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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1910)
LOOAL nSJit',-on,u,"tar,r,,, wVhi tory li s. than IW. minute, to "I0"". 1 It will ta wimiilr. r.' coiiMer" In! rmed " . -a th a l liilciKltxl t. rob L..?.?,',r. I. . war, In th. "".'j .i,i-.itlv belong to the ela. r t woullb.b..ttconfl... U th H11': i.. .h tu.nft.t llvlnir urn ,BI) p.yr- ' Mu w,jDMiy 'ol ' "U.!!lm schooner C0, Ol til. MC- ". the dock W MfU. OwW'r' Htin.t.vla.t , Mill . . . .r ininiicr iui ih 1 lull cK . ... Helens !. .1. Mild tlw 8ttbuy on t'v l,hHUH,t3.a.l0.0()0on bo-rd. TiMiiy l,h f ... . . .....1 rnl wa taken ulH itoBlllll"" - ,... f ...i -.i ii. i urns tmifu irum ml ion hi i"' in itr i .. ..... P tir..rtiit twirl. , Knpt n 7 V Li...l. Th. Yellowstone, ..i- UIU. A Itaac lUmtiaoil I"' .... ii ol tht McCorimcK ime, i. Z .bout on. milltoM and hft or uLurne. Tim Strtthuv't W ' So AnitCUn port-P". to Hi.lney Md pari t ' Frreuiantle. Tbt City Council b' hl regular MMl.! hi the Abstract rtmptay offict UrtMondiiv. very little bu.ii.e. beiutc bculile aiiowm " " wm grantcn iu n term ol one y.r lo " t. i.. i', .i.m Snunr. mm the City MU-rucy in.trud.e.l t. .lr it u. Mr VtK"'' lurnubct bon.l In ih ,ua ol VX) to cover tiiv Iuh. lit tn.y da by UlMUnK Tht- qnrry bM lvtl oH into uite '"come. u ticliy l Kp,,'"K ''O'11 doll"r " d.rlorlbe u.e ol it. IW.i.le. this lh milt tit ibe prorly ol lb. city .n.l ill wire lot ol eupcnw ltcn w l.ccl tnowrock on tht lreu. Mr. Ithlmer h tuu tle eredi m ol l,liiion to th Urcadi Hotel, . bat una it l"k hert that the pifn i hotel ccomiuoiUlioni rt oli.n erowdnl W the limit. "d "0i? weU plW tilli iioo.Iiiu dcet t lht. Stve ouiKiliiuji ecb jydiy. The Bl30 er ol RC bo I.M MV.I $t QUO nin k- " rt of p -i'llon tiov wlwre. He l. oroved hli'iliu i'tit. Ibt Colmiii'l County Bmk muket a btuHnoul lieluliig ong men to Mve. (icorKc W. VoRtl. ol Raiuli-r. Jld th.. county cl vitit on Monday lu-l. Ernmt John, who hut been tttleudmg the Ortgo.i Axricullurol Collcne t Cor !, relumed home Ut Suodty to rptml the wmmir vciion, WlifU lack IHin gvlt that mile o( rotd lnm lloulton toSt. Hclcot finished lltilllie fit lo run Iwhy oti over without wnkliiR the k d. nod it will con BWt with tn exeidlcnt Kd to llaclo lor Fltti, Vtukton, Warren, Itlaml. etc. St. lleh nt it tilt mit.-r ol irpiJlyepndiiiityttem ol good rondt Hut wilt Ijclorw nny yrnrt eleiid to the Nchalmn Vll.-y tnd theru dhoiild be no letup until tliit it nccouiplinhed. Tie houw which Mr. Chnrlrt Muckle lihtviiiK moved to nwkt wT lr mor modem ri'idence it out ol the binoiical builuitrkt of St. Ilclent. It wat built in 1H17 or law hy nn un le ol Mr. H. K. Quick, who cm to hi death by drown ing it Fon-Kt Grove, tnd wt occupied by Dr. Jtmei Mcllridc, iathnr o' OeO W. tnd T. A Mrllrldif. who w butltww partner ol 11. F. Giltncr. and ivlierviord by Mr. and Mr, Wm. Moitc. Dr. Tuot. Rtewtnand the Mu;kle lamlly. It wat Mr. Morse who plauled the eel ol the big KnglUh walnut tree now growing in the (rout yard. The tree relntct the the ory ol Colomd Dotch and othert that the Iruit ol walnut cdliiitt conlinu. t to lie Crewe n,o uit'il 4l become ioo mull to be ol any value, lor the prcaent Crop ol the old tree will de M hrrge nnl rently at .lcntilul at any it hat borne. On the habit. Save- touiethiiiR wry week. The Columb a County Batik help. t to iinike t Goo'ln.. limine and lot wlih outbuild lug lor mlu. located Jut totith ol the Cruune i.Uce. on Milton Crei k. Houm) hat n riMHut. Clooil miring. For lur- tlirr inlormiition npply at Mil OIIIch Circuit Conn adjourned ovr Wi dne day, U bcliiB Flair Day and proclaimed b the (iovemor ol Oregon to be a kitl holiday. Mork ViHK HTOCC Mr. Harry