Image provided by: Deschutes County Historical Society; Bend, OR
About La Pine inter-mountain. (La Pine, Or.) 1911-1934 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1921)
u o r a ü ' ï 0 * A MA •mn fn ^•ron St*U ònnr 44 The Newspaper That’s Different " La Pine Inter-Mountain i -r*m i « i » i» i»w Th«* Only Newspa|x*r W ithin an A r r a » ! a riioiisnn«! Square Mil»*.** «•» >*< VOL. VIII i> « i > m > L A P IN K , Ü E S T H I T E S C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , A P R I L 2H. 1!>’2 1. NEW HIGHWAY MAY HAVE BOX FACTORY HERE THROUGH HERE Local Happenings KAU ROAD BOND ISSU EJS READY NUMBER 12 A MARKET MAN NEEDED HERE The Federal Box and Shook The Great Northern and the o f Portland have l«een mak- Northern Pacific Railway Com Town Requires a Gene Items o f Interest Throughout the Basin Canada-California Hoad Co. mX inquiries the past few weeks oanies are preparing a bond issue regarding the amount o f jack To Through the ------------ 1of S230.(NMU nni for maintainence j ral Market Man to nine available in the Walker Ba The Ft. Hock Creamery is be-! Chester Hollinshead who was and extensions and other improv Walker Basin Handle Everything sin. and regarding the possibili ing moved to Silver l«ake and doing jury duty at Bend the past merits. A series o f window ty o f establishing a box and operation is to start as s«s*n as week, returned borne Saturday, displays are being put in Wall There will possible. A B K I W O N D E R R O l TT E Isn ook factory here. A new organixattoo utys jury dutj at per Street windows in New York and BI SINESS IS CERTAIN b«* an effort made to interest has lH*en formed, and with 400¡day. with expenses at $4.50 per a splendid campaign is to lie Speaking o f the new Highway '‘jcsl men in starting an industry cows as a starter, it is expected das isn’ t exactlv what he would waged to float the issue. The The greatest need in IsiPine from California to Canaila. the o f ibis kind, and a guarantee that the Silver Dike country will call profitable. railwav stock advance«) from one right now is a General Market Bend Bulletin savs "From the «»vena* to the selling of all rapid I \ dev elope into an impor- AR ^ h and family have' l l ^ T i S i h>,f tbe day Man. one who will buy anything California line it runs through shook« at highest market i rk m tiht dairying center. ! p S iS S S . and ^ ¡ v S S*d k . > hut Klamath Falls, Klamath Agencv. j at Rend. < . D. 8cbell. an ( iregon urn w ho ar,- now occupying the B la in e '-- * ^er. from eggs to beef hub's, Valuable testimony to the su- ever since. Crater Lake. IjiPine. Bend, i The first qualification o f such has kept pretty close watch on I Gamer place, preparatory to Prineville. Madras. Antelope. lieriority o f the wooden box as the various irrigation systems moving to the Wm. Foss "ditch ____ a man is an ability to market his Shaniku. Wasco. Umatilla. Echo. a container for canned goods is throughout the state, bought land | land. As soon as a house is built M O N E Y D I V E R T E D P a lle t* . Evers city has hun- IS Pendleton. Freewater. Walla ,n a recent survey of ____ • I reds o f restaurant« who will buy ¡in the local tract a short tim e;(,n the Foss property. Mr. Dona Walla. Spokane. Sand Point, wholesale «»veers in Seattle. : ago. and is expected in soon to hue will farm the place. At a meeting o f the State butter and eggs diract from the Bonner’s Ferry, and on into the lortland and Tacoma. In »’ very begin farming. Highway Commission last Sat T n*lucor, b> P?rot‘l P0®1’ *n V°u Banff countn o f Alberta.” fM e it was found that wood held A. T. Daugherty o f Baltimore, unlay Deschutes County notified 1H%*‘ to do is to get in touch The unsightly stumps in the The new mad is to he known th? P™ ten n ce. as the fiber cim Md..who owns 120 acres adjoin as the Wonder Highway, passing tamer fails to stand up. especíal ! lots adjoining the Hotel I,a Bine ing the towniste on the west, the commission that it w ill not " 'It1 hcm- hold 'I bond ii8U6 and I nouMnMjw cWckOM c m m as it does, a great v a ried of the l> 'Í >t becomes damp or wet.and were taken out last week and writes that he is preparing to M k «j\ h at' ^ ~ ' in Portland - by parcel 7he Í "»arketed1 , the land cleared preparatory to scenic wonders o f the west. is more easily crushed than w i s h ). come out this summer and work state was to spend rocking the with especially high prices )t is almost impossible to sell putting in a croquet ground and his place, and build a house and* There is no automobile highwa> Central OrefTon highway, from ;!!f . , * vv . alontf a!x>ut in the world that offers the same such goods for export, says the ! tennis court for the summer make other improvements. Bend to Hose Ridge. be diverted 1 time, amusement of our citizens. “ Manufacturer.’ ’ for considerable accommodations along the route, Sneaking o f the success o f poul and applied on the Dalles-Cali-' by, oxkH[n,,™ v and at the same time gives the difficulty is met w ith in piling Jim Beckley, who purchased furnia highway from Allens Dine ba* tb'* c,*y w ,ll handle tourist the opportunity- to view- them, and in handling them gen 275 head o f one and two year old try in this section. Miss Anna many o f the world’s greatest erally. as such cases have U) he cattle at Bowell Butte recently, I>eming hrought a hen’ s egg to to the Klamath county line. The al1 the í rK48**d mMtJíon w<’ request will be granted, although Providing a steady scenic splendors and geologic handled when e x e r te d . drove them through DiPine en- the Inter Mountain office last it upM-ts the program which the | an_ j*’b °nPal)le supply can I h - as- week for display, that measures The increasing demand for box route to Ft. Klamath Friday. wonders. sure»! the buyers The Southern end of the route material has made necessary the The prices paid were $.‘U> for the CJ inches in circumference one commission was working out for Vegetables o f all kinds find a will be L ob Angeles, and it’ s increasing o f the output, and it ones and $45 for the twos. way, and 8J inches in circum fer Deschutes. ready market direct to the con northern terminus the Banff is with this object in view that Casey Jones. Jack Harvey, J. ence the other. It weighs 3J sumers bv parcel post, and the country o f Canada, up in the the Federal Box and Shook Co. Frank Bogue and Jim Prose ounces. Post O f f ice Department is daily Tom Reesley came up from Canadian Rockies. Thus the are taking this matter up. drove the herd for Mr. Beckley. encouraging the marketing o f Portland and spent Sunday with route includes the Sierra Nevada these things in that manner. Felix Springstube says the his mother here at the Hotel La to r FROM THE '»I D FILES n Range, the Cascades, and the The greatest difficulty is that Inter-Mountain didn't make his | ( an ad inn Rockies, yet at no time t ■»-» p, ■»— y r-» •» ▼ * m t » r n garage big enough and that the ; Pine. Monday he went to Bend each producer’ s offering is so M u n ì* that Im piien««! where he will visit his brother jn an*! smursd f.a !‘tnr trn y rara ago does the route become difficult. small that it does not pay him to business he has is too big to j and family for a few davs. The route is the most d i r e c t ___-|'111' STROI I I |{ fa t go looking for a market. But if handle in the little structure we| that it is possible to select, and J.B. Curl, Forest Ranger from one man handles the combined built for him. It seems that the, A general invitation from the T«> b e ta à e n orine a w e e k — bas already been dubbed the w ith tlust nam e o b i fr a n i o f Milt new garage building is actually ! Bend Order of Red Men has the Sisters District, has been products o f all the producers of “ Bee Line Highway.” It is an 40 X 60 feet instead of 35 X 50, been sent to the Local Order in transferred from that place to the LaPine Basin he can afford ticipated that it will he one o f as was stated in the Inter-Moun viting them to attend the big L.a Pine. John Riis o f Utah, is to Ko out and arrange to market Know when to stop talking. the most widely known and ex the stuff. He can make excel Red Men Dance to be held at also to be stationed here. tain. Nothing can bring you peace tensively traveled auto routes of lent money, and so can the pro Bend May 14. The Harriman Line is now’ op The cold wave that has swept the entire country’s net work o f hut the triumph o f principle. ducer. erating a daily train on their new highways. The Dalles*! alifornia jn idleness alone there is per- over the entire Western a n d f Ed. H. !mos made a fh in g trip line as far as Madras. Tho lival Hairvrnen and farm Central states during the past to Bend Friday, in order to make Hlghway will constitute a portion p,.tuaj despair. ers will gladly aid in starting an L I). Peterson lias just com- enterprise o f this kind. of the new route. . ... ... two weeks, flipped it’ s tail a- a small hut very necessarv in Develop a personality that will round into this section o f the vestment. he returned as soon as pletc»! a new residence on his Here’s a wonderful opportunity inspire confidence. country last week and gave us a he could, which wasn’ t soon ranch. for the right kind of a man. Failure is due more often to few flakes of snow and a hit o f enough to suit him. James Benson anil Herschmey- RED M EN CONTRACT want o f ideas than to want of wintery weather. l)r. I. B. Wilson. E. B. Tomes. er have !