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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1910)
THE OR MIST VOL. XXIX. r KKYl'KVKN N "'"" ,0.t. OF THE WEEK ABLAZE Woman Doings of the World at Large ToIdinBrid and Utnaml IWsuma of Important Events Presented In Condanssd Farm for Our Busy Readers. A California ft year-old was burned (o death wttlltf playing with tnatshea. A lurnailo swept Tex a ami Oklaho ma, killing one man and Injuring many. Jhn W, Get, famous New York itwk market plunger, aettle lawsuits by flipping tu'n Itouarvrlt wa received quietly In lxUm liy an Immense throng of pro plii, owing to bin sad mission thar. A Chicago hib man committed aul- , . a . I - a a. - a . i a J J ride iy jumping irom a law awry win- uuera, from crooksbm. Company II dw and lidlngin a marble pave- f HemldJI, went early to the .. 'un' mcnL ' w their own command. Dr. Hyde, of Kimm City, has boeti iJblK Mr ! Shw of murdering hi. waalthy p.. I,1 '7m, eom..n...' tlont. Col. Swope, by giving him cyan- J'1"'"" h"1'1"1 are lcetl We o( putaaalum. . .Y '"""" of lumber ...... nd ' are situated directly In the A negro convict In Alabama Mt Are path of th Mann ), ....n. fa the stocked In which the eonvlcls skirt of th town. Pry Whil. Mn Fight Fir. Milllla to,. DmldJI.MInn.( May in. Women l children are In lt,,mi,iii' .... WW httH teniae m(yl forr((; oraoma o he,.,., , n.lur, U) "-. wair niiammd, and fathers m -.r nomes from lniiallng rt.t ph. A lit, L . . lK. a fgrvat fire f()Ur mi.a ,d , Wly nearing lJUdJI fromth,nU.n a.ri.U,pherC. Andrew, Uinnrnto ststo forestry commission,,,, arrived STJT Ml,m-Ul" Th.cltlac.Mi of the city, convoked by the mayor a.Ww. . ,,,,, Governor KUrhar.ll at noon. The governor at one. i. appo ntod I UmmMomrr Andrew com mander of all militiamen In Northern Minnesota, and Major II. T. V. Eva la on Ma way here from Puluth. Com miaaioner Amir.. a ImmcdlaU-ly or-i uereq vumpany I, Minnesota National a i. uJCUCJiS, OKEaO-N. FllIDAY, MAY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR H051E STATE BERRIES NEED PICKING. 1910. BATTLESHIP LAUNCHED. NO. 26. were kept at coal mine, and 86 cun- vku were burned to death. i no mill rluaed down at noon and both day and night crvwi were ordervd to the yardi. where tl-v a m.,m.,.. down the lumber and trying to quench the flaming brand borne on the high wind Into the lumber pllea and to Die central bu.iiteM dll-cL inrreaalng volumea of amoke have To prove that ah waa married for love alone a California girl dewded to ber brother every cent of her f 100,000 tatate Jut befuro hr marriage Albert J. Hopklna, an attorney of in li i aia . . ti i i , tnicejru, w.m net i,aiv aa ma j in locen pouring Into the town all day, ...... w. nn ii uimp, u nearly aurforHinij. ara. lie auea ino cwiaio lor av,uuu. In the rhurrhea It la tmpuaaible to are K. It. GarrlotL chief forraatr of pulplli from the rear. tb trniiol Stale Miiu.r ul Toe poorer rraidenU of the citv. In- trad, adjoining the big aawmilla, are The H. r Itrl Tarkef Mt. MrKlnley clxlitl.n haa aalled from VaUea for bVklovia. Uoumlng over the death of King Ed ward haa huahed .all political trouble In Kngland. It i. aniMMirxwd that California's new primary law i a pie of patchwork and wurfully Incfflclont. Rrmarkablo atUmtiona paid to hVwvrlt in dermany are raualng Ui-h mmment In Rurop. A woman who had been bU by raltl-mnake waa taken HO mile in an auto to a doctor by the Louia W. Hill party, now touring Em tern Oregon. Rowvelt arrived In Indon aa ape rial American ambaaaadur to attend the funeral of King Kdward, which will entitle him to tha highest honor. The flood ft emigration from the United Statea to