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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 2001)
28 J“ * * february 16. 2001 Washington: Community Parants, Families and Friands of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) provides support, education and advocacy (7 pm first Tuesday Lon er Level Conference Room. First Congregational Church. 1220 N E 68th St.. Vancouver. 1 pm (Metropolitan Community Church of Portland. 2400 N E Broadway ) (5/01) Rainbow Al-Anon m eets 6 pm Thursdays. (Metropolitan Community Church of Portland. 2400 N E Broadway 503-222-5756 .7 (5/01) 3604)95 2200 ourclarkcounty Columbian, com/257/ J (5/01 ) Sexual Minority Services Project offers individ ual peer support by appointment. (360-695-1325. Metro: Sexual Multnomah County Health Department STD Program offers H IV and ST D testing by appointment ext 332.) (5/01) Willamette Valley: Community 5015 CO YO TE is an association for sex w orkers in Monday-Fnday and on a first-come, first-served walk-in basis A lso offers hepatitis A /B testing, treatment, vaccina tions and community education for gay and bisexual men. (Sixth Floor. 426 S W Stark St. 503-248-3700.) (5/01) Eugene. (PO Box 12244. Eugene. O R 97401 .7 (5/01) AFTER 8 w orks for political change and provides infor mation and referral for lesbian, gay. bi and trans people in Benton and Linn counties and sp o n so rs a Harvey Milk Aw ards Dinner m Novem ber. (7 pm second Tuesday. 101 N W 23rd S t . Corvallis M ahng address. P O Box 1828. Corvallis. O R 97339 541-752-8157.)(5/01) imperial Sovereign Court of the Willamette Empire m eets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the 30 0 Club. (300 Liberty St. SE. Washington: Health Sexual Minority Services Project offers individual peer counseling for victim s of dom estic abuse, current or past N o fee. Se rvice s provided by experienced dom estic violence advocate. (360-695-1325. ext. 332 or e-mail: or come to the Drop-in Center Thursdays. 4 to 7 pm at 309 W 12th in Vancouver.) (5/01) Salem Contact Star Em press 23 Lydia Octavia Snapp 503-463-8585 or (5/01) Lesbian and Gay Parenting Group, for parents of children 3 or younger, m eets the second Saturday of each month in Eugene (Aquene 541 -344-5847.) (5/01) M en's Support Group, sp onsored by Sw eet Spint M etropolitan Com m unity Church (M C C ). m eets every second Thursday of each month at 7 pm to share con cerns. d iscu ss gay issu e s and support the M C C com munity. O pen to the public (434 18th St. David Willamette Valley: Health Womenspace provides a 24-hour hot line and shelter for wom en and children who have been abused physi cally, sexually or em otionally and plays host to a lesbian and bisexual w om en's support group. (Crisis: 541-485-6513 Business . 541-485-8232. Lesbian Alliance: 541 -302-2417.) (5/01) cacy. (7-9 pm third Wednesday. First United Methodist Church, 600 State St . Salem. Mailing address: P O Box 121. Cates. O R 97346. 503-393-9668 or 503-897-2524.) ( 5/01) Triangle Alliance is W estern O regon U niversity's gay. lesbian, bisexual and transgender issu e club. It Willamette Valley: Recovery for female-identified dom estic violence survivors and a support group for wom en battered by women. (503-232-7805. 503289-6869. ext. I I. ) (5/01) Clackam as Women's Services offer shelter, sup port and resource referral services for survivors of dom estic and sexual violence (Office: 503-722-2366 C n sis Lne. 503-654-2288.) (5/01) G uest speakers and w orkshops are hosted at 7 pm on 5 to 7 pm W ednesdays (Brian 503-287-8651.)( 5/01) Funny Ladies Tea and Posy Society is a social Help create a Lesbian Art Guild Call the Lesbian Com m unity Project for the date of the next planning Bradley-Angle House provides em ergency shelter (503 284-5546.) (5/01) onentation is a nonissue. (541-342-5582.) ( 5/01) 503-606-9028. tnanglealliance@hotmail. com. 7(5/01) Metro: Anti-violence events for bisexual and bi-friendly people, organizes Portland Bi D ay rally and publishes calendar of events. African Am encan gay and bisexual men that m eets from SOCIAL meeting. (503-223-0071 or 503-285-4339.) ( 5/01) The Portland Lesbian Choir w elcom es supportive m em bers and volunteers. (503-241-8994 ) (5/01) Portland Gay M en's Chorus is open to singers, support m em bers and volunteers. (503-460-3689. (5/01) The Real Connection is a social gathering for gay men w ho are artists, writers or m usicians or who pursue som e creative activity. M onthly potlucks on the second Fnday. (Carl 503-284-2971.)