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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1910)
The Oregon Mist Entered at the Pwtoflice at St. Kelni, OrcfcTju. a aecond-cUsa mail matte. Issueb Evkv Friday By K. H. FLAGG. Editor and Fropriktoh. County Officia Paper Subscription Rates One year 1.0 Fl monthi -nfl AdvfttWnr rates made known on atpH. cation Lepral notices 25 cents per line. Circitt Coitrt Officers: 3 A FaUn THatrict Tnalee T. V . OampMl District Judfre E. B. Tohgne District Attorney County Officers JamM IHH, ludtrw St. Helens W. A. Harris, Clwk -St. Helen Mrtin White, Sheriff St Helene W, K. Tichenor. Oorprn'r Clatakanie K. VP Hit, Oonmiwoner Soar-pooa K. F. Quick, Treasurer St. Helen TT. W. Clark. Annenaor St. Helen J. H. Collins, School 6upt Cttsknie C. T. Preecott, Snrveyor .St. Helen Frank Sherwood, c6roner......Rainier THE VANISHING ARMY. On every Memori:il Day, with deci mated ranks, the Grand Army of the Republic passes in review. The Ka tion des them honor, the flag are at half rs.tst, the pnhlic offices elosed and people flock to the. cemeteries to decorate the graves and hear repeated the lessons of patriotism. It is one of the preatest glories of our country that Memorial Day is no lonfrer sec tional, hut that it is observed Vorth and South, and on many graves far distant from the Sunny South loving hands place blossoms of remembrance over the Confederate dead. The war was inevitable, and it was only natural that Southern born men should be lieve in the doctrine of secession, held since the foundation of the Republic by many statesmen of the North as well as of the South. Time having cleared the vision, we of the North realize this and the bitterness of the war period has passed away. We were in the right. The soldiers of the Northland stood for liberty for all and an indissoluble union of the States under a great and strong central gov ernment, powerful enough to do what ever may become necessary for the welfare of the Nation. To those who gave their lives that this doctrine might prevail we owe the tribute of a grateful people, and we pay it will ingly, ungrudgingly. Until taps has sounded for the last survivor of the greatest war in the history of the world Memorial Day will be observed and the Nation will suspend its com mercial activities to reverence the pa triots dead and teach the generation on the threshold that life has no higher lesson than that of Patriotism. TO FARMERS JThe season ior the selection of grasses and forage plants for Columbia County's exhibit at the State Fair )3 close at hand, and I hope this matter will re ceive the attention of every fanner in Columbia County. The work or expense for any indivi dual amounts to but a trifle, and the result of united effort will be to attract a great deal of at tention to the best county in the State of Oregon. Good citizens should and do take pride in their homes and it would be very grat ifying to all of us if the first prize at the State Fair should come to this county. Tnere is no reason why it should not. We took the highest award, the Grand Prize, at the Alaska-Yu 1 . rt --s . Kon-racmc exposition, in com petition with the whole Pacific Coast. No county anywhere raises better grains and grasses and all that is needed is for the farmers to take a live interest in this matter to insure success. Pick out your specimens, espe cially such as are not generally grown-as alsike, alfalfa, millet, etc. and send