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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1910)
LOOAL rmn-KHTv Hoi.n-Tii. nr,.t i I Up Hi i:... ....i ... ...... I '" "' mo I. Ilarrla ri.r- . ll.ill tliu witutr. foil i rormi nut ami u naima ihUMil.I 'uliinil, I. n't mv nobody told you. 0n drink ol ! beu i)Ihih.sc1 of loan r.w water may incHii Uphold fvr Ui Ongun, yi,llcti., ti, l!rh'Htr A yim. TlwwMwf imiwn iciku py mr roriy, iwi.i,tliiK of MOO lifHt clieuilit In man aua roun.1 l. iiiiu forworn), ud tin wo,,, coiiulu tyirtiolil lvr Krui. 11 It belli any, oi Km .ere.. fr 1215.000. Tha t,ur, iiuiuiiad (row Ilia rlvar Into tha tank and oiiatiiiK tymll. al U ornftiiltil undar tin of coura many ata tli inking It who n twin of tin W,,, liar Knucti Com. unaware ol Oia danger, , Pny, audtlio rlnclnol tloeulioltkr. are All .lunar, to tha roll thoul.l attaint Mrnllwra, of Oakland. Mr. Ilairil. the mrcllnxol Uia Couiintralal club t ,na bi " M old actllvra of Columbia M. K. Mlller'e law olllca Hill evdlng. voiiiuy arm are wall known litre. Mr, WlMT RKTi)N-.Cou.plalnllmibean ' ,0 0r"B l'ou m.dailial llome Wla-I.wbo wm par- ' , . . . "ornU' n " doned by Governor Iuii--mi of the 7 """ ouovi. e lamiui, .,.. i. .. i . . I llx ! an nlrriirn ,11 ii.iin .,! i.i. COllUIIIOlia Ol lue iiarmn using mat lie I , ......., ......... ... In r.uia.n mwhv from t ie vL.l..ltv of I ! .-" tine uieu, tel aix.ul u . t... . i. i.i i ".'" H in property. While hit ore lUumlliK arouudi. According lo lb I . Tf? T ,u',!,'- Kt quaniiibi trwt ol Ilia rdon It I the duty ol lb orDcara to return blui to tha (all to aarte out the Iwlance ol bit aenieoca, Councii. 1'aoiKaiiiNoa toncii met laat Monday aveullig. Ordinance No. 93 waa adopted by uiinulmuu vote. Ill oi mill Iced Mr. HranatcHtr grew belt ami carroti and raited tan lone ol allalfa hay to the acta. Ha hat made contlder able money on hi Investment, and yet. in our opinion, both proprtle were old Mr conticlerable kit than their real val ue, bated on Hit pottibllitlet of produc . - a ... ... I I'"""" " .....,,,K . There it BO Unit anvth,ra ih.i electora Upon motion IbeOreg .n Mitt m ., ,,..,,, rtnnJt .', w.t declared the officaal paperol lb city to m.k,. 7.i....i . .1.-1.1 ..The city recorder waa allowed twenty The Bran.,..!., u La .0, ' caatt each lor raKltl.rlng voter. . . Tb- 00O and tall for flW.OOO The K I comwltteaou Improvem.oU H.rrl.pUc I. .mad fo, wfin'uA John Q. Oa.e W put In , . concr. i. walk M, for ,M (100 w , inhnUm .Lngtiiawaataodol tbetd.ya lot, b ,iBMI0 trum lU, 0rtJo. nR lot II, block U. olao.buttbaeontlderallon mentl.,t..,l In Small FabM roa Balb Kleven and tha daed for the llarrlt ranch It 110 000 one bait acre m Bachelor Flat, two and The llranttrttardred bat not I em placed our half mllta from Warren tail four on rKord. bnrwe umnae. for tb Inlor- mile from 81. Helen. About thrve acre plow land, balance partially cleared and eaally fliil.bxl. Never tailing trook rum acf laud. Flve-ioom boa booty, 12) two and tbreeyvar fruit ireet, Tenut Atoul on-bll tath, balance on trrmt. Tbia I a bargain. Kor furthci Information apply to lb Mitt office, Ht. llrlent. Ore, 14-tl Mr. Omar Spencer, ol Portland, bat breu iu St. Ilelrnt the pt week, etaui luing tha title lo tha ir.ctt ol land being ultl by the Hen ton Company to Kat rn rapluli.ta. Mr. Hprncer'a work It in the Inlrrrtt ol II, grantee, A lli ItiiCt'aiaMT County Clerk liar nt hat icrt-lveil lir tm a Irutl deed from tU Wettam Cooraira Company to 1 he Cemral ftu.l (!nmp4ny ol Mi- nil. The dnrd hi in efled a mort;ai t teenre a loan of tiMW.IiuO, that bumpot aununt beln needed fcy lb Coopei)e Cuiupany In lb development of it twoprrlivt. The deed