( 5/01) Rose City Gay Freedom Band is a concert band and swing band open to lesbian, gay, bi. trans and supportive * musicians and fnends. (PO Box 1082. Portland. O R 97207. Portland Bisexual Alliance hosts social and political invite wom en with cool cars to go cruisin' with them. are suffenng from addictive sexual behaviors. Sexual Metro: Arts & Music mm Lesbian Garden Club is a group of wom en who love gardens and gardening. They exchange plants, and mem bers of all sexual onentations in the Portland area. (503-471-1515 orsubsenbe to ourOnelistat COQSURE@ .) (5/01) FRIEN DS is a weekly support and discussion group for sexual m m onties and helps provide social activities and support for students. (395 N Knox St.. Monmouth. HEALTH 654-3865. Lynn 503-777-2339. 5/01) Eugena S A A is a 12-step fellowship for those who strives to prom ote tolerance and acceptance toward mmmmm social club for gay men who enjoy being nude. M onthly potlucks and events. G u e sts are invited to attend two events before deciding on membership. (ORGAN. P O B o x 14174. Portland. O R 97293-0174.) ( 5/01) Dipstick Lesbians and Dykes with Hot Rods 503-363-4828 or Joseph 503-363-3392.) (5/01) Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) provides support, education and advo som etim es a s guys, a s well a s gu ys w ho are transition ing or have transitioned. W e welcom e significant others group for lesbians 35 and older, singles or couples. They meet for a potluck on the third Saturday of each month and take cam ping tnps dunng the summer. Monthly newsletter is $ 9 a year. (503-760-0816. (05/01) Gay men's drawing group m eets on the fourth Saturday of the month: m odels and gu ys who like to draw are w elcom e to call for more information. (Phillip 503-287-7447.)( 5/01) Gentle Giants of Oregon is a group dedicated to providing an accepting social environment for chubby men and the men who like them that w ay (503-241-4535 or (5/01) Imperial Sovereign Rose Court of Oregon is a nonprofit social organization dedicated to raising money for charities within the gay. lesbian, bisexual and trans community. IS R C Event Hotline lists upcom ing events. (ISRC@ . (5/01) Jewish Gay M en's Group— call for meeting time and place (503-246-5939. (5/01) the first and third Fridays of the month at Laughing H orse Books, 3652 S E Division St. Open to all. (503-775-9717. (5/01) Portland Leather Alliance is a pansexual. not-for- profit organization dedicated to fostering a positive com munity for safe, sane and consensual alternative adult sexualities in general and S/M/leather/fetish in particu lar. (503-727-3148. (5/01) Portland Metro Prime Timers is a social group for mature gay men and those who appreciate them, com ing together for social, educational and cultural purpos es. (PO Box 5884. Portland. O R 97228. 503-244-7550 or 360-254-1718 (5/01) Portland State University Queers and Allies seeds, advice and encouragem ent while having a good time. Please call or e-mail for a current copy of the newsletter and information about upcom ing events. (Kathe 503-909-2002. LGCOregon@ .) ( 5/01) Out Dancing teaches partner dancing for sam e-sex couples at Sa lly M a c k 's Sch o o l of Dance. C la sse s for different dance styles start the first Friday of each month. (503-236-5129.) (5/01) Portland Gay and Lesbian Community Bow ling Association m eets Su nd ays at 4 pm at Hollyw ood Lanes, 40th A venue and H alsey Street. (PO Box 80002. Portland. O R 97280-1002. 503-293-0438. BOW . members. (5/01 ) Rosetown Ramblers, Portland's gay and lesbian square dance club, dances at mainstream, plus and advanced levels. (PO Box 5352. Portland. O R 97228-5352. 503-234-9944 (5/01) offer educational and social program m ing and support and referral services for people of all orientations and Team Portland Tennis Association plays every colors. Everyone is invited to participate in activities and meetings. (4 4 1A Smith Memorial Center. W om en and men players of all skill levels are welcome. 