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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
TODAY'S NEWS TODAY Weatter Fair tonight Tomorrow warmer. AALf I! K 1 . ! I VOLUME V LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON. FR. DAY. APRIL 15. 1906. NUMBER 133 SK. ROOT SOOII 10 III TT s. ' - VS. . VS. 'T Y9 Vl .V V'YrYY rtCY I; U I ' I I y : 1 I S II I S I i I M i ll 4 W . GOOD R DM WD TODAY (Scrlpps Newt Association) San Francisco. Cal., April 13.' The steamship Mongolia, beating Governor General Smith of the Philippines, was icrhUd . shortly . before noon and the steamship met local committees on tugs in the bay. Ships in the harbor were decorated in honor of the return of the Smith party. The governor's party dis- J embarked at two thirty and went to the palace hotel where they will be received a formal reception tomorrow. Bishop t.ashford, a Methodist missionary from Chictgo will sperk. - . (OWL if nil FOR 111 (gcrlpps News Association) ' Chicago, 111.. April 13. Voliva has proposed to Dowie that a boird of deacons, five to be appointed by Dowie and five by himself, should be named to direct affairs at Zion. After a conference with At torney Wetten, it was announced that riAwi will aorae to nothing that will de prive him in any measure of his temporal and spiritual rights. , mm OBSERVED MONEY SUBSCRIBED Scrlpps News Association) New York, April 13 Within the last two months $1000 has been subscribed to a fund for the defense of Captain Van Schaick, master of the ill fated excursion steamer General Slocum. His case will come up on appeal next October, and the lots throughout the United States are atermmea ne snail nave ample funds to fight against the sentence of ten years imprisonment which has been imposed upon him. , An appeal for funds was sent out to the pilots of every Important harbor of the United States by the Grand Harbor of the Masters' and Pilots' Association, and returns are coming in rapidly, like many others the pilots believe that Cap tain van Schaick was made a scapegoat and that the persons really responsible . for .the Slocum disaster, were shielded fien sentence was imposed upon Captain an Schaick. ; HISTORIC HOUSE SOLD (Scrippa New Association t ' Passaio, N. J. April 1 3 The Day house once Washington's headquarters, at Preakness or Bloomburg Manor, has been sold under mortgage foreclosure by Sheriff Charles ' Bhrgen, of Passaic County. Albert Fiench. vice president of the American Chemical Company of New York, purchased the house for $5,600 He lives in Montoliar. Mr, French's mother was a great great grand daughter of Col. Garret Day, who built the house. He intends to make a summer home of it. Its previous owner was William Bel char, the missing Mayor of Paterson. The house was built in 1740. THOMAS JEff ERSON'S BIRTHDAY (Scrlppt News Association) New York, April 13 One hundred-and -sixty-three, years ago . today Jefferson. third President of the United States and founder of the American Democracy, was born at Shad well, Albemarle County, Virginia. Democrats throughout the country . are observing the day by holding meetings and banquets in honor of the great statesmen, and many pro minent people visited the tomb of Jeffer son at Monticello, Va, and decorated it flowers. : (Scrlppt Newt Association) New York, April 1 5. Good Friday was generally observed here today. The churches of all denominations were open to worshippers and, particularly in the Roman Catholic and Protestant bpiscopal churches Impressive special services were held in commemoration of the crucifixion Impressive ceremonies were conducted at the St Patrick's Roman Catholic Cathe dral, at which Archbishop Farley offi ciated. During the Mass of the Presanct ified "The Passion" was sung by students from St Joseph's Seminary, At the con clusion of the ceremony. Archbishop Far ley, holding aloft the host and attended by four Christian brothers, who held over him a canopy, led a procession of the clergy in the cathedral aisles and back to the sanctuary. In all Roman Catholic churches a three hour's devotion was held between noon and three o'clock, in memory of the hours of suffering, Jesus was obliged to endure before ' death came. Similar devotions were held in the Protestant Episcopal churches throughout