Went retiiruod liwt Thurtd ty evening Irom a trip Katt. Harry purchased tllir y-two head ol tht bmt bred Ji-rtey cattle be Could find. It l eviduut froui thit that he Iihr no Inten'ion of retbliM 'rom buiinoM, mi I tint Columbia County Jersey, will mill lit) prire wlunert at the lir, ol the Nunhwet. ThU It nwtti-r lor gonernl congralutailon, at there it no belter advertisement for a county than I tl fine Htm-It Ami with inch a herd to tart with it will be but n slioattlmo be low Mr. West will again be at the head Ol the Ikt at a ptUe winner, Mis, Beryl Muckle attended the com- mencoinent eierdet at St. Helena Hull. In ronluml, tliit wook. Mitt Muttkln iw formerly a pupil ol this Institution. To Tint Asylum A. E. rettlgrew wna wtntnlttod to the Htate Intane Asylum on the Oth Inst. Ht It the man who floated Into Rainier Iron Chelallt, Watb '"Ktou, mid made thingt Inter.'atlng tor Marshal Jesse and a low othon who Placed him under reatralut. The caute f hit ittBanlty Is given as . excessive drinktnu.and the county will loot the bill. Ocorge W. Vogel ol Rainier, paid the county seat n visit on Monday last. Ernert Johns, who has boen attending the Oregon Agricultural College at Corvalll,, returned home last Sunday to Pnd tht summer vacation. iicte is wiiat u vltitor to Ht ni.. aiu ti Kin nmug uskvd what he thonKht of tlio voAti: "Why, if, t, !,,(, U)W1 on Ihn river by nil ,,,, JllHeM h brink, and Hie wmdllloii ol th , .,iev market of Hie world or a cur thortuva Unit would tie up, UW nM towns I nvt? hut Utile Hleiji t tri,(lc comhllons. The rock iiuirrlcs keep lluhton iiiuiiufiu'tu.lliK pavement, mid the mill bhlpt by their own line ol boats. The local rm-perity la of a sori ,)ml , "tire to advance and Unit cannot go uacKwariia," lie aat, certainly right. Wateh 8r, Helen, grow. Cirnm here and get the benefit of tht growth Attend tltt dauct at the acuio Hall on Saturday. June 18 til. Tht tnutlo will be furnished by an orcbetira from fortlaiul mil everything possible done to enable all attending to have thoroughly enjoyable tune. The Yankton Lodge of Ye nnen guv. a strawberry t clal and dance last Hiiday night, and everyoue attending report having had an excellent time. The Yeo men it a I'oinpa utiv. ly new order lu thit i.eighbnrliood, but nlri-udy tli. y Imve in .i a loiiii leap toward pipuiarity. The Ca,a ball team came down last Sunday on the Stemnsr U ortilu Durion ailhacrowd ol abiut 170 fans end a hmra land and mldid the St. Hclin nine to their long siring of vlclims in a gaile that wai the poorei-t rsbi'jition of baseball and the Iwsl ol rag chewing that hat been seen her; Iu tl.e meinory of the oldest indabitiiut, Ciunas list a fast iratu and outplayed the locals but i he I care loight) lew on Heir lea in who have any right to lie on a bmit ball field. I'.veiy limu a deel in wai made thutdld not i. nr. wilh their idea ol the (acts, the whole team siirronded the umpiri', end tlieir i h ii of lanunne tbiiuld causn tb in tti lie trained like li tie kidt and have their mouths washed Out. Hut they rcrU'iily are bull pluycru and at the end of the ninth inning the aeotc 'a- 7 to t in t ama-' favor. Iu the third inn. n, the g iuie caul" pre ty near cotuiug to an end on accmut of a dec ml II (hat t'liin la d d II it a.rrc with, aiil the only i-oiiideriil)no on which the villi inginaiisger would eoiitiiiuu the gutiia wt that the umpire ulfiVially call all Ijctt off. Thit was done-thank good lie t- and the debite went on. When asked t - give a return game, Manager Ailkins inl-rmed the Camas inuunger that hi v.oud not play them anain und. r anv coi sideratioll, and he certainly it right Iroin eveiy point ol Me . Nest .ui,day the lint Culhhiuiel team Will ' e ti 're. Cablamet