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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1910)
PAGE SIX LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVES FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1910. 11 w u uUull lvLJ 11 NkU V V vki'ij N LJLu LI J LI LHJj vvyfl ; ILJ) BOOT YOU BELIEVE jut. .New The Fred A. Jacobs Co. successor to the Jacobs-Stine Company, largest Realty Operators; on the Pacific Coast pays you 5 PER CENT INTEREST on all the money you pay on an "Enrol Heights" lot in three years. They grade the streets put in water, pay the taxes for three years; give absolute guarantee of title and make no charge for that. "ERROL HEIGHTS" is beautifully locat ed, near the "Reed Institute," is view property, and only 20 minutes ride on the street cars from the heart of Portland. In the next two years the growth of this section of Portland will be phenomihal. Here will be located one of the finest educational institutions on the Pacific Coast, and also this section cviU havethe benefit of the best bridge on the Willamette River. Lots $450.00- Monthly payments $8.00. This is the opportunity of a lifetime, See he Fred A. Jacobs Co. Special Representatives, EL Jf and O. B. HAYES,at The Savoy Hotel. Phone Main 713 wni'vviii.iiMiw - - rTti ESSE THIS SPACE TAKEN BY .CO. Odinanre Xo. 4G3, Series 1910. j effect from and after the 6th day oj ' M & M 444444444444444 444444444444444 4 4 4 o 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 t Ten to twenty acres set to apple orchards has made men fortunes We make it possible for every one to own fine apple land in tracts 10 acres up and to pay for same on the easy payment plan, while they last. Write or telephone, 4 4 The Slough Investment Co. Elgin, Oregon I 04444444444444 An ordinance authorizing the May or and Recorder of the City to enter into a contract with G. H. Sutherland Company, for the construction of 870 feet of sewer. THE CITY OF LA GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Mayor and Re corder of the City of La Grande be, and they are hereby authorized to en ter Into a contract with G. H. Suther land Companyvfor the construction of 870 feet of sewer, for a sum not to exceed $2289.00. Section 2. Inasmuch as it Is neces sary and expedient that . this ordi nance go Into effect at once in order that the work of building said sewer be done without delay, now therefore In order to preserve the peace, health and safety of the city, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall be in force and take August, 1910, after Its approval ty the Mayor and its publicaion for ouo issue in the La Grande Evening Ob server. . , Passed the Council on the 3rd day of August, 1910. by, five members vot ing therefor. ' , , Approved this 5th daV of August, 1910. . , F. L. MEYL'RS, Mayor. Attest: D. E. COX, Recorder. . Notice of Street Improvement. '.berlain's Colic, Giolera anil Diar . liemcdy is twlu v t!iu best known med- . .'a use for the relief and cure of bowel u3f..'ainta. It cure -griping, diarrhoea, y7eiitery, and should be taken at the first unnatural looseness of the bowels. It is equal! valuable for children and adults. It always cures. Electrical :: Contracter f One door South of Observer. 1 Fresh 444444444444444 444444444 4444 An Indian can be happy with out a Piano. But who wants to be an Indian? o 4 4 o i'STElNWAY, LUDMG, KERTZmNM, A. B. CHASE C0N0VER Pianos for sole by,. 4 o and Wo 4 4 O 0 4 4 .0 Dates z ; ' 9 ' f. 15c per lb. 2 lbs. for 25c '" Pattison Bros. I Use either Phone To Whom it May Covern: NotI.e is hereby giv- tat l.i i t of a resolution .adopted by Common Council of the City or La Grande, Ore: gon on the 9th day of February, 1910, treating Improvement District No. 16 and designating Sixth street, as such district, and in pursuance of a reso lution adopted by said Common Coun cil on the 27th day of July. 1910. whereby said Council determined and declared its intention to Improve all that portion of Sixth street, in said improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon 5 foot ce ment walk, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement, order that said above described lm- provoTem be made; that the bound aries of said district to be so Im proved are as follows: All that por tion of Sixth street, from the south side of Washington avenue, to the north side of "N" avenue. Notice is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assessment on- all the property affected and benefited by such improvement for the purpose or paying 'or such improvement That A ment is the sum of $1718.90. That the council will on the 17th day of Aug-1 ust. 1910, meet at the council chani ' ber at the hour of 8 o'clock n. m.. o cunslder said estimated and the : , levy of said assessment, when a hear-' 9. jlng will be granted to any person fec' Ing aegrieved by such assessment. j& Grande. Oregon. Aug 3. 1910 CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON f!y U r. CON. Kernrlrr of tbe City t of La Grande, Orcon.- " Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. ' ' t - LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. F.12GERALD. Proprietor Complex Machine ' Shops Foundry The George Palmer wmm CAD RETAIL DEPARTMEN1 We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared tojfurxiish and deliver material, ; promptly. Phone Main 8. ; U Safer than National Bank' 5 Better than U. S. Gold Bonds S umuiN A.UUIN1Y LANDS. i 5 Why invest in foreign cities and wireless stock, whi 5 you have a sure thing at home ? See C. J. BLACK, who has a large list of money makers. 2 444$ty&44444444 44444444444444 Aug. 3-6-S-10-11-12-13-15-16