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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1904)
uiii '.i- tjiiia. pilfer. aKl&mzZA1 i--- '"M"W'P " """"-W1' ill U.J-U - f vmt v Less than Cost! I have a few odd patterns of dishes that I am closing out at greatly reduced prices, to make room for new stock. Now is the time to purchase. Notice the prices in our window. MRS. T. N. MURPHY Hardware and Graniteware SPECIAL SALE Of everything we have iu second hand goods, also snaps on city property which we have, and will sell on the installment plan. Lots, $50 to $100. Residences, $250 to $1000. SECOND HAND GOODS Spray Pumps $7.50 Winchester, 30-80 7.50 Good s'ng machine 1.00 Pillows .50 to 1.25 Single harness 4.00 Bed Quilts $ .50 Shotgun 3.50 Lamps .25 and up Trunk 2.00 Gasoline lamp 3.60 MONEY TO LOAN The La Grande Pawnbrokers - Corner Fir and Adams. 'Phone 1581 RmiiMnWw (till buy and tell all klndt oi Sacood Hud Goods j jt jt Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House in Union County. A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 IIOIMIIMIimtHMHWHIIIItlhlltlllMMtH A FEW OBSERVATIONS ' V BY OUR REPORTERS Wanted. A dining room Mndol Reataurant. girl at the tl TURKESTAN ALFALFA- The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and ail kinds of Garden Seed in bulk F O Bailey, a resident of Wallowa, waa in the city yesterday on bnainoaa. Lee Cliildera waa np from Alicel yes terday. Ben Brown, of Inland City, spent yesterday in the city. Ed. Miller waa over from Union yes terday. E E Oonley, of Island City, wis a visitor in the city yesterday. H L Buell and N C Mo Leod were in the city from Elgin yaaterday. O E Uarper, proprietor of the Core and Union Creameries, was In the city yesterday. Read the Rainbow store spring open. ing Millnery announcement in this issue. Frits Ott, a saloon lcooper of Joseph paesed through the city last, orening, eu route to Hot Lake to tecuperate for a fow days. JMIbs Olive Jotes who has been in ( the city the past two weeks visiting her mother aud brother returned to her borne at Pendleton yesterday. . 'I he drawing of the Elk bead et Fred 8waney's cigar store laBt evening re sulted In a victory for J H I'raro, who held the luckey ticket No. 38. Justice Morelock, of Elgin, has registered over 700 voters in North and South Elirin precinct and exi.ects the registration to reach more than 800. The Hotel and Sanitarium at Hot Lake is crowded and guests are turned away every day. The Capacity of the institution will be about doubled during the coming season. The Moraine Observer colnmns are a direotory of the enterprising btalDees men of La Grande. It will puy our readers to keep- themselves familiar Willi the lnduoetncnts offered by the Hrms who advertiso therein. Prof Simpson's Dancing class will meet this week on Thursday evening as usual, now beginners from 7 till !) on nltz and two-step, general teaching from 9 till 11. The Thursday evening class will 1)0 postponed until Saturday, teaching from 7 till 0 social from 9 till 12 with ttrchestrn. It Is the determination of those in authority to eve that the city election tomorrow is conducted in strict Accord ance ftlth the law. Posters will be posted at each pollings place ottering a reward of $ii0 for information leading to the conviction of illegal voters. Deputy ShcrilTs will alxo be on duty and will promptly nrreat anyone attempting to cast any Illegal vote. As will ba noticod elsewhere Miss Hetsie WorHtell lins paseetl he examination or a state life doploma and haB received word from State Sup- rintendetit J H Ackerman Btatiug her diploma would be forwarded in a few days. Miss woratell has many friends who will be pleased to know that she has been thus honored. To he able to secure this diploma speaks much for he one who is able to secure it because n order to merrit it the fortunate one muat not only possess the qualification of a truo teacher hut must also huve devoted much time in careful prepara tion. Women May Vote . Women t bo own property in the city of La Grande may vote at the coming city election oo the proposition to bond the city. Snodi;ra:Iii La Grande on Saturday, March l'i, to Mr and Mia John Bnod- grass a son. SOMMER HOUSE Robert Wallace Gt Barrinutun Mass Martin Wilson Jmneetown N D L C I'.arryees Portland S W Viudey Dudley Idaho K H Oakes aud wife Portland Jim Brown H E Lewis San Francisco J W Hale St Joseph 10 a m 11 a m after Why Go to Some Un experienced Man to got your measure tukon for a suit of clothes and then come and pity us live