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About The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1890)
114 WEST SHORE. The Woman's League is project ing a department for the World's Fair. They don't want to project it too far, or it will ttick out over the edge and get knocked Into the lake. -LigU. Union Pacific System! STEAMSHIPS. Portland to San Pranelaeo, Leaving Steamship Wharf, Portland, at 10 p. m., M follows : Oregon- Columbia. State. Oregon Columbia Btaie. Oregon. Columbia. Tuesday Saturday Wednesday Banday Thursday Mundal rnoai Tuc idar lOHMy hp. Baggage moat ba obeoked either at Aih strew dnnni tha day. or by the U 0. A B. T, Co. No unchecked baggage will ba re. eeivod on tha eteamore. POHTLAND TICKET OPPICE, riaar and 01 Hn. GEO. 8. TAiLOH. City Tiokat Inot O.H. HKU-KN, T.W.LEE. Ueo'l Traffic Mgr. Geo'l Feee. Agt. Baa Pranelaoo to Portland, Leaving Spear Street Wharf, Ban Pranole. eo, at lb a. m., ae followa : Columbia... Btate. Oregon Columbia.., Blala OrMon Columbia.., Btal Monday Priday Tuesday Haturday Wedneeday Sunday Thursday Monday Beptl Tba (Jompanr reserves tha right to change Btaamero or sailing daye. HATK8 01 PABBAOB. Iocludinf meals and bartbt. Cabin. . IIM Steerage, . t VO Hound Trip, unlimited, . lmu No freight will ba received on morning of selling, eicept fruit and vaaaublee, and tbeeewiU notbalahan after 9 a. m. OFFICES, BAN PHANCWCOi OiwaaAL Ornra. No, 10 Mamit Btiut. Tioait Omnia. I A ill MmtToimui Dr., AMD MoMOOMUI AT. W. H. HUBLBUHT, AasL Uan'l Pan. Aft OoodaU, Parkini A C. Bapt. Prom Terminal or lotah or Polnta tba Northern Pacific Rv. Is the line to taka to ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. II la tba DINIMO OA ROUTE. II rue THROUGH TBflTIBULI TRAINS EVERT DAT IN TBI TEAR to) St Paul and Chicago ! NOCHAN(IIOFCAHH) Compowd of DININO OARS Uneur- PIU.IMAN Drawing Raaaa SLEEP EH ml Lalael kqillviiiMt, TOI'RINT SLEEPING OAK", Heet that oan bo onastraotod and In watch aooommudeuone ara PHKI In buhtara of Pint ur Beooad Claaa TioheU, and ELEOANT DAT COACH El A (X)NTINUOUB UNE connecting with ALL LINKS, aftord'ng MHKtTand UNINTKHHUPTKD BKHVICK. Pullman Hliwar rUaamliona nan ba ee oured in advem through any agent of Iha road, TUnntlPUTIPliCTCT" and from aU IlinilUUII IIUnLltlpulnlataAn Ira, kualaud and auroue oaa ba b at an Tickat Otttoe at Uue IweapeAy, V Pull Information enooaralnp; rataa, Uaia nl Iraiea. rouMa and Mhw deuila for aiahad ua applioauuo tu any ageah. or A. U. CHARLTON, ' AariatutUaaaralhavaafatAaaat. No. lU Ptrat Street. I j Cor. Waatuugtua, Uw Otom. A BAD ACCIDENT. Doctoi Haflleheimer, I'm afraid tour leg is eo much injured that it will have to be taken off. Haffliukimeb Ach, doctor, doc tor, dot vaa too bad ! Und only yes terday I pay me two new pairs oi shoes. Light. Smii.iy Dabbe is a wonderful tr ite in some ways. He drew a glass of beer recently so naturally that one felt like drinking it. Smaixy I saw a fellow draw a glass of beer to-day so natural that I did drink it. America. A fellow we'll simply call Hr. Btappad op to another man ' Br. And what do yon think, Why, qnlok ai wink, Ba threw hit arms round bar and Kr. BtrkMrt Ntvu "Polly want a cracker?" said a Georgia "poor white" to a parrot, and the parrot looking at him, shook its head. Sftigi. J. K. GILL & CO. Wholesale end Retail No. 73 Pint 8t, PORTLAND, OREGON. Maps of Oregon & Washington Reviled to August, 1880. Price, 75 cents each. Together, 11.25. Hailed to awaddren. A H. JOUNBON. ' Stock Broker, ITkoletala ihiteAer andPaelMr, And dealer in all kiidi of Freeh and Cured Meata, Bacon. Hamiand Lard. Special attention given to rapplyins ahipa, lint 8k, near Aih, PORTLAND. OR. HOME AND COUNTRY, With which ia Incorporated the QBAND ARMY EEVIEW. " Fraternity Hoana Somethlnf ." A Veteran and Bonaehold Monthly for Ev ery Patrlotio Citisen. Eitabliahed 1885. Itened at 98-118 Maiden Lane, N. X. JOSEPH W. KAY, Publisher. Guaranteed Circulation 880,000 a Tr. Subecription, II a year, in Advanoa. Ad Terming Terma on Applioation. Ie now in