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About The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1896)
PURELY PERSONAL. - jM 12. A. Calhoun, of Grants Pass, was is Medford Friday. John Watkins, of Big Butte, was in Medford Tuesday. Henry Peck, oa Chimney Rock, was doing business in Medford Monday. M. W. Foster returned from his trip to the Cinnabar springs Monday. Harry Angle was in from his mine in Siskiyou county a few days this week. Harry Wortman returned from Colestin last week greatly improved in health. Mrs. C. W. Wolters and the child ren are visiting Mrs. Ws parents at Talent. Mrs, A. T. Drisko left Sunday even ing for a six weeks' business stay at Salem. W. D. Beidleman and family re turned Tuesday from Dead c Indian springs. Attorney J. H. WHITMAN and family are enjoying mountain life oyer in the Applegate country. J. D. Anderson, the cabinet maker of Climax, was in the Hub city Wed nesday upon business. R. H. Whitehead and P. B. O'Neix, returned Monday from a two weeks' fishing expedition to Pelican Bay. Miss Hattte Sisemore and Miss Frankie Barnes, of Sams Valley, were visiting in Medford last week. - V. B. Hasktks came over from the Applegate country last week to do trad ding and pay his respects to The Mail. G. W. BASHFORD returned Monday from a quite extended business visit to various points tn the Willamette val ley. Mrs. M. - Bellinger returned from Riddles last week where she has been attending at the bedside of a sick rela tive. Chas. CniTWOOD left on his wheel Saturday for a trip to Klamath Falls to visit a brother who owns a drug store there. Judge W. S. CROWELL and son, H. H. Crowell, left for their Jenny creek reach Monday for a few days' outing, S. A. Carlton and family were in from Wellen Monday, doing business and visiting with merchant Plymale and. family, I. Householder, of Gold Hill, was -la Modford Tuesday "doing shopping" and fixing up his subscription account with this journal. Miss Mollis Reaves, 'of Klamath Falls, who has been visiting in Med ford and Jacksonville for the last two months, returned to her home Monday. N. S.Bennett returned Friday even ing of last week from a trip to Klamath eounty, whither he went to dispose of a wagon load of dried fruit and made a good clean-up. Mrs. Cranfilx. and Charlie and Edith left Saturday for Colestin. to be absent several weeks, or until the weather becomes too chilly for com fort at that place. Mark Baker was up from Gold Hill Saturday. He says business is good down there and that he is doing well which is but right so far as Mark is concerned, at least. '' Rev. GrnTNS and family were rusti cating in the vicinity of Griffin creek last week en joying the cool of mount iaa shade and the pure draughts from springs that bubble thereabouts. Chas. Terrtt.T. of Brownsboro, was ia Medford last Saturday and made The Mail office a friendly call. Charlie is one of the several square young men f that locality and a fast friend of this paper. D.T. and J. W. Lawton left Mon day morning for a several weeks plea sare trip to Pelican bay, Ft. Klamath and other east of the mountains points to recuperate their health is one of whyfores of their journey. Attorney W. I. Vawter, Grana Master, I O. O. F., of the state of Ore gon, left Sunday for an official visit to the several lodges of the order in the state. Ha will go first to coast towns, then to the Willamette valley and east ern Oregon, J. W. BONTRAGER and family, of Central Point, were at Ashland last Saturday, from which point Mrs. His top.daugbter of Mrs.Bontrager.took the train for her home at Lincoln, Calif. She has been visiting in the valley for the past six weeks. W. G. Bay was up from Hornbrook, Calif., purchasing many dollars' worth of poods and he will come again, and his acquaintances will follow in his wake, because that the goods and prices here are positively ail right. It was last week that he was nere. A. H. Boothby, one of the veteran residents of the Prospect country and a cood neighbor anv place you out him, was in Medford last week doing busi- aess and receiving and giving pointers regarding the proper handling of the expected crowd ot Mazamas. Frank Wilmarth, of Eagle Point, was in Medford Tuesday doing business. He denies the report that he has, or contemplates, renting the Ish farm or any portion of it, but says ne win con tinue to reside at Eagle Point, where he is satisfied with his location. U m T. .1. Rkars. aecomDanied bv her daughter, Miss Grace Foster, and or trimmer, Miss etta hollinos worth, left Thursday noon for San in which citv Mrs. Sears will purchase