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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1910)
Smith Wants Eggs Ws will par aa follow for flnt-dau po Sm. Ship by SJtprsaa. VmI IOC Fork 120 Uvt Hena 18C Uvt pring Chickens, lb 20 to 22JC Ecca 26c Address FRANK U SMITH MEAT Ctt "righting; the Beef Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON Far Better It la. ' Visitor (In Washington) Why Is U that tha capital of the United States ssn't support a hotter baseball club? Resident My dear sir, It's providen tial that w haven't a first-class ball team here. If v had. by George, there wouldn't be -any business transacted either In Congress or the White House during the entire league season! PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. , of Portland. Oregon FURNISHES HELP FREE TO tMPLOYCRS Main office. 12 North Second St. Main WTO: A 1406 LUxm Dept. 206 W Morrison St. Main MW2; A SUHt Phon or win orders at our expense. Dr. B. E. Wright Rave your teeth out and plate and bridge work done. For out-of-town patrons we finish plate and bridge work in one day if necessary. rt-'.-, PRICES: AM .Cmm ... $5.00 C 111 m& 22k Br. I . . J3.S0 J0 CaV Fsssn $1 a EaawJFakaa... Jl.OO S? SihwRtiao.... 50c w "-V? IM RaSW rata $5.00 fatm Eirrnlks.. 50c BEST METHODS Pain less Extraction Free when plates or bridre work ts ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot Kt better painlesa work anywhere, no matter w much you pay. AN Work fully Guaranteed for fifteen Years Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342 Washington St., Portland, Oregon Take car at depot and transfer to Washington St. Was tJreeor, Helen, aged 6, was telling Mary, aged T, of her plans for the future, "I'm go ing to be married," she announeed. "and have eighteen children." "O!" gasped Mary, her eyes wide with smaxement, "you mercenary wretchl Cleveland Leader. fir.nrtmotherljr Pride. Old Rooster (with some Irritation) What are you doing all that strutting and cackling about? Old Hen My eldest pullet hs Just hatched out her first brood of chicks, you mean old thing! Years of Suffering Catarrh and Dlood Disease -Doctors Failed to Cure. Mies Mabel F. Pawklns, 1214 Lafay ette St., Kort Wayne, Ind.. writes: "For three years 1 was troubled Willi catarrh and blood disease. I tried sev eral doctors and a dozen different rem edies, but none of them did me any good. A friend told me of Hood s Par sapnrtlla. I took two bottles of this medicine and was as well and strong as ever. I feel like a different person and recommend Hood's to any one suf fering from catarrh." Got It today In usual liquid form OP chocolated tablets called SarsatabS. Poise. When you lose your temper, when you procrastinate, when you get ner vous, excited, when you are blue and disappointed, when you worry, jou lose much of your energy, your effi ciency; you- cannot bring the wliole, complete, positive man to your task. A discordant, troubled, unbalanced mind is In no condition to create, produce. It Is negative, and a negative mind cannot produce. Never mind what others do; run your machine; think your own thought, live your own life. Let others fret and worry. If they will; keep your poise, your serenity.. Do not Im itate, follow, pretend or pose. Be fearless, self-reliant. Independent B yourself. Success Maeaziue. Absent 31 tn tied. Willie Papa, there's a big black bog ou the ceiling. Papa (busy reading) Well, step on It and don't bother me. Boston Transcript Shennanpay& Co. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. 