>een awarded the con Sheriff K.E.Woodcock o f Lake John Vodjanskv and John Mas tract for the construction o f sev ( AKEY COES CUNNING At the regular meeting o f the Capital. Co. passed through this section ten constituted a party of local eral hundred feet o f eight-foot If you would be a man speak Red Men Tuesday night a con Friday with two prisoners he business men who made a busi sidewalk in town and have start tract for the completion of the what you think today in words It is confidently reported to had captured in Washington. ness trip to Ft. Rock. Fremont ed on the yvork. as hard as cannon halls. new hall building was let to J. the Inter-Mountain that Carey They are charged w ith breaking The J. N. Masten Lumlier Co. Stearns had visitors at his ranch (). Huffman. The contract does All other qualities go for noth and entering homesteaders prop and Silver Dike Tuesday. yesterday sold ten thousand feet house during his absence Sunday not include interior finishing. ing or less than nothing unless A. H. Ridgley was here a few erty. Mr. Huffman is a prominent honesty underlies them. davs last week looking after prop of lumber to the county for the and that the visitors took appar William Foss. Di Pine’ s popu memlier o f the order and a first He expects to construction of a bridge over the ent delight in stacking the furn The great thing in this world lar hardware merchant will han erty interests. class carpenter as well, and it is move hack to his farm in a short Little Deschutes at the Walter iture up in one corner, barring with a feeling o f general satis is not so much where you stand dle a line o f rebuilt motor cars time, and appl1’ many o f the irri Vandevert place. the d»Kirs and otherwise leaving ■ • faction that the members view hut in what direction you are go in conncetion with the lai Pine „ t. marks o f their Sunday visit. Fre»l LaFollette’s new six room also taken the «at ion metlmds he has learned in ing. Garage. He has the awarding o f the contract. Carey immediately employed a cottage on his homestead adjoin No power in society, no hard agency for a goo» trailer! and'a|the Kedmond country. The La Pine Truck Company ing the townsite of Crescent is sleuth w ho deduced the follow has the contract for hauling the ship or misfortune can keep you demonstration vehicle has lieen ; Blood poisoning caused b\ a about completed. ing; that three pe»iple constitut- sliver in a finger, which spread to lumber from the mill and started down in this world except b\ received. e»l the visiting party, that they work yesterday. Mr. Huffman your own consent. The Klamath Falls Stage Co. the arm and head, caused the ER H Ö H IN S H I P M E N T ¡arrived anil departed in a Ford, expects to complete his contract that a lady o f comparatively I/*t us get hack to the princi has announced that as soon as the death o f A. E. Courtright. a in two or three weeks. small stature was a m«*ml)«>r o f ples of equal taxation and elimi tourist season opens up they will prominent Redmond farmer last We have been expecting some nate special privileges such as route their Klamath Falls stage rridav. humorist to announce that the the party, that a tall smooth via Crater Lake, thus earning ('has. Milliron. Dr. Norris and reason the Inter-Mountain is the faced young fellow and a rather tax exemption. L E IT E R FROM W ALLACE High rent and heavy taxes are many visitors, who may other yvife. and Mrs. Digan of Bend, Pai>er that’ s different, is because heavy set elderly hut very active the greatest griefs o f the citv | wise la* unable to visit that great were guests at the Casslebury o f th«* wrong font letters appear companion committed the crime. Carev is out gunning for the Frank Wallace, owner o f Wa- dwellers todav. and as a result scenic wonder, to the crater on Ranch a few davs this week. ing throughout its columns. their way south. guilty Kuys. mego Ranch, on the Pringle Fulls thousands are flocking “ Back to However, the real facts o f the road, writes under date o f April the land.” case are these. In shipping the 19. that he is doing well in his type setting machine the factory- ljist week’ s “ Bulletin" boasts! C L E A N -U P D A Y M A Y 7 chosen profession as civil engin got two orders intermingled, and that there are no prisoners in A Passing Landmark of Old Manila eer. being eniplo- ed in the De sent us yvrong font L g, and y. the city