a large stock of - the lat est Styles in Ian ana winter cuuiiuory. Richard Baggs, of Corsica, Ohio, arrived in Medford Monday and will visit for a few days with his old time acquaintances, W. R. Dickinson and family, out at Table Rock. His stay will surely be made a pleasant one with these people looking after bis com forts. Wm. Jameson, formerly passenger conductor on the overland between Roseburg and A9hland, but now keep ing a cigar store in Roseburg, was in Medford Tuesday in the interest of the Field Day sports which are to take place at Roseburg, beginning on the 24th of this month, Fred Tice returned this week from a two weeks' trip to Lost Prairie, in the Dead Indian country, to which place hs had bsen witb fifty bead of cattle be longing to the Jos. Crane estate. The herd now in rhat country number, all told, about 350 head. Feed, he states, is Bret-class, could be no better, and the stock is looking immense. Last aaluraay mgnt more was a trust, out it was not severe enough to do any dam age. Upon being interrogated regard ing the probable price of cattle this fall Mr. Tice could give no positive an swer, but he did state that in all proba bility the figure would be not less than two cents per pound, perhaps two and a quarter. From this Crain herd there will probably be sold an hundred or more head this fall. Mr. and Mrs.Jno. Cox are now out in that country, Mr. Cox looking after the stock and his good wife enjoying the cool of mountain life. Mrs. M. Matiiews and Mrs. T. K. Roberts, of Woodville, were visiting and doing business in Medford Tues nay and were very pleasant callers at The Mail office. The last named lady is the wife of Editor Roberts, he who used to print the Gold Hill Miner. Mr. R. is now visiting various places in Eastern Oregon. G. H. Lynch was in from Trail last week upon business a part of which was the delivery of several head of fat cattle to the Jacksonville market. Mr Lynch is one of the very best friends this paper has, and there isn't any thing that's whithin the bounds of rea son he wouldn't do that would tend to. its well being. Rev. John Wood and family left Medford last week for Walker, in Lane county, this state, where they expect to reside permanently. Mr. Wood owns forty acres near that place, upon which he will reside and do preaching at various places thereabouts. This is a family of most estimable people and their friends hereabouts will wish them an abundance of success and happiness in their new chosen home. L. B. Warner left Medford last week for Klamath and Lake counties, in which he will canvas for subscribers for The Mail for a couple of months. During the past few weeks Mr. W. has taken about 300 subscribers for this paper and as he puts it, his work is not finished until we have 3000 names on our list. He is a cracking good can vaser and with a good article to talk for his success is easy. He will visit every home in the two above named counties and expects to come out with his scalp lock intact and several hun dred new subscribers. He will inci dentally mention at each stopping place tbat Hedlora is a pretty good town in which to do trading and the merchants will bear him out in the most convincing arguments he is able to produce. Prof. Milton J. Needham, of Bonanza, Klamath county, who was formerly the principal of the Government Indian school at the Klamath agency, but now prin cipal of the Bonanta school, was in Mediord on Wednesday ot tuis wee. The gentleman has just returned from the huckleberry patch above Prospect and reports there is an im mense a bun dance of these delicious berries this year. He .also adds that while the quantity is very large the quality is on a par with the quantity. There are now quite a number of Klamath people there and new arrivals are daily occurences. He is a very pleas ant gentleman to meet being well sup plied with interesting information and always willing to impart it to others. It is needless to add that The Mail will hereafter be one of his house hold possessions. W. K. Davis came in from his sum mer' work on the grand Applega ditch the fore part of this week and is now making ready for the commence ment of his work as janitor of the school building. He report this large ditch, upon which he was head carpen ter, progressing finely. Says the com pany will have about six mtlve of it finished this fall and that they will work on it a couple of months yet be fore shutting down tor the season. The ditch is five feet across at the botton and has an average depth of eight feet in some places it is fourteen feet deep. The ditch