thorn to me at St. Helens, or if that is too much trouble, to the nearest Grange Hall or newspaper office. I am sure the Chief and Review will be glad to receive them in the in terest of thtir respective sections and will see that they are proner ly cared for, Pack them so that they will not shatter or break and label them with name of product, locality, where and by whom grown. E. II. FLAGG, St. Helens, Ore, I GENTS' FURNISHINGS! We have made a specialty of this department and our line is one such as is seldom seen outside of a large city. Our New Line of Men's and Boy' HaU Don't let your wife be the only one to have a new spring bonnet; Get one for yourael f and feel good. We have them that are the best made, at from 40c to $o-W Men's and Boys' Shirts and Collars The Standard for quality and price. Fit well, look well, wear welt. They combine comfort. Style and durability. Prices 50 to $1.50 Boys' Dress Shirts. Something neat and at a low price. Come and look them over $1.00 A choice and complete line of collars of all kinds, and we have all sizes. An Excellent Line of Dress Pants We haye a new shipment just in, that includes some styles and colors that you may never have another chance to get at the price. They are the biggest bargains that were 3 ever sold here. Prices range from. $1.00 to $5.00 How About Your Summer Underwear? 11 3 Light and comfortable underwear will contribute a lot to your enjoyment of the hot summer months, Our line is one you can't go wrong on. Prices 75c to $3.00 Shoes,Sox, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Ties, Etc. TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES We don't want to see you leave town, but if you must we can supply the best ever in the way of a suit case or trunk. All well made and substantial. Every one of them will give absolute satisfaction. Prices 6oc to $i i.oo J. H. WELLINGTON ST. HELENS, ORE. the contracts for carrying it have, few or as nut- of the assembly been let,. the country from Ves-' suggestions rs they see fit. Then per to Clatskanie is all one route, j the assembly manipulators wijl, and the mail for the upper valley j as in the past, bolt that part ot will be taken as far as Mist by j the Republican ticket not sug the Vesper carrier, and from gested by the assembly, for the there to Vernonia will be a sep-; Oregonian, in the above quoted arate route. The Vesper carrier; article, so states in language will leave early in the morning) that cannot be misunderstood. and go through Mist before the j The delegates to the assembly Notic. of Sal. of Raal Ettata. row In the County Court of the SUteof Ore gon, for Columbia Comity. In the matter oi ttie Ktlate mid Guard ianship of DonaJd Keith Carr, a Minor. NutiCM H hereby given tbat In pur Munnte of and by virtue n( a liwne duly lcsucl and uiadu by the County Court o( the Kiale of Orison, for Columbia t'ouniy, on May 1 Ith, 11)10, in the matter prupHrty of ill of theeatat.i am) iuardianiiitif Iw..l,l I KWIII I nil A hminp a, it , I vr , ., : , , . ... . p : w, ..,. k ii cinunm tai i ici geis ineie. i nus i iium uoiumuia VAlumy will not, i wumng auu enirxiweriiK liio guardian all mail going out of the valley ! represent the voters of the party, will have to lay a day at Mist. On j The manner of their election is the return trip the Vesper carrieri left to the county central corn will leave Clatskanie so late mittee, and, in Columbia County that he will not get to Mist until j at