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About The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1890)
9 WEST SHORE. The Inited State. Fish Commiasion, naJr the supervision of Captiin Boutelle, u stocking til tbt lakes and Hmmi in the Yet!owtooe ca:iooil park. It U tb intention to pat in 150,000 fish daring tlx season, and to ac complish fut purpoe the fish commiMwoer t car mikes trip to Cinni'tu' boot every two weekf, from which point the fish are distributed by and park norm to their detUnatioo. The larger lakee will be Hocked with lake trout, the Firehole river with European troot. Gibbon river and its tribataiiea with rainbow troot, Girdiner rirer, Indian creek and its triba tariea with brook troat The rommitiioa ii alao taking troot from the streams in the moan taint and transplanting them into eastern waters. In the BoiM and rayette Talleyi, Idaho, there are estimated to be S.OM arret o( orrhudt and mall fruits Allowing (I'jO as the net annual pro?.: per am makes handtomt total of nearly tl.OW.OW for the one item o' trait. At the larger part of this pro lort it marketed in Montana, Colorado and atatea farther eat!, the wealth thai added it a net gain to the ttfe. and will aid materially in farther development! in the tame line. Toe climate of that tertion teemt to be perfectly adapted to frail raising, and crop can he depended on at a! moat a certainty. A rcmparatir ttatement of the total tonnage of reteelt en root (or the Colombia nrer and Paget sound thowt a contiderible txceet for the form er. On the tret of Sember, 1SS9, there were a Mil of r,H3 toot tail ing for the Colombia rirer, and 12,1(9 too (or toand porta; on September 1st, 1'0, there were lifted (or the Colombia rirer tonnage to the tmoant of tS.or.T, and M,(M tont for all porta on the Sound, tbowing an tcveet of .S3 toot in laror of the Colombia river, and an increase for Paget toand porta over latt year of tons. The Bohemia gold minea, located a thoit dittaoce east of Cottage Grove, in Lane ooonty, Oregon, are taming oat richer than it waa expected they would. Some of the men at work there have pounded oat at mnch at l"JS a day with a common hand mortar. The fever it spreading and miny lo cation art being mads. W te W. of Pit creek, a tribatary of the Skagit river, in North ' Tyfcx-vn a -vi mine it reported to have been discovered, discoveries' i.vpent:y reported from different section, of the cuntrv that it U a with visible doabt one reads of them. H,w . ji !h:, aj hM-J prove to be as good as it promises, the scarcity of a makl. it ail the more valoaUte; in fact, if it turns oat to be nearly the er-al cf the imp! article, the mine wUl prove a veritable bonanw to its owners. Parirj the first eiiht months of this year there were shipped from Hiiiev Idaho. 4.;.t"poQnds of ore. In there were 3,698,625 pounds shipped, or V'l.rr? pounds less than for the eight months of this year. As the shipping seuon i not yet half over, and the mines are in much better cond;iion than at this time last year, the projpscts are that the shipments for the entire twelve moctas wi'l aggre gite double what they were last year. This if a rtliibie index to the prosperiry being enpjed by Idaho miners. The report of the roEector of customs for the Paget sound district for the mxth of Aagast shows the value of goods entered and paying specific dawt to be ; value of goods entered plying ad valorem duties, $16, ; vaioe of goods entered free, 21,tt6.55 ; specific dutie collected, $6, jOB.S5; al valorem duties collected, 5,665.SS; total duties collected, 112, to9.ri A company composed of Corral iis and Philomath citizens has been or ganind for the porpoee of developing a recently discovered quarts ledge on a farm near Pnilomith. Beaton ooonty, Oregon. PUil lor a kO.!) 0 depot building at Vancouver, Washington, have been prepared by the Union Pacific Railroad Company. The Gat City BnI4 it the name of a new weekly published at Deep Creek Falit. in Spokane county, Washington. rcw ST-7-IOHtHPS ,VrMVrM. - ins. wilsox a iv. shippiw iin Waltaua. Vrw lUr. k ltkt rmiaed Or. X. W. lOv 8. THE " RECAL" PIANO (taUNT SMtor it t aim : 1m (taa wuwm: S. a. &S.1SXEK. tVrtU-4. Or. to. il lor il Vu BISHOP SCOn ACADEMY, POBTLAXD. OHttiOX. A Bauataf 4 DT SVhMl tw Itejt iW iMag Mm. TwMtUr r'upfrl toe wood wl ia or) limmiol Met hr m M mm tu.. J.V.Hax.Eit.Pna. rat Sr. Bn. I loui loam amor. Ji.ND A DOW. ArtkilteU, Spokaxi Fuia, Will. THIS PAPER toDr7wv!rti Itmef. H and Mmhutt Eiehut. Baa tmtemo, California, wtun eontneta lor tdrmmat eu b mad tor it PRIZE CONTEST FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS. PRIZES FOR PROFESSIONALS. PRIZES FOR AMATEURS. WFT SHORE offers the following foor priu for the or photcgraptt prodaced in OrefoB, Washing, Idaho, Montana, British Colombia or Alaska, divided into two c'tawt. at fc&t : CLASS I . Opn to both profVssioaalt and aaiateur. First priie. 175.0) cih. Srxvcd priie. $25.00 csh. CLASS 2.-V miteur onlr. First priie. one TuvnAp Compact Caaien. 5i 7, with double combination lens, valued at $t S.nJ priie, on Xa 1 Kolas. Camera, valued it t25.'X The prii will be shipped from the photo graphic supplr bouse of E. J. rirtriJfe. Na 6t Morrison street. Por.Unl Orn. m - a. , . "f ! t """ nd the number of entriea by one person is not lim- itoJ. Tb fitf w J be booorahle, romprtret imo a-Wird jtat three dir, bH the .rari. ire rtiJ. The beat photarriDhi sent in will he renro dacwd treat wek to week ia WT MIORE, with tht turn, and aJJrea. of the rotographerv Photographs sent in will be repro- i 00!" T1 '!! W,0b it" other lor u by the engraver. Make no ,7 Cf of and class .v are entered Z TTtT t rood and pUced exhibition at thTptUnd the award, heu,, made o, the third day of the fair, Mtorday. rth. KX 1, a imaU that .7 a. at r., at U . to reprloc. th. Tho mJ wben the i, v nil can not be rewXed w-M m M tt)Mry Mp .M M... hkM nu, . Irtll J "7! . " " lWI"4"1 -. Ntrr atut aav. at- WEST SHORE PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST. Clt Ham. ot Photographer