Image provided by: Deschutes County Historical Society; Bend, OR
About La Pine inter-mountain. (La Pine, Or.) 1911-1934 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1921)
44 The Newspaper That4» Different ** La Pine Inter-Mountain »-n > hi I'm i> i<n 'H ip Only Ne\vspa|M.T Within an Area uf4 lliousaii«! Square Mil«*« VOL. VIII Local and Personal .L l LI LA PINK. DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 21. 1921. Alphonse W. Aya. who has been in Portland on business for a few da vs. returned Thursday. He reports that Mrs. Alphonse Aya. who went east last week to ’ consult a specialist, may decide to go to Rochester and be treated at that famous institution b» the Mayo Brothers. f'PP'AM STATION A COMMUNITY IS ESTABLISHED LIGHT_PLANT LA PINE RAILROAD EXTENSION ASSURED NUMBER 11 IRRIGATION IS BIG SUCCESS In a new man showing the Great Northern Railway S'stem . . ,, Redmond Gri amery to Town Soon to Have an as it is now there are shown no Money Spoilt IOS Water proooaed lines of construction ex- Have Buying Station Electric Lighiing Pays Bi# Dividends cept the line to be built through System at Riley’s Store I ji Pine and a spur from Wilkes- Says Boise ls>n> to Tillanus'k, and a short Claude and Wlliiam Vandevert. PAY PORTLAND PRICKS WILL FORM COMPANY connecting link north of I>-wis- $300,000,000 IN RETURN Douglas Johnson, formerly of and Dr. J. C. Vandevert were ^ ^ ^ ^ W to n ..Montana. In soil* o f ÜM Fremont, who now resides near I .a Pine visitors last week. The Redmond Creamery has A community lighting plant is namial depression that has made Bend, was here on business Mon _ . r, . ... lesatablised another buying sta- beinK proponed for I*u Line, it is necessary the withdrawal of most Spending money to develop ir Mrs. Daisy K. Hill, and M iss,tjon at W. R. R iley'is the intention of the promoters to proposed lineaof railroad exten- rigation project« is no longer a day. ” Doug” is u hustling. en ergetic young fellow who’s best Alice and Jess Eaton *n acting as their representative.! p an*. sion, the imm'rtance o f the (Vn- speculation or a gamble, but a In discussing the business he Walkrr Hasan Garage, and fu m -; tra, Oregon line through LaPine business proposition which pa'« asset is to boost ever'thing and town Saturda'. Mr*. IGII re « « I said. “ We are going to pay Port- ish electric power and iights to knock nothing. He expects to be mained and is now emnk y -d M is so great that it has not suffer immense returns, according to cook at the IaiPine Hotel. located at LaPine in Forest Ser 1 land prices for cream, with n o! other memI>ers «*f the company ed b' the curtailment of extension Whitnee I* Boi«e in a talk on vice work this summer. Jack Cole, formerly of DiPine. deduction for transportation. The who purchase the outfit. The expenses. This summer will un- 'Irrigation and What it Means U> I*a Pine Truck Co. has the haul original plant will be one of Cecil Hollinshead and wife was here mixing with the local ing contract ami will make deliv series of units, to which other a doubted I n see dirt flsing on the Oregon,” before the member»’ forum of the Chamber of Com have moved to town and are re- j hunch Saturdav. he came up from eries to the creamery company.” units can be added from time to line. merce. Bend to attend the dance and siding at the Hotel LaPine. This is a very interesting piece time as the demands for power He told of the various irriga greet old acquaintances. o f news and will prove verv prof and light incraae. Marshall Well LA PINE RIFLE CLUB tion projects in Oregon and said Curtis Beesley and family were EXPERTS MAKE c o o l ) that when thev are fullv develop A park site has been laid out itable to the people o f LaPine. Hardware Co. had a man here in town Sunday visiting with his going over the situation a few As it is now the hauling of the in the new Tomes addition and ed they would bring in an an mother at the Hotel LaPine. drivewavs are to be constructed Bend Cremaery is done by out- days ago, and complete plans Arms and The Man. an official nual return of more than $300. - Eugene Jensen is building a connecting the Talbott road w ith side parties, and the very fact ] and specifications of the outfit organ of the National Rifle As 000,000 in products. He also bridge over the irrigation ditch the new Thirl Street road. The that the LaPine Truck Co. has have been drawn and submitted sociation. and classified sa the said that in the North west there near his place, to shorten the Forest Service is also planning !