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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1910)
C c s - - ; ... A J. J ' ' ' i I ' i ' III- " 1 r " ' - t ' : ' 'W. X- W 'Jii ; ,! : ' '.':! P il I Hi H H ii " ; r ;':'--V ' . .': V "v V -vV ) V-. y '',!;' i 1 M : ' . : la Li Li . Vyi. Li iJ Kt-'J'k Vv- M v. M j M 1 ' ' M . : . - .. , - j .. .. Li u. Ml KM M ,;-'rsJI 1 IK ,. ' i ii S1RK SCEfJE OF DISASTER jure is lie ' ChJcigo, Dec, 22-Thlrtj firemen were tilled early today In the destmc. tlon of" the warehouse of the Aelson. Horrlg company at the stockyards, through tKe explosion of an ammonia tant, caused by a fire. Seren charred bodies were recorered up to 9 o'clock this morning', when the rewue was limnuuuru vn account of a tenCTraT of the fire. At noon nearly half of the Chicago fire department was fighting tht fire. Among1 the dead are belleTed to' be seTeral commanding officers of me oepanmeni lacindlng Fire Mar shals Horan, Burrows and lieutenant Fitzgerald. The body of Captain Col 11ns has been recotered. l Chicago, Dec. 22 Men were work ing Inside the building when the .tan:: exploded. The roof -was blown Into the air and men 'crushed beneath. Three were outside and' escaped the force of concussion but were over- . come by the fumes of the warehouse, a four story building. ' - H f . Not a wall .Is left standing. iVoc cupled a block. j - ' Tallow House Afire, Shortly 'afternoon . all the depart ments were out and the great tallow house occupying a full block caught fire; The stock yards are threatened unless the wind abates. ; The Are , started inside the storage room. The loss is already over ($500,000. Burning Meat Sickens Fighters. ai iu o-ciocK tne third alarm r was 'sounded and ten . new companies "were called out ; .". During the morning the beef house wM consumea. The stench of tons of meat sickened the firemen and a num. her were overcome! When the tallow ncuse was Ignited a general alarm brought out , the entire , department uieui siores lurned the fire Into a Tolcano. Thousands, of spectators gathered but were driven back by the ponce who feared another exnlnsinn Among the missing In the fire and believed to be dead are Captain Fuchs na Lieutenant Reean and seren nth tT members of the engine company o. . ueutenant Dennis and two oth ers of Engine Company No. 39. Lieut Berkery ano; eight other, of engine company No. 69 and two of company No. 17 and one of No. 24. . The bodies of Plpeman Wm. Web ber, steppe Lane, employes of the Grand Trunk railroad were recovered this afternoon. Three lab6rers known to have been In the plant are miss ing. .' . ' - TLa tieaa so far' uruttmtin. i-r: Barroughs, Horan. Capt Collins, Capl ia.u iwyie, ueutenant BJtzgerald. Lt. airum, iruckman, Crane, Plpeman George Mauwskl The fire was brought u.mcr control tms afternoon. - Ten iuu.e were recovered. The tallow nouse nre Is extinguished.' Thw men are now recovering bodies who were caught, when the wooden canopy and watiB couapBea. ' . v o o o o o o o o o ooooo o O CHI'S 1311 OEstlmated running eipenses for 1911 J , . .120000 00 Estimated income for 1911 ' ' . ' 'f0,00 V ptim- ' 19,000.00 y Estuna e, amount tQ b& for running expenses '11$ i 000 00 O Interest on all bonds, 1911 v i.wu.oo O Beaver Creek sinking fund for'im""'"7'" ' "f ,C O To retire warranted Indebtedness' ,' 7 OOne-half mill tax to meet state law Z t"7' mM e iawrorvIty park fund ..; 1,400.00 .General timA -..3 miiia - Speciaf fund: Bond Interest Sinking fund Park fund " t i o 1. ilil n V ....6 mijlls s. .. .. 3 mills ..1-2 mill . f.y(r "i y-. Total levy for 1911 . O K mill. ooo o o oooo oroo o o o o o 0 o o o o TO OE OF I mill nnm . . . NIIUIMIIlOLOHSTCiri IIS-- nCEHDI IIIOUGIIT I OIIO rAa. ' - ' ' vwttnstanoing that the rutanln. law. h. ,1. ' -' epenses f th. ...... m4 1 x tne mainte w, . .. 1... :" na mis . uea oonaing Interests to pay EIGHTY 1W0II iRo? the tax levy remains as it waa last year. An ordinance providing for the necessary 13 mill tax waa passed last night by the council. . : . One feature of the W i. i values, in compliance with the state , - -. V U 1 u A m An n trtii v . . ' . , uw nppiiea to tne Rtver- slde project to aid In what has already been done to beautify the place there. The estimations of running expenses uu inner uems were made by the fin ance committee of the WnHt p a careful Investigation of all probable cijieuseB 10 msue. I YEiRS '0RTIIEItX IDAHO MIXES SHOW TAST WEALTH EflGtlSlf roil Bunker H1U and SulUrau JlJneg Have : Produced Great Sums. J. Manchester,; Eng.';' Dec." 22-The to tal of 345 ' are dead if the Pretoria mine as tfee result of yesterday'! ex plosion, was the estimate elvfin h,t today by the mine officials today.