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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1910)
"Ship It to Me" SAYS SMITH IMtkm aoa. w riu ow aa fdlaw for aw. tml Mas. Hirfipn Pi in J Vast. U fca Ifeeaaaa Pork '- AMrmm ntANK U SMiTtt MEAT Ca "TVest tt W Teasr- .-: PCMTIANO. OMGON Ulnxllr . "I hear your girt has a good tr, hi.' "DobI speak ot tt as a trade; U U real calling." "What is itr "She to telephone operator." Bal Umore American. CMlUnk Tb man who had ba ehot by tit hunter opened his eyes. "Forgive me," said tha proa with tlM CUB. ."Sot yet replied th sufferer, "but if yon earn prove to a Jurjr that I look Ilk qairrel m think about it." Philadelphia Ledger. P.Hraeltr. Goodman Ron rong What d'r reck ea la tb deadest of the dead laa- Saymold 8 lor J Mr cues la thtt It's the one ion as when you re eatughln. laaairfa-iaa; -"Joelab, what ta the house et lords?" T.-. Af lha Tti-ltlah lute Hamest : Toura heard 01 the house of commons. havent you 7" "Te-ee." WeD, the lords are the uncommon." The imI Vletlaa. Vrs. Kawler Isn't the cost of Urine frightful thes days? lira. Renntur Indeed tt la. It's so hard to save enough out of It to pay th still greater coat of moving! Chl- i Tribune. ha Kin Hlia. He Th Joneses will b wondering why w ar so lata. -"" Bhe No, they won't; I told tbem yo were coins to drive. Jade. TkM Levlaa; Prteaata. Ifaybelle Do you think this photo graph looks like me? Gladys Not In the least dear; but It's a splendid picture. SEEDS Catalogue for the Asking Send for It J. J. BUTZER 188 Street front Portland. Oregon WE PAY CASH Far auit i ritmiulhmnta. and can aeO rour In ami mraal qtnekir. Let aa handle rw linaiiiaa and w will guaxanta roar aatalaction. Cm fall particular in Siat letter. DAVIS BUITKAMP 10 Dekum Bide- Portland, Or $2,000 A YEAR fa Win aarnad by kaadrarfa of Cbtrotxai fcrta. Tb work k aaaiir kaanaal. eoaapcli bsa altebL mum iaoativa A tawnaiKl Sradaataa aaakl be A Broken Dowa Foot-Ar' MOCKS CXPtBI DENTISTRY At Prkaa mat Defy Caaap.tkiaa mm witoout plates a spe oait PAIN1.KK8 EITRACTIOH ,...60c SILVER FILLINGS 60c up . GOLD FILLINGS ll.OO up IZK GOLD CHOWS S5.00 GOOD RUBBER PLATE 5.00 THE BEST RUBBER PLATES 8.00 WHALEBONK PLATES S10.00 Oat-of-tDwa patieata can obtain prfet atork sad aav awiwr or eaiUns at oar omoa MO KTUDENrs NO GAS NO COCAINE AO work raarantaad for tan rear - CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS - 21M tVaeaiaatea St. Car. Siatli gatabhabad It raan. Hr to afar rOR flllllf PINK THI DESCHUTES VALLEY S SIS S i piaeaa unimmiu. I a all 1 i i Writ for particulars t'tll f TW Wclr Sctnal 1111 i .' ml CWwe, J I 1 ,1 1 ParttaaalOras j 17 H? st C TrowtlMgn- I Taw mm mmmW ajaw mo.t luarum 1 " Y ventablac. ptenl lh t-at t .? i g awd. Fenr'a Sd am brt 1,,. ; .i I I BtauUirnTerfUln)r1d tpt- . I or dnavrnr. Th ta ar4a- m , j a eta and numara evwywher M :W I I know Ferrr'a aneda to m tb M M I I blajneat atandard nf auallty M I I TO attained. fur an M II vrrwtaera, M M I I nam m ia hmi S y - , yroa raqaaaS a,n.mri,r Blapl.atlyr IN "V. ' t: Tfca Place You've Been Reading About ': - Writ for Information COOPfR & TAYLOR, Selling Agts. 2-T.a rkitrv BLd Portland. Ore- Mmrikr caeawtlaat. Th erl bird had caafht th Thinking th Incident eelf -aaplana-tnry and th moral perfectly obvious the hlrd refrained from trying to sa) anything smart. Thereby Introducing a startling In novation and establishing a new rec ord. Vtla W.ealerf at Tact. Wheeler Why. Ml Snooper, how costume completely alter people! 