Canada I beginning to worry officials of the deparUnenta of agriculture and eommercw and labor. Adviiea from Changaha. China, the capita! of the diatarbed provlne of llun.ii, atale that Uie Yale mlaeion in that city ha been placarded for do atntction by fire. TlMt foreigner, who were t-(lntiing to return to Changaha, are again living on boat In the river. Harry F. Wauuh. of Seattle, a min ing pr.wiur, member of the Arctic club and leader of the Waugh e ledge xicliti.m to the delta of the ftfaeken tie river, committed eulrlde by hang- running panic-atrfclion thmuuh the murky atreeta. 8buld the .mail flria. aniuxi oj ine oramu in he iumlr yarda, escape contnd of tlw flghtira. tney would dratroy the wh e citv. The fire originated about aeven mil.- oulh of Bcmldji, in the heart of an ttnpoaj!atal forrat. It haa been smouldering in the muakeg aoila. FLOOD TO CANADA WORRIES. No Way to Chetk Imiaration From United Stale to North. Waahiniron, May 18 Waahington orni-lali of the department of agricul ture and commerce am) labor have a aharp awnao of the need of something, no on know juat what, to atop the flood of cmleral Ion that ia flowing on it way from the Weatern United Slate into Canada. The adminiatra- tlon proioae to take the matter up aerioualy. It ia probably only a coincidence that the high tide in emigration to Canada ha occurred at a tune when thia country i engaged in trying to settle the the problem of a profx-r way to conaerve the natural rraourrca of the country. The sharp fact ia that Can ada I receiving thouaaml of Ameri can every year, men who have made good citisena at home and who will make good ritiscn of the country to the north of u. Wa are getting Immigrant enough to offset the loa. but the claaa of in comer ia so Inferior to the claaa of Crop Abundant and Prices Good, but Indians Have Failed. Hood River The berry Seaaon haa commenced In earneat with a shipment of 1 50 crate. It I now expected that -iiipmenu win double rapidly and that by the flrat of the week th scsson will be on In full furr. p. . i i . . oorriea are good, hut picker scares. v uvnnveu mai growers are up jigalnat the moat serious shortage of labor this year ever known. nrf tk.t unieaa u la obtained quickly consider ailu loa will be auatalned. Tha numbor of Indiana who unauallv coma iuj mo TBI lev. ia aid ho Inunh iyhl, the Indian foreman who has for aevnrai year supplied hundreds of his fellow tribeemen and their um.. will not be hers this year, as they have found employment looking after their place on the reservation. Thi ha inrown a big scare Into tha rawer. who are making every effort to secure picker from Portland, the Willamette valley and haa turn Oregon. the higheat price ever paid for picking berries prevail, but It 1 feared that not half enough will come Into ine valley to gather the crop. Many of the aohool children are being asked (o nop out the ranchers as soon t i . . wnooi ciuaea, may zu. and everyone who can be spared will take a hand at lo rry picking . A number of orchard owner who are living In town and hav ing their place looked after bv hired help announce that they will give their incmla a lift, but it is estimated that the valley muit secure 2,000 outsider to get the crop to market Ing himaclf. Failure to Interest rap- outgocr that the United Males gains lUlinU in his mining project when sue- nothing from the fact that the former ce crml within hia raao ia be- louwumocr me inner, lleved to have been tha cause. Foreat fires in Wisconsin have do tnyi six farm bouaee. An alleged combine in the flah trad t San Frsnclaco is under probe. " Right high school studenU'at Wilkes barre, I'a.. wera drawned