take About on tiun,lre I imum ol iifiiil.d matter and cnulnatbirtv-fimr hundred wordt. Tb fe lor rvc n'lng will tie aimut Ui 80, TvfKwaiTKB Aomscv HRa Mr C. II John bat been appointed local agrnt for the Oliver trpewriier. All who are Inlrmtcd In Ihit laW Nivim li.vrutioli are requea-ed to call and invvntlgu itt mrrilt Coht.t'a fatMi-axTf It It lated, on apparently Rood auib wity. that the (toy wnment titaudatd Powdca Company Hot t'urchwd aevrral build ad acre of land near Coble Iron trnriton A Wig gUu.'and thai it i their Intrntloa t tm 1 14 al f.obl a powder lartory that will employ a Urge nuniirbl men. The land It valuable lor Ita peculiar clay, which It tit chief ingiedleut ol thy new kind ol powder manufactured by the company. The company it tellidg atork to carry out 1U project, but at to the merit o! the mvcatnicnt tbi Mi l ha n-t knowlcdj;... The brtt dollar wiul be taved before there can I a fortune. The flr-t tie mutt be laid be (ore there can ba a rail road. The C ilumbla County lUnk will make it clear to you. CUMed at-aton lor aaliuon fithlng Iwgtn the Tint day ol March and but until the firtt day of May Hon. J II Ackerman, State rtuperln Irndcnt ol Public Infraction, will be pretent at the local educational m clinic at ('laitkanie to-morrow and will deliver a lecture in the availing, Claukaule bat an opportunity to hear a big man on a big tubjret . Room I'tm lil'.NT Well fnriilthed and in a ctmveuirut I. cation orrii iiiatlon of the alvator, it will Hate Ilia le price at about ,'JA.OnO. bo yon mortgage your neil pay day btiending all you vet Ihit week . 'Tit a curry way. Tb Columbia f'ouniv Itan know better wy. The Warren Improvement Couitmny nit tout it real ettato at Warrt-n to Jotepb Krit kmn and eon, formerly Of Uuincy, who aill put up a aubatauiial building with a hall in the upper ttory, and engage iu the mercantile but.ntwa. Tiiight Friday) there I lo be a local educational meeting in the aibool boute, All patron ol the echoid are Invited to attend KcUirallon lor the thy election It now in progreta at lb office ( the I o'nnilila County Abtrncl and Trutl Co. Kvery voter tbould regialer at bit ear II it convenience. The dittrit l convention of ihe Knight of I'ythtat mcett here to-morrow. March Mil. There will he dcleg ft from lour wdg, and w know htt when ihey ttart hi'tne thry will Uke with them a high appreciation of lh liotimnlivy of Avon I.ot1ge No til Mr lid Lynch itagiin able lo be out ol the bouMc aftei a two werkt tickneta, The ha'ket tocial at Morgut' Hall laat 1'iiiUy evening for the benefit of the St. Helena i:.cbnll Team, waa a tuuccw fluancully and in every particular. There wera not a many tuaki-U at there ill,. nl I luva brru, but tbone told brough lug iiuret. Ihn hlgheti price paid bring f l-l and the next highett I eing till, At the price paid lor the hall and frre' romr. ing picture tliow waa placed at actual C't, tn hatch dl team now hat lundt to Improve iit grou. d. CA.nor TIlANat-1 wih to extend tny tlmcre thank to the friend who to kindly aMitM ni in my rrr;nt Iw roavi imiut, and etpnlally the Ariiaant, Ihn ltlurkutakei I'nlini and my employ er.. Wji, Uhkw Your raving are necure with ut. The Columbia Count lUuk it thcoldett bank iu the convty, They pay lour per cent on time Certificate. ol depotit. Iii lmiry audthtlfl ate the right and lelt handt of fortune I'ae Ihem witcly. They will work fiir you Th Columbia County pnyt four per cent mi time dcotlla. There we twenty-one tlide ou the A. & U- railroad, between Maimer and Attoiia, la t Tuetday. Mr. Martin While waa at Clat-kan a Tuetdny night and had to wait in the depot until two Apply at tufa o'clock iu U10 morning to catch hit train At