>een awarded the contract by to the men interested, who an* National Rifleman's Magazine, are 10,000,000 acres which can be on making a camping ground the Redmond Creamery is a sure now giving the proposition their in its issue of March 15th. give* placed under irrigation, and that route *o tow n. within the borders of the park sign that thev will get their very careful consideration. the standing of the various con if this land is as productive as Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bogue shure o f the business, for every testants in the N. R. A. Match. that of the Yakima vallev it will were in town Sunday afternoon. Glenn Howard was in town Sat one wants to see local concerns The team at Monitor. Oregon, mean billions o f dollars in in urday. He came in from Cres manifested, and the increasing which is headed by the former creased wealth to the nation, the W. A. Brown of Pringle Falls, cent to attend the dance, and prosper instead o f outsiders: number of settlers is a very favor secretary of the IjtPine Rifle home of thousands of Americaan was a business visitor at LaPine went on to Bend Sunday to at able development, and the com Club, C. V. Carmichael, stands farmers. Tuesday. While here he had his tend the Forest Supervisor's The Gilcrest Lumber Co. of Ai- pletion of the East Unit of the 23 in rank in a field of 93 teams He said that while congress car overhauled at the Walker Ba meeting. Mrs.Howard has been oha. Mich., has had an inspector system will soon be taken up by covering the entire United States. has been willing to lend millions sin Garage. at the Herman Gustafson home in this section o f the country the Irrigation Company. In the standing for the fourth to foreign nations in time of the G. 1! Deming was on the sick for several days. looking after their timber inter Weather in the Walker Basin week of the match. Monitor has great war. it should be willing to st this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brock, of ests with a view of eventually has been ideal this spring, and 9-10 points out o f a possible 1000, lend the farmers o f the West a starting operations here. No an half billion to develop irrigation, Ed Holmes came down from Odell Lake, were at LaPine Sat nouncement was made, however, the usual “ Sunshine every day” and in the fifth week 919. giv all of which will be repaid with ing them a standing of 45B0with urday enroute to Bend where is in evidence. A soft spring his trapping camp near Lava as to when the work would I>e rain fell Tuesday giving a re 5000 figured as perfection. Two good interest in addition to de Lake yesterday. He reports con they remained a week shopping started. other I^Pine men, who now re veloping the wealth of the nation. freshing look to even thing. siderable snow in the mountains and attending to business affairs' He urged the members of the side at Monitor and who were yet. and a vast amount of water School in LaPine will termi The LaPine Truck Co. brought formerlv members of the l^Pine chamber to urge large appropria Fred Winters, formerly a resi over Crane Prairie, in fact there dent o f the I^Pine country who nate for this term on May 13. in a load of barb w ire for the Ir Rifle Club, «hot high scores on tions from congress. In addition is more water on the prairie this now resides in Bend, was here The plans of the teachers to give rigation Co. last week. TheA are the winning team. M. O. White to the development of farms, he spring than has been for several Saturday renewing old acquaint a play has been discarded, and going to fence the Experimental getting 185 out of a possible 200. said immense water power will years. There are hnudreds of ances. His father and mother. exercises will be held at the Farm and a portion of the Tomes Omar Hastie. 180. Mr. Carmi rise to make into finished prod swan up there this spring. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Winters and school house instead. It was in Farm. ucts the raw products of the soil. chael, s score was 187. tended to put on a iuvenile pro The l^aPine Truck Co. brought sister. Rita, were here also. duction o f “ Hiawatha.” In,i laA Several new families arc en They remained to attend the Red in a load of hay yesterday. route to settle on their land in of stage facilities at the school DAIRYING PROFITABLE Men dance, returning home Sun the Irrigation tract. B oom from auditorium, and lack of seating A thousand dollars w’orth of day morning. Mr. Winters was The value of dairy products additional automoblie accessories formerly the LaPine blacksmith, capacity at the Commercial Club Kansas, some from Minnesota and supplies have been ordered but is now employed in that ca- Hall made it necessary to change and a familv from Astoria, Ore. sar BY THE STROLLER hm handled through Kil’ ine the past year compares verv favorably the plans. by the Foss Hardware for the I.a pacityy at the Bend mills. n oner • week Annoncement in connection T w o ith I f th ta a k t e aaiii« old g ra m of Malt with all other small towns in Or Pine and Walker Basin