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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1910)
THE OREGON MIST ' VOL. XXIX. . " ' ' ' , ' ST. HELENS, OBEGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1910. NO. 29. . fITRRKNT EVENTS 1 o,oo0 come wt inmirn.. .. i i 111 IMP. WW HUH "M I Doings of the World at Large Told in BrieC U.neral RiwiM f Important Evsnti Presented In Condsnsstf Farm for Our Buay Rssdars. Two Sun Jom worrton wars found dead b-n-ath thlr ovar-turtHMl auto. Th Int-rnatlonal Hon 8 how la upon In London, and Kin Kdward U badly mlatwl May Indiana In Yucatan havs r bvllml ag-airta. Ma loo and asekstj th town of VallatlolUi. Kxllroatla hava a?r)exi to withdraw all proiwMd raU inrrttm, pending a nmwral hi fere ik. fonirtuma haa author! (ad Orwfon and Wanhinvton to III U bound arlva be tween tho two a tale. Chairman Nelson, of lha Dalllnger-riiH-hot Inveatlgatln ommlaalon, says ronaervation haa run riot Tha Illinois ("antral railroad baa lawn bilked about 12.000.000 by crook ed uRriala and big shli'twrs In col lusion. l.ifhtnlnt 'truck lha peetatora at a ball Km In Pony, Montana, badly In juring many and tearing off on wo man's cornel and shot. Tha corruption fund whlek defeated the fUharlae bill in tha Illinois legisla ture haa been traced to It source, and it antma certain that taa bribe-giver will 4 ronvkud. WMIs swinging byhla arm from the limb of a tree, In UllUm, Mont., Frank llarkncee, aged 12, struck tha point of a pair of sheep shears, bung on a nail In the tree with lha blades uutwsrUa, the steel piercing tha buy's heart and Instantly killing bint. Vt'hen Ceorge Cooke, paymaster for the Hans Koea Hons' Tannery, Aahe vlllo, N. C, reached the company's office, after drawing I&.000 out of the bank lo meet payrolls, be found to bis uttrr aaUinlehment that the money was not In the aulteaae where be bad placed IL He beliaeea be waa a victim of a shrewd broad daylight robbery. It Is believed that sentiment Iq tha South la turning against prohibition. President Taft view the Increase of SoclalUm with considerable apprehen sion. King George baa called a conference of parly leader to settle the bouae of Ionia dispute. An equestrian statue of General Cus ter has been unveiled at Monroe, Mich igan, Cuatrr'i home. J antra M. Lynch baa been re-elected president of the International Typo graphical union by 1,000 majority. All union teamsters and 2(0 union tnsrhlnlat of Portland, Or., are on strike for higher pay and shorter hours. A wealthy man of Ottawa, III, baa bequeathed fW.OOO to aid worthy young men, provided they do not atudy theology. Mrs. Helen Flsgg Young, superin tendent of arhoola of Chicago, was given a reception by five thousand taa.-hers of that city. A suit for 1100.000 damage for falsa imprisonment baa been begun by a I -on Angeles man against the Bums A Sheridan Detertlv agency. Kxrcaalv beat naa Injured the ralaln grape crop of California. It la reported that Madrii haa loat til hia artillery and 400 prisoners. Kx-Kovernor Folk of Missouri, would like the Democratic nomination for preaUlont In 1912. A banker of Minneapolis ha been lined 15,000 for smuggling two pearl necklace at lloboken, N. J. Taft would appoint Roosevelt chair man of a commiaaion to tour the world In tli interest of u I veraal (teas. . A prisoner at San Quentln, Cal., haunted by th face of his victim, has eonfnaaad to killing a man In a boicar st Mimical). Interest Is growing rapidly In the prooa long-dlatanc aeroplane race In the United Stat, and many big Puraca will be offered. Tho trial of the "golden role" chief w Mice of Cleveland, Ohio, on charge Jf immorality and drunken hav "lied almost entirely. A Ilrltlah army officer In an Amerl- can roplne crossed tha