1 hardly knew yon. II tag Snooper Do I look tack a fright, then? - Wheeler On the contrary, yon "i most charming lilastrated Bit. T.'H.r-aaa Sail... , Bay Mackerel Thankaglvini and Christmas may b seasons fur th dis memberment of Turkey, but I know nation In vn a worse case. Shad Rose What t thatT Bay Mackerel Lent, when occur th baiting of fln land. Kca Tevakea. rn aventng Fred. aged 4. aajt th Chicago Sea. w shooting star for Us lint Urn. Running Into tS house, he exclaimed: "Oh. mamma, l u bet there's going to b trouble In heav en to-night. Somebody let on of th tars tall." ! l alt aa That. There 1 a wide difference ot opin ion as to th desirability of a Quid wedding." TVi.ll " ' "But everybody wants aa unosten tatious dlvorc." Louisville Courier JoursaL Mare taforaaatl.a. Mrs, Chugwatec What Is animal magae.tsm. JoatahT Mr. Chugwater Well, yon know what an animal is. and you know what maanetttm la. Just combine the two ar.d you get animal nvu;netian. Isn't mat plain enoueh Lnkt4 1.1k a DaT. -This." remarked Mr. Cane. "1 my photograph with my two French poo dle. You recognize me, ehr "I think so," tald Miss Softie. "Ton are the one with th hat on. ax you notr C.lalag A Bather War. Wail Pa, may I ask on more Qua Uon? Pa Well, what Is It? Willie If a man from Portugal It a Portuguese la hi little boy a For tagosllng? Pa Right to bed with you St Louis Times. gar af lltam. "I'll give you a position as clerk to start with." aatd the merchant, "and fa.j you what you are worth, la that latisfactory "Oh. perfectly," replied the college rraduate, "but er do you think th inn can afford itr Catholic Stand ard and Times. t'aarBadltatet Saremaaa. Eminent Musician Among my pro fessional friends I Reporter (gasping) Professional friends'. Are they Hiring? Bad Breath "For months I had great trouble with my stomach and used all kinds of mexlicmes. My tongue has been actually ss preen ss grass, my breath having s bad odor. Two sreeksago a friend recommended lscareta and after using them I can willingly and chewfully say that they have entirely ! shall recommend tbem to any one suffer i ing from each trouble." Chas. H. Hal. pern, 114 E. 7th St., New York, H. Y. CUT THIS OUT. mad with roar ed dra Co tb Sterling Kmdr Coaapany. Cbcatrx ii--. and rec rr- a baodaaaoa oo ,ea4r Gold Boa bm FKEB. . Seeds Don't waste time and money plant ing poor seeds. Our seeds won First Grand Prize at the Seattle Exposi tion. Our prices are reasonable. Big Catalogue free. Send for a copy. Vogeler Seed Co. Salt Lake City, Utah KOW-KURE la not "foxl" it is '1 medicine, an-1 tlie only meilicine in the world lor oowa ony, Mali- for tliecow and, an it name indicates. allow 1'ure. Ba-Tm. reuined after- tirtli, alxjrtiim. aconm, caked ulder. ami all similar Mtfectionv fKitive y and qtiickly cured. No one who keep cowa, wliether man r or few, can alfoni tu 1 without KOW KUf.K. It is ma-le e-pet-mlly to keepcowa hcaitbr. Our book "Cow Monev" nt PREE. Ak rour kai dealer for K.OW-KUKB or aand to ui atanufaetoraiTm. DAIS If ASSOOATION CO. lawlsarsk, Tl n II DISTEMPER EYE CATARRHAL fEVER AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES Cures the sick and acts as a preventive for ethers. Liquid g'ven on the tongue; Hafe fur brood mares and ail others. Best kidney remedy; 60 cents anil la botlle; $5 and 110 tbe