503- 725-5681. queersandallies@mail.pdx. edu. (5/01) Rose City Discussion Club, the largest open pan- sexual club in the Northwest, is open to all orientations, fetishes and lifestyles that are safe, sane and co n sensu al M onthly meetings, w orkshops and newsletter. Sund ay 8 am -noon at the University of Portland (Alex Godinez 503-282-7210.) (5/01) Team Quest, the athletic and exercise program of Project Q uest, offers individual, group, indoor and out door physical recreation opportunities for people living with H IV and A ID S . (503-493-0288 ) (5/01) (503-972-1869. (5/01) Southern Oregon: Social Family Center Outreach Office, a program of 503-790-2170. community oregonlrvecom/cc/rcgfb.) Lavender Lounge, a gathenng of Sp e ak to Your Volunteers of Am erica located in Southeast Portland, (5/01) Brothers, happens every Friday at 3 Fnends Coffeehouse. (7-9 pm. 201 S E 12th Ave. Together Works, a confidential group for lesbians, Abdill-Ellis Lambda Community Center plays gays, bisexuals and fnends, m eets for socials and d is host to social events and groups. Call for schedule. 503-223-5907. ext. 233. (5/01) cu ssio n s of topics of mutual interest. M e e ts second and fourth M ond ays (7.30 pm May-September. 7 pm (281 Fourth St.. Ashland. O R 97520 Mailing address. P O Box 9 27 Ashland. O R 97520. 541-488-6990. (5/01) offers support groups and drop-in service s to wom en and children w ho are survivors of dom estic violence. (Natalie 503-771 -5503.) (5/01) Portland Women's C risis Line operates 24 hours a day Interpretation services are available for women who speak limited or no English. (503 235-5333 or 888-235-5333) (5/01) R oots and Branches and Bradley-Angle H ouse sp onsor a support group for queer youth who have expe rienced emotional, physical or sexual abuse in an inti mate relationship. Free, confidential and safe. (503-238-0780)( 5/01) Metro: General Asian A Pacific islander Lesbians and Gays is a nonprofit voice and com m unity for O regon Asian and Pacific Islander lesbians, bisexuals and gay men. Activities include potlucks, recreational outings, retreats, cultural events and w orkshops. A P L G events provide a safe environm ent to meet and connect with other A sia n s and Pacific Islanders Call for upcom ing event and m em bership information. (P O. Box 826 Portland. O R 97207. 503-299-0120. aplgjxix@ .) (5/01 ) Bad Girls is a nonprofit organization open to lesbian Metro: Mental Health Helios Counseling offers mental health services to the lesbian, gay. bisexual and trans communities. (525 N E Oregon St . Suite 220. Portland. O R 97232 503-238-0780.) ( 5/01) YW CA of Greater Portland Counseling Center offers sliding fee scale counseling for individuals, couples and groups m a safe, confidential and supportive environ ment. They also offer a Lesbian Support Group W ednesday evenings: contact Beth Richman. 503-294-7401 ext. 2017. (f f 1/ S W I Oth Ave 503-294-7440) (5/01) Lesbians Enjoying the Sciences is a fun-loving group of wom en who enjoy explonng all aspects of the environment Activities include bird watching, nature walks, archaeology, rock collecting, camping, kayaking, star gazing, an occasional "lecture" and a monthly plan ning potluck. N o experience necessary. (6 45-8:30 pm second Thursday planning meeting. 503-289-3605 or 503-466-0058 (5/01) Young M en's Coffee Talk happens every W ednesday at 3 Friends Coffeehouse. (7-9 pm 201 S E 12th Ave. 503-223-5907. ext. 233.) ( 5/01) is a new place to gather in Vancouver for social contact, Metro: Physical Recreation The Adventure Group. Portland's gay and lesbian outdoors group, organizes a variety of activities and social events including hiking, skiing, mountain biking, SW Washington Gay and Lesbian Socialites is a Vancouver-based organization w hose members get togeth 97254. Portland. O R 97254-0254 C J toyc/@netzero com.) (5/01) Long Yang Club— Portland Chapter, a social m otorcycle club for gay men and friends in W estern group for A sian ga ys and lesbians and their fnends. Canada and the Pacific Northwest, plays host to day runs and cam ping events, ( The Thorny Roses is a social group for lesbians, pnmari- ly older than 45, who live in the Vancouver/Clark County www borderriders org.) (5/01) area (Judy 360-906-1763 (5/01) Bissxual Community Forum is an age- and gender- inclusive social, support and education network founded in 1980 Activities include dances, potlucks. field trips and a pofyam ory interest group M eetings are held on the first and third M on d ays (7 3 0 pm. M ojo’s Coffee Den. 2853 S E Stark St. Laury 503 2 85-4848 7 (5/01) and improvement in the quality of life withm our com m u nity Board m eetings every third M onday of the month C O Q SU R E is a social group for people w ho were bom or raised female but w ho don't presently identify m eets at 8 pm on the first W ednesday and third Sunday of each month at 3 Friends Coffeehouse. (503- 735-9425 www longyangclub. org/Portland. 