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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1910)
ff LA" GRANDE EVENING OBSER VER TUESDAY, .TUNE 23, 1910. page ft; rr ire, . iatl ; fo! ; firs-. ! 0CD ' : 2t& j ou: : ml hop. "etj, bit fed, as do bai llDf oce. ber. fori :bat tiny leot em ucb md ird ved the 1 1 II ss TOXiEHT'S PROGRAM Roosevelt In. Cairo, purged by Fire (Urban) One of the Finest (Vltograph) What's Your llurry? Song-rDlxIe Lee" He- o o o o o o 0,0 o J LOCAL tTSSS. $ o Mr. and Mrs. Gory have returned from a few days' visit in Idaho towns. . . . .. W. R. Anderson of Walla Walla is a business visitor In the city this morning..- .- V,", : 7"'":,T ,1. C. Davis re'--rred to his home In Flora today after transacting bus iness In the wmiamBon land office. J L. Parker of tV new tt.wr. f "r.i.l"": c"in UmVi'ta .;ou:ity l a I .lochs' vultor In Ijx Ci an l today. C. H. MImnaugh of Wallowa where he is manager ' of the big sawmill, and George Stoddard of this city, went to Baker City this morning. A party consisting of MIs3 Le Long, Miss Ralston, Miss Phy and D: Thv, all of Hot Lake. ' spent ' last evening in the city. ?,''. T. B. Johnson, the deuty assessor for Cove and Cove districts, "cashed" In his assessments today, having com pleted the work last evening, ' ! " 4 Mrs. Julius Roesch and daughter, Miss Louise, returned home this morn fog.' They have been Yisiting friends in Portland. is going to be disappointed when the five acre tracts we have been offering you are all gone, and they are, all but two. ' .We have sonle fine buys in residence lots at $125.00 each; $25.00 down and $5.00 a month. : Better Investigate these. Bell-Phone, Red 801 . . Independent 262 LA GRANDE 1 Foley Hotel Bid., La Grande Thomas Brucej b m vaava In A YOUNG WIFE." i Local Manger Charles Baker City today conferring with the ft. . neaa omcials of the Eastern Oregon Light and Power company. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith who have been touring Southern' and - Eastern sections of the United States for the past six weeks, are exnetced home Saturday evening. r Mrs. Sheppard. the -well knovn W. C T TJJecturer of Dvnve , p.-Esc-l i-fh La Gia. 1o this mornin in her y y from F.s tr h ac-t .er Wallow, coutiv mi. Howard C. Gauntt. architect In charge of the new high school build ing, arrived here this morning from a tour of ' the state of Washington, Including stops' at Yakima and other towns. . . .. Will Nelll, holder of the North west ern Intercollegiate record In tho Jave lin throw, who has been attending the University of Oregon the jnst vear, returned home this morning, and will spend the summer vacation vrh his mother. Mrs. Nellla . NeW. Assistant Superintendent A. Buck ley and wife left this morning west bound, to Join General Superintend ent. M. J. Buckley and other rela tives prior, to a trip to St. Paul, Mln r"?? thT .will attend a re union of the Buckley family. They expect to be gone about two weeks. Engineer Henry Henson, who re turned Sunday from Detrlot, Mich., where he represented the La Grande I Brotherhood of Locomotive Engin- Ieers at the national convention which was in Bession for nearly a ' month, left his morning ' for Baker City where he will attend a meeting of en ' gineers on this division. He expects ,"to return tomorrow and resume his regular runs on the East" end.'.' 1 BCGS ATTRACT ATTENTION Oriental Display ai Henry & Cart's Extremely Attractive Oriental rug Bof rare fibre and pat tern ar eattracting iuch attention at the Henry & Car establishment. Two rug experts are here from the Orient, managing the display and rugs of the true Oriental stamp are being dis played to. the admiring public. 0 er. Manag TO-NIGHT! $ afe.wwwaiA. -www PUT CN A GOOD FRONT.