English instinct, and then returned, without I'lChtlng, In BO minute. Nult has been commenced to set ' rsllroad land grants In Oregon Wregatlng 3.000,000 acres, and now vluwl st alx.ut tr.0,000,000. East and Middle West railroads hav "led notice of an Increas In freight ', nearly every road In lh country w having iuch t l rortd that an American n fn,Tri0,,i,.rt,l, w,u Estrada b m" Nlr"K' bn capture n ankud to procure hi release, VrtMa. l!' Tre,t "traaauw of the unltd fiUtoi, died of apoplexy. Pur principal Drltlah colonies In Af ric. hav. formed a union. ofthei,nrk,?"n,,,n f"w; lhl '-''"tr-'ntl in ' Hrii.,; uoionui Trsvsl Breaks All Previous Records. Chteago, June 8.-During tlie brief period between March 1 and April 15, this spring, botwevn 40,000 and 60,000 ,....,, acconnng w mo various rsll road managers, found new homes In the Pacific Northweat, In California, Idaho. Montana, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming. The spring movement of colonists la regarded as having broken the record of the spring of luod by from 15 to 20 per cent. With the exception of fig. ure which were prepared by the man agement of the llarriman 1 1 net, all fig ur the colonist movement into the Northweat are estimates. Tho fig. ure presented by the llarriman lines may be regarded as conservative and as being close to the a. tual movement. Corresponding figure over the Hur lington, the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern could not be obtained, a no detailed account is msde of such movement. The figures of the llar riman line show that during the six Weeks of tha ihrln. . .. .i of 16,642 persons found homes In tho Twiuua nunc anci territorlea men tioned. During the earns period of im only 1S.B47 colonlaU moved through the vsrlous gstewsys fed by tbe llarriman roatla. This Is sn In crease for the six weeks of 2,696 col onlsta, or approximately 16 per cent aw comparison, nowever, doe not tell tha ttrKiila ttnnt (U. , . - - mm I MM T I" III. 1 1 1 during I90 continued 14 days longer man we present movement. Keduccd rste were in effect Issl year from aiarch I to April 30. Kor some reason unexplained the rsllroada decided this year to reduce lh colonist period from tern nwmlhit Ia ( m.hl a I : - w mtm a-wns. f i IVHHI ly, comparison can be msde only be tween the entire period this yesr and the corresponding six weeks of the atifM M .la' r.-i.wl lAna T-i. 1 " VI lyvrtf, I II. ill- crease In the total movement of the entire period this year waa not suffi cient, however, to make the movs- toni mivmkmT wan wai 01 laai year. FARMERS GUIDED IN LOVE. Kansas Profssior Issues Bulletin on Matrimonial Reform. Topeks. Kan., June 6. "Farmers know much more of s specific snd re liable nstur about preparing their hogs for the livestock msrket than they do about preparing their sons snd daughters for the matrimonial market All these Important matters are left to chance and accident because we hsve been laboring- under the foolish delu sion that love Is blind snd not to be in-1 flueneed by Instruction or reason." Thia la the text of an official " score card on matrimony," issued by W. A. MrKsever, professor of philosophy st the Ksnaas Slats Agricultural college. In a bulletin just Issued to farmers of the state. As a foundation for matrimonial re form which Professor MrKeever will Insugurste In Ksnsss, the qualifica tion of the young man and young wo man who apply for marriage license should be paaaed upon by the probate Judo of each county, he says. This oAVlsl, he contends, should be emow ersd by state taw to hold an examina tion and Inquire into the ntness or men women socking marrlsge. SHIP BRAKE IS REJECTED. Attachment Would Relsrd Vsstel Also Whan Spasd is Sought. W.hlnirt,in- June 