the city. Nearly all the churches were filled with worshippers. Business was w a great extent sus pended. The Stock Exchange remained closed, but the banks kept open to ao comodate their customers. Tomorrow will be Holy Saturday, when in the Roman Catholic churches the holy water, to be used during the year will be blessed. During the afternoon the funeral decora tions in all the churches will be removed and during the evening the altars of all the churches will be transformed into bowers of spring flowers, to be ready for Easter Sunday. ONI BOY IS IIIJ1ED (Scrlppt News Association) Gibraltar, April 13. The steamer Bar- barossi, carrying the American athletes who are to compete at Athens in the Olympic games, was hit by a huge wave which resulted in injuring one of the ath letes and six others narrowly escaped be ing washed overboard. Later reports say that these six may be unable to com- " ' xrmtnxtaA In the wetting. The eruptions at Naples will strand the steamer and passengers, who were to go overland from Naples. If traffic does not open to get Americans to Athens in time to participate in the Olympian games, an appeal will be made to the Grecian authorities to send assistance. SOUTH 11K Will Study Coitions at m (ail it Scuta Acieto : Capitols. All STATES Kerrigan, the high Jumper, was injured and may not be able to compete in the Olympian games at Athens. Hs is a member of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club of Portland. He has a record of six feet one and a half inches, a mark, which if equaled, should give him a place in the finals at the big meet Nothing is known as to the seriousness of the injury but reports say that no serious injury was done to any one. This is the only representative of the Western United States in these Olympian games and his friends will be disappointed if he does not get a chance to perform. rt. l Miuman, tne sprinter, had a knee lacerated, J. S. Mitchell a weight thrower a dislocated shoulder, Harvsy Cohn a distance runner, and A. F. Borneman a swimmer were severly scratched and bruised. (Scrlpps Newt Association) Washington D. C. April 13 Secretary Root has now definitely decided to accept the invitations given him by the diploma tic representatives of South American countries to extend his projected trip to Rio Janeiro so as to circumavigata South America and to vi ait Buenos Ayres, Mon iW Rantiaim tim Chili end .. Lima. The Secretary would also" like to visit che capitals of Columbia and Ecuador, but press of time and the difficulty of reaching Bogota and La Pax from the seaports will prevent his doing so. Secretary Root will be accompanied by Mrs. and Miss Root and a few per sonal servants. He expects to come up the west coast of South America to Pana ma, and crossing the isthmus, to take one of the Panama Railroad steamers from Colon-to Nsw York.. The trip will begin early in July, the Charleston starling from New York or Newport News, and will end about October I. It is pointed out that the trip of the Secretary involves no diverson of the big cruiser from her naval work, as she was originally under orders to proceed from the Atlantic to join the Pacific station. It- grand, MILLINERY OPENING V. an? SPECIAL EASTER SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AMD SATURDAY On these three days, which also throws open to the public our new annex, the most commodious Ladies Ready-to Wear Garments and Millinery Department in Eastern Oregon, we will show a full line of THE LATEST EASTER NOVELTIES in LADIES READY-TO WEAR-HATS bought for our Easter Opening and comprising all the later creations in TRIMMED SAILORS and Pattern Hats, also a full line of Street hats in prices and styles to suit every purse and taste. Come everybody and bring your friends. Music and Cut Flowers on Saturday HAGUE CONFERENCE ADJOURNED (Scrlpps News Association) St. Petersburg, Russia, April 13. It has been officially announced here that the second Hague peace conference is adjourned until September, when they will again meet. t INSANE SOLDIER SUICIDES (Scrlpps Newt Aasoclatlon) Ogden, Utah, April 13 Thomas Cole, one of a party of fifteen insane soldiers and sailors enroute from Mare Island to Washington, last night stabbed himself twenty times with a pocket knife, which will cause his