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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1904)
4 i I .1 - We are not- selling all MiLLINE R Y at a reduced price New Belts, New Combs, New Caps E II WELLMAN & CO La Grande - Oregon UNION COUNTY A HEAVY LEGAL NOTICES MOTICE OF RK3TOBATI0N ur Hi EXPORTER! You Can Get La Grande Creamery Butter At the Following Well knowa Dealers i Romig & Staples Mo Fay lane Geddes Bros Baker Bros. G. Jlstou ' J. W. White A Train Load Leaves This Valley For Outside Points Every Other Day. O. L. Thoin Remember every pound is guaranteed you own j When you ask for La Grande Creamery Batter beip a Lome iuJuitry thvrv helD vour business. '-- '-.'.. - ' Pa8tnrixed sweet Cream nd Fresh Buttermilk always on band. C I-,l?T La Grand Creamery Co 1 t-s-Js nii'i". .. THE RENT BOGY MAN . should be kilUd for alt time. Why have it burning up month after month Every dollar paid in rent is forever lost but every dplUr which g to ward the purchase of a bome ia to much gained. . Permit at to asaiat you to a piece of property. We have what will suit exactlv, and at the right price. A SMALL (CASH PAYMENT and the balance on easy terms will secure it. Without investigating there are doubtless very few of our citizens who realize the immense exportation of Union county product and the state mct thatoor exports are equal to one train load of 40 cars every other day throughout the entire year including Rtindaya will astonish not a few, but snob, is true nevertheless. ',' During the past two weeks we have been collecting tuls data from man w iota business places them In a posi tion to know. For example, Mr. P S Murphy, manager of the Grarde Ronde Lumber Co., ia authority on lumber; Ed Kiddl on wheat, barley, oats and live atock; A V Oliver on hay; O E Harper on our dairy products; Mr. Bramwell ou beetaaud engar; and so oo. : Our varied and extensive resources are the basis of onr prosperity and the grand annual tot la are increasing eaoh , year. I . The following are the average re sources received anuuaiijr tl; Zzl towing products and enterprises, tfheat .v 650,000 Lumber.. 640, 0U0 Sugar...: i... 205,000 Oats and Barley,......,. 250,000 Cattle.,......, ' 2!0,000 Hogi.... .............. Horses a d Mules,.,.;' Hay rruit Sagar Beet ...... Dairy-Frodoctert-, Poultry Potatoes.: Wood .......... OAR LOADS Lumber........ Wheat.,."......, Oats and Barley Wood . ,. Ice...... Kruit ;. . Sugar... Potatoes Hay Cattle . . Hogs.... Homes and Mules .j. ............ . 3000 -2000 . 600 . 600 ." 600 : 250. . 200 . 200 ,200 .4150 100 60 fublio Lai da to settlement and Lm try. LVpailuient of the interior, Ueu Land OUlca, Washington, U. U., ovemberl, U04. Notice ia hereby given that on October 21, 1904, the Acting (secretary of the In erior re storei to settlement the publio lands In the following desoribeJ aieaa, which were temporarily withdrawn tor forest retire purposes; and that the aid pnbllo laodaao reatored to aettlemeut on October 21, LW4, will become anb jct to entry tUhig and selection at the United Statee District Land Olfioe at La Orande, Oregon; on March It 1SX5: In Township two(2) North, Range lorty -four (44) Last, tbe aouth-wesi quarter of beotiun twenty-four (24) aud tbe west half of Section tweoty-flve (25)1 in Township three (3) North Rang forty-lour (44) East, Sections' one (1) to Ave (6), both inclusive, I he north half of the north-west quarter ol (Section bix (6), tbe north half of. Sections nine (9) and tea (10), See tioue eleven (11) to fourteen (14); both inclusive, the north-east quarter of Section twenty two (22),' the noith halt of the eoote-eaat quarter 01 beo- tion twentr-threa (23). Seotiona tweu- fty four (24) and twenty live (to), the south ball ol tbe south west quarter 01 Section thirtjr-oue (31), and all Sec tion thirty-six (3); in lownsnipuur (4) North, Hang forty four (44) East, the west half of tbe the west half of Section one (1), Section two (2) to eleven (11), both inolusive, the north west Quarter ot iba northwest quarter of Section twelve (12), the south westi Total oars. 7750 '.Equal to 194 solid trains' of 40 cars each. , ' , ; ' ' ' ' We do not believe that thee is another county In this Inland Empire that nan sho fourteen different agri cultural resources which average 1103, OOOeaoh. Our wheat la sought after in every market. Our flour into the Orient, our Jrrlt .' AMit demand, our lamb' r to the prairies of our east. The vast mining region to our south .consumes vast quantities of our produce. With tbe advent of our electric rail roads and a turpi a of electrio power1 1905 will be another mil atone in our 201,000 history." Our populatl:n will increase. -r!.u, K.Lga fori seven (47 J Et, foctiuji ou l to eevnteeu 17, both inoiutive, bectious twenty on 21) to twenty eight 28, botb indue ive, ana (section tnirty ix I Jo J, Ail that part of !owuhip six 6 Win, Eange forty aveu 47 Katit, la Ore gon; In Township thra i -Sorih, tu-nge torty eight 43 .Last, the aouta east quarter ot Bection lour 4, the east bait of feootlon mn , Section sixteen 10, the east hail of Sections twenty one 21 and twenty eij?ht 2ti, 1 the aoutueaitt quuer of the northwe.t quarter, the south ball oi tbe nortbtgt quarter en4 the aouth half ot Section tnirty two 3i, the aouitweat quarter the south hall oi tbe uorthweat quat tr and the east halt of Section tnaiy turee33J; ail fi actional Township five 5 North, Range forty eight ) Kaat: All fractional lownahip i( 6 North, Kange forty eight id J fc-a.t; All 01 the W illametia Met idmu, Oregon. W A Richards, Commissioner. Approved: K A llitobcock, beoretary of tbe Interior. MOTICE OP BESrOBATION of x'ublio Lands to Bettloment and Entry. Department of the Interior, Ueneral Laud (Jttloe, VTaahlngton, L. U., Novemher 3, 104. Notlee ia here by given that on October 21, 1004, the -Acting becietary of the Interior reator ed to actlemeot the pnbllo land in the following described areas, which were temporarily withdrawn for forest - , 120,000 100,000 1 100,000 6,000 60,000 .. ' 30,000 20,0K) xXa Srando Snvcsimont Company, 1110 Adams Avenue, . ' La Grande, Oregon Full Weight Guaranteed . Wholesale and Retail deal ers in Hey, Grain, VegV tables and Fruits Carload lots a Specialty Lawson & Zundell Office in Kiipatriok Bldg Phone No 1113 Special Offer What would be nicer for a Christmas present than da enlarged photo of your self or baby t Until Nov 20th too get an 11x14 Bromide free with every W 00 order Tor Photos at The Taylor Studio , Not 12-19 Reading Koom. The east room of Central Church o Christ. Open every day from noon to nix in tbe evening. Iaily and weekly papers, tnagasinea and books. Men and boys cordially invited. Strange always welcome SPEGIALi SALE for Ten days Everything in my store at Total. 2,700 00 manuiacturea will utilize our power and py rolls wilt be the order of the day. 'v . - .; ; , La Or nde, the metropolis ot this wealthy valley, is growing as she never grew before, city property Is changing banda, new addttlona are being placed on the market and 1005 will see more I homes built than in ny one preceding 1 year SENDS IN HIS REPORT Oregon Land Comyany Will Sell at $60 Per Acre Washington, Deo 7 The secretary of tbe lntarior today transmitted a report of bia investigation relative to the claims ot Sherman county settlers The report recites that the Eaa ern Oregon Land company now owing tbe lands in question will sell them to the government at $60 an acre, ' provid ed 10,000 acres are taken The acre age involved ia 22,000 aorea, Special Agent Newausen who made the Invest lgation