least, we believe there will le the Vernonia carrier has left, so no county assembly, in which tlifreol to iv II nil the n-al iu riaaic ai private Bale, mo nailer sinned, tliw giairlmn "I aid CktaUt, will sell at private ul, to the highest bidder, forcaMiin U. H. gold coin, 10 per ei'Ut to be paid on acceptance of bid ami balance on confirmation of tale by this court; or 25 percent of the purchmM prii-e in ca-h mid balance secured by that all mail going into the val-j event the selection of delegates ) XKyX ,r.K;',7j,".! ley will be delayed a day At present a letter mailed in Portland or St. Helens early in the morning arrives at -ts desti nation the same evening. Aside from that the present route- serves quite a number of people with daily mail between Yankton and Pittsburg, who will be put will be in the hands of a very few i . committeemen, and the delegates to the State assembly so selected, if only two attend, will have the power to the vote for the whole county; and this is the Oregonian 's idea of representa tive government, and in order to enforce this idea its followers to cohsiderable inconvenience if j voted for Chamberlain, and'will, it is changed. The present ser vice is far better than the one under consideration, and should not be changed unless it can be improved. THE CONVENTION SYSTEM if in their power, defeat the Republican ticket in November ntiriUillif add mile until hII ,.f Haid real property ha- tiei-n mbt, mII the rtKtit, title, li.teieut and e-tiiie of the fa tale of the said Ionald Krlih t'.rr, a minor, in mid to the following deivribe l t-Pi nr, .tij-rl v liwdif a ,, ,1 i ' interest In und to the followti.g dim ii kI real entati': . The muthi-ai quarter of I the Mini tin eat fiuartfi of terlion threx ' (3) ; lot three C',). four (4), live (6) and ! th- et of tit- Mjiitln-aai quarter, and ihi nnrtliwi-'t quaiter i f the wmiheaKt qimrtcr, and the enitt hair r,f the imrth-we-t quarter, and 'he mntln-ant quarter of Bc.-iioti ten f 10) ; lot one (Ij, lem airipbOr dn Miff ami -ID md whIk off tlii I'BH' idf, Bold to KIviiih M lion. it need recorded in HMiTLAND DAILY STEAMER ASIERIOA Leave St. Helen. o.OO A M. Arrive at Port Und 1030 A M Leave. I'ortland at 230 I', m! Arrlvej St. Helen, at 8:30 P. M i v ueifl recorded In llm.k V ....1 ,L. 1.1. 1 1 ..II, .i , . . -i--." unless ine voters meeKiy aoopr, " "nii neonon oiuiiiinat;ouiity, -v u.?, tour it) and me went ha f of 1 POOR MAIL SERVICE After the first of July the up per Nehalem Valley that is, the Natal and Pittsburg neighbor hoods, and Vernonia and the Rock Creek country will have a . very poor mail service. At that time the route from Houlton to th valley is to be discontinued, and all residents of the country in the valley now served by this route will get their mail through Clatskanie and Mist The way The plurality primary is jtn expedient to enable a minority. often a very small one, to control party nominations, and then to demand the support of the whole j party for them. No other scheme of minority rule is equal to this. Proof has been ample in Oregon that these minority nominations cannot obtain party support: No use for one-fifth of the members of a party or less number to try to whip all party men in. Ihey won t stand it. The representative svstem. through assembly, is theonlyfair anu rational method. Oregon ian, Why not use the word "Con vention" insiead of assembly? What is the difference between the old convention system and