Image provided by: Deschutes County Historical Society; Bend, OR
About La Pine inter-mountain. (La Pine, Or.) 1911-1934 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1921)
1« I ...................... .......— La Pin« Inter-Mountain RiHMitijfM H a n d rUH iti«l ii.*lt»r it I « I'»*“ Oiagua under ihm A«t U l oftgu - g* MaicL J. I1»*' * M BLJäHfcD L\ PINE. Willtun D M VC E K LY I H T I H COI V f V. Oft f.GO* # AttnA4, $ 2.00 i rin IC4itar and P u « -d»*** aia am in i The west coast and northwest lumber industry shows a s l i g h t improved tone according to re- itorts o f lumber organizations. Building activity seems to he in creasing in all sections as sprinv opens, but it is hamlicappe I I the arbitrary action of the build inK trades in most instances re fusinK to recognize changed con ditions which warrant low«r wages. I f other building materials and wages dropped in proportion to The sugar beet crop w ill stab- lumber, increased building o|>er- ations would logging camp» alize farming conditions in many ami mills and solve the «luestion sections o f the country by assur o f unemployment in many places ing the distribution o f large cash payments to the growers next tail when other crop prices are uncertain. Blue laws .••Kamst baseball, Beet planting is under wav in theatres, movies, dancing. skat- the mountain territory and is inK. smoking. etc., are leinK en completed in the California d is forced in S«jtilh Dakota. and some tricts. American ci'-ies. One t h iig The drop from war prices U> about this mot tini nt, it w ill Rive peace prices has been most suc , iljVn |1|l t to lo more „ ore oiueiau. oyrr.ei oificials, cessfully concluded for loth n . kt. „ . M. I pet |lf p „ | .. ,]iPW grower anil manufacturer, in th* w ¡th our k < veri ment, at d raise beet sugar industry ard the taxes to the confiscation i>oint. whole west will profit as a result. Everything («oints to a normal era in the I « « t rugar industry. This year i k never before the farmers rea lize the value of a contrae1 price o f a crop, thus as-; suring them a d efin ite return and profit. >UN *‘ AD MAS'SiJ * I 7 £ 3 — IQSô K John Adams, second president ol the United States, won fame as a financier when be borrowed $2,000,000 from Hoi* A) v He was a firm believer In banking. Every man who hopes to be a success la Ilf* has a bank account. Vfake up your mind to place a certain amount of your business profits or I ihoido la the bank. We invite an Inspection of oar banking methods. La Pine State Bank A complete line o f finished and r o u g h lumber now on h a n d High Grade f l o o r i n g a specialty. H e a v y stuff cut to o r d e r . ’ *• '4*, t ,,wn ïz r j is th e best V I L L thing we sell Our lumber is excellent, our equipment very complete, the crew is a snappy hunch of men and everything is lovely at the mill hut all this means less to you than does the fact that we give service all the time, prompt courteous service every time, J. N. MASTEN LUMBER CO. L A P I N E , “ In th e H e a r t o f t h e Tim ber” OREGON V v — . .*.<c- W al her Basin Irrigation “nncCompany Le Frank BoKue is making ar rangements for considerable im provements on hia farm property, and w ill add one or two stuctures this summer, savs W.G.Kordham. in reviewing the activity in the building line that is planned for this section o f the country this summer. EuRene Jensen and family Red Men Dance last Saturday moved out to their farm on the night. irrigation tract last Thursday. S. B ern1, who ow ns a choice Their place lies a little south o f forty acre tract in the irrigation Mr. Jensen’s sister’ s home, the section returned to l.aPine from J I hnK place close to the Kiam- Loe Angeles last Friday, and is ath County line. now hard at work getting both his place and the Browning place George Curtain, formerly a ready for seeding. Mr. Rt rrv is homesteader in the Seller's Marsh an old time resident o f the La country, and at one time stage Fine country and is a good l«oost- driver through Central Oregon, er for this section. He has a was here shaking hands with old great manv friends in the c«>m- friends Sati rday. H * now re munity who are glad to have him sides at Benu and