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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1910. PAGE FOUR H608SEHVFR 1 Daily Except Sunday R I)K.MS K": r huu Owner I nlfci Frtrs Teh graph Service Sntered at the posiomce al La jr'i?e as second-class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Da!l, single copy 6c Dally, per week 15c Dally, per month 65c This paper will not publish an ar ticle appearing over a nom de plume. Signed articles will be revised sub let to the discretion of the editor, fleaae sign your articles and save l!atpo!ntmeiii. HOFER m "SEMXG THINGS" Down at Salem Col. Hofer Is get ting excited over state politics. He believes, or pretends he believes, that Oregon republicanism Is in a bad way. Fearfui lest the people be not per mitted (0 rsl t U'Ren with all ins vagaries., i nui I:!r.s, and that the constitution of Oregon be not confined completely to the scrap heap. Col. E. Hofer, editor of the Journal, becomes frantic and sees thing. . According to his latest delirium ibis old newspaper war horse sniffs the air. and proclaims that Harvey W. Scott of the Oregonlan is acting as political boss of Oregon and that the game Is to make Joe Simon gov ernor. Great Is the Hofer Imagination. Joe Simon could, not be elected any easier than he could, be nominated for the office. It is rot in tli? cards to make Simon anything but mayor of Port land. Not because Simon Is not qual ified and probably would make good, but Simon has some political corns and bunions on his feet that prevent ftlm from trotting a fast heat. He cannot win. Young Phil Metcham and a bunch of good fellows made him mayor of Portland, but Simon did not run well. It was a case of the people wanting relief from the vlr tuoua Harry Lane administration and they got It by selecting Joe Simon. We know nothing of the inside of Oregon politics, and in fact we do not believe It has an Inside, but we will bet Col. Hofer stock in the state rail road he is trying to build, against doughnuts that Simon will not be governor of Oregon and that Harvev W. Scott is not anticipating such a move. MEXH O'K ELECTION According to the dilpateuea Mexico has had another election and President Dias has once more been hosea to the presidency. This result is a Bali isfactlon to the world outside Of Mex ico, and we believe the very lcst thing that could have happened tfl that country. But a Mexico election means noth ing. While there is supposed to ex ist a republic south of us. as a mas ter of fact such is not the case. The right of suffrage there is confined to the most enlightened class and at that the Diaz people control the bal lot boxes, which means assured suT cess before the vote Is taken or Is counted. In many parts of Merlco the people never know an election Is being held. Several days afterwards officers of the government announce results and the Diaz administration has sufficient majority. The revolt in Mexico Is growing more bitter each year, but as yet no cititen of the republic has proven sufficiently large to organize and lead the opposition to the present admin istration. If the man Is ever found to do this it will not be a battle of bal lots but it will come as an insurrec tion or rebellion. Then values In Meico will shrink, but In time they will be re-adjusted for Tncle Sam cannot afford, and neither can Eng land, to let the commercial standing of that country sink very deep. Do not overlook the spraying and pruning of fruit trees. It means so much to this valley and it Is sure to benefit every Individual grower, as well as elevate the valley's standard for fruit, which In turn will make f-iit lands more valuable a thing that we all desire. It Is a mark of narrowness to refuse to abide by dt terriers from officers who are appoint are done. Do not think that any offi cer desires to Impose on the fruit grower, for there Is no intent of that kind. Oregon as a state has made laws regulating this important mat j ter, and the local officers are merely trying to carry out their duties as prescribed in such laws. And al ways bear in mind that it is dol lars in the pockets of the grower if he will abide strictly by the state regulations. ' Each day shows more inquiries for Grande Ronde valley land than the day preceding. All of which means that people are awakening to the won derful opportunities for Investment that this valley affords. The time is not far distant when Instead of people here sending their money away for outside Investment, they will be Inducing outside money to come Into the Grande Ronde valley where profits are good and dividends cer tain. Pendleton is getting a great rep utation as an entertainer. The latest class of business men to sing Pen dleton's praises in this line Is the Oregon bankers. Not long ago the school teachers were nicely entertain ed by the Umatilla county seat and the pretty things about Pendelton are still being uttered. Have you procured your tent for the J Chautauqua session? Remember, one of the Joys of a Chautauqua is the "camping out" feature. ILLNESS OVERTAKES AUTO MR. AND MRS. STEWARD HEAD ING FOR ROISK AGAIN Unless Mr. Steward Improve Rildly Trlp Will Not be Completed. D. H. Stewart has been suffering from illness the past few days and is heading for Boise with his automo bile from interior Nevada. He and Mrs. Steward and grandson, sat out the tedious wait while repairs were being shipped f om La Grande to a small "bad land" town in Nevada and roon after the extra arrived, Mr. Steward was taken quite ill. Unless he improves rapidly while resting at Boise, the party will return to La Orrnde without having completed the journey into Nevada by automobile, as first vlnnned. Notice of Street Improvement To Whom It May Concern: Notice Ib hereby given- that in pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande. Oregon, on the 9th day of Feb., 1910, creating Improvement Dis trict No. 17 and designating Jefferson Avenue, as such district, and In pur suance or n resolution donted by said Common Council on the 17th day of June. 1910, whereby said Council de termined and declared Its Intention to Improve all that portion of Jeffer son Ave. in said improvement district as hereinafter described, by building cement sidewalk 12 feet wide, the Council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefited by such Improvement, order that said above described improvement be madi ; that th boundaries of saw ais trict to be so improved are as follows: All that portion of Jefferson Avenue, from the East line side of Depot to the West line of Lot 5, B. 118 Chap. Add. Notice is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefited by such improvement for the purpose of paying for such Improve ment. That the estimated cost oi such improvement is the sum or ifiOO.OO. That the Council will on the 13th day of 'July. 