has ib-fcated Rainier onc and hut onoe to them, to the g mie Sunday thould b a good one. Don't sp ud your money (uulnbly. Save it. The Coluinb a County I'.atik pavt 4 fer cent a time Ccr.ilieates ol JlfpUSt. Koii One bav mare, aged i? weight MtiO lb. tiuaruuleeil sound. rrlceIH.' tb J- Jatr, Deer Itland, Oregon. W-P Striwberrv growing it to be art iu dustry ol considerable importance In thit lie ghlmrli.H)!. The grater part ol the supply Ibis yeir has come fr-m Hie Yankton an 1 Waned neiguoriioi. The hill land are eap-cinlly ad.ipled to the growth line 11 ivored hish i ol red beirl-tand they came f.n o lh muket jutt at the lime when lb" lo.vland berries are failing. The het berries we have seen this year wera ranel aiwiu nine miles (rout H.api,i at an aitituoe o. over r-W lee'.. Th crop H a s a" the hills now. (...oob la-mont was down oil the dock ,l,e beiLr art ol the day Iii.t Saturday, selling up a w. 11 new bugiry which be htt purchased. He savt be bought u ior Ziney, but when they drove oui ... tieorge was handling the line,. F. I. Ilallagh, lid Uws. I-.ngene -Miles and Murl liuieron were among u.e Helen, people to take in tne wou.iers . . Urn rose festival in Portland last week. Mr. J hi) Vrmgle, of Vernmiia is visit ing at this place with his son. and Mrs A T. I.nws remriicu ..... visit in Seattle, c- nlfd hv Mr Laws' iiucie Wilton, who Mr, Friday com pin nunt Mr. und Mrs. C.eorge Uveal I'oitOrlord. Our old Harry Sunime.s who played teveral of ball with St. lle enttbisyearitnowatKalania. "J in last week's Kalanm Hulletin he . l,,he hero of the game last Sunday. ",, f .hree lime, at t he seemed ,ee hits, two of then, (or ext. a base, l;;wll.cer....lvab.ssto.holocltam. vv F slaughter, of I'ortland. paid .huslmss visit to St. Helens on rat- mday last. Parmert who work hard lor their . , . i. ,,ir monev work mnnev sliouiu - t then, Money is given lor your money if you deposit it wbh the Co lumbia County I! mk. Launch Fok 8auc-S0 -. ..... .Molod with 12 horse 2 1001 wcn "!'" i i - . itt crrnibCOiiuiituu Nnucng... .,,. 0n,-.t firm f mwi ' Inquire at tne cy Boat .,.r S'itHlO. Well $800if taken at once. Mi8t0,lr": T.,1 a.t.Tnn SAI,R-Ie Laval in fir t class condition, cheap , Cecity L.....1. inauire U.S. Pspnin, M. " . ant 4 per cent for your wiieu - wrVlnir for money you unvc ------ cnmn oW you ns hard as you wor - ..i.i. rnlnmbia to ei9o. DtpoMii w '":,.7:;,.ort.Untv. untv Bank the outesi nana - Deonty United State. Marshal Nichol- .1 itl MI i Tiai nnn. wtis ille cane ol I,. L, Moffctt vs. J. A. Ilol- ianay wits tried in tlia Circuit Court last Wednesday, the court Instructing the jury to find (or the defendant. The Mriygcr baseball team defeated the I'ortland Lumber Company at Mkyiicr on nuniiay hy a ,con) ol 7 to 5. Buttery J ior wayger, Morris and Seniilei for the Lumber Co., Hoover, Card und Tlniis- lon. Hoover was bit tiit fitquently and was taken out of Die box in the sev enth inning, Card substituting' Mayger will play kainler't second team Sunday, the lUih, at Mayger. It is expected to be a very Interesting game. Mrs. Mary Fallows, ol I'ortland, vltit- ed Mlipali Chapter, O. E. 8., last Satur day night. Mrt. Fallows was the guest of Mrs. C. II. Brlgg, ol Yankton, 1'or 8ai,k Eggs for hatching. 