7 (5/01) Lulu's Pervy Playhouse is a social group for self- identifying wom en who are into S/ M . Play parties are held on the second Saturday of the month. (503231 3992 lululist@hotmail com. wwwspirvtech com/~awntie/lulu.htm.) (5/01) Mount Hood Womyn network professionally and socially (503-701-8302)(5/01) Northwest Gender Alliance is a social and support organization for cro ss-d re sse rs and transsexuals M onthly open m eetings and socials (PO Box 4928. cam ping and rafting. (503-452-5680. www (5/01) Border Riders Motorcycle Club, the largest to build a sense of community among gay men and lesbians in the Portland/Vancouver area. Newsletter available by mail or e-mail. (360-735-1901 (5/01) twice monthly for bicycle rides. All riding levels wel com e (503-254 6971.) (5/01) FO REST Group outings are cooperative adventures for wom en Participants are responsible for providing their own equipment and choosing outings appropriate for their skill and fitness level. All skin levels welcome. (503-285-5765. but not before 10 am. w w w odinccpdxedu/~gi/m ) (5/01) Willamette Valley: Social Confluence The W illam ette Valley M ixed G A L A C horus, a new m en's and w om en's chorus for L B G T Q folks and allies, rehearses every Sunday afternoon from 4 to 6 pm at the Unitarian Um versahst C ongregation of Salem , 50 90 Center St. NE. (541-754-4144 (5/01) Gal Pala is a new group for single lesbians Gay and Lesbian Alliance (G ALA) m eets at Lane (www geocities. com /RodeoDrrve/iB0006204454/3346 /GAL-PAL.html.) (5/01) Com m unity College. Eugene. (541-741-4501, K-8 Club is a group of kindred folks and their d ogs w ho meet to hike and talk m Portland parks on the se c Gay M en's Discussion Group m eets M on d ays ond Sunday of each month (503-285 2 9 8 6 7 (5 / 0 1 ) 1414 Kincaid. Eugene. (Hank 541-484-6259. Trent tseager@hivalltanceorg) (5/01) as totally female (FTM . butch, boy. etc.) This includes social activities for the lesbian and gay recovery com munity Call for current m eeting tim es and activities people w ho were bom female or m tersexed and who are unsure of their gender or w ho are considering (2940-A S E Belmont S t 5 0 3 2 3 8 6 0 9 1 .) (5/01) changing identity from female to male, gu ys who are Oregon Bears is a social group for bears and their exploring possibilities for inner and outer gender regard adm irers Newsletter, activities and monthly social gath le ss of how the world se e s them, individuals w ho are not interested in transitioning but identify alw ays or erings (503-240-2813. www oregonbears org .7 (5/01) Lesbian Equestrian Group D o you have a horse? Looking to get together with womyn and horses for eques O RG AN (Oregon Regional Gay and Naked) is a trian activities in the Pacific Northw est? (Denise 503- Portland. O R 97208 503-646-2802. www teleport com/~nwga.) (5/01) er regularly for social events and activities. It w as organized Cycling Lesbians in Portland (C L IP S) m eets Live and Let Live Chib holds 12-step m eetings and to everyone M eetings daily at noon except Su nd a ys at 695-1325 ext. 332. www gayvancouverwa org. 7 (5/01) 503-642-3360 or 503-331-0415.) 15/01) 503-417-7991.)( 5/01) Lunch Bunch plays host to Alcoholics and resources. Open every Thursday, 4 to 7 pm. Hours will increase with community involvement. (309 W 12th. 360- events are held at m and around Portland. (PO Box at 5:30 pm (PO Box 3182. Portland. O R 97208 Brian Anonym ous m eetings for ga ys and lesbians but is open Sexual Minority Services Project Drop-in Center Lesbian social group for women 50 and older m eets to d isc u ss their sobriety Su n d a ys at 10 am at The Washington: Social m eets on the third Saturday of the month. (4-7 pm. Any Lengths Gay A A is a group for gay men that Floor. 1040 N W 22nd A v e )( 5/01) midnight. Dirty Duck Tavern. 439 N W Third Ave 503-224 8446 .) (5/01) October-April. First Baptist Church, 125 S E Cow ls S t . McMinnville. Don 503-434-6266.) (5/01) and bisexual wom en interested in S / M play with other gay and bisexual men dedicated to the empowerment of G ood Sam antan Hospital (Meeting Room B. Sixth Leather Night and Red Hanky Social women. M onthly w orkshop s and announced social Brothor to Brother is a family of African Am erican Metro: Recovery An informal are held the first and third Fnday of each month. (9 pm- ext. 2336 ) (5/01) from 7 3 0 to 9 pm at the Kom onia Center, Lane County M en's Health Network offers social events, retreats, w orksh op s and trarxng for bi, gay and