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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1904)
-( if I SPRING OPENING The ladies are tavited to attend oar first Spring v openinlug of Spring Millioery Tuesday, March 15, '04. We bave for 700 inspection the finest line of Milli nery, Hat Trimmlngi, Dreea Trimmitgi end Dreea Goode ever shown in this oitj. We want you to ' oall end ne our line we ere proud of it end feel suae it will please you. Tbeie goode ere new, tbia eeaaon's'deeigos and styles. Call and look around . You will not be urged to buy. THE RAINBOW STORE 1 IV HI J : J !..'---,. V Kt;hiUji (n AN INVITAION TO YOU, jj THI8 IS A SPECIAL INVITATION TO YOU. f) m ( w u w ) . We are receiving? daiiv mnnv new deaio-hii in Wnli Paper and Wall Decorations, and we extend this special invitation to von and vour frianrla in onll mil aan iliam ). " nr. ... :.. , 1 j v BIO BIUUD 1V AJOVQ J UU BQC UUT J1UB UUU WD IWOJ sure you will be delighted with the visit. :i 1 Youre Respectfully, Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS. 0II2S AND GLASS Paper Is Cheaper Than Goal and Looks Better. In other words if your walls are well papered jour fuel bill will be reduced. We do proper Paper Hanging at drices you can afford to pay. ARRIS & PR ICR Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators. " -f A. 0. HARRIS, Phone 1566, J.M. PRICE, Phone 1491 IP BROKEN HEARTS could be mended aa neatly, quickly and thoroughly aa I can repair your jewelry tbere would be noaor n.w in the world. No matter whether it be a watob, ring, a tuck laee or a baby (tin dear from asso ciation needs repairing, bring it to me and it will be nieuded ao you oaonot tell it from new. My apeeialty la watoli repairing. Bring it here and bave it dooe honestly, expertly and cheaply. J. H. Peare, the Jeweler Freeh Choeolates Fresh Bon Bo us Fresh Nougact ' Fresh Carmels Fresh TatTey Fresh Saitod Peanuts Fresh Salted Almonds Fresh Popcorn Fresh Fruit GREENE & CO- LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER CURREY BROS, Editors and Proprietors. itntered at tbe Port Offioe at La Grande. Crcron, aa Second Glass Kail Mattel. PublUhed Daily Except nonday. One Year in Advance. . . ix Months in Advance. $6.50! Per Month.. J3.60 1 8ingle Copy. .65 .06 SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 13, 1904 t ALWAYS I ! . ON TIME I W youjndn groceries from us you Jb are sure to bave them delivered on time m ANOTHER THING When you order groceries from us you are sure to J getjthe very bestto bethad. We',keep only the best The next time you are at our store 2 ask to see our apeoial line of X BREAKFAST BACON 1 & POTTED MEATS I C RALSTON i?KA5KA OKOCEKU. STORE BE NEIGHBORLY. When the farmers and those interested in the agricultural progress of Union county gath er in La Grande, to participate in tbe Farmer's Institute which will begin in La Grande on the evening of the 15th inst and continue through the 16th inst, it will be tbe proper thing for the people of La Grande to meet them in a neighborly spirit, and extend to each and all the glad baud of welcome,. It is a fills w philoepby that teaches "there is no sentiment in business," and that a man can further his financial plans by eliminating all kindly feel tugs from bis heart. We are taught in the Holy book thut "out of the heart flow tbe issues of life " To test tbo soundness of this doctrine examine your own experience in business transactions, and you will find in all cases you much prefer to do business with one that you feel confident eutertuins a friend ly feeling toward you. When you go into a man's place oT business, whether in store, office, shop or farm house and are met with an icy stare, that like an x-ray is searching your pocket to find out how inueh coin you have therein and that your presence is desirable only in proportion to the expected profit thut cau be made out of you, you feel a shiver runuing down your back and a strong