he wat ailing at tlie time 111c blliOOl NOTES kollowlng I the Unit of Honor for the Hlxih Monti), ending rVb unry 26 li IU1U. , AOVANI'KO Okl'AH'TMKM'r " wutle Ktid, Mary 8twart, Mablf 0 al, Hilda (Vol, Kutli Dei kt-r, tran Tll'.ip, Kenneth Cliff, CIihs. Turn, O. wald iHiiulng. ' 1 OkAMMA , I net Itarlwr, Kay Lynch, Ketural Dixon, Clmrlf Brought, Charlr fimlih, Krneal JaooUm, Leila Beaver, Royltw. " WTaUMKDIATK ' Lk er Uk ,kg Miller, Ncra Gait Mmli w McKh', Cianal Wick, 1111am Hurl), r, Kdward Malvln, Elll Lynch Mailt' Dixon, Minnie Anton, Ella Hat tun, t',b rl Dixon, Marietta l'ip,-y Umgw t'rlngla, O alia Haxuiuaten. faixaav Katlf Lynch, Juanlta Moffutl, Vernn Wolly, Viola Wo.dley, Ague Wick Fmiuet tiliulvck I, Margaret Boulby, Orac I'arnlng, Rny Oagc, Llla Walh-y, Waller Smith, Irala La Bare, Uorden l.blater, Willie Lynch. We ate flnlthlng up oar tetta for the taeond quarter. II' loo lata for an early apt ng and our laat fond hope la tnat a a may hav a utile tommar. We have a dbate toon la which ome of ( ur town.tneu wilt participate. The q ort l Ion 1; "Rrtolvrd, that pursuit af ford more happinee than poelon." A parenta reception will be I eld Frl day evening ol this week. Many piipila are retnrrdng after i'geof lrknM. MaadU Itichrdon hat brn neither nor lardy for aluioH four year until the paat,. month, on ccoiinl of tickneta. We believe her record i tb beat in the county. ' We with to announce to our friend and patron that we carry a full tine of Brown and Hamilton celebrated Ameri can Gentleman and American Lady thoee nd would he pleaaed to (bow tbam to you. There i 00 mora Important detail ol your attire than ebnee. Vou will find nothing amarter or correct than oar new American Gentlemen Oxford. Tneo periority of tbi, like all American Gen tlemen ahoea. It not only in appearance; It covert every detail, iutid and out , JAMES MUCKLK & SON Hon. M O lwnatlale. Horticultural experience wa tar imm a piearaov u. ComnititlnniT tor tb Firtt fi-trlcl, will Mr. Gabriel Jenny lu tending hi name deliver a lecture In Scappooa on Wednc- in at a Goble tulncrilier lo the Mitt, to day, Maa-h Uib. No men In Oregon ha qtteat Ut to write it right and not get it had more experience or baa made a grral- Neapolitanithrr Pudelaackpcifler." A er tucceat ol imit growing than bat Mr. time it worth aomethlng even in a Lownnlale. He lie three hundred ante oouutry priming office, we wont. in Yamhill County w lilch ha haa planted . . a,,,. i1.ifri 1,,, r0w. and brought to hearing. Hi laat year'a ifttU Heifer with call. U. 8. Papain, crop wat (10,000 boxe or 100 carload. It ... ni4 18 , .. 1. . . ..,J i. 01 , 1 1 l.M.n.llii.ra,iiiliinn.ilu c..uA of liravv ir.m r,,n ,7 , , . . . 50 men lo (pray Mr. Lownailule' tniiiii nioib orchard. Fruit grower tbould tie prearnt at thlt meeting. Foundation! wilt he laid lor a county horticultural tociety. Win. Vandcrtal of Portland v I.I led rel ative In St. Helen Wednvaday, tlxcnme to Houltim on butincM, the reat ettate llrtti of which he la n tiicm'.jcr h.ving made a tale ol tha V.Uy ticorga place lor N. A Perry. , IIahnkh hor SaI.b Olio tingle buggy hitrncta, one tingle exprrat liurtte, and one tingle heavy harnctt. Alto one light farm wngou and 'larui Implemout. In quire ol Mra, Rh Vivian, Columbia City, Oregon. Cumimhu Juhviikn Tha ledcrnl jury called to inquire Into the unlawful aciiitl ailiou of one hundred thoutand anre ol land In linker County, ha Ihe following Columbia County citlren In it nn'inber hip: William Ilurr, ClnUkanlai A. J Dcmiiig, St. Holenii Ann Holaday, Seap ponte; T. 11, Iott, 81. Helen j Peter Lund, Warren; C. W. Mcllluger, Verno nia; Wut. Melllngnr. Houlton; George Sulllvnii, Clnttkatiie. Uncuiuko