dozen. Bold by sll druggist and horse giods bullae, or tent, express paid, by the manufacturers. , , SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. Chemists, Goshen, Ind. The farmers' I aaa Ja fllLL 'saaWev CAR STRIKERS RIOTU- Philadelphia Terrorized byAngry Kob of Onion Sjmpatbers STKAT BULLETS IWURE MAX! Boys Set Fir tw Car Pantr Ar Stoned In Many LocaKtict 3.OO0 Deputies Sworn In. Car wrecked, 297; ear window, broken, 2.608; arrest Btdt, 40; wotDM ahot, 2; extra poliea or dered, 8,000; total employed . by company, 7,000; atrikers Mtimau of men out, 6,200; company's ti maUof men loyal. 3,600- atrik breekers imparted, 176. Philsdelphia, Feb. 12. Rioting in erery section of tb city followed tb attempt of th Philadelphia Rapid Transit company to operate its line her today. Paawenzer and crew wer drira from ear by infuriated mobs of strike sympathiser and in nearly a acore of instance the abandoned car were burned or otherwts deatrored. At mzhtXall rry ear wag with drawn from serric. Stern moajure war adopted by tb poiie to quell tb disorders. Fir persons wer ar rested, charged with inciting to riot. Two women wer taken to boapitala. Mayor Reyburn tonight ordered Di rector of Police Clay to swear in 8,000 additional polio and to iaaue a pro clamation enforcing the riot act. Tb executive committee of tb Cen tral Labor unioi thi afternoon pledged both moral and financial support to tb tinkers. It also decided to call sympathetic itr ike of every union man in th city in ease the authorities put into effect their threat to operate tb can with policemen and firemen. In tbe morning cars were no on every line with little difficulty except in the mill district of Kensington, where can war atoned by mob. At 11 o'clock traiuit company officials announced that cars wer running on their regular schedule. Shortly after ward riots war reported from scores of widely separated localities. In tbe Southern section a mob of boys drove a conductor and motorman from their posts, and, after tbe four women passengers bad left tbe car, set it on fire. The car following was stopped also and was being set on fire when a de tachment of police and a chemical en gine reached tbe scene. In this same section Mary Devlin, aged 16 years, was snot in the leg when tbe police fired their revolver in an effort to check tbe mob. In the usually quiet residence sec tio of West Philadelphia, mobs for s time baffled the police. Iron bars and stones were piled on tb tracks and several ears were wrecked. Mounted police were powerless to disperse tbe mobs, and a fire hose was brought into plsy. Contradictory claims are made by the opposing forces as to tbe number of men on strike. Leaders of th Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway employes say that 6,200 of the 7,000 employes of the transit company have left their cars. Officials of the company say that 8,600 of their employes are loyal and that regular service will be re turned at daybreak tomorrow. Tbe importation of 175 strikebreak ers from New York led to an attack on the barns and main offices of tbe com pany this afternoon. Windows were broken by the mob, which was finally dispersed, after 35 arrests had been made. Union leaders say tbey will fores the company to arbitrate. They charge that tbe company for months, by a series of petty persecutions, b been endeavoring to force the anion to strike, and fin ally, by discharging