6 Although It was demonatrsted by trial on the bat tleahin Indians thst what is known as the "ship brake" would undoubtedly stop a veesel in eomewhst less lime than where It wss not smpolywl, the device ha been Sound unsuitable for naval usage. The naval board which conUucUM tnc knlH. that' tha brake, which re semble barn door on either side of ik. .hln. -would soon become clogged with bsmaclcs unless eonslsntly em ployed. It would slso incressc the danger from torpedo attark, be a grave menace In close evolutions sua rcisra th speed of the ship. Hslr Cut From Corpses. vit..rl n. C... June 6. Women in th United State who purchase switch es of black hair will no miercsicu w know thst a crusade hss been begun by the Chinese government sgsinst Chinese who supply hiimsn hsir for It locmf thin MlllHIIl'lil. . a ehsritablo Institution of Canton which buries large numbers 01 pauper whose relstlve are unable to provide u.m. t.MvA tha hair dealer exhuming corpse to recover tho hslr, ami when this etlon wss reporuxi 10 mo euu.w.- Itle wtlon was tsken sgsinst mem. 0 Ecuador Recalls Army. Washington, June 6. The Stato do- - i. ..m.i.n.. rlul.wl Hint the psrimeni is "" movement of tho Ecuadort-sn srmy from the Peruvian frontier began yes terday. President Alfaro, in his mes ssir to the Kcua.lorean congress, called In extraordinary sessiuo, i .nntiul the oiler OI ncuauor i7 -"-i - , medlstlon by the governments of the United States, Braxll snd Argentlns, and that he hd expressed his apprecia- tlon W in meumuiiK , -in i First Noma Boat Arrives. NiMtie. Alasks. Juno fl.--Tho steam ship Corwin, which left Seattle May 10, arrived yesterday after a hard bat tle with the Bohring Sua Ice, n which, however, lh sustained no serious ilHm g. Allwcr well onboard, ine usual demonstration wss made, the en- . . ... tha eurnn irolnff to tire population u "r " - - th beach to greet the first bust. Nome . . ... f m Almmj.t xonimunl- naa oeen em ui --- . . cation with the active world since last INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF RAISE WATER 800 FEET. Fsrmsrs Nssr Rsdmond Install Pump ing Plsnt In Osep Canyon. Redmond Pumping water from Crooked river to th tabl lands 600 foot above th river Is an xperlment being tried here. M. M. Davenport and Neil Chrlstenson hsvs Just com pleted pumping plant which ral, water by means of an overshot water wheel and supplies their homestead on the peninsula. The project Is a remarkable under. taking. The Deschutes river and IU tributary, Crooked river, II in gorge 600 to 1,000 feet deep, th walla being nearly perpendicular. At the point where the Dsvenport-Chrlstenson pump is installed It Is necessary to raise the water 600 feet over four perpendicular irairce, tne Highest of which la 75 reet The undertsking, when commenced last fall, looked like a mammoth lob. The hardest part was to get th neces sary materials to the place where th wheel was to be Installed. All th materisl was lowered from the plains 600 feet sbovo to the water' edge. A wheel seven feet in diameter and two feet eight Inches across th face waa built. The machinery and flume were arranged and securely fastened to the rocks to prevent them from being washed away by high water. Eleven hundred and aixty feet of pipe are used in making the raise of 626 feet Tests of the plant have proved highly uo eessruu Lumber Csmps Can't Gst Man. Hood River The atrawberry grow ers are not the only employers of labor who are having their trouble the dsys. Tbe Oregon Lumber eompsny hss almost been forced to close it mill st Dee on account of the scarcity of la bor. Manager Charlea T. Early aayi they use three crew "one coming. one working and one going." The la borers do not seem to stick long at any job and