I.KTTi'.k.H There are un claimed leitcM at the 8t. IIlenpot' oltlce for the following nutne I perton: I'ied Carlson, Vied Karlton, Axel Krik aon, R. F, Kelley, Clriu Niiton, George Slaler, Mr, (iordon .Bluart, Fmmett Tucker. A returned letter for II,' Mat lan. Letter not cUImed by March SUt will be tent to the dead letter OfflM, for S.W.K A aian man with barnett and wanon. Inquire ol John G. Pringle, St. Helena, Ore. 6tf. A pinched old ag It Ihe price you mutt pay lor peudinall the money you make now. IVnury and poverty for your old age. Po yon want it? Have with the Columbia County (tank. Bvrup ol White Pine and Tar, Ihe old reliable cough remedy. Foraale by A. J.-Peming, druggitt. Pnlnta, ollt, varnltli, nnll. the!! hard- . . ... ,, L..J. ware, ecrew ana iwii-. mu. builder' material at tin tore ol Jaa. MuckleASon Iiwent price. i',, I'avs J. M. Itarriton, ot I'otett Urove, lia taken mora premium at Poultry thow than any other breeder in Oregon, Hi toek th' aeuBon I the Ijetthaha ever had. He raltea White Wyandotte and White I.eghorna. Warred Plymouth Rockt, Silver Wytttidoltet and Rrown Leghorna. Fowl Jul to $5 each ; trio JO to 115. F.iig 3 per eettlngi flK) RitwARU I will pay twenty dol lar reward lor information leading to (he conviction ol the perton who atole about fifteen hundred feet of lumber from Loui Ladcrvlg' barn aud the roll er from the barn door. Wm.Rrsimius. iNctmAToa voa Sai.k One 210 capa pacity Petnluma.and two80-cblok brood er. For further Information call on S. Salter, Houlton, Ore. For SAIHOne JerKY cow and one thoroughbred Jeraey bull. 'Inquire of j, g, Smith, Millen ranch, Yankton, Of, Sk ino Machihr for Sals Inquire at tbi 1 nice RE8OLUTION8 CP CONDOLENCE Whon .is. God i.i hla Infinite wlisdom haa m-i'ii fit to tako unto hlmaelt. Vatlldn Stump, our beloved tlnter and fellow worker, and Whcrca. Blator Btuinp waa a fnith ful and devoted member of our aoelely and alli'tidcd our meetlnga whenever her health would in-null, be It Id-aolwd, That the member of the I.udlfn' Aid Bocloty extend to the hua, bund and relative our sincere ayni lMithy In their bereai ement. ' Hitter Stump will I e greatly mlaaed and will ever be held In loving remem branee by the inctnlu 1 of the Aid tt.M-lftv. the CniiKreRaConMl Church, of which h haa been a I 'lthful meiulwr for twenty--j yearn, tnd the entire cr tiiif :nlty. Tim' the reaolutlona bo recorded In the record book of the Society and that roplo be aent to the bereaved re- Intlvea. MRS. J. O. WATTS, MRS. I. W1CK8THOM. MRS. A. J. JOHNSON. Committee. Steamer Iralda C. . HooghHrt. Masttr. RAILROAD TIME. Utt rt Rainier itallr (eieecl BaaJay)(nr Port land, at A. U., iloiwriln trorn IU. Helen, al o clock. Hetumliit, leavM Hon I aud al J: V M., arrivlua al al. Sirica, al hmwi and Fast Freitbt. FOR PORTLAND DAILY PORTLAND LANDING. ALDKR ST. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice I. hKbv lvn that lh nn,lcrlnect ha. Inii antmlnied nitmliil.lralrlx of the male ill Allwrt II. Mlllit'w,.dcwHl, tr theCuumy Court oltbvHi.tti ot On-Bull lor th Couiily o( Columbia. All creditor! ol .aid rieeeaw.! and ol .ant entale ar hereby noltavd and rv.iulre.1 tn prtweni tneir ciainH, uuiy vernieo nr iaw, 10 til. node rU'iiot a. iiu h aOniiuUuratrlx, al her'iiee at iii'iiiuin, looiuii, wiiino .is luoiilh. from the .line liereo.'. lalel J.Bu.'y l, IV10 KATIK MATTHEWS, W, II. Powell, Attorney for Admlnl.lraUlX. rinl imbUaatlua rubruary 4. I'lunl Hotlce In the County t'ntirt nl th Itat of Oregea lor oil i.uiiiuf i iUlumoia, hi llio iii.tivr u Ilia mnu of Cheney Wtint, d. (-enwd- Noili-e I. herly (Itell that Kva A IV tat, !! 