0 8. drown Leghorns; H. C. lilack Mlnorcas; S. 0, Haired Kocks Market engt at market price. Yards opposite wireless station. W. C. MORLKY, Houllon, Oregon, Box 1)7. I'or Sai.k A good Smith-Premier Typewriter. A bargain. Columbia Ominiy Abtiai.t Co. Mr. M. 0, Gray has been appointed postmaster Ht St. Helens. Its a presiden tial olllce now. Mr. mill Mm. 8. C. Morton were in I'ortland Wednesday, unending the wed ding of Mr Mor on's ri-ter. J. W. and Maliel Cluik were called lo Purtlurd last Tuesday on account of the s l loui sickness ol their father, Charles Claik of Siella. It seem- that Mr. Cla k had icceivid serious Injuries by being thrown I loin u fractious horse. Thit had been followed bv an attack of pneu lunula, hut at. last lepoit the doctors th night he would recover. Mr. nud Mrs. Klmer Wharton left here f-r tln ir home on Wed ne day la t, after a visit with Mis. Wimrton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Miles. Ou fuewlay last Houllon Circle No. 478, W of iV., elected olllcer-at lollows: O N., Minnie Morley; O. N., Anna Clnifteiisinj Advi-er, Lulu Al en; Bank er, Bird! Cox; Magician, Ktla Cole; In. ner Seutmel, Mary Huxen; Oulei Senti- lilla M. Flagg; Manager, Birdell Williams; Musicnn, birdie Cox; Install ing ollicer, Liliic J. Perry. The officers itl be install d July 12th,at which time relresbineutt will be served. Mr. and M l. J. D. Baker, who re cently sold their place near Vernonia to Jaine A- Ray, have located at l'oiiolca, Allien., Canada. Asiheyde-ire occa- tionally to hear from their old home in Cod's country, to which they will un d'l'Jbedly evenm My return, tluy b.ive si ni iu their subscription the Oregon Mist. The Catholic ladies of St. Helens and lion ton will serve tea at the residence ol Mrs. A. V. Mueller Wcdm-souy alter boon, June 22, aft. r which the Catholic ludirs will bold abn ines? meeting. Ev ery b idy welcome. Hkr vices at Hon. ton M. E. Church Sunday school 10 a n-. Preaching every second and founh Smday at 11 am. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening al8p. ui. Krncst M. bn itn, pastor. Caut Pot' S.M.K Dump curt in first class conditio , and one tct single barn esss, l. ith lorfW. A b.. gain for any one living ou a farm. Inquire at the Mist odice. Mrs. A.J. Deming and children re turned the latter part of last week from an extended visit at Monmouth. .. . . ... i Mr, Rupert Dlbt.lee Ol iue utmc Vollev country, was a visitor at the Mist I olTicelust Saturday. He reports tho crops in that neighborhood to be in fine shape and lint the recent rain Insures a iKnmtilul harvest He will contribute to Columbia County's exhibit at the State Fair specimens of golden millet, Siberian millet, sorghum. Canadian field peas, and Macaroni wheat. Superutendent Collins and wife will . T?ftnQ or soon Ijeeomc reiw " Houllon. Mrs. Collins was in St.Helens this we:k for Ibe purpose of securing a house with a small tract of land. Owing loita Improvement. In many respects people am begiuuiug to iwwe to St Helen, lor no other reason than that it is a pleasant place to live. What do yon buy with your money. What have you Rot to show for the mnnev vou earned last mohth. Get wise Deposit a little. The Columbia County Rink pays 4 per cent on Time Certificate- ol Depot t. ion a-k Ranch to Lkask Kirst class dairy ranch. Inquire at Ibe Mist ollice. ii.,.,0..ioi.n FtiRNITURB 1'OR SAI.R Kimugh to furnish a five room bouse. A t .1h Ttwtnirt of Bennett. Miles' cottage, opposite H.P. Watkins. Th Citv Shoeing Shop has been en- . I .ti'l ia n rW birgea twenty leei in ujdkiu .... runnlnutwo fires. srrt Three choice lots in bt. s troat and Helens. Chotoe Dcanns "s oi!er small fruits, a nw u-rooiu iiuuW, . a .as tariM VIS td barn, 3 blocks from Co- "c ' . .. . i.i lumbia Uiver. f 1700. nan uown, u. ance ou time. A bargain. , o ,, John Rubkns. Por Sai.15 A new gasoline launch, h i.. nnwer. Inquire at this office. e.tTfnne Tcrsev cow and one .wo-l,bred Jersey bull. Inquire of r E. Smith. Milieu ranch, Yankton, Or, t .loot buv Dcvoe Faints, you dont get the best. A complete Oasis Park. Cleaning and pressing of ladies ana .....n..o.n'a clothes uone ai THE BITER BITTEN A Renl Estate