while boat riding. It " rumored at Waahlngton that I eru and Kcuador will come to ofien war auori. Thnc hundred nounia of nowder ex I'Wi-d in a magasine near Logansiwrt, imiiana. killing one man and Injuring v, (xper Morris was found gvttty w embeasllng 1711.000 of the fumla of the Oregon Truat A Savings bank at urtland. An exploalon In tha Wellington coal no in Kngland has entombed 137 nUnera. Fire has broken out and there 1,0 hope of ssvlng any of tha men. A carload of dynamite near Taroma Jumiicd the track and exploded, blow ing two brakomon to blu and tearing -Huieira. it for a conaidorable dis tance, u . . . .uro man a hundred persons were wrawn Into the waters of Great Salt K t,y the collapse of a etalrway wading to the pavilion. All wera res- lueu' and none seriously hurt. That the four great express eompan- get net returns of from 43 to 115 ceni more, on the capital employed m actual express operations, was sutod In a report issued by tha Mer- "nui aaaociution of New York. bu? n ,wntor dlaagroe with Hey- ti. I """"""nt that "water competi tion I fiction." Ili'7?mcyi'r' th" "far king, Is be U!iiU'.bu mPcated In the Friar nd dcHl in the Philippines. bun!'8 "'"""a canal commission- hss 'tand launched a barge made of """to, for use on tha canal . Emperor William of Germany warm- weicomod fiooaevelt and party at Mtranre to tha Imperial palace. MAD DOG COSTS THOUSANDS Canine Runt Amuck In Cattle Herd; Fine Animal Killed. Loa Angeles, May 16. Because s mad (loir irol into a valuable herd of rattle at San Jacinto today and bit s number of them, several thousand dol lars' worth of fine animal had to be killed. The owners of the farm are not ccr tain whether other animals were not attacked by the rables afllicted animal, and therefore they will qurantino the remainder of the herd and develop ment will be watched with great care. Morgan's Car Demollihed. Spokane. Waeh., May Ifi. Private car No, A21 of Superintendent Mor gan, of the Marrua division of the Great Northern, had a narrow escaie from bolneT completely demolished in the yard at Orovllle this morning. A 80-ton gondola, loaded with coal, was ImIxs hauled un the coal chute when the cable broke juat aa the car reached tha top. The runaway U tuned down the incline, broke the lc"track switch and struck Mr. Morgan's car standing a few hundred yards down the mam Una. A warning ssvwl theocrupanta. Desth Dared by Escape. Lvons. Colo., May 16. Braving s hall of bullets and daring slmost cer tain death. Genkeyo MiUunaga, the Japanese auspected of j the murder of Mr. Catherine Wllaon, in Denver, late this afternoon made a spectacular es cape from a sheriff's posse in the mountain wcat of here. With the a . t-i I I. ..,,! Aailniv Bat nmH fiftru on ni ntwu, tha Japanese disappeared over the mountain ridge and reached the bottom in ssfoty. Rich Plscers Uncovered. Vlclorls. B. C May 16,-Rich plscers hsve boon found In Northern llrltinh Columbia, nesr the hcBdwaters of Taku inlet, and miners are taking outS cento to the pan. Jack Hy land, a trader, who arrived from Telo graph creek, brought auUiontic news of this And. GRANGE TO FIGHT ASSEMBLY. Ringing Resolutions Patted In dot ing Hour of Meeting. Oregon City The Oregon State Grange wont on record as oppoaed to the aaaembly. A ringing resolution waa adoped practically unanimously, condemning the effort to remove polit ical power from the people, and sup porting the ides of government by the people directly. Without discussion the resolution was pasaed, it having been considered by the committee and reported for adoption. . Two problems of overwhelming Im portance were before the grange good road, and the