Garages. Frank Johnson, who has resided with the building of railroad ex egon. and the continued growth B. G. Sawyer, one of the own tension through Central Oregon, J. M. Sapplngton is back in ers of land in the irrigation tract on the old Pengra place during was made in the Portland Journal When we have done a good ..f this industrv bids fair to make tM winter, has returned to hial Bend attending to business in expects to come to the Walker day’s work we are satisfied and this section o f the state one of last week, that R. E. Strahorn. connection with the timber en Basin in a short time and clear place across the meadow. He president o f the O. C. & E. Itoail at peace w-ith the world and our the best dairying countries in try he is try ing to put through his land and get it ready for says his son George, and his wife asked permisson to float a bond selves. no matter how tired we the west. So far but a very small from Texas are expected here this to get possession of the Red Men spring seeding. percentage of the farms in this may In*. spring, and in all probability issue of $385,000 to complete the country is being turned to the Cemetery site. Several new telephones are I h *- George will take over the black extension of the road between dairying industry, although there John Vodjanskv of Eugene. ing installed througout the town smith shop, and let Frank dovote Dairy and Sprague River. George Mayfield made a spec is u notjcable growth ever time Oregon, is here transacting busi this week. Dr. Wilson. Foss’ his time to farming. ial trip up from Silver Lake to statistics are compiled covering D. E. Lower,of Valparaiso,Neb' ness w ith the Walker Basin Real Hardware. The Inter-Mountain, straighten out that night gown the develoDtnoent in this line. who was here last w inter looking W\ E. Bogue w ho hois been at ty Co. He expects to remain in the Walker Basin Garage and the over the Irrigation Project, has affair last week -too bad,George the vicinity several days. La Pine Garage are the new ones Snohomish, Wash,for some time, I bought a large tract in the West we never would have thought returned to LaPine a short time that o f you. WILL MAKE C HARCOAL H. A. Rose is busy fencing his Another crew of a hundred ago. He has purchased a farm on Unit and is coming in in a short property and putting in a crop of men resumed work loading and Little River from Leland Casey time to start work on the place. J. J. Eng is quoted as saving Charles and Knute Lundin of r ve. skidding at Shevlin-Hixon Camp of Prineviile, and will hereafter Mr. Lower is a retired banker that he never had his name in Blind Slough. Oregon, are expect Work will be one of the local “ Tillers of the from Neraska.and has spent sev the paper, well here it is. ing to return to I^al’ ine in a very W. H. Hollinshead and sons No. 1 last week. eral months looking over the west Soil.” start at Camn No. 2 in a short short time and resume work on extend their sincere and heart with a view of purchasing a farm their irrigation land. Thev were Don’ t lie a chicken, «chicken has felt thanks to the kind friends time, it is announced. Since the completion of the That a man of his keen judgment no vision, just scratches around here last fall and did consider and neighbors who so willingly Mrs. I xnii is Ava, who has been West Side canal system there has selected LaPine as nis place assisted them in their lute be spending the winter with her have Iieen hundreds of inquiries of residence is a good substantial for a few weeks and then gets able clearing on their places. They are going to start a char ' he ax. ____ reavement. Thanks are especial' daughter, Mrs. Montgomery, in regarding the land. The interest boost to this Basin. coal kiln and manufacture char tendered the Degree of Pocahon Bend, has returned to LaPine. 1s t us get a correct mental view coal from the small pines that a- tas. She is residing in the Alponse point Itefore we kick about some i»omul here, if the plans thev thing to our ow n derimen. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cole have A 'a house adjoining the Irriga have now work out alright. Sev moved out to their homestead in tion tract. eral of the newcomers in this Ba Nation of Home-Owners Bids Defiance accordance with the plans they sin who came from Norway or Some wa' or other, A. R. Don Announcement has been made had for the spring, and are now that the Crater Lake National ahue got the dates mixed, he Sweden have remarked on the to Red Terror Attacking World. busy tilling the soil. The child Park will open July 1, and close thought the opening o f the fish fact that this Black Bine is iden ren are remaining in town for September 30. ing season was the opening of tical with the pine that is used the balance of the school term. By MRS. L. F. EPPICH. Denver. the