while the yard worker are getting )2,60 a day they will not stay with their jobs. One morning recently with the sid of Msrshal Lewis, Mr. tarly rounded up 20 men In the Jung le and managed to persuade 13 of them to take the train for Dee and go to work, fcleven were put to work in the yard and two others sent on to the timber camp. At noon tbe Dee office called up and told Mr. Early they were ready for another round-up, as the 11 men from th yard were beating it down the track. Fortunately these loafer do not stick long In Hood RiT er, as they 'get thirsty and bav to move along to The Ualle or roruana. Last Horss Cars Vsnlsh. Klsmsth Falls The borsecar has vsnlshed from Klamath Falls. Th electric car Is to replsce th ancient means of transportation. The track is to be removed the entire length of Main street snd this mean that the city will be without streetcar service for two or three months. The eompsny hss applied for a new franchise for Main street With the granting of this the system will be made thoroughly up-to-dste In every particular. Now line will be built on side streets snd belt tin is to be built around the town to make a circle from the Upper lake down through ilucna Vista sdditlon. A motor rsr will be put on the run around town. Thia is to be a modern passenger esr, with a large carrying capacity, and thoroughly equipped. Transplsnt Eastern Oysters. Astorls Four hundred and twenty .i.- p.-iam iii.I.m fnm trana- Hat kh ui i.whi vj - planting at Tokeland for the Toke n 1 .. . "...,..- mmnanv hava haan re- I t'HIV . v-i .. , j , - ceived from Long Islsnd sound. They were not the little seedling that have been used heretofore and which take shout five yesr to mature sunicioni ior .k. ... .)... iit uhnut the site of an Uiu ii.a.ww, - Olympla ovstor snd will mature In two years. This Is sn experiment but the oyster people believe It Is feasible. Fsrmsrs' Union In Coos. Msrshificld A local branch of the c rnllti and Educe- tional union was formed In this city by Charles A. Hill, th organlxor, who has been working In thia locality. There sre now four or five different brsnrhes of the union In the county snd they will sll be brought together under county orgsnixatlon. An effort will be msde to secur 1,000 members In Coos county. Cresmerles Psy Fsrmsrs 385.000 Coquille--The dslry Industry of Coos county last year yielded th frmer inn nno. and 406 ton of butter wa shipped out of the county. J" Nor way crssmory ica in pom Hon of butter, turning out over 100 In the same district 865 tons of cheese wss produced. Marshfield Improvss Wsterfront. Marshfield The Msrshfield city council is planning to clear the water front of all sheds, bosthouses and buildings, so thst It will be poMlble to have a wide wharf extending the full length of the business section. To j.. u. i will he necessary to condemn UU HI." -- - some of the buildings. Eugens to Colsbrst Fourth. Eugene-Eugene will celebrate the Fourth of July In an elaborate style 5,1. year . the Merchant' Protective assocl.ti m having taken up th matter Xr the Commercial club had decided not to celebrate. An air ship and oth 2, big attraction, will b secured for Jlli ! I nl '" OUR HOME STATE 8ILETZ BILL IS PASSED. Hswleyt Measure Adopted In Houss Will Nsxt Go to Ssnsts. Washington Representative Haw- ley has succeeded in passing through th house hi bill directing th patent ing of a considerable number of home stead antrie In the Si let reservation. As passed by the house, Hawley'e bill provide: "That all pending home stead sntrle heretofore made within the former SileU Indian reservation. upon which proofs were made prior to December 81, shall be passed to patent In all caeca where it shall appear to th aatisfaction of the secretary