a large number of union men, practically declared a lockout. Asiatic Employers Taboo. San Francisco, Feb. 22. If the var ious unions affiliated with tbe San Francisco Labor council obey tbe rt so lution adopted last night by that or ganization none of their members will be permitted to work in a boos where Asistics are employed. Tbe resolution followed tbe voting down of a recom mends tion that 00 more saloons where Asiatics ar employed be unionized, and it was adopted on the plea that it was not fair to single out tbe saloons for boycott when other business bouses employ them. Castaway Chief of Camp. Juneau, Alaska., Feb. 22. Captain W, P, H. Porter and a few members of tbe erew of tbe wrecked steamer Yuca tan are standing by tbe vessel, which lies more than half out of water. M. Walsh, who was shipwrecked in tbe Far al Ion on Cook Inlet last month, and who wss obliged to spend four weeks in camp after that stesmsbip went down, wss a ptssenger on the Yucatan and mad good use of bis former , exper ience as a castaway. It is said be did more than anyone else to make the Goose Island camp comfortable. Aviation School Planned. Los Angeles, Feb. 22. Plans for the establishment of a "school for aer ial research" were presented to tbe city authorities and tbe various civic bodies today when members of tb Aero club of California asked tbe may or and the beads of the various associa tions to name members of a commis sion to direct such an institution. Ex perimenters and inventors in all branches of aviation and meteorology will be aided by tbe proposed plan. Sumptsr 8urv)vor Dies. Erie, Pa., Feb. 22. Jsme Gibbons, the Isst of tbe little gsrrison that sur rendered with Msjor Robert Anderson in 1861 when Fort Bumpter wss fired upon, died tonight Gibbons wss credited with sighting the first gun fired by tbe Union forces. tatase Kara aw tar Twkt Hlaa lK leataatp. Th locking up ot Juries actually fniprtsonlBg them may be necessary, but any agremut reached la that way appears to correspond prvtiy closely in terms to what th law books call aa agreement extorted "under duress of Imprisonment," bleb I trauduaot ana Invalid. Tb authority for tt rants ou th very old precedent of court prac tice, and bo doubt Judge would find lb most ample Justification ia law it tb right were quest toned, especially as there Is sobody to decide on their own power but th Judges themselves, tt Is an Indignity for a tree citisett, act ing at a part of a court of Jostle, to bav his liberty taken away by a show of force, for hs Is taken Into custody. led Into a room, and locked In forcibly by court officer, and he might well ask himself whether hs Is capabls of ren dering a strictly Impartial verdict un der restraint,. Perhaps that la one way of convincing the prisoner at the bar that hs U being "tried by bis peers. In a recent murder trial In Nw York City, notorious over th whol civilised world, each Juror was placed under ar rest as he stepped Into the Jury box. even before the case was opened, and h was kept a close prisoner unless fortunat enough to be rejected as S Juror throughout th wearisome weeks of that trial. Tbe excuse offered by this IndlrnKy for It certainly Is that, dlsguls H as you will was that it was necessary to prevent some Jurymen being bribed; but It does not seem unreasonable for aa boneat man to ask why h sbould be suspected of willingness to be cor rupted sny mors readily