ita fifth year, and making new friends with every iaaua. Home and Coun try enjoye a circulation of UOjOOO a year, with a pnrpoae of narhing 400,(0) by tha end of the year ; for ae the Veteran's friend and people e peper, it U taken in tha home of all who love their country in every part of the anion. One of ita new features ia a Country Store in ita oolnmna, by whioh ita friends, subecribere and readers oan pur. ohaee useful goods at P'ioee they oan not obtain them at elsewhere distant from man ufacturing oentera. Bubaoribe at onoa, Aa an advertising medium Home and Country ii pre-eminent. It ia adapted to eaneral advertisers throughout tha union, y resenn of i'e oironlation in every field of social and ind istrial life. Advertiaera who have any share of auoh busineaa they deire to place where it will do them good, will do wll to promptlr addrees Home and Country, 96 and 98 Maiden Lane, N. Y. City. Now ii the acoepted time. Agents wanted. SubeoripUoru always welcome. Address HOME AND COUNTRY, 98 and 08 Maiden Lane, N. X. City. HUGHES, BROWN & CO. THE RELIABLE FIRM, Fine Bargains in Portland Properties ! m .. a BAKER CITY, the Denver of Oregon, the metropolis of Eastern Oregon and coming Inland city of the north west. Lots for sale adjoining the business center only IttO to (75. Blocks of 22 lots, (1,000. Easy terms. m m Headquarters for Port Townaaod, the Key City of the Sound. We handle tha gilt-edge property in this rapidly-growing oity. at A Nun ELD, Portland's beautiful suburb. Two motor linos make it the most acoenible of Portlard'a suburbs. Lota tor 1100 on inatallmenta of I.(D per month, or U5 oeih. We own Mansfield and will soon advauoe lota to $150. Wa ara In a position to make good oar guarantee of 10 per oent interest per annum on all investment made with ae. Bend lour name and receive a Una oopy of the weekly Heal AWe Rmitw, and keep posted on thU great northwest. If yon have property to sell, or want to buy, sail on or address HUUHE& BKOWN A CO., the Reliable Firm of Portland. PAIR The Actual Pacific Coast Terminus of the GREAT NORTHERN Railway. m k By Purchase, In June, 1890, of the Fairhaven & Southern Railroad, and Vaet Ter minals and Shipping Facilities, the Great Northern Railway has lo cated ita Actual Deep-Water Terminus at Fairhaven. FAIRHAVEN'S WONDERFUL GROWTH, In less than one year an almost Impenetrable forest has been turned into a hive of industry. The solid foun dation has been laid for a mighty city. Miles of streets have been graded, planked and lined with impoaing structures, some of which have coat over (100,000 each. The beat electric light system of the Northwest, both arc and Incandescent, is in operation. A (100,000 water sys tem, comprising tome nine miles of mains, delivers the pure waters of a beautiful mountain lake, capable of sup plying a city of 100,000 people. Four bank, two na tional, are established. Four saw and two shingle mills in operation fail to supply the demand. A (100,000 hotel being built of brick and stone is nearlng completion. Several brick buildings occupied and more being erected. Population (U. 8. census) 4,031. Assessed valuation over (0,000,000. An Iron 4 Steel Company, with a capital of C',000,000, organiied to work ores of bkagit mines. Ita hirnaces, rolling mills, etc., will be at Fairhaven. The Uiuckanut stone quarries are one mile from Fairhaven. The Portland post office is built of this beautiful atone, and Urge quantities of it are being shipped to Tacoma, seattleand elsewhere. Valuable minerals have been dis covered in the Cascades on the line of the Fairhaven A "uutnem prospecting is being actively prosecuted. A Matchless Harbor with Room for the Shiwins of the World. kvffiStt wharves. Over (200,000. 'limes. 1 be three branches oi y connections north, south and 1 nortnern ractne, Union fa- r va MWUlaHfLixj-gr, I the Fairhaven A Southern R. R7 (now the Great ViSMM east. The direct outlets, northward via the Canadian Pa,, fl, H. Ti.... "TC cine and Southern 1'aciflc, will be completed during 1800. u"'" "