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, P M to consider said estimated cost. and the levy of said assessment, when 1 a hesring will be granted to any per son feeling aggrieved by such assess ment. La Grande, Oregon. June 22. 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE. OREGON. By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. June-28-July-9. Follow This Rule In Getting Boys9 Clothes Look for the makers' label and see it it bears the mark "XTRAGOOQ". That name means best clothes just as sure as two and two make four. XTRAGOOQ clothes have never failed N. K. West, The Quality Store The George Palmer LUMBER CO RETAIL DEPARTMEN1 We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing, Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We ara prepared to furnish and deliver material promptly. Phone Main 8. it KCOBQV ' ".Mil: 'Ten K i. luii.JTTis. r . - LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK of la gra:;de, Oregon United States Depository Capital and Surplus $180,000.00 DIRECTORS OEOBGE PALMER P. J. HOLMES W. J. CHURCH F. L. METERS IV. M. With tnr sniul? resosros and facilities w can render yon efficient sert'ee sad handle your 'noises? to your entire stalsfaction to give twice the wear, twice the sat isfaction, twice the value of any other kind. Why ? Because there's double the care taken to make them perfect Cloth, style, fit, tailoring all are combined to a degree that makes XTRAGOOQ clothes supreme. Gordon Hats always the best $3.00 Hat Stetson Hats $4.00 and $5.00. Dress Straw Hats All the Newest Shapes, 75c to $4.50 W. I BRENHOLTS, Ass't Cash. FARL ZUNDEL M Asst Cash. rt rubier. C C I'EMNGTOV 6. L. CLEAVER F. M. BTRKIT W. L. BRENHOLTS PIERCE Hit Matsrnal Grandma. A devoted father after a day's ab sence was met by bis two little sons. "Have yon been good boys?' Silence. "Have you been good boys?" "No. papa: I called grandma a bad word." said five-year-old, turning scar let. "Is It possible? Wbst did yon call your grandma ?' "1 called her a human being." The father, with a mighty effort maintained bis gravity and closed the scene decorously. "1 must forgive you for once, but remember If you ever call your grandmother a human being again 1 snail have to spank you." 8tatad a Fast "Do you see the horizon yonder where the sky seems to meet the earth T -Yes. uncle." "Boy, I have journeyed so near there that I couldn't put a aixpeuce between my head and the sky." "Oh, uncle, what a w hopper !" "It's a fact, my lad. I hadn't one to psf'-Pearson's Weekly. An Unnecessary System. "Von ought to bare a burglar alarm system iu your bouse," said the elec trical supply agent, so that you will be awakened if a burglar raises one of the windows or opens a door at night." "No burglar can get In here while we are peacefully sleeping.'" replied Mr. Newpop. "We are weaning our baby." -Chicago Record Herald. Notable Exceptions. Mrs. Bloobumper Yes. everybody Is a)wnv ready to give advice. Hi tiimper There are exceptions. "Are there?" "Yes: doctors and lawyers." Wilson & Brittian, Electrical -Contractors. Prompt and careful attention given all work Ml work guar anteed to pass underwriters' examination. Best ELECTRIC IRON on the market; also ELEC1RIC FANS One Door south of Observe? Office Furniture Sf ' I "l"klO ktnlnyvmn i Princess Dresser j finest French I Plate Glass, J Select White Maple or Quarter Oak Rubbed or Closs Finish. You can save $3 00 in buying here at 1 $15.00 5 KBBlilfli 4 jpsigSB 'A If. D. Haisten, i Furniture on Easy Payments Vast Stretch of Street Tr... The example of the progressive lltttM care of street trees ouubt to be fitm lowed by many otber places. The tZM work was done in l'JOi. when 350 trcS were planted Dy the chamber of coojM merce. In 1806 the chamber plan 1,000; in 1006 the chamber niau more, and the city took It up. the tot3 for the year being 1.250; is 1907 ibM cuy piantea i,ow more, ana In luojfi tne number was 2,170. In the hootA time since the start was made the to tal of 8.378 trees planted would maka thirty-four miles of tree lined streets. witn forty feet between trees, in tiisl report the tree warden, J. H. Heed, says. "When I think of these trees at they will be Ave or ten years from no and from thence on, It was worth do. lng." A great desl of work. ton. baa! been put on old trees, perhaps equally me new trees in number. Answer Promptly. Don't neglect your correspondence. If you receive a letter from a Jobber manufacturer or customer, calling fori a reply, auswer at once and show thad you conduct your business on business! principles. Naturally a great many! retail merchants do not have sufficient! correspondence to justify them in em ploying a stenographer, and In sucb cases the volume of their correspond ence is sucb that It would be no hard ship to promptly take care of even communication the day It la received! unless It Is imiwssible to furnish to information asked for Immediately.- LITTLE BU8INE88 HINTS. A sign bung In a conspicuous place in a store at Lawrence: Man Is made of dust Oust settles. Are you a man?" Bos ton Record. There would be fewer failures if there were fewer men block ing the way to their own suc cess. Credit should be looked after more closely than cash. If your religion Is better than your business there Is something wrong with your business. Common sense and cash are a con)liua;iiu that lias never been defeated. It Is well to be inwleot. but there is no money in depreciat ing yourself or your establish ment even in a joking way. A man Is apt to get bis buck up when he is told to hump him self. The man isn't necessarily con servative because he Is slow and foggy. Specials Box Seat Quarter Oak Gloss Diners Worth $2.75. S ve Money and buy here at $2.00 Elite Ranges I Special Price $25.00 Over 200 now used in this J Valley. Save $10.00 when I i yuu ouy your Range 1 ed to see that spraying and pruning