jail at Bend: hut evi The first week in May has he«*n partment of Public Roads in Mon and we are obliged to use them dently tnere are several who ihxlicate«! as clean-up week, w ¡th tana. He is at present located for a few issues until the\ get should be there if the circulars Saturday Mav 7. as the big dav. at Missoula. Frank is engaged the orders straighten«*»! out. — - - - . Q that have been distributed a- Every property owner should to he married in September and round the streets o f the county , clean up the premises, remove expects to come to LaPine on his P O C A H O N T A S IN IT IA T E all old rubbish, and generally im wedding trip. He sends his re seat during the past week are a i criterion. i * T prove the appearance o f his prop gards to all friends. . f i t, Five new memlters w«*re initi erty. In many Oregon towns, o r k L a L> ate«! into the Degree o f Pocahon dinances have lieen passed mak FISHERMEN THY I.UCK tas at the regular meeting held ing this clean-up compulsory. In F R A N K R O G U E IS tint I at the Commercial Club Hall last some c«immuniti«>s. women attired Since the fishing season open- D I S T R I C T M A N A G E R »*<1 Saturdays ami Sundays hiwr (Thursday night. A social even in sun bonnets and aprons, and ing followed, «luring which a armed with gard«*n rakes, form parties are seen at all the sur ¡short program was r«*nder«xl by an auxilliarv armv to aid in the John F. Bogue. well known in rounding lakes, although no big j members, anti refreshments were work. I«aPine has decided to this W’ality is now stationed ut catches were report»xl. Dn-al served. Snohomish. Washington, where i folks were too busy to devote fall in line for this spring and he is employed as district mana much time t<> the siHirt just now. make the town more attractive ger for the Wolter Auto Signal as everybody ¡ h in the midst of M H II K\ l P A P I R M il l for the tourist. Co., for that section o f the 1 their spring work. However a country. Mr. Bogue is a stock few o f our devotees took the time The vague rumors have holder in the c«>mi>anv. as is also o ff and went anyway. lieen in the air for some time CIIILOQUIN HAS ROOM W. E. Bogue of Di Pine. The past regarding th«* establishment Pringle Falls and East Dike Wolter Auto Signal is an auto will very likelv lx* the most at «•f paper mills in this s«»ction o f T M » I* * photngraph » f th«* fammi* olii flrhlrr o f Spalli. Manila II I* Chikwjuin. the n«irthorn termi matic signal arm. e»juippe«I w ith tractive fishing plac«*s close to tin» a «Irparlol laiHlniiirk of Ilo* Pilli p|Hn«**. for Ita pia*** bua ho*n takrn hy the state w ere again renewed last nus of the railroad in Klamath a re«l ekx*tric light, that, by the I^aPine this year as in the past w «*«*k when Portland pa|>ers car ola* o f Ilo* nio-«t lirPla«-* In Ih«* «■min* iirtvnt, Ihr n«-w Jou«*a h rld tf pressure o f a button on the con The snow is still too heuvv at Th«* Joio-a Urlìi»«* 1 « nani«*«! In honor o f th«> lat«« r’oiigiriam an yv A Jonr* ri«xl an article that John Sti«*ll County, has lx*come a ratherpm- trol board, automatically extends Newberrv ( ’ rater, however, to of Vlrglnlu. author of ili«* Jone* in * of ipitl whlrh promise«] th« Plllplno* of Bend, applied f«»r a water gressive little town during _ the outward, and upward or down permit fishing th**re yet. I^ist lllil«*|n-ioleii<'e u|>i>n thè e«lahll«hineiit of a «Untile joxem ineiit. right «>f 12>> Mx’oml feet from the past few months, and several TI »e olii |lrt«l;,<' o f Spnln la catled thè mother o f Manlla'a brt<1*«»x.-' The Desohut«*s river. ward. as mav be requir«*d.signal Sunday about fifty Bend folks Although no new business establishments have Rc\ A I >an f<>rd o f ing in an effective manner just w«>r«* at Pringle Falls, while at originai bridgi* «H I « f pontoon* *>.«nielline hetween thè year* I.Mai and announcement has lux*n made r«*- what the car is going to do. so Fall River an«l some o f the moun pk*l. Indille knoyrn a* the llrldge o f Hoala Th e atone bridge ahown a len e garding th«* pum«>se f«»r which Eugene, was there last week and « a * bulli ahout l i p i |t wa» tute*» dainaged hjr earttnjtiakea, and « l i oro e that possible followers have no tain lak«.*s fishing parties were parti) the water is re«|uire«l. it is as purchased a site f«»r a n«tw Meth- di'mollnhi d h) a lto**l. excuse for a rear-end collision. i also numerous. sumed that it is for a paper mill. o«list church. RECOLLECTIONS OBSERVATIONS se» «. . * » Ï > -'V. - Vl:v V - ' •* ; P ' -s. ». «■ •* t . « • V . > •r « ? , •* i ^ t - i tú . lÁtvi . P I# y*' * W r 9: II* 1 tL