Congregational United Church of C hrist is an open and affirming congregation in the liberal Christian tradition. Sunday worship is at 10:25 am. and church school for children runs concurrently. (1126 SW Par* Ave. 503-228-7219.) Full Circle Temple is a place o f worship for women of all ages offering workshops, song and drum circles, meditation rooms and altars of celebration, incorporat ing what you bring to share. (10 am -10 pm Tuesday- Sunday. 3125 E Burnside St. 503-238-0675.) (5/01) The God Connection Center fo r Worship, Growth and Leadership invites you to celebrate your spirituality with the Revs. BerdeM M offett and Casey Chaney. Liberal, practical: all are welcome. (10 am Sunday 4828 NE 33rdAve 503-481-7591.)( 5/01) “ Eruption" is a clay sculpture by Toni Thomas on view at Guardino Gallery from Feb. 22 to March 27 Potter's House M inistries Life Center. SisterSpirit offers women's spirituality celebrations, discussion groups, a drumming circle, workshops and classes. Schedule of events available. All women are wel come. (3-6 pm Tuesday-Friday. Suite 102, 3430 SE Belmont St. Mailing address: PO Box 9246, Portland, OB 97207. 503-736-3297. sistersp@ (5/01) Southminster Presbyterian Church is a chal lenging, supportive community that welcomes all peo ple. It is the first More Light Presbytenan Church in Oregon. (1 Oam Sunday summer, 9:30 and 11 am Sunday winter. 12250 SW Denney Road. Beaverton 503-644-2073.) (5/01) St. James Lutheran Church, a reconciled in Christ congregation, welcomes all people for traditional liturgical worship where we experience God's reconcil ing love that sets all people free. (9 am and 11 am Sunday 1315 SW PAr* Ave. 503-227-2439.) (5/01) St. Philip Neri gay and lesbian outreach. A gay/les- bian-positive community for Catholics and their friends. Mass at 7:30 pm on Fridays followed by a social. (Paulist Center, 2408 SE 16th Ave. 503-231-4955.) (5/01) St. Stephan's Episcopal Church, the new home o f the Portland Gay Men's Chorus, has been welcom ing all people since 1863. (12:10pm Wednesday and 7:45 and 10 am Sunday. Sunday school and child care at 10am. Southwest 13th Avenue at Clay Street. 503-223-6424.) (5/01 ) University Park United M ethodist Church is a member of the network o f Reconciling Congregations and meets for worship each Sunday at 10 am. (4775 N Lombard St. 503-289-7843.) ( 5/01) Zion United Church of Christ. an open and affirming congregation, is open to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and heterosexual people who wish to worship in a Chnst-centered, warm, caring, m ultiage/race/cultural faith community. (11 am Sunday. 2025 NE 23rd Ave., Gresham. 503 665-8741.) (5/01) ■ Washington: Spirituality East Vancouver United Methodist Church. Reconciling, welcoming. (10 am Sunday 5701 MacArthur Bhd , Vancouver. 360-693-4761 ourdarkcounty Columbian com / 273/.) (5/01) First Congregational Church, United Church o f Christ. Two Sunday services, traditional and "less traditionar in an open and affirming congregation (1220 NE 68th S t . Vancouver. 360-693-1476.) ( 5/01) M etropolitan Community Church of the Gentle Shepherd. (10 am Sunday 913 W 13th S t . Vancouver 360-695-1480.) ( 5/01) Michael Servetus Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. (10 am Gay-Straight Alliance of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem meets on the Interfaith Spiritual Community meets every Sunday at the Heart Center for inspirational messages, children's celebrations and joy. We honor and celebrate all sacred paths, recognizing each person's divine gifts and supporting spiritual growth, healing and enlighten ment. (6-7 30 pm. 1578 Commercial St. SE, Salem 503-7636030) (5/01) Momingsida United Methodist Church is a rec onciling congregation where everyone is welcome to participate in the full life o f the congregation. (8:30 and 11 am Sundays. 3674 12th St. SE, Salem. 503-364-5013.) (5/01) Sweet S p irit M etropolitan Community Church (MCC) holds worship at 11 am Sundays followed by coffee and fellowship as well as potluck lunches every second Sunday. (Amencan Legion Hall. 4774 Lilac Lane NE. Salem. Mailing address: Pastor Ken Kerr. PO Box 12753. Salem. OR 97309. 