of the Interior that th entry waa mad for the excluaiv use and benefit of the entryman, and that the entry- man built house on th land. entered and otherwise Improved the same and actually entered into occu pation thereof, and cultivated a ' por tion of said land for the period required by law, and that no part of the land entered ha been sold or conveyed or contracted to be sold or conveyed by tbe entryman, and where no contest or other advers proceeding wa com menced sgsinst th entryman, and no- tic thereof served upon the entryman, prior to th date of submission of th proof thereon, or within two year thereafter, provided, that nothing therein contained shall prevent or fore stall any adverse proceedings against any entry upon sny charge of fraud. and provided further, that any entry- man who may make application for patent under the provision of this act shsll a an additional condition prece dent to tbe issuance of such patent, be required to pay to the United State $2.60 per acre for land so applied for." Oil Well Reaches 3,730 Fsst, Ontario The oil welt la down to a depth of 3,730 feet The drill Is work ing in harder shale than ha been found In tbe well and the color of the shale i darker than the blue which ha been in evidence so long. This Is the sort of cap rock usually found just be fore entering a sand. It ia generally believed that a sand will soon be reached and the oil development of this section will be past tbe experimental tag and be a permanent reality. Ship 60 Car Srrswberriss. Hood River Fifty cars of strsw berries have been shipped from Hood River, a record for early shipments. A good many growers in the lower val ley should clean up their patches dur ing th coming week. Berries from the Crspper and other district, bow- ever, are commencing to come in and a few are also arriving from Mount Hood. Marcola Mill Starts. Eugene Tbe Southern Pacific com pany has started one of it sswmills at Marcola in operation after a shutdown of three year. Tbe other two mills owned by the company in that vicin ity will be started up a soon aa they are In readiness, which will be inside of a few weeks. These mills, when operating to their full capacity, em ploy 800 or 400 men. All Oregon Items Remain. Washington Th river and harbor bill wa signed by the conference com mittee with all Oregon items nailed down. There haa been a hard fight against the Oregon item, but th en ste conferee, at Bourne' Instance, in sisted and finally overcame the house conferee opposition. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track prices: Blues tern. 84 85c; club, 80(tf81c; red Russian, 78c; valley, 84c Barley Feed and brewing, $1920 ton. CornWhole, $32; cracked, $33 ton. Hay Track price: Timothy, Wil- lamette valley, $20(ii21 per ton; East ern Oregon, $22(tt25; alfalfa, $1616; grain hay, $17($18. Oat No. 1 white, 2627 per ton. Fresh fruit Strawberries, $1.26 1.50 per crate; apples, $1.6063 per box; cherries, 75cii.50 per box; gooseberries, 5oi;6c per pound. Potatoes Old Oregon, 66c per hun dred; new California, lj42c per pound. Vegetable Artichoke. 60fiC75c per dosen; asparagus, $1.25(2 per box; cabbage, xi4fi 24c par pound; head lettuce, 60(i;60c per doxen; hothouse lettuce, 60cfti $1 per box; , garlic, 106$ 12H0 per pound; green oniona, 15c par dosen; radishes, lfttZOc; rhubarb, 2( 8c per pound; spinach, 886810c per pound; rutabagas, $1.251.60 per sack; carrots, 85c$l; beet, $1.60; parsnips, 76cft$l. Butter Uity creamery, extras, 29c per pound; fsncy outside creamery, 28 ((i29c; store, 20c. Butter fat price verag 1 He per pound under regular butter price. Eggs Current receipt, 24c, ordi nary candled, 26c; extra, 26(i27c Pork Fancy, 12n)i3c per pound. Veal Fancy, 10(3)1 lc per pound. Lambs Fancy, 9(i12c per pound. Poultry Hen. 19ttl9'c; broiler. 