dollars to fix them up for you? Come to us we have tailors to take measure and can give you a fit, (18 and up. This is our business We are tailors. "Ross & Andrews, TAILOR3 AND CENTS FURNISHINGS. .1 MBBaMBMsajsaniaiaBMSM kwis' Statement .... )B8AI.. L Grand M M . . ,Ll xurm at w hnnn.l nv. . -r CHRISTAIN SCIENCE S Ireue King, 1st Header The Chrietain Science tertiary at the residence of John E Page in Old Town every Sunday at 11 a m. All are cordihlly invited. TF M E CHURCH SOUTH J W Oompton, pastor Preaching at 11 a m by Rev. J. W. Oliver. Sunday School 10 a m No service at night Prayer meeting Wednesday All are invited Tramp Convention The Uakor Oily Loilgo of Hlks will have a Trump Convention on the night of March In. The BttemlnntH are sup- poped to preeont thenmolvufi in Weary Willie costume and llny will bo subject to Revere poimltitis if they v-o .o putting an any ctyie. TheUeiser (Jriinde hotel will give the big hand out. and there will be eomothii g doing all the time. It stated that delt'tfiitions will come from Antoria, rirtland, The hallos and IV n (I It' ton by freight and a t-Uu will be made sometime in the afternoon to ph k up the l.a tirande holwes. AH who exiuH't to attend are reo.neHt ed to give their name to Bro. tiny Mo Cully, the lolge secretary. Attention W. O. W. All members of the Worn on of Wood oraft are requested to meet tit Klka hull this tift-jriimm at l:;t0 o'chiok to uttond the funeral of our doeeaaod neigh Iwr MrsN K Woet. By order of Winnifred Sargent Guardittii Neighbor. PAID POLITICAL ADS Hill makes no pledges, but promises to serve the best inter ests of the city if elected council mm from the third ward Services Today. M E CHURCH J C Walker, pastor Sunday School Preaching seivice Subject "Burdens" Class meeting immediately thi sermon. Kpworth League 8:30 p m Led by Mrs. Stepbennon . Subject "Habits that unmake men." A coidinl iuvito'iou is extended to the public to be present at all services CATHOLIC CHURCH Regular services 8am and 10 Lecture at 7:30 BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday 6ubcol 11 a m Midweek ferrices Wednesday even ing at 7:30 p in All are cordially invited. three yearly psyment, beaVt?.? interest at the rate of 0 per cent per annnm. The purchaser can remain where lie is, make no iminedia e change in his business or boms interests, making his present business pay for hia investment, sacrificing no time while tlie orchard is being brought into bearing condition, and rest assured that skilled borticul turaliata will do the work bettor than lie can nnless he has had horticultural experience under conditions existing in Oregon. Alter trees have bsd scientific care, pruning and shaping for lhreo years, the subsequent work is mucb more methodical and can be succrsa fully done by those without hori tural skill. As an investment it is gilt edge; and is the neareBt possible approach to a guaranteed annuity. We have all our work done by ion tract and the contractors are under hevy bonds to us for tiro faithful -r-fonnanre of their work. We have executed a bond to the amount of $10,000, and have appoimu.l Hon, J. M. Church, cashier of the La Urande National Bank, trustee. tor further particulars see M. L. OA USE y, President Eastern Oregon Colonising Company. Folev-Roeai.h Bldg. La Grande, Ore. D.-W.-4.-1. Notice to Contractors Sealed bids will-be received nntit 7 o'clock p m Wednesday March Kith 11104 for the construction of a oiie siory and baaument, brick and etune store build- ing.acrordiug to plans and ppiciticatlonF whli h may be seen at the residence 01 A C Huntington or at the reeideuee of C R Thornton Architect La Urande, Oregon. Bids may be for work and material or for work omy. They may also be for the entile building complete or for any part of It as stone work brick work, carpenter work etc, all ex cavating to be done by owner. ihe undesigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A. C. Huntington LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday School 10 a m Regular Snrviors 2pm Mutual Improvement Association meet cunjointly at 7.30 p m. T F. 7:30 CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST Srvices, March 13 Bible School 10 a ni Morning Worship 11 a m Evening Service 7 :30 p in The morning sermon will be based upon John 14: 1-6 Evening sermon on '-Christ Glori fied ." A oordial invitation to all. -ST PFTER'8 EPISCOPAL CHURCH March 13, Fourth Sunday iu Lent Sunday School 10 a m Morning Prayer and Sermon II a m A lay b !i vico All invited. Thursday, the 17, at 10:30 a m Ho y