3 We want you to try this Piano .V YOUR I HOME FRtE. We want you to try it at ' our expense because At the end of thirty days the Piano ITSELF will convince you of the following facts: It's the best value on earth for the price ($275). It's MUSICALLY and MECHANICALLY right! We know there is bo much real value in this Wellington Piano we're selling for $275 on easy payments that we're willing to let it be IT'S OWN SALESMAN. It will tell W$ own story to you in your home if you'll send us the coupon. Please send me hill particulars concerning this unusual Piano offer. Name Address. Bad BLOOD "Before I began nsmg Cases red I had a bad complexion, pimples on my face, and my food was not digested aa it should have been. Now I sun entirely well, and the pimples have all disappeared from my face. I can truthfully say that Cascareta are just as advertised; I have taken only two boxes of them." Clarence R. Griffin, Sheridan. Ind. Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. Taata Good. Do Uoovi. Never Sicken. Weaken or Grip 10e.lac.e0e. Never sold in bulk. The gen nine tablet atamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money hack Juat at Chsmew. Tea, you offer the property low enough, Mr. Tlpsley," said the real es tate agent "but It will be best for you to give some satisfactory reason for wanting to sell." "The reason why I want to sell Is that the property Is all run down. It doesn't bring me 1 per cent on the money Invested In It I'm not offering It at a sacrifice. I don't need the mon ey. I want to get rid of It but I am asking all It's worth." "Urn well, I'll list It for you. Mr. Tlpsley," said the real estate agent "It's barely possible that the novelty of the thing may attract some equally cranky purchaser." Mothers win And Mrs. Wlnalows Bonthtag Syrup the beat remedy to use fox their children luring to teething period. Thai Marrla. Service. Blr Charles McLeran Is champion ing In the English Commons a series of bills to reorganize the marriage ser vice with a view to making It honest The High Church service enjoins "Wives, submit yourselves unto your husbands as unto the Lord," which, Blr Charles says, ladies never have any Intention of doing, and which, Sir Charles' wife says, Involves an arro- gation to the men of Godlike quality which she regards as a characteristic bit of masculine buncombe. Further on the service contains the man's vow: "With all my worldly goods I thee en dow," which Sir Charles and Mrs. Sir Charles declare is just a plain lie. He never means It for fifteen minutes after the knot Is tied. Success Mag azine. TRIALS of the NEKDEM9 WHAT A ric LOT OF RUBBISH THESE COMIC SEC I mi Of rHtNEWSPAPERS ARE THERE 15 nUI A runrtY THING lit THEM ' I fWnYTvlRVBODYlLSE MEM&vJ TO ENJOY THEPi YOU ARE WTfJE 1 V i PEJ-iNfl WELL. TAKE A (&kl ABE CERTAINLY FUNNV. ICS- PAY THE FELLOWS WHO DRAW Vt?5jD 1 THEM MUST ALWAYS BE INVC IP THEY TAKE PAW PAW Plyy X RESOLVED : THAT WHEN A MANS LIVER IN ANY ATIVEJ ANGELA HOTEL One Rate; Room with Private Bath, $1 PER DAY 625 Washington Street PORTLAND, OR. Now brick, splendidly furnished. Ladies' parlor; spacious lobby; elevator: steam heat: running water; phones in ail rooms. In quiet neighborhood. Take car from Union Depot, transfer to Wash-tnt-toa street. Phone Marshall I960. WE GROW HAIR We Cure all Scalp DImum. stop Falling Hafr. Prevent BaMneH. Grow LarHes' and Children' Hair rapidly, soft, (flosy and beantifuL We Furnish out of town people home treat ment. Write us today for question blank and parti Hilars. THE GARLOW HAIR GROWING CO. SPECIAllTS 207-8 Rothchild Building, fourth and Washi'-eton Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Consultation Free. 8 to 6. SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland Seattle SpeKane Ask for Their Goods and SAVE THESE SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Useful Articles Without Cost f laaV.-W - ,1 as.' I fi t 'si f flffnaaTiei Union Painless Dentists Pull Set of Teeth $5.00 Bridge Work or Teeth without Plates $3 50 to $5 Gold Crowns $3.50 to $5.1)0 Porcelain Crowns $3.50 to $5.00 Gold or Porcelain Fillings. $1 .00 lie Silver Fillings 50c toil. (10 Best Plate Made... $7.50 Nochanree for Painless Extracting when other work is done. 16 years' Guarantee with all work. Hours. 