death. A companion jumped through the car window and fled to the jiills, but was captured after a desperate encounter. It is ths intention of the Secretary to spend a week or ten days in Rio Janeiro, and his visits to the other capitals will be limited to two or three days in each case. Secretary Root has conferred with Surgeon General Wyman. of the Publio Health and Marine Hospital Service concerning the Pio. Janeiro conference. A euqjeat oi vtm nru ofaar oi iinput iaiM to come before that conference is the ' conclusions of the Congress on Sanita tion held in this city last year. The State Deparnment favors the extension of the work in this line beyond that of mere quarantains. so as to provide for in ternational sanitation of ports of this hemishere. The result of the work of the American surgeons in Cuba and on the Isthmus of Panama has been so en couraging that it Is proposed to endeavor to secure the promises of the other re publicans to be represented at the con ference to adopt similar measures for the prevention of yellow fever and other tropical diseases. General Wyman has been requested to prepare a memorandum for the guidance of the American dele gates to the conference. MORE APPOINTMENTS (Scrlpps News Association) Washington, D. C, April 1 3 President Roosevelt today nominated W. F. Haynes, of Coulee City, Washington, to be reg ister of the Land Office at Waterville. F. A. Nichols, of Ellensburg to be receiv er of public moneys at North Yakima. Washington. A. Henry, of Spokane to be receiver of public moneys at Waterville, Washington. ' e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea 50 LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS No two skirts alike, bought for this open ing sale and worth from $12.50 to $22.00 '$8.00 to $12.50 Ladies here is a skirt bargain which will interest you. They come from one of the best manufacturers and as stated no two skirts alike, 250 Men's Cold and Silver $1.25 and $1.50 Shirts, special $1.00 for three days only. We fully believe this is the largest ship ment of shirts ever received in La Grande and unquestionably the largest assort ment of colors and patterns, . 250 shirts, 250 different patterns. Rembmber choice for Thursday, Friday and Sat urday $.oo SPECIAL EASTER NECKWEAR 25c735c 50c and 75c. (Scrlpps News Association) Glasgow. Russia, April 1 3 A Herald correspondent at St Petersburg says that a complete bankruptcy of Russia is approaching fast and sure. Russia's loan negotiations are at a deadlock. The government has only a few million dollars in the Imperial treasury and when this is gone, the crises will come. in thirteen a hoodoo x Farmers Phone No. 27 . .-. . - t v nr I i City Phone Black 1301 (Scrlpps Newt Association) Walla Walla, Washington. April 13. Number 13, the hoodoo, certainly played a mysterious part in the fate of one Simon Brooks. His troubles began 13 years ago when he was divorced from his wife. Last November he murdered Adolph Miller of Ridgefleld and was convicted on the 13th of the month, was placed in celi number 13, and this morning, the 13th was hanged, the trap being sprung at 6:13 this morning. He declined to say anything and refused to shake hands with ths officials. KM COEEERS HHAMTFI) e I e e I WHAT'S BETTER THAN j BOOKS Nothing is more conductive to edu cation and to the developement of the better elements of human nat ure than the reading of C00D BOOKS. .. Encourage the young folks to form a reading habit by supplying them wit l WHOLESOME LITERATURE. ; We have the cream of the book world. Any book you wish we .nave or win geiior you. in some 1 - v instances we can afford you a sub stantial saving on the cost. In all instances the price will be as low as can be had. Here are some of the late ones. Yolanda, byMajor; Nedra, by McGutcheon; The Garden of Allah, by Hickens; Reptiles; Outside the Law; The Man of The Hour; House of 1000 Candles. Oaynor and Green both took a pauper's oath this afternoon, swearing that neither had over twenty dollar and were not worth more than that. They wsre re lieved of their fines, $576,749.90 each. A full line of the celebrated Butterick patterns just arrived and ready for your inspection, Ladies don't forget THE DELINEATOR 11 .eT J e. i ' 1 -I II NEWLIN DRUG COMPANY La Grande, Oregon.