is to supply water for the miners along its course and when com pleted will be twelve miles in length. The ditch takes its water rrom Carberry creek where an abundance is afforded. In speaking of the management of the ditch Mr. Davis is very earnest in his commendation cf Messrs. Wade and Jolly, two of the principal owners of the project. Says they pay tbir bills promptly and are, apparently, perfect gentlemen. Merchant C I. HUTCHISON and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Palm and F. W. Hutchison returned last Friday evening from just an even month's stay at Crescent City and intermediate points. There is no person who has beard a description of their trip that doubts they had a good time. At Cres cent City they rented a furnished cot tage and set up housekeeping. They caught fish from the ocean, gathered shells by the sea shore and best of all enjoyed aone hundred and thirty mile ride on the ocean from Crescent City to Eureka and return. They were for tunate in catching an excursiou be tween these two places the first one which has been given in twenty years. Messrs. Hutchison and Palm rode their wheels the entire distance and the women folk all the distanco save a few miles. Mr. H. gained 14 pounds in weight and the whole party is tanned to a turn. Mrs. H. is authority for the statement that there is more business done in Medford in one day than in Crescent City in a week. Yon and Yonr Grandfathe r Are removed from each other by a span of many years. He traveled in a slow going stage-coach while you take the lightning express or the electric car. When he was sick he was treated by old fashioned methods and given old fashioned medicines, but you demand modern ideas in medicine a well as in every thing else. Hood's Sarsararilla is the medicine of today. It is prepared by modern methods and to its prepara tion are brought the skill and know ledge of modern sclonC3, Hood's Sar saparilla acts promptly upon the blood and by making pure, rich blood it cures disease and establishes good heaUh. Town Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given that upon presentation at my office, any nnd all warrants of the town of Medford, pro tested on or before the 1st day of Ap-il 1!)2, by the town treasurer, wi'l bo paid, together with interest; and said warr.nt3 will cease to draw interest on and after th date of this notice. Dated Medford,' Ore., August 7, 1396. Chas. Strang, Treasurer Town of Modford. County Commissioners' Court. Commissioners court for August term. Journal of July term read, cor rected and approved. H. C. Messinger's bill for $10.04 was continued until September. J. R. Neil was disallowed $13.33i on his claim of $1(5.66 for balance of coun ty ludce's salary for July. Chris Ulrich was disallowed $2.50 on his account of $7.75 for repairs on court honse. G. Elksnat was disallowed $4 on his bill of $16.20 for surveyors per dlom and mileage. In the matter of county road peti tioned for by H. L. Hill et al, road ordered established. Thomas Pankey was appointed con stable of Table Rock district. All claims from justice courts for costs in criminal cases and filed herein, are continued until September term of court. A special county fund was created and the county treasurer directed and reouired to hold and place in said fund $87 collected from S. F. Morine and $60 collected from Prim & Son, making a total of SI 47. Chas Nickell is allowed his claim of $10.35 for blanks and printing for the county, but further ordered that the clerk draw no order on the treasurer for said allowance but that the said amount stand as a credit on the delin quent taxes which said Nickell owes the county for the year 1893. In the matter of the county road pe titioned for by J. L. Wigle etal;G. Elksnat appointed surveyor and W. II. Meeker, Dillon Hill and J. A. Whit man appointed viewers to meet August 29th and qualify. In the matter of the establishment of a new voting precinct at Prospect; matter continued until the January term of court. In tho matter of the report of sheriff and treasurer; report showing that $1212 78 in taxes belonging to the coun ty fund had been collected by the sher iff and paid over to the treasurer from July 6 to July 31, which report is ex amined and approved. In the matter of the monthly report of G P Llndley, county treasurer; monthly statement showing the num ber and amount of county warrants re deemed by him, cancelled and returned to the county clerk during the month of July, l&HJ. Report examined and approved. In the matter of the monthly report Geo A Jackson, county treasurer; re