advancement of govern ment by the people. On the good roads proposition the grange took an advanced position, recommending that the legislature abolish all. restrictions against indebtedness as to such Im provements, leaving the people as the aolo judges of the work to be done and the manner of payment for it. The grange was opposed to toe re turn of the assembly, and at no time waa there In evidence any indication of defeat of the resolution condemning it. The work of the grange occupied great deal of time and the important resolutions were left until. the last day. After making every effort to clear the secretary's desk of accumulated buai ness and luboring until after the time set for adjournment, a number of im imrtant resolutiona were still on the table. A resolution was passed laying on the table (or lack or time the pro- laiaed tax amendment, with others. leaving the matters to the action of the Nxplo at the polls. FARM BRINGS 66,800. Monster Fighting Machine Will Carry Crew of 1,000 Men. New York, May 14 Tha battleship Florida, biggest of tha American r. i i ft. . . - ircaunougnie ouiii inus far, waa auc- J. Johnson Buys Fsrm for 16,000; CM,ruy launched at the Brooklyn Clears 41.000 In 2 Yaar. l'."'7 '"7 presence or me vice-president or the United SUtea, Eugone One of the largest deala in the secretary of the navy, the naval real estate made In Eugene for some attaches of all the powers and a crowd time is the sale of the Jonathan John- of 60,000 enthusiasts, whom intermit- sun farm, known as the old B. F. Dunn tent rains failed to keep away place, half mile north of the city limiu The 21,826-ton fighting leviathan, of Eugene and containing 1,188 acrea., built to carry 10 12-inch guns, glided to W. B. Holt-man. of Puvalluo. Wash, down tha ein in tha ..! n.. The prlre paid for the tract was $50 an 8tar Spangled Banner, played by the acre, or 1116.900. Two veara airo Mr. navv vard ami th 9Qth inn. Johnaon paid f 16,000 for the place. while the crowd cheered and hundreds Mr. Holeman, who Is cashier of the ol river craft tooted their noisy wel- First National bank of Puyallup, will come. ' move to Eugene to reside and will The Teasel was ehrl.rnrf h u: erect a fine residence on a hill on the Elizabeth Fleming, daughter of ex tract which he has just purchased. A Governor Fleming, of Florida. iw oi me larm lies on a sloping bill Later when the Arkansas and the a par in a oeauiirui valley ex- Wyoming, now under const vbihjii.k irurn onencer s uuiie SIX miles anoat tbev will cmmx! th s?li. i- to..t,hf, city ot Eufne' Mr' Holeman size by 3,000 tons, a difference suffl will divide the farm into smaller tracts eient to make a pretty good little liner Vienna Bakery & Coffee House Everything New and Clean Try Our Coffee and Cake H0ULT0N OREGON Reduction Bake I Until further notice we will give our customer the benefit of the following substantial reductions: FOR MEN Men's Fine Suite....,,. $18.00 to $21.00 Men'a Fine PanU 4.50 to 4.95 Men's Working Pant . . 1.75 to 2.25 Men's Heavy Working Shoes, 12 ins. " we i -" -- viii . . , w.tvv sV 1. iTJ VVyoming, now under construction, are Men'a Logging Shoes, with calks, re- uucea irom 7. 50 to 6.75 Same Shoes, withosi calks, reduced irom 6.50 to 6.75 and will plant most of it to fruit, aa it j in itself. Tha Florida herself i by no I Oregon Flannel Logger.' Shirts, rel duced from 3.50 to 3.00 Black Sateen Shirts, reduced from. . . 