- Res- MEW OCEflRI TRIP BE REACRED t ACCUSED AJiD F0U3TD GCILTT OF . Ox GERMAN FORTS. ?e ,Tflke Punishment Heroically "aiming to Be Martyrs for nome. j, UlV, Germany, Dec. 12Captain Bernard Trench and Lieutenant Vlv a Brandon, English army officers, WCOnv,cted of BPyWS oa Germa'n oniflcatlons at Bogrun and were sen- t; vea lo rour years Imprisonment by "6 COUrt 1ipp fm.- m.ti-i. "nniitted they had taken sketches of coun of the Dovertv of the nennln "We are not afraid of competition with the Canadian mines. The condi tions under which the lead properties are Derated In the Dominion nr similar to our own, and there' is small objection . to reciprocity with Canada in ieaa ana ieaa proaucts. "But for the tariff uncertainty the lead market would be In a much stron ger position than that which obtains tt fortlfl i f! i ror.. copper, principally because no the w . u iivujS 6icu large lead producers have been 4e- "Ketches to British officials. vel6Ded tne' rnlted States for vr . .. v wnne enormous aeposita or copper ore, tne product of which can be mar bpokane, . Wash., Dec. 22--Witv ... . O-vj inuuon aouars' worth of lead and ail ver nas been taken tmm -nrnj Hill in the Coeur d'Alene district in northern Idaho. 128 mlfea here, since the beginning of systema iic aeveioDment, work, irmrmr - " -www IU Stanley A. Eaton, manaeer nf th tunaer Hill and Sullivan mjtne, who made the statement In SDokan tnAav ine gross output of the district, fmm 1883 to date, Is estimated at more than 1210,000,000, with net profits of be tween $41,000,000 and $42,000,000. The district ranks first in the United States in the output of lead, the Missouri-Kansas belt being: second. FJtAh tnird ana Colorado fourth. "The only dlscourajflna: feature .of tne mining situation at Dresent la the depression in the lead market,"aaid Mr. Eaton. "And this Is due anlMv tn the uncertainty about the tariff. Much of the lead now being produced In the United States Is mined at a small nro. . ... uiouuii reponea by wireles in. fit This is especially true of the Mis- day that she was speeding toward sour! mines. It is out of the onestlon n - ..v...... , K wara ")n" , ..... . " 1 vo vu a BuucuuiQ m an effort to brARk ror American lead mines to compete th with too of Spain. wMch produce doa 1 ul preeent rate ahe will reach Fish Yard with little or no consumption on ac- at 10 tonight Just ew 1, cuers are searching for any survivors within the fuming shaft but were halt ed within eighty feet of the mine's cen ter today on account of gases. Officials ay there is no hope for miners to be alive. -; , y .. v.. ,7 .... IINEE MAURETAM1 , BREAK ALL RECORDS. TO Eeturn Trip Across Atlantic WIH be naae in About Eleven Dajs. London, Dec. 22 The In am mauretania reported by wireless to - - fourteen hours and since' her trip began. seven mlnutea Philadelphia. Dec. 22 Sixteen firemen are dead and six are missing four ixilicemen are dead and Ave' are missing and twenty-four injured fire men and police are In the hospitals with a likelihood that several will die and half a dozen bodies are In th w COVerAtl rnln w. .. . . .. - . I laofh.. rt i ... iatiurj, witn exhausted flro fighters who are fighting Ice and fire to reach them, t That is the, summary today of Phila delphia's fire which started last night and-atlll is burning. It is suspected the fire is of incendiary origin. It is so cpld that the hose was wrapped in blankets to keep it from freezing. The bodies of eleven firemen - were taken from beneath the wreckage of iOlEIEOSOE Lopiisr the south wall which fell on them. The bodies of nine policemen were taken from Ure debris of the fallen north wall. A cursory examination by the coroner shows tha building wns fired from several places simultaneously. 1 , : Take Darn ki Raii '""M 3:30 thbmornnV thnamttS shell of the building collapsed, and added tons of debris over the bodies. The entire department la aided by city employes and began work of uncover ing bodiea. It will probably be several days before all are recovered. The Jlst of known dead are: FJrfimen, Robert Stewart,. Charles Hill, Wm. Hoffman, Fed Calberth, Fraak Carroll, Howard Bartilett. Chas. RiJelman, Harry Bartlett, Kilpatrlo Ebrichmayer, John Collins, . Thomas 1 Entwiatle, Charles McConnell, George Macblnieky; two unldentifled; Police man Landley. ; Two more bodies were reebvord from the fire ruins this afternoon. BILL DIST IUBUTISG THE R.EPRES. TAT1VES WILL PASS SOOX. . ' ' .-.. , . -.. . . ;. ; . v::'' ' 0 SENSATIONAL ETIDEXCE IV. TRODUCED BY EITHER SIDE, Defense ResU With Telling Story of ine defendant Himself. Without lntroduclna- enidnn.a Than VH . 