- If Your Ster Windowa Ccn't Attract Trad.. What Will 7 There a a vast dinivn-e In the amount of cikkJ hih i-ipie p-t out ' of their, wictJow displays. A great many More don'i "wort" their wlu (lows as they ehould. aud mm a oarurHi result the wlodowM do q0i work tor them. ; - The window must tx Vf pt alive. Tbey must t mdi to tell a distinct, emphatic story to the people whi pass by and look In. Ton oan't make a live ly window without putting thlnp tbVre which wilt attract attention autl i-Huie people to keep watch of the7 windows for Interesting thiugs, ' One Cleveland grocer adopted a elm pie plan for a lively window attraction wblcb brings him very good results. About Thursday of each week he puts bl placard In bla window saying: "Watch this window about 6 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Don't mlsa lt Then at 0 o'clock Saturday the cur talua of the window are drawn, and the merchant puts Into the window some especially attractive bargains, it may be a choice ttne of sundries at 10 cents each; it may be a display of ba nanas at a low price or in the berry season of berries at a low figure. U is bound to be something which will move fast and attract Instant atten tion. People have learned to watcb for this Saturday night window, for It al ways hUN Home! bin;; especially at tractive, ', .' .. -' About Kit must discouraging looking thing uIh'ih h kioiv can be Its window. A' St a If winuow, n uiv-u um"m Uw look, indicate i be same hort of store back of the window and repels rather than attract! trade. - -' ; ' ' HE'S THE0NLY ONE.' Everybody but the Traveling Salesman ' Ought to Do Hia Buying at Ho ma. About the unly cIusj of citizen who may bt exempted from the obligation of buying goods.- wares and merchan dise in the town In whlcb be resides or where be makes his headquarters 1m the traveling commercial salesman. Mr. Traveling Man makes his living by the sale of goods to . merchants scattered over a wide territory. Per haps Mr. Traveler has no trade In bis borne town. In the majority of In stances travelers do not sell very many goods at borne. There are exception to this rule, of course. Naturally the salesman Is going to favor his custom era whenever he can. The better the customer the more be Is likely to buy If he finds the goods be wants. Then, again, perhaps the bouse for whlcb be travels is located In another city. He la located In another city. He is friendly to that city and boosts that town first, last and all the time. He buys whatever he pleases there. Naturally, though, the bulk of the family's purchases are made at home, because it's more convenient Com mercial News. Birth Record. Born In this city, June 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pugh, a son. ; ; O & 46 '' v ' TOO LATE TO CLASIFT. : .'' 4 6 4 O BOY WANTED A good, bright boy, over 16 years' of age. to learn the laundry business. Apply; at once to Cherry's New Laundry, FOR RENT Five room modern cot tage. Enquier of Mrs. Zuber. Tour complexion as well as your temper is rendered miserable by a disordered liver. By taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets you can improve both, r . FARMERS' BUSINESS WE GIVE PARTICU LAR MENTION TO THE BUSINESS OF FARMERS. WE COR DIALLY INVITE THEM TO MAKE THIS WEIR BANKING HOME. The United States National Bank Tha Soldiar Ant. The Hon is the kins of beasts, but jail of his magn!3cent. strength and j ferocity would avail him nothing when he faced a mere ant But this ant is not the usual kind which peacefully goes about its domestic duties day by day. It is the terrible driver or soldier ant. said to be the most Invincible creature In the world. Against these tiny enemies no man or band of men, no lion or tiger, not even: a herd of elephants, can do anything but hur riedly get out of the way. Among the Barotse Datives a favorite form of cap ital punishment " Is to coat the victim with grease and throw him before the advancing army of soldier ants.' The qnlckuesM with which the poor wretch hi dispatched Is marvelous when It la considered (bat each ant can do noth ing more than merely tear