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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1910)
LA UHANDE EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1IU. PA( I HE ISIS -TDllEffTS FBBGR1U- Ito, the Beggar Boy Vitagraph. A Wireless Romance Edison. Caeaar In Egypt Pathe Save Us from Friends Pathe Song Good bye, Pete, Good bye r'i Beautiful dishes given to lady , patrons of the matinee. See dis play In lobby. -JlMiSSION 10c H. E. Bulse and wife and sister of I Rnmntor urn ctavlner it finnv in. j I v " uvuj '115 otv V ' day. Walter Rynders, Mrs. Rynders and Ella E. Rynders of Hortonvllle, Wis., are staying at the Savoy. Mrs. Pete Thiesen and Children. Miss Hazel and Master "Brother" and Miss Margaret O'Malley of Portland, returned this afternoon from an over night stay at the head of the lake. N. K, West, the merchant, return ed this morning from a business trip to Portland. Mrs. Gardner of Kennewlck, Wn., is In the city today, looking after busi ness matters. ' "Uncle" Jap Stevens Is a Union and Cove visitor today, selling his soda factory products. G. H. Sutherland, the Walla Walla plumber, who has a contract with the city for the construction of sewers is here today closing up the deal with the mayor and recorder. W. D. Edmonston, of the bureau of entomology with the government, is in La Grande intending to remain here for a few days looking after matters for his department. LOCAL TMh. v Rev. W. H. Gibson returned home today from a brief visit in Enterprise. J. W. Earls returned this afternoon from a. short business trip to Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cameron and Mrs. F. H, Stabl, all of Walla Walla, spent last night in the city . "W. G. Hosklns, of Pendleton, trans acted business here last night and was registered at the Foley. J. J. Steward of Salt Lake,' is reg istered at the Foley .today, while transacting business in La Grande. E. J. Basset of Ogden is registered at the Savoy today Guy Smith of Pomeroy, Wn., is a guests at the Savoy. M -R. Roberts of Everett. Wn.. is a visitor in La Grande, staying at the Savoy II. A. Hallowell ' of Lewlston, is a business visitor in the city and Is staying at the Savoy today . v V. R. Ladd. who still limps' from Injuries received in a wreck near The Dalles some two months 'ago, called on O. R. & N officers here today. FOR SALE Town lot close in, ce ment walks, streets on city grade, cash, jr,07. Phone Reel 1141. For that dlziy feeling try Blue Mountain liver pills. Best on earth. Get them at the Red Cross Drug Store. THE BIGGEST SMUGGLERS. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Leffel and fam ily have returned to La Grande to make their home for the winter after spending a. portion of the summer en J their homestead below Rondowa. Miss Grace Murphy, the popular cashier at the Fair store, left last evening for Shoshone, Idaho where she will visit relatives during her vacation period. Miss Edith Bork has charge of the desk made vacant by Miss Murphy's departure. Thy Are Not the Society People Who Get the Advertising. 'Rocietv Deople are supposed to be the biggest offenders." said a treasury official, "but. it Is simply that they get more publicity. We bad a Darlem butcher who smuggiea in i.uuu worm of jewels and then got trapped be cause be took uu orange from the table after lunch. He put the orange in his pocket, and the bulge drew the inspector's attention. Fie was search ed and the Jewels found, y "Tbert wan. too " he continued rem inlscently. "a nptod musician who goes back and forth every year to Paris and who bought a Stradlvarlus violin one year. . He sold his old one and brought the famous Strad back la his own case, covered ns it was wltn cus articles tne woman saia: ! iritTaii t iiom isn't Mnrv'a emerald If - . JV. w " " hatpin and the gloves I was looking for last week and two of George's best handkerchiefs. I never thought of looking In the umbrellas for them." New York Sun. Got His Reply. A funny man Indulged In a practical Joke recently. He put an advertise, ment in a paper for a wife and re quested each candidate to Inclose her carte de vlslte. It was a foolish thing to do, but one of the candidates served him out very well by sending the fol lowing letter: "Sir 1 do not inclose my carte, for. though there Is some authority for putting a cart before a horse. I know of none for putting one tn-fop1 :n :s." Doctor Phy and party arrived