1. ( t mat wuica me flefense hum if Bill Is Belngrreimred for Passage at V This Session of Congress. Washington, Dec 22 Passa ,f law fixing the basis of representation in the house Is practlcallv certain this session of conaress. acenrdin tn Chairman Crumpacker of the house committee on census todav. H nA his committee la preparing a bill bas ed on the new census that would place the number of congressmen at 400. Crumpacker and Clark conferred loni over the prbposed measure. SEW TIMES CLUE. Two Men Arrested on Suspicion of uynanuung. Oakland, Decl 22 A new nd unex pected angle of the Times dynamiting case developed today when it became known two man vu nn' j umi aiicBti and In the Oakland Jail In onnectinn i with the explosion. Detectives won't I ; discuss the cse. The prisoners aref nam 10 09 Lawrence CookTand John uwier wno were arrested yesterday. V WANT FIRE PROTECTION. DEPOiSED KING TO TIUTEL. Manuel Will Eventually Tlslt the Un. Hed States. " London, - Dec. 22 The : deposed King ot.Portugal, .Manual, aftfru at tending, lectures at Oxford wil'l bir the world, It was learned today. He will not attempt to take a degree but after a course of Instruction will visit Australia, . Africa, Canada, United ' States and the far east It is said he belielves 'he. will finally regain hia throne and his present plan la to equip htowelf for such a contingency. Hundreds Die la China. Victoria, Dec. 22 A heaw i. r life by floods the Anhui province of China, offl ine two and one hair mmfnn following the flooding of crops is re ported by passengers who arrived from the Orient today. Already a hundreds , are dead from starvation ' ' rnd more are dying daily and it la predicted a 'thousand died this win ter. The floods likewise caused a" tre mendous loss of life. ' Efforts are being made to form a re lief committee. King on Holiday VWL London, Dec. 22 TCinir n,r o " ov W flay went to San Drlgham palace for me cnristmas holidays. . . . vmjlu is t j . mmmm case and this practically pre dei an appeal. The prisoners were n and said they were willing to er for their country: V PRESENTS TOTAL 90 MILLION. Burean of StatUUcij Calculates What V Presents Cost This Tear. Washington. Dec. 22 It was esti mated today by Victor Olmstead, the chief of the bureau of statistics that the Christmas "giTing germ" cost the American peooi6 nine million this year. Not more than half the people 6'"5 presents costlnsr mnn He said a vast number are not giving wu.uer iriai went to the inn thi evening about 4 o'clock and the fate of the unknown man the man who iiyea nowhere and claim, fMn. . - '-""' wm boou be determined. The state rested last. evening anit th nas put on but the one witness, the ueienaant Wmself. Most of today was consumed In arguments to the Jury na ai a snort time before the clos ing hours of court for the Judge had given his final instructions a ii. wj me jury. . : The state completed its case without attempting to present other evidence than that which it said it would. -"v - uuse iney naven't the money to as eight cents a pound, have been op- purchase. U is estimated children av erted up recently.", .; - ; erage an expedlture of fifty cents. Italy and Turkey In Trouble. London, Dec. 22 The Pall Mall Ga- eette today DTGS fill til All Visttivtt j y - v vvUill. ML the embarking of .'an-Italian army corps for Tripoli as a result of the strained relations between Italy and Turkey. pronrlatlon for ThU I'nrM.. Washington, . Dec. 22 President Taft Is urged to secure an increase In foresfservice appropriation sufficient a a w insure protection from fires, In a resolution adopted today by the Con servation Association representing Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and California. - , " .... ) '' ' INJUNCTION MODIFIED. ; Judge Knowles Rules on Injunction ixisung at Joseph. . That the City of Josenh run una oil r HI the water in Wallowa river over 60 second Inches, which must be released for the present water fomnnnv u modlfkation of a standing Injunction granted by Judge Knowlea In the water litigation at Josenh -whlrn h. been an Jmportant case in circuit and supreme court. The Injunction was modJfd to read aa stated. PEACE DOVE HAS APPEARED II STBIKE RAILROAD MAWlCFia 1 GINEERS ARE NOT BLUFFING. Peace Negotiations are Said to be Un. orr nay This Afternoon. , "Chicago. Dec - 22 a ian rerence between Commlulnn,. m and representatives of the locomotive uieers . toaay Is regarded as fore shadowing a peaceable aettlement of the threatened strike. It Is believed the railroad managers have conclud ed the englneera' are not bluffing In regard to the strike and have granted more concessions. What they were la unknown.