503-315-7923.) (5/01) YOUTH Metro: Youth Expression is a free art/expression support group for GLBT youth 13-18 who live in the Gresham area. Learn, grow and have fun! Sponsored by Roots and Branches. Meets Fridays from 5-7 pm in Gresham. (Call Jonathan to reserve your spot, 503-238-0780 ext. 244.) ( 5/01) Outside In operates a clinic for anyone who can't qualify for the Oregon Health Ran as well as a needle exchange service. It also has some transitional housing for youth 20 and younger as well as for youth who are HIV-positive and younger than 23. It also plays host to VOICES (Voices of Individual and Community Empowerment from the Streets), a self-support group for queer youth. (10 nm-6 pm Monday-Fnday. 1236 SW Salmon St. 503-223-4121.) (5/01) Prids Project brings together Washington County lesbian, gay, bi. trans and questioning youth to plan and attend monthly social events. Also information, referral, support and advocacy services for Washington County. (M olly 503-260-5792.) ( 5/01) Rainbow is a multicultural peer support and activity group for gay. lesbian, bisexual, trans and questioning youth. (4:30pm Monday. M etropolitan Community Church o f Portland. 2400 NE Broadway 503-281-8868.) ( 5/01) Sexual M inority Youth Recreation Cantor (SMYRC) offers drop-in computer access, pool tables and an informal place to hang out. Also plays host to weekly youth support groups including W indfire. Trans Youth Group and Personal Deity Proxy (a creative group). (4-8 pm Wednesday. 4 pm-midnight Friday and Saturday. 424 E Burnside S t 503-872-9664 (5/01) S.M .I.LE. is a free education/support group for GLBT youth 13-18 Leam, grow and have fun! Meets from 5 to 6:30 pm Thursday beginning Jan. 11. Sponsored by Roots and Branches. (Jonathan 503-238-0780. ext. 244 ) (5/01) Youth HIV/STD Prevention Project provides fun and educational programs along with counseling and testing to queer youth in a friendly, relaxed environ ment (503-872-9664 ) (5/01) YouthNet. a program of Love Makes a Family, offers tutoring and mentoring for lesbian, gay. bi and trans youth as well as for children of LGBT parents. (503-227-1981)( 5/01) Southern Oregon: Youth The Sexual M inority Youth Recreation Group of Klamath Falla provides support for gay. lesbian, bi, trans and questioning youth and their allies. (boytoy22@ hotmailcom.) (5/01) Southern Oregon Youth Outreach (SOYO). a group for gay. lesbian, and bi youth aged 14-20 meets on the first and Thursdays of the month in Ashland. (541-488 6 9 9 0 ) (5/01) Washington: Youth Teen to Teen Sexual M inority Youth Program offers education, support and advocacy to gay, lesbian, bi and trans and questioning youth m Vancouver. Wash Meets 6 8 pm Tuesdays and 3 30-5 30 pm Thursdays at Cascade AIDS Project. 1104 Mam St Suite M-100 (Amanda 360-693-1188) (5/01) Sunday 4505 E. 18th St.. Vancouver 360-695-1891) (5/01) Willamette Valley: Youth Willamette Valley: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning Youth Group for ages 13-18 offers Spirituality support, information and fun Free, confidential, drop m. (4 6 pm Friday Amazon Community Center. 2700 Hilyard S t Eugene 541-684 34 6 6 ) (5/01) First Congregational Church United Church of Christ, is an open and affirming congregation offering worship and church school Child care provided Wheelchair accessible (10 am Sunday 700M anonS t NE. Salem 503-363-3660.) (5/01) Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender youth group fo r ages 25 and younger meets every Monday (5 pm Monday Komoma Center, 1414 Kincaid S t . Eugene 54 1-34&1134) (5/01) The bottom line Resolute receiver resents randy Romeo’s request D ear M s . B ehavior : I’m a complete bottom who has a wonderful partner who wants me to top him. I just can’t bring myself to do this because 1 don’t have it in me. I know he really wants me to because he asks about once a week, but I always just push it aside. I think sex between us is great the way it is now. I’m not so sure he feels that way