Company Claims to Havo Boon Doceivod by L. S. Thomas. I'ailu r Stennick, recently of Rainier, ha'i brie ght suit ngniui't the I.i Incite Coinpai y, now lli.i Sharkey Company, for f 1,51)0 u a unit) and mortgage dated January II, IU '7, and ill" ilelendant com pany in i niiHwcr av rs lliern U nothii g duo ihn Paiki'l' Sie nick, for the reason tlm- the sai l n t - mid mortgage werepr. cured by fraud, wlihent valuable uonslderslion; and th. third allegation of the aiirwer speciiles the fraud alleged In part as iollowi: "On or about January 12, 1007, the plaintiff and the defendant Thomas ap proach, d lhee delendanl. and repre ae led to tli-m that iln y hud examined a Hunt ol water iroutug'! land on the Co lumbia river nt Ilninler, and that said land whh very valuable. That various parti, t were endeiivorilig to purchase the same; that the lidelan ls ndjoinii g and abuliing Habl h.uds ext. tided along the whole dietance ol sBid four thousand feet moie than (our hundred feet from the upland shoie of the Columbia river to the low water mark of faid rivir; that 1 lie plaintiff and defendant Thomas hud, a short time, prior thereto, nur-cha-ed twelve hundred feet of said land and of the same character, fur the sum of twelve thousand dollais; that tney had aeonlractolsale loan English syn dicate lor the sum of thirty-five thou sand dollais; that said Iv glii-h syi.dicu e had a'ready bought a Isrge limber Irnct directly back of said land and wss about to erect largo docks and Inmb r mills; that a large and wialthy Nuv Yo-k firm had become interested in property at liaiuiei and W.llld be obliged to buys large auii'U .t of riv. r fionliiKe tlieiv; thai dele dant Tionnt was in touch will some ehipbuild'iig lice-i.a that w. re men looking ( bit.-a along the water (tout at Rainier; 'hat a large wholesale Iruit and grocery rlriu at St. Paul, Minne otn, had piirchnsed twelve thousand acres ol land diicctly buck ol said land and were going to develop said twelve, tbou-aud acres into fruit lathis, and that they Would leqnire a large am tint of t-uid river Imntage lor ib ckb warehouws; llniith.- Nonh em Pacfic Hailway Coinpniiy h.d a! rendy mad-' application lo the Kedeial War Depariment for the building ol a large biidge across thn Colu nbia river juct near the end of said land, and that eaid railroad c mpaliy wonnl n quiie pari of s. id bind for telttlioul (a iliiie", dock- and war. houses; t i.a' mid r.iilioad company bad already g nten out pi u and utecificatioiis for tne' election of wheat elevators t Rainier; that tne Oakland Ship Butl.linj! t:otiipaiiy w.-r then looking for a 8 t al ...g ini w .t- r frontline near said 1 ill I ; that a l.u c steel corporation with which defendant Thomas was iu touch had decubd lo lo cate its plant at Rainier; that large coal and iron deposils had recently been dn coverod directly back of taid la .ds, and that the owoers of said coal and iron de posits would require a large part of Ibis land for the erection of docks, 'wharves, and coal buukeis," and so on. DefendantTlionias (ailed to appearand answer, and the court decreed that his one quarter interest in said land be fet aside and the title to the same confirmed to the II. V. Lemcke Co., now the John W. Sharkey Co. Copy of Order to Show Causa. In the County Court of the Stale of Oie gon, for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate ami Guardian ship of Carl V. (iustafson, an insane person. Matilda C. Johnson, the Guardian of the person and estate ol Carl F. Gn4af son, an Insane person, having on the 12th day of May, 11)10, filed her p -tllion heicin,' duly vej-ilnd, praying lor un order nf sa e ol the northeast qua' ter ol Section Twenty (20). Township Mx (ti) north ol UHiuie