port examined and approved. In the matter of the monthly state ment of W E Anderson, county re corder showing a total of $83 OS col lected by biro from July 6 to July 31, inclusive. Report examined and ap proved. Report ot Emil DeRoboam showing the names of 16 patients In attendance at the hospital during the month of July; approved. .. "In the matter of the petition for county bridge at Flounce Hock grade: ordered that tho petitioners be invited to inform the court al the September term thereof what thoy will contribute toward meeting the expenses of build ing said bridge. Ordered that Mrs. K Fleming, of Climax, and Mrs. C I Courtney, of Medford, be placed on the indigent list and each allowed $6 per month here after. Ordered that Mrs E G Gale be paid an allowance of $6 per month hereafter. II Klippel was granted until Oct. 5. 1SD6, to con pi etc the assessment of Jackson county. Ordered that all the one and two cent stamp received from the county clerk and recorder by the treasurer be placed in the special county funds as so much cash. Ordered tbat a warrant be drawn on the special county fund for $25 payable to the order of the county judge for the purchase of postage stamps for the use of the offices. Ordered that the county clerk adver tise for sealed proposals to do the news paper advertising of Jacksnq, county for one year, commencing September 15, 185)6. bids to be filed by September 9. all bids accompanied by a bond of $500. Clerk ordered to advertiso for sealed proposals to furnish Jackson county with 50 cords of body black ouk wood, four feet in length, of good quality and perfectly sound, to be delivered at the court house. Sealed bids will be re ceived for any amount not less thai! five cords, the same to bo filed witb the clerk on or before Tuesday, September 6, 1S96, and accompanied by a bond for the delivery or the same on or before October 1, 1806. Frank Lewis was appointed constable of Engle Point district. Adjourned sino die, bills allowed. A A Whtteman. tor brldpe material K 75 liltton s Ballonion, for stationery H S7 W E Anderson, salary for July lit H Chris Ulrich, tor material and work on court house .' S2f O H Hasklns, stationery 14 90 O II Haskins, for medicine furnished the Courtney family . ... 14 XI Q H Hoskins. for medicine for Howell.... 1 35 Anele A Plymalc, merchandise furnished the Brown family indigents 91 85 John Watkins, ferryman's sal'ry for July 14 SO tieo A Jackson, clerk's salary 0 Owen Keegan, balance on janitor's sal'ry for court houte 1100 Josephine county allowed reimburse ments for caring for J C McFearson. a subject of this county 2 00 Kinney A provost, tor natls furnished road dint No 33 1 94 C C Kelsoo, for pitch furnished oounty .. S 00 U Klksnat, allowed for surveyors perdlem and mileage on rood petitioned for by H L Hill etal 12 60 8 A Carlton, as viewer on same road 7 60 J C Hannah, as Tiewer, same 6 09 Jas Drum, for coal oil ISO Km II DeKoboam for keeping Mrs Lath- rop and family the month of July .. 12 00 Hugh KUlott, for repairing court bouse door ,. J 76 Anson Ford, janitor's salary from Jul IS to Slst inolusive 17 10 Smith Bros, for lumber 4 M The town or Jackaonriilo allowed Its claim ot $100 partial payment of cost of cistern at corner of co'irt house square J E Miller, for reimbursements for doa ble nssessmunt for year 1H95 Henry Klippel allowed his claim being partial payments of his per diem, as county assessor 80 00 A S Barnes; sherlrrs salary 333 S3 W H liraushnw, commissioner and per diem for August term of court 16 00 Martin Porrv same VI SO Wm 8 Crowell, county judge's salary.... 84 00 Indigent allowance J H Whitcman, for keeping Mrs Robinson 10 00 Ella Handles, for herself 10 00 Mrs S A Uuker, for Mrs Morgan 10 Oil John Abbott, for two Noil children 5 00 Julia Cabler, for Albert Nell, a cripple... 6 00 Mrs Anna Jordon. for Jordou family 10 Oil Harriot Johnson, for self 8 10 Mrs K fMinie, for self rt 00 MrsSM Koot, for self 10 00 Mrs Rhoilu Miller, for self L Wateituan, lor Minnie Kesslcr.. 