himself. It’s not a big concern, but it is an issue. W e’ve been together for almost a decade already, and we’re definitely in this for the long haul. Should I concern myself too much? How do I get over being a bot tom? Perhaps I need to nip at the sherry before dinner. — C oncerned Bottom woman of my dreams. She didn’t even have the courtesy to tell me why; instead, she stopped return ing my calls and answering my e-mails. Finally, when 1 managed to get hold of her, she said it just wasn’t working for her. This is after a fabulous summer together on the Cape, great sex and sharing our most intimate feelings with each other. I feel like I just should forget about try ing to meet another woman. I am totally blown away by this experience. Any advice? — Forlorn Lesbian D ear F orlorn L esbian : It’s never a good idea to make a grand plan for a life of spinsterhood right after you get dumped. Be dra matic if you need to and invest in the D ear C oncerned B ottom : wardrobe and accouterments (sweat Come on, Missy. Think about the pants, kerchiefs, book-of-the-month reason for your hesitation and how club, multiple felines), but don’t com strong it really is. mit to it. Ms. Behavior wouldn’t suggest You’re right, however, that this forcing yourself to do something to might not be the best time to meet, which you feel violently opposed. But court and marry someone new. You if your doubt is based mostly in fear or probably just would project your hurt embarrassment, you might try to push and insecure feelings onto your girl through it, especially if you also feel friend, which would make you feel curious or at least open-minded. It like a needy cling-on and wouldn’t sounds like you love your partner and bode well for a healthy relationship. plan a life together, so you might as This is not to blame you for what well have as much variety as possible. happened in your last relationship. It Ms. Behavior has an encouraging sounds like the woman of story to share: Her friend your dreams turned out to Vinnie, a big truck driver, Thank God be a nightmare and was a committed legs- you’re actually fortunate over-his-head bottom for anti-bacterial you weren’t with her until he turned 40. longer. A woman who Then he fell in love with soap. doesn’t have the courtesy to Manuel, the biggest, nelliest return your calls or offer an explana bottom who ever sashayed across tion after a whole summer of dating G od’s green earth. probably has some serious emotional Vinnie couldn’t imagine giving it issues. up to Manuel, so he rose to the occa But this would be a good time to sion just to test it out. (Unfortunately, think back honestly about whether Vinnie was Ms. Behavior’s housemate you missed any clues that she could at the time and chose to test it out on the kitchen table, where Manuel was be so dismissive or that she wasn’t treated like an hors d’oeuvre. Thank as connected as you might have God for anti-bacterial soap.) imagined. If you can feel more con Although skeptical at first, Vinnie fident about reading someone else’s took to topping like a natural and has signals in the future, you might feel enjoyed a life of versatility ever since. less fragile. (Yes, Ms. Behavior knows that when In the meantime, it doesn’t make a gay man claims to be “versatile” it sense to plan how long to stay alone, generally means he’s a bottom who’s because it really will depend on how capable of getting on top if urged with you feel. O nce you think that you can either a large loaded weapon or sever see someone clearly— and that you won’t confuse her with your ex-girl al bouquets of flowers.) friend or your rejecting Mommy— Anyway, if you decide to test it then you’ll be ready to meet someone. out, perhaps a fantasy will help— or a And until then, make sure you very butch outfit. Good luck in your masturbate a lot. Celibate people topping endeavor. Ms. Behavior and her readers will be anxious to hear often seem grouchy. j n how it goes. Write your confused and conflicted heart out to Ms. BEHAVIOR at D ear M s . B ehavior : M sBehavioiQ . I recently got dumped by the _3