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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1904)
TB M DHYS! March 8th to 18th. In order to clear the space for my Spring line of carpets I will offer: $1.25 Moquotte8 for. t 1.25 Velvet for .1.10 Brussells for . . , , 1.10 All wool 3-ply for . .75 All wool Iugrain for.. .CO Half Wool Ingrain for'. '. '. .50 Cotton cloth Ingrain for As they apptar in my show window ranging from Si yards to 30 yards at cost and below cost. .95 .90 .70 .75 .57 35 .30 REDUCED PRICES On all styles of carpets during March, and will give one National carpet sweeper, worth 3, with each purchase of 50 yds of all wool carpel. FLOWtR TALK BY A FLOWER MAN Mr. Gilpin, of the Queen City House,. Gives Some Timely Advice to Flower Growers. The question "What flowers will grow in the shade?', ii put to me every spring by umoy of our cit ' people, whose little patohes which they wish to devote to flowers is so walled up hy neighbor iu the direct Unlit of onr greenhouse benches, and placing It under the bench. If the temperature is high, Bay seventy degrees, in forty eight hours, the sickly signs, showing want ing houses, that the direct rtys of the of light, will be anparentto an ex per sun uever touch it. But few plauts d- fenced eye, in a week its conditl.m velop their flowers there, and none will , would be snch as to Indicate sickness to UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY My undertaker H. 13. HISTEN, will respond promptly to all calls, day or night E. ANDROSS HOUSE l-CUNJcSHINGS Phone 91 Residence Phone 367 S 1202 Adams Ave ROSES Roses ROSES I can furnish you with the best har.U ioes 'inn yi ar old at 25c each, or two years old it A h;. JV'i- kinds of plants, such as Pausies, A.--m--, Petunias, Daisies, Candytuft, etc, I make a specialty of all outside woik, pruuing, grafting, landscape work, gardening, lawn mowing, etc , at very reasonable rates. Give me a trial, I will guarantee to give satisfaclion. All kinds ot trees, shrubs, small fruits, cabbage, celery and omato plants. Open Sundays from 8 to 12 a. ni. WM. GILPIN, Phone ii6i Greenhouse TO THE PUIH.IC The undersigned desires to thank all of his friends who have so kindly aspiet d hitn in his canvass for the iionr-i-tion for City Marshal, and assures t' km and the public generally, that if vh ) he will do his duty iu conduc ting 'l,e i afl'iiirs of l''0 eilliee. W. T. Cross FC'l RENT Five i jjm crl. 'ge. Inquire of Miss d i it so well as it it were up by sun shine pait of ihe day. Fuchsias Paneiea, ForKt-n)P-nots, Violots, Lobeiiaa, Lilly of the villey, Hollyhocks, Phloxs, and other burb:u'eoiis plants whose native habit is a shady woor, will do be-t. but evtm these languish if denied all diiect sunlight. The best effect in Buch it nations is produced by ornamental leaved plants, the bounty of which is not dependent . upon their flowers. Among these may be rAiikcd the gold anJ silver varigated lesved Geranuima, Begonias, Caladiums, Coleuses, eto, whioh if planted so as to brim the var ious shades on contrast, produce a pie-using elfect, wlii-h continues dur ing the entire summer months, and is lint surpassed by any display of flowers The cultivators of flowers In rooms should understand the necessity of sun light to plants tlitt are to flower, and ondeavor to get those as close as possi ble to a window having an eastern or southern aspect. Tho higher tbe tem perature the more plants Buffer - from want of light. Many plants would re main semi- formant, in a temperature of forty degrees, in a cellar for example away from direct Banlight for montliB without material injury, while If the cellar contained a furhacf, keepin; a temperature of 71) degroes, they would nil die. Such oultl particularly be the raise with plants of a half hardy nature, such as monthly rosea, carnations, fuchsias, gernuiumB, etc. In our green house culture of flowers, direct snn liiilit is in all important consideration, mill .i spell of sunless weather in mid winter is nfton a loss to us of ninny dollars by pi evening the development of flowers. I lenre, we use every means at command to dispose the plants to so- tire tlie greatest nniount of light. The debilitating effort of want of direct sunlight on plants is well illustracd by taking a vigorous plant in full foli iiO and flower that lias been growing WM 1 n IF THEY ARE WEAK You are in constant danger of Pneu monia or Consumption which can be prevented by FOLEY'S HONEY AMD TAR if taken in time. IF THEY ARE INFLAMED-You already have the first symp toms of lung trouble that may prove fatal and you should not delay taking FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It cures all inflammatory con ditions of the respiratory organs. IF THEY ARE OBSTRUCTED It is dangerous to use harsh expectorants which strain and weaken the lungs. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR soothes and strengthens and enables the tubes to be naturally cleared. FOLEV'S HOHEV AND TAR i gives the greatest comfort and relief in advanced stages of lung trouble i and never fails to cure incipient Consumption. Contains no opiates. For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia and Grippe. It stops the Cough and prevents Pneumonia. See That You Get FOLEY'S Honey and Tap A POLICEMAN'S TESTIMONY J. N. Patterson, night policeman of Nashua, la., writcs:-"Last winter I bad I bad cold on my lungs and tried it least a half dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended FOLEY ! HONEY AND TAR ar.d two thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough and lunj remedy in Iha wona. THREE SIZES 25c, 60o. $1.00 SOLD AND RECQ8SBEHDED BY A. T. HiLL, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST the most common observer, and in month It would most likely be dead. In this re peet there iesoms analogy be tween plant ami animal life, and it teaches us the importance of light for our own healthy development Cer tain it is that greenhouse and garden operatives will compare favorably with any other class of workmen so far as health is concerned, and I doubt if It would be easy to dud the same num ber of workmen employed out of tb sunlight, whoooukl show such health as these sun browned boys of ours. Win Gilpin La Grande Portland and Local Markets Eggs, fresh valley 25uts, eastern, 2Do Butter, creamery 60o ami firstolasa dairy 50o per roll. Potatoes 60cts per saok. Apple B,50o. to 7GotB. per Box. Cabbage, ljnt. per lb. Turkies, 10 cts. lb. live weight. CEREALS Wheat 74o to80o per bu. Oats 1.10 per oental Barley 80c per oental Portland Market, The steady decline in Eastern and foreign markets has taken the life out of the local wheat market. Buyer" and sellers are fart! er apart than ever and business is at a standstill, with the decidedly weak. WHEAT Walla Walla, 75o; blue-stem, 7'Jc; Valley, 80. BARLEY Feed, $22 per ton, btew lng,$21; rolled ?25. FLOUR Valley, $3.00 and 3.95 per I arrcl ; bar dwheat straights, 1 20 and 4 10; elears, $3.86 -Mid 4.00; hard what patent. $4.00 and 4 10; Dakota bard wheat, 95.40 and $6.00; graliam, $3.90, whole wheat, $4; rye wheat, $4.50 and 4.75 OAr8 No. 1 white, $1,171; gray VI. 10 per cenls.l. MILL8TUFF8 Bran, $18 per ton; middlings, $23; i-hnrts, $19; chop, U. 8. nulls, $18; linseed, dairy food $19 HAY Timothy, $16 per ton; clov er, $12 ; grain, $12 ; cheat, $13. PKOPUOB Potatoes, IK) to 75 ceuis per snck. Onions 80 cents to $1.00 per sack. Eggs O.-egqn, 3032i ots, F"-',ru 26 2Slo Gutter Creamery, 27 and 80c Dairy, 20end 22Jc, store 1516Jc lb Poultry Chickens, mixed lOo per pound, spring, Ke and hens, lOo , turkeys live, 17 and 18o lb dreswl 18 and 20c lb-, ducks, $6 and 7 . er dot. geese, 8c lb. LIVESTOCK Cattle Best steers $4.26 and $4.00, medium, 4.00; cow. $3.25 and $4.00 Hogs Best Urge, lat $6.25; med:u?n large fat 4.75 Bbeep Best weathers $3.50; mired iei p $3. The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an Kactern trip, or a visit to the l.nulsiuna Pun lmsc expo sition at St. f'iiis, rmiuol afford to overlook the advaiitsges offered by tl.e Misaoi'Hi I'Aiiric Kaii.wav, whleh, on acC'iuut of its vaiious roiiteB ami irate. ways, has hesn appropriately nau.t-d "The World's Fnir Itoule." Piisaiigera from the Northwest take the Missouri pacific trains from Den ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either going direct through the Kansas Citv, via Wichita, Fort Hcoll and Pleasant Hill. Two trains dally from Denver and Puelilu to St. i'Uia without change, carrying sll cJhhcs of modern equip ment, including electric lighted obser vation pallor cafe dining cars. Ten daily trains