1.00 to .75 Heavy Cotton Socks, reduced from is admirably adapted to that culture. means finished, for aa she went off the As a further examnle of tha ria In w ava VMtnl.v .ti. Hu 1 d. - ' f ' . . I J J . nmm Vlll- .WUl QV .no vaioea in un vicinity, Mr. John- per cent advanced toward eomDletlon. son, the seller of this tract, two years which me ana that she waa not much and a half ago bought the Whitney more than a vast empty hull, and still farm of 200 acres, which has recently await the boiler and main and aee- Llan lurMtflat tiat C.ltl. - :.. M I . t . "J fiib7. engines ana armor and equip- TjuW Viru, sst. r s-w.du an acre, and six months later ment that co to m.k. nn tk. .m ' '""; Sold It to J. O Rtn, .! A.. . - ..................... 1B.W W 10.WI $60 an aerV. Tw7 V'. U . "LT T'"? . , Overskirts, reduced from few days sgo, Mr. Storey sold the tract afloat that could tackla th. ri. to 1. p. Howe and others, of Seatlte, even terms, when her commander's I Vfllav for $250 an acre. I flag flies from the nnmM,fnl h... I 1 I1B formidable skeleton masts which will I Roadway to Josephine's Csves. be placed upon her. that la. DrovidedlF. J. BAfiEEL. Prnn. r.p.nt. ! T t. 1 . I thi. naval ilMimiua An ma 1 ,i . - 1 ' Mr " 1 v iiiaav iiivio Dina-i mw uvfc vufuiieo uieir ant the trip to the caves thi summer minds, aa to the utility of thia novel the great limestone labyrinths of Gray- feature of marine architecture within If8 " Fine Overskirts, reduced from 4.00 to 2.M Fine Finished Skirts, reduced fiom.. .... 11.00 to 9.T5 Ladie Coats, reduced from..., , 16.60 to 14.75 Shirt Waists, reduced from JLCOto 1.10 Same, reduced from . . . . 1.26 to .90 Same, reduced from.... 1.00 to .75 GROCERIES Best Cane Sugar, 16 lbs. for $1.00 Best 35-Cent Coffee for , .26 All onfAm jn T V...n . ,10c per pair to three pair for 20c , Z T iTTL ' T r 'arge stock and in order to reduce it am X1S1C9 willing tn mV. n. ,,,,.,.. .V. k. "a fc ' " j .wwiiki. mic ma- fit of great reduction. Every reduc tion is genuine and it will pay you to 6.00 call at my store and investigate. 5.75 to Store HOULTON, Oregon Lebanon Fair June 16, 10, 17. Lebanon The Strawberry Fair and Festival committee held a meeting this week, at which the dates for the fair were set for June 16, 16 and 17, when the growers say the berries will be st their best. Last year the fair was held on June 6 and was two weeks too early to get tho best berries In the ex hibits. This year the delicious fruit will ripen st least s week earlier, and tho fair is set for nearly s week later, which should bring the fair on at the very height of the berry season. Build Road to Marshfield. Marshflold The Coos Bay Rapid Transit company, the proposed electric railway being promoted by Major Kin- nev. is negotiating with tno warsnnoia eilv council for s frsnchise. The com pany agrees to have the road completed within five months sftor franchises are granted in North Bend and Marsh- field. W. P. Evans, of North Benfl, nresident of the company, states thst the street csr line will be built. Work is being done at the terminal grounds. Big New Mill Will Start. Wallowa The first tralnload of logs for tho big Nibley-Mimnaugh Lumber company's mill has arrived at ine mm. A large number of logs are banked out, ready to be delivered. The mill Is ready. The mill hss a capacity of 60, 000 foot per day and is tho largest of ten mills which will market a tots! of 30,000,000 feet of lumber here an nually. Planning Cherry Orchard. Eugene E. M. Warren, who owns the tract of land on Bailey hill on which was located the old Tom Segar prune orchard, has grubbed up.' every tree In the orchard. 