bathing season, and took a for charcoal over there, and sev John Kornhach returned to La dip in the mill pond. The tem eral have announce«! their inten That honored and gracious bird Pine last week to l«*>k things perature of the water soon con tion of trying it. the Stork, has again visited I.a In fnidal tini-H the laltorrr* made no effort to own their own home* vincisi him of his error, but the Pine, this time Mr. and Mrs. over at the ranch and have a few Herman Gustafson were the for- improvements made prior to the Their dwellings were provided for them by the feudal Ionia. Out of this adventure incidently afforded tunates, ami a bouncing baby arrival of Mrs. Kernbach who grew the great tenantry class, which ia the origin of the renting habit considerable amusement for the MAKE GOOD FARMERS mill hands. It’s an ill wind that bo' has now taken up his abodt expects to return the latter part of today. Considerable comment has of the month. Mr. Kernbach ap at the home o f this |*opular Tn outgrowing feudalism the world should outgrow thia tenantry blows noliodv good. been made ujam the fact that peared before the circuit court young couple. most all the new buvers of irri condition. We should emerge into an individualism which demand* the for naturalization. There is an indefinite rumor gated lands are either Norwe individual home and the complete ownership of it. F. X. Simrock was a business going around that a Moving Pic gians or Swedes. This is trne. Bend restaurants have an visitor in town Saturday. He The laws of individuality and of community life etpreaa themaelvea ture Show is to I e started in Di and is verv satisfactory, for we nounced a twenty percent reduc siys that Mrs. Simrock who. his in the well-being of family life. No community which ia made up of Pine as soon as the new hall is have found by epxerience that been on the sick list during the tion in prices, effective April L renter» can express much force in politic* ner in civic matter». -Owner- finished. So far no one knows the Scandinavians understand Some of the eating house pro past week, is rapidly improving and is now able to be up and prietors state that they put a re ahip make* the voter interested in community affair* and pride of ponaea- an1 thing about who is to install this country better thun most around. Mr. Simrock is working duction in effect last November *ion in-til* a pride in the community winch nothing else can give. A and manage the new indutry. hut ether i eople and know how to go some gix>d guesses are being ahead with the cultivation of the also. At any rate things are at the saw mill this spring. I soil in a practical manner. The more in harmony with the reduc eertain independence and moral harklaine acivnupanie* home ownership made. drawback with other people has C. A. Gustafson has I>een slight tion in wages being experienced and thc’ theorie* of American cttiapu»hip become more the fact« and lea* If you see a young Ford or a been that they had used certain the dream* o f such people. ly ill the past week, but has been there. pushing right along with his A* regard* children, they #ce no interest di*p!ayrd in the rente,! i Big Fen alarm clock, or some methods of farming in the east, A public camp ground for auto thing of that kind growing along and insisted on using the same work in spite of it. mobile tourists is to be establish abode. They *re no tree planting and painting and pcraonal pride of j the river bank, «lon’ t blame it ineth«»Is here. whil«> local condi Mrs. Nellie White. Mrs. A. R. ed on the east side of Main Street. p,*.x,>i.i„n that they mav emulate in their ambitions. Rather, they natu ; onto moonshine, or midnight in- tions «Ionian«! a different method Donahue, and son Ward, went to A well, rest room, and hinch rally grow without the true imvotives that make of them good neighbor* |<iulgence in mince pie. Dr. Wil of cultivation. The fact remains, Bend last Saturday on ashopping tables and benches are to he built and good citizen». son inadvetrenflv p'anted his In- an«! is very noticeable, that the tour returning in time for the The work will !*• done l>\ POOH- gersoll along the river recently, best work in the entire irriga Red Men dance at the Commer lar subscription o f the business, . , A nation , of home owner» wdt survive the insidiou* red doctrine of and th« re’s no telling what may tion tract has been d«ine in everz men located on the street. | «ecedcoce that i* grasping at th« throat of all nation» today. cial Club hall. ¡spring up at thut point. i instance by the Scandinavians. Miss M. Dowd, of Des Moines. Iowa, sister of Mrs. W. W. Rose. is here for an extended visit. She has not been in Rood health in the Central States and expects t o p r c lt b y t h e change o f cli- mate. ____ - 1 OBSERVATIONS