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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
I . SPRING TIME PERFUMES are not all the flowery petals. The best are here, secured in glass and ready to impart a pleasing fragrance to "any lady's ' Easter Toilet. We carry in stock all the well known makes tn Toilet Waters and Perfumes. Palmers, Roger and Gallet, Riegers. East mans. Rickscckcrs, etc Ranging in price from 50 cents an ounce up , ntu UKUJJ UKIU aiUKC A. C. MAC LENNAN, Prop. AIM EASIER LUXURY Did you do without cigars during Lent for self-imposed penance? You deserve credit. But, oh. how you'll enjoy a smoke when Lent is passed. Easter's come! Don't mar your pleasure by buying an inferior cigar. Qet a Key West Pcrfecto and be happy la teft Evening Observer FRIDAY. APRIL 15, 1906 Published daily except on Sunday One year in advance ... . $6.E0 Six months in advance... 3.50 Per month . 65 Single copy . 5c Entered at the Post Office'at La Grande Oregon, as Second Class Matter. CURREY BROS.. ED'S AND PROP This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom-de-plume. Signed articles will be received subject to the discretion of the ' editors. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. ADVERTISING BATEH iMspla ad rata, roroUhrO apon tppllcatloc ideal rasoiDf oollcea 10c per line flrat dm lion, jo per line tor sack ubequenl Inter tku. aoJotlonaof oondolene. 50 erllne. .wda of ibankn, fe per line. S. EDMONDS, TAILOR NEW SPRING LIME OF WOOLENS ARRIVED ALL THE LEADING EXCLUSIVE STYLES McKennon Building, next door to J. H Pear's Jewelry Store. mm mm When spring comes hurrying o'er the hills, And music ripples in the rills -. -And soft the winds begin to blow, ' I want pack my grip and go Co where? 0, anywhere! Justgo. I grab my grip and hustle down To that yon little railroad town, Ana when the engine whistles blow I buy my ticket and I go ' ' Qo where? 0, anywherel Justgo, There's mountain top and shaded dell. There' pralfll, lake and seaside well It makes no difference which, just so You up and pack your grip and go Go where? 0, anywherel . Just go. The showing made by the published statement of the two La Grande banks is a conclusive evidence of the prosperity of this city and county. w rid. The gospel has a twofold mes uge, first one of Evangelical severity, and then one of Evangelical joy. The church year is arr nged and follows closely the lines and order of the gospel, so o Good Friday is observed as the neces sary preparation for the joyous celebra tion of Easter. We must first stand at the cross before going to the open tomb. It is a source of satisfaction those Christian bodies who abandoned the church year are now recovering slowly their lost Christian inheritance. They have reclaimed Christmas and Easter. may they finish the good work by regain ing Good Friday and Holy Week, and finally the whole Christian year. TABLETS ; A new line of tablets just arrived. W. K. Davis. 1316 Adams Avenue. Fine Confectionery and Cigars Yesterday was clean up day for Baker City. The idea Is worthy of acceptation in many cities, not omitting our own., Unless there is a decided change In sen timent between now and next Friday, Judge Lowell, who is a candidate for United States Senator, will receive many votes in this county. Af The new primary law will give many of our citizens a much larger conception of the greatness of Oregon. There are many candidates who had little know ledge of Eastern Oregon prior to this campaign. VanBuren's REPAIRING J. II. PEARE. A BROKEN WATCH Is seldom beyond repair by a skilful watchmaker. We have repaired some watches that looked as if it would be a waste of time to at tempt it Today they are running as well as ever they did. Bring us Your Watch and let us put in proper shape. No matter what's the trouble we can fix it. And we repair jewelry too. So skillfully that you wouldn't know it from new. People who know us say our charges are entirely satisfactory. Jeweler and Optician 4 FOR WINTER WASHING Our new machinery and additional help will enable us to do fami lly washing CHEAPER, QUICKER and BETTER than you can do it yourself. We call for and deliver your laundry quickly and make special ty of rush order work. Give us a trial and you will not be bothered . through the winter with family washing. A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE Main 7 La Grnle, Oregon. There ia an idea that is continually be ing suggested that the vote at the prim ary election in this county will be light The Observer cannot help but feel that when the votes are counted the showing will be sufficient to prove that the voters of Un ion county have done their whole duty in the matter of the selection of their nominees. fMKITO CREDITORS To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by the county court of Union County, Oregon, admin istrator of the estate of Rhoda S. Cam eron, deceased; and all persons having claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, to the undersigned at Alicel. Oregon, or to J. F. Baker, his attorney at La Grande. WlagUll, WIUllll klA UKlJUk Hum ui U.M. William P. Panoborm, administrator of the estate of Rhoda S. Cameron, deceased, La Grande Oregon, February 16, 1906 J. F. Baker, Attorney for Administrator. Now is the time to take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It cleans your system of all Impurities. A wonderful spring tonic. A family benefac'.or. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. Newlin Druo Co. . NOTICE Of INVESTMENT I have four houses and lots which I will sell in a lot at a great sacrifice, for cash. I must have money. These houses are rented and in good location and bring $36 per month rent. I will let the first one to call have a bargain, as they must be sold at once. Fred Jacobs. ADMINISTRATES NOTIC Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Union County, administratrix of the estate of Herman C. West deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same properly verified as by law required, to Wm. B. Sargent my attorney, Foley Hotel Block, La Grande, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE Be it resolved, That the sidewalks on K Street between Second Street and Fourth Street in the city of La Grande. Oregon, shall be put in good repair by the abutting property owners and such repairs shall be made by the 20th day of April, 1906. Passed by the council of the city of La Grande, Oregon, on the 4th day of April A.D.I 906. I. R. Snook, Recorder of the city of La Grande. RACE f OR BIO SHIPS The launching of the great English bat tleship Dreadnought is followed almost immediately by reports from Washington that the House Committee on Naval Affairs favors the construction for the United States of a similar, but even more formidable, warship. That we are in a fair way to have the most powerful bat tleship in the world is in itself, according to the majority of the press, a cause sufficient for American gratification. The name of the vessel, the Constitution, adds materially to the popularity of the project and will, says the Philadelphia Press. "perpetuate in a most satisfactory way a name that stirs every American who reade his history. GOOD FRIDAY The observance of Good Friday dates back to the earliest period of the christian era. In fact it may be concluded that it was kept from the very beginning. It is the most eolemn day in all the church year, corresponding to the Cay of Atone ment under the old Jewish Dispensation for on it is gratefully and humbly com memorated the crucifixion of Jesus Christ whereby he made atonement for the sine of the whole world. Millions of Christians on this day will be bewailing their sins and listening to the great drama of the Passion. Un this day Jesus Christ will be set orth crucified before the whole civilized OUR CITY SYSTEM Five rules in the new, up-to-date Red Cross drug store. I Promptness and accuracy at all times on receiving, dispensing and delivering doctors' prescriptions and family receipts. II Pure drugs used at all times. HI Gratuated pharmacists always in attendance to fill prescriptions, wait on trade and answer telephone calls. IV We give you what you ask for. V Get your doctor to telephone your prescription to us and we, do the rest All we ask is a fair trial. , We want to show you. Red Cross Druo Store. A. C. MacLennan, Prop. PUBLISH D SUMMONS First Publication March 26th.. 1 906 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Union County. J. E. Bateman, Plaintiff 1 vs. Summons Allen Clark, Defendant) To Allen Clark defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and suit on or before May 8th. 1906. And if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plain tiff will take the judgment of said court against you for the sum of $53.76 together with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum after Octo ber SOth. 1905, together with attorney fee of $20 and the costs and disburs ments of this action, upon your certain promisory note and also, order for sale of attached property viz NEof SW & SEV of.NWJi Sec. 18 In Twp. 6 S. R 35 E. W. M. to pay such judgment This summons is published by order of Hon. Robert Eakin, Judge of the above entitled Court made March 26th. 1906 fixing six consecutive weeks therefor and in the La Grande Evening Observer the first publication hereof being March 26th. 1906. C. H.Fink. Attorney for Plaintiff. LOOK HE KE! LOOK HERE! We want to interest you In some fine bargains. Ranges at $23.50, 27.50, 31.00, 34.60 up to 67.50 for the best range made. Cook Stoves $4.60 to 15.00 . 15 by 19 ft New Carpet $12.60, Old Carpet $1.60. 3.50, 4.50 Fine Hanging Lamps $2.60. 2.0O. 2.60 Tnree Wash Machines $3.75, 6.00, 6.60 Iron Beds $1.60 to 7.60 Mattresses $1.60, 2.00. 2.50, 3.00 to 8.50 for the best Wool Mattresses made. Singer and Household Drop Head Sewing Machines $16.50, good as new on trial. Sixteen Bicycles all makes and styles $1.60 to 12.00 Best Values in Crockery in La Grande today 80 piece dinner set Floral Design $3.76, 45 piece dinner set Johnson Bros. English white war only $5.25. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. Gall or phone Red 1751 FIR STREET SECOND HANu STORE G. W, LEE. e ' j Easter Novelties ThAt please the little folks. We have them. I mounted Ducks, real mounted Chickens, Rab bets, Chicks, Ducks all sizes and colors. Por celain eggs in colors, all sizes. Buster Brown pictures to color your eggs with, sure to Interest the children. Easter Pcrfumds New Oders for your New Bonnet and Gown A. T. t Prescription Druggist HILL LA GRANDE, OR t m 4444444444444444 4 a a a 4 4 a. a 44 a a titntitm, . . . ' LUMBER 53 RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES Better Lumber and Cheaper than is sold in La Grande, We deliver it to your building; Crande Ronde Lumber Co PERRY, OREGON a.4444 444444?. IN BUSINESS AGAIN Business with me means LIVERY BUSINESS of course. Twenty years with horses has placed me in that business to stay THIS TIME TO STAY I have looked over the entire east and found that there is no place like home T When you want a first class turnout call or phone the RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE JOE WOODS PHONE RED 641 JEFFERSON AVENUE WANTED Lady or Gentleman to travel. Good salary and expenses payed week ly, $2 and $2.50 per day to work in city. Call room 51. Hotel Sommer. WANTED A competent girl or woman to do general housework and capable of taking complete charge can secure a permanent position at good wages by calling at this office. J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder Draler in Building Material La Grande, Oregon Dro a line naming work, and I will name the right price. SEED OATS John Wllcnn h nnanfif.. - C t l mu"wij ui III 91, 1)119 seed oats, which he desirgs to disposefih LIGHTNING COLLECTION AGENCY H. A. Watson, Mgr. 4 All claims placed in our hands I 5 be paid direct to the creditor. Our system gets the money. J r uu particulars made known upon application to interested parties. Office up-stairs in Ralston building ' La Grande. Or. Z' T' J