out a small particle of flesh and carry it off. let In a surprisingly short time the writh ing victim, will have been changed Into a skeleton. ' Old Sawa and Saying. A few old sayings on the subject of food come to us rather as a surprise In our age of daintiness and refine-' tnent. yet tbey have their ralson d'etre notwithstanding. "Meat Is much, man ners are more;" "Cease your chatter and mind your platter;' The ass that brays most eats least;" The wing with the liver to him who's the giver-" "He can give little to his servant who licks bis own trencher." Apropos of this remark, it Is amus ing to note that .-manners" was the name given to the remnants of a meal. ThM Mm to the aervanta aa official perquisites; hence bur well worn ex pression v, before emptying a , dish. "Leave the lnt lloe or whatever It may bei for manners." though If votes were collected on thl point It is hardly likely that any of ux would have taken It aa It stands In the original. ': ';- , - . . Carthago's Great Snak. The undent deiiered In mon ster erM'ius f kinds and of both the land and marine species. During the wars with Can huge a great snake Is said to have kept ihe Roman army from crossing the Hagradiw river for several days. The monster swallowed up no less than spventy Roman sol diers during this combat and was not conquered Until a hundreQ stones from as many different catapults were fired upon it all at one time. The monster skull .and skin ' were preserved and afterward exhibited in one of the Bo man temples. The dried skin of the ctcaHure . was 120 feet in length, ac cording to Pliny. V : ' . 'V-'; Throat Trouble. ' "Ton look bad. old man. . Whaf the matter?" V'':.;J''.::-v.. "Throat trouble. "I didn't know you were subject to if .,-'' : "Tea, 1 am. . This throat belongs to the newcomer In the next bouse, who practices Blnglng at all hours of the night" : Past Is Past.' Fiulsh every day and be done with It. You have doue what you could. Some blunders . and ' absurdities, no doubt, crept in. Forget them as soon aa you can.-Emerson. j : , . Tha Drawback. ;'.'',:l Can't you live just a cheap In the suburbs as In town?' ' , "Tes. but everybody knows It out tbere'-Life. ' Distance U a great' promoter of ad ailratloo.--DIderot. If You Use x IG0LD LEAFI Brand of Butter use the Best KRYPTOIC illioutline in 1hc& vs, Lens DB. JL P. MEUDKLSSOHK ' DOCTOR OP OPTICS PERMANENTLY LOCATED , AT 1105 ADAMS AVE., 0P , POSITE POST . 0FFICB.' DR. MENDELSSOHN'S . GLASSES GIVE THE BEST RESULTS. 0 OOOOOOOOOO OOOO g bolcten Kuie. o o p t o O iHl - , )k'u TRADC HARK fP I You Imov the boy is goinrj to give gthe suit a test that takes a good one o to withstand, o fiYJhoop and Hurrah, Boy si Ml Play Ball! Get to the base even if you have to elide. This is the land of wear they will get, and this label is the maimers' guarantee. Made of all-wool cassi- mflr ' nlnm ni frnirlr nnfn lMironr.- osortmcnt patterns. Sizes 6 to 16 years.'--' SUIT SWO to ROQ STAR BRAND ttsz shoe Y You get style, fit and h , LADIES', MEN'S, Ask to see the Regor Kid, .-.v.; :;; can The Golden Hulft. i - ' Winter is coming; yon will need coal. Yo.u can save money by order ing now. GRANDE S05DE CASH CO. CWVl-a I I 1 Vv 'V! Will heave the Greatest Celebratiion on July '3, 4 -aiid 'A Ever Held in Wallowa County It will be held at the head of Beautiful Wallowa Lake, the finest Summer Resort in Oregon. There will be all kinds of Games, sports, Races, Boat Races, Etc., for valuable prizes; Fine music and every amusement the heart could wish for. Low Excursion Rates from all points on the 0. R. & N. ; Tickets on sale Sunday, J uly 3, good for return until Tuesday, July 5. , Everybody Cordially invited to Cele brate with us. 000000000 000 00 Hid UoMaa Utile o Label the Makers GUARANTEE service at a moderate cost. X BOYS', CHILDREN'S. O W ' . ' - J the best wearing shoe we " buy Thi Gnlriln RhIa . m-m -wwswk was a x . i ' " -i . ( f 0 UK H 19 m m