than th Judge or tb district attorney. Judge and district attorneys bae been known to be bribed, or bribers, before now; perhaps on the record quite often aa Jurymen. Why not lock up the Judge and district attorney along with tbe Jury to prevent th possibility, or suspicion, of their be ing reached r Joseph Horner Coaled, In Scribner'a. BEES AS rARMEBS' AIDS. They Hels to rrfllla BUaaoaa isilllua Eierr. Day. Beekeeping Is a valuable aid In the cultivation of fruit and seed crope. in aecta which feed on nectar play an Im portant part In tbe fertilisation of flowers. Fertilisation Is effected m other ways, but the agency of insect Is tbe more certain and efficacious, and no other Insect la comparable with th honey be In this respect A strong hlvs contains 10,000 bees la February, 15,000 In March, 40.000 In April, and from 60.000 to 80.000 In Mav. It has been discovered by skil ful observers that th average load ct nectar carried to th hlv by a bee Is ahmit 1-1 a nf a craln. so that the col lection of on pound of nectar requires nearly 23,000 foraging excursions. By means of hives set on balances It has been found that th dally In crease of weight la May averages 1.3 pounds. Occasionally, more than 11 pounds Is gained in one day, snd wbea the amount consumed by tbe bees and tbe loss of weight by evaporation ar considered, it appears probable that th average dally quantity of nectar collected la not less than 11 pounds, which would load 250,000 bees. As a bee vtslta 10 flowers on the average in collecting a single load, some 2.500,000 flowers are vtalted In one day by the bees of s tingle hlv. An additional large number of visits ia required for the collection ot pollen. These figures explain why many trees and plants bear small crops In tb absence of bees. The bee is charged with various Imaginary crime. Its sting Is formid able, but chiefly to tb Imprudent It Is accused of ravaging fruit but U tongue Is formed exclusively for th extraction of sweet Juices, and Its mandibles are unable to pierce tb skin of a fruit Cosmos. The Wa4rfl CaaaeL. When tbe nature of tb work per formed by tb camel Is considered It Is perhaps its very somnolent organi zation which best flu It for that work and which gives color to th accusa tions ot laziness and stupidity nads against it It can live on a diet as ap petising ss "a green umbrella," to us Sir Samuel Baker's word Barren, leafless twigs, dried shrubs and the tough, paper-like substances of tb dome palm form the chief courses n th mens nreoared by nature for this denizen of tbe desert Th marvelous arrangement for tbe retaining or a tup r.w nf water-sufficient to last for many days makes tbe camel's powers of en durance phenomenal. The ordinary freight camel Is expected to carry a load of from 500 to 1,000 pounds across the desert at th rate of twenty-flvs miles a day and to keep it up for three days without a fresh supply ot water. Soms will cover fifty miles a day for five days without wster, snd the swifter species will carry their riders 100 miles a day. London Spar Moments. , KISa'a 'atall a Slrry. Little Willie wss tugging at Fldo's tail. "What are you trying to do with the dog?" asked the child's fstber. I fink his tall Is coming off." "Oh, no, Willie' That's Impossible, What makes you thing sof r " 'Cause Fldo's tall Is so loose that U wtegles."