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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1910)
PAGETWQ Come to Beautiful Opera House Block Tru-Frult Chocolates. No imitation flavors. .... . W do all kinds of furniture and carpet work, unaolstering and vac uum hoaM classing. Call I L. Ball tasw, plumes Bed-883 and Red-ill. Massifiedt f, : Advertising i WANTED Position by man and wife aa cook, wife as holpor, Camp preferred. Inquiry Observer. FOR KENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire Clinton Van Fleet, Golden Rule. FOR SALE OR RENT House and lot, one acre of ground, 75 fruit trees, even room house, and new barn in city limits of Cove. Inquire at Cow bank. . ' , LOST Sunday, morning In postof fice several opened letters addressed to W. RV Klvette, including invoices, way bills and checks. Return to Ob server office. WANTED . 500 Ladies ; and Gentlemen To call and look over our line of Holiday, Goods, we hare the , b6t assortments of Christmas presents In the city, never be fore has this store carried such a largo up-to-date stock. We have alone orer half a ton of Candy. Here you'll find gifts of every day utility gifts that are worth while i Hand Painted China, Cut Glass, Leather Goods, Manicure Sets, Fountain Pens, Books, ' Stationery, Toilet Sets, and Sundries too numerous to mention. Call early while the getting Is good. Wright Drug Compriy Both Phonos. W 1.' n 1 OUltry UUPPIIGS Sold By Wafer - W00 , HAY, blED, FLOUR LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER,' limn j . our store and see! China and Silver Premiums for all Gash Purchases, of $5.00 .1 Ji iliCd WHY COFFEE GOES UP BRAZIL'S TALORIZATIOX RCHFlTE IS BEHIND IT. Oregon Merchants' Magazine Throws ' Light on Problem. . At this particular time when coffee is on the Increase, La Grande dealers and consumers alike are much inter ested in the reason. A. H. Devers, a well known coffee man explains it in the current issue of the Oregon Merchants' Journal Just received here: l1 A A i ! r'l i'1n1 i .Que.; Holiday . Eatable Cranberries Celery Navel Oranges Bananas Figs Phone us your order and you will not be disappointed Snodgrass Grocery iuw id inc. - uivi& iu j j Look After That Eve Trough f i I I III. I I IU a F Rainy weather will set in soon. We have plumbing fixtures of all kinds. Csia and sec " vz r' BAY 6 U KCK ANH Wown office Main 720 ri,tt'Vlv mL' Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE e.lbussey WE ARB PREPARED TO FURNISH GRANULATED BONE. OYSTER SHELL GRIT,. SCRATCH FOOD, PROTEIN A, FLAX SEED MEAL, AL- FALFA MEAL, POWDERS AND TONICS IN ANY QUANTITY AT RIGHT PRICES. Sfanchfed Produce Co. Every section in complete readiness to for PEOP , .... .... Store Open Evenings This Week . Did you ever hear of 'such a crazy scheme What would you say if Uncle Sam were to buy up the surplus wheat in the United States In order to boost work because the stuff will always hang over the market and depress it and everybody will know that it's there. Such, and a hundred and one other expressions were common talk when four or five years ago the state of Sao Paulo launched this scheme for the to called "valorization" of coffee. It Was a rather peculiar affair con sidered from the standpoint of the An-glo-Saxon but at the same time the Brazilians had it figured but correct ly and this year with the aid of a short n i i m-iirTi Ajftnilmfri rfti -i ,0, .1. . am Sweet Potatoes Cauliflower Hot House Lettuce Cccoanuts Dates ZWE1FEL Main 70 Ind. 121 1425 Jefferson Avenue rroffir WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1910. crop, and by reason of the coffee stor- I ed away whkh cannot be sold, prices i have been considerably advanced and , , . . . .. . now speculators have taken hold and , mivMuceu tnem more and confidently count on advancing them much furth er still. Within the memory of the writer there have been three heavy advances in coffee in the last thirty years. Each time coffee went up from eight to ten to eighteen cents a id as high as twenty-two cents and each' time it was confidently stated that that coffee could not be shoved up to such prices. Just the same it did go up and stayed up for a year or two each time and left coffee on a oer- mamently higher level for a number of years afterward. The Idea of the valorization scheme in Brazil was to put coffee on a permanently higher level because the growers in that state were bankrupt and unable to pay their taxes and something had to be done for them. There is no question that the statistical position' of the coffee market is In such shape that prices can be held up and unless there should be an enormous crop next year there Is no probability