reporta that this prloe is high, but not .excessively so. It ia proposed to rumburse the settlert,for lessee in curred through tbe loss of their lands or return them from the lands of the Eastern Oregon company should these be purobased. -: Furniture for Sale ' ' . . - S.' . i - Complete house keeping outfit will M sold oueap if sold at once. r vv 3 CArdref. tf Cor. Adams Ave. & Cedar St - " Lost v Monday night between Army hall and J W Whites reiideoce black Fur bow Suitable reward for Its return to this office. Professional W. J. BISON ETT EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Olfloe with J.T. Williamson. La Grande Parties wishing the servlees of a com petent bookkeeper are aas red sntig factory results. Prices reasonable C. B. Cauthorn DENTIST- Office Over Hill Drug 8 tore ; La Grande, Oregon ; Dr. Y A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 136 J Residence phone 701 Mi e e REDUCTION PRICES tJ3 Now is your chance. Come in and see for your self and be eonviuced that I MEAN JUST WHAT I SAY. IT WILL PAY YOU MRS. J. R. FORREST, ' Milliner'1; J Masonic balding on Adams avenue. - e Summerville Sittings Cold weather.' - - Ut. Lee lrvln la visiting his parents and Mrs. lrvln ia this city. Mr. PeU Wright had the misfortune to get his face badly scalded while scalding a bog. Died Ia thla city, Deo 2, 1904, the infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. flilman. A lecture was given In the Presby terian church, Deo. 6, on Missionary work by Mies JIlatcb. It was well attended. Mr. Kenneth MoKlnzie ot Loatlne Is visiting friends and relative in this city. . " Mr. D C i Wearer retaroed home Monday from Baker City where he has been visiting relatives. M'ss tUe Hobeon went to Wallowa Wednesday. . 1 : Mog. . Malheur County Investment For Investments In MALHEUR COUNTY - Write to C,T. McDANlEL Outario .Oregon I 'LAHES Ml Estray Notice From M 6 Cross ens p.eturepoe gray horse branded W L on left fc boulder and one sorrel' horte branded B on ' shoulder also has wire cut aoroa 1 1 vt. Leave word at this office or pi one N0IS6L And receive auiUMe That the'way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it by ' using Geddes Bros' canned fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, en ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store, the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc Special attention given to phone orders. Geddes Bros. quarter of beotiun thirteen (13), 8ec Uunsfuurteeu (14) to twsnty three (23) both Inclusive, the west halt of tbe west half and tbe south-east quarter of the south west quarter ot beotiun twemy four ('Ji), tbe weat half of Sec Hon twenty.'tlve (25), iections twenty six (20), tweuty-seven (27) and tweo-ty-elgbt (28), tbe nortn . half of the euuth east quarter, the s0utheaat quarter of the aouth east quarter, and the north-east quarter of the aouth west of bection twenrynine (20), the soutb-west quarter aud the south half ot tbe uoith west quarter ot Beotlou thirty-oue (31), and tiectluns thirty three (33) to thirty six (30), both in. in.i..;, , in, lonaiuip (wo (X) North. ' Range forty-uve V;zzi. bectionsone (1), two (2) and three (3) tbe uorth half ol Section lour (4), tbe north half and south west quarter of beotlon uve 15), the north hlt, and tbe nortu nan ana eoutn-easi quartei of the south east quarter of (Section six (o), the eaat bait ot tne east nail ot iSeoiion nine a, beotloos ten 10 to torn teen (14), both inclusive, the eaat nan ot ueciion nxteeu ua). eeouou sixteen., (lit), the south half ot the nortb-east quarter, tbe north ball of tbe sontb-eaat quarter auii tne aoutn- eaat quarter of tbe south eaat quarter of Section ' seventeen 171, the aouth halt of the south east quarter ot tteo tlon nineteen 101, the aouth weat Quarter ot