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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1905)
- I NEWS OF THE GREATEST POSSIBLE INTdREST TO ALL! THE FAIR'S ENTIRE STOCK OF READY MADE GOODS CONSISTING OF LADIES' SUITS AMD COATS, MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS AND DRESSES, MEN S AND BOYS' SLITS AND OVERCOATS, AND LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS AND HATS,, AND NUMEROUS OTHER ARTICLES OF ABSORTINC INTEREST CO ON 22 LADIES' FLANNEL WAISTS 50 Men's Coats and Vests . Worth S3 SO. $9 00 and $10 50. In cheviots, finished and unfinished worsteds, strictly all woilfon sale during this Great sale at kum'i best and nwt waiU in aU colors, X An of thi plain and ia fields, extraordinary values at ? SL50 and HIS . Your choica during thii salt at $1.25 $4.85 SALE FOR TEN DAYS ENDING DECEMBER 14 4 I "I 4 1 LADIES' SUITS COATS AND JACKETS Sweeping reductions, phertominal values, unequaled opportunities Fcr thoM who have uit or coat needs, wa might aay the opportunity of a lifetime, for nevtr before were strictly new and up-to-date suits offered at such prices. Don't hesi tate, don't doubt, don't take OUR word for it; come and SEE. Your expiations will be rrore than fulfilled. ' There are suits of all kinds. Suits of all kinds, suits for all people no reserve every suit and coat in our mammoth stock id eluded in this great sale. $ 950 12.50 0.5) 13 50 I&50 Suits for $5.78 779 8.69 10.41 12.39 JtO.GQ Coats for $7 29 12.00 and $12.50 coats ' 8 19 13 50 Coats for 8.39 9 00 ' . " , 6.59 25 Children's Jackets, choice 9Sc Special Let of M sses Plaid VvorjUd Dresses 98 MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS . . :- -n.. r.;. u Arina things in the men's clothing department. V carry the Kirschbaum guaranteed Dne of men's suit, and overcoats. ; line is second to none In the market, made in their own factory (the Ta J ; est in the world) by competent workmen, and warranted free from im- . Note Prices-We make them less than you can obtain for Sweat Shop Goods. I lot regular $10 Suit $7-35 $12 and $12.50 $15.00 $!6.50 $18.00 $20.00 $995 $11.95 $13.25 $'440 ' $15 95 Over Coats $7.50 8.50 12.00 ad $2.50 13 50 " 14.00 16.00 Over Coats 18.00 and 18.50 $5.95 6.95 9-95 10.75 13.50 14.95 $10.50 Coat and Vest $485 Reg. $6.00 Over Coats 3.98 $-.50 to $3.00 LADIES' and MISSES HATS. THIS GREAT SALE. CHOICE 50c BOYS' SUITS AT UNMATCH ABLE PRICeS Our Boy's Suit Department has been brimful of bar gains all fall, but for the next ten days it will be running 0vr with phenomenal values. Qet the boy a iXmas suit now. . ' ' .. - ' $6.00 Boy's Suits ages 3 to 8 good assortment to choose from in all wanted materials, this CO XC great sala . .. f7. V7 . $4.00 and $4 .60 Suite, ages 5 to 8 3 1 9 $8.00 to $5.25 Suite.:. f.QS $6.00 Long Pants Suite .... 345 $6.00 " " , - . 49 $7.60 " " " ...,.,.. 5.95 $8.00 " .:-;..... '6,40 etc etc etc AH Ladies' Hats naif Price When we say all. we mean every hat in our stock. When we say HALF PRICE it means less than you can buy the eame hats for anywhere In the country as we never have figured within 15 of regular milliners prices on our ladies hate. LADIES' UNDERWEAR VALUES OF GREATEST MERIT $1.10 58c Half Wool Ladies' Underwear the suit this sale Non-shrinking Pants and vesta, this sale . LAJI isC&l'C 111-1 1 J in single and double breasted, neat and dressy ti QC patterns, worth regular $3.00and $3.60 choice .fl.yw $1.00 Men's Wool Underwear . 79C $1 .26 Men's Shirts 48c $1.26 Men's Wool Underwear...-: - - 98c $1X0 Men's Wool Sweaters . 98c 60 and 60c Men and Boy's Caps 39c 25 and 35c Man and Boy's Caps .. '. I9c LADIES' WAISTS All at saving prices look, and price where you will these pricss have never been matched. Special tat, $1.25 waists Z5C Special lot $1.60 to $2.00 Flannel Waists , this . great sale L... - . VC BOYS and YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOAIS $2.48 ii 2.40;; 3.95 ;; 4-80 5.95 ; 6.40 ii ... 7.60 ii - 9.95 ii Boy's Reefers regular $3.50 to $4.25 values, this sale........ .......:..., $3.00 Overcoats $5.00 " - $6.00 " : $7.60 " $3,00 - $9.60 " $12.00 " We do not ask you to trade here because you love us vf if vnnr i4ntv ta vourself. to vour family and to voior purse to trade where your dollar will do you the greaTDt X ffood. A careful comparison will prove to you that yob f can save money if you trade with us. ,.. . , , III v 1 n .1 Jk ...... ... - A IS MADE BY TAKING . ... ADVAM1AGE OF BARGAINS Especially throuSh the Holidays. ' Our stock is 1 replete wiUv hand 'some, desks, comfortable rockers, dressers, sidebeards, iron beds rugs, etc., all combing with beauty and usefulness t . ; Pictures and Mouidinis ; i, . j Charles Dana Oibson has ceased to produce those fine drawings for. whicfc I be was noted, we have a number of his handiwork In atock. Kembrant 1 water color and Carbon Aristotypes make handsome ornaments. Framing i done here that Is jest a artistic as the pictures themselves. ! Eldridge and New Royal Sewing machines are carried here ADCOOK & HARRIS, ADAMS AVENUE ' La Evening Observer TUESDAY. DECEMBER ' 12, 1905 Published daily except on Sunday One year In advance ... .. Six months in advance Per month .. Single copy ....,.,.......:.... :. La GranJc National Bank ESTABL1SHED 8 8? Capital Stock, Surplus and undivided profits $160,0)0 00 Comparative statement of deposits for five ysars September 6, 1900 80. 