16 acres, snd may plant the tract to Royal Ann cherries, n the near future. Stamp Mills to Stsrt. Gold Hill A new 10-stamp mill at the Grey Eagle mine on Sardine creek is now In operation, and ths stamp mill at the Kubli mine will be started Mon day. 40 Acres Sell for 7,00O. Frcewatcr H. M. Williams hss sold his alfalfa ranch of 40 acres In the Hudson Bay country to J. W. Foster of Idaho, conslderstlon $7,000. back mountain, known aa Oregon's Marble Halls, will be put in shape to receive visitors at an early date. These caves are said to be the largest marble halls In the world, and ever year are plaited by touriaU from all sections of the United State. Form erly the eavea were controlled by pri vate individuala, but are now within the confines of the Siskiyou forest re serve, and much the ssme aa a national park. They will be protected and ared for by rangers of the foraet serv ice, in fact, one of the main camp of the rangers is near the entrance to the labyrinth. Thousands of people would visit the cavea but for the bard journey. Lo cated 65 miles south of Granta Pass and with the last 22 milea of the dis tance covered only by a narrow, rough and tortuous mountain trail, the trip to me marble balls Is anything but pleasant, and can only be made by the aid of pack animals. The government, through its appropriations for such purposes, will construct a road to the cavea from the main highway at Wil liams valley, and will provide suitable shelter st the caves. we next eighteen months, by which I time the Florida should be in commis sion. INDIANS IN REVOLT. Live Lobsters Coming. Boston A specialfy constructed gov ernment car filled with lobsters haa left the Maine coast for Portland, Or. But they are not to be eaten, at least for a while. They are going to the United Slates hatchery, where they will be given their liberty. While on the way the temperature will be maintained at 42 degrees, and sslt water will be sprayed upon them at intervale. These are probably the lobsters which are to be planted in Yaquina bay. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track prices: Bluestem. 88 u90c; club, 84(-iK6c; red Russian, 82c; valley, 87c Barley Feed and brewing, $22 23 per ton. Corn Whole, $33; cracked, $34 ton. Hay Track prices: Timothy, Wil lamette valley, $20( 21; Eastern Ore gon, $22(i25; alfalfa, $16.60dil7.50: grain hay, $17((il8. Oats No, 1 white, $26(r?27 ton. Fresh Fruits Strawberries, Oregon, $1.75(ii 2.25 per crate; apples, $1.60(0,3 per box; gooseberries, 6(i7c per pound. Potatoes Carload buying prices: Oregon, 4O(ff;50c per hundred; sweet potatoes, 4c per pound. Vegetables Artichokes, 60rti70c per dozen: asparagus, $l(ii;1.25 per box; cabbage, SH'e per pound; celery, $3.60 (tA per crate; hothouse lettuce, 60cCa) $1 per box; green onions, 16c per doz en; radishes, 15(ii:20e; rhubarb, (t.2Sc per pound; spinach, 810c; rutabagas, $1.25(i))1.50 per sack; car rots, 85cftj,$l; beets, $1.60; parsnips, 75ctfi$l. Onions Oregon, $2 per hundred; red, $1.75 per sack. Butter City creamery, extras, 28c per pound; fancy outside creamery, 26 (C27c; store, 20c Butter fat prices average 1, 4' c Per pound under regular butter prices. Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, 2324e per dozen. Pork Fancy, 120113c per pound. Veal Fancy, 9(ri)10c per pound. Lambs Fancy, 10(d)12o per pound. Poultry Hens, 18(i;20c; broilers, 27 (dSOc; ducks. 18(tt23c; geese, 12S'e; turkeys, live, 20(ii;22c; dressed, 25c; squabs, $3 per dozen. . Cattle Boer steers, hay fed, good to choice, $6r:6.25; fair to medium, $5(u) 6.60; cows and heifers, good to choice, $56D5.16; fair to medium, $4.26Cd)4.75; bulls, $3.604.26; stags, $4.50(i:5; calves, light, $67; heavy, $4.50 6.50. Hogs Top, $10($10.55; fair to me dium, $9.25ifi9.65. Sheep Best wethers, $9.25rffi9.55; fair to good, $4.75((t5; bestewea, $4.76 ((6; Iambs, choice, $7 8; fair, $6.60 fe-7. . . Hops .1909 crop, 1215c; olds, nominal; 1910 contracts, nominal. Wool Eastern Oregon, 14I7e per pound; valley, l?