desire to escape f .om that un congenial atmosphere. You leave bucIi a place with a' hope in your heart thut circumstances will never again force you to take such a cold bath, and if possible, you will not again ex pose yourself to such a chill. Towns like individuals should seek, and by their acts, merit the good will of the surrounding communities. The gathering here of the representative men of the owners of the 1500 farms in Union county will give the people of La Grande an oppor tunity, they should not neglect, of demonstrating their neigh borly feeling and friendly sym pathy with all the people in the county. The people who will come hero will be our guests and should be so treated that on tiieir return to their homes they will bear with them a hourly good will toward tne people of La Graude. City Election Notice To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that tbere will be a Gen eral Election held in tbe City of La Grande Union County, Oregon, on Monday the 14th day of March 1904, for the purpose of electing a Mayor, Re corder, Marshal and Treasurer to serve for one year and one councilman from each ward in said City to serve for the term of two years. And for the pur pose of votiug npon the proproeition to authorize the Council of the City of La Grande Oregon lo issue and negotiate Twenty five Thousand Lollars Addi tional bonds of said City for the pur pose of constructing a City Hall for said City. The polling place in the First Ward will be iu Old Council Chambers, and the following named persons bare been appointed to act as Judges and Clerlta of paid First Ward Judges C J Mcl-ain J P Clark and John Wilson Clerks W NT Monroe and J E Reynolds and B N Bolton. The polling place in the Second Ward will be In tbe Fire Department Building on Elm Street, and the following named persona have been appointed to act as Judgea and Clerka of said Second Ward Judges ,H W tiloner, John Baker and W G Masterton Clerks Wm Grant and I R Snook and T J Ormond. The polling place in the Third Ward will be in tbe- Gangloff Building on fourth Street North of JeiTerence Avenue. And the following named persons have been oppointed to act aa Judges ami Clerks of said Third Ward, Jua es Perry Stephenson J M Hilts ant I H Kumraelhart Clerks George H Corey andCJ Ecriber and Chester Newlin. The polling places will be open from 9 o'clock A M to 5 o'clock P M of said 14th day of March 1904. Dated this 3rd day of March 1904. II T Williams Recorder of the City of La Grande Union County, Oregon. Congratulations. Mr. John H. Cullum, Editor o' the Garland, Texas, News, baa written a lectures congratulations to tne manu letter of of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as follows: "Sixteen years ago when our first child was a baby be was subjwt to croupy spells and we w uld be very uneasy about him. We began using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it eucb a reliable remedy for culds and croup, we have never been without it in the home since that time' We have five children and have given it to all of them with gnod results." For Sain by ail druggists. TO THE LEGAL VOTERS OF LA GRANDE. I herehv announce myself as an independent Candidate for the ollice of Citv treasurer of the city of La Grande. 3-10-tl fc. J. Walsb STEWARD'S OPERA - HOUSE Mr. Ed. Hedmau and His Fatuous Company Will open a Weiks Engagerrent, Commenc ing Monday, March 14- Popular Trices. Seats on Sale Saturday Morning. 1 . , t o. .BBaanBMB. uor. r ir ana jenersun ois. ffiP'V Jt L Tn SALE CHEAP c Vi'VliW.F0B 8AL' of the Oove Creaii W4 UufM thVore power eng The Stoddard Lumber Company IS DOING BUSINESS AT THE .... LA GRANDE PLANING MILL """"V tf"'. cliurn udl 'K. SKCKEST BROS. -DEALERS IN- New & Second-Hand Goods, SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE. Gardinier Building FIR STREET ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce to the public that I shall continue business at the old gland, selling the best line of clothing, gent's furnishings, hats, cops and shoes All are familiar with the reliable line of Hart, Shaffuer & Marx clothing, Longley hats, Florshein shoes and our up-to.