Four West ol the Wllliameti. Meridian in Columbia County, Oregon, the Sam. constituting oil the eattte ol said insane person, for tiie reas m. and purposes set forth lu aid petblon. It Is therefore ordered by .aid County Court that said insane person, Carl F. Gustafton, and Matilda C. Johnson, Peter John Gutafson and Louise Gustaf ton, the next kin ol sa d insane penon, and all persons Interested in said estate appear before said County Court on Saturday, the 18th day of June, 1910, at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the County Court room, at the court house in the city of St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, to show cause, If any Ihere be, why an order should not he made granting to said guardian permis sion and license to sell all the above de scribed real property of said insane per son at private .ale; and that a copy ol this oruer be publisl ed for four succes sive we.-ks in the Oregon Mint, a week ly newspaper regularly printed, pub lished and circulated in Columbia County, Oiegon, and now specified by this court as the proper paper in which lo make such publication. Ordered and done in open court at St. Helens, Oregon, this I2tli day of May, A. D. 1UI0. Jamb. Dart, County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT . In the Matter of Estate ol John Murphy, de cesni'd : ' , Notice Is licrehy given that the Artmlnlstra t,r'M nei.f.m.r In tlii. mutter of the KstHte nf Julio Murphy, deceased, wan filed In the of- liee ol til' i.nuiii)' ciers, iniiinuis uimuij. -.- eitcn, Muy n, lyiu. aim inn'omuio -unen I'Hrl. l;ounlv JlelttP ol Kind co.lliiv, nns nxeu Saturday, June i. 1M0. al 10 o clock a. m., at the 1 oliri House . i.lllllii-l -.ouuiy, wioem, the lime and Place fur licarlni objicilnns to sutd 1 al account. If any, and Ihe settlement ihereuf. All persons wliomwiever srcoireeieu lo lllo written ohjcilons to said final account, if nuv, or any imrUeulrtr Item thereof, on or k'ofore Krhiiiv. UieVith day ot June, I'JIO, al 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. OKOIKJK J. 1'KRKINS. A.lliilnMrHlor, aidless 'Mi Lewis liuildlng. Porlline), oreiron. Klr-t iiiiiillcnlion May T, V.M0.. La-t puhlicallnu J, me 21, 1UI0. - ' LADIES' MISSES' P Children's OXrORDS STYLE - FIT WEAR Notice to Creditors Oregon, lilott, In the Cmily Court ot tha Utato of f,,r .iiiiimiia i-ouiiiy. lu the n.aiicr of the estate- of Ccor; deciiseil. Sol lee 1 li.-rohv civeii hy tro ui.df relancd. tho edieial-lraior of Ihe e-aate ol lieorne, itieeiised, to the cn-d'tors of, and all per sons havhiu claims Kii!lit said ei.tate. lo pre sent them wlili the proper vouchers within six iniiiihifmiii ihedat.-of this notice to the said admlui'.ratnr, at the law office of Dillard & Hay. ol Ht. Helens, i;ol 1. in County. OieKon, the mice Wdtnj the pla-e for I ho Irunsactiou ol ol the l,ilsiiieai t s:o,l olute. lluliil June 3rd, 1910. VICTOR OIH.OTT. A.ln.liil'lnit'nr of the estate of ileorgo Blott, dtccastd. Notice to Creditors K.iti.w l hi-rebv Liven that the uti.lerslirnel i.n.... M.ifinlfiied ),v the ('..untv Court of the Male ..f oreenu aiiminibirator of Ihe estate of c, w . Johusiiu. .leceai-eo. All pernis naving , hi.hI.ikl rm1,i Miate aro reuuire.1 to nre rent them to me, properly vorltled as required bv law. l mv omoe iu . neiens. urenuu within six months from tbe date hereof. 01. .'