28(fD30c; duck, 18(i26c; geese, 12He; turkeys, live, 20622c; dressed, 26c; squsba, $3 per doxen. Cattle Beef steers, good to choice, $5.45((6.80; fair to medium, $4.46(ii) 4.80; cows, and heifers, good to choice, $4.60((f5; fair to medium, $4fJ 4.75; bulls, $34; stags, $34.76; cslves, light, $6.767; heavy, $4 5.60. Hog Top, $9.609.80; fair to me dium, $8.60(9.60. Sheep Beat wethers, $4.6004.75; fair to good, $4$4.25; beat ewe, $3.76(V4; lambs, choice, $5.6006; Fiv Reject. Two Postpone Final Result m Three Year, Washington, June 4. Six states thus far through their legislature hav ratified th income tax amend ment to th constitution, five have re jected It snd two hav postponed ac tion. Moat of th state will act during the coming winter or the winter fol lowing, and tbe fat of th amendment will be definitely known in two or three years at the very latest If 12 states vote adversely on the amend ment it will be defeated, but it re main to be seen whether 12 state will venture into the opposition column. Friend of th income tax express the fullest confident that tha ment ultimately will be adopted, and oeuev uai one or two of tbe states now on record against it will reverse their attitude when new legislature sre chosen. The X Statea thai hava wntmA ratllV thia amendmant ana A South Carolina. III! Kentucky and Mississippi. The states voting adversely are New York, Rhode t l I mar a. . - laiano, aiaaaacnusellS, Virginia and Louisiana. While ftannria arwt Maat Jersey have postponed a vote until the ""i session oi weir leanalatorea. Senator Norria Brawn, nt NahraaVa who haa keot eloaa tab mi tha in tax fieht and who waa mu nf tha a- most advocate of the income tax while th tariff bill wa before congress iaai session, predict that th income tax amendment will he a -nart r tha constitution within three year. He oeiieve mat more than three-fourths of the statea will nmnnri it mA .... It will be indorsed in every state woere me income tax I made a politi cal issue in th legislative campaign. He enneatftaa that P. ..I...-: - VT - - - - wu.wj.vama, new Jersey, Delaware and some of tbe New xrfigiBna Biaies will De among tbe op position, but all of thia waa when the fight opened. New York, nowever, be believe will in the end fall in line and vote to ratify th amendment According to Senator Pimm all tha swes or me wen without exception, will ratifv tha Innuna tav amaaa.) Lmost of them during the coming Win- T I mm Vim .4: -- l .1.1. r jJiTjuicia Bisv Uiab IM BOUU- era states will ratifv it within ta years. Virginia failed to ratifv be e-use uw speaa-er oi the VlrglniaSiouse was able to bring about an adverse VOU. Thia VOta. Rmwn haliaaaa reversed, particularly if the income ma is maae an laaoe in virirfni. Th. Same thine ma he dnna In Maaaaahn. setts, though the chance there are not parucuiariy lavorable, be opine. INCREASE OF WAGES TO KAISER High of Cost Living Affect Imper ial Household. Berlin. June 4 A umUffl.l.i A deration wa issued today explaining the CSUSeS of the financial atraaa titular which the emperor finds himself and in requirement for an increase in the Civil liat Of the kinir r agreed upon by the leaders of the Prus sian uiei yesterday. It hss been decidal tn !nttvl.ia a bill to bring Hia Majesty' allowance up to $5,000,000. The public I reminded that the Prussian Crown SUrmnriaratll tn tk. state In 1820 properties yielding at ubi nme nearly 2, 000,000 annually and the Value of which haa haan trraat. ly augmented since. The increased cost of living render the present al lowance inadequate, tbe statement ars. Each vear hia snnnnrt af tha amirt uieaiers aione cost the emperor $700, 000. and In recent nan ha haa I- creased