between Kansas City and St Louis. Write, or call mi W. C McBriiie, iJenernl Agent, 121 Third street, Port land, for detaiUid information ami ill iisirtfld literature. S-2 If HI HKWAKI) For tbe arrest and conviction or for informotion leading to the arrost and conviction of the party or parties who on lat Friday night chut through the plate gla" window of (ieddis Ilros grocery store, ti John Anthony, Classified Ads -. . ,; FOR SALE Two acre tract, East nl the La Grande Flouring mill, one half in good bearing oruliard. Small cottage,v and good barn. Willjsell for cash or will trad for good workhorses, LO Grout TF La Grande, Ore. ' FOR BALE ' ' $1500 boys this property, eight Iota or H of Block 6 In Acme addition to La Giande also one acre lot joining. All well fenced, with house and small burn new wind mill and 1700 gallon tank aud pipes witb plenty water to irrigate all. splendid soil, young orchard also. For additional information address box 371 La j rande, Oregon. FOR SALE : Indian Runner Duck eggs, thor ough bred imported stock, i uly a lien ted number. W. N. Monroe,' La Grande. 992 dew. FOR RENT Four room cottage, with good apply at the Model restuarant. well, MISCELANEOUS. 95 cents for Warrants. .' The Farmers & Traders National Bank will pay 95 oents on tbe dollar for your City warrants issued by the Ciiy of La Grande on General fund in payment ol bills against the City, , ' NOTIOF. ' One of the best locations 'n Eastern Oregon for a Hardware Store. For particulars oall on or write names Real Estate Co. Haines Oregon. WANTED Two girls to learn the millinery trade at once. Inquire ol Mrs J K r orreat. tf. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that my wife Hattle Knilck having left my bed and board without iuBt cause, and of her own free will, and without my consent. 1 hereby give notice that I will not be responsible tor any bills she may con tract from this data. O J Emick. I Grande, Mar. 1 1004 BOARD AND ROOM PleaBant rooms and good board for gontlemen. Inquire at C01 T street known as tbe Hughes house. 3 4 tf LADIES ATTNTION During the month of March I will ui:ike any Bhlrl waist at the greatly re duced price of from 60 cents to $1.25. Mrs little E Wines. Residence on Otli st between O 4. N D.-W.-4,-!. Geddes Bros. Why are Geddes Bros, kept so bnsyT Why do they sell the beat goods at the lowest prices . Preferred Bt'k Tomatoes 3 for 60c Preferred Stock Corn . SforSOe P.-eferred Stock Salmon 3 for 60c Preferred Stodk Peas 3 fof 50c Preferred Stock Beans 1 3 for 60o Don't pay other grocers 20 cents a can for anyof these goods. Standard tomatoes, corn, beaos peas, etc., 2 for 25 rents. They have tbe best butter made In the va'ley, and their creamery butter has no equal hero, Try It and see. Dill pickles, . Helnte's mince meat, Swift's pickle pig feet, premium hams, loose olives, -Everything tasty, nice and cheap Telephon 4til Geddes Bros. INVESTORS fe.C:(K,t0 month can be made by parties who can invest from $500 to $1600. One eastern investor made $06,000 in 1003, oall or write for paiticulars Tne Wu,. R. White Co., 312 Pine Ht Portland, Oregon. MFN Th0 "' IileulK stall, only 1'lL.ll epecialtists for men, oon tin uc to cure sll chronic, private and nervous ailments, of importance, skin diseui'es, ihematiBin, catarrab, elel. Dr. A, (J. Utoiidard, I'll G for 27 years medical director. 74 sixth St., Portland, Or, 111 Yeeler Way, Seat p, Wash. Call or write. Express and Delivery Adna lingers, Phone 1821, All calls receive prompt attention. General express aud delivery business, T 1 Wood for Sale. A large qnantity of 10 In. wood for side. Inquire of Rowe 4 Uerrman iu Old Town or Phone 172-;l. All ordors promptly delivered If. ' FOR SALE A good work team gentle and kind will sell cheap for rash, one set harness and 14 Mitchcl spring wagon for par ticulars inquire at GeddesB Bros Grocery Btore or we me at Cinder Pit Round house. 