-dato gout's furnishings. In these lilies our r-tock is iu and open for inspection. All are invited to call and examine our stock. J. M. BERRY A Two Light Electrolier Empire style complete with etched glass shades and all attachments put up iu yt ar residence for g.oo See samples in our window. La Grande Light & Power Co HOME GROWN Healthy Apple Trees In Variety, Thtilt and Prices. I can furnish large ct pniall orders of Apples in my variety, also shrubs, uincs, weeping trees aud small fruit3 Caroliua Poplars, Black Locust, Syca more, Mulbury, Catalpa, Linden, Maple, Larch, Birch,. Elm, Ash, Privet and roses iu any variety. M Write for prices to Con. Plant, Box 604, LaGrande, Ore. S WM. GILPIN'S' GREEN HOUSE jj 'Phone ra3E5Bari.S'J. DO YOU WANT i l CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? If so, wo cau locale you on some I fine claims in Wallowa County, Mc Daniel &, McDonald, I WALLOWA, OREGON NEW MARKET j Stillwell X; i VandBrmulEn Wish to announce that on ; Saturday February 27 ; they will open a first class Meat Market iu the old ' Stand ' ' ; "THE BOSS" ; ! Corner Railroad & Fir St, We will always keep on hm.d a good stock of fresh and smoked meats, sau- 8Hge.n, fish aud poultry, und will be glad to meet ', all my old patrons and as many new ones. All J orders will receive our J prompt attention. Phone 4gl 6r- WE TRIM PRICKS as closely as we do our meat. We know that tbe average housekeeper like to save on her meat bills and we try to se cure her trade by selling iiat aa low aa self preservation will permit. FOR THAT REA80N 9teaks, chops, roasts, etc. can always be obtained at our Biiup a little lower than our nearest roinpeilitor. As to the quality of our meats we will let our large number of satisfied cUBtomerB speak. Bock & Thomas Early R isers TBE FAMOUS LITTLE FILLS. For quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headacho. Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Dizziness, and all troubles aris ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver, DeWllt'a Little Early Risers are un equalled. . They act promptly and never gripe. They are so dainty that 1 1 is a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative i two or four act aa a pleasant and effective cathartic. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic the liver. FRBf-ARKD ONLY SY E. C. DWttt & Co., Chicago For Sale by A. T. HILL NOTICE: I would like all my old frieiid and customers to know Ibat I have rent ed a portion of A. J. Webb, 9 feed baa for i LIVERY PURPOSES and will be found there for buslnev with Ilrst-cliiss rigs and good accomo dations, I Wni also board horses t-y Ihe month.. Horses bought, sold nnd exchanged. G. W. ALLEN ADAMS AVE. Phone mi. THE ABC o o 0 "0 ovn 0 .rH r " a Comet I I TU I a m In the skv cornea 1 M. SSU . . . . Dl Laundry Is now . H'lw.J for K'winc With our iil-w up-t.-lule I'li,t W(. are j,, a Posilion to turn ,vi 'be of work. Shor Order w-.,k , ;(y ,,, No ))6 Call us up in,.) our w i, u ui (.ul. ABC LAUNDRY PHONE . im fmn,.. A.. does tnr IIim imi. ach Ihflt n,hih I. Is unahlM in Hft tnw Itself, even If but lightly disordered or overburdened. Kodol UDDllAfl Ih. I lulces of digestion nd does the work of the lomsch, relaxing ihe nerVOUl tnlnn the Inllsmed musclei na membrane nf o.., organ are allowed to real and heal. It cures Indigestion, flatulence palpitation of the heart nervous dyspcpala and .u ..uuuiea oy cleansing, purifying and iHKiMingina glands, membrane., ni ik. aoh and digestive organs." in the sky cornea mo siar 01 neaim to the weak and weary despon- aeriayspeptlc, curing all t o m ao h trntthl,.. ann digestive UiSUIUOTefc 1 . 1 WW 11 1 in mm Kodol DjspepsiaCuid tat Ntltr Cu 1- . ""rat, a h ror Hle hy A. T. lUU, : ' ..... , -.- . "