-New York Press. ... The af Golf. Farmer Barnes There'; one gooa thing about golf anyhow. Farmer Fal low (skeptically) What's that? Fannsr Barnes Why, ys don't bavs to play It If 1 don't want to London. Scraps. ' Teebalesl. "I will tell yon tb kind of a lawyei Jones la," said tb Judge, in reply to a request for such information. "He's so technical that he will fall all over a crowbar to bunt for a pin, and not even see tbs crowbar, mind you." . ; When a woman looks at snotber woman's balr, she . Involuntarily reaches up ber bands, and rearranges her ow .' nniVt Wait IV Spring W c.., b" ',n 'l? "? w H ' 1 ..., ...url.liXHl In It during lite w in". To build up y-r ..v-l;m ...1. 11 t.Uu md lrm you mrvKiK" - . .. Z.r.r.'','Uiruui likely s v you fruiu wnuu" Hood's Sarsaparllla ttth medina to Uk. I Vm u, Wood and slves strength and vigor. Gt H tcaUr ta eaua.1 tkll "" t tmbaMaaall cWaalal. .0 Doa. M- IJ4 Taa raat. "Poor fellow! 11 Is qu " down, sal tbs doctor says that all oodltlon is dus to fatt living." "Fast Hvln.r -Ys; yoi. . b ' trT"" tn,,t and b wat obltgeJ 10 t so many dlnlog-car meals and lose s mucb sleep In sleepers that bis eonstltutlos cart way" Hrwiklyn Cllltta The .maek-MaaS" Baalaaaa. Mrs. Bart My hut!nd got a letter ts-day saylni something dreadful would happen If he dtdn'l send ths writer a sum of money. Mr. Smartf-My huthand gets dunned fur tSs bills. too.-Uostoa Tranter Ipt Qukk As Wink. If your eyea ache with a smarting, FETTIT'S KYE SALVE. All clruggiaU or Howard tiro., nuunu, Aa It ' "Boll on, thou mlshty octant The poet wrol his song. Ah. well, the bard ha had his way. For vr sloe that fateful day Th octan haa. In caalas play. Seen rolling right alongl Chicago Tribune. -To-day my wlfa and myaalf bad th moat foolish snuabbl of eur married career." "And what was th subject of yur A ! mr n a t n n ?" "Jlow w would invest eur meny If w had anv" Kanaaa flty Journal. Mothers will Sad Mrs WlaaW. M Syrup 1. b-si emdv to to taeUeajfcUe toiug ia tatau puled. A Me Or.... Tennyson bad Just begun to writs tht "Charge of tb Uht Urlgad." "Half a league, balf a league. Half a league onward Thn he ttopped. "Soundt a good deal like "Off agin, n agin, gone as In. Klnnegan!" he said, knitting his brows, Hut he went ahead with It. and th Jingle -made a decided hit Chtcage rlbun. gHSat Kaaollf Slaaa II. Th Olrl Itnt thlt play tlroml Th Toung Man It's an awful bore. But than tt so us. Mis Plnata. of your trying to conceal a yawn with that fairy llttl band of your; It can't half cover er I meaa that I 1 1 " a-Ch lease Tribune TO CUM A COtO M OMC OAV Take LAXATTVg rJKOMO Clata TM. DnaTalaiaraad aaoa IfH fal!taar. I. taHUVE'S asnauu a rm fcaa. Sa. Ml "What do Ardup fallow far a liv ing r "Jutt now be la following old Scad wall's daughter, la th hope that hs will b living la tb Saadwtll family so day " micella t Slaaa- Host (In India) Do you sa thai (aaalle over thartt Ha ha sal o that corner and In thai pnature, with, ut moving, for sla month Traveler (from America) Osel That' going torn! Lawaaa (rasa lh feat. Croesus was counting his gold -For tb life of m," he said, "1 ean't Btak It com up to th published eatl- mt of my wealth!" Reflecting, however, that Job IX Rockefeller probably had th earn kind of trouble, ha smiled grimly and kept ea splinting. "Speaking ot the Wright brothers. It's a good tblng for people who like to travel by water that Fulton lived I good many years sga." "Why thatr "Hs would undoubtedly be trying to get sa Injunction