homo today from their Yellowstone June. ! tom 8tamp8 Naturally tne Inspectors They covered most of the distance or, , . h t th musiclan boasted of Attorney L. Denhani and family re- tiirnoit'tn their home in Elsin today. a h Rnman of Sookane Is at the aftzr vlsitlne in: La Grande over Sommer today. i night .. ... -. paSHeu II. uul IUO iuubh-ibu uvi v. horseback but the last lap home was nls violin. nd a dealer who went to made by train, Tuey claim to nare Frank Kennan. a Spokane man, Is at the Foley today. C. C. Burdlck is a Walla Walla man v. ho is In the city today. ! Miss Florence Taylor of Walla Wal la is a guest in La Grande today. S. L. Brunaugh of Elgin, was reg-, istered at the Sommer last evening. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Gibson and family arrived home this afternoon from, a vacation spent at the head of the lake , L. J. Lageson, a well-known resi dent of Walla Walla, arrived this morning and is registered at the Foley seen all there was to see and en joyed the trip immensely. ' - wV C. Calder, one of the largest timber buyers in Eastern Oregon, II down from Baker today looking after matters of business. When here the last time he purchased a Chalmers Detroit car from Postmaster Rlchey, and today Mr. Calder stated that the car was a dandy and never refused to go even though an amateur was, at the wheel, i, n R. & N. Detective E B Wooo", transacted business in La Grande this morning - i. lil&il Martha L. Humphreys of Palmer Junction is regisiereu at Hotel. Miss Delilah Sterling of Caldwell, Idaho, visited in, Ia . Grande . this morning. She went on to Elgin on the morning train.' W. L. Patterson of Baker City, Is in La Gran'de today on land office business. He Is one of the leading attorneys of Baiter county. Will Nelll and Lowell Williamson have gone to the upper' Mlnam coun try, taking the Cove trail for It and expect to return wjto some elegant captures. The trip la one of the see it beard the story of Its purchase and notified us. "There was a man from Naples who came in with his shirt fairly lined wltn jewels, aou men? are tint Sjimu who BtnuKgle In laces' and handker chiefs, and there are the manufactur ers who declare half or three-quarters In and smuggle the rest. "There are ; automobile men who bring their, machines In with faked certificates of value, and there are buyers of cheap jewelry who bring in great cases of plated brooches and bracelets, etc., with magnificent sap tihlres. rubles and even diamonds set i in with bits of glass, and these neces sitate weeks of work for the jewel ex perts in the appraiser's stores." Washington Times. 'I It Looked Suspicious. -ka T u-nia cnmlnf? nilt Of a utorft this taiuira i itjp 10 uuv vi ilic - ' - o most difficult of all fishing expedi-! evening 1 saw un amusing sight," said I - . - M llAt.- ..In m.B Tallinn. Hons that emanate from Union coun ty. and is only equaled by the Elgin trail that leads , to practically the same point of the wild and wooly region of Oregon that lies about the Minam river. a snooper. "A light rain was falling. and as the woman In front of me stepped out she opened her umbrella. Out of it fell a jeweled batpln. a pair of gloves and two men's handkerchiefs. On Us face it seemed like a case of Bhopllfting, but as she gathered up the SCIENCE DR. MENDELSSOHN'S GLASSES GIVE THE BEST RESULTS. GUARANTEED SATISFACTOBY IN ETERI BESPECT. In one's profession la conscience applied; U is honesty, veracity and fidelity. ' Mechanical equipment Is a matter of purchase. Professional equip ment 13 the result of Btudy, acquain tance with conditions, appreciation of what you need when you need We feel that It Is all right to tell you that over 2.000 satisfied pat ients back up our guarantee of sat isfaction. ' we iiav xw slonal equipment as well as thei science. , SKILL, REPUTATION AND HONESTY ( A ' man's heart must be in his skill, and a man's soul In nla craftsmanship. Our heart and soul are in our work. . The satisfaction of those we have Berved la your guarantee that we will serve you satisfactorily. , High-claB8 work at lowest pos sible prices. DR. M. P." MENDELSSOHN j DOCTOR OF OPTICS ' PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 1105 ADAMS AVE., OP POSITE POST OFFICE. OFFICE HOURS 8tS0 . m. to 13 nut 1 to S p. m. EYENINGS BY APPOINTMENT I Fe'.v Crocalzz Lt'J ;f 'M& Price Oc June Peas Half Pries 20c Sliced Pineapples Half Price 30c Sliced Pineapples Half Price 20c Monopole Wax Beans. Half Price 20c Monopole Succo tash. Half Price 40c French Peas Half Price 30c Monopole Goose berries. Half Price 20c Monopole Sweet s Potatoes. HalfPrice 20c Monopole Refugee 1 Ap Roane HalfPrir.ft lvC 15 Monopole Mince Meat, Half Price 20c Monopole Jelly Hclf pri;e - 40c Monopole Aspar agus Tips, Prise IGo Box Spices, Asstd. Half price ' 1 Br. Box SDices. .. . . Asstd. Half price' . 