Coornmiion, and at 7:30 in the ovening au evi-cing servico with a ser mon. The lUv. II- II. Chambers will olliciale at the Thursday seivices, both morning and eveuiDg. All iuvited. Correction p. intake turured Jin "our ad Fri day morning in the announcement of the date of days mle which we wdl i fund. It should ln February 23. If you have any sale slips bearing thitt daio bring thum In and receive the amount they call for, iu cash. "The Fail' wnroent, proareoa, eoomony nd forcmeo. of the oily. Htanding for IbeM principles I should have tin voMn of thoM who indorse them. Bird F, Lewis You have seen J, M. Murphy's statement and know his method of disposing of the city funds. Vote for him. Vote for the Citizens candidate for City Treasurer and stop the bank fight. For the city's best welfare, first, last and always A. T. Hill, A. T. Hili, if elected council man from the third ware, prom ises a business mans administra tion. Vote for J. M. Murphy, the Citizen's candidate for City Treasurer. Grande Ronde Valley Fruit Farm The tSraiule Konde valley fruit farm contains actt'4, and is to he gold lots of of ton lot and and up, to suit the purchaser. It in situated eight mil es north-eiiHt of Ia (irande, Oregon, near the Klin iranrh of the O. K. A N. at iron 1. We furnish th purehsper, Ht the end of three years, a thrifty growing apple orchard, on that has ten cared for from setting. In Ihe most Hpproved manner, cultivating Ihe land sik eight time a year, keeping the gionnd well pulvcrixed, aud at all times fiee from we,?, graxM and other vegetation May 1st smt August l;tho eai h year; keeping the tree pruned iu the moot scieiitUk' mrtiitier; removing and hum ii.g all rt'.tttng and suckers, and short, do any and all work which will he f ir thn best interest of the trees. We replant yll trees that may die In tl tlrst, pecotut niul thinl years, ami pay all tuxes for three, yinrs, We furnish the land, lalxr and tusU'rial, and tret, and three years' care, at the price of I13.V per acre, giving three yi nrs In which to pay fi it. Oar terms of payment sreWS per cent of purshaie price, cah: balance COAL G OOP CO A L In any quantity, Lowest Prices and Full Weight WOO D WOOD Fine and dry any size MILL FEED OATS CHOP BARLEY AND HAY SAVE YOUR MONEY BY TRADING WITH US. PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT. GRANDE ROUNDE CASHCOMPANY, & : . Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail SHE ENJOYS a good meal or a duinty supper just as much as you do. If you don't believe it, juet ask liar to go to dinner with you atthe Model Restaurant. We take pride in a rving everything "just right," and any of our patrons will tell you whether we give enough or not.. Try one of our regular 25c dinner?, served from U : 30 to 2 p. in. j MODEL, RESTAURANT J. A. ARI3U0KLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NlUHT We pell weekly Menl , Tickets, Cali. $4.50 JPST SHOES That's all. We sell the ben ni.ikis at the lowest pussihle pricef. We are ftwt litters experienced and reliahle. C. W. PRESTON Shoe Specialist, Depot St. Important. THE LA GRANDE MERCANTILE CO. will be reay for business Saturday, March 12. Now don't fail to come in mid see our line of ladies' and children's furnhhiiigs, sliocs, dry goods and notions, and BUY WHILE THE BIG 30 DAY SALE IS ON, what you need for spring Remember that everything in the store will to it duced and you will save money by waiting for the opening. WATCH OUR AD. We will give you some quotations. La Grande Mercantile Co., LA GRANDE, OREGON How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Assist the Stomach and Diges tive Organs in Digesting and A9siuiulatiug Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Iuvoletd. There U but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOLr DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, como in and WE WILL TELL A. T. Prescription Pruggist YOU HILL, La Grande, Ore . - GOOD TOWELS, 5 Cents TOILET SOAP, 3 Bars 5 Cents SPRING.. GENTLE SPRING Not Yet, But it Soon Will Be. Are You Prepared for it? Tailnr Madb Soils, 25 styles, per suit M to '2-2 M Shirt Wni-ts 40c to fi 00 Dress Shirts, 50 styles '2 .50 to IS 75 W.iittiiigs, Suitings, Trimmings, Laces. Everything in Men's Goods, Everything in Crockery mid China, Everything in Housfc Furnishings, Everything iu Hardware, Everything in Everything. THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY,' 1308-1310-1312, ADAMS AVENUE. GOOD HOSE, Per Pair, 8 Cents MATCHES, Per Box, I Cent V" right 1 V4 4..4.J.4l ' 1 ' 1 ' t I t I I m , , BO?