-lll-L..t.. Administrator of the estate of C. W. Johnson, deceased. . . Patent a ret publication Apil loth, 1010. Full blood yearling Jersey bull lor sale by C. J.Larson, Warren. Cannku Fruit For Sale Home canned. Ten cents per quart. Wm. HKUZIE. Bachelor Flat. There will be a meeting of the County Central Committee of the Republican Party for Columbia County held at the court house in St. Helens on the 21st day of June, 1910, at 1 o'clock P. M. Business cf importance will come before this meeting and precinct committeemen are urgently requested to be present. J. B. DOAN, Chairman. T. C. WATTS, Secretary. line at Helens ailn Ol J on !" son, , .rve an in- ,,,1U a; is;e;UfS.,;t.n White junction retirainiuu" Rainier i- ltalnier plant and operate it. the St, ?, Rteam Laundry. Send goods or .....,,.iir..I, Bovd m27tf drop puHuu iu -SicwiNO Mackinb for SAlR-Inquir, at this office Taints, oils, varnish, nails, shell hard and bolts all kinds o builder's material at tht store of Jas, Muckle &8on r-w lhrht wagon, for Bale cheap, Inquire of John Havelick, Scappoose, n-i.:. i. . nnd orjDortunity lo Oregon, w e- ..,.! . serviceable rig at a low price, oif JouN HAVKMCK, Scappoose, Ore OMMITTEE MEETING Notice of Sale. Iu the County Court, of tho state of Oregon, for Columbia County. In the maltcr of the estate of lueodoro J 1. l.lK.rklin llACMIiPn. V,IIU. ia hnnhv irivnn that hv vtrtlle. Of an nHi., m.,ln anrl pmrerl hv the atnive en titled court In the above enlltlud matter, I will on ,,,! nfi,.r ihe latii dav of June. liUO. offer lor sale and will sell at private sale, to the persons oncriiiir the highest price, inr easn, an oi me rinht. title and cstare 01 tne oeceaeu, meuourc J. Ecterson. of. In and to blocks sixty-four and slxtv live, oi the City of St. Heleus, in said county and Slate. ,.. GODFREY. Ailminlslrator of the estate of Theodore J. Eckerson, decease. Nifty Ankle Strap Pumps. Neat, Dressy Oxforda that can not be beat in the City. Come in and we will prove to you that we have a line that combines low price and quality. . How abont the styles ve have pictured here? They don't make them any neat er. The prices range from $1.95 to $3.50. r.-s i s Tha On &iast Process is used in making f It 1 "MAIDWELL" Tne recognized shoe leaders In the making of the ordinawshoe the last is removed when the heel is put on the shoe is wrenched it loses shape and set. One LOS f PrOCeSS muu the same last remains in each shoe from start to timsli Permanence ot shape resuns. Toot.SchuIzei Cos guarantee' with a 40 yeans old reputation Men's Cool Shoes, Canvas Tops, Leather Bound, A Good. Substantial Sole. They'll rest your feet, price $1.50. Jas. Muckle & Son T I St. Helens. I Oregon Notice of Final Account. Iu the Cuunty Court of tho state ot Oregon or Columbia County. In tho matter of the Estate of Luelnda Blan- euard, deeeased NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVKN mat E. t.. Quick has tiled his final account as execu tor of the Ustate oi Uiciuda ltlaiiehard, de ceased, in Ihe County Court of the State of Ore gon lor Columbia uuuniy, ana ine juum o. ...u court has appointed Saturday, tho ISth day of July, WlO, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. as the lime, at the court room of said court in the city of St. Helen", Columbia County. Oregon, for the hear nenl ubjcctlons to sucn nnai accouiii uuu ya s-k m 1 lA thn Hetllement thereof. Executor oi tne r-siate oi deceased. K. K. OI-Il'K. I.uclnda Bliuiehard, Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Bidt for Road Improvement in Road District No. 1. Sealed bids will be received by the County Mirl ol Columbia County up lo l'J o'clock noon Of July l.lll. I-'."' '"r ."e ..e''""--" v scammoso Canyon Road at Cornwall Wace, In accordance with prollle and aiwcilleailons on lllo In (he otttce ot tne 1 1 uuiy .-.e. a. . he aeeonipiuiiod by eerlilled check or dep sit of five percent "i uib siuumn ., ,v seri es the right to reject any and all bids. fj(iilgned) JAMKS UAKT, coniny JimBe. ou are ,e com- SUMMONS Iu tho Circuit court oi toe suusoiun scu Columbia uouniy; W.C. Nicholas, plaintiff, vs. w, a,, narns, i. . llarrfs aim a. iveuai, ..eieuunnw.. 