25c Golden. Drop lOl Plums Half price 25c Gooseberries 10l 10 c 10c 15c iOc 10c 20c 15c 10c 7k 10 c 20 c 5c 71 half price IVc 'will enter the Tea and Coffee business carrying a complete line of Tea and Coffee, Spices and Baking Powder. Our new Quality Brand will arrive in a few days. Valuable coupons given to each purchaser. I Balton's . . . . - . - ; ' t . , - j L-1MB1 rr D , .. : . : . " . : , , . ... . ..... . Below you may see a sample of the many listings which I hold. If you want to buy or sell I will be pleased to have you call. MANY BARGAINS IN CITY PROPERTY At Insure Your Grain Many farms are insuring their grain now In the field during the per iod of harvest and, storing. If Inter ested call or phone me. Why Pay Rent ? I have a , seven-room plastered house, sightly view of city and valley. City water in house, stone founda tion. Terms $100 down, balance on easy terms, either $15 per month or $100 every six months. Now in Gourse of Contraction Fine modern house in every re spect, plumbed, flue built for fur nace, large basement cellar. Every thing first class. Situated on east Adams avenue, $3,600 on easy terms. Grazing Land 240 acres, large spring on place. Good wagon road to tract; consider able can be cultivated. Price $7 per acre. Fruit Farms - I havo several choice buys in im ' proved fruit farms, where the or chards are all the way from 7 years to 13 years of age. The crops are now on the trees and speak for them selves. To illustrate, we have one 20 acre tract with 14 acres of bearing orchard, 6 acres on which the trees are 13 years old, 8 acres seven years old, water right; every acre first class land and crop goes with place, if taken very soon. Price only $6,500. Other Bargains We have other bargains in fruit land, several close to La Grande, and several tracts on the Sandridge, in cluding some extra fine property ad joining Imbler. If you want any thing In fruit bearing orchards call. Sand Kidge Farm eighty-four acres, spluidld land, for either grain or fruit. SS .'OO; one mile from Imbler. At h-a:t one-half cash reqaired. , Farm in Lower Cove 160 acres splendid timothy land, own er has been farming It in grain for ' seven years. River runs through a portion of it. "60 per acre. , Farm near Talocaset 160 acres of land near Telocaset. Thi Bland was farmed for many yeBrs. Price If taken in near future $5 per acre. i ,ii - Farm near SummerviUe 80 acres fine fruit land, $C0 per ac cre. If interested call and learn par ticulars. Opportunity for Speculation 80 acres adjoining the city. Crop growing on no less than 20 acres, fine large spring. This place is all well fenced, county road running along entrle side of place, making it suitable for subdivision into small tracts. The price' is only $37.50 per . acre. This land if cut up would eas ily bring $100 per acre. Land on two sides of it cannot be bought, today for $100 per acre. A Real Home 80 acr farm one quarter of a mile from city limits. Go6d modern house with furnace, bath, toilet, cement cel lar with living spring. Commercial orchard of seven acres, ideal dairy t and poultry farm, $5,000 on easy terms. City Property House and three lots on Pennsyl vania avenue, two story, in splendid repair. Just repainted and papered throughout, $2,500, reasonabe terms. Nice little hom in North La Gracde, easy terns . on this place, $1100 . Two-story-house and three lots on North Fir street desirable property, for only $l,40(a Twelve acres and nice two-Btory house in South La Grande, $4,000; 100 fruit trees and an ideal place fot a few cows and poultry. This Bite is a commanding view of beautiful Grande Ronde. A new seven-room house on East Adams avenue, roomy basement, pastered, well finished throughout, $2,600. Three lots on Main avenue, facing north for $350. Three lots on the beautiful sightly hll side, west of La Grande for $1,000. Deslrabel lot and houses In nearly every portion of the city. T7 T7 Real Estate and Insurance, La Grande, Next Door to City Offices mm