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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1905)
TODAY'o NEWS TODAY WtSth'r n'eh' ra:" 0r ,now' rmr. "'w' Tomorrow rain or now. aa-' GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIH TOD AY APPOINTS 'JOHH H. GEAREfl TO SUCCEED THE ! I 1 i , Iris.. .JfflUME V - . LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. 0REO0M. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1905. ' ' - . . LAIt SEHATOR JOHh n. MITCHELL IH THE UIIIIED STATES SENATE EOR .'OHM GROCERY DESTROYED (Scrippa New Association) t-omana, uc 18. Fir this morning oestroyed th wholesale grocery house of f the largest wholesale erocerr firms in the Northwest, and the loss to the stock and building is estimated at $300,000. V.x firemen were eeriously injured. The cause of the accident was the collapse of the upper floor which precipitated the ;nen into the cauldron of flames below. Oris Houston is the " most seriously In jured and it is feared that hi injuries will jjrove fatal.' . -'' " h CO HVKTf D OF ASSAULT : (Scrlpps New Association) : San Francisco, Dec.;' )5.WohnVKeVr. assistant engineer on the transport Bu fcrd. was convicted of assault .committed tpj Frank Raymoe. was sentenced to o ' year in the Marion county jail and "ned $250 by Judge DeHaven this, morn "ij A stay of execution of ten days was s;ranted. bufin the meantime the defend ant was remanded to the custody of the Urjted States marshal. -'.? -. .-.. T 'fRKlHS', RESIGNATION ACCEPTED '" (Scrlpp News Association )" '. ' New York, Dei. 13. The trustees, of the New York Life this afternoon ac cepted the resignation of -Perkins. H remains a mamber of the board. ' 5 ' ''.- -v- : CHAT RACE MARE 'DEAD (Scrippe News Association) ,""T '"l ' ;Sn Francisco, pes: JS.Ishalna, one f the greatest rsjeg marea. in ,ithe cojjntry died thte morning $f catarrhal fever.' The mart was valued at , $10,000 and was owned by "Oregon Qeorge". Wentworth." INDICTED f ORMER OFFICIALS ' (Scrlppa News Association) " .Chicago, Dec. 1 3. Indictments were found today by the federal grand -jury against John N.' Faithorn, 1 president - of the Chicago Terminal Transfer Company; Fred A. Wann, vice-president t of the Pere Marquette, and Chicago it Alton, charging them with paying rebates to the amount of $20,000 on shipment over the Alton. i Faithom was formerly vice-president of the Alton and Wann general manager. It is alleged that during their connection with the Alton they gave the rebates to Sohwarzschild & Sulzberger, packers of Kansas City. Beth S. Cusey, the traffic manager, recently pleaded guilty to the charge of receiving rebate and . was fined $5000. Today' indictments were returned upon Cusey's testimony. ' ' OPEN ON PRUDENTIAL (Scrlpps New Association) ' New York, Dec.' 1 3. John E. Gore actuary of the Prudential, : was the first witness in the investgations Insurance this morning. He read a statements showing that since the company entered business, the total premiums' received were $287, 000,000 paid out in benefits, leaving $92,000,000 surplus, including $2,000,3 000 capital. He said that over. 90 per cent was paid to policy holders a divi i denes. v ..? i Newly Appointed Setter Annexes ; HLnself in Accord wits : , v President Roosevelt On Ledia Questions ; ; . ; ; ; Before Congress, (Scrlpps New Association) Salem, Dec. 13. Governor Chamber lain today appointed John M. Gearin, Democrat of Portland. United States Senator to succeed Mitchell. His term will end March. 190?. Gearin Is 64 year old. He wa born in a prairi schooner whll hi parents wer coming ovrland to Oregon, He wa educated at St Mary' college at Indiana, He is th fourth member of the HOPES PARENT WILL RELENT ' (Scrlpps News Association)' Washington. .Dec. . 