1. dnfendant above name: In th. name ot the Slato of Oregon y . k K...,,lra.l tn anneal anu nllswer im .iHint tuii.i nerein on ur ui-jwd ,y.rft" .n nun the data of tho llrst publica tion hereof, and If you (all so to answer the idalntlft will appl to tho court for tho rollel ileniftiideit In his complaint, which la to quiet hlstllleto ino irac r vr.,u, ... ,,. county descrlbea ns tne a ... ai o. . 21 iin.T the S X ol the 8 ol the 8W i of sec M, In t n r s w oi mo wmn m..u.... . .... summons Is publlsltod by onler of Hon. J. . fampbell. Judge ot said conrt, made ou the tth "ay ' June, in. .... ., ,-,-, , It. B. NICHOLAS. Attoruej a for I'lalnitfT. E. MILLER ATTORNBY-AT-LAW St. Helens, Oregon D R. EDWIN BOSH, PHYSICIAN & SURGFON ST. HBLBNS I 1 OBBOO In the County Court of tlia Stateof Ore gon, fur Columbia County. In the ma'ter of the Kslate anil Gtlanl ianship of Donnlil Keith Carr, a Minor. Notice, is hereby given that in pur suance of anil by virtue of a licence duly itsuel ami inaile by the County Court of ihe State of Oregon, for Columbia County, on May Hth, 1910, iu the matter of ti,Heiiit,. una liiniriliaiisliip ol Donald Keith Cnir. n minor, uuinor r.n e n- anil emnnwerine the cuanlinn thereol to sell nil the real property of faiil estate at privuio suit), tho nniler- siiiiu'il, tile g'taiuuin olsaiu esiaie, win sell hi i.ri. ale siile, to the highest bidder, for cash in U. S. gold emu, iu per ceni to he uuid on acceptance of bid and balance on confirmation of eale by this cou!t;or25 percent if the purchase pri.e in c.vh Hnd balance si cured by r . .... , i nn.riRiigo upon ine property, iruni n. nftMr Sntiiithiv. the 25lh day of June, lillt), continuing snid sale until all of Hiiiil teal rjrniiertv ha lieen sold, nil the rinht, title, interest anu estate oi mets- tnte of the said Donald Keith Carr, a minor, in and to the following described real property to-wlt an undivided W interest, in unci to the following deHtrioed real estate: The southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section three m - h.t a three (SI. four (4). five (51 and the Bi'.Ht nf the southeast Quarter, anil the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and tbt) east nan oi tue norin wftstonarter. and the northeast quarter of aeetinn ten (101: lot one (1). less a strip 80 foils long and 40 rods wide off thn enai side, sold to Klvina M. Bonser bv deed recorded in Book X, page 114 Records nf Dfteils of Columbia County, Oregon, in section 14; lots two (2), three (3), lour 1,4) anrt llie wesr. nan oi me west halt, less aooni acres ou tne sotiih side heretofore sold to Fred A Jennings, In said section 14; lota one (1. lour f4l and five T51 in Bection 15, all in township three (3 north, range -X ... ll.ll1....n,A one u west, oi inr , Meridian in Columbia County, Oregon containing 857 acres : All bids to be directed to the under signed in care of Dillard and Day, St. Helens, Oregon. Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, May 10, 1M0. Mrs. E. B. Carr, Guardian of the person and estate of Donald Keith Carr, a minor. Date of first publication May 20th, 1910. . .. WALK-OVER ssmsssss 3 5A I CHEER UP&l Ml You needn't wear 4 that weary look, ft Wear SBS WALK - OVERS B?g OUR "LU" MODEL Ankle Strap Tie, Radium Calf PRICE $4.00. We have the aame thing in Tan. without Ankle Strap at $3.50 nmiTp c a TrvnnrrT MUULIUIN, Uric.. MAY 1910 Johnstones Syrup Sarsparilla Combined with Iodide of Potassium, Cascara Sagrada, Yellow Dock, is an ideal Blood Purifier and Tonic $1.00 PER BOTTLE Deming's Drug Store st. Helens, or. iAjjuuuAJ.a,it.a.g,B,8.a,a itiujuuuLB,AJUaejLa.ft p