the proposed assembly, except, of course, that the voters at the primay eleetidh will adopt u, Small tract of Land For Sale Five, ten, fifteen or twenty acre. All good fertile bind And csy to clear. About two Uiile-i f om Houlton. Vuter"l by a stream thai never oei dry. School onu quarter of a (mm the pla. c. Mail route and cream waon tita everyday. Inquire of Win. Houlton, Oregon. I'igkons i'ok Sai,U Failings, Ilouiern, Giant Hunts and Maltese Ileus. Reg istered stock. Frank Wilkins, M. Helen. I tour and me west half of the west half, Ii-m about m acre, off Hie isoiiin mile lierelolore fold to Krtd A. Jelinitiji', in cui l m-ciion 14; lots one II ). lour 4' and live 6 in h.m t,,r V,, all In tovviibliip jijj north, riin.e OIIO It tM-xt. Of the WllU.,.i.i, ' Meridian In (iuiiihia Couniv Or-. u CO i'iiiuina 8.7 a-'fee: ' ' All hidn 10 be din-i-ted to the utnler B'K'i' d in care ol liilliird ami Lav, HI HmeiiH, Oieon. iyjJ"t- lat hi IlelenH, Oregon, M.iy 10, Mbh. K. II. Caiik, (mardianof the pewm aud ootate of Donald keith Carr, a minor. The best straw berried e have reeii J)"e 0 Hm PuWIcatiun May 20lli, it; St. Helens tin Keamin were gr,wnl ' in the uarden of II. K. IBaro, uud ! were ccrtuiuly beimlies. They of I ho Jtollur variety. 1 eroil 1 CwrliM i9 Notice to Creditor In the County Court of the UtiiUj of Orci((iii, for Tolnmliifi i.'otmty, Intlic nmtter o( tliu tilale 0 (Juurgo ISIult, (lectitKi-'l, Nuttei: in li, rel,y ki veil hy tins midernlijiKil, tin) inlinlnl-initor ol Hie e.tnie ol lieinno lilutt, li i eiii..j , ui tliu i rcil'tom o(, and all pur 'inn liavlntr eliilmn Kuitit ld cutaie, to (ire neiit Uiem with lint nrupur vourlier within nix 111 onilm Irnm ihc int a u( lliin iniUce to the wild ailuiliilnimlnr, nt the liiw oltlie nf Wllanl dc I itiy, nt Ki, lIcliMiK, I'.ilnirilili (ouuty, Orenna. Itie hum" lielini the ulme fm thu iran.acllon ol Ol hi; hllfiln-BH of Hiil't eKliilt', tinted Jams iiril, 1'JlU, , , , VICTOR (J, BI.0TT, Admlulftralor cl tli ottale of Uaoig Blull, 1 deetued. DILLARD & DAY Attorneys-at-Law Practice, in ny Court, StaU 01 r ederal. Next door to court houta 8T. HELENS. ORE. JR.KDWINEOBU, PHYSICIAN & SURGFON t. ekucmi i r onrtQox iIP k Ouliaall AdnM c., cui St. Helens, June 3, 191 wear iriend ; We had such Kood lemon ade for tea yesterday. That waa because we had gooa lemoriB. When I went to get the lemons I saw many other nice fruits and vegetables. your friend JACOB r &- 1 got the lemons from WELLINGTON Nolle lo Creditor.. Htaia of Oregon thi (i. .. ' V''1'" ' i exeiMitor ol 11," e UI. at I ,,, 'n i ''"IV,""''" ly verltn riitlr-1 l f.'i o ""l""- omen ol blllard d, iJttv'u, ".I (" t the within ! inrni. "le'i", Or.m,,: "iSt!"'1 " r.m7t'h?d.'.,'lf.!!!.'.9rii'''. LODCKS Kf IIFl.KNH I.l)'lUK NO. .'IS, A ' A AM UwUlilwnl!" Kalunlay III each mull!. VUltit Lrolhet. cor .tlallv elcome.l. Wl latk. Mat ter; It. K. qui. lluirLTUNlKnXNir?!!, Womtu Wwalemll. tC0,',, fourlli TuewUy altetuooil of well nmuib l Houlton, i. Mlnul Motley, (iuanllart .NelKlilail j Autia Van KatU. Cl , . m COI RT VNITV NO. -,l V. nl A. Mhii vry 1'rUay ulgtit In K.ofl'.llall, M, llrlent. ureiron VUiUntf brolhtra wel Art it 1 M. H. Miller. Clilel Kaiqter; l.e.liM, (VwU. MJ COLVMIUA IIOMKSTKAU No. SW. Hrolherhood ol Amerlmu eowen, uieeti Ilia aevoinl anil fourth Wat! neolay Bight of each month at Vana too, Ore. Viltlng memlwra weleotnt. K. 8, I'xon, IlimorabU I'oreinan, C. K I.akk. CurmiaMiiliiit. W. OY A. MeeU flrat and tlilttt Wntneotav. K. ! II Y.. I.aIIA UK, Clok N0TC Nolle U hil l"ll lhl ll lU'li"ll"l i..n j Kiiv ii " a, a'; Irt Him . h ! mlil nl lll nrlwrbl, oJ lfcl ll WIU )" Ult MMII hip III Iw I Hh.r l II..UI1. ,ir ! llUo In ithr nt lhltt ett l.,.r Wi tA. ' ann.UI.lif NOTICIJ OP ALB. I In Cuiily ;..urt, N . urn luuinii ii fou,,,, vntn' kekemin, itnraaul, M i N..II..I. h.r.l.jr iVP ,( , , 1 outer and paiKI.i 1.. . ."in ti.r EXCURSIONS To The East May 3. V. June 3. 