of a serious decline. It is this that the retail grocers of the country are interested In. Coffees have been on a low level for eighteen years about. The consumer has been accustomed to paying 25 cents per pound for a fairly good coffee for fifteen years or more and if the roas ter is to make any money on his cof fees, and the grocer in turn any pro fit, this price must be advanced or ev erybody who handles coffee must ban- oe some wno will cut prices and no amount of organization or regulation will prevent this but with an advance in green coffee or at least 5 cents per pound on the average, which means 6 cents per pound on roasted goods, the roaster will eventually have to raise his prices to where they belong on the market and the retailer will have to do the same and the quicker it Is done the better for all concerned because the general public being well advised knows of the advance and now Is the time to put up the price where it belongs. i Desirlus of Curing the Drlng Habit! We are honestly desirous- of cur ing all who are addicted to drink, and if you are interested In any one needing Orrlne we Invite you to write us. Our correspondence is confiden tial and our replies are sent In plain sealed envelopes. Orrlne No. 1 is the secet treatment and No. 2, for thoso who wish the voluntary treatment. $1 per box. W,rlte for free booklet on "How to Cure Drunkenness." The Orrlne Co. 274 Orrine Building, Washington, D. C. The leading drug gists endorse Orrine. Sold in this city by Silrerthorne's Family Drug store. Dec. 19, 21. 23. A Simple Safeguard for Mothers. Mrs. D. Gllkerson, 328 Ingles, Ave., Youngstown, Ohio, gained wisdom by experience. "My little girl had a se vere cold and coughed almost con tinuously. My sister recommended Fo ley's Honey and Tar. The first dose I gave her relieved the Inflamation in her throat and after using one bot tle her throat and lungs were entirely I free from Inflamation. Since then I I always keep a bottle of Foley's Hon- ey and Tar in the house as I know it Is a sure cure for coughs and colds." Hills Drug Store. vijvwj nuv ucuiuicd tuuet) luUSb nan- " . i a aig oaiiu die It without profit. There will always theM aLrea Plante troes at the " ... "WttJ""same price you would h enmnAii! assist you in your buying!! n EverT family has need of good, reliable liniment For sprr.ims bruise soreneej of the T"1" nd ,Jn,ntio, pains there Is none better than Chamberlain's. Sold by h ji. . Ladie3 and Gents Shoe Shine Parlors , ; "TOM, THE BOOTBLACK HAS MOVED to 1 1 18 Adams Ave., where he will serve all custom ers, new and old Purchase an Acre Lot la GBA5D VIEW ADDITION. This most sightly Addition Is sit uated at the intersection of the Ma cadam Road and the road leading to South La Grande. We are beautify ing It by planting each lot to the choicest varieties of fruit trees. The soil is the best Good drainage and 'same price you would bo compelled 10 pay ror a email building lot and our terms are more liberal. Our price is $500.00 per lot Our Urms are $50 down and tin nn nr mnntH with no Interest and no taxes. We also agree to look carefully after tin trees during the contract period. Can VOll not MM vnnr tnnnav nvw n an Investment like this. Give us an opportunity to explain this magnificent investment in detail, by cutting out and mailing .the en closed coupon. v ;- v ; ; - .....1910. La Grande Investment Co., La Grarde, Oregon. Please mall me full particulars re garding Grand View Addition, with out any obligation on my part We Clean, Press, Repair and Make Clothes HATS BLOCKED. THE WARDROBE 1118 Adams Ave,Tel. Main 73S BERT THOMAS I ....... I i I ' ' """"" 1 1 ."""".'.'"""') '' f Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires : LA GRANDE IRON WORKS ) D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor ": COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY o 4 ? 7 f t 00 or over La Grande Ore. For Quick Messenripr Ser vice t Call Main 2t or Ind. H32i Mrs.RobertPatiisoa agent for GOSSARD CORSETS PRICES $3.50 and Up PHONE Black 8 Igor Black 1481 The Up-Building of This Ban!: f Is duo to tae fact that, we have ample capital and that we iave adhered to a volley wnin has been conservative, yet alo progressive lines. We offer to our customers modern facilities for the prompt and proper tran saction of their financial affairs; ample vault and safe room for Storing and safeguarding of their moaey, ( notes, Insurance policies and ether valuable pap - ers and sue liberality of treat ment aa la consistent with pru dent banking-! ;' ' - . . . YOUR account la cordially soll cited. '...vf: .- ,' f The Urited States I National Bank, X LA GRANDE, OREGON to Please You OWE US A TRIAL.