(g)20c; mohair, choice, 82S3c. New Mexico Redtkina Destroy Prop ery and Steal Stock. East Las Vegss. May 14 An nrjris- ing of serious proportions haa broken out among the Taos Pueblo Indiana at their village, 70 miles northwest of here, and tonight troops are being numea ny apeeiaj train from Santa Fe to cheek a possible massacre of white rancher. The Indiana have cut all telephone and telegraph wires from Taoa, but re ports here indicate the depredations ao far have been confined to an attack on the wife and children of L. S. Meyers, a homesteader, and tha cutting of fences and looting of horses and cattle. Further attack are expected by the rancners ana judge John K. McFie, conducting court at Taos, telegraphed an urgent demand for troops to go there. The government immediately oruereo. ou men o( companies li and F, New Mexico National guard, to Taoa. The militiamen will arrive at Taos to morrow forenoon. THE ARCADE ' ST. HELENS An Up-to-Date Moving Picture Show, in the old Muckle store building, which has been re modeled for the purpose. Three shows every evening, beginning at 7:30. 600 SEALS ARE SET FREE. Only Government Can Take Them From Water Hereafter. Washington, May.14. Five hundred three-year-old male seala are to be al lowed to escape from the killing fields on the Pribyloff Islands to supply the required number of breeding adults in the future, They are to be marked in such a manner aa to make them readily recognisable throughout the season and under no circumstances are they to be slain. They are to be the best samples or ine seal nerds. This direction, given to W. I. Lamb key, agent in charge of the Alaskan seal fisheries, was announced today by Secretary Nagel. Stringent measures for the protection of seal life are con tained in the instructions to the agent The privilege of taking the seala, heretofore leased to a private com pany, now rests with the government. which is to sell the skins to the high est Didder. nfnfiTrmnriTFi!fn7iTfmmnFmmwm!!FmnfH7nrmH7K I We Will 3 3 M KgJSiSig' t LOAN You money. 3 RENT You a lock Box. E: SELL You real estate or farm land fc- SURVEY Your lots or land. 2 g . INSURE Your buildings. j MAKE Your abstracts. 5 at: SELL Your property. 3 DO Your notarial work. 5 . LOAN Your money. COLUHB1A COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TRUST COMPANY 3 - SEB OUR LIST ' 3 Greed Cause of Outbreak. Victoria, B. C, May 14. Japanese refugees from Changsha say that pec ulation by Chinese officials waa the cause of the recent outbreak. Mr. Susuki, a Japanese postmaster. Mid that when rice was distributed to the famine suffers last year, the governor of Tseng, defrauded the people out of 20 per cent of the allowance of grain and many died of starvation. Their bodies were collected in one grave and resentment against the governor, together with fears of returning fam ine, resulted in the outbreak. Liquor Sales Must End. Reno, Nev., May 14. H. J. Hum phreys, United States marshal for Ne vada, last night sent Deputy Marshal Goode, of Elko, to the mining camp of Jarbidge, Elko county, with instruc tions to arrest ail saloonkeepers of that camp. Jarbidge, which ia close to the Idaho line, ia located on a governmnet forest reserve, and the Federal law prohibits the sale of liquor on forest re serves. Fourteen saloons are doing business and ail will be arrested. - a v VAHTED-A R3QEH ASETTTS UCITOWI Mid district htst and astasia a,,mof,,,rv, KGOUKt.L until you nxetve and approve cf your bin arapU Latest Model "Rangei" insj money n MO MONEY bicycle fdrntthtd by us. emii P