on all tb boats float." Boston Herald. Pleasant l(erestg. Betieicial, Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna appeals to the cultured and the well-informed and the healthy because its component parts are simple and whole some and because it acts with out disturbing the natural func tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable quality of substance. In its production a pleasant and refreshing syrup of tbe figs of California is unit ed with the laxative and car minative properties of certain plants known to act most bene ficially, on the human system, when its gentle cleansing is de sired. To get its beneficial ef fects, always buy the genuine, for sale by all reputable drug gists; one size only, price fifty cents a bottle. The name of the company California Fig Syrup Co. is always plain ly printed upon the front of ev ery package of the genuine. iorniaJ up W Avtfai.f er tarn aa. . ltBafJBJBJsww' LOUISVILLE. KY, SAW FRANCISCO, CAL. PUTNAM FADELE ?2-' TT no la autuantaed to 1 v aww aw ajra, ateaoa ana mUooaw.. . . - .. a aes. . lauk of lmlrt U.nrl-ho.rtlmM.l.fs to man th sen. 01 ' - y leach us that th world Is woods. W leaoa u f hmt. mrg Th.- w-Vver Ibat m el"' i..j ...l.iraa. Thl aaJeaa ar lliosi a'" !m Uu. t . certain that nt man ca los bis neighbor unlets hi BlearntsHo lov. hlmrU FroW our selves w discover humanity. rale, Kal sad TU-r. A Ksntan sat on th besib at Alls tie City watching a fair snd very fat batbtr disporting bi rtclt lu b surf II knew uotlilng of Ud and bs did sot notlr that each aumwuus rams a Utile .'' 10 ,l''1' At 1 an sttrsblg wave wsliJ over bli shoelopa "Hey. Ibere!" b" yellml ' ""' fat batbar. "Quit yr Jumpln' up end down! Is want to diowo n.r Kvsrybod y'a- ....... ia. a If a I J DAV1 rsn .a.i v wrw w . - - - f0 OH"""' " ""' ' " ' , 'lL, f lickine. HMA HVaaiiaa o 1'ivirwtiii'"" Ta. Olrl With th Fur Jark.t-rvery-body eilis w.ll of the preehr ai your church. Olrl With th Tetlow 1ii.kln- Hl Juat as nli aa he can l. Whn thr'i only a few people al lh morning ser vice be never gets crt and roastl tbtm bcut the cngralln lan'l larser. . AI.eaa. , "Madam, your pet dog bit my llttl boy la the fan this morning" -lib. you alartn Hd ,ou' boy's face be autlscptl.-ally whjr "Of court not I" "Good heavan. womnn! How could you lei tb Ul dafl'ti rs tmh a rlak! James, telepbon at em f'f tb vtrlDrian."t'ltli"of A"""1 lean. m . IJskt.laa -fcaas. -Maria, who ta Hi spider .s-fd gawk thai eomes to lletal t or tnraa llmet a wT" -Why. dan'l ou know, Jnhnf That' young Mr. Vlloph. the lunlor partner la th Brm of "i-oii-ash a 1.0 "Well, confound bar, why doesn't ah give hint a llttl mora sncoufsmiit . Chicago Trtbun. I Tkl Trf "Why don't lh common peopt gel fcorr "liecaut they dont exist as a body. Every Individual thinks be tt slightly superior to tbe general run of human Ity." l.oulvlll CiHirler J mtnal. Th r.lal at View. Because eat'h ru nuiat lav Its thorn, Tb peatimltt lat t'lan npiot; Th optimist, more gladly lorn. Is glad because th Churns bar rot. Nlion Waterman, In Saturday tSvta Ing Feat Portland is tbe bi( turkrt fhet of lb NortlwejL Sd Your Prodac THERE W ar handier uf Kggt, Hutter, Veal, lirrnaotl llus, I'uultjy, live or dreasvil. also Apple, Onluna. I'uta tries. Consignment, whelher larjfo or tmall, are f ilicttetL We ran give you good price (or gtl stufT. Writ Ua- McEwen & Koskey coiicsioii lucuim 129 Froal St, Perltaad, Or