1a.m. to 8 p. m. 221 Mt Morriaoa Street. Alcohol, Tobacco, Cocaine, Morphine, Cigarette or Other DOPE HABITS CURED Positively and harmlessly in short time by the new Olconeia Method. Treat ment is not expensive or painful. You need not remain a slave to your habits, when a short stay at our Sanitarium will make you free. Address OLCONEIA CO., Arleta Station ' Portland, Or. Trial Bottle Free Br M&tJ If yoo snCcr from EnilepsT. Flu, Falling Sltkness, Spasms, or hsve cbimrr-n thatdo so, my New Dis cover j will ri-lleve thrm.snd all ynn areaikedte do is to send f or a Free Trla 1 3 liollle of Dr. AUj'i Egllsplold Ours! Tt bag cored thonsaods where evervthlna; etti failed. Oiiarantetd bf Msjr Iledltal Laouratoiy I nd'T Pure Food and Dni(S Act, June SOlb. IMHJ Ousrsniy No. 1-W71. pltsse write for Special Vim t Dottle and give A O K or d coin plet addrssa DR. W. H. MAY, 648 Pearl Street, Nei Tort k mt TRADE gg jMamedicO ABSOLUTELY CURES DR. WHITING'S REMEDIES MANIIFM'TITRKt) HY NATIONAL MEDICINE CO.. LTD. 422'-. Shelley Bile., Morrison St, Rooms 3 and 4, Foreland. Or. Hki k ,Uiirhll 2119 1. APPENDICITIS KEMEDY. Thi) only known furs lor Apiwmlmit Is wlthoat the Hid of ids kriile. (ilvin iinmedlste relief, t1."rt ' permanent euro in s short tliue. 6. "SPECIAL" REMEDY. For V o'ljHii'fl Alltrieot. Tumors of the Row. el. Aii-o "iHlietes. Kidiisr and Bladder Xroo bit i Kiel-: -r,. 'J ills New HHenrlflc Work is s hnms trcstmeat. Write or utill and ws will esplsia. tarsal trestment onlv. Kaiiyon'i law l ie nils max toe irret Into activity by gentle methods, luey dtt sot scour, grip or weaken. They are toole-to the stomach, liter sod serreal JiiTlgorutc Instead of weaken. They eu ricb the blood and eaable the stomach to get all the nourishment from food that la put Into It These pills contain no calo mel; they are soothing, healina; tnd atlm nlatins;. For sale by all drugfrtata In lOe and 2fc iters. If yon need medical ad Tlre. write Mnnynn's Doctors. They will advise to the best of their ability abso lutely free of Charm. MITNTO.VS. 4 ad TctTerson Sts I'biutdelptala, 2'a. Send lOe for trial package. SWEDISH SANITARIUM Oar ruuthoJ of t rntl in Himnmf in noi new OM bat n old and wull imImI oiih, wnrihj of m trml to any ilM'nurKtttd nd hoplt tnlTrrr lie inn nTwiuulin of Hwiden matt hiiii!o; iiik h(1 !ht Kurtii oitn iiierluxia Hi Mult- lo uxirinu urtf to rw-iilo to wliicli t.itilrlt of 'tient hi all ntHiionaof lift) ilJ lttify ht ninthotlB arit not entirely dttvm ttt adt 0rm to tha UMtt of phynifral run bod u mtirh aa fio-itibla minti an fJeotrfoit, riilroirnrtic. Ulrumn raja, Brian-man, Manipulations. llRlhaiof all kindi, Fliy-i'-al t.'ulturo. alo tha famous Nauhttini trfntinent irinrlbtJ as much in Eun fur Uunrt trouble and aatliiua. Our HaiiitHrium m fiwimlt u j pped wilti a mnd em nururry and a ataff of Hnr;eoi.t and Phywlt ian of wida fliiurittnea and Jiiwh rrtiuta. Vi e i-uru U'ihii uialinro, linm iMtt'iiliar to Vtomrn, Chronic I'oo ti pat Ion. Kidney, filml'tpr. JAvr and HtiMiacb Trou bla, Bluod and hltln I it) pnrril) sii, Hrtl.itu of varinu mtrXm of Iwtth old and younii. "nd all Nrv ou and (Jtinmic Ihpiim- 'OMttmoniaU cm tile horn prtlijiit-i eiirnd win id on f'Hf write lo Wrtta or full for iurticiilnni Odintultat in fri-o. All uumiUiii Ountldtiiitiul 'harf uirxlt-rate Addrtma Dr. N in both. Hwndlh Hsoitariuni. Hi Mrket HI , (Jor. llb, Portlnnd. Ore. Klderly Depravity. The profeasor regarded with an eye of suspicion the small yellow oube the waiter had brought him. '1 take thee." he murmured, "for butter or worse." Chicago Tribune. New York la experimenting with street cars driven by electric motors which get their power from gas en gines mounted below the floor of the cars. A Good H air-Food Aycr's Hair Vigor, new Im proved formula, is a genuine hair-food. It feeds, nourishes, builds up, strengthens, invigor ates. The hair grows more rapidly, keeps soft and smooth, and all dandruff disappears. Aid nature a little. Give your hair a good hair-food. Does not change the color of the hair. A yers Farmula with ab fconi how It t your doe tor lik him about It, thau do