13. Marguerite Baker, fiancee of Alphonse Zelaya, Ion of the president of Nicaragua; who was captured at the instance of the Nicara- guan minister, has received a message saying that the youth will reach New Or leans and urging her to have faith. - 'The , iwuibii memuvr oi uie loans ana urging ner (o nave raitn. ine law firm of Mitchell and Dolph to become 'young woman believe thf tern parent and senator. He was , itiinu district aiiorney ana was once a Demo cratic candidate for congress and specie prosscutor undsr Cleveland in the fam ous smuggling cases. H ssy h will upport Roosevelt in th corporation control policy and i hearty accord in th land fraud investi gation...: He . believes in azDansion ami MAIL CONTRACTS AWARDED J (gcrlpps New Association) . WashlrigtonDes; 13 Bids for wason mail service in cities wesi of the. Missouri river for a period of four years, -ware just onened bv the dAnartmnnt. Thn wit ar Franc'sco, Seattle' Sa'crarhento and Oak rejected.', ,. Pv H. Schuldermar get th contract at Portland for $5600: ' J. W. Trajii atSpekanaifor $4700: and! JW, Hitsman at Los Angeles for $18,f fl06;3!''Vt.."i .,y... : COLD MISSING . I enver.jJDec, Jl. A special to th Timet from Rock Springs, Wyd saysrt! M; ,. i.A,.'nA.j : t j i rL. ,i.iiiak.x biiuiiu uuuaii ill uiu uviuunflu to a snipper, wnos name" tne -railroad and express companje will not disclose." .Was' in orfer' of the dark ' of th: Overlaid limited w'hictvwas wrecked . and bumCU last week at Ahsay, and it cannot-be found, t" ; ; .:, (Scrlpps New Association) ' ' Washington,-. Deo'." I a-RprsenUtiv Mann today introduced a bill Drooosins to dismiss th canal commiss on and autho nia tne President to put to work some ! on pnder , the government department also on the Panama railroad. ' Allison, o'n the committee . 'of appropriations! an-' nounced that th committee thoucht that $1 1.000.000 would be enough Sat the canal. . ; , ' -..., Tillman is afui the scatotfSecretarv Bishop of th canal commision; Bishop was a former, newspaper man. His sal ary i $10,000 a year. Tillman ay th I '? ' .: XM (. mm "it i; SUGGEST I ON S i; - i ' '' ' , , , r 1, , ' , ' Ghristmas Bell? will soon be ringing' frid . the old problem of "what shall I give him for Ghristmas" will I I once more confront you. . , 1 We have made a few suggestions and should you ..' i fail to find a suitable item on the list we would be I pleased to have you call and we'll do all in our power 2 4v to assist you. ; ' ' ' ' ' ":'. t i SUSPENDERS CRAVENETTES COURSE COAT OVERCOAT hat t i HOSIERY :mbrella SUIT NECKWEAR S .IRTS MUFFLER UNDERWEAR CLOVES ; MCHTROBE 'KERCHIEF A good rule to follow in selecting gifts foz man is .1 . -. u l- i. i- l.... i-: it art 1 10 DUy wnai ne wouia do api w ouy lumscn. mii our prices' are moderate, and we are alway at your service. H BROS. CLOTHIERS AND HABERDASHERS. - w . - iw . i uame. free trade.' "" ,'''-"'- fin would mwmi TILLMAN WANTS SCALP OF SECRETARY BISHOP alary i an xtravagance. '. !, ' .' '' Root attended the meeting of the com fnittee on foreign relations of the senate to discus th bill ,for reorganization of the consular and diplomatic services. He asked that a provision be mad : for th position of minister to Norway. .' ?t - ' f .. I"--'- ) ' - - ' " ' ' WITHDRAW NOMINATION '" " "' . " . .- . . 1 Th President withdrew'' the'' homina tioh of Miles Cannon a register of the North Yakima land offlc on -protest -1 of Senatort Anlteny and Pile.' .Cannon was nominated on - recommen3ation of Land Commitsioner Richard, t " ' ' " ' ' - FT VIFWTFIKflF ATTEMPTED ASSASSIHAT10H $RAND DUKE BORIS . AND . (ZAR ? (LASHED : IN J DJS CUSSING RUSSIAN SITUATION, (8crlpp New Association) ; ' Chicago, Do.; 18. A Daily. News cor respondent at St. Petersburg cables the account of an y witness in the recent trouble in which an attempt wa made upon th Czar' lif. He says th troubl really began by Qrand Duke Bor ic calling th Czar to account for th al leged sacrifices of th family interests to further his political ends. He called the Czar a creature without backbone. .The Czar retorted calling the duke to account for hi mod of living and told him that h wa th cause of the people being, fired upon at Valdimir, January , 1 1 , of last yar,' which, jrcipitated th ' troubl which resulted In th present crisi. Bori retorted warmly. Bori drw hi word but Nichola interfered. Bori was ban tshsd from Russia. , Witt in a personal interview said that he could not forsee