17, :4. Jule i. T!. kg $, Sepirinlx-r M. Itetuin tunil tlim inoiith. but not ei'diiiit tlctober Slat. VIA &ST0RI&&C0LUXBU HIVER BY SPOKANE FOETUS DJ SEATTLE RT (THE NORTH BANK ROAD) CkK.f 172 SO MiaiHM MOO St. Louu (7 SO OmmIm to OO MUwaukM 72 50 KaMM City 0.00 St Paul 60 00 Dwlutll M OO Choice of truing anJ rt'turniriK routes. Stojiovi'ni ulloweu. "North l?ank" train run throttKh to St. i'mil, MinncaM!iH mid Chi cajro without chnntfi'. Uiw KoL'ND THU K ATM TO I'ollTUNt) for tht K Ffstivu! in June an J the HiU'niian Convfntion in July will tfivf your frioinlii a chance to come to the cnutt und stop oil at Houlton. Details furnished by CHAD CIIADIMA. Agent wiurl liilh. mtur i,ci i.ttatu 111 tl ai wivii. .iL iii'fciB 1 alii. Ill in. I !! ,.i ,k. a, n ,. uumir and ttaia. ' ta a, AlmluUlraiw of iht Mt.t. Jnjjt t, ) ruu, timaaail, ' B"" t. DR. R. L. Jkffcott DKNTIST ume with nr. Ulirx. 8T. Utm PHYSICIAN t SURGEO: T MKLIMt osiooa IUMM0NI. la Ik t'lwatl t'n, at ih -1 . I Ailhur Thnmu Mublnwa, kuihu - . n. Mi., .Wi.o.nj. ' '"". ta lk nt lha Ki.i 0 , J h.wt t Iiultt4 In aiHr t. C'r .null .ml niiM tt at Win, IK. imT "I (bit Hutle .,( I tim l.ll u m f.air.l, tIaii )H,Tu. M W Ih.ahm nmmma iT7Z .ll.i,Uttl. a. h.f .urk Blfc.f an, iZmZ. I lll . la l.r..ul( M,t .ud j" tkl. tuwmunt It uUi.h4 krMMidJ 1 uluwm. 1 umt . "fc 11.11, t ill. Allutn.. k. notick ton vvmcmox ltanitl ni h Inlaiiut t'. UMdtV. - hii .wv. tlMl y,il, It krttl.t Ik. I lua I. iwtuu at kit, rul'inhia I vomit. Ohm. plll!b. l. w.-W kvwau.4 II I 11 !! Mlltl Ka Ol i allkMZ. mwiium iimutaii tia. -- - i.. t.wtil H..IU1..U. k. Il iMHltm M ItlMtL. I,; t.w nnal,, twrf ll tu lh M mm fcniMhl.) it. w., wi mi , in , it MM OaV. l l'.Kil.iliii, Mil,, ink 4t t M..m t llil HM M lllmiiiM fai, I-w H Dl.Ui, Uol kUt.tltM a IU . Mkaaillt.aattaM, Str. Irald Portland ti l M. or ADAMS & P. A. Oretfon RAII.hOAI) TIMK. t.t H.lnicr .Lilt (.ir.fl aaU.rilM I.O.I. m A. U itapatliaa lima H. Uttmmi o a.lo.nln. lMtm rrtlu4 l ta k t,, .lii.iRi i n. iitt ui u. hmim and Fast Frsii.t FOR POIIIAMO DAILY iHtllTLANn UNUINtJ. AI.PEI lu Natk ta Cfwitlatt kiw u h (. nt. Ik.i Ik ttaJaHKW hu l.u Mlnkw). kf lha ol, UMta ( lh. tuliuliiiniM lo i ol'sahl I ..Ml, Mi u.iaiiiau.f 4 11. miaia u4 a lUhtw awl tM. 411 tutit rlitllil i.ttUKl kl ktttwtal U MM fi It wiM m r,i.t4 trt u at. .1 mi In at M.liM,itnrua, tlkia til MtiuaH ia 4t. i.m,l N. K Mll.t ka. I AdlMruatUlUI at WUiU LtkM tZtm at lr aukUaUoa. AftHl I Wj mr, tKfi1 J Fixtures. (0 "' Columbia Electric Wort Shadows ITade J WHEN YOUHAVE MONEY ! PUT IT IN; THE BANK FOR SAFETY i 1 r atsonirC.11 fU1" lhc misfortuncs that visit everyone Inii'l!!ay 10 sac so,c of the money you earn. a du v inn ,1 y cau ,iavc a littlc fortune. Is not tin . v yu owe to yourself anA ... r-..M.. We 11 imi r iu jruui iMluujll you deposit m our bank and compound it annually. : Columbia County Bank fiS.aud Surplus 1400.00 OLDEST IN fHE C06NTY ncieiu, ure. RTd?0r.:AEdTwi,itRoBfl' Vico-Pres.; Wm. M. M Directors: Wm, M. Ross, Edwin Robs. Jamcf