10 00 S 00 For Sale. Store on D street. Price $1000. In quire of L. II. Lyon, Waddingtou, N. Y. THEIR OWN NUTCRACKERS. Busy Birds Which Von May See Id tbe Woods This Month. Perhaps you would like to hear of a curious little bird. Go out into the woods in January or February any time and you may 6ee him. lie is about six inches long;. He wears a black cap, a grayish blue coat and a dirty white shirt front. He runs up and down the tree trunks, searching diligently for little insects who think they have hid den themselves safely away in some little eruek in the bark, says the New York World. He is a quiet little fellow, having no song. The only noise he makes is a harsh call, which sounds like the word "quank!" This bird is called the nut hatch, because he is fond of nuts, crack ing them open and euting the kernels. You may see one of them take an acorn as big as his head, and fixing it in some crevice in the tree pound away upon it witb his little bill until it breaks open and rewards the little worker with a meal. These birds are also expert gymnasts. They will run op a tree, going swiftly round and round it all the way up. Then quickly turning about they will come down the trunk head first in the same fashion, stoppibg now and then to snap up some little bug or worm which has ventured out to see what the weather is. Country boys sometimes speak of these birds as "little devil down heads." But this is longer and not so pretty as the nuthatch. A Small Custodian. It would be hard to surpass the gentle huuior of the following primary school ma'am's story: "Maggie came into school after recess recently, '.hewing vigorously," she began. "1 thought that perhaps she was iiui.shingan apple or a piece of candy, so did not say any thing to her. I huppencd to look in Maggie's direction about half an hour ttfterwnrd and noticed that the masti cating process was going on ns hard as ever. Of course. I immediately jumped at the conclusion that she was chewing that children's delight and teacher's horror gum. I called Mag gie up to my desk and accused her of chewing gum. She denied it at once. She stopped chewing, but had had no time to remove the gum. for I watched her closely as she came to my desk from her seat. I talked rather sharply to her, and ahe finally broke down and be gan to cry. I waa only minding it for Katie Jones,' she sobbed." Portland (Me.) Express. 8100 Be ward, $100. The readers of th Is paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure to all its slaves and that Is catarrh. Hall s Catarrh Cure Is tbe only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a coLstiia tlonal disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cur i taken internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous sur frrea of tbe system, thereby destroying the foundation -f tbe dlseaie. and giving tbe palienl strength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature in doing lis work. Tbe proprietors have so much faith In Its cura tive posers, that they offer one hundred dol lars reward for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list ot testimonials. Address P. J. CHBKKV A Co.. Toledo. O. Sold by druggists, T5c. Hood's Family Pills are the beat. PUKEX.T VEGETABLE. TW Oinym. Pmiw aad Bex Faauly Mdt tiM m tb wwid I Am Errar-rvai Srarmc (or all diiriiw al lb Lmr, Sromacfe sad SpWen. - Rcgsba lb lira aad prcM CmilU ass Fmra, Malaki ovs - KrrwL, ttows. COMIXAIMTS. Resitx KEU. jAt-MtMCB AXD UAD n HEATH ! Noth ng a a URpleARt. aochisg to rommoo, u bad breath; &nd ia nearly erery case tt comes fmra the stomach, and can be vo cavW corrected if ou will take MMMOMa I jvrj krr.t'i vros. Do not neglect o aure a remedy fur liT., repuluee disorder. It will also irapiovc youf appetite, cum plemien and general health. How many wflrr tvrtu-e day af er dav. making life a b-riien and rolbinc. cciuenc-e of all picayune, owinr. to tlie etret iifiet.-.g fcusn l'ik-v Yet relief a ready to the hand of limoM any one who wi.l uw? lyttemati Cilly the rcaietiy that la vermauently cured inoo tamts. Siuuiimi I iva Krr.rt.ATon is no drastic, violent (-urge, bat a getitic stant to nature. CONSTIPATION SHOt'I.D not be regarded a a trilling ailment in tatt, nature c!ceino the utmoM regular ty of the bowels, and any deviation from this demand pave the way often to serious danger. It is quite as accessary to remove Impure accumulations from tbe bowels as it is to eat or sleep, and no health can be expected where a costive habit of body prevails. KICK HEAIACHE! This distressing affliction occurs most frequently. The disturbance of the stomach, arising from the imperfectly digested contents, causes a severe pain in the head, accompanied with disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes what is popularly known as Sick Headache, for the relief of which lAKi btstuoKS Livaa Kecvlatos o Mrmcixs. MAMt-FACTt aCD ONIT SV J. H. ZEIIJN CO., PhiladclJiia. fa. DROP INTO THE" ....CRATER And catch a breeze from the little fan. The Crater is hoadquarters for cool and refreshing summer drinks. Agent for Siskiyou Min eral water, nature's own hovernge. Families supplied at SI. 50 per case