the end of th present convulsion nor foretell the developments. Therefore he could not decide clearly th futur policy, which h hoped would be reasonable Witt is pate and emaciated but nis reported paralysis is untrue. KAHR UITRODUCES BIU . (Scrlpps New Association) . Washington,- Dec. 15 Representative Kahn today introduced va bill authorizing the circuit court to adjudicate claim of American citizen. Under th Behring Sea arbitration award with Russian, Japanese and British sailor whose ships wer confiscated for alleged pleagic seal ing, havs already been settled. , BARKS DID ROT (ORIBIBUTt (Scrlpps New Association! ' Washington, Dec. 18 Th comptroller t - . . oi currsncy. m answering th senaU in quiry, says th reports that th national bank record do not show that they con tributed to th political campaign last lection, except in two mstancs where mall wmi wart given for Ixi! eimpi'gn purpos. will relent as horn. soon a Alphonso reaches CLERCY HOLD SESSION (Scrrppe New Association) Warsaw. Dec 18. A meeting of 417 clergymen of Poland was kUM Afnr an all night session thev decidsi) in demand autonomy for Poland with a par- ament, general ecret ballot the rein Utement of th Polish toncue in the government officer, th abolition of cap ital punishment and amnanty to all polit ical prisoners. . ,i , 1(11 GOLD COMES f ROM : CAN OPEN BOXES (Scrlpp News Association) 'Albany, N. Y.. Dec. 18. The Court of Appeals decided that Heart may opM ballot boxes . and recount, thm unf-. H probably will result in McClellan' lsc- uon being omcially declared. ' r ,. - ' - CDHBOAT ARRIVES SAFELY (8crlpps New Association) '! Nawriort. R. I Hay. 1 1 1 - 1- 1 4 Hisi which . wa blow;n . to, sea- whil seeking to aid the lightship' Nantucket. THE HI Alaska's gold product for 1908 would Dav twii ova nn ..... . - gav for that provinc to Russia, And , this is only on Item in our annual income from that region. . It fur, fisheries and minerals hav yielded ut $250,000,000 inc our flag wa raised over it ,', It resources in coal, iron or and timker, 1 none of which ha ben really touched yet are Inexhaustible. It possibilites in ag riculture and fruit raising are larger than it mineral resource. All that Alaska needs to develop these vast riches are railroads and wagon roads, and those are beginning to appear. Congress h ne glected this vast and opulent region 4oo ' long. This winter it should elect Alaska into a territory, provide for the creation of good roads and . enact other needed legislation. Leslie' Weekly. A- W. Leffel ha moved from hi former rsfdence in th western part of the ctty. u. -.J now "vs m -nc on p 5tret ...,f .,, vu.nrm,. morning. form8riT occupied by Mre. E. Walters. - ' : - ' - , ' Lies in buying' carlylhd. in buying right- Buy soon and secure 'ad- BALTIC SITUATION CRAVE (Scrlpp New Association) St, Petersburg, Dec. 18. The situation in th Baltic province is th most grav n th empirt and approaches civil war A war governor with adminirtrativ power hae been appointed. Restorat on of wire communication lasted but a few hours. Th cable wer again cut at midnight while messages wr going to th German frontier. Witt opposed a dictatorship, Th ti up by th strikers at Moscow i complete.., . ASSASSIN FREED ' (Scrlpp New Association) Novoselitz, Dec 18. Th assassin or Skarolonoff, a blacksmith by th nam of Voroshinkoff, who prtndd that h wa deaf and dumb, in order to approach hi victim, wa freed by th Revolutionist today. : vantage of uncommon assortment Eearly buyers Buy before, sorb olli gets just uk. ujuwc jr:uu ivyuiu nave mosi preferred, iur Holiday Goods are here1 and theVeVgoods amohc tjiem that vyill please you.5 . You will get uiKiiv iii ritni prices, too, Its right prices that's gpihglo make them go quickly, y 1 . TOILET V CAS'--.jFANeY-" AAlR CLOTH and ; TOOTH BRUSHES, BOOK, STA1 POCKET BOOKS, PURSES, BILL BOO S. S. AVINCr SETS, CIGARS, Ct INFECTiONERY, BIBLES, AL BUMS, CHRISTiVAS"dRDS, etc; 'v! 1-1 'ii i " ""9 ' m 1 : Newlin Drug Co. La Grande, Oregon. I'i ,1 t f '.,' - r ; : - j' ' " i ' M.t: j' - ( . ' ' ' "r, ' v. it - i i-, it - ;MMMMMMMM MM.MM t 1 t. : 'ill