b aai 7 TIMES AROUND NEW YORK CITY V Avaitor Hamilton Sails Rings Around Governor's Island Pouring Rain and Broken Guy Wire Do Not Daunt Fly to Phil sdelphla Next. You need not hesitate about using this new Hair Vigorfrom any fear of its chang ing the color of your hair. The new Ayr's Hsir Vigor prevents premature grayness, but does not change the color of the hair even to the slightest degree. by the J. 0. Ajrsr 0e., bewail. Mail, New York, June 14. Such a little thing as a broken guy wire could not keep Charles K. Hamilton on the ground today. In the pouring rain, Halmilton left the ground at 12 minu tes past 6 this evening and for 10 min utes and three seconds circled the low er end of Governor's island and hov ered over the harbor. In making his preliminary run over the sandy surface of the island, Hamil ton bumped a surveyor s stake and smashed a guy wire. He knew it him self, but nobody else did until he alighted after a beautiful flight. It rained hard all day, but despite the faint prospects of decent weather for a flight, a good-sited crowd bore witness to their faith in Hamilton's daring. Shortly before 6 o'clock the weather moderated. There was almost no wind and the heavy, moisture-laden air was just right for aviation. So Hamilton wheeled out his machine, warmed up the engine and was off in a few minutes. Seven times he circled the island at a height of about 200 feet and then came down with the swoop of a falcon. Hamilton confidently expects to start tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock on his flight to Philadelphia and return for the New York Times and the Phila delphia Public Ledger prize. A special train will accompany him. The weather prediction for tomorrow in the territory Hamilton will traverse is fair to cloudy, with rirjing winds. BEVERLY AWAITS TAFT. Summer White House Ready for Pres ident and Family. Beverly, Mass., June 14. The Sum mer White House is swept and dusted; the broad lawns are green, the elms have not yet felt the blight of the gyp sy; moth, and all nature smiles on Woodberry park, where President Taft and hi family will again seek rest and health during the coming heated term. The Taft family will arrive on the 23d. Staid Beverly people are some what excited also at the prospect of having Colonel Roosevelt among them for a few days next month as a guest of his son-in-law, Congressman Nichol as Longworth, of Ohio. The Long worth summer cottage occupies a point of land near that on which the Taft estate is located. Colonel Roosevelt's chief activities while in Masachu3etts are expected to be expended in the vicinity of Bos ton, as he will be the guest of Senator Lodge at Nahant after the Harvard commencement and will speak before the National Educational association in Boston on July 8. ROOSEVELT WILL BE IN PARADE Thousands of Delegates Will Line Up and See Him Go By. New York, June 14. Secretary Crosby, of the Roosevelt Reception committee, estimates that between 15,000 and 20,000 will be in line along Fifth avenue next Saturday afternoon during the parade in honor of Roose velt's return. R. A. C. Smith, chairman of the harbor display committee, places the estimte of boats at something over 100. Many of the organizations will be in uniform and nearly all will have bands. To each organization compris ing more than 100 persons a block has been assigned on Fifth avenue. They will not march, but will stand in their places as Colonel Roosevelt, the Rough Riders and other Spanish war veterans go past Western Union Indicted. Washington, June 14. The Federal grand jury today returned an indict ment against the Western Union Tele graph company, charging it with 42 violations of the bucketshop law of March 1, 1909. The claim that the Western Union company, by means of a telegraph wire and a ticker, aided and abetted the conduct of a bucketshop in the District of Columbia. The 42 counts of the indictments vary only in the dates on which the alleged violations are said to