'una nt tin, vNtHte or Ivhaiiey Waal. ntteaMxl, ha. Ill Mid e.taie and thai Aurll 41. lull,, al l(, o rl.k M.. and lliff eotirt room el Mid aourt hniiM at M ltflii. ha Iwen 1 aly ai'polute l l,jr th 0'Urta.lhe Hint ami rUie 10, tl.a .altteniaiit "i wi 1 neeoitin at wnien iiom ana t'ia' 10: fr.u,i,. Iiit,.ie te.1 1 .lo r.t.1 ifk.-r nfip ard mnta ol'Jelloiit to .aid lln.l me hoi. If anv t rlw. KVA A. W KMT, ' Ktuiilx of th Kalai iA Ckaoay Wi, de caaaed. muri, IX of thfi vNlHte of (vhaiiey Wait, OiteaMxt, retiderad and tireiwoiid fur Mitfrm.iit ami d In Ihn ol,ya emirt her anal aeoontil In Koad Dtat. No. a Bid wilt h received by the Counlv Court of Columbia County, Oreon, up to lit M., Wednesday, April (ith, lit 10 for the eonei ruction of a ateel bridge 4vrii' Mill'O Creea on the nt. Helen Yankton road in aceordanc with ttftrtw and aiMM'llicaiiona oil llle in ihe ofhVe of ihe County Clerk. Mid mm ne ai-coiiilMiiuMi ly ceriliieu e i t a lor live per rent of amount b'.d. The County Court roerve the richt to reject any and all bid. Mgueit JAMErf DART. County Judire. Retlee ef hf rir Hale In the Circuit Court of the State of Or egon for Columbia Cmnly. John A. Hcbuller, by J. B. Colfrev. hla gtiardian, plaintlS v. Matilda Pederot and Pendt Peder- on, delendanta. Ilv virtue of tn rxtcullon. ludsment order, decree and order of aale U.ued ont ol the above entitled ronrt in tbe above entithd caoee, to ma directed and dated the 24th day of February, 1010, noon a Judgment rendered and entered in aaid court on the 27l h day ol April, luua. aiainai Jo:. 11 A. Bcnuiier. r 1. a Godfrey, hit guardian, plain' Iff. and in favor ol Matilda Pederaon and Pendt Pederton, dmeudania, for the mm of U3 76. witu in e.eit thereon at Ihe rate of 0 p- r cent p r annum from tha 27tb dy of April, IU00, and ihe further earn oflArott end dibureroenU and the cat of and upon tm writ, command ing me to mike aa'e ol the follow! e tet-riDetl real rn.pertr. to-alt: tn Northwett Onarter of tha Sonthae-i Quarter (NW. V ol 8W. V) of Hertion is in iowm.nipi north Kanie 0 west of Hie Willamette Meridian, in Colum bia Cointy. Oregon, upon which aald real property aaid sum waa decreed to b-i a lien. Now, therefore, by virtu of aaid ex ecution, iudiimenl order, decree and order ol aale and in eomolinnce with the rommandaof ad writ, I will on Mon day I he 4th d y of April, 1010, at 10 o'clock a. 111., at the l-ont door of tlie County Court Htm iu St. H.len. Columbia County, Oreron, ll al public auc tion, aubj.ct 10 redemption, to tlie highrat bidder, foreaih In band, all the right title and Intereat winch tha within named plaintiff had On the 27tb dy of April. ItaW. the itate of the iudKinent herein, or aince that data bad in and to he above detcnued real proper y or any part thereof, to aatiafy laid execn- lon. iinliimcnt OHl'T and decree, Hen, iulere.t, cotis ail aci-ruing cottt. MAKll.-M Hit UK Sheriff of Columbia Conn'y, Oreeon. uuten tnia ant aav 01 amrcn, into. I'irai pobllraiioo Mar. 4th, 11)10. Laat publication April lit, 1010 K. MILLER M. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW St. Helens, Oregon pa. idwiii aoaa, . PHYSICIAN & SURGFON ST. BILKaS ; : ilknf ' DR. R. h. Jeffcott DENTIST Office with Dr. Cliff. ST. HELKN8 rja.B.a. cur. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ST HILIMS OBKOOW ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Kolle It hrtby riven that tha andaralmtd hat bean, hv tha Countr Court si Columbia Coontv. aDMdlilad a.lninlatrmor of tha art. ta vi .ran. ikhmi, qkmum. aii Mraona aarmt eiaimaaaaiaM taia taUlatra hereby rati uei lad to prearnt th taaM to m, properly Tended, at th. oltloa of IHIIard A liav. Mt. Helena. alUila is moaioa irvai ,ua aaui ei in 11 imMt . a. w. HOKMRL. AdmlnMratoraf th aetata ti tnta Hoetal, d DaUdrtbraary U, 1U. AI10CXCEMEHT Havinr twrchaaad tb Intereat of Tame uan, 01 Uart it Mackle, we wlau to an aoance to oar friend and natron that the baetaeet will be continued noder tbe Dame of Jaa. Muckle Ac Sow. We aoliclt tbe patroaage of tbe public, aaeoring them of eoarteoua treatment and low eat price, quality conaidered. Beapectfaly, ina. MUCKLK x HON Hetlee ef ShertfTa ftala rereaJeeare ef Xeeaaale's Llea. 3 la th Circuit Caurt nl the hum ol Oregon, lor Columbia uniaiy. T.B. Moreell, PlalnUfT, T. Tboaa. Ketel, D leiioanu Notice It hereby ivea, that orvter tnd b; virtue of aa exacutloa, and ortler ol tale, !oi out 01 me circuit Cttunol tha auteof Oreron. forCol..Mib' County, on the 1M flay of Feb ruary, IVIo, upon aun ta parraanec of a judr men I and decrea of Ilea, made and entered lo Mid Clraail Court on the llihdayof January, ivl. In a ault wherein T. a. Worrell waa plaint- is aim 1 noma, aeui waaoereuaaai. eomraaod In. and twralriac ma lo aril thai eertala build In referred n In the complaint, herein, and known aa tha Taomaa Ketel hotiae, lofMhtr with all th. ialernt. ( Mid defendant fu and 10 Lota la and It la Htock One, la lb Town of rrvMnu, in Colombia eounty, Omron: aiul Hut I nay, from In pnMwede of meh aale. tn plaintiff, or hi. attorney!, th torn of a X. with iBMreUatlhe U-xal rate, from Jauuanr 1 1 Ih. WW. the further .una of Mo AO aa ilionm', leva aud mm, tmountle to th sum of ."V UO nnon ini. wrti; win. on tn Tm day of Mareh. IVIO. at the hour of tB o'etoek a. m. of tald day. at the I rout floor of me court bouae in HC lUdena, t:li,mbia eJounty. Orecitn. In ohedlene 10 uld writ, kII at public a'letloa, to me nianeet uiooer for eaaa iu oaiai uie abwve deMTtoed raai property. uatoo a. k. neitaa, wregoa, reoruary tin, ' MARTI WHITE. 8heri of Columbia Countr. Ureiroa. NOTICE TO CIE0IT0B3 5UMM0N5. Inthafireolt Court, of tl, State of Oregon. lor we c ounty 01 , -01 11 m urn, frit. HratiB, jiUiutlff, v.. Moriu fendanl: To Mom. tiereek. delendant; In the name or th Walt ol ureeon. vou are hereby required toauaaer th eampialnl tied a(.ia.i you in the above e 11 1 1 lied court and ea,u on or before Uie Hth da, of April. 1'JlO bell., .la aeet. from the II nit publication of Uii.utnmout, an.1 It yon fail ao 10 .pttear or anawer benMn that pl.liilltt will apply to the court for Ih relief prayed (or In the oumplalal, nieu 1. a. 101 tow.: Kor the m-m-enr of a loilrment ualnn the lelendant. Vlorlu Uereek. la th nuta of iau. totteUK-r with loterett thereon at Uie rate 01 ten percent tr annum train M.rea 2nd. Inot. and the further turn of H a& for taxe. paid by pUintlffou Ihe premiM. hereinafter detorlbcf, Phivtber wlih Inlereta Ihereou at the rate of Vi percent per annum from lb dale of payment nereui: auu lor me iiiriuer nn ot weuty-nve lollan a. an attorney fee In thl. .nit, and for plalntltr. aud ll.borvemama herein, and or the executiuu aud or,ler 01 Ml to acll the ull,.wlur real e.uie. tn-wtt: Allot the wait quarter ('i)of tbe norlharert qu.rlerClot ihe northeast quarter t1-,) of et-eilou W lu town.hlp a, north ot raaire 1 we of th vt ilUmette me rltl.u, Columbia County, Omron. and more paitii'iilarlr dem'nneo a. loiioa., lowti; t orn iiienciurf at tha nfl.'thwert corner of the north. ea.1 quarter ol Mid Mrctioc Vk thence Mmth ou uuatiar line of .aid wtinn eiglity (l) rod. nentv eaat vweniy rju; ., inence nonn Notice is hereby tlven that the nnder- tigned have been, ty tlie County Court f the State of Oregon for the County ol Co uinhia. appointed admiiiixtratrix of the ettate of Abbott L. RichardtHJli. de- crated, and have dulv qnalifled a each All person hai int ctaiuit against mid ettate are hereby required fo preeent the tame to either ol ns at St. Helena, ure., wttnin aix montni rrom the date hereof. Su Helens, Ortyon, Jn 28, 1010. 