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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1905)
TODAY'S NEWS TODAY ' Tomorrow rain or snow. LA GRANDE UNION COUNTY. OREGON, MONDAY. DECEMBER 11. 190S. . ' SPEAKER (Mil Illlffi CHAIR HI OF (OffllTIS ACTRESS TIES DISGRACE (Scrtpps News Association) San Francisco, Dec. 1 1. Discharged from her company without a hearing and believing her theatrical career irretriev ably blighted. Charlotte Weaver, aged 18 daughter of General Weaver it Idaho, playing at the Majestic theatre, attempt ed to kill herself last night at the Hotel Margarita by the meant of gas. The girl had been ill ht says and the humiliation before the members of the, cast caused by the stage manager is responsible for the act. FOR MI YEAR Burton L. French, of Idaho, chairman Wesley L Jones, of Washington, chair- Francis W. Cmh-nin. of Washinaton imm.gratton anc I public lanai man river and harbor committee . chairman commerce and private . land - committees i ... - f i :: , . y. I t . , r . Nsjs. j Josoph Howall, of Utah, cha rmin in' dustriai art and mining committed! - Will E. Humphreys, of Washington, chairman merchant marine committee t (Scrlpps News Association) . J'- Washington, Dec. 11. Speaker of -the House Cannon has announced his stajid J ing Committees for the E 9th.. congress for the RapuVisin side of the house. Each ImpirUit cannittee has bean increased ml fc by one. The Democrats retain-their pre vious numerical strength, one each 'two Republicans. The chairmanships show faw changes over last session. ' ' CHAIRMANSHIPS ' ' "'" ' California Gillette, chairman civil ser- 4 jhrrs'i: : ""'"' ;i' ""r ' '' " 5 Winter's knocking at the door. With no uncertain sound lie's demanding entrance everywhere. ' Are you ready for him? How about your winter Suit and Overcoat? j ' . , i Are they in proper condition to weather the storms of the coming season? J How. about your winter Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery and other Toggery? t . ' If there are any weak spots in your wardrobe we are here to strengthen them with the v . .Oli i - : : ' . . , Best That's To Be Had The most skilful tailors known to the trade build our clothe . artistically, and they Auild them well and they build them on honor. Our furnishings come from ihe hands of the best known manufacturer, if ' ' ; i Money back If you want it" Thot is the guarantee that goes with every sale. It is under these condition that we ask you to make this your ' Clothing Store. , j; ASH BROS. I! CLOTHIERS AND HABERDASHERS. vice reform and appropraitiont. . Idaho-Frerich, on Immigration. Pub li; Lands. j' ""- , r MonUna'-Dixon on "'patents. Mines and Public Lands. - . - ; -. Nevada-Van Dusser-Irrgation.". ) In dian Affa;rs and Public Land. . : Oregon Herman Indian Affairs Elec tion of president Wiliaris6n-Irrigation and Mines. V - ' ' , Washington Jonee-River and Harbor. Cushman--Commerc and Private Land Claim Humphri-Merchant. Marine and'Electidns'.. ' ' . ' ' Utaf) Ju&eph Hdwet.'. chairman of Industrial Arts, Exposition and Mining Claim. . : . v. RATE Bill to Mate (Scrlpps New Association) Washington; Dec. 11. A spirited di cussion was pareipitated in the senate this morning when Senator Tillman in troduced 4 rat regulation bill proposed to give the commission power to fix a maximum rata. ' : Senator Foraker declares th bill to be th best raU bill aver introduced. He added. "I am not throwing boqueta, for 1 am not going to voU foe, if During th debate that followed Foraker said that he wa unalterably opposed to giving the commission power to fix th rates. He disputed th right of Congr in this direction, aying th court of quity had all power necessary. . . , GRANTED DIVORCE (Scrtpps New Association) Pari. Dec. 1 1. A divorc w-i today granted to Pot!, th hu.ji..i of I.'.m. Rejan. th ctres. M1NL1G lilVfSTlGATOR KlUfD (Scrlpps News Association) Tuscon. Ariz., Dec. 1 1. The body of Luther Jewel, of San Diego, who disap peared some months ago, while investi gating mining property near Llano. Sonora, was found Sunday by H.X1. Glore and a party of mining men who wer ex amining the Veta Tierra mine. The body was found at the bottom of an abandoned shaft with the skull crushed. It is thought that Jewel wa murdered by hit guide for his money. SIwES niiii iuAUiunAKitS (Scrlpps New Association) St Petersburg, Dec. 1 1 . Witte is open ly siding in with the reactionaries to a certain extend by making General Crod sky, a bitter reactionist, the command of the St Petersburg fortress, with th ex- traodinary power. A great meeting of roughs wa held to day. They cried, "Down with the intel lectual" "Down with th Jaws'' "Down with th ' liberals" ' Many priests wer present ; The police dispersed the meet ing. - ;-' ' " ' ' SENATOR MITCHELL v. t, v it (Scrlpps New Association) ; .' Portland, Oregon December" ! 1 the last sad rites to be held over the body of the late United State Senator John H. Mitchell will take place tomorrow lhe remains' will lie in state at the city nainrom io o clock until 12:30 when they will'b taken to th Firt Congrega tional chulch at 2 o clock and th funeral service will be confined to the Elk's ritualistic cermony. Dr. E. L. House will offer prayer, at the grave th services will be under the auspicies of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fllow. From, th church military 'guard1 will escort a body of th Legal Bar .Association to River View cmetery. . Ther will be no; funeral , addres. His ' son John H. Mitchell Jr. wJltit the'onjy Immediat member of th family present' j . "f, ' Honorary pallbearer at th funeral, wil be:!. ExMayo'r George H.' William; Ben Simpson, C: A, Dolph,, J N.Tel, Colon.eI D. M. Dunne, and W. H. Galvani. of Port' land, and' Frank I. Dunbar, of 'Salem.'' Active pallbearer! win. b: G. C: Fulton, Astoria: A. S Bennett th Dalles; Judge William Galloway, McMinnville: . Phil Metschan, I. NT Fleischner Jdy! Portland. ' ' and Allen , CARDINALS ELECTED (Scrlpps New Association) , f Rome. Dec. 1 1 The third consistory sine th election of Pius X and second for th nominations of carjinals for the same period of time began today. Th ceremonie opened with little pomp. .Th following war made cardinals: Caglano de Azvedo, Rome; Joseph Samaea, Hun gary; Cavalsanti, Brazil; and . Spinolay Maeste, Seville. KOREAN MINISTER CALLS (Scrlpps New Association) Washington, Dec. 1 1. Prince Min. of Korea, called upon, Secretary Root this morning to ascertain th statu of his country here. H wa told that it wa regarded a separate nation but that th United State recognized th prepon derance of Japanese influence. SHIP W DISTRESS (Scrlpps New Association) New Port, R. U Dec 1 1. Early today a half " finished wireles wa received from a Nantucket light chip saying, "Send aistanc from anywhere." Th gun boat Hist Ift at s i this morning to give aid. Th heavy sea is subsiding. DEATH REMOVES (HAlidE MM JOHN II. MITCHELL fviCent in tHe Scntfe wtcn 1M EcSy Opened Session Today (Scrlpps News Association) Washington. : Dec." 1 1. Ex-Senator Thurson, of Nebraska, appeared before the supreme court this morning. He called attention to the death of Senator John H. Mitchell whose case was pending a hearing. Chief Justice Fuller nodded acknowledgement and th notice' of hi death wa inserted upon th docket as a dismissal of fwl T. --. i. - by th death of the appellant . SENATE