have occurred. Japs to Renounce Treaty. Washington, D. C, June 14. The Japanese government, on Friday will renounce the existing treaty with the United States. The act of the Japan ese government is not a mark of hos tilities, but is only part of an effort to have that government revise and bring up to date the whole fabric of foreign affairs. Jhe present treaty was ne gotiated by Secretary Gresham, in the last Cleveland administration. Before that time the status of Japan in its world relations had been that of semi barbarous country. Protestants Aroused. Berlin, 'June 14. Several thousand ProteBtants took part in demonstration in Berlin today, and mass meetings were held at Essen, Madgeburg and other cities, in denunciation of the papal encylical, recently issued, con demnatory of religious reformers and making special reference to Martin Luther. Resolutions were adopted call ing for the strongest action on the part of the government. These have been forwarded to the imperial chancellor. Carlist Party Attacks. Valencia, Spain, June 14. Republi cans while leaving a great anti-clerical meeting tonight were attacked by groups of Catholics and fired upon from the Uarlist club. Violent clashes oc curred in the streets and many persons were wounded. Gendarmes appeared and dispersed the crowds, after charg ing them repeatedly. Many arrests were made. FREE! ABSOLUTELY FREE! CHESTS SOLID SILVER 26 Pieces in Beautiful Lined Chests TO THE 10 NEATEST 10 WW CORRECT SOLUTIONS TO THIS FATHER TIME PUZZLE . DIRECTIONS There are 10 face in this picture, Can you find 7 of them? Outline each face with a pencil on this or a separate sheet of paper, or number them 1,2, 3, etc. To I he 10 neatest correct an swer we will give absolutely free Beautiful Lined Chest of Silver. To each one finding 7 facet we will give absolutely free a Handsome Souvenir. All correct answers will receive a va. uable prize. Be aura your answer it correct. All antwert mutt be in our hand by June 27th, 1910. Every cor. rect tolution will receive a prize. Remember, prizet will be awarded to the neatest correct antwert received, and you mutt find at Icatt 7 of the facet. The contest will be judged by the representative! of our leading newt pa pert. fend your tolution and name and ad drett plainly written (be ture to write plainly) to BUSH & LANE PIANO CO. 386 Washington Su bet W. Park and 10th Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN .1 'rs ' Hf ' rirwi c-Imm work al :v - M W 'f rsonlils prtcss 'fM I ' ".'J ;. ' Vtm (samlnathMl .vtv k and psrfrcllr HIIckI iJLJsts sisbsmJ No fsklna mlhorls DR. C. L. HAYNES Suite 427, Marquam Building Fourth rkior Opposita Portland Hotel, Portland Ora. Which Oner "What la tho name of this !lnr aaked the strangur on the front plat form, ateadylUK hlmsrlf aa tha car bumped alone the track, lurching from alilo to aldo. "Out hero," answeri-d the motorman of the auburhan trolley car, hiking a chew of tolmcco, "they call It the dairy tine." "Why do they call It thatr "Because If you bring a burkst of aour cream aboard It'll be butlor when you get to the end of the run." u sjs esnu Xluenb )tstotp HI jo ul Olqna OOO'OOO'OJ Je i Hi ejvpep eo&iuo U euoia omdajS omil jo Jiaodop puJBAOjeip Xnueo j em peuiuieie basu. ou.. euedxa .THE KEYSTONE, TO HEALTH IS HOSTETTER'S , STOMACH BITTERS Poor health can near I v always traced to a dis ordered stomach, weak kidneys, sluircrish liver or constipated bowels. The Bitters acts directly on these orcrans. makincr them strong and healthy. Try it. Muiklna Nr " II I m. Ilia Hnat I have enni' ccirloslllra upatalrs I ahould like tt show you. 1UI you evur em a rial. K''iuln, old lima Toledo Mad'? Mr. I'neurltrh - Cosh, yi-s; many a time! I've ar-n th Mrniilla Ki-tmllar, too. In the days wti-n t wae a cun printer I worked a while for both of 'hi. Chlcaiio Tribune Am K a perl. Prim Aunt My d'ur nephow. wer you wltii In the cbolie of a wlfitT Can aha cook? Can aha nuke a Kood lew? Nephew She ran mnke a