prove oi your bicycle. Wa ihj theU. S. W W rBVd WWW UA1S' lKiaK TRIAL dwiMWiich time mui n th hinrls Zml V ttntce bctimd yuur bc JTm atst f-vr Ulitil T mg YCJ Will EE A: put it JO any test vou wish, li yon are Own nut pcrlcctly arisntd or do art wilh a w t bicycl ilup it back to us at our nnu .Erf .. LZ JL -L.rr7 FACTCSi I to $$ m.ii(UcmeB'i " ociuiiu your etcycia. ini nut K V hirvrUnr. ai... w. v uutil Tu receive our caultvuea and learn our anbeard ol rmrio& tfiicii mfftr to riU r urDtaT ' HTnBSlCUril Whftl VUU recei ve mtr Kianrifu -rlw,ai Hy UIIIaIah-U ...j l. , . -T7 , . ;.kj j uur MiiferD moacis ai me fawissiias r ri v'7 :s iV ia ": wt hi i.oo proni aoov tactoi-r ouM C8ASTEI-63AKES. ",Bl" iuc,!4i roit,rtolntZ'E&M WWHeiaa-BaUiaVa;, aqmiiaKiu oi all kinds uiaifliiunml ntud trio. lMU $(TI)S0 ilEDQETIIQRH POUCTORE-PROOF n U ( ) dtLMiti.Llf.s Tints foi0jZ"ucc:oMLr IK V J Tktrtrularrttailirin, tinge lira it flggS "gggja- aXI wmv matr. our wn in i r, m u .... - i i 10 M0RETGCS2LE Fi!S:.l P NAILS, Taek or Cilau vr air ual. Sixty thouannd nnin -er two hundred luuusauu tuiia OESORIPTIOMi Mt In all !zm It ijlivcl UlU easy ruling. vei ytlui ableaiul lined iuaiderith t special quality of rubber, which rn-vt r becotma wrona and which cloaca up arm II punctures without allow ng theairtoescane. We have Im-idredacf letterafrom sa:i. icdcuatumeraatalinKthattlieirlircMhareoiilvbcenmiriDocI rM not lot I ho I ssV , L-S I juiia now in uae. J ir- weaia.Taittfl.! ' , r: Train Robber Are Caught.- Phoenix, Ans., May 14. Tho two robbers who held up the Phoenix A Maricopa passenger train last night near here were captured tonight by a posse headed by Sheriff Hayden and Immigration Inspector Corin, in the desert beyond Casa Grande, I special quality Mcape. We have hundreds c iponceortwtceutawholese.i9on. Thevwrir-h ntnthnn in oixiinary tire, the puncture rtiistiniiquahiieabei-JEKiveo y several layers of thin, apecialiy prepared fabric on th read. Thereeularpriceof tlieee Urea iaixwnerua'r.hul fur idvertiainKpurpoaeawcare r.iakiuqaspecial iaclu-y price to he rider ol only U Sj per pair. All orders shi;ped SKme d.iy We will allow a cna! tend ruii. cash Kuditi us aa order aa t!te l.tes luav ot satisfactory on examination. We are aana. wear Kotlea the think rabbar saiaS WA' and puuatur atrlpa MH and l," also rim strip H" to prevent rim ottin'. Thia tira will outlast any otitaa make-.ttirr, kHJkntW : pay a cent until you have eTamincd and fun . Black Hand Agent Guilty. New York, May 14 A verdict of guilty waa found today in the Caruso "Black Hand" case in Brooklyn. man on trial waa Antonio Misiana, ac cused of attempting to extort $15,000 from tha famous tenor. letter Is received. W ahlp C. O. B. ea .urn. mem strictly aa represented, g the price per nairl if mm be returned ot Ol) e.pense If tor any reaaoa they are now that vou will be aa wpii !.! "72". rs?."1 mn' P- .w .. . . - - . ' - t " " 1 i wp.,ki- run will mtvm u. .n., , a iruu order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. " "u yu to rail us a mm oraer at once, hence this remarkable il 'F 'YOU JtfESTJ YIBFt buyauvkindat any price until yon send for a pah-ei IT. 5r,Tf.'5frr- lledgethom tunctnre-l'roof tirea on aimroval and imd I. J,c "t- " iiiirauucigry price quotea a lescribcs and quotes all makes and ki he apecial Introductory price quoted above or write fol in, big Tire andZX.TSalTu. .hle'l. nus ol tires at about half the unial price. The 047 NOT lV4Tei. W,7, f3.PWf lo'"y- NO;rT"lN.'Birri!COalHeyela (fers we are making. or a pair of tires from auvraic until vm. vn u- --j .rZj... "- - w iv.iu evciyiuiu. w ine it jvurv. I. LUBB CYCLE C8E3PAHT, CnitfV ILL www-