a. Best for Children iff? jy CURE ut tax wKiit ni tt5sj Gives inttanl relief VvKen tittle throals are irrilalcd and tore. Gantaint no otJtalct and it u plrasanl lo lake ss it it effective. AS Draaatrta. IS 'kA J-" ': i,M NEW VOCK, N. WM"OoiwewmMndpostuatdat aavtiaawa. r a . Does Not Color Hair Ayer'e Half Vigor u now made from our new Improved formula, docs not tula or color the hair even 10 the .lightest degree. Jry hIr, white hair, blondo hair la not nude ( shade darker. Uut It certainly does stop (oiling hair. No question about that. V. lo ttmttt iK tmlnt mt fe liAlt A k aaa aMW a aw It s sas tiers t Indred, we bctlv It will stop every est ot falling hair unlets fliers i tome vry unusual tumpln.nifn.SiUftlblni greatly tltcctingthr rcnettl health, llun y(a should ctiault your thy ticltri Alaettg bint shoul lbs new Ayrr's lltlr Vigor. . ,ilr ky ia 1. a. art Obh, lwn. Mm. II krlaht I), Th daus-hitir of a rrtvidBt clergyman wss rtadlng la ber en-is lathl psiwr an svuunt of a rtiigt out crr4nouy lu a Waaler dlur.a "The solemn eucliarlnl was sung ty llltbop Waller, j!b HI shop Urstleg uontlfkatlrg f'otu th tluone" "What doe puullficatlug tuaanT tht asked ber fslbr, lv you studied Latin and dosl know ths mnltig ot a vry slmpl wordT (he rt'lr. ,.. -oh. y, I toe, a means b brldgal It" liuaton Trsasvrlpt Tb t Uat.aa ef fctle.eas Tb tat Judtt ml ilrysn, ths father of WilUttui J. tlrjsn, once bad several hum i stola from bl tmoka house. II tuttaed tboiii at one, bat said nothing shout It te sny on a rw days titer a neighbor cam to kit. . Judge." be ald. "I bAr4 yttj bud m hsra sto t'other night" -yea." rpl!id lb Judge, Vry eon, dniiily. "but doat Ml sny on Tot aad t ar lh only en wbo know It," -rlurtea Magaaln, Ta h Waaeaa..! ta Wlrla Tb lti!tor n(flcl tb beat A raainmary trick! Tb lnt kicks resist ar To iiir a bkk. Kj ' City Tim. H0UC4 tut toti or uwatt uCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND ?5I correct tEA SFICCS BAH1N0 POWOCR . tXTHSCTS JUS I RIGHT -P'i5" Tl'.Tt" ClDSSHfiDlVtlO rwwi vn Trial Bottle) rrtsts By Mall If 1-t anfftv H-xm grifa, PHa rJ S,aaia, t (HiMeva Utal 4 a. ty ) Wr ii .UI r.i' is an. .t! ail ta W il.l.41.ltr.WIHalJSuHlll'l UaV CgklltWpalolat Ours II a eared IkMaeasxts wh avarttalag ata f ll4.. UaMiln4 Sy May slalrtl la"J I mt Po' !"( e(. turn x. I ll.l f Ha l-S.I. ftaaa attu tt SiwM ; fut a I H.t;autIMaAliaaateanbaWlBal4raa 1 Ci V. M. KAT, Ut Pml Sir..!. Its Tut Painless Dentistry ml fifc4l Lf .'iaa a Wa aall ta r t set he II J aasr 0aas J 1 aM rwes lataal f -aiiM r fi-. ta. r i g.i I 1 A. , . b W4 tLl.r' I-?! Kl .TL TLa. It WOtK oNvrot "- laiaM,.- Vej.a ai-'k',J"J; ah ei-ti ats Wise Dental Co r.rltMl Has rut w pviuw r; KntwD,oioi I A. SU t t M. ., ffttit MOO Ml C Gee Wo Tin Cblnest Doctor Thwwioajflmaai ataalaa H r Emoaartl lM ad al.lna th "r. baaafttW ka IsNi Meeiarv."a-t JarOT.sU- OaertHlaat er CatUag Oiiararit la aiir Calan. Aathasa, Hum,,, arut KMnay 1 rouhlaa, aa all frll thsaaaas ut II aanJWiMwa. A SUKK CANWI OVKB Just r--Wu frarn Ckln, tin safa tart andnllablas U..lailln la Ha work. . If raa.naotall. wHiaforarw "" aad tlntaaa-. loeloaa Iwiuta ataauw. coiisuirATKm rate The C Cee Wo Medicine Co. .a J As. IS)H Heat U., car. MaerlaM. T rtia. -y 9 NU Ho. lite IV wrltln. taadva tnanil.a IkU iP' SS DYES w.n lOo a packa. Writ to' ff.f,.00J uavu VVaJrari s , uvuwri - i a?i,?fft r iycl I, iimisi Nit .. ..Wtta!j m "H . "aW -ff Al