alew all right. The only trouble la that alio always puts m In It - lullluior American. One of IIS Mlansee. "Tommy," asked Ihn tt-arhi-r, "men tion some of tllt uses of pepper." "I'l-pper." said Tommy, afler a peri od of profound reflei'tlon. "le a no id thing not In pul on a re hot alove " PIPE REPAIRING inneoannanatrsttJ aK.lli st mil K.M !,. lisual 8IQ 8ICHEL a CO. K Its! MM HANSEN'S Hanaitn tllr-fta Hrlfi EMPLOYMENT Km In Kmprtiycra OFFICES m North Seron.l St. phones Msln IWa A HIM lailie. , lle,.,i.i, IltH,, Wuhtlitflnti HL 1'hum Usui ,!; A Purllsml. Or.un REDUCE THE COST OF LIVMO; DECRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND Harness Catalog free! fo4 KIP Srml lor out 100 page liar nru CataloQ fm. Will am Ku 21) to 50 r renf sure KELLER HARNESS CO. " ."'' l-o'Hand. Orteon DAISY FLY KILLER rj' NOMWTIME rmmr lo save i;or tssita pul se J piste sad lrldaa work done, forout. er.pma liifruus mm P"',k P'ste earf bridge work la eae ear If BsosMiff. I'aiossi MalvCwni 55.00 22kBrld,.T.Hh3.50 a.n rminfi 1.00 tstsi.1 Fllllnft 1.00 WW rilllnri .60 0s Kubksr . 6.00 Plalee 7.60 M. . s. win, rMmm m huuu ,, r.ij.i.. . c A !'!i"f5'"Ta s-rss -ks.e1.u- 1r. - r-- nrisea rears. Wise Dental Co. Painless Dcntiaia Wllni (ullsini, Thlra WHhlnaise. Men mw ..! a. u. w a 7 i. iiVs. L. ff f.i.i,. III. Cu ...,, tKt, Hi.ll m Op .f . "HI S KM) m l.u WMrtlilNs. S- ifinl-Ml .Hnll.. 11 smuts laal ywi,4 I.., lOfMit. as SOLD SOMiaf ISS BttM Sea, anssira.a.U The Mailer KsaiUleetl. "Why do thrjr ear aa aniart aa aleel trapT" aakrd the talkative boar r " iiovrr roiihl ar anyil;lu pr llrularly Intellmtual about a atael trap" "A atel trap la called amart." plained the elderly person In hi Beetet olr. "bwauaB It ktiowi ai tly the rljthl time to shut up." More might have been until, but ll the t'lrrumalanrra It would hart astr cd uuntllni London Til -tills. Kol Her ranll. Mra Tjipallna waa eapreaalnt her r a-rel thai ah had liern unald. on ae count of llineaa, to le present al taa funeral of a nela-hhor. "I alvraya fel." ahe aald. "that I ouiht to attend the ohaeijulrs of a friend, hut I Juat couldn't go" Chi cago Tribune. IX0O IAMPLX Rf.RBV.rt'lT.SIHAW II.N HsMCkwd, bi.i "i "s tl.Tnar2Sr.rli Lt iULd, 'Jew 11 lsas Drtd. I eeosrw I " " aiiieewr, aitAUu T-roKiuw ITCH CAN BE CURED In a sherl lime lis usloe PLUMMER'S ITCH REMEDY In M.emt tana enly. Address PLUMMCR DftUO COMPANY Third and Maduon Portland, Ot. MODERN METHODS Hmiiw Pktetls PARCRAWF SECRET SERVICE AGENCT We ere prepereil to unilsruks enr IfHIeai'J leleeil,. w,k llwlh elll and criinliisll In sfl pans of the United States. Open Oar and Nlfsi. tr fAMII. Vwt n-aav OaVs. KW. , 2I4 llhs swek. ruHOAHa. MUM. ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER are quickly ri'linved by Wyall't Asthma Remedy. Ank your (lru' or e"d aix ruiili ptngo for Kreu Sampl to J. C. WYATT. DruKKist. VANCOIJVfM. YASMINUIOM BEST READY ROOfING KNOWN 8nd fur Ramples sod Prices. Majestic Roof ing Co. 326 Werceiiir lidi PORTLAND, ORE. A TRIP TO PORTLAND FREE PAINLESS DENT1STR? Pslnlsss Katrsotlon Prsi "liver Flllln.s jj. mK.ooid Crown. , Poroel.m Crowns,.. ! Molsr Oold Crowns as llrlUee Work, n K. Cnii'. ,'.'. Inlsy Pills, PursOol.l , J IWI TZI 7V -eQ .C0FFEEU TEA SPICES BArIN0 POVVOCR. ruTrUCTS 'JUST HKillT rtail-RBHll I a wiev mj tm C Gee Wo Tin Chinese Doctor This woniteful menk lnalellfestlllr'l1l, priertla of Hao juris, and H""' Is alln ihs wrW UJ benentof hla asrrkas, Ne Mercury. PeUesa fi4 er Druga Used. Ne inf Operations CeilW auaranteee to eura OMarrh, Asthms, Ish Klomach and KUIner trim hiss, and aU rWeis Dlaeaaea of M n anil Woman. A SURE CANCER COR Just rerelved from Pekln, :bina-saf aars end reliable. u..falllng In lu works. 1 1 roe cannot sell, write for eymiitoni we" and elreular. Inclose 4 esnu In slsmph COIlSUlTATION Wtt The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 163Vi rirsl St., c. Morrleea, Ptt 9 N U NO. I IXrHajif wrltleg toxtsertlsera plaae" I tiaisallsa thi peps'' , r ess!