1901 ' " 16. 1902 9. 1903 6, 1904 November 9. 1905 $291,007 63 331,605 38 498.376 84 655,601 89 571.864 02 618.029 62 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS GEORGE PALMER, President. J; M. BERRY. Vict President. F. L. MEYER Cashier. , GEORGE U CLEAVER, Assistant. Cashier. W. L BRENHOLTS, Assistant Cashier. J. M. BERRY, F. M. BYRKIT. . A. B. CONLEY, C. C. PEN1NQTON. F.J. HOLMES. ...$6.60 ... 3.60 66 6c Entered at the Post Office at La O rands. Oregon, as-Second Class Matter. ' CURR'EY BROS," ED'S AND PROP . ADVERTMKU JtATB ... IMaplar Ad mla famuilMd apoa ppltaatlnv UeoaliMisatleniebOTHDeane iw per UaelbteMkakinqmat Uoa. ... . ...., , . . ,; .. leealaUoae oreoadotoaee. je ; Une. arte el Utaaka, le per Ilae. CANADA'S BIWT Our ,neighbors on the north are raising a great howl because the United States imposes the same tariff rates on goods imported from the Dominion of Canada that are charged on goods from other foreign countries. Thsy want a recipro city tariff that will enable them to reach our market as cheaply, or nearly so. as our own citizens can, who pay taxes to keep up our government Feeling their inability to offer any reasonable consider ation for the change in our revenue laws they resort to bluff, and threaten retalia tory tariff rates on our own goods. Suppose they do enact retaliatory rates that will be practically prohibitory, and stop all trade between the United States and Canada which country would be the greater loser? The Dominion of Canada is not a free trade country, a large pro portion of the revenuee are derived from custom house duties on imported goods. The total revenue of the Dominion for the year ending June 30th., 1902 was $52. 614.701. of which $28,425,284 were from customs. This was collected from total imports which that year amounted to $212,270,168 and on which duties aggregating $28,425,284 were collected on the $t28,955.254 worth of imports of the kind customs were collected, show. ing the average tariff rate on all duteanle goods that enters Canada is 21.44 per cent of the value. . ! In the year 1903 we imported from British 'North Amsrica $16,432,482 worth of goods that entered free and $39,217,174 on which custom duties were collected. The same year we sold to that ' country stuff of the value of $125,776,203 on which custom- charges were paid. The whole -. commerce between the two eountriee show that we purchase from British North America $70,1 26,647 more than we sell J Wa need not be frightened at the bluff, unlsss wrtfreee modifies 6u-Uriff laws to suite h few speculstora'and prospective cattle and wheat growers they wilt fence us out of that country yrith high tariff. The government assay office at Seattle is now receiving attention from Director of the Mint Geo. E. Roberts and every employee may be removed. Judge C. A. Sehlbrede of Marshfield, Coos Bay, has announced himself as a candidate for governor, subject to ths wishee of the Republican constituency. It looks very much as though the President's rate bill will meet with little opposition. - - Much of the criticism of the Panama canal is inspired by the railroads. The transcontinental roads would like to ses ths scheme fail or have the completion of the canal delayed as long as possible. These roads havs the entire Pacific coast enthralled. They make us subsidiary to eastern manufacturers In order that they can get the haul across the continent The men who wish to go upon the cheap land of British North America and grow grain or raise stock for market in the United States find much fault with ths Dingley tariff, which is 30f a bushel on barley, 25 f a bushel on wheat 2( pound on beef, mutton and pork, cattle over one year old 67,' per cent advalo rum, cheese 6(f per pound, ham and bacon 6f per pound, hides raw 15 per cent on value, and wool from 7f per pound to 1 2 cents. Our farmers and stock men have so far not made complaint Ths completion of the Panama canal would break this up. It will help the railroads ultimately, as they would get more for the short haul from point to point as factories and other freight pro ducers would be established on the coast TO THE CHILDREN. The children can write their letters to Santa Clsus and mail thsm at Newlin Drug Ca's store.. V. ;..'. .'.. POULTRY Every lover of fresh Poultry will ap preciate the decliate flavor of the Chick en, Turkey, Duck, etc, that we sell. Our Roast Beef is rich and juicy and we aim to give you the choicest cuts at very moderate prices. Rohr& Company G. E. FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal PHONE 1611 All orders given prompt attention ' Centennial Hotel Under new management Board and Room '$6 per -week; "cash. Meala 26 cts. Special rates furnishs Monthly patrons. No. 1417 Adams Ave. Phone No. 1161. Mrs. W. E. Murchison, proprietress OUR SPECIALTY Fall vegetables of all kinds at ths lowsst current prices. Our apples are especially full from 60c to $1.00 a box. , E dollar box gets you the best apples to found in towa . Watch for our new wagon which goes by your door daly, SEATTLE GROCERY COMPANY ZUNDEL & LAWSON. - ' Y Ready For Business WITH A FILL LINE Of FEED, HAY AND GRAIN V We ere ready to buy all kinds of hay and grain, and pay the highest market prices. -j - . HV. OLIVER Slater Building: JEFFERSON AVE Main 57