caiue up to at tend the Red Men Dance. with us permanently again. The Klamath Falls Lumber & Box plant has r«**umed operation, with a go»sl demand for th« ir product, anil a good payroll once more in existence. Your D inner Mr. and Mrs. I* I* Orr, wh«»i have been living in Bend for some time, left Monday for an ex- j tended trio east. Both Mr. and Mrs Orr. have not been enjoying good health for tome time and the trip east is ma«h* with the hones that a change *>f clim ate; will benefit them. is Ready. La Pine Bakery and Reataurant Y\ \V ROSE. Proprietor L A P IN E . O RE . Owing to the expected demand for rental houses in the l<aPine| country this soring, K. B Tomes | and A. G. Cholick hay«* decided to build a few bungalows in the Tomes addition for rental pur- j poses. Work w ill start on them in the near future according to an announcement made by Mr. j Tonies last w«*ek. Physician and Surgeon Carl Wise is getting ready t«> build a house, and mak«* exten sive improvements on his ditch land. Carl is a firm believer in dairying as an industry, and started in here several years ago on a rental farm, and has made good. L.a P in e Klamath Falls is shipping fif- j teen carloads o f lumber daily. A ttorn ey at-Law B. J. Bloxham has written tin- irrigation Co. that he intends coming in soon and cultivating his land on the irrigation tract. Mr. Bloxham owns land in th«* west unit and has lx*«-n interest ed in the project for some time, having been «»ne of th eear'y pur-j chasers. He has a family o f six, who arc* to come hi LaPine with him. L. M. Hackendom, who arriv ed in this section o f the country ; some time ago, is rapidly improv ing his place and making a beau-1 tiful home for himself h«*re. He is a progresive man and the work j he is doing on his farm is a Ror*} * example for the other settlers W> follow. ISAAC B WILSON M .D 0(1»*.# In Strrkcnmn Building O regon R S. HAMILTON l ira Nilnoal Bank Building O regon Ik n d Public Stenographer The Klamath Falls Stage has started operation and is now making regular trips between MRS LULU B ARNOI.D Bend and that point. T ra ffic is Al O x Infrr O f lie* proving heavier than usual for this time o f the year and the roads are l>etter than usual, there The E. B. Tomes farm is being being very little snow over the O regon fenced, cleared and plowed this L a P in e mountains. week, getting ready for seeding. Mr». Fred Shonquist, w*ho has Mr. Tomes is one o f the prugres-i been on the sick list for some sive young men o f the community time past, is still under the care o f a physician. Improvement is slow but gradual. Basin. M rs. B. C. Scott who has been teaching at the Rose school the past year, closed her school F ri trip to Bend last week. He MRS AMY CAVANAUGH th»' and left Tuesday for Seaside brought back word that County Clerk l a f*1nr Board where Mr. Scott has been this! Judge Sawyer, editor o f the Bend w inter and where they will make Bulleitn, ha«l gone to Portland their future home. for an operation and had under gone the ordeal nicely, and that La Pine O regon R. E. Eaton is doing his spring his condition is now very satis work on the T i y or place now*, factory, his recover- is expected lie says the system o f living to l«e very rapid. close t«» town in the summer and a long ways o ff in the winter J. T. Jensen, one o f the land | doesn't work out well, so he is buvers in the West unit, expects going to arrange to live at Round to come in and work his place ; Swamp when the weather is good, this summer. and at the Tavlor Ranch in the Eugene Jensen has purchased w inter, as soon as he Rets his crop in on the latter place he will the J. G. Brown tract in the W«*st L: B Tomes A. G. Cholick ( HI h .« at L g Pm * Stair Bank go up to Round Swamp and farm Unit and expects to farm it this summer. II«* intends to make a his place there. dairv ranch o f it and is looking Fred Friaby, w ife and daughter around for a good line o f dairy of Bend, came up to attend the cows at this time. L a P in e O regon N otary j Public Insurance Agency .» # , e* a The building occupied by the Iail'in*.