3-11-25 A. P. Norton. SACRED HEART ACADEMY La Grande, Oregon. Conducted by Sisters of St. Franol , Select boarding and day school lor '''. v Yoong Ladies . Aotdemlo, Preparatory and Kined garten courses are oouduoted on the same principles as those ' pursued in our schools of Philadelphia. , - Mnslo and painting reoeiva spools ttention ;.k"rl-: "'-J j. "' Letters of Inquiry directed to SISTER SUPERIOR DeWitt DWttt la ttis asm ts look far wbM EJ to to bur Wllek Hull S.lfc Wilt's Wllck Hu.l Sttn Is ttis oelrlnaj and onhr tMulna, la fid DaWltt'sl. Ih. onlr Wltck Hull Sahr. IImI Is imd. from lbs ansduttonM Wilch-Hazel All MhMi m eouBtarfltt-bM Imt-' tatlani, chaip and worlhleMvVn dwiicrou. D Will's Witch HualSilv U a ipecWc (or Pllti Blind, BlMdlm, Itchlnc nd Prrtrudlrtf Pllu. AlaoCuta, Buma, Brulaea, Sprains, LscsrattonS, Contualons, Bolla, Carbunctsa, Kctama, TeHsr. Salt Rhaum, sod a tjifMasa. SALVE paaraaao r . . J E.C.DeWlttttCo.,Ckica For Sale hy A. T. HILL ra atfafc afi m rj O f SPICES, t q COFFEE.TEA.V BAKING POWDER, FUVORINCEXTRACTS AwtwIuNfurirV, FlMsrFlivor. CnarfSrren4th,Po5miblfTicei CLOSSET&DEYERS ' PORTLAND, OREGON. j Handsome. Meii I . Should " protest their ' j 'i beauty by,jeehig that J ! thiiy hay oply - : Competent barbers : J - . To shave them. We ; I """ will protect your lace ..; 2 Evans & Fitzgerald aunt -iJ-.m j1 Delightful Route, Daylight Ride, Dizzy Crags, Deep Canon. ' A ' Golden ' Opportunity Set nature In. all her . glorious beauty,, and then the acme of man's handiwork. Tbe first is found along' the "line of the Denver & Rio Grande" Railroad and tho latter at the St. Louis World's Fai"rf Your trip will be one of pleasure make the most ot it. For information and illns trated literature write W. 0. McBRIDE, Gen. Agfv . . ! ,: of t Portland, Oregon' Odfgou SlfDjpIilNE iHoliMQNPlClFJC NO. : S:&0 p. m. Nt).. Si'JU a. tu. NOl.' B:fi0n m 1'lipm Nl' 2 Dally Himrtiiy 0:16 a in Ocean Steamers between Portland and Ban Franolsco ovory Ave days . t THIS IUEALHOMB for a man is his own home. He'will take pride in and improve it. He can potter around in his spam time and add ninny things to its comfort and ap- And bit fun doing It You tan have one of these homes il y -ii go abuui it right. Consult us- we can tell you bow. It does not iiquire a large amount of cash. Any thrifty man earning fair aga osn pay off the balanoe. . Don't be homeless any longer. La Grande I 1 1 10 Aditms Avenuo, Investment Company, La Giande, Of egon WANTED ti m h uiji CREAM Farmers, bring your cream tolus and we will pity the very highest market price for it. At thejpresent price ol butter it will pay you far better to soli the cream than to churn it. -We are agents for the Tuitions DE LAVEL se-puralor. The best made. ' COVE CREAMERY COMPANY, E. O. Harper, Mgr. HoiKlqunrtArs at Hill & Allen's, La Grande. i irnl i m Time Ached ul 1 Bait L&ktt. Denver Ft. Worth. O malia. Ksiisns .tm East, i lu,'lnnd. Dalles. Fen. C .jton, Walla Walla, IViVton. Po memi . I'ntfax, Moscow, 8pol - uueauuia s . ..u , tb -vUiBpo ; kan. , J - . .dieton untatiiia wi- lula, Lewintoii,t3olfaxl tiniir, nrHiKHtiu ami! other rJlnt8 iWKttuid nitriu via nptiitiiue. Mtm.l City. Allcel I mhler. and KIkId conntMttlmiH athlKln wun mage inr iMm ja WiUHwa ooimly NO. hi 4M a. m. MO 6 10:30 no a . ftJB p m 8:30 a n Please Note Our Success And increase of. bnsineas. from Inly 15, 1801, to July 15, 1903, 12 years. . Surplus fund accum- "" ulated .1 2, 5 0 0.0 0 Capital paid in . . . . (I U, 0 0 0.0 0 Reliability of abare holders....... .... 0 0, 0 0 0.0 0 to de- Pro tectlon ... positorc. . Deposit Bttbjoot to check were, on July 15, 1801 ' 18f 1803 ; -; " ' 181)4 "' " 1895 " 1806 " ' 1807 " 1898 " ' 1809 - " ' 1000 " 1001 " 1602 i 1003 25 (1 3 2, 5 0 0.0 0 , 41,5 9 8.35 7 7,3 9 0.99 . ; 27,120.13 20,041.64 . . 42,3 4 8.11 34,3 9 7.70 ' 43,0 4 7.59 7 8.7 7 6.26 83,760.19 8 9 , 7 0 3.90 8 3 ,7 2 1,67 7 7,2 4 6.38 1 3 3,103.78 Dona not the !abovs 'Hirures as sure yon that the mauagemeut ol thl bank meets witn the approval of Its board of directors and pat rons; and 1 desemnrf j of your patronage. Wo want your bank ing business, laiue or small. Yonr Interest will be protected at the Farmer, and Traders National Bank La Grand.-, Ortgon- STALLION N0HCE : " A great opportunity t for you. to breed to one of the best at a very low price. I will . make this season with my -, imported fmaous Hojkney stallion ' ; . - 8TUNTNEYT1SSO ' With return privilege $8 pi able iu advance. No oth terms. Cult givo good refe-; . ass as to uia coita. t '-..a i a ... v m. v. 'V . S TO THK RAI)IN,r . We have Just recall' paper back novels. io wt have addeeLf.. .,i ,.'?." our ezchaiigiiuit you, , ur hat :Jf-.', riMiiar SlT)lf;