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About The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1890)
WEST SHORE. n PORTLAND CORNICE AND ROOFING CO. POBTLAND. OHEQON, Metal Cornioes Purseose, Felt Booing, etc, THE PORTLAND, PORTLAND, OREGON. A new hotel eontainlnr all modern Im. proiemenU; erery room lighted by eleotrhv itgrs light and airy; heated by attain; open lira places, bath an toil, and on every floor; elevator. Quests are entertained on either the Amerioan or European plan. The Bestanrant the finest in the city. CflAS. K. LEIiAND, manager. M.maoa, . fti.w.Ttaoajv aa . Maw a. r. 11t41iMt11.11 KBRPB5 For busitiMs at the Portland Business Col lege, Portland, or at the Capital llusineu College, Salem. Both schools are under the management of A. P. Armstrong, have tame course of studies, same rateaof tuition. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, English Depart ments. Day and evening HTMiuns. Students admitted any time. For Catalogue, add reus rVtUnd Un.lHffl rllfft,Apr4piUI B.iwfllrcf, Portland, Oregon. "11 Salem, Oregon. RIP! STRETCH ! TEAR! NO FIT! Theae an soms of the troubles of many ladiea with poor Kid QIotss. We are now ahowini the letst arrirall of the genuine " ALEXANDHK " Kid GIotss, which for mora than forty yean hare stood In tie lead of drat class goods. OLDS & KING-, Portland, Oregon, City of Ellensburgh, WASHINGTON. KUensbnrgh. ooonty seat of Kittitas Co., U a town that takes its growth einoe four years ago. Population fcuuo, half of whom came the past year. Its mouroae are, tint, agricultural: second, stnok, the tributary ranges now feeding 160,000 head. Minerals well developed are gold, silver, oopper. Lime, marble, bat the greatest le iron, all kinds, ore assaying 40 to 09 per oent, Kit titas ooonty is the geographioal oenter of Washington. Thevaiiey is the oenter of the county, the town the oenter of the valley. Abundant reeouross to support a very large town. The universal belief is that the pop ulation will equal 1MJU0 in a few years. Property has doubled in value annually, and investments made now will bring four, fold returns. VI Nil IF YOU WANT OREGON LUMBER! 01 Red Cedar Shingles! wiiti to oi oill gro The H. R. Duniway Lambcr Company, PORTLAND, OREGON. Mills and Wholesale Tarda at Letonrelle Falls. Or. Planum Hill. Drr Kiln and Be. Uil lard at Kelt Portland, Oregon. mm eaftaV. JWI 0 F CLOCGH JAY P GRAVK8 CLOUGH & CRAVES Portland's Great Industrial Exposition ! Opens September 25th 1890 Closes October 25th. Him Children, at oenta. Bednoed rate, on all Iraneportation line, leading to Portland. For Information addrfia K. W. ALLEN, Hupt A Beo, HAD TO BE HEALTHY. 1om Dealer You had better boy the hone, Colonel. You will never find t healthier animal I Col. Jones I believe it. If he hadn't been healthy all hia life, he never could have lived bo long. Siftingt. Everyone Uvea to grow np except the children who think Iheir parent know more than they do. Atchiion Qhhe. The eauieet way to get crows out of corn is to feed it to a rooster. rrr Hault Erprtn. Twiit the aot and the ohap with malarial kinka ThiadiffaraiMdaitiny makee The former ia fifen to ihakt for the drinks, The latter to drink for lha i hakes. IVmAir'l Ottldll. 300 Dollars PREMIUMS will h orrmd i PsrrkkMf. larouii H 0 V EOt'U At CO' liliMnKT FASHION CATALOGUE. A GeUiafkew la key DRY GOODS FROM NEW YORK swlkifUM trs) tr9 ffaane-wtMej lb Order smmints to s ipN-inrtl sum-l srWs nerslff4 lewer bs twm oUw Sosms ibliihfd fetftatwv lf,Muie mil. fV epOB SLiplWAVtrOni ItsUu d IIIUalntllBf, WlUl OTtr llthotrtphs snd wood mi a. Ttrrthlnf SMdM for IMlf', ofiii' Md ChiMrvs'iwttf sal defBawati MotisssMSiag uooos, ttc. WHfl Ia mm J HHAIURS 6tbIve.aiid20lhSL.RewToii. , la wriuaf eWast mmmm ills pasta Mail Order Department Onr Mall Order DeDertmeti. la follf ortanlsad tree npun applloatinn. Uiaala eent C. O. D. or on receipt of remtllanos by mail or az prssa, We are direct itn porta o( FINE MILLINERY, DRY AND FANCY COOD8, ETC. Clothlni, Qeota' 'uralihinf Ooods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Bhoss, Qroosrisa and ProTiaioua. REAL ESTATE INVESTORS. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. BPOKANK FALLS, "WASHINGTON. . jl t ' . RUPTURE I "DriKitcca IASNKTIC KLAIITro tM'Volj KlMirUTrtm Mi "ilrMjlMpiw SlMl worll lliIfvaJlMpiw SimI IIUljt1PHK Tbl Mlbftl4 INIMrwl UMMJMB k Hii IVftCt Stttnf ITM-M WailA. ttWor siaaawihtiM tub for wr-nairmui mm totolbMwUKlBlfTrwC1M PWWI HHW MOTS MOWSMwaW.. WW AUfT MAM "NTKD SAL AH Y 7A to 111 Mil $100 to locally represent a N. V. Company inonrporated to supply Dry tioods, Clothing. tUinet, Jewelry, etc., to eonsumers at oet. Also a ady of toot. Salary $40. to enroll membera (ttO.000 oow enrolled, lOO.OOO paid in). Refer eooe. Empire Co-operative Aaancistion, (wall rated) Look Boi ittLU New York. EAST AND SOUTH Southern Pacific Route. SHASTA LINK. Eipreea Trains lean Portland dailr. liati tlirn Portland. Hi p. m. I Han Fran .1:41 a. m. Han rnui...llO0 p. m. I Portland ... IS a, m. Abote trains ahip only at the Mlnwinjr statinna north of HiHwburi: rjut Portland, Orerm itjr, Wimlliurn, Salem, Alln, Taiiirent, HhixliU, Halaey, llarriaburf , Juno tion City, lrrinf, Uugena, Hoaeburf Mall, Dally, LIATI tUITW Portland....1ui a. m. I Rnat bur... 01 p. a. Hoaebarf 1U0 a. m. I Portland.. 4 00 p. m. Albany Loral, Dally (Eioapt Sunday) UU.1t ABUT! Portland....)!) p. m. I Albany Dffl p. m Albany... ,iu) a. m. I PurtUnd.UUl a. m. pijllman nurrin slekpem, Tourist BlMpInt Oars for the aoeommo dauon of aaoood olaaa paaianiars attaohad toupreas tnuna. West Side Dir. BL PorU&nd sud Corrallis. Mall Train Dally, (Kioept landay), UATI ahiiti Portland.. 7 a. m. I Oonallis.ll:IO p. m. UorraUia . IS Jl p. m. I Portland, t JO p. m. At Albany and Corrallis ooansot with ths Orasun PaoiUo B. B. Cipraaa Trmla Dally (Eioapl landay) LIATI ABUT Portland. ..440 p. m. I MoMnlla.. 7 p. m. HoMtUIs ..141 a. m. I Portland ..I.M a. m. TRiotxil Tioirra to all points ssstsod sooth. Valon Ticket Offlos, Na. 194 first It., Corner Alder. 8. lOinUH f. P. HOOHg. Mana A.rt. 0. P. A P. Alt. Depot, rifth and I Mraeta. Fl rmers Mechanics Store auu-i-44 first, 64 Taylor HI. PorlUnd. and under oapafol snbarrialoa. Hamnlaa (WE HLfnor Uhoratl'a Military Rand of fifty seltoted mttaioiana will furnish themuslo. Bit and one-half acres of Za . alll . i : I.i, IIWI a,tHiT, uilfni Ml UTtMllllWHlfJ Willi nf (he wonders of this wonderful ase. A 1 World of Mechanics in Miniature, sxj Not to visit this areat ei position and - r, wonders in every department n if -rf anrl aniatnna sill hat rn mias. n 1 "71 atinortnnitv noh u hu nnvnr hmui uresented to the people of this ooast before. The Fat and Domestic Stock Department, Will nnm flam 9Alh -nil ni.itvt, ft. 3 tad. $5 5l)0ofTeredlncashpreminms J in this department. Htook depart ment open to visitors from B a, in. to ft p.m. Exposition open from 1 p. m. tolOp m. One admission ticket ad- .it n knit. U.ri Kit .la, ALISKY'S, Ths Laadln( and Only First Olaaa Ree tmnmnt, los Oroain and Orstar Haloon In the City. 141 First Bt, Portland. Bach A Biaidbs, Family Booma, Alder. Propra. mNitwttraNvw Vertt. ruu Aro..Wh.i4Miw tai Msrftw H SAM gMiNillSOft, Vaila TIIK IMORTHVYEST FIRE AND MARINE IN8URANCE CO. Authorised Capital, .0 on, Dlrectiirs-D. D. Ollnhant, J. Loewen berj J. MoCtak-n, J. K. Hill, F. K. Arn old, F. retort, H. L. Pitl-K., F. M. War. ran, Otlioere-J. Loewenbers;, praaL J. MoOaken. Ti'e preet.: B. P. Karhart. awy, and manir.t F, it. Warren, trees, K. nr. enMt, am l. aeny, Buomwir in Oreinn tn Sooth British and National Fire and Marine lne. due. of New Zealand. OFFlt'K, XI Washington HL Chugs of Tims and F alter Aerrloe to Ohloago, Put trains dm ths Northwestern Line, C. Ht P. H. & 0. By., now ran aa follows t CTifoffO JoslIgM fjprsas-Ths only li honr dsylifht train between Ihs Twin Cit ies and Chioafo, laaias Minneapolis at 7.00 a. m.: Ht. Paul, 7.46 a. m. (dinner In dinlsi oar) and srrlree ia Chloafo at (.41 p. m. This hour of arriral In Chioafo firee eon. nsotion wilh mors niiht trains oat of Chi. oejrotothe last and South than trains of other lines. Chkaito Vatibulti Llmlltd. la ti hrs., learee Minnaapolia at 11.10 p, m. Bt. Paul, T.K p. m and arriree ia Mllwsukes at 7,11 a. m.iChioaio. 1.00 a. m. This Is the only complete reiti buled fain between the Twin Cities and Chloafo, and oonneota with all Faat Line trains Irarinf Chloafo In ths mornloi for the East and South. Trains of Northern Paoino railway oonnaotin Minns, spoils and St. Paul anion depots with ths Uiroaf h trains otst the Northweetera Una, If tickets eu not bt tenured from ths atrnt at your ststloa, otw ths NorthwtsU ern Lins, oall oa or addnrs W.B.MKAD.Oeo.Aft, I Wuhlnrton St, Portland. Orefnn. T. W. TKABUALI, O. P. A., Bt. Paul. Q GOOD ASEfJSE i l w7Vnv wb tt MS BtS Irii Jr jvSI ihivm's rtt