tbe south west quarter, tbe nortb-east quarter, and the north half ot.the ,aoutb-eatt quarter ot beotlon tw niv P201 . the nortb-west Quarter 01 the tionh-eujt quarter, the north halt of the north-west quarter and tbe south-west quarter of the north west quarter of bection twenty-one gl, tbe east halt ot the eaat halt ol bection twenty-two 221, Sections twacty-three 23 10 twenty-oil 20, both inuluaive, the eaat half of tieotion twenty-seven 27, tbe south half the south west quarter and tbe north west quarter ot tbe south-west quarter bection twenty-eight 28, the sbuth-eaat quarter ot the south-east quarter and the weat half ot the west half of bee tion twenty nine 29, tbe east half ot the north-east quarter and the north east quarter of the aouth east quarter ot tieotion thirty 30, the soutbweat quarter of tie noitneast quarter, the west half of the southeast quarter, and the west half ot Section thirty one 31 tbe northwest quarter ot the northwest quarter, tue east half, and the eaat bait ot the west halt ot Section thiny two 32 J, the aouth half ot the north eaat quarter, the Southeastquarter and the weat half ot Section thirty three f 331. tbe east bait and tbe southwest quarter ot Section thirty four 34, and all auctions thirty Uve 35, thirty six 30; In Township three 3 North. Kamce forty nve 451 Kaat, the east ball ana tne east nan 01 tne weat nan of tieotion three 3, Sections six 6 and seven 7, tbe east halt of bection ten 10, the west half of bection lour teen 14, the eaat balf of Section fit teen 16, oeetiona eighteen, 18 and nineteen 19, tne west half, the wst half of the east hall aud the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of beotiun twentj three 23, and Sections twenty live i'20, twenty six izoj, thirty 30, thirty one 31, thirty five 35, and thirty aix iwm ah xownsnip two 12 J north, Kange ioriy aix iioj East; in Township tnree di norm, Kanue forty six 1 tui cant, tne sonm went quarter ot the southeast quarter and tbe southeast quarter of the south west quarter of Suction five 5, tbe weat nan 01 tne nortueast quarter, tne west half, and the southeast quarter of Section eight 81, tbe southeast quart er of tbe southwest quarter aud tbe southwest uuaiter oi the aoutheast Quarter of Section fourteen 14, tbe northeast quarter of bection fifteen 15 Section aixte .n lllil. tbe eaat halt end the east halt of the west half ot See tion seventeen 17 and twenty 20 and bections twenty one 211 to thirty aix 30, both inclusive; in Township five 5 North, Kange forty atx 1 40 J Eaat. bections one 11 to eighteen 118 L botn inclusive, tbe north half of beo tion tweutv two 1221. and the north west quarter al bection twenty three 23; All tuat part ot Town-hip Six 0 North. Kange forty aix 40 'Uast in Oregon : In Townsnip tbrte 3 North, kanue forty sewn 471 East, tbe south halt of the northwest quarter and tbe north half ot the soutbweat quarter of Section fifteen 1151. bection sixteen 1 161. the south hali ot the aouth ball and the northwest quarter ot the south weat quurter of Section seventeen 17 Section nineteen la, tbe north balf, and the nottbeaatquarter of the sooth east quarter of bection twenty 20, tbe west half of tbe northwest quarter, tbe southwest quarter, and tbe south half of the southeast quarter of beo tion twenty one 21, tbe southwest quarter of Section twenty seven 27, tbe south balf of bection twenty elxbt 2a, the north half ot the northeast quarter, the southwest quarter of tbe northaat smarter and the west half of nation , thirty 301. tbe southeast quarter of tiectiou thirty one 31, the east halt aud southweut quarwr of Bection thirty two (32), and all Suctions ti.irt thr 1331. thirty tour 311 and reserve purposes; and that the said public lands so restored to settlement on October 21,1901, will become