the sslaries of the middle and lower employee of th imperial bouae- noia oy a total oi 25U,UU0. Boat Bums Off Alcatrax San Francisco. June 4 Tha rstv nf naiaei, a amall stem wheel freight boat plying between thia city and San RafaeL burned tn tha watar'a a) it. the middle of the bay off Alcatrax isiana snoruy alter II o'clock last nitrht So ranidlv did tha flamaa spread several member of the crew leaped overooara ana were picked up bV launches and two Arahnata athlnh went out to assistance of the burning vessel, considerable excitement was caused bv renort tha that tha kinim vesse wa one of the large ferry boat. Conductor Takes Blame. Oakland. Cal.. June 4 W J RnL. dorf, the Oakland traction conductor, in a signed statement to bis employer, haa taken all responsibility for the Lona tieignt wreck on memorial day, in which four naraona war Itillarf mA a score of others seriously injured. He surrendered himself to the police and waa today charged with manslaughter and relessed unon hia own HMvumie. ance, pending the verdict of the cor oner jury, wnicb win meet June 7. Theft Covered by Storm. Salinas, Kan.. June 4 Durlna a thunder storm last night three men broke into the poatofllce at Kanopolis, 80 milea west of here, loaded the safe on a truck and took it some distance away, where it was cracked open. Six hundred dollars in cash and $1,000 in stamps were taken. Italians Stons Princes. Detmold. LIddo. June 4 Prinm Leopold IV, the reigning prince of Lippe, and hi brother, Prince Julius, were stoned by a gang of Italian la borer wane motoring yesterday. Prince Julius received a wound on tbe head. , Later several of the axial I ants Bakery Everything New and Clean - Try Our Coffee and Cake H0ULT0N Reduction Sale I Until further notice w wlriglv our customers tho benefit of the followin substantial reductions: FOR fAEN Men' Fine Suit $18.00 to $21.00 Men' Fine Pants 4.60 to 4.95 Men' Working Pant.. 1.75 to 2.25 Men' Heavy Working Shoes, 12 in, high, reduced from... 5.50 to 4.60 Men' Logging Shoes, with calks, re duced from 7.60 to 6.75 Same Shoes, without calks, reduced irom... 6.50 to 6.75 Oregon Flannel Loggers' Shirt, re- aucea irom 3.50 to 3.00 Black Sateen Shirts, reduced from. . . 1.00 to .75 Heavy Cotton Socks, reduced from 10c per pair to three pair for 20c FOR LADIES Ladles' Fine Suits, reduced from.... $18.00 to $16.00 Fine Overskirts, reduced from 6.75 to 5.0f The Chicago Store F. J. BASKET., Prop. Sr-r y wVBV Stf yayr''y 't'?1 THE ARCADE ST. HELENS An Up-to-Date Moving Picture Show, in the old Muckle store building, which has been re modeled for the purpose. Three shows every evening, beginning at 7:30. City Shoeing Shop General Blacksmithing, Woodwork and Repair pair Work Promptly and Neatly Done. Pav ing; Cutters' Tools Made to Order. Horse shoeing a Specialty. All Diseases of the Foot Scientifically Treated Free of Charge. E. H. WICKS, Proprietor First Door West of School House. ST. HELENS, ORE. Columbia County Abstract and Trust Company ST. HELENS, OREGON s I J Li UlD( bouct last. (Vu Jr f;T;'iFl aWR II 1 aUILIM r" ' r " ai art irxn not pertKtlr anwneit or Oo not wa a kep th. laciKle ship it back to us at our .ipraM and ft wilt x.alM raai. FACT0IT PRICES tmak. , Nt trad, bicrcle. it ia puwbU to aub L . V ' "? Proni abov. actual henry coat. Vo. nn $t. W,""" prorita by burinr direct ol us and hav. th. BManracturar'a aval at aa wrtct until TOU rvm'.vm.'-' Wm and rnwuMi ijtciaJ ifftri to ruin aareuU. Vnifl Ufll I DC SCTAaliaUrn when yuu teceiva our hasariful ahlwa mi awn niu ut. siiuauoLS ,tulir our ., x, ,h.--.,mZji fc.yr..