1X)R1XDA A. MUCKLE FRANCES M.JOHN AdmioUtratrU Of tbe eaute of Abbott L. Richardaoo, deceased. eighty (Mil r.l, thene weal tnenty rod. lo the pliire of bea-tiiulnif. the a., belug part of Uta IMtiplctuu ttonation laud claim. In aald Columbia County. Oregon, upon the lorwtdoaure ot the uole aud mortira-a dewrlld lo M.ld com- italui lo ins .mount or m. uateu Jt.n-ii x, wx. for the foranlurc of htch mortraae thl. .nil wa brought, and which mora fully appear. In Ihe complaiut Itled herein, ant thu you. th alit MorlLi-ererk. ba foreuloeed of all right. title aud luiereet In Mid uroiwnr. ccm the rluht to redeem aa provided bv law. and lor uch other and lurthar relief at to Ihe court may .cam u.l aud dilutable. Tni. mituuiuu. I. mrve.l unon voa bt the or der of the Honorable J. A. Kakln, Judge of the Irvuit court nt trie mate w uresou tor tne 'oitnty of Columbia, which order ia dated the 101b day of February, mo. M. B, aiLI.BR ABB A. W. Ml K1.1.KK, ' Attorney, lor Plaintiff. Data- of the first publication ot lutumout la February IS. 1910, laieof in la.t publication 01 tummont it April 1. 1'JlO. 8UMM0W3- Infth Circuit Court, of the Stale of Oregon, for wiumoia iAuuir Chrtirllne Salene, plalullS. v Prank J. Row- woo. uhiub, a. a. nun, j. h. Vt ellia.too, aud H. Monroe and H. A. Sher man ami C. W. ahermau, Paiuien at Sher man Brae., aeienaaaia. To Frank J. Rowland, tiatilM Rowland, M. 8. n.ieu. j, ft. weunujton. and H. Morfiu, hi 11. a. Bnennau ana v. n. anennaa, aboy named dewndania. la the name of the Huto of Oman, van and earh of you aw hereby required 10 appear and an.wvr the complaint Hied aaainu you in th above entitled court and eauw, on or before Ihe day of March, luio. beln aix week. trum tne nra puoiieauoB 01 tni. .utnmoiuv and II yon fall ao 10 appear or ainwer hceiu. that plaintiff will apply to tha court forth relief t.juu tor in ine complaint wntcn u a rol iiwa: For the reeorenr of ludrment aealnd AfnM. tola Frank J. Rowiaad and LoaiM Rowland. In 01 use inottMnu uoiiar. iti,nwi for tin Hundred (tluOl Dollar, attiwnev. foea aud lb eoat aud dl.bnrMimenia nt thl. v. Un aud for the ueeuUoa and order of aale 10 all Lot. Four itLMiieiaaollH) aud Twenty (JO) In Hluck Forty three (41) in tbe City ol St. lleleu.. Coinmbla eounty, Oregon, upon th foreclotura of tha nolo and mort(in deaenbed in tald complaint In the amount of One Thouaand Dollar. (tl.OUU) dated March 1. ltw. lor ;bt farcc!aur of which mortfan thl. ault waa brought, and which morentllytpnean In tn complaint Sled hereon aud thai all ul aaid defendant, be fore cuaKd ol all rlxhl, title and Intereat In tald properly, except the rleht to rdrcm a. pro vtded by law, aud for .uch other and further re lief at to the Court may aecm Jut and equit able. Thl. eummnna la wrve.1 on yon by the order ol Ihe Honorable Jame Oart, County Judire ot Colainbia Couuty, Oregon, which order dated Um iUM day ol Janu.rr, 1910. . COOYKRT 4 UTAPLBTOH, Attorney, for PlainliS. Date of the firm publication olaummoo. I. the Ith day of February 1910. Date of taal publication U tht lglh day of ilarch, W10. tnemni m tm inottMna oollaratll aether with luwrrat thereon at Klghl percent (a p. c.) per anuum Irom September 1.1, 1mm, B,,U CITATION In the Connie Court ol the Mate ol Oregon lor the Coiiniy ol Colombia, In the matter ol the eatate ol T. J. Evkerton, dioct. To ('apt. Thooiloro If. Kokereon; Adidald K. KeVUOIO. H,, , Ul. , n.,j,nw, nl huaband; Mr.. Hallln K. u'Conuor: Koitlua Kckemm KclliKfi Theodora J. Kckaraoti, Jr.! In MeKnlitlit