* Billiard Partar. Barber ShoD *nd Soft Drink establish ment. and the building occupied by the l-al'ineConfectionerv and Ice Cream 1’arlor have been thor oughly renovated throughout, both im-ide and outside. The appearance of the buildings is a wonderful improvement to Main Street and Mr. Cavanaugh is to U* congratulated on hia progres- sivenes*. Several o f the'buildings on the There is increasing protest Tome- property* at Pringle Kails aKainst the ever-growing appro will probably be moved to the priations for the higher institu Tomes addition at lu p in e to ac the new arrivals, tions o f learning. If education resulted inproduc- l he laP ih e Truck Co. will prob j ing a population not on«* of w hom at Iv be awarded the contract for would labor, it would I k * the j moving the buildings. : great«*st curse o f mankind. Dr. John Hessen, formerly of Too many girls are tram«*«! up Portland, w ho recently took up a the silk-stocking and georgette u*n.p«>rar\ residence at PrinRle crepe waist standards o f living, who cannot dam their own stock Falls, bus in connection with a ings, cook a plain meal or make physician by the name o f Warner, also from Portland, purchased children’s clothes. the Dr Albert Ix*ssing practice a* Bend and are now practicing under the firm name o f Bessen I/»cal men interested in the de it Warner in the suite o f rooms velopment o f the country, should formerly occupied by Dr. Lessing. give attention to this fact. Cn E. B' Tomes, cashier o f the the signs before the various stage offices in Bend, and ail along I-aPin«» State Bank.has erected a the road from Bend W» Silver new garage in the rear o f the l,ak<* th«*re are no road signs on bank building. It is assumed I which the name iuil'ine appears. that Frank. Andrew and Ernest The tourist never knows from will draw lots each night to de i the sign boards, whether h«* is termine which one o f the three • fifteen or fifty mil«** from La banker's cars sleep inside and Pine. Yet I j i i ’ine is th«* pritici which on «» sleep out. ; pal stopping point on the rout« Burton Onev made a trip to through Central Oregon from Prinpgle Falls. Fall River and Bern! to Silver Ijike, a distance Big River last week fo r the pur o f about a hundred miles. i n e o f putting ur> Forest Service signs and guide boards for the Oil prospecting has »tart***! in tourists. He took his children. I (loose !,ake, says a news item Ruby and Buddy, and their from I-akeview. Let's see. isn't friends. S 'lv ia Foss and Evlyn Arnold, along with him and made thut where Morson is now ? I quite a children's party o f the I trip- J LU M B E R Normalcy is not a question of price or a question o f wage. It is merely a question o f fairly steady employment with the dol lar buying as much as it ought to. Local and Personal Oregon Bill 1 Downing’s Cafe at Bend V - • * I « L «Ÿ / p v #•> • L f V • fiV ; I- q I A *C • I ligh Clast» Irrigated I .ands in the Walker Basin at Ni\t\ Dollars per Acre Nicely he place where you II always find your friends from the interior La Pine, Ft Hock. Crescent and Sil ver L a k e folks make I>>wmngs their headquarters w hen m Bend F u r n is h e d R o o m s in C o n n e c t io n Messrs. Ijulean, Andrews and ; Erickson, o f Orland. California, ; who Durchas«*«l land in the West | Unit last fall, are expected in i this spring to farm their places. Mr. Ijtdean said when he was ! here that he was Ruin'? to bring in a good bunch o f heavv draft , horses w hen he comes. Each of these men have f: nr lie v ' ,«> will come w ith them, thus making j* very substantial addition to the community's population. Herman Gustafson has complet ed re painting and patH*rii,g th«* interior o f the I-al'ine Hotel the nast w«*«*k. The improvements in the interior are ver. nice and in accordance w ith the usual plan of Mrs. Beesley to mak«* her guests feel at home.- and o ffe r them the best accommodations available. Wort! has been received here that Mr. and Mrs. Stanle Pierce well-known residents o f this sec tion. have puerhased a small farm at Mercer. Calif., and will make that their future residence. La Pine Barber Shop 1IENRY CAVAN AUGI 1 Pr* pr-ctur L a P in e O regon Circular Letters and Addressing T he IN T E R -M O U N T A IN < .«nplr» Mailing l iai» L a P in e O regon