( C make yew than anv cuhrr l.icmrv. B1CYCUS lKAI.Ii;ii. pnees. Ordtra n led the 11ANU lUOVCXK-S. llv have a number on hand tnk.n arTajoaiptfy at prices rsnguaj Iroin 63 to 8 hand taken In $(n)aS IIECtaETIIORN (1!), WIW. u VM I If HKCOND SELF-HEALING TIRES AjBSrSS JUL S8JO Act tair. bui to intrudus aw tmill 10 KOBE HOBBLE FBOM PDHCT33E3 NA1UL Taska or OUua will uol lot tha air out Sixty thousand pair, sold last year. rer two aunorad tliouaaad pair, now ia use. DCBOItlPTmmi Malrln .11 lim TtisliveW lad easy rtdinK.verydurable.QdliDedioaidewith I special quality of rubber, which never becomes roroo and which closes up small puncture, without allow. I toeacape. we nave hundreds ol letter, from salt, aedcunomer. statins; that their tires hareouly beeu pumped ipono or twice In a whole season. They weish nomorellm.i ut ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given y aever.1 layer, ol thin, specially prepared (.brie on the read. Theresrularrjriceor these tire. imts hmpt.), i.,ir... tdvertlsing purpose, we are ruakiim a sueci.1 f actorv'nrice to .he rider ol only R8o per pair. All order, shipped same day teller 1. received. W ship C. O. . aa ipProreL You do not pay a cent until yon have examined and found them .trictly represented, ad Juiji V!7vi-rii.a,i?r?a' 4 P"'" Uhweby mnkiugt the price 4.S4 per pair! If ywa km ruu CAM 11 Willi OKDIB and enclose thia ndveriiMmurnL You run no risk ia tending ua aa order a. the tire, may . be returned at UU K expeuac if for any ream they at MX satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is u safe a. la a b"Bk.J: "Tf1?" Pir,' n" '. you will find thct they will ride easier, run hater, wear better, Uutt longer aud look finer than any lire vou have ever used or area at any ark. Wa snow that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will airs aa your cedar. S's want you to send ua a trial order at once, nence ttti. remarkable tire offer. HP y)ff NFFIt TOST? on' buy auy kind at any price until roslend for a pair of r iyU -"-' f S'SatO Hedgethorn juncture-Woof tire on approval and trial at a vpecial introductory price quoted above: or write for our big l ire and Sundry Cataloaua which lean ins. and quotes all make and kind, of tire, at about half the nsa.l prim. Mt aWIT WA rf but write ua a postal today. lx NOT TUIKK itf BVYINO a Mereta W na7 "a or. pair of tire, from auyone antll you know the new and roadariul iderwareBtakui(. It only coau a postal to learn everything. Writ. ItSiOW. , jiluai'i.A',lf'-J't'" & Coffee House OREGON Vine Overskirta, reduced from 4.00 to 2.M Fine Finished Skirts, reduced from.. . .11.00 to 9.T6 Ladies' Coats, reduced from.........' 16.60 to 14.7$ Shirt Waists., reduced from ........ . 1.6tto Same, reduced from ... . 1.25 to .90 Same, reduced from... 1.00 to .75 GROCERIES Best Cane Sugar, 16 lb, for $1.00 Best 36-Cent Coffee for. .25 All goods in proportion. I have a large stock and in order to reduce It am willing to give my customers the bene fit of great reductions. Every reduc tion is genuine and it will pay you to call at my store and investigate. HOULTON, Oregon MAKE Your Abstracts DO Your Notarial Work INSURE Your Buildings SELL Your Buildings RENT You a Safety Deposit Box FURNISH Your Bonds IIUCITOWI nil district a nd. and exhibit l fnU rhcir, mmj .AkW tfn- Zt tmtt. nciva our nuliwiu. U.. . . U I . mfir airi ov a OKTCi. or a pair ol urt Iron . this rear. Wi nil the hi(hest (Tad. bkvrlea lor lata a Wa r ui.l. Mi.k you can sell our bicycles under vour owa i a' .co profit a Dove factory coat dn nceiiwd. s plaaa a We do not reruhrlr hi aril, emna h.a Maria ha tnde by our Chicaao i.ui! ttoree. TheM v. clear aa or lO. UeKriptir. baraaln lists mailed tree. PUNCTURE - FHCCF Vim JTotloa tha thick rabbar 1 and puuolura start p. "B" and .iaa rim strip 11" to prevent rim ttina This tlra wilt oatlavet any atlMa . AS if KIU1MO. . , m m m -"aaaaaasv iHt