ofSOboUlos. There's no flics on us when tho fan runs. D. I. Waldroop, Prop'r. Highest of all in Leavening TAXES. . In Prussia incomes above $100 a yev are taxed, and even then a good many are exempt. A tax on theater tickets has worked well in Russia, producing a million rubles, at a slight expense for collec tion. The Journal des Economistes ciphers out that France pays tlS0.000.0O0a year in import duties on wheat. But France is a great nation and keeps aa army! A favorite method of municipal taxation in France is the octroi, or tax on food and supplies brought into the city. In Paris .one-third of the taxes are raised in this way, which accounts or the high prices charged for food in t hat city. Tun income tax in Great Britain lias varied all the way from 14 pence in the Hiiind in the Crimean war to 2 pence in lb" I. It stands more recently at 0 pence, nr 3l per cent, on incomes over $750 a year. That lets out all workingmen in England. It wouldn't here. Why the Beggar Was Insnlted. ' A traveler relates a story illustrative of life in SMtin. Aligltl mg at the door of on inn. a luan exK inletl his hand, nnd, naturally MippoMtig Jiini to be a lorter. the traveler offered him his vnlise, says (ioltten Days. The man stepped back, tossed Ins bead and frowned scornfully. "Ito you take me for a porter?" he demanded.. "I would hove you understand that I am no jiorter." "Indeed!" soid the traveler, apologetically. "Then, may I ask, senor, what you are?" I am a beg gar, air, and asked you for alms!" The Leading Photographer of Medford and Rogue River Valley Will continue to give one large portrait with each one dozen cabinets during the month of August. The if.rge portrait is worth $2.50, but during tbe month of Autrust I will give one life size photo and one dozen cabinets for $3.00 Don't miss this great opportunity .... H. C. MACKEY. Medford, Oregon 1 V A 425 REFRIGERATOR .... Is a desirable addition to the furniture of any household and I hare in stock th6 best article in this line ever shown in Medford A NEW LINE OF HAMMOCKS ... Just in alao new t 2 latest patterns. My stock of furniture, carpets, etc., is, as in the past, second to none in Southern Oregon I. A. WEBB, fledford, THE VERY BEST OF BRICK AND MASON S. CHILDERS, 90NTRA0T0B I manufacture a splendid article ol Brick see samples everywhere about the citv Yard one block north of Brewery. Residence north C street, Medford, Oregon. Oriental Iir.ety Stables W. T. CRANE, Proprietor We are now locoted n our new brick stable, on North D street, and are better prepared than ever to accomodate the traveling public. Our rigs are all new and first-class; our horses are good roadsters and perfectly gentle.... tip Commercial men, hunting parties and tourists given special attention. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed... rsn- I Am Now in New Quarters And am better prepared than ever to furnish my patrons with what they need in the line of Harness and Saddleiy tm-j My stock is up to date, my work guaranteed. Repairing neatly and promptly executed J, W. Li A WTO N AlpPgHsLHl00' -Mfl'isgsp 1L c ONTRACTOR JOBBING OF All work guaranteed first-class. nil kind of work Hills of LUMNEU ot all kinds tilled on short notice. Sasn, Doors and Mill wortc ot aj Kinds any tniiu' In the shape ot wcod work can be bad ou snort notice. Medford, Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report A party or young people sat on the porch one evening la-st summer and Miiused themselves by trying to kill a dragon-fly that was darting about in the air. It. made frequent swoops in tbe vicinity of their heads, when they all made a great ado, as though some ven omous creature were after them. The dragon-fly is in reality a most useful creature, and where it abounds mos quitoes and flies are relentlessly pur sued. It would be a good idea If these friendly helpers could be domesticated,, for when one can capture a dragon-fly and offer him a common house-fly he seizes it with the utmost greediness and devours it in an 'instant:'- The lady bird is often killed by those who are not -aware hat a voracious devourer of in sects it is. The lady-bird industriously hunts for the eggs and young of insecte hat live on the under side of leaves. TflYliES, ... THE All kinds of boot and shoe repairing at the old stand at the lowest rates for fine work and best material See foot-prints on the side walk 7th street, Medford.... assortment of wall paper the very M Oregon .... WORK. BUILD! 3 eta -E3 and T3UILDER. ALL KINDS. Plans and estimates furnished or either brick or wood. Orefon Foot Fitter f