K.'kera.m; Kdgnr Koker .011: and Ktitn. McKuIkIiI Kekarauti. a. Iiolrenl deccaaiMl, and W. t'. Niohnla. and all other Hrona Inleru.lcd in the hereinafter deaerllwd protierty. In the imme 01 tbe Stute ol Oreiroit, you are i...r.,i.v commanded lu aniwHr before the Hon otnble County Court, nl the auto nl Oregon, in and lor tlta Coiiutv of Columbia, nt the uourt houw In the Cltv nt Ht. Helen., on the 14th day of M.n'h, lull), al the hum nl 10 o'clock a, m ol ..Id dny, to .hoty cauae, II any cxiat, why an or iter .hould not he niiule a. prayed lor by tha A'lmmi.trator 01 .ant eaiaio Buiuonxiiia ano direi'tint tho .ale, at private aale, ol blocks til and i of wild Cltv 01 HI. Ileleua. Wlliter. in v hand and lha wal of laid Court atlixed Hit StU day ul February, lull). "'tA'', (Wgned) W. A. HARRIS, clurk ol the County Court. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Not loo It hereby given that the undenignad hn been apnntnted tdmlnlatralur ol the e.lato ol Uk H. Peleriam, deceaatHl, by the comity court of the Htatnot Oregon for the County ol Columbia, All creditor, of .aid dcoeaned tnd of .aid citate are hereby notified and required to nrtaenl their elalma. duly vclllcd tt ra mired b law. to the underaiatied atuicomue of A. W. Mueller, 1M Muckli Hloek, Ht. Ilel on, Dregon, wlthla tlx monilit from the date hereof. KKIlv MtiKTEN, . Adinlnlalralnr of the KataW ol Lak U. 1'eter- ten, deccaaed, A. W. Mueller. HI. Helent, Oregon, attornty lor Uieadmlnlatrator, ' Dataol flrtlpuhlleaUoa rh 3a,H10, t ELECTRIC Fixtures Colombia Electric Works KAAAAAAAoiAAAAAAA&AAAAAAVAiy j YE5, 1 SAVED MY AlONEY. j put it in the Bank. ! WHERE ITVAS SAFE TRUE STORY 10 Men who ride about in automobiles got their start by saving. It ia the only way to certain wealth. Lay the founda tioy for your fortune today. We will pay you 4 per cent interest on the money you put in our bank and compound the interest yearly. Columbia County Bank " Capital and Surplus $14,000.00 . ; OLDEST IN THE COUNTY j St Helens, Ore. . .Wa M. Ross, Pres.; Edwin Ross, Vice-Pres.; Wm. M. Ross, Cashier: A. L. Stone, Ass't. Cashier. I Directors: Wm. M. Ross, Edwin Ross, James Dart, Martin White. I City Shoeing Shop . General Blacksmithing, Woodwork and Repair pair Work Promptly and Neatly Done. Pav- : ing: Cutters' Tools Made to Order. Horse- ' shoeing a Specialty. All Diseases of the Foot Scientifically Treated Free of Charge. v E. H. WICKS, Proprietor J : First Door West of School House, ST. HELENS, ORE. SKATING RINK Opened GOOD MUSIC NEW SKATES AT ST. HELENS, OREGON , Under New Management Open Every TUESDAY. THURSDAY, SATUR DAY and SUNDAY NIGHTS and Sunday afternoons WALKOVER -SHOES- Some people have Trouble with their Feet. Others wear WALKOVER SHOES When they go on Shoe Troubles go off. $4.00.-.w.$4.50-.-.$5.00 AND WORTH LOT MORE nrnrrsrsrsvrrs rrrmnnmnrmnrmiii t n a a mrmm mtt THE DRUG STORE We endeavor to keep on hand all the Standard Drugs and Patent Medicines. If we haven't what you want, we will send and get it. Stationery, School Supplies, Post Cards Perfumery and Toilet Artices ...... ... - Hair Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Bath Brushes and Shoe Brushes. A complete . nne 01 uruggists' Sundries. (ij, , j .... , ? E A. J. DEMING a ST. HELENS, OR. x MJUU.8AJ JU.AJUa 8 AtaAUaJUJL)tJULU IXXXAXSLkXSLASU WE ARE SOLE AGENTS WHITE & ANDERSON HOULTON. ORE. The Chicago Store F. J. BASEEL, Proprietor HOULTON, OREGON I am building up a business because I sell for reasonable prices. If you want to save money try me. A Complete Line of ; DRY GOODS i Mens', and Boy's Ready Made Clothing, Ladies' and Girl's Ready Made Suits. Ti HATS, CAPS AND SHOES Your Patronage Solicited