EMBARYSSEO Washington. Dec. 11. When the senat mot today at noon it gave evidence of embarassment caused by th death of Senator Mitchell. Hi desk was un draped. Senator Fulton decided not to formally announce his demise. There wa no mention of hi death in the hous ... uusijr ujuurnsa un til Wsdnesday. , OPEN ON NEW COMPANY (Scrlpps New Association) New York Dee 1 1 Henry E. Ide pre sident of th Home Life Insurance Com pany wa a witness in th insurance in vestigation. He said th officer had no "joint account" by which they received commissions on transactions in securitio. The witness said that he was not insured in any company though som of th of ficers who were in the i company neither directly nor indirectly participated in the syndicate operations. They bought rail road stocks for investments but made no loans to officers. ' T(ey made a few col lateral toans as found to be the better means to employ the fund.' Ide said the company received an ave rage of four and a half percent on loans and not mortgages. The surplus wa over million larger than necessary. This was distributed during twenty years all over about and ' was ten percent of the assets to policy holders. : ', , , , CRAIN MARKETS (Scrlpp New Association) v .. ,l4l!, Chicago, Dec; '11.- Wheat oVeneifat 86,! elosed,' I ee?i ? eon) opened 44?," closed. 4 4 ; oat' opened 21 closed. 51. O f' i , PORTLAND MARKET . ...... V Portland, ' Dec. Club. 73; 1, i j ' 1. Bluestem Valley, ,74. ;? 75 ELECTION CASE ARGUED (Scrlpps New Association) Albany, N. Y., Dec ll.-Th New York election recount case was argued in th court of appeal today. Ex-Governor Black made the principal argument for Hearst and Alton B. Parker for McClell an. Th question the court Is asked to decide is whether the election law auth orized the recount of ballot already officially counted. '' MINISTER IN CHICAGO v (Scrlpps News Association) - Chicago, Dec. 1 1. Takahira, minister from Japan, spent the day jn Chicago. He lunched with the Japanese consul," He will leave tonight for San Francisco to take the steamer Manchuria for home. He expects to reach home by January 5. TO BANQUET El J (Scrlpp New Association) ; St Paul, Dec, 11. Arrangement are complete for a banquet given by the 'citi zens of this city to James J. Hill a the fourteenth recognition of his' services in creating the city. '." "' ' ., S l ". r ' J -' . .. . . fRESH MUTINY REPORTED (Scrtpps Newssoclatlon) J ' Cracow, Dec. 1. A fresh general mutiny pf th sailor and soldier i re ported at Sevastqpol and Kieff . ' XMAS PRESENTS HE I . -WILL APPRECIATE . TOTAL BUSS IS DESCRIBED BY PRESIDENT CLEVELAND AS HAVING A PAIR Of SUSPENDERS Off EVERY PAlR Ofi PANTi WE HAVE ;-THE BUSS" AJ niOM WTO S2.60 A PAIR. ' v ' -A Conqueror :Ha $3.00 Qet th size out of hit old On ; I' A Good Sweater. $3 to $6 , !' . A Smoking Jacket of Cordigan, $5 to '$ 1 J c, "A Silk of White Wash Vest $1.60 to $6 ,' -' ' ''' , , . A pair of Fancy HoseVSo'toZpc . ' " " '" ' . 'A Ti; lide'criptiqnt,.from 26c to $,60; .. ' .. A Muffjer, $1.60.' 'Full Dres Muffier, $2X0 A pair of Wilson Bros. Shirt, $1. B0 to $2.60 . ' A Handkerchief, from 60c to $J 60 t , . , , , (. A pair of Hanan or Walkover Shoe, from $3.60 to $6. , Bring tht figura in the old pair to get the size you want Glove, all kind and price. W carry but on class of good th BEST. Call and mak your leetion and w will keep them for you until you want them. ..--"- ' ' $40 SUIT GIVEN! AWAY i 1 DEC 31 Every $1 cash purchase, or paid on account en titles you to chance. .. COMMENCING ON NOVEMBER . SUIT CLUB WINNERS . Chttlti Mimniujh 3S Suit New Qub AL. ANDREWS , Hhrdr nH Tsitnr ' ' i : " 'I P : ..." II I" " p mm -m: l 'S r t V. J f'.,;,;"''.,.'H r