aub jeot to entry, tiling and aeleotio ; at tne United btatee District Land Office at La Orande,- Oregon, and Walla Walla, Washington, on March 1, 1905: In Township one 1 South,. Range thirty-seven 37 Eaat, Sections thirty one 131 and thirty two (32), and the south weut quarter of Section thiity three 33 ; In Township two 2 South, Kange thirty eight 38 Eaut, the aouth east quarter of btlon hv 5; In Township oue 1 North, uautfe thirty eight (38) East, the eaat hall of bection onel;ln Township two 2 North, Range thlrtv-elght 38J Ket, oectiona thirteen 131, twenty . .. . . & u LSI J ivu. 4;, . '- 1 wi uu turn six M t in Townsnip ove Di norui, ttauke thirty-eight 38 Kant, bection twenty 20, the west halt of Section twenty one 121.1. ana tne norm ban 01 Sections twenty nine 29 and thirty 1 aaj ; in Towusbip tnree 131 aorta. Kange thirty nine 39 Kat. Sections oue 1, two 2, nine 9 aud sixteen 1 101. ana tue souiu enst quarter 01 beotlou twentr-eigbt 128; In Town ship four 4 North, Kange thirty-nine 13U1 feast, bections tnirty live 13d and thirty.six 30 ; In Township three (3) Worth, Kange forty (40) raat, all mat part of Suction one (1) lying eaat of the tirande Konde Kiver ; All that part ot lownahip tour (4) Worth. Kange lorty 40 iiast, lying eaat of . tbe Orande Koude Kiver; In lown ahip three 3 North, Kange forty one 141 East, bections oue 1 to lx 0, botn inclusive I All that part ot Town ship four 4 North, Range forty-one 141 East, lying south a id eaat of tbe Orande Koude Kiver; All that part of Township Uve 5 North, Range forty one 41 idast, lying soutn of the Orande Koude Kiver; In Township five 6 North, Kauge forty two 42 Kast, bections thirteen 13 to sixteen 16,, botb inclusive, and Sections twenty 20 to thlrty-aix 36, both inolusive; All of the Willamette Meridian, Ore gon. All that part ot Township six 6 Nortb, Kange 43 East, lying in Washington; In Township seven 7 North Kange forty-three 43 East, Sections twrnty-four (24) and twenty five (23). the south half ot Section twenty eight . (28), tbe aoath-eaat quarter of Section tbirty-one (31), the aouth half and north-east quarter ot beotion thirty-two (32), and Seotiona thirty-three (33) to thirty aix, (36), botb Inclusive; In Township nine (9) Nortb, Kange forty three (43) Eaat, Sections one (1) to four (4), both in clusive, beotion seven (7), tbe north half of Beotion eighteen (18). and beotion thirty six (36); In Township seven (7) Wort 11, Range lorty lour () fiast, bections one (i) ana twelve 112 j : 1U tUHUQUlf Vigil HWIUIl AWMJgV forty four 44 East, Sections three 8, four 4, Uve 5 and eight 8, and the nortb ball 01 bections twenty six 1201 and twenty nine 29; In Township nine 9 Nortb, Range forty four 44 tiMi, sections tour ij to nine botn inolusive, sections niteen ltoi to twenty two 22 both Inclusive, and Sections twenty seven 27 to thirty four 34, both Inclusive; Allot tbe Willamette Meridian, waeningtoa. W A tticbards. Commissioner. Approved. E A Ilitcboock, Secretary of the Interior SliOITLKO? 1BPA Time Noh.dnl OM NO. S 1 wr. . i fortlni. Dalles, Pen mm dWU), "Valla Wall, Kn . wo- Iaytou, loinero, HO 8:80. (J'nrOW'8PO" v .a a .tii' via Bpe- , . , v kaov, . - , . fortlana, DallM, jPto- '. NO tlolon Umatilla Wal-. na lula,L-liUra,Coia " . Huaoow, Wallace W, (caoaaa'" tii pat (jner, Mpokaae aoit ., Othur polDU nasi aud , . , . . -.' -- north via Hpokaoa. tfeUDaily ,in Olty. Alloel, ' uedt Imbler, auii Elaln . " -at , . Kuauay oonuaotlona ut kiglo ItW p D-.lfl m JO with Miuve (or poiuU In Wallowa Bounty " ' i Oaoan Steamers between Portland and "ju Fraacleoo every flvs days i B 0. X00&84geel K tin fX t. :' .t i li .It - i I ! .1 s : "it i - f